Dynamic Query With Variables In Store Procedure
May 18, 1999
Here is a snap form my code
declare @max_id int
declare @the_db varchar (30)
select @the_db = 'mydb'
exec ("select """ @max_id """ = max(id) from " + @the_db + "..mytable")
I got syntex error for the @max_id. The script is writen based on the sample given in MSSQL6.5 Book Online, chapter "Transaction-SQL Reference 6.0" section "C"->"Control-Flow Lang."->"Control-Flow Examples"
Can someone help me on how to assign a value to a local variable from a dynamic query.
Thank for any help in advance
Hank Lee
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Aug 23, 2007
I am taking my first steps into stored procedures and I am working on a solution for efficiently paging large resultsets with SQL Server 2000 based on the example on 4Guys: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/042606-1.shtml
The problem with my stored procedure is, is that it doesn't seem to recognize a variable (@First_Id) in my dynamic Sql. With this particular sproc I get the error message: "Must declare the scalar variable '@First_Id'"It seems to be a problem with 'scope', though I still can't yet figure out. Can anyone give me some hints on how to correctly implement the @First_Id in my stored procedure? Thanks in advance!
Here's the sproc:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spSearchNieuws(@SearchQuery NVARCHAR(100) = NULL,@CategorieId INT = NULL,@StartRowIndex INT, @MaximumRows INT,@Debug BIT = 0)ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @Sql_sri NVARCHAR(4000),@Sql_mr NVARCHAR(4000),@Paramlist NVARCHAR(4000),@First_Id INT, @StartRow INTSET ROWCOUNT @StartRowIndexSELECT @Sql_sri = 'SELECT @First_Id = dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId FROM dbo.tblNieuwsWHERE 1 = 1'IF @SearchQuery IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' AND FREETEXT(dbo.tblNieuws.Nieuwskop, @xSearchQuery)' IF @CategorieId IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' AND dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = @xCategorieId'SELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' ORDER BY dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId DESC'SET ROWCOUNT @MaximumRows SELECT @Sql_mr = 'SELECT dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsKop, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsLink, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsOmschrijving, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsDatum, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsTijd, dbo.tblNieuws.BronId, dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId, dbo.tblBronnen.BronNaam, dbo.tblBronnen.BronLink, dbo.tblBronnen.BiBu, dbo.tblBronnen.Video, dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieFROM dbo.tblNieuws INNER JOIN dbo.tblBronnen ON dbo.tblNieuws.BronId = dbo.tblBronnen.BronId INNER JOIN dbo.tblCategorieen ON dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieId AND dbo.tblBronnen.CategorieId = dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieId WHERE dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId <= @First_Id AND 1 = 1' IF @SearchQuery IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' AND FREETEXT(dbo.tblNieuws.Nieuwskop, @xSearchQuery)' IF @CategorieId IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' AND dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = @xCategorieId' SELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' ORDER BY dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId DESC'IF @Debug = 1PRINT @Sql_mr SELECT @Paramlist = '@xSearchQuery NVARCHAR(100), @xCategorieId INT'EXEC sp_executesql @Sql_sri, @Paramlist, @SearchQuery, @CategorieIdEXEC sp_executesql @Sql_mr, @Paramlist, @SearchQuery, @CategorieId
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Sep 8, 2015
I am having a challenge to pass the filename variable from SSIS Foreach Loop Container to SQL store procedure. I have an "Execute SQL Task" inside "Foreach Loop Container" which will receive the input filename parameter passed by the Foreach Loop Container. The store procedure command line is defined as "EXEC sp_mySQLStoreProcedure ?" within the "Execute SQL Task". The Foreach loop container will gather the filenames from File System then put it in the filename variable one by one. I would like to pass the filename variable as the input parameter to the sp_mySQLStoreProcedure in the "Execute SQL Task". How can I connect the variable and the store procedure so that it will process all the input files gathered by the Foreach Loop Container?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a department table like this:DeptID Department ParentID, Lineage1 HR NULL (2 Temp1 1 (1,3 Temp2 2 (1,24 PC NULL (I have a deptmember table like this:DeptID MemberID IsManager1 1 Y4 1 YI need to query table to get all department belong to MemberID 1 withall children departments.My thought is:1. Do Select * from deptmember where MemberID=1 and IsManager=Y2. Loop thru this table to build SQLWhere Lineage like '%1' OR Lineage like '%4'3. Select * from department using where statement from step 2.How do you loop thru results from step1, Do I need to use a cursor?Thanks,HL
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Dec 19, 2000
I have a dynamic query which returns me a result and I want to capture that value to make further use of it in the same code. Is that possible??
exec ('select col_nm from table_name'). i want the result of this query to be captured.
