Dtexec And Passing Variables Between Packages
Oct 12, 2007
When executing a package from Business Intelligence Studio variables are well passed between packages but when same is done using dtexec utility variables don't get passed between packages. Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening and what would be possible solutions? Thanks in advance!
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Jul 6, 2007
Hi all,
does anybody know if it is possible to use environment variables when calling dtexec utility?
I'd like to run packages stored on server's file system from directory that I've had specified in an environment variable called SSIS_PackagesPath.
Now, I'am trying to write dtexec command, where path to the actual SSIS package would be concatenation of environment variable (i. e. path to package directory) and name of package itself (written explicitly). Is this syntactically possible?
The reason behind is to be able to easily modify package storage directory for multiple scheduled jobs that run SSIS packages.
Any other ideas are hapilly welcomed.
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Jan 30, 2006
I am running my package in this way:
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "SBLoadExcelDBLog" /SERVER test /USER **** /PASSWORD ***** /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EW
/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"aaab"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareaaab.xls"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp" '
I got errors:
Started: 3:49:51 PM
Progress: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.34
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel
Validating: 0% complete
End Progress
Error: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.46
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel Excel Source [649]
Description: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
End Error
Error: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.46
Code: 0xC02020E8
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel Excel Source [649]
Description: Opening a rowset for "Sheet1$" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
End Error
Error: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.51
Code: 0xC004706B
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel DTS.Pipeline
Description: "component "Excel Source" (649)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
End Error
Progress: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.51
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel
Validating: 25% complete
End Progress
Error: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.51
Code: 0xC004700C
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel DTS.Pipeline
Description: One or more component failed validation.
End Error
Error: 2006-01-30 15:49:52.51
Code: 0xC0024107
Source: Extract AdHoc Data from Excel
Description: There were errors during task validation.
End Error
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started: 3:49:51 PM
Finished: 3:49:52 PM
Elapsed: 0.703 seconds
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Apr 2, 2008
I'm running several SSIS-packages in stored procedure using dtexec. Actually, there is a software that is running the procedure, but that's not important here.
The problem: if some of the packages failes, the whole procedure does not fail and I don't know if all the packages are successfully completed.
Here is a sample list of ssis-packages from procedure:
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "E:SSISSourcedataSourcedataaaa.dtsx"'
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "E:SSISSourcedataSourcedatabb.dtsx" '
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "E:SSISSourcedataSourcedataccc.dtsx"'
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "E:SSISSourcedataSourcedataddd.dtsx"'
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "E:SSISSourcedataSourcedataeee.dtsx"'
So, if eg bbb.dtsx would fail, is it possible to get the whole procedure failing?
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Nov 6, 2006
Our SSIS packages use the Web Service Task to call services to send email and write package failure data to a department wide database. These Web Service Calls are failing with HTTP 401 errors. It was caused by the passwords for the HTTP connections not being saved when the SSIS pkgs were saved to .dtsx files. I have tried saving the package with a password and the EncryptSensitiveWithPassword protection option. This password can be supplied when the package is called from another package or a package is executed in Visual Studio but cannot be supplied to DTexec to execute the package in a job. DTexec does have a /Password parameter but it is rejected if the package is loaded from a .dtsx file.
This appears to be a bug in DTexec. It only accepts the /Password parameter when the package is loaded with the /SQL option. Specifying /Password and /File is not supported.
Is this a known bug? Are there any workarounds?
Has anyone successfully called a Web Service from SSIS executed via DTexec?
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Mar 23, 2006
I believe I have made a complete install of Sql Server 2005 on my dev. machine, including all client tools, and can run SSIS packages from the dev. environment.
However DtExec refuses to run any package and always throws the "insufficient version" error (as does the "RunPackage" component, probably for the same reason).
I have repeatedly attempted to find something more to install from the Sql Server 2005 eval release that will allow DTExec to run without the "insufficient version" error, but can find nothing else to install from the eval. The install wizard (and the "change" wizard) indicates everything is installed and will not build a list of any additional components to install.
Are we sure that DtExec will install and run from a sql server 2005 eval distribution?
