Duplicate Reference Key Values
Mar 29, 2007
HI, I keep getting this warning with a lookup (full cache mode) that retreives data form a table that contains the following information:
The column tab matches SRCR_SYS, TABLE_NAME and FIELD_NAME (using constants defined in a derived column transform) .The code column comes from the source. We want to retreive the english_description colum from SRCR_SYS, TABLE_NAME,FIELD_NAME and CODE in the dataflow.
I would normally ignore the warning but sometimes, it seems that the lookup does not match any values and enabling memory restriction on the advanced tab resolve the issue and suppress the warning.
As I said, I keep getting this warning and I don't know why since there are no duplicates in the table? Am I missing something?
Thank you,
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Jul 23, 2005
HiWithin a stored procedure I'm getting the next value of a referencenumber using (simplified):BEGIN TRANSACTION@next_ref=select max(ref) from tableinsert into table (ref) values (@next_ref+1)create related records in other tables.COMMIT TRANSACTIONI'm getting duplicate values in a multi-user network, presumablybecause the new record is not commited until the transaction iscomplete and another user starts another transaction and reads the samemax value.Can anyone suggest a way of ensuring unique values? Perhaps by lockingthe table for the duration.There is already a separate identity column that increments ok.
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Apr 8, 2008
I want to insert data into table without duplicate values ..
how to do?
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Jun 12, 2015
I have 2 tables ... order table (shipping city and destination city) and a referential city table:
1:New York
In the order table the shipping address and destination address have the identity's a values, I want to write a join to show the names of the cities instead. I'm doing something like this, is there a way to do it in one select?
;with srcemkt as
select ID, OrderNumber, b.MarketCenterCity as 'SourceMKT',
from Orders as a
join MarketCity as b
[Code] .....
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Oct 18, 2015
I have a table with constantly changing data - stock.
I want to start monitoring the value of stock at the end of each month. I can do this with a simple query, export the results to Excel and store on the network.
My question is:
Are there better ways to do this with SQL Server?
I thought of a monthly "job" that does the query and outputs to a file. (Need to be able to look at each month separately though for trend monitoring.)
Then wondered, if I should have an extra table to store the data and write queries on that in the future?
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May 9, 2006
We migrate data from a legacy system to new system using SSIS. The primary key of legacy system is a user-defined sql server which holds alpha-numeric values. The primary key of new system is a big int(sequential numbers).
When we migrate data, we generate a sequential number for each legacy key(the primary key of legacy data) and insert data in to new system tables. The newly generated sequential numbers and the legacy keys are persisted in an intermidiate table for look up operations of child tables.
We are facing problem when we try to migrate tables which has self referring coulumns. For example a table called Employee has a column ManagerKey which refers to Key column of Employee table. We are struck up in defining data flow tasks to replace legacy ManagerKey column values with the new values(sequential values) generated during the migration process.
Please help me to solve this problem.
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Sep 22, 2015
I have a requirement for the following SSRS expression ( I am using Report Builder 3.0). The end user will input a selection via a mutli select parameter (financial month/s), if all month are inputted then sum(Field1.Month1.value...Field12.Month12.value )/12 * 100 else if parameter.value =1 then sum(field/s.values for selected month)/1 *100 else if month.values = 1 AND 2 then sum(field/s.values for selected month)/2 *100 and so on for any combination of the selected inputs.
Put in simpler terms I would like to calculate a percentage from a field/s containing relevent values, based on month/s the user inputs.
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Apr 14, 2004
I have a table which is a license holder table (i.e., plumbers, electricians etc...) There are some people who appear in the table more than once as they have more than 1 type of license. I am tasked with querying out 200 of these people a week for mailing a recruitment letter which I am doing using the following select statement:
SELECT TOP 200 Technicians.Name, Technicians.Address, Technicians.City, Technicians.State, Technicians.ZipCode, Technicians.LicenseType
FROM Technicians
My problem is that this doesn't deal with the duplicates and distinct won't work because I need to pass the license type and that's the one field that's always distinct while the name and adress fields duplicate.
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Feb 8, 2007
I'm ok at SQL, but this has really confused me - please help!
I've got a table which (amongst others) has two columns - myID, and barcode. Ideally myID and barcode should be a 1 to 1 relationship... but it's not. So how can I get a list of all rows where 1 barcode value has >1 myID? (and also vice versa if possible). Thanks!