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Feb 18, 2006
Hello AllI get stuck in one problem , Please help me and excuse me on the poorKnowledgein SQL Server Store procedureQ1...I want to return a string type value from store procedure , Is itpossible to do it.if posible then Please guide us how we can do it .Q2...I search a lot on net but i am unable to understand the ExtendedStore Procedure.How to register it and how to use in our store procedure .Q3 ... How to use xp_sendmail.dll in SQL Server.Thanking youWith regardsTarun
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Oct 29, 1998
hi, does it make a difference to write the following select statement in either query window or create a sp and then calling the store procedure to be executed..
select * from authors
create procedure authors as
select * from authors
lets assume that we have million records in the author table. is it faster to run the query from within a store procedure or not ?
thanks for your input
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Nov 6, 2003
--keywords table:
[QueryId] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[QueryMode] int NOT NULL , --keyword query mode: 1=match(OR), 0=not match(NOT), 2=must match(AND)
[SKey] nvarchar (200) NULL
--target table:
[PId] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[PTitle] nvarchar (200) NULL
I want to match PTitle column in table(Test) with 3 type of query-mode keys, and return all matched records, how should i do the "select..." query in store procedure?
PS. sqlserver's full text index mode is off.
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Apr 12, 2008
I want to write more than one insert query in single store procedure.
Is it possible to insert a row into multiple tables with a single insert into query.
Thank You.
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Sep 22, 2006
I am not sure if this possible, but I have store procedures that access to multiple databases, therefore I currently have to hardcode my database name in the queries. The problem start when I move my store procedures into the production, and the database name in production is different. I have to go through all my store procedures and rename the DBname. I am just wonder if there is way that I could define my database name as a global variable and then use that variable as my DB name instead of hardcode them?
something like
Declare @MyDatabaseName varchar(30)
set @MyDatabaseName = "MyDB"
SELECT * from MyDatabaseName.dbo.MyTable
Any suggestion? Please.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 16, 2007
I need to create a stored procedure, which needs to accept the column name and table name as input parameter,
and form the select query at the run time with the given column name and table name..
my procedure is,
@myColumn varchar(100) ,
@myTable varchar(100)
SELECT @myColumn FROM @myTable
This one showing me the error,
stating that myTable is not declared..
.............as i need to perform this type of query for more than 10 tables.. i need the stored procedure to accept the column and table as parameters..
Plese help me?? Is it possible in stored procedure..
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Apr 22, 2008
Hi i am trying to make the "userName" section of the code below dynamic as well, how can i do this, the reason being userName will not always be passed through to it.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]
@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,
@regionID INT
)ASdeclare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userIDFROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOINSubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like ' + char(39) + '%' + @UserName + '%' + char(39)
if(@subCategoryID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID = ' + cast( @subCategoryID as varchar(10))if(@regionID <> 0) set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId = ' + cast( @regionID as varchar(10))
print @StaticStr
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Jun 13, 2008
Hi, I have a table with values such as test1, test2, test3, test4, test5.
I need to write a stored procedure with paramater (number TINYINT, number2 TINYINT), the number represents the field that I'm going to select and compare. For example if I pass in (1,5) I will need the fields test1 and test5 and store them in Temp and Temp2. How do I write the following to so it will dynamically select which field to use when passing the parameters?
