Double Threading A Procedure?

Aug 9, 2006

Over some time now, I've been developing a fairly hefty stored procedure, that does a lot of computations, and fairly few table lookups.

When I look at the performance on my server (a dual Xeon HT) I can see that it only uses 1 out of 4 possible "cpus" to work on the calculations, while the three others idle out, and was wondering if I can somehow force it to use max available CPU power?

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Double Loop In Stored Procedure

Mar 15, 2006

Dear All,

I’m working on a stored procedure that meant to mail out users some of their action items daily.

The procedure has a double loop, first the user ids and user email addresses are selected into a table, then the outer loop cycles through the user ids and selects relevant action items to another table. The inner loop then cycles through these action items and at the end of each outer loop a string is mailed out.

Problem is that as the outer loop selects the relevant items for a user, the table holding the action items basically gets filled with more and more records and the inner loop then adds every item in the table to the string that gets mailed out, ending up with more and more items going to all the users.

I have tried to delete all records from the actionItems table at the end of each outer loop after the content of the action Items are mailed out, however this seems to keep the actionItems table empty at all times.

Not sure if this description is clear enough but I can’t see where I’m going wrong in terms of approach.

Any ideas?

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SQL Server 2008 :: DOUBLE Precision For Calculations / Convert To Double?

May 19, 2011

I am performing a series of calculations where accuracy is very important, so have a quick question about single vs double precision variables in SQL 2008.

I'm assuming that there is an easy way to cast a variable that is currently stored as a FLOAT as a DOUBLE prior to these calculations for reduced rounding errors, but I can't seem to find it.

I've tried CAST and CONVERT, but get errors when I try to convert to DOUBLE.

For example...


both give the same 6 decimal place approximation, and the 6 decimals make me think this is single precision.

But I get errors if I try to change the word FLOAT to DOUBLE in either one of those commands...


gives "Incorrect syntax near )"


gives "Incorrect syntax near ,"

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DB Engine :: Double Row Added From A Source Table That Did Not Have Double Record

Aug 28, 2014

Every night we connect to a remote server using Linked Server and copy details from that database to a loading table, then load it into the 'real' table in our own environment. The remove database we load it from has indexes/primary keys that match the 'real', however the 'loading' table itself does not have any indexes or primary keys, both are SQL Server 2005 machines.

In the loading table we first of all truncate it then do a select insert statement from the remote server, then we then truncate the 'real' table and load iit from the 'loading' table.

The issue is when we attempted to load it into our 'real' table from our loading table there was a duplicate row, and our process failed with a Primary Key violation.

I checked the source with does have the same primary key's in, it did not contain a duplicate row and I checked the loading table and that did contain a duplicate row.

My question this is in what circumstances this could happen ?

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Stored Procedure/results Returned Double Problem

Oct 18, 2006

Stored Procedure ProblemThis is probably a simple problem but i would appreciate some help.I have a stored procedure that takes the order date time plus other information fromvarious tables but the information is being returned double:ie 4 rows are being returned instead of two. Can anyone see where i am going wrong?Many thanksMartinThis is the stored procedureALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SP_RetrieveOrdersASSELECT distinct OD.DateCreated, O.OrderID,O.UserID,O.OrderTotal,O.Sent,O.Delivered,O.Paid,C.CustomerNameFROM Orders As O,Customers As C,OrderDetails as ODWHERE O.UserID=C.UserID And O.OrderTotal  >0 RETURNThese are the results that are returnedDateCreated             OrderID     UserID                               OrderTotal       Sent   Delivered Paid   CustomerName               ----------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ------ --------- ------ --------------- 18/10/2006 14:49:00     41          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 500              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                     18/10/2006 14:49:00     42          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 590              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                     18/10/2006 15:05:00     41          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 500              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                      18/10/2006 15:05:00     42          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 590              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                     No rows affected.(4 row(s) returned)If I leave OD.DateCreated ie use ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SP_RetrieveOrdersASSELECT distinct O.OrderID,O.UserID,O.OrderTotal,O.Sent,O.Delivered,O.Paid,C.CustomerNameFROM Orders As O,Customers As C,OrderDetails as ODWHERE O.UserID=C.UserID And O.OrderTotal  >0 RETURNthen there is no problem. I get:41          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 500              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                     42          7A2E2B9B-57FA-4329-B4BB-D7ED965AA183 590              <NULL> <NULL>    <NULL> bill                     No rows affected.(2 row(s) returned) 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: When Script Out A Stored Procedure It Encloses Strings In Double Quotes

Jul 10, 2014

All of a sudden hen I script out a Stored Procedure it encloses strings (edit) in Double Quotes?