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Oct 12, 2007
Hi Guys!
I am trying to figure out a query to which the logic is simple, but I'm missing some basic SQL skill or technique somewhere.....
I have a table called NAME, from which I want to display the following columns:
namecode name Postaladdress
(there's a column called NAME as well as the table being called name incase your wondering)...
I'm concerned with the namecode and name columns for now....
I want to find duplicate name values from the table, how do I do this?
for example, in name, I have the value 'Long water Beach' appear twice. I want the query to show me how many times this appears from this table (duplicate values??)
Both namecode and name are navchar datatypes. So far I tried something like:
select name, namecode, postaladdress
from name
where name in
(select name
from name
group by name, namecode, postaladdress
having count(name) > 1)
I guess we can focus on the subquery here, but I just need that function or code which shows me the duplicate values!! I know its something staring me in the face, but I just can't see it!!
Any help please???
Much appreciated
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May 7, 2007
Hi,I have written a stored procedure to store values from a report i generated to the DB. Now there is a column PKID which is the primary key but also needs to be repeated at times. I tried to clear the memory that the same PKID has already been entered for which I wrote another SP. SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCRMPublisherSummaryUpdate]( @ReportDate smalldatetime, @SiteID int, @DataFeedID int, @FromCode varchar, @Sent int, @Delivered int, @TotalOpens REAL, @UniqueUserOpens REAL, @UniqueUserMessageClicks REAL, @Unsubscribes REAL, @Bounces REAL, @UniqueUserLinkClicks REAL, @TotalLinkClicks REAL, @SpamComplaints int, @Cost int)ASSET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @PKID INTDECLARE @TagID INTSELECT @TagID=ID FROM Tag WHERE SiteID=@SiteID AND FromCode=@FromCodeSELECT @PKID=PKID FROM DimTag WHERE TagID=@TagID AND StartDate<=@ReportDate AND @ReportDate< ISNULL(EndDate,'12/31/2050')IF @PKID IS NULL BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @PKID=PKID FROM DimTag WHERE TagID=@TagID AND SiteID=@SiteIDDECLARE @LastReportDate smalldatetime, @LastSent INT, @LastDelivered INT, @LastTotalOpens Real, @LastUniqueUserOpens Real, @LastUniqueUserMessageClicks Real, @LastUniqueUserLinkClicks Real, @LastTotalLinkClicks Real, @LastUnsubscribes Real, @LastBounces Real, @LastSpamComplaints INT, @LastCost INT SELECT @Sent=@Sent-Sent,@Delivered=@Delivered-Delivered,@TotalOpens=@TotalOpens-TotalOpens,@UniqueUserOpens=@UniqueUserOpens-UniqueUserOpens,@UniqueUserMessageClicks=@UniqueUserMessageClicks-UniqueUserMessageClicks,@UniqueUserLinkClicks=@UniqueUserLinkClicks-UniqueUserLinkClicks,@TotalLinkClicks=@TotalLinkClicks-TotalLinkClicks,@Unsubscribes=@Unsubscribes-Unsubscribes,@Bounces=@Bounces-Bounces,@SpamComplaints=@SpamComplaints-SpamComplaints,@Cost=@Cost-Cost FROM CrmPublisherSummary WHERE @LastReportDate < @ReportDate AND SiteID=@SiteID AND TagPKID=@PKIDUPDATE CrmPublisherSummary SET Sent=@Sent, Delivered=@Delivered, TotalOpens=@TotalOpens, UniqueUserOpens=@UniqueUserOpens, UniqueUserMessageClicks=@UniqueUserMessageClicks, UniqueUserLinkClicks=@UniqueUserLinkClicks, TotalLinkClicks=@TotalLinkClicks, Unsubscribes=@Unsubscribes, Bounces=@Bounces, SpamComplaints=@SpamComplaints, Cost=@Cost, TagID=@TagID WHERE ReportDate=@ReportDate AND SiteID=@SiteID AND TagPKID=@PKIDENDELSE INSERT INTO CrmPublisherSummary( ReportDate, SiteID, TagPKID, Sent, Delivered, TotalOpens, UniqueUserOpens, UniqueUserMessageClicks, UniqueUserLinkClicks, TotalLinkClicks, Unsubscribes, Bounces, SpamComplaints, Cost, DataFeedID, TagID) VALUES( @ReportDate, @SiteID, @PKID, @Sent, @Delivered, @TotalOpens, @UniqueUserOpens, @UniqueUserMessageClicks, @UniqueUserLinkClicks, @TotalLinkClicks, @Unsubscribes, @Bounces, @SpamComplaints, @Cost, @DataFeedID, @TagID)SET NOCOUNT OFF this is the one to clear: SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER proc [dbo].[spCRMPublisherSummaryClear]( @SiteID INT, @DataFeedID INT, @ReportDate SMALLDATETIME) AS DELETE LandingSiteSummary WHERE SiteID=@SiteID AND ReportDate=@ReportDatebut it doesnt seem to be working.Please suggest.