SELECT top 1 Temp = test1, Temp2 = test5 from table
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Apr 19, 2008
Hi i have a page whereby the user can make a search based on three things, they are a textbox(userName), dropdownlist(subcategoryID), and region (regionID). The user does not have to select all three, he or she can enter a name into the textbox alone and make the search or enter a name into the textbox and select a dropdownlist value, my question is how can i build this procedure, I tried this but it didnt work;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]
@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,
@regionID INT
declare @StaticStr nvarchar(5000)
set @StaticStr = 'SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,
Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userID
FROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategories ON Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOIN
SubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE UserName like @UserName'
if(@subCategoryID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.subCategoryID = @subCategoryID '
if(@regionID <> 0)
set @StaticStr = @StaticStr + ' and SubCategories.RegionId = @regionID '
exec sp_executesql @StaticStr
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May 4, 2015
What will be the best way to write this code? I have the following code:
status_sent as nvarchar(30)
case status_sent =( select * from TableSignal
[Code] ...
then if Signal Sent.... do the following query:
Select * from package.....
if signal not sent don't do anything
How to evaluate the first query with the 2 options and based on that options write the next query.
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Jun 17, 2015
Is it possible to check query execution plan of a store procedure from create script (before creating it)?
Basically the developers want to know how a newly developed procedure will perform in production environment. Now, I don't want to create it in production for just checking the execution plan. However they've provided SQL script for the procedure. Now wondering is there any way to look at the execution plan for this procedure from the script provided?
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Jul 24, 2007
I'm creating a small application for my local school district that will allow them to do a small management of inventory.
Is there a way to create an executable script that will create the default databases the first time? If so, what all do I need to do for the script and to make it execute?
I want to make a section in my OPTIONS area where users can put the path to their db (will not be hosted on the same PC as the software) along with the username and password for the db. I know I can store this information in a predetermined variable in the program so that it can reference it off and on.
Could someone please help me with this..... If it's in the wrong forum please let me know.
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Mar 7, 2006
I want to store the System::StartTime in my Integration Table Log. Please guide how can I use this in my Execute SQL Task Block. I write this SQL Statement:
INSERT INTO CMN_tblIntegration VALUES ('HRM_tblParty', ?) Which the ? is for the parameter. I go to parameter mapping tab and map the System::SatrTime to parameter0, but the package fails to run. I also changed the ? to @IntDate and also changed the parameter name but the error was the same.
Please help how to write this System Variable value in to that table.
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Dec 13, 2013
I am looking for "substitution variables to temporarily store value" with sqlcmd in sql server . I know the query in oracle, but looking for equivalent query in sql server?
In oracle query is like this:
select *
from tablename
where deptnumber = &department_number;
Enter Value for department_number
I am looking this query in sql serevr2008.
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Jul 23, 2014
I have created a stored procedure with dynamic query and using sp_executesql . stored procedure is work fine.
Now i want to call stored procedure in select statement because stored procedure return a single value.
I search on google and i find openrowset but this generate a meta data error
So how i can resolve it ???
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Aug 9, 2005
Hey,I have two tables of data, table1 and table2. In Table1, there is a"id" field, a "name" field, and an e-mail field. In table2, there is an"id" field, and paramters that belong to the certain "id". When I wantto create a new record, I want to make both of the entries at the sametime and have their "id"s match. I thought that the best way of doingthis was to create the data in table1, then get the "id" field of thatentry by way of matching the "name", and then use that id for the "id"field value for the entry to table2. The problem is this... I don'tknow how to collect the value of table1.id and store it in a variableto be sent with the rest of the data to table2. This is what I tried:-------------------------------@name varchar(8000),@email varchar(8000)INSERT INTO table1 (name, email)VALUES (@name, @email)SELECT idFROM table1WHERE table1.name = @name--------------------------------[color=blue]>From there, I don't know what to do...[/color]
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Aug 23, 2004
Hello, all. I'm attempting to insert data into a table variable using dynamic SQL created at runtime.
However, with a Table variable, SQL server will not allow the EXEC method to be used in an INSERT statement.
How do I go about this?
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Sep 21, 2004
Can anyone tell me if it's possible in SQL Server 2000 to build dynamically a select statement and get some values to variables (simple not tables) from the select ?
Rui Ferreira
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Jan 8, 2008
Hello there,
i have been asked about a thing that, i think, is not possible. But maybe i am wrong.
Is it possible to have a Stored Procedure in that the declaration of the variables is dynamic?
This means, can i get the variable name and the type of it from a database to create
a dynamic stored procedure that changes itself by firing a trigger.
Thanks for all oppinions and answers.
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Nov 13, 2006
I know I can call store procedure from store procedure but i want to take the value that the store procedure returned and to use it:
I want to create a table and to insert the result of the store procedure to it.
This is the code: Pay attention to the underlined sentence!