Licenses are in the pipeline (not that pipleine) but we need to start testing our SSIS solution in the meantime.
p.s. Kudos to the dev. team, it really is an excellent tool!
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Oct 4, 2006
I am getting an invalid cast specification when I call dtexec and try to /SET a user variable within the package that is defined as a string data type. Is there any solution to this? I have tried passing the GUID with {} w/o {} w/ '' w/ "" etc.. many variations... and still get an invalid cast specification. Is there a data type that I need to set the User variable to besides String? The User Variable is used to Select records from a SQL data source where the GUID is stored. I do not have an option of GUID data type for a User Variable.
Thanks for any help! Aaron B.
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Jan 11, 2008
I have stumbled on a problem with running a large number of SSIS packages in parallel, using the €œdtexec€? command from inside an SQL Server job.
I€™ve described the environment, the goal and the problem below. Sorry if it€™s a bit too long, but I tried to be as clear as possible.
The environment:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, SQL Server 2005 32bit Enterprise Edition SP2.
The goal:
We have a large number of text files that we€™re loading into a staging area of a data warehouse (based on SQL Server 2k5, as said above).
We have one €œmain€? SSIS package that takes a list of files to load from an XML file, loops through that list and for each file in the list starts an SSIS package by using €œdtexec€? command. The command is started asynchronously by using system.diagnostics.process.start() method. This means that a large number of SSIS packages are started in parallel. These packages perform the actual loading (with BULK insert).
I have successfully run the loading process from the command prompt (using the dtexec command to start the main package) a number of times.
In order to move the loading to a production environment and schedule it, we have set up an SQL Server Agent job. We€™ve created a proxy user with the necessary rights (the same user that runs the job from command prompt), created an the SQL Agent job (there is one step of type €œcmdexec€? that runs the €œmain€? SSIS package with the €œdtexec€? command).
If the input XML file for the main package contains a small number of files (for example 10), the SQL Server Agent job works fine €“ the SSIS packages are started in parallel and they finish work successfully.
The problem:
When the number of the concurrently started SSIS packages gets too big, the packages start to fail. When a large number of SSIS package executions are already taking place, the new dtexec commands fail after 0 seconds of work with an empty error message.
Please bear in mind that the same loading still works perfectly from command prompt on the same server with the same user. It only fails when run from the SQL Agent Job.
I€™ve tried to understand the limit, when do the packages start to fail, and I believe that the threshold is 80 parallel executions (I understand that it might not be desirable to start so many SSIS packages at once, but I€™d like to do it despite this).
Additional information:
The dtexec utility provides an error message where the package variables are shown and the fact that the package ran 0 seconds, but the €œMessage€? is empty (€œMessage: €œ).
Turning the logging on in all the packages does not provide an error message either, just a lot of run-time information.
The try-catch block around the process.start() script in the main package€™s script task also does not reveal any errors.
I€™ve increased the €œmax worker threads€? number for the cmdexec subsystem in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table to a safely high number and restarted the SQL Server, but this had no effect either.
The request:
Can anyone give ideas what could be the cause of the problem?
If you have any ideas about how to further debug the problem, they are also very welcome.
Thanks in advance!
Eero Ringmäe
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Apr 28, 2008
I am pretty new to this and hope someone can help and I hope I can explain my problem.
I have a php form
<form action="cpesearch.php">
State: <select name="stname">
<option value ="ALL">all states</option>
<option value ="vic">VIC</option>
<option value ="sa">SA</option>etc etc etc
I am then connecting to my datatbase, assign the variables and doing the SQL query.
if ($dbc = mysql_connect ('localhost','root',''))
if (@mysql_select_db('database'))
$sname = $_GET['stname'];
$pname = $_GET['prname'];
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `cpe` WHERE eventdate >= CURDATE() AND state = ''.$sname.'' AND presenter = ''.$pname.'' ORDER BY eventdate ASC';
$r = mysql_query($sql) or die("Query failed".mysql_error($dbc));
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
print "<div id="mainContent"> <p>".$row['state']."</p>".
etc etc etc
So my problem is... I have an events table with presenters and state (and other info). I want to be able to select each presenter and state or all presenters and/or states. Not sure then how to pass the variable into my sql statement if they want to select ALL.