For example ANDPromo.[Group] IN (''FL_Small'',''FL_Large'')

Also it generates this code that I do not want. I just was Create Procedure...

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_IncentiveReport]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'

What options do I need to set?

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Jun 3, 2002

I have some threading questions, please explain how these work. Thanks!!

How do the threads get created (programmatically, network, or through sequel)?

If I have 10 people in an application, is a thread created for each user?

If I run a large process can I subdivide the process and run it through mulitple threads?

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Hyper Threading - Good Or Bad?

Sep 29, 2005


We have quite a few SQL Servers running on servers with hyper threaded enabled processors. We have always left hyper threading on, even on our very busy servers but i've recently begun to question this due to comments i have received.

All our servers run SQL 2000 SP3a as "support" for hyper threading was added in SP3a

So... What do you think of Hyper Threading any why?

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SSIS Multi-threading

Aug 23, 2006

I have a vb 2005 app that executes a SSIS package in threads.
The SSIS package imports a large (20mb) file, does many alternation to it, exports it to the database.
The SSIS execution is quite frequent and there for multi-threading is needed.

Here is the issue:
If i take out the threading everything works great. The second that i add threading, and try to execute a few instances of the SSIS it starts crashing. The thing is that it errors out in different task and is completely unpredictable.

My question:
1) Can SSIS be used in a multi-threading environment?
2) If yes, How do i do it?
3) Does anyone have any suggestion as to what i should try?

p.s. Timing is definitely an issue for me.  I got to get this working, tested, approved by 8/27/2006
here are the 3 errors that i'm getting when i turn multi-threading on
1)Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009.

2)An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Transaction (Process ID 112) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".

3)The ProcessInput method on component "(i cannot display the name of the task for security reasons" (448) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

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Multi Threading Exception

Jun 22, 2006

Apologies if this is not the right forum.

We have some c~ code which calls a stored proc to trnsfer data from one db to another.

We are using multi threading to allow a whole days data to be processed in parrallel.

However, we are experiencing problems. After a while we get the following message:

"An exception during changed data captured caused all processing threads to abort".

Can anyone tell me what posssible reasons would cause this to happen?

It is not an area in which I have a lot of expertise, the code was written by a third party.

Many thanks

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SQL Server Multi-threading

Nov 8, 2007

We're moving in a 4-socket (Xeon Dual Core CPU's) server. What version and product of SQL Server should I be looking for to fully take advantage of the new server's 4 processors. I'm not sure I understand the licensing per CPU. Is there any advantage in waiting for SQL Server 2008 as it concerns multi-threading and what should I be looking to spend for a SQL server solution that utilizes all four processors. Someone has told me that the SQL Server standard edition comes with 4 cpu licenses. Is this correct?

Thanks, Rob Huylo

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Multi Threading In Stored Procedures?

Jan 28, 2004


I want to execute two user created stored procedures in a multithreaded manner in ms-sql server . Can some tell me how i can do that.

Thanks in advance.


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Multi-threading And SSIS Package

Apr 11, 2008

I have an SSIS package that is running the same set of stored procedures on about 50 remote database servers and importing the data through data flow tasks into a local database.

To do this I have a db table set up with the remote server and db names and using variables, i am looping through each one and getting the data. Everything works wonderfully...however, I need to find a way to be able to run multiple calls at the same time. Is it possible to multithread SSIS so that I can run 1 server retrieval on 1 thread and another retrieval on another thread? Any other suggestions on how to optimally do this?

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Dts.Variables Collection, Threading, And Contention

Apr 29, 2008


We are experiencing some problems when running the same package on multiple threads of a C# application concurrently. The package instances seem to share a Dts.Variables collection.

