Drop Subscription
Dec 28, 2006is there anyone know how to drop subscription from the publisher database without a connection to the subscriber(because the subscriber server is formated)
View 3 Repliesis there anyone know how to drop subscription from the publisher database without a connection to the subscriber(because the subscriber server is formated)
View 3 RepliesI need to drop and recreate few subscriptions in transactional publication
Do I need to worry about log marker issues ?
Do I need to set the primary and replicate databases in 'DBO use only'
The Primary and Replicate databases are being accessed all the time.
There is a push subscription to an immediate-updating transactional publication with a queued failover. The publisher was also the distributor.
The publisher melted down and has been removed from service. The subscriber continues to queue up transactions for the now nonexistent publisher.
How do you remove the push subscription directly from the subscribing machine?
Thanks for your help,
Jim Schweitzer
Anobi Technology
I have a program running on Pocket PCs that synchronizes with a desktop SQL database using SQL Mobile. My problem is that I can't delete old subscriptions from the publication; now the publication has 25 subscriptions and won't accept any more (limit of SQL Workgroup edition). I can delete non-SQL Mobile subcriptions just fine.
Running sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription provides this information:
subscriber: LVCONTACTSMERGE - 5FA305234F0C
subscriber_db: Program FilesPocketLVContactsLVContacts.sdf
publisher_db: LVContacts
publication: LVContactsMerge
So I set up this bit of code:
USE LVContacts
EXEC sp_dropmergesubscription
@publication = 'LVContactsMerge',
@subscriber = 'LVCONTACTSMERGE - 5FA305234F0C',
@subscriber_db = 'Program FilesPocketLVContactsLVContacts.sdf',
No errors are reported, but the subscription doesn't get deleted.
I've tried shutting down SQL Server Agent (mentioned in another thread); makes no difference.
Any ideas?
Hi,I found this SQL in the news group to drop indexs in a table. I need ascript that will drop all indexes in all user tables of a givendatabase:DECLARE @indexName NVARCHAR(128)DECLARE @dropIndexSql NVARCHAR(4000)DECLARE tableIndexes CURSOR FORSELECT name FROM sysindexesWHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'F_BI_Registration_Tracking_Summary')AND indid 0AND indid < 255AND INDEXPROPERTY(id, name, 'IsStatistics') = 0OPEN tableIndexesFETCH NEXT FROM tableIndexes INTO @indexNameWHILE @@fetch_status = 0BEGINSET @dropIndexSql = N' DROP INDEXF_BI_Registration_Tracking_Summary.' + @indexNameEXEC sp_executesql @dropIndexSqlFETCH NEXT FROM tableIndexes INTO @indexNameENDCLOSE tableIndexesDEALLOCATE tableIndexesTIARob
View 2 Replies View Related
It seems to me that if a scheduled SSRS report subscription fails ( Status Message - An error has occurred during report processing) , that I actually need to delete the subscription and reconfigure it from scratch. The scheduled job doesn't try to run again automatically (say the next Monday on a weekly Monday schedule).
Is there a way to "reset" a failed subscription without have to recreate the entire subscription?
Thank you
Devon Kyle
Existing subscription already contains table included in the new subscription.
What are the possible causes of this merge replication error?
Could it be caused by a SQL Server Compact Edition User trying to sync their .sdf file after their subscription has already expired on the SQL Server?
Would you expect to see a different message if a SQL Server Compact Edition user tried to sync a subscriber database (.sdf file) with merge replication if it's been longer than the subscription retention period since their last sync?
Hi folks.
Here i have small problem in transactions.I don't know how it is happaning.
Up to my knowldge if you start a transaction in side the transaction if you have DML statements
Those statements only will be effected by rollback or commit but in MS SQL SERVER 7.0 and 6.5
It is rolling back all the commands including DDL witch it shouldn't please let me know on that
If any one can help this please tell me ...........Please............
For Example
begin transaction t1
create table t1
drop table t2
then execute bellow statements
select * from t1
this query gives you table with out data
select * from t2
you will recieve an error that there is no object
but if you rollback
T1 willn't be there in the database
droped table t2 will come back please explain how it can happand.....................