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[test]
CREATE TABLE tbl1 (first_name int ,last_name nvarchar(10) )
INSERT INTO tbl1 (first_name,last_name)
VALUES (exec total_cash '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' 'gilad' ,'cohen')
PLEASE HELP!!!! and God will repay you in kind!
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Jul 3, 2006
I have a requirement to create many SSIS packages and no datatransform is required so the BCP task looks a good contender providing it can do both import & export
is it possible to parse the values in bold as package variables into the BCP task. If so how?
BULK INSERT ipcs_wvg.dbo.extract
FROM 'D:IPCSextract.csv'
WITH (FORMATFILE = 'D:ipcsqueryextract.xml');
Thanks in advance
I have a global database called ETL Configuration for all my SSIS packages that uses a single table. So I can create three global variables
USE [ETLConfiguration]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SSIS Configurations](
[ConfigurationFilter] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ConfiguredValue] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL,
[PackagePath] [nvarchar](255) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[ConfiguredValueType] [nvarchar](20) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL
Here is the data I would put in here
ConfigurationFilter = 'MySSISPackageName'
ConfiguredValue = 'D:IPCSextract.csv'
PackagePath = 'Package.Variables[User::gsFileName].Properties[Value]'
ConfiguredValueType = 'String'
ConfigurationFilter = 'MySSISPackageName'
ConfiguredValue = 'D:ipcsqueryextract.xml'
PackagePath = 'Package.Variables[User::gsFormatFile].Properties[Value]'
ConfiguredValueType = 'String'
ConfigurationFilter = 'MySSISPackageName'
ConfiguredValue = 'ipcs_wvg.dbo.extract'
PackagePath = 'Package.Variables[User::gsTableName].Properties[Value]'
ConfiguredValueType = 'String'
--Database connection info
ConfigurationFilter = 'MySSISPackageName'
ConfiguredValue = '.mssql2005'
PackagePath = 'Package.Connections[MyDatabaseName].Properties[ServerName]'
ConfiguredValueType = 'String'
ConfigurationFilter = 'MySSISPackageName'
ConfiguredValue = 'MyDatabaseName'
PackagePath = 'Package.Connections[MyDatabaseName].Properties[InitialCatalog]'
ConfiguredValueType = 'String'
I have looked at lots of options to automaticly create SSIS packages and have a hunch that that simple can be better: All these solutions look way to complex to what I want to achieve--
Create DataFlow Package Sample
SMOTableList Sample
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Jul 18, 2015
I am trying to insert different number of columns into variables. This is what it does If I use a static columns.
declare @AccountType nvarchar(10)
declare @Total numerical(15,2)
declare @1 numerical (15,2)
declare @2 numerical (15,2)
declare @3 numerical (15,2)
#MonthtoDate temp table is created using a dynamic pivot query.
Data looks like this :
Account Type 1 2
3 Total
Type 1 3
0 4 7
Type 2 5
7 1 13
Select @AccountType = AcctType , @Total = MonthToDate, @1 = [1], @2 = [2], @3 = [3] from #MonthtoDate
However the issue is with [1],[2],[3] columns. Those are the number of days of the month. If today is the 3rd day of the month, we only need to show 3 days. So the final table has column [1],[2],[3] and @AccountType and @Total .
We want to run this query everyday to get the moth to date values.If we run this tomorrow, it will have 4 date columns [1], [2],[3],[4] and @AccountType and @Total .
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Nov 20, 2013
My store Procedure is not save in Strore Procedure folder at the time of saving it give me option to save in Project folder and file name default is SQLQuery6.sql when i save it after saving when i run my store procedure
exec [dbo].[SP_GetOrdersForCustomer] 'ALFKI'
I am getting below error :
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.SP_GetOrdersForCustomer'.
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Aug 23, 2007
Hello All,
I have a Master Package which calls a group of other packages out on the SSIS Package Store using parent / child and a number of variables. These seem to work when passing various audit information (audit key, record counts, etc) but when I try to pass a variable for the connection string and assign it via an expression to the connection manager, I get the Master Package writing to the correct database and the children package writing to their "default" database which is supplied as the default value in the variables which should be populated by the parent task.
i.e., I end up with my master package audit information in database a and child package audit and transactions in database b, even though the packages associated with these transactions are supposed to be reading the connection string from a parent variable. Any clues or suggestions?