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Aug 26, 1998
We are experiencing a problem at more than one site - it has only
just started happening.
We are actually getting duplicate Identity column values in various
tables and the values seem random - its not like the counter just gets
wound back.
We have used dbcc checkident and also bcp out and in the data, which
of course corrected the tables but only temporarily. Our application
is not doing any select into`s - just plain old inserts which for some
reason are allowing dups to be inserted into the tables.
problem sites are either sp3 or sp4.
There are thousands of sites (including most of ours) where there are
no problems like this with this particular app.
Any help from anyone would be most appreciated.
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Jun 11, 2007
i am trying to delete rows where a particular column (hours) has the same value for the same member (primary key) but where the effective dates are different. i want to delete the duplicate(s) rows which have the most recent effective date(s).
can you help?
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Sep 11, 2004
hi all
i want to extract only the duplicate values from a table
can any one know the sql syntax for that
thnking u
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Nov 12, 2004
I know this question has been asked before but this is a little different and I can't seem to get my head around it right now.
What i have is a table like so:
100 24 something1
100 24 this is a test
100 24
100 25 somethingelse
101 36 something
101 37 something else altogether
What i need is to determine which ID1 value has the same ID2 value listed more than once WITH the description filled in. If there is no description filled in even though the ID2 may be listed twice on one ID1, then it's ok and don't want it displayed in the query.
So, in this case, ID1 of 100 has ID2 24 listed twice with a description on both ID2's (of 24). this is what I need to show up in the query like so:
100 24 something1
100 24 this is a test
Could someone give me a hand with this? I've found similiar problems...but haven't been able to apply those answers to this.
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May 28, 2008
I have written this script: What I want to do now is, with the new JOINED table find and display all the duplicates custID WHERE the price is either 100 OR 200. Can anyone help? I am very new to all this and can't see how to do it. Thanks!
table_customer T1
table_itemsBought T2
T2.custID = T1.custID
price = '100'
OR price = '200';
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May 9, 2000
We have a table with 1 million rows with duplicates in a column which allows nulls.Can we enforce uniqueness for only future inserts by anyway(ignoring the old ones)?
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Feb 5, 2005
Hi All,
Is it possible in SQL to Restrict value in one table checking a value on anather tables.
I have two table let say,
Teb1 and Teb2. Teb1 has a column called- Business_type and Teb2 has a coulmn called Incorporated_date. I just need to restrict If the value of Business_type column in Teb1 is "Propritory" then Incorporated_date in Teb2 should not be blank (nulll) . Otherwise it can take null value.
Scenerio -2.[/B]
I have table called [B]SIC.
This table has a two column called SIC1 anc SIC2 . Is it possible to restrict that clumn SIC1 and SIC2 should have same values( duplicate values cannot be entered in both columns.
Please Advise.
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Jun 11, 2007
Quote: Originally Posted by achoudry ps i am using sqlserver well, whaddya know, eh
do you realize you posted in the mysql forum?
i'm gonna move this thread to the sql server forum
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Dec 10, 2013
Is there a way to find duplicate values and get the timediff from the start and end of each duplicate.
datetimeTagname value MachineValueTime Diff Minutes
12/9/13 8:55machine_1 14,423 Machine_1 14,423 5
12/9/13 9:00machine_1 14,423 Machine_1 14,428 9
12/9/13 9:05machine_1 14,428 Machine_1 42,743 4
12/9/13 9:10machine_1 14,428
12/9/13 9:14machine_1 14,428
12/9/13 11:32machine_1 42,743
12/9/13 11:36machine_1 42,743
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi there,I would like to know how to get rows with duplicate values in certaincolumns. Let's say I have a table called "Songs" with the followingcolumns:artistalbumtitlegenretrackNow I would like to show the duplicate songs to the user. I considersongs that have the same artist and the same title to be the same song.Note: All columns do not have to be the same.How would I accomplish that with SQL in SQL Server?Thanks to everyone reading this. I hope somebody has an answer. I'vealready searched the whole newsgroups, but couldn't find the solution.