Email Address:
We are migrating our reporting services database from one server to another.
What needs to be done to subscriptions to ensure they work properly. Will they automatically update as part of the migration, or is there a manual process.
We are using Reporting Services 2000 and will be using Reporting services 2000 as well on the new server.
Hi all,
I'm creating data driven subscription for parameterized reports. I'm supposed to deliver one report to six different customers. But each customer can see only his own data in the report. This is not a problem. But the problem is I need another report in which all the data can be seen. When I create DD subsription, I chosed Auto increment option for the write mode under "
Specify delivery extension settings for Report Server FileShare" .
But then it creates seperate report for each parameter value. But it does not create the report which contains all the data for all parameter values. How can I make it without creating another report.
Also when I use overwrite option instead of Auto Increment, It creates only one reports. Does any one know why it happens?
is it possible to make a new subscription remote over a website and NOT in the Reportmanager?
Has anybody done something like this and are there any examples?
I am doing a repl.in SQL7/NT.
At time of 'Push Subscription wizard' - I used the option "Yes,Initialize the schema and data......" whereas I already had data and schema at the subscriber.
Now my question is what will happen now and how long will this process take(for approx5GB of DAta).
OR should I stop the process - it's already an hour when I started the process.
Any suggestion appreciated.
I have created a subscription pull from one SQL server to another so that the database from one SQL server is replicated to another. But when the subscription runs, no data appears in the subscriber SQL server. When I check the subscription, I see that the database is connecting to the publisher but that is it. I have the login correct but what am I missing? Do the tables in the subscriber database have to be already created and matching the ones in the publisher database before the subscription runs or are they automaticaly created after the subscription runs?
Thank you in advance
Hello all,
I have a data driven subscription with the information about the file name/file extension/ path etc coming in from a database. The problem is that the subscription status after running tells me that things are done and there is no error but the file is not being generated in the specified directory and for that reason the file is not generated at all anywhere on the hard disk. can anybody please help.
The information in the database for the report is as follows
FileName : Test1
FileExtn : True
Path = \ram\C$Reports
Render_Format = PDF
Username = Administrator
Password = password
Writemode = Overwrite
All the fields are varchar(50) in size.
Hi, wonder if someone can help.
I've created a subscription and scheduled it to run but I get the following message:
Failure sending mail: The transport failed to connect to the server.
Anyone any ideas why? or what I can do to fix it?
Because of problems trying to alter databases used
for replication my software would need to find out
if a database is a publisher or was repliated (using
T-SQL). Is this possible?
My name is Tech guy,
I want to use window script program to execute a pull subscription installed on SQL 2005 express edition. Because it free for downloand.
is there a script that can call an existing pull subscription execution.
Are there any procedural differences between Express and MSDE considering pull subscription?
I have uploaded a report onto my 2005 Reporting Manager and want to create a daily email of the report... How do I set up the email facility? Can someone give me a link?
I not sure what to do because the company uses Exchange Server and not SMTP....
I need to subscribe one report in Reporting Services. I was compiled all fields and I said to report server that
I want excel file at one shared directory of the server.
When the report server tried to process the report I have the following messagge:
Failure writing file S16 : An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing.
What's the report want?
I am unable to create a subscription.
The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)
Delievered by: Report Server E-Mail
SMTP: is enabled on IIS
Reporting Services Configuration Manager:
Email Setting: setup correctly
What else is it that I would need to check to get the subscriptions going?
We are seeing a problem with the users of our application. If the user closes our application from running programs (as best as we can tell as we cannot repro in dev) and SQL Mobile is in the middle of an async sync, sometimes when the application restarts it fails to load the properties for replication from the database. We are using code that is nearly identical to the samples provided by MS for performing replication async. Basically, the database still exists on the device and the application can use it just fine, but when a sync starts, the database is already there, so it tries to load the properties at which point we get a message stating that there is no subscription in the database.
Any ideas?
The second question would be if it doesn't exist and the database already contains data, can I create the subscription and have it not loose the users changes? Will it sync correctly after that?
Thanks for the help!!