I have created a test application and package to reproduce the issue. The package is very simple. It has two variables - Instance (Int32) and Content (string). The test application runs two concurrent threads that run through 25 iterations running the package. Each thread loads the package, sets the instance, and then runs the package. The package then takes the instance, sticks it in the Content variable and then writes it to a file called "FileX" where X is the Instance. Thread 1 sets the instance from 1 to 25, thread 2 sets it from 26 to 50. The test execution results in about 15% of the files containing the incorrect "instance content". That is, I'll see "42" in the file named "File14", or something along those lines. This tells me that the variables are being overwritten.

I ran another test where I created a copy of the package, so the code is identical, but the VersionGUID is different. Running the thread test application always succeeds. There is no file name/content mismatch. I then ran another test where I manually edit the XML of the package to change the VersionGUID before the package is loaded (by calling LoadFromXml). Again this never fails.

Changing the VersionGUID may work for us, but it is a total hack. Has anyone else experienced this or have any other solutions? Any thoughts on manually updating the VersionGUID to get around this problem? I hate doing this, but we are getting desperate.

Thanks in advance,


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Need Information On SQL SERVER 2000 With Multi-threading CPU

Nov 23, 2005

Hi,I have SQL SERVER 2000 SP4 Enterprise , Windows 2003Enterprise onXeon 4 Processors (now with multi-threading CPU) and I havequestions whichseem weirds to me (used to have the same config withoutMulti-Threading) as following:1. SQL Server see 8 CPUs. Is this because ofmulti-threading CPUs ?2. when use SP_WHO2 ACTIVE ,2.1 Result has user SPID , which blockitself(it is UPDATE and SELECTstatements, most often)2.2 Result has user SPID , show morethan one result rows withthe same processe and command3. when use Properties of SQL Server , it has anerror 15407 in log.many thanks in advanceNiponW

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Transact SQL :: Executing Stored Procedures And Threading

Jul 10, 2015

If I have several stored procedures, all of them making inserts/updates to the same tables, what is the safest way to run them in sequence?

The context is an application; I have an aspx page where a click on a button (or more) will launch stored procedures in execution. I have encountered the unfortunate situation before, when stored proc #2 started long before stored proc #1 finished and this caused problems. 

If I group all stroed procs in one that simply calls all of them in the needed sequence:

exec stproc1
exec stproc2
exec stprocn

Will they execute in a single thread? Is there any guarantee that stproc2 will be executed when stproc1 finishes, and so on?

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Is SQL Compact Edition Save To Use In ASP.NET Web Apps - Multi-Threading?

Aug 29, 2007

I have a question:

Is SQL Compact Edition safe to use in ASP.NET WebApps?

And second if so, should i use transation isolation level or row locking hints to assure data quality during iniserts?

E.g. i want to assure that there is only one record named user2@domain2 and thus i want to make sure that my code
will not fail in a mutli-theaded scenario and insert second one or get a key exception back: see sample

transaction or locking hit{
select from users ....
if no user found
insert into users



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Verifying MergeSynchronizationAgent No Longer Requires STA Threading Model

Dec 22, 2006

I've seen a few posts in the MSDN documentation (see links below) stating that the MergeSynchronizationAgent no longer requires the STA threading model in SQL Server 2005 SP1. However, I'm still receiving the following exception message in my synchronization code (where it attempts to access the SynchronizationAgent property):

The MergeSynchronizationAgent class must be instantiated on a Single-Threaded Apartment (STA) thread.

I have Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2005 installed on both my server as well as my local client (the client is running SQL Server 2005 Express). How can I verify the correct files are there (e.g. are the some specific date/time values for the RMO/COM objects?

Here's the list of MSDN links mentioned above:

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Has Any One Ever Used Double Take?

Nov 16, 2006 9kdWN0cy9kb3VibGUtdGFrZS9kZWZhdWx0LmFzcHg%3DMy concern is this ..Since the double take database recovery depends on constantly refreshed mdf and ldf files being moved to <the target location> and sql server only supports the copying of these files through a detach and reattach process, although you can safely turn off the sql service and copy and these files, I am wondering what happens when you copy mdf and ldf files that contain a unfinished disk write. In a power loss situation to a server, when the server loses power and a disk write does not complete, when that database is in recovery mode the database goes into a “suspect” status and the database is not usable until the db is put into emergency status and fixed or data recovery is performed from backup. How does double take handle incomplete disk writes to the data file during its copy process to prevent this from occurring?Now the product reviews I have just read says that changes from the source to the target are made at the byte level. So if a byte is changed, that byte is moved to your target server. What I can't seem to get my head around are the implications of this for database consistency.Anyone have any light to shed for me?