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Jul 19, 2007
Is there a setting in SQL Server that ensures a column is not allowed to have the same value more than once? Or must this be set up in the insert statment itself? Or how about a business rule?
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Feb 28, 2008
Hi i have a junction table(UserGroups) which is linking my "users" table with my "groups" table, however when the information is coming back in the format below, instead i want the group names to appear in only one field, instead of repeating the same data, could someone please tell me what i need to change.
UserName: Edwin CarolsUserAge: 28JobTitle: ManagerGroupName: MUFC
UserName: Edwin CarolsUserAge: 28JobTitle: ManagerGroupName: AFC
Below is my SQL statement;
SELECT Users.UserName,Users.UserAge, Users.JobTitle, Groups.GroupName FROM Users INNER JOIN UserGroups ON Users.UserID = UserGroups.UserID INNER JOIN Groups ON UserGroups.GroupID = Groups.GroupID WHERE (Users.UserID = '5')
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Oct 18, 2001
There's some SQL below (T-SQL) & I'm wanting to have this result set
grouped by Venue_ID in order to remove rows where there are duplicate values contained in just one column.
The columns BCOM_ID contain unique values, but Venue_ID can have duplicate
values. I only want to get rows for one instance of the Venue_ID (per
BCOM_ID) - doesn't matter which instance but basically, no duplicates.
Oh yes, one of the columns is a Bit column.
Any ideas would be welcome & appreciated!
Many thanks,
SELECT Booking_Header.BH_ID,
Booking_Header.BStat_ID, Booking_Header.BT_ID,
Booking_Header.Tagged, Booking_Header.Status_Timestamp,
Booking_Header.Start_Date, Booking_Header.Days_Qty,
Proposal.PPL_ID, Proposal.PPL_Status,
Booking_Component.Venue_ID, Venue.Venue_Code,
Venue.Description, Address.Address_ID, Address.Town,
FROM dbo.Booking_Header INNER JOIN
dbo.Proposal ON
dbo.Booking_Header.BH_ID = dbo.Proposal.BH_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Booking_Component ON
dbo.Proposal.PPL_ID = dbo.Booking_Component.PPL_ID INNER
dbo.Venue ON
dbo.Booking_Component.Venue_ID = dbo.Venue.VE_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Address ON
dbo.Venue.VE_ID = dbo.Address.VE_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.Booking_Status ON
dbo.Booking_Header.BStat_ID = dbo.Booking_Status.BStat_ID INNER
dbo.Booking_Type ON
dbo.Booking_Header.BT_ID = dbo.Booking_Type.BT_ID
WHERE (dbo.Proposal.PPL_Status = 1) AND
(dbo.Booking_Header.BH_ID = 10)
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Mar 1, 2008
Hi i have a junction table(UserGroups) which is linking my "users" table with my "groups" table, however when the information is coming back in the format below, instead i want the group names to appear in only one field, instead of repeating the same data, could someone please tell me what i need to change.
UserName: Edwin Carols
UserAge: 28
JobTitle: Manager
GroupName: MUFC
UserName: Edwin Carols
UserAge: 28
JobTitle: Manager
GroupName: AFC
Below is my SQL statement;
SELECT Users.UserName,Users.UserAge, Users.JobTitle, Groups.GroupName FROM Users INNER JOIN UserGroups ON Users.UserID = UserGroups.UserID INNER JOIN Groups ON UserGroups.GroupID = Groups.GroupID WHERE (Users.UserID = '5')
And my table structure is like;
Users; UserID, UserName, UserAge
Groups; GroupID, GroupName
UserGroups; UserGroupID, UserID, GroupID
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Feb 18, 2015
I have a set of data in which i have a product number going through 6 stages and each stage has a date. Since the each stages are in columns, I have created a unpivot query to transpose the columns into rows.