How can you tell if a merge subscription is set to reinitialize?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhi. i was following the newbie's guide: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnppcgen/html/med302_msdn_sql_mobile.asp?frame=true
on the creating a new subscription i was doing okay until i get to the last part wherein i click finish and this error pops up when it starts synchronizing data..
An error has occured on the computer running IIS. Try restarting the IIS server.
i already tried restarting the server.. is there anything else i can do to make it work?
I have setup Merge replication with 2 publishers and one subscriber. On the subscription machine I can see publisher 1 listed under local subscriptions but not publisher 2. I have created the second subscription on publisher 2 and also tried to create the subscription again on the subscription machine but i get an error saying the 'Subscription already exists'.
Neither do I see the second subscription nor does it work as if it is subscribed to Publisher 2. What could be going wrong.
I would appreciate any help.
I know how to schedule a report to generate and email somebody weekly on a particular day of the week but how do you tell it to run for previous date range? For example to run on Thursday Sept.13, I would want it include data from Start date of Sept 3 and end date Sept 9.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am getting the following error when attempting to create a SQL Server Mobile subscription:
Synchronizing Data (Error)
Unexpected HTTP status returned. [ 415,status = ]
HRESULT 0x80004005 (28632)
The operation could not be completed.
I have attempted this with more than one database (SQL Server 2005). The snapshot was created successfully. The Web configuration was completed successfully. All my security logins (DB and authentication) have the correct permissions and I have followed Microsoft's instructions perfectly (over and over again!).
I am using a MS Server2003 R2 box, Service Pack 1. All of my Mobile 5.0 components installed successfully.
This is a data formatting issue, but I am attempting with an empty table (3 fields) to make it as simple as possible. In fact, the first time through the instructions I used their SQLMobile database created with Microsoft's script. Same ending, same issue. I cannot create a SQL Server Mobile subscription.
I should mention that this error occurs on the 2nd task "Synchronizing Data".
What URL should be tested prior to subscribing - HTTP://MyBox/MyAppName? What should be the expected results? Right now, I get a page does not exist - of course, there are no pages, just the dll in the virtual directory.
I have Sharepoint Central Administration and Team Foundation Server web sites running. In addition,
I delete the publication, but the subscription still exists.
If I will delete the abonement I get following error 21776(Can't find Name xxx in the list of the TransPublications).
I tryed to craete the publication for the failed subscription again, but then I get the error, that a subscription for this publication still exists.
What can I do? How can I delete the subscription ?
Many thx for help!
Hello, I have spend 2 days already in search how to fix my query notification problem. Here is the case :
I run very very basic query like "SELECT name FROM dbo.author" with SqlNotificationRequest and I monitor events in SQL profiler. On Audit login I have :
-- network protocol: TCP/IP
set quoted_identifier on
set arithabort on
set numeric_roundabort off
set ansi_warnings on
set ansi_padding on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
set cursor_close_on_commit off
set implicit_transactions off
set language us_english
set dateformat mdy
set datefirst 7
set transaction isolation level read committed
Later on QN: subscription :
<qnev:QNEvent xmlns:qnev="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotificationProfiler"><qnev:EventText>subscription
xmlns:qn="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/QueryNotification" id="0" type="subscribe" source="statement" info="set
options" database_id="0"
I understand my subscription fails but the reason as given in msdn is :
"The connection options were not set appropriately when the command was submitted"
You can see that my options are exactly as stated in MSDN. I'm stuck here and don't know what more to check in order to resolve this. If anyone can point me in some direction what I can check for this error will be highly appreciated. Thx in advance
Regards, Dimitar Draganov
I need to test a database solution (many tables) all indexes, ref. keys, because i get this error when I trying to create a new subscription. tru internet.
"No key matching the described characteristics could be found within the current range ".
I need somekind of program that checks data integrity. or what is this?
HELP!!! this issue is starting to bee very IMPORTANT to get some solution. clients is waiting to update database!
Is this the couse:
added new tables
added new columns
added new foreign keys
when replication was online??
Or have the DBMail something to do with this? I have seen in log files that mail is somehow connected.
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How can I determine the Subscription ID of the report that is currently running?
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