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Double Sum In SQL?

Jul 26, 2007

Hello all!

I have three columns of data... Test Name, Test Parameter, Test Result.

I have one column that sums all failed tests grouped by Test Name, and Test Parameter

ie, select Test Name, sum(rows of tests that failed) Failed
etc etc
group by Test Name, Test Parameter

But I also want a column that sums only based on Test Name, regardless of test should I try to do something like "sum(Failed)" group by Test some kind of sub query, or what would you suggest? I know there will be duplicate entries.

Thanks for any help

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Double Summation?

May 23, 2002

I have 2 tables ZIPCROSS and HOUSEHOLDS. The fields for each are as follows:
-------- ----------
ZIPCROSS holds zipcodes assigned for particular AreaID. HOUSEHOLDS contains TOTAL number of household in each zipcode.

Now, I need to build a query that returns SUM of TOTAL for a given AREAID grouped by SCF (first 3 numbers of the zipcode) and SUM of TOTAL for a given SCF. Thus the results should look something like this:
------ --- ------- ---------
1 900 1234 43210
1 901 2345 54321
etc... I can write a query that can get the right TOTAL or the right SCFTOTAL but not both on one query. The following query gives me the right SCFTOTAL but not TOTAL.


I'm aware of why this doesn't work but I can't seem to find the right approach. Any solutions? TIA.

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Using Double-Take With SQL 2000 Sp4

Feb 21, 2007

I am experiencing issues with database files that have been moved using double take. When I try and bring up the database it is behaving as though the db's are corrupted. Bottom line is that it is not working. Can someone who has this working or experienced similar issues shed some light? Thanks in advance.

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Help On Filtering Double Id

May 26, 2008

Hi everybody..

have this table and I want to filter only those records that has it's id's appearing more than one.


id field1

1 ! first
1 ! second
2 ! first
3 ! first
3 ! second
4 ! first

the result should be

id field1

1 ! first
1 ! second
3 ! first
3 ! second

am using this query

select field1, id, count(id) as countid
FROM table1
GROUP BY field1
HAVING count(id) >1

the countid column gives me always the value of one (don't know the reason) so I couldn't get the results I want


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Convert To Double

Mar 22, 2007

Hi all. How to convert a 1.000000000 to 1.00?

select amount from .....


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Double Summation

Oct 9, 2006

I have some data -- counts ID'd by location and grid East like this --Loc East NCA 100 3CA 103 5CA 109 2CA 110 3I'm interested in the total of N on either side of the largest gap inEastings.In this case the largest gap is 6 (between 103 and 109), and the sum ofN for the 2 rows below the gap is 8, and for the 2 above the gap it's5.The problem is to locate the largest gap, and compute the sum of N forthe cases on either side. There are multiple locations, multipleEastingsper location, but only one largest gap. (If there are two largestgaps, itdoes't matter which one is used for the sums.)I can do this with multiple passes -- first locate the largest gap,then goback and locate the Eastings on either side, then sum up the Ns.That'srealy clumsy, I can't figure out how to do it more quickly, and I'm notsurewhat I'm doing is right. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,Jim Geissman

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Remove Double Value

Jul 20, 2005

HyNever use/practice SQL a lot, (vb... more, have free msde 2000) .2 questionsA)is it simple to write a T-SQL query for having 2) at result startingfrom 1) .B)how to test dynamically sql with parmaeter ( using vb ADO)1) before querycolumA columBd e <-samee d <-samee ee d <-same2)after querycolumA columBd e or e de e

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Double Quotes

Jul 25, 2007

I am creating a flat file connection to a .csv file
In the columns section of the flatt file connection manager editor, I am not sure why the texts in the .csv file are shown with double quotes arouond them.
They do not have "" in the .csv file.

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Decimal And Double

Sep 27, 2007

what is the exact difference between double and decimal data type? with example

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Double Pivot

Feb 27, 2008

I need some help with a double pivot problem. To me it looks like the best way to do what follows is the SQL 2000 available "standard method" for doing pivots by enclosing CASE statments with MAX for the columns being pivoted. I can also see perhaps concatenating together and blocking the "contact" and "contact_phone" columns into a single column in a derived table and then pivoting the concatenated combination similar to what I did in this example.