Edit: It is still passing along the correct parent audit information and record counts, it's just not connecting to the correct database by the variables holding the connect string
Thanks for your time.
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Jul 3, 2007
Ok, so i have this program, and at the moment, it generates an sql statement based on an array of db fields, and an array of values...
my question is this, is there any way to create a stored procedure that has multiple dynamic colums, where the amount of colums could change based on how many are in the array, and therefore passed by parameters...
if this is possible, is it then better the pass both columns and values as parameters, (some have over 50 columns)...or just create a seperate stored procedure for each scenario?? i have no worked out how many this could be, but there is 6 different arrays of colums, 3 possible methods (update, insert and select), and 2 options for each of those 24...so possibly upto 48 stored procs...
this post has just realised how deep in im getting. i might just leave it as it is, and have it done in my application...
but my original question stands, is there any way to add a dynamic colums to a stored proc, but there could be a different number of colums to update or insert into, depending on an array??
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Sep 19, 2000
I am kind of new to the sequel server and I have to write a stored procedure to create raw of my table. I wrote the following stored procedures, but I am not sure weather I can use variables in select statements as in the following procedure. Could you please explain what is the problem, why I am getting an error, when I am trying to create it? <The error says that there is an incorrect syntax near '@tbleName' in lines 21, 25 and 30>
Thank you very much!
/* Inserts raw into the talble tbleName. Called from other procs.
tbleName: The name of the table to insert
other variables: values to insert
checkParentId,..: items to be checked upon-parentid, position, parent primary key
0 : Successfully inserted a raw into the table
-1 : Position to insert is taken
-16: The specified parent does not exist
-17: Insert was unsuccessful
create procedure sp_acml_createRaw (@tbleName VARCHAR(50), @nameN VARCHAR(50),
@hrefN VARCHAR(50), @posN VARCHAR(50), @parentIdN VARCHAR(50),
@nameV VARCHAR(150),@hrefV VARCHAR(255),
@checkParentId VARCHAR(50), @checkPosition VARCHAR(50),
@checkParentKey VARCHAR(50))
/* Check weather the parent exist */
IF exists (select @parentIdN
from @tbleName
where @tbleName.@checkParentKey = @parentIdV) /* if parent exist */
/* Check weather the isertion position is correct */
IF exists (select @checkParentId from @tbleName
where @tbleName.@checkParentId = @parentIdV AND
@tbleName.@checkPosition = @posV)
return -15 /*Insertion position is incorrect - it is taken already*/
/* Insertion postion is correct */
insert into @tbleName(@tbleName.@nameN, @tbleName.@hrefN, @tbleName.@posN, @tbleName.@parentIdN)
values (@nameV, @hrefV, @posV, @parentIdV)
IF (@@ERROR != 0)
return -17 /* Insert was unsuccessful */
return 0
return -16 /* The parent specified was not found */
/* End of sp_acml_createRaw */
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Aug 25, 2004
I am writing a stored procedure that basically gets a whole lot of info. Simple enough... that part works. Now I want to add functionality to pass in sortBy and direction variables so the results can be sorted from a web page. The code I have is:
ALTER procedure GetRecruiterApplicants
@trackerGroup varchar(50),
@sortBy varchar(20),
@dir varchar(5)
set nocount on
SELECT distinct l.AccessCode, l.ApplicantGivenName, l.ApplicantFamilyName, l.DateCreated, l.DateApplicantAccessed, p.ApplicationTitle, l.disabled
FROM chamslinks l, chamsProjectIDs p, chamsGroups g
WHERE l.TrackerID IN (SELECT userid FROM #VU)
AND g.trackerGroup = @trackerGroup
AND p.groupTblID = g.groupTblID
AND p.ProjectID = l.ProjectID
ORDER BY l.@sortBy @dir
DROP Table #VU
set nocount off
The error I am getting is: "Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetRecruiterApplicants, Line 24
Line 24: Incorrect syntax near '@dir'."
Any help?
