I'm trying to work on an Integration Services project, and want to have a table copied into another table, but this destination table needs a datetimestamp in the name, like tbl061708547pm.
I can get this to work, but if I try to use it with an into statement and a "+", I get an error telling me something is wrong around the "+":
DECLARE @Date char(23)
SET @Date = 'myTBL_' + CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14)
Error with:
DECLARE @Date char(23)
SET @Date = 'myTBL_' + CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14)
SELECT * into @Date FROM myTBL
...and error with:
DECLARE @Date char(23)
SET @Date = CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14)
SELECT * into 'myTBL_ + @Date FROM myTBL;
I'm trying to work on an Integration Services project, and want to have a table copied into another table, but this destination table needs a datetimestamp in the name, like tbl061708547pm.
I can get this to work, but if I try to use it with an into statement and a "+", I get an error telling me something is wrong around the "+":
DECLARE @Date char(23) SET @Date = 'myTBL_' + CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14) SELECT colA, @Date FROM myTBL
***** Error with: DECLARE @Date char(23) SET @Date = 'myTBL_' + CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14) SELECT * into @Date FROM myTBL
...and error with: DECLARE @Date char(23) SET @Date = CONVERT(char(23), GETDATE(), 14) SELECT * into 'myTBL_ + @Date FROM myTBL;
Delete records from a table; keying off of a colum (expire date) thats data-type is datetime.
I would like to use command getdate less 2 years. So - I want to delete all records from a table where the expire date is 2 years older than the current date.
I'm using some files to show certain pages on certain date for an example
File name : aa.doc start date: 10/02/00 end date : 10/03/00
But it expires on 10/02/00, here is the strored procedure:
Before the date comes, it expires the page Here is my stored procedure:
" SELECT startdate, enddate,archivedate and (startdate is null or (getdate() >= startdate and getdate() <= enddate)) and (archivedate is null or (getdate() <= archivedate)) group by startdate, enddate order by startdate desc "
I am new to T-SQL i got this code from some website but its not working can anyone let me know why @cur_tab_name varchar(30) is not decleared while i have decleared I want to use this for dynamic name of the table.
I want to know how to create a DTS for dynamic tables.., Details: 1)I have some tables which created every month(Like [Name][2 char of month][2 char of year] eg: name0206 this table is for feburary 2006),i want to create dts for those tables
I need to get the field values of a table (name will be dynamic).Then assign those values to properties in a class.Let's say I will get the table name dynamically.dim tblName as string = "tablea"The 2 tables can each have 25 fields or so.I need a way to select the amt and email field values from tblName. Without saying "select job_amt, job_email from ...Is there someway to get the values based on the column name. So if the column name has amt and email, then give me those values.Maybe loop through the datatable - then for each column -- if col.ColumnName.IndexOf("Amt") = 0 or col.ColumnName.IndexOf("email") = 0 thenthen drop that column from the datatable.ex of table structure<u>tablea</u>job_idjob_amtjob_email<u>tableb</u>dance_idamt_dancedance_email
Hi,I'm trying to create some tables dynamically based on the content of another table in the same database. I found a post that does what I want to do, but I can't get my code (that is similar to the post) to work.Given below is my code: 1 DECLARE @deptCode varchar(50), @numberOfDept int, @tableName varchar(MAX), @columnName varchar(MAX) 2 DECLARE @lengthDeptCode int, @lengthTableName int, @lengthColumnName int 3 4 SELECT @numberOfDept = COUNT(DISTINCT DeptCode) 5 FROM tbl_Department; 6 7 WHILE (@numberOfDept >=0) 8 BEGIN 9 SELECT @deptCode = DeptCode, @lengthDeptCode = LEN(DeptCode) 10 FROM tbl_Department; 11 12 SET @tableName = 'tbl_ProjectNumber'+@deptCode 13 SET @lengthTableName = LEN(@tableName) 14 SET @columnName = 'ProjectNumber'+@deptCode 15 SET @lengthColumnName = LEN(@columnName) 16 17 CREATE TABLE CAST(@tableName as char(@lengthTableName)) 18 ( 19 CAST(@columnName as char(@lengthColumnName)) int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL 20 ) 21 22 SET @numberOfDept = @numberOfDept - 1 23 END This is actually my first time using SQL programatically so I'm guessing there are alot of problems with it. I just don't know what exactly. The error I get is:Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 18Incorrect syntax near '@tableName'. Thanks.