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Apr 23, 2007
I have a DTS (DTS1) that call another DTS(DTS2). DTS2 has a global variable defined, I need to pass a value to that variable from DTS1.
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Apr 24, 2001
I have created a view. However this view needs a specific variable that a user has inputted in Access. The variable I need to pass into the first view is a DocketID..Similar to a StoreID. I then must run the second view, which also depends on the same DocketID. Finally I must run a final query that takes the result from the second view, which takes the results of the first view.
Basically, I want to pass the variable from my VBA application to the SQL statement. I have been reading, and it seems that like in VB I must declare a local variable in a DECLARE statement. Is that right?
How would I pass the variable that can be held in the VBA application ex. DocketId = 220 and pass that 220 to my SQL statement which is running is SQL 7.0. Most of the statement will be running in SQL, not the VBA application.
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Feb 23, 2001
I am executing:
SET @lcQuery = 'UPDATE ... WHERE .... ' + ' SET @x = @@ROWCOUNT'
EXEC (@lcQuery)
@x does NOT return a value, because it is "local" to the lcQuery execution. As a matter of fact, to execute it, I have to write:
SET @lcQuery = 'DECLARE @x AS int ' +
'UPDATE ... WHERE .... ' +
EXEC (@lcQuery)
How can I pass the variable @x to the progam from within EXEC (@lcQuery)?
How does EXEC (@lcQuery) execute? In a different space?
Thank you.
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Aug 4, 1998
Does any one know how to pass variables to a stroed procedure within a trigger and does anyone know how to capture a value
from a stored procedure and store that value in a variable all within a trigger.
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Jan 17, 2007
If anybody could help me with this i would love to hear from you, at the moment this is driving me crazy?
now i have a stored procedure in SQL server 2000, which i need to pass some variables into (pretty straight forward so far!!) I am copying tables from one database to another and i what to be able to choose the spefic database i'm copying to, this is the basic's of my query!
CREATE PROC sp_Copy_Facility
@FacilityID int,
/* Select and append Data tables */
-SELECT testDB.dbo.dt_test.* INTO
-FROM testDB.dbo.dt_test
-WHERE testDB.dbo.dt_test.Facility_ID = @FacilityID
-option (keep plan)
i have also tried this:
CREATE PROC sp_Copy_Facility
@FacilityID int,
@DBIN nvarchar(40),
@DBOUT nvarchar(40)
DECLARE @SQLString varchar(1000)
DECLARE @S2 nvarchar(1000)
/* Select and append Data tables */
SET @SQLString = 'SELECT ' + @DBIN +'.dbo.dt_test.* INTO '
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + @DBOUT + '.dbo.dt_test
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + 'FROM ' + @DBIN + ' .dbo.dt_test WHERE ' + @DBIN + '.dbo.dt_test.Facility_ID = @FacilityID option (keep plan)'
please help i need to get this done and i posted this on a number of different web sites with as yet no joy!!
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Jul 23, 2005
Anyone,Is this possible?I am connecting to a TeraData server via MS SQL 8.0 using the OpenQuerystatement. I need to pass a list of ever-changing deal numbers Mylist of numbers are stored as a table on MS SQL.So what I want is thisSelect * from OpenQuery(TeraSrvr, "Select Col1, Col2, Col3[color=blue]>From Teradata_Table_1[/color]Where Deal_no in (Select Deal_no from SQLTable)")Now I know that wont work, but How can I pass 184 Deal Numbers from mySQL server to this query before it is sent to the Teradata server to bedone? Do I have to keep re-doing an in statement each month?Anyone can help?Doug
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Apr 29, 2008
I have an SSIS package. In my control flow I have an Execute SQL Task and a data flow task. In my Execute SQL Task in the SQL Statement I have (select dbo.to_date(getdate()) as process_date) its a direct input with a result set. It gets Getdate as (processed_date) is declared. I have set no parameters, but I have set a Result Set. Also, I have set a global variable in the scope where I passes the date (processed_date)
In my Data Flow, I have an OLE DB data source with the following SQL statement in my SQL Command.