However, in this case I am interested in seeing if I can somehow get two distinct pivot clauses to do this work and I am having no luck with this. I have this exmple, but it looks pretty cruddy:

Code Snippet
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Data for this problem is stored in table @support and consists of
-- (1) application_name
-- (2) support_role -- whether the contact is the primary or secondary
-- support associate
-- (3) contact -- the name of the support associate
-- (4) contact_phone -- the phone number of the support associate
-- The problem is to pivot the contact information and output columns:
-- (1) Application Name
-- (2) First Contact -- the name of the primary contact
-- (3) First Phone -- the phone number of the primary contact
-- (4) Second Contact -- the name of the secondary contact
-- (5) Second Phone -- the phone number of the secondary contact
-- This method uses two separate PIVOT clauses to pivot the data into
-- columns. This looks pretty cruddy.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
declare @support table
( application_name varchar(20),
support_role char(1),
contact varchar(10),
contact_phone varchar(14)
insert into @support
select 'Clean', 'P', 'Rick', '(904) 555-1212' union all
select 'Buggy', 'P', 'Jim', '(217) 555-1212' union all
select 'Buggy', 'S', 'Chris', '(309) 555-1212' union all
select 'New', 'S', 'Rick', '(904) 555-1212'
--select * from @support

select application_name,
max(isnull(p,'')) as [First Contact],
max(isnull(xp,'')) as [First Phone],
max(isnull(s,'')) as [Second Contact],
max(isnull(xs,'')) as [Second Phone]
( select application_name,
P, S, xP, xS
( select application_name,
'x' + support_role as support_role2,
contact as contact2,
contact_phone as contact_phone2
from @support
) as x
pivot ( max(contact) for support_role in ([P], [S])
) as p1
pivot ( max(contact_phone2) for support_role2 in ([xP], [xS])
) as p2
) y
group by application_name

/* -------- Sample Output: --------
application_name First Contact First Phone Second Contact Second Phone
-------------------- ------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------------
Buggy Jim (217) 555-1212 Chris (309) 555-1212
Clean Rick (904) 555-1212
New Rick (904) 555-1212

Is there a way to get this query to work better or am I just better off using the SQL 2000 "Standard Method"?

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SQL Server Double Hop

Feb 25, 2008

I have run into a somewhat pain in the posterior situation.

We have an app that currently uses SQL Server authentication. The application also uses a linked server. Now, we would like to move to a Windows authentication type of set up, but from what my network guys tell me is that AD doesn't support a "double hop".

In reading what's out here, I'm getting the impression that Kerberos needs to be enabled or delegation?

Does anyone know of somewhere I can find some good instructions on how to configure my SQL Server(s) to support the double hop?

I guess I shouls also tell ya whay our set up is:

- Our users authenticate onto our network.
- They then authenticate into Citrix.
- From Citrix they authenticate into SQL Server.
- Then there's the linked server.

So essnetially the hops woulg look like this:

Citrix to Database1 is HOP 1
Database1 to Database2 is HOP2


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How To Eliminate Double Row

Feb 8, 2008

'My table' is below with double row

lot value date

2 300 3/2/06
3 200 6/5/05
4 100 5/21/07
5 340 6/23/06
2 250 4/3/06

My query such as
SELECT lot, value, date
FROM my table

How can I eliminate 1 row of lot 2 and chose the recent date only?

Thanks for your help

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Double Sided?

Feb 14, 2007


I am using SQL Reporting Services 2000 - is it possible to make a report that prints double sided?

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Double Table Insert

May 12, 2004

Tables :

ID int - PK
Email nvarchar(256)

ListID int - FK to List Table - Combo PK
UserID int - FK to EmailUsers Table - Combo PK

When a person adds a user I need to:
A. insert them as a new entry into EmailUsers - no problem
B. insert their EmailUsers.ID from step A and ListID (passed in parameter) into ListsUsers - not so easy
C. if they're already in EmailUsers don't insert them but pass their existing EmailUsers.ID to part B

Any thoughts or examples I can follow? Maybe it's easier to do two seperate queries and control the if exists logic in

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