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Aug 20, 2007
i ahve the following procedure
create PROCEDURE testflu @p_acad_period nvarchar (5)
/* Base Table fields */
DECLARE @t_student_id nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @full_time_student bit
DECLARE @student_id nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @acad_period nvarchar (5)
DECLARE @aos_code nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @aos_period nvarchar (5)
DECLARE @full_desc_static nvarchar (200)
DECLARE @full_desc_session nvarchar (200)
DECLARE @dept_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @aos_start_dt datetime
DECLARE @exp_length smallint
DECLARE @unit_length nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @student_year tinyint
DECLARE @hrs_per_week int
DECLARE @aos_end_dt datetime
DECLARE @no_of_weeks numeric
DECLARE @hrs_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @main_course_study_is_C2K tinyint
DECLARE @hrs_actual decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_actual_student decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_notional_course decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_notional_student decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @student_type nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @moa_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @qual_aim nvarchar (3)
DECLARE @numeric_qual_aim int
DECLARE @subject_code nvarchar (4)
DECLARE @subject_area_main nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @subject_area_group nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @course_group char (1)
DECLARE @FE_HE_type char (2)
DECLARE @nvq_lvl_ind nvarchar (1)
DECLARE @geolocn_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @surname nvarchar (40)
DECLARE @forename nvarchar (40)
DECLARE @birth_dt datetime
DECLARE @post_code nvarchar (8)
DECLARE @student_attend_mode nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @funding decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @key_skill_count smallint
DECLARE @additionality_yn bit
DECLARE @fee_waiver nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @start_date datetime
DECLARE @student_status nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @end_date datetime
DECLARE @spec_learn_disab nvarchar (2)
DECLARE @sldd_ind tinyint
DECLARE @age smallint
DECLARE @full_time_ind tinyint
DECLARE @age_1960_ind tinyint
DECLARE @tsn_ind tinyint
DECLARE @link_ind tinyint
DECLARE @ESOL nvarchar (3)
DECLARE @esol_ind tinyint
DECLARE @infill_ind tinyint
DECLARE @RP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @threshold1 datetime
DECLARE @threshold2 datetime
DECLARE @threshold3 datetime
DECLARE @student_full_cost_ind tinyint
DECLARE @fundable_ind tinyint
DECLARE @LP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @LP2_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @LP3_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @outcome nchar (10)
DECLARE @OP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @tenhour_ind tinyint
DECLARE @basicIT nchar (3)
DECLARE @basic_it_ind tinyint
DECLARE @special_needs_ind tinyint
DECLARE @Evening_course tinyint
DECLARE @RP_basic decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_NTETS_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_NTETS decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_Age decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_TSN decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_IT decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_SLDD decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_ESOL decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_basic decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @subj_area_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_weighted decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_SLDD decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_VOC decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_AGE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_TSN decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_HE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_FEE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @OP decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @spurs_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @student_SPURS_total decimal(18,2)
DECLARE @out_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @main_course_study tinyint
DECLARE @exp_days int
DECLARE @act_days int
DECLARE @total_students bigint
DECLARE @total_enrolments bigint