I am trying to pass down the variable as the ? .
It works when I pass it only to: lr.processed_date = ?
But I get an error when I pass it down to the : and ? between cav.begin_date and cav.end_date
SELECT distinct
cust_version_slow cvs
inner join cust_acco_version cav
on cus.cust_id = cav.cust_id
and ? between cav.begin_date and cav.end_date
inner join bia.dbo.acct acc
on cav.acco_id = acc.acco_id
inner join bia.dbo.account_version_slow avs
on acc.account_id = avs.account_id
and ? between avs.begin_date and avs.end_date
inner join bia_org ('02','2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10') boh
on cvs.branch_code = boh.branch_code
inner join accou_version_profit accM4
on acc.acco_id = accM4.acco_id
and ? between accM4.begin_date and accM4.end_date
lr.processed_date = ?
I need to pass down the same variable (processed_date) which is ? in all the ? in red
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Sep 10, 2007
In our project users log in and are assigned a GUID. The GUID is stored as a session variable that is used for filtering what a user sees on a page/report etc.
We have a report in which there are 2 parameters (Drop Downs).
Drop Down 1 lists the Entities a user can see (this is filtered by the GUID that is passed to the backend) and this works fine.
Drop Down 2 lists the products a user can see within Entity (this is filtered by the same GUID and also the selected value from DDL1.)
Here€™s the dilemma, how to we pass 2 variables into DDL2, when one of the variables comes from DDL1, and the other is passed by the URL?
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Sep 6, 2006
I'm working on a solution in Visual Studio that has 3 SSIS packages, and now I want to add a 4th that needs access to variables defined in one of the other packages. How can I do that?
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Oct 19, 2006
Is there any way to export a set of variables from each other package??
Issues comes when you have to built five packages which share the same variables. It's very tedious and hard to re-write them every time...
Thanks for your time,
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Jul 7, 2007
I have a simple task that I would like to manage through a SSIS package but do not know how to accomplish it. I need to perform the following tasks:
1. update a sql server table (ecwcust) and set the ftpstatus column to 'P' when the column's value is 'E'.
update ecwcust set ftpstatus = 'P' where ftpstatus = 'E'
2. declare a variable and set the variable to the number of rows that have a ftpstatus equal to 'P'
declare @newcustomercount int
select @newcustomercount = count(*) from ecwcust where ftpstatus = 'P'
3. if @newcustomercount > 0, copy all of the rows from ecwcust where ftpstatus = 'P' to an excel spreadsheet.
4. send an email to an email recipient with the excel spreadsheet as an attachment.
5. delete the excel spreadsheet.
I do not know how to create the variable @newcustomercount so that I can determine whether or not to create the excel spreadsheet and copy the records to it.
I have read all the online help and stuff that MS has but I can't understand the instructions. Please point me to some instructions that are understandable.
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Nov 12, 2007
I need to store 2 values that i retrive from a databse into variables so i can check them towards what is typed into the textboxes for my login script iv built. How can i do this?1 string myConnectionString = @"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersalhoDocumentsIntrapointWebApp_DataIntrapoint.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True";
3 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString);
4 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT [username], [password] FROM [company] WHERE (([username] = @username) AND ([password] = @password))");
5 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", TextBoxUsername.Text);
6 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("password", TextBoxPassword.Text);
8 myConnection.Open();
10 //how do i pass the values retrived into variables, like string usrname and string password?
12 myConnection.Close();
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Aug 4, 1998
Similar to a previous thread, but not exactly. I have a batch file that takes
two date parameters. I have a SQL script that gets the values I want and assigns
them to variables, but I don`t know how to pass these to the batch.
I`m thinking of something like:
declare @myvar1 datetime, @myvar2 datetime
select @myvar1 = <some date value>
select @myvar2 = <some date value>
exec xp_cmdshell "c:mssqlscriptsMYBATCH.BAT" @myvar1 @myvar2
This just errors out when it reaches the variables in the last line. If I move
the variables inside the quotes, it passes them as literal text strings, not as
the assigned datetime values.
Any ideas? Is this possible?