Hi there,I am trying to generate tables names on the fly depending on another table. So i am creating a local variable containing the table names as required. I am storing the tables in a local variable called@TABLENAME VARCHAR(16)and when i say SELECT * FROM @TABLENAMEit is giving me an error and I think I cannot declare @TABLENAME as a table variable because I do not want to create a temp table of sorts.I hope I am clear.thanks,Murthy here
Is it possible to create a temp table using exec. e.g
exec('create table #temp1 (xyz int, abc int)')
when I run the above statement, I dont get an error but nothing happens.
The reason I need to create it dynamically is that in my stored proc, I am passed a number. This number determines how many columns my temp table should have. thanks Zoey
Does anyone know if it is possible to create dynamically named tables from within a stored procedure? The goal is to append a unique identifier on the end of an otherwise static table name to allow for multiple incarnations of the table to exist concurrently while not interfering with each other. For example, we would like to create and use a temp table that is suffixed with a login name to or a timestamp to make it unique.
Does TSQL limits us on creating temp table using dynamic sql? If so any workaround... Here's the sample code that doesn't let me run second exec because it looks like first exec is not able to create a temp table.
declare @str1 varchar(80),@str2 varchar(80)
set @str1='create table #tmp(col1 int)' set @str2='insert into #tmp values (10)'
The following dynamic SQL script works for creating a table on the fly but if I change the select @tmpTblNm = 'tmpABC' to select @tmpTblNm = '#tmpABC' it will not create the temp table. Can anyone help on creating a temp table dynamiclly?
declare @tmpTblNm varchar(40), @str varchar(1000)
select @tmpTblNm = 'tmpABC' select @str = ''
-- Create a temp table to hold the current page of data -- Add an ID column to track the current row select @str = 'Create Table '+ @tmpTblNm + ' ( row_id int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, customerID int, customerName varchar(40), address1 varchar(40), city varchar(25) )'
Suppose I have a table named table1 which has a field question_Id.There are many values for this field say 100,101,102. Now I want to make a table with the field name 100,101,102 but the problem is that it is not fixed how many values are there for question_id.Here in this example I mentioned three(100,101,102) but it may be anything.How can I make a table with the field names this way? Subhasish
I've got an update statement with a subquery (I'll post the code further down) that I need to either make dynamic or do something else to make sure it does what I want.
The query is as follows:- UPDATE dbo.tbl_Process_List_Control_Table SET LastUpdateDateTime = ( SELECT ISNULL(MAX([LatestRowUpdateDateTime]), @LastUpdateDateTime) FROM [wtbl_Process_List_Patient] ) WHERE ProcessList = @ProcessName This is a called proc with the following parameters:- @LastUpdateDateTime is the date of the last record to be loaded @ProcessName is the name of the process that was started/finished.
I need to make [wtbl_Process_List_Patient] dynamic so it looks at a different table based on a passed parameter.I've tried making the whole thing dynamic but it states I need to declare @LastUpdateDateTime which I can't see how to do as it's already passed to the proc (as is the process name).
I am trying to use sql injection to create a dynamic drop table statment. I have tried to reformat a bunch of ways but can not get it. What am I doing wrong?
set @sql = 'if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N' + @@tblname + ') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N' + 'IsUserTable' + ') = 1)' drop table @@tblname execute(@sql)
I want to create a table that can created dynamicly based on front end application.table should handle insertion and edit also. please help me to get out of this situation.
I have an Oracle 10G database with some tables that I want to load into my SQL 2005 database every night (Datawarehouse). The tables may change(add columns) and this could be done in SQL 2000 DTS by writing a script as transformation. How can I do this in SSIS?
i have a dataset which returns me a dynamic set of data ie. number of columns can be different....say 14 columns for some dates...and just 12 for some other...(pivot table is being used in the backend)...how can i present this in the table...also my column names are best suited to be the column headers in the table.....is it possible to create a table at runtime...??
I have the following situation. Our customer would like to generate a raw data export report from specific customer databases.
I have an administrative database with a customer table. In this customer table each customer has it's on specific customerId guid. Each customer also has it's own customer database that is named: Customer_ + guid of the customer in the admin database (eg: Customer_982240e79f424fb0a1d4bed16267245d). This customer database has 1 main table (dbo.Data), but the design can be different depending on the customer. Our customer would like to have the possibility to select specific fields from the table to export to an excel file. So i never know in advance how much fields there will be in the table.