DECLARE @acad_year_spurs decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @ndaq_qual nvarchar (12)
UPDATE delflu
SET tot_students = 0,
tot_enrolments = 0,
flu_total = 0,
processing = 1,
process_start = GETDATE(),
process_end = NULL
WHERE acad_period = @p_acad_period
DELETE FROM delflubase
WHERE (acad_period = @p_acad_period)
SET @total_students = 0
SET @total_enrolments = 0
SET @acad_year_spurs = 0.00
SELECT stmaos.student_id, stmaos.acad_period, stmaos.aos_code, stmaos.aos_period, stcstatd.full_desc, stcsessd.full_desc AS SessionDescription,
stcsessd.dept_code, stcsessd.aos_start_dt, stcsessd.exp_length, stcsessd.unit_length, ISNULL(stmaos.student_year, 0) AS student_year,
stcsessd.hrs_per_week / 100 AS hrs_per_week, stcsessd.aos_end_dt, stcsessd.no_of_weeks, stcsessd.hrs_total / 100 AS hrs_total,
stmfesqa.student_type, stcsessd.moa_code, stcfesdt.qual_aim, stcfesdt.subject_code, delsubj.subj_area, ISNULL(delsubj.subj_course_group, 0)
AS subj_course_group, stcfesdt.nvq_lvl_ind, stcsessd.geolocn_code, stmbiogr.surname, stmbiogr.forename, stmbiogr.birth_dt, stmadres.post_code,
stmaos.attend_mode, stmfesqa.fee_override, stmaos.start_date, RTRIM(stmfesqa.course_status) AS course_status, stmfesqa.course_status_dt as end_date,
stmfesqa.spec_learn_disab, FLOOR(DATEDIFF(day, stmbiogr.birth_dt, stsacper.age_date))/365 AS Age, delESOL.subj_code AS ESOL, delspurs.threshold1, /* Log No.132694 - SQL changed*/
delspurs.threshold2, delspurs.threshold3, stmfesqa.outcome, delbasicIT.qual_aim AS basicIT, ISNULL(delsubjarea.subj_area_weight, 0.00)
AS subj_area_weight, ISNULL(deloutwgt.weighting, 0.10) AS weighting, ISNULL(stmaos.additionality_yn, 0) AS additionality_yn,
stcsessd ON stmaos.aos_code = stcsessd.aos_code AND stmaos.acad_period = stcsessd.acad_period AND
stmaos.aos_period = stcsessd.aos_period INNER JOIN
stcfesdt ON stmaos.acad_period = stcfesdt.acad_period AND stmaos.aos_code = stcfesdt.aos_code AND
stmaos.aos_period = stcfesdt.aos_period INNER JOIN
stmfesqa ON stmaos.student_id = stmfesqa.student_id AND stmaos.aos_code = stmfesqa.aos_code AND
stmaos.acad_period = stmfesqa.acad_period AND stmaos.aos_period = stmfesqa.aos_period INNER JOIN
stmbiogr ON stmaos.student_id = stmbiogr.student_id ON stsacper.acad_period = stmaos.acad_period AND
stsacper.start_date <= stcsessd.aos_start_dt AND stsacper.end_date >= stcsessd.aos_end_dt INNER JOIN
delspurs ON stmaos.acad_period = delspurs.acad_period INNER JOIN
stcstatd ON stmaos.aos_code = stcstatd.aos_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
deloutwgt ON stcfesdt.nvq_lvl_ind = deloutwgt.nvq_lvl_ind LEFT OUTER JOIN
delbasicIT ON stcfesdt.qual_aim = delbasicIT.qual_aim AND stcfesdt.subject_code = delbasicIT.subj_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
delESOL ON stcfesdt.subject_code = delESOL.subj_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
stmadres ON stmbiogr.student_id = stmadres.student_id AND stmbiogr.perm_add_id = stmadres.add_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
delsubjarea RIGHT OUTER JOIN
delsubj ON delsubjarea.subj_area = delsubj.subj_area ON stcfesdt.subject_code = delsubj.subj_code left outer join
stcstdet on stmaos.aos_code = stcstdet.aos_code inner join
nicisreports.dbo.ndaqquals on replace(stcstdet.text_field1,'/','') = nicisreports.dbo.ndaqquals.qual_ref
where stmaos.acad_period = @p_acad_period
and (stmaos.return_ind = 'F' OR stmaos.return_ind = 'B')
AND (stmaos.stage_ind = 'E')
AND (stcfesdt.qual_aim IS not null)
AND (stcfesdt.qual_aim IS not null)
and (stmfesqa.fund_source <> '09' OR stmfesqa.fund_source IS NULL)
and stmaos.start_date is not null
and stmaos.start_date <= getdate()
OPEN @base
INTO @student_id, @acad_period, @aos_code, @aos_period, @full_desc_static, @full_desc_session,
@dept_code, @aos_start_dt, @exp_length, @unit_length, @student_year,
@hrs_per_week, @aos_end_dt, @no_of_weeks, @hrs_total,@student_type,
@moa_code, @qual_aim, @subject_code,@subject_area_group, @course_group,
@nvq_lvl_ind, @geolocn_code, @surname, @forename, @birth_dt, @post_code,
@student_attend_mode, @fee_waiver, @start_date, @student_status, @end_date,
@spec_learn_disab, @age, @ESOL, @threshold1, @threshold2, @threshold3, @outcome, @basicIT,
@subj_area_weight, @out_weight, @additionality_yn,@ndaq_qual
when i run the follwoing i get
exec testflu '06/07'
Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Procedure testflu, Line 210
Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.
i am unsure cos from what i can see i ahve included all, am i missing something
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