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Aug 18, 1998
If I have declared a variable, such as char variable_name[x], and have assigned it a value, how do I go about passing this value to an SQL query such as:
SELECT * FROM variable_name
where my value replaces variable_name.
Cheers, Marc
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Dec 24, 2004
Any one have any ideas or links to point me to ???
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Mar 12, 2006
Hi everyone,
passing variables (values) from a form (MS Access Project) to a stored procedures in order to select records shouldn't be all that difficult. However after searching for hours and hours in various forums and discussions i'm still nowhere. I really hope someone can give me the missing hint.
OK All I whant to do is select data from the sql server via an access interface. the value entered into the access form by the user (for example the client name) should then be transferred to the stored procedure which will then return all the records of the chosen client.
The simple task of transferring this form value to the stored procedure is driving me crazy. Does anyone have an idea.
Thanx in advance
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Aug 28, 2007
how can you pass variables from one 'Execute SQL Task' to another?
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Jul 28, 2007
I am familure with having a report run based on users inputting variables via DDL or multiselect using SRS. But now want to access my reports a little differently. I have an ASPX page and I want a user to click a button and to have the report use the Session Variable that is stored in ASP. As a result the report will be prefiltered on data the specific user can see.
Any ideas on ow to do this?
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Feb 28, 2008
I'm developing an SSIS package that will theoretically be run in two different ways. One is as a nightly job, called by a SQL job. The second is from a web application. When run as a job, it will be looking for a flat file in a known location. Run from the web, the file name and location are determined at runtime. I've tried to handle this by using a variable to hold the flatfile connection string, and setting the variable value to the known location. Then, when called to the web, I determine the file location/name at runtime, and pass it to the package. I'd assumed that if I pass the value into the package, it would override the variable's value that I'd set, but this doesn't seem to be happening. I realize this could very well be due to a coding error, but I thought I'd check to see if this is even a viable approach to be taking. If a variable's value is set in the package itself, will it be overwritten by a value passed to the package (assuming no stupid mistakes)? Or is this entirely the wrong approach to be taking for what I'm trying to do?
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Mar 13, 2006
I would like to pass variables to the package before it is executed (e.g. I am calling the bcp utility and I need to pass a password to the command line), so that at runtime a variable is set and then used.
Does anyone has some hints for good approaches? Every idea is welcome.
FYI: I do not use the bulk insert task as I need an errorlog file and the command is buggy with the errorfile option, therefore I chose the bcp approach. My connections are dynamic as far as servername and userid is concerned, but I did not find a solution for the password issue.
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Dec 20, 2006
We have a package with a package variable.
This variable is of data-type 'DateTime'.
However, when i try to pass the value 'NULL' the package fails... i use the following statement with 'dtexec.exe'
/SET Package.Variables[MyDate].Value;"NULL"
What's the correct syntax for passing null-values? But maybe (because i cannot find anything on this) i should ask if this is even possible...
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Mar 21, 2008
I have a stored procedure. Into this stored procedure i need to pass values to a 'IN' statement from asp.net. So when i am passing it , it should b in like a string variable with the ItemIds separated by commas. the procedure i have is :
create procedure SelectDetails
@Id string
Select * from DtTable where itemid in(@Id)
Here the itemid field in DtTable is of type int. Now when i execute the produre it is showing error as the Itemid is int and i am passing a string value to it.
How can i solve this problem?
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Sep 14, 2006
I was wondering if it's possible to pass object properties to variables? For example, if I have a ConnectionString property for a SQL Server connection, would it be possible to pass this value to a User-scoped variable?
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Jul 31, 2006
I have created lastUpdatedDate variable on package level. I have run a sql task and store a date in that variable.
now i am trying to pass that variable as parameter to oledb source connection (using command). it seems that we cant pass parameter in any sub query or derived table in query. its only working in outer query as soon as we place ? in WHERE clause of inner query it start throwing an 'Syntax Error' error saying that connection provider might not support that.
any idea ?????
I dont want to use command variables as my query is going to be quite big.
Note : I have tried Sql Server Native and OLEDB provider for sql server and this behaviour is seems to be constant in both.
Furrukh baig
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