What i want to achieve is to generate a report where i can select a specific customer from a list (from the admin database). Then be able to view all the available fields inside the table (like a dataset or something) and then let the customer select which fields he wants in his data export report.
How to create a new table dynamically in OLE DB destination.
This is what i am doing
I am reading multiple flat files in loop and saving file name to a variable. Then i have a source script component which read and transforms data .Now how can I push the data to SQL table. I want to create a new table with name saved in a variable. I tried using OLE DB destination and assigning table name from variable. Does'nt work.
Thanks in advance for any insight on how to make this work.
I have the following dataset using dynamic SQL which works when i execute it, when i try to create a table using this dataset i cant see any fields. Does anyone know why dynamic SQL doesnt work ?
Declare @TopRange int Declare @BottomRange int Declare @SQL Varchar(1000) IF @Param_leadage = '91+' SET @TopRange = 91 ELSE Set @TopRange = RTRIM(LEFT(REPLACE(@Param_leadage,'-',''),2))
IF @Param_leadage = '91+' SET @BottomRange = 4000 ELSE Set @BottomRange = LTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(@Param_leadage,'-',''),2))
SET @SQL = 'SELECT dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus, dbo.tblCustomer.idCustomer, dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned' + ' FROM dbo.tblCustomer' + ' WHERE DateDiff(day, dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned, GetDate()) >= ' + convert(varchar,@TopRange) + ' AND DateDiff(day,dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned, GetDate()) <= ' + convert(varchar,@BottomRange) IF @Param_status = 'Online Churn' SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 4 or dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 5 or dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 11' ELSE SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = ' + @Param_idstatus
I'm trying to import a csv file directly to my database every month. The contents of the file stays the same, however the format of the columns may vary. For example, 1 month I can have the following:
Time, Probe1, Probe2, Probe3, Probe4
Whereas the next month I can have something like this
Time, Probe2, Probe3, Probe1, Probe4
The "Time" column will always be on the left side, but the probes may vary in their placement.
I'm importing this csv to a temp table, where I then run a query to select any new data and enter that in my main tables. The problem is that when i import the csv, if the placement of the columns has changed, the data gets entered in the wrong locations.
Is there any way to create this temp table dynamically, based on what the header columns of the csv file are?
I've got a DB2 database that contains a lot of tables. I need to extract the data from some of them and put them in a SQL Server database. The number of tables needed may change, so I need an easy way of controlling this.
So, I created a lookup table in the target SQL Server DB that lists the tables I want with any selection criteria needed. I have a For Each loop that goes through every row in the table. using the current row, it deletes the contents of the destination table (done and working), and then tries to load the source into it.The destination OLE DB uses a variable for the table name to insert into.
The problem I've got is whilst I can set up the OLE DB Source to use a SQL command as variable, I have to do it in the advanced editor or in the properties, as the normal editor gives an OLE DB Error. This is probably due to the fact that the variable has nothing in it at this point. I've turned EvaluateExternalMetaData off to avoid any design time errors, but when attempting to run I still get :
Code Snippet [DTS.Pipeline] Error: "output "OLE DB Source Output" (11)" contains no output columns. An asynchronous output must contain output columns.
Which I understand, as there are none until runtime. How do I get around this problem of not having any columns to map until I know which table I am processing?
I would like to partition a table having only items posted in the last 24 hours in one filegroup and all others in another. Is there a way that my partition function could contain something like "col1 >= dateadd(d,-1,getdate())" and have items move to the secondary filegroup as they age pst 24 hours?
In my application i need to access mutiple table. I'm writing a stored procedure in which i need to access tables such as TB01,TB02 .. Basically TBFY where FY is parameter.
I tried for OPENQUERY, but that needs me to add a linked server, which i don't think is a good idea.
I need to create a table....whose column names should be dynamic...I wouldnt know in advance what the column names would be...These coulmn names are availabe in another table as rows...
Ex: TABLE_A Data
Column Names
Some column Names are known already...I need help in writinf the Create table statement..
I need to write something like
Create table Table1
(SerialNo int,Name nvarchar(50)+ AS select * from TABLE_A +
Address nvarchar(500))....
Now the Table1 should look like
Serial No Name Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Address
Can some one please let me know how can i accomplish this...I know i need to write a Dynamic Query but dont exactly know ho to write it and execute it....