Dts With 36mb Csv Probem

Nov 19, 2001

I have a performance problem where I need to import a 36mb csv into a new csv file.

The csv has 6 fields; isbn(char), whse(char), stock(int), backorder(int), discount(char), price(float)

There are four possible values for the whse. I need to merge the data into an unique isbn, stock, backorder, discount, price

What I have been trying to do is parse the rows thru the fso and set the whse and stock fields into arrays. Then write the row to the new file.

Does anyone know of a better solution?



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Probem With Stored Procedure?

Dec 23, 2006

Trying to tackle this problem. It's a stored procedure that modifies data in two tables with a one-to-many-to-one relationship. I'm creating a C# front-end to change the data fields (Table1Data and Table2Data) in ASP.NET 2.0/VS 2005.
The error I get is "Procedure or function Modify has too many arguments specified. " when I try to edit.
 Table1 has Table1ID (PK, int), Table1Data (varchar(50)) ; Table2 has Table2ID (PK, int), Table2Data (varchar(50)) ; Table1_2 has Table1_2ID (PK,int), Table1ID (FK,int), Table2ID(FK,int)
There is a cascade upon UPDATE and DELETE one-to-many between Table1.Table1ID and Table1_2.Table1ID. Likewise, for Table2ID.
Here's my (not working) stored procedure for changing Table1Data and Table2Data at the same time. Each of the SQL blocks work fine, independently:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Modify]
 @Table1ID int,
 @Table1Data varchar(50),
 @Table2Data varchar(50)
UPDATE    Table1
SET              Table1Data = @Table1Data
WHERE     (Table1ID = @Table1ID)
UPDATE    Table2
SET              Table2Data = @Table2Data
FROM         Table2 INNER JOIN
                      Table1_2 ON Table2.Table2ID = Table1_2.Table2ID INNER JOIN
                      Table1 ON Table1_2.Table1ID = Table1.Table1ID
WHERE     (Table1.Table1ID = @Table1ID)
Many thanks for any help!

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Connection String Probem

Apr 9, 2008

<add name="myDB" connectionString="Data Source=C55D167598;Initial Catalog=WebRequests;User ID=web_login;Password=web_login"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add connectionStringName="myDB" minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0"
enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"minRequiredPasswordLength="8" name="myMProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" />
I am not able to connect to database from my application.I getting the following error, Database is on my local system only.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Thanks in advance

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Probem With A Replication With Two Publications

Jun 12, 2006


I have a database with two publications.
One publication is used to replicate data among 4 SQL Servers, while the other is used for the replication with SQL Server CE clients.
The problem here is that the SQLCE receive a number of changes that it is not correct.
Before establishing the publication for SQL Servers the SQL CE clients were working great, but now i have this problem.

Is there any patch or fix I should install on the server?, or do you know how can I solve this?

Thank you.

Omar Rojas

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Probem In Calling Reports From ASP.Net Page

Feb 20, 2007


I am integrating RS2005 reports with asp.net page(VS 2005).the scenario is that i have created a

home page with a button.when i clicked on button it redirect to another page which contain report viewer control.This control is linked with report server report.Although report is showing when i directly execute the page but when i execute the home page and clicked on button it gives messege

The permissions granted to user 'GGNHTEL866ASPNET' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) "

although i have given full control to ASPNET on app folder and report server.

Pls suggest me.

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Probem Installing SQl Server 2005

Oct 3, 2006


I was trying to install sql server 2005 in my pc (xp prof. sp 2). I downloaded this file from Microsoft site.

After Unpacking the content of the file and checking the integrity of that package it€™s showing it€™s finished the installation. Now if I press the finish, it€™s showing cannot open package it€™s may be corrupted.

I downloaded 3 times and still same thing.
I tried in server 2003 too but no luck.
I really don€™t understand this. Can anyone plz help me?



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Probem In Using The Copy Database Wizard

Jan 15, 2006

I am trying to migrate from  Sql server2000 to Sql server 2005 with the help of Copy Database Wizard of 2005. It is failing in the Last step. That is when executing the Sql Jobs.Could any one help me out ?


Ram Vajrala

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Probem In Executing A Long Dynamic MDX From SQL Server

May 22, 2006

Hi ,What i exacly want to do is1. Connect to OLAP server from my Sql server using following querystring'SELECT a.* FROMOpenRowset(''MSOLAP'',''DATASOURCE="RAPID-CHRISTUS"; InitialCatalog="MRS";2. I want to execute my dynamically created MDX query . This query canbe greater than 8000 varchar limit.When my query length exceeds 8000 length i break it up into 2 parts..Here I have broken my query into 2 parts@mdx1 and @mdx2Now i execute the entire statement asexec('SELECT a.* FROMOpenRowset(''MSOLAP'',''DATASOURCE="RAPID-CHRISTUS"; InitialCatalog="MRS";'',' + @mdx1 + mdx2 ') as ' )Still error comes that :Unclosed quotation mark before the character string 'WITH MEMBER ..('With member' is the starting statement of my MDX query)Is there any other way to connect to OLAP server and execute an MDXstatement with a Length greater than 8000 charsTIA

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