The actual result data needs to be in format of
ProductNumber Event_NameEvent_Date Event_Days
101 Stage 1 2/13/2014 1
101 Stage 2 2/13/2014 0
101 Stage 3 2/18/2014 5
101 Stage 4 2/23/2014 5
However the result data i am getting is like
ProductNumber Event_NameEvent_Date Event_Days
101 Stage 1 2/13/2014 1
101 Stage 1 2/13/2014 0
101 Stage 1 2/18/2014 5
101 Stage 1 2/23/2014 5
101 Stage 2 2/13/2014 1
101 Stage 2 2/13/2014 0
101 Stage 2 2/18/2014 5
101 Stage 2 2/23/2014 5
The unpivot query is working fine however I am getting duplicate values in the result. For each productnumber there must be only 6 results however i am getting 24 rows for each product number due to duplication.
I have attached the code and the source data for reference
SELECT distinct ProductNumber ,
Event_Name ,
Event_Date ,
SELECT ProductNumber ,
[Code] .....
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Oct 2, 2000
After adding a Unique constraint to a database I cannot add more than one record with a null value for the constrained field. I've tried both adding the constraint to an empty table as well as a table with multiple null values already in the subject field; both efforts have failed.
According to BOL SQL-7 allows Unique Constraints on fields with Null values. Am I missing a step? I do need to allow nulls in the field yet ensure that when there is a non-null value it is unique.
The SQL statement I've used is: ALTER TABLE tbl_MasterUIC ADD CONSTRAINT uniquesamplenbr UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (samplenbr)
Thanks for any and all suggestions
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a stored procedure that returns a single row based on a parameter of employee ID. This particular procedure uses a CTE to traverse our org structure. One of the columns is returning a delimited string of Windows login values and due to the business rules, it can contain duplicate values. I need to have that column contain only unique values - no dupes.
For example, this one column could contain something like this:
domainuser1;domainuser2;domainuser2;domainuser 3;
The need is to convert to this:
I know that's a tall order.
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Oct 14, 2014
With the data example below I am trying to consolidate the duplicate rows by flattening the dealer and billcode, or putting those values in each of the columns instead of creating separate rows...
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Oct 18, 2013
I've got 2 tables of towns. I'm using outer join because i need all the town from both tables. However I'm sometimes getting duplicates.
My query
select a.town, b.town
from a
outer join b on a.town = b.town
group by a.town, b.town
How to stop getting null values?
portsmouth null
portsmouth portsmouth
southampton southampton
null southampton
TownA null
null TownB
I'm looking for distinct values like this:
portsmouth portsmouth
southampton southampton
TownA null
null TownB
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Oct 1, 2015
My data is like below:
ClassId ClassName StudentId Subject SubjectId
1 ESL 12 English 20
1 ESL 13 Science 30
1 ESL 12 Social 40
1 ESL 12 Maths 50
Required output: parameters are Subject column values
ClassId ClassName TotalStudents SubjectIds
1 ESL 1 20, 40, 50
1 ESL 1 30
When one student takes multiple subjects then count student only once, so in the above data 12 is one student id takes multiple subjects so counted only once. TotalStudents value is 1
I did write below query:
Declare @subjectids string
set @subjectids = '20,30,40,50'
-- will split @subjectids and store in temp table
select classname, classid, Count(Distinct StudentId)
from mytable
where SubjectsIds in @subjectIds
group by ClassId, ClassName, SubjectId,
but it gives me below output:
ClassId ClassName TotalStudents SubjectIds
1 ESL 1 20
1 ESL 1 30
1 ESL 1 40
1 ESL 1 50
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Aug 27, 2007
How do I suppress duplicate values from being displayed on a report data region? Is there an option to suppress duplicates and where is it?
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Oct 14, 2015
I need write a query for removing duplicates, for Example in my table I have columns
A_ID name id
1 sam 10
2 sam 10
3 sam 10
4 sam 10
5 ccc 15
6 ccc 15
7 ccc 15
8 fff 20
9 fff 20
10 fff 20
So now I have duplicates values in id column so now I need to take only one value of each and delete the remaining. I need to take first id value 10,15,20 so only 3 rows should be there in my table.
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