Efficiency Of Sql Server On Searching On Text Field
Jul 26, 2007
We have a application running on Sql server 2005, which require to browse/search text field. Does anyone know if Sql server's search/browse performance on text field is better than oracle?
The table the application will search on is a customer table that has a 10000 records in it, does this size of table casue a performance problem for sql server 2005 if I index the text field?
Im building up a query in my code behind. When I execute this query it returns a list of users who match the criteria.BUT, I want to add something extra. In my DB in the tblUserData there's a field "interests" datatype nvarchar(30) which contains the numbers (comma-delimited) of the interestsID in my tblInterests. For example, my interestsfield may contain something like: 1,4,8Now if someone wants to find someone who has number 4 and 8 as interests, how can I search in this textfield?!?I wrote this in a SP, but I'd really like it to be possible from code-behind and build the query myself...declare @s varchar(20)set @s='4,8'EXEC('SELECT * FROM tblUserData WHERE Interests in ('+@s+')')
I am searching for the key word 'Platform Customer Support' using full text search. My code is as below
Set @KeywordSearch = 'Platform Customer Support'
Select AA, BB, CC, DD from SM9..TableName A Right Outer Join SM9_Experiment..TableName C On A.IncdTouchedGSF like '%' + C.SM9GroupName + '%' Where ( Contains(A.[Description], @KeyWordSearch) And A.OpenTime Between @StartDate and @EndDate And C.Classification = @GroupNameClassification )
The code is throwing:
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Line 46 Syntax error near 'Customer' in the full-text search condition 'Platform Customer Support.
I am using the following plumbing code to search a database column for a keyword. I can't use full-test indexing so I came up w/ this work around. But It has many flaws so I'm looking for a better way. Thx in advance.
'Open sql connection SqlConnection1.Open()
Dim datareader2 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader datareader2 = cmdFindRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader Dim strMsg As String Dim intRowToFlag As Integer Dim strRowsToGet As String Dim strKeywordAsTyped As String Dim strKeywordAllCaps As String Dim strKeywordAllLower As String Dim strKeywordFirstLetterCap As String Dim FirstLetter As String
'Assign keyword as typed to variable strKeywordAsTyped = txtSearchFor.Text 'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all uppercase strKeywordAllCaps = txtSearchFor.Text strKeywordAllCaps = strKeywordAllCaps.ToUpper 'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it to all lowercase strKeywordAllLower = txtSearchFor.Text strKeywordAllLower = strKeywordAllLower.ToLower 'Assign keyword as typed to variable then convert it so just the first letter is in uppercase strKeywordFirstLetterCap = txtSearchFor.Text FirstLetter = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Chars(0) FirstLetter = FirstLetter.ToUpper strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Remove(0, 1) strKeywordFirstLetterCap = strKeywordFirstLetterCap.Insert(0, FirstLetter)
'If the string contains the keyword as typed in all caps all lowercase or w/ the 1st letter in caps then flag that row. If strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAsTyped) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllCaps) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordAllLower) <> -1 Or strMsg.IndexOf(strKeywordFirstLetterCap) <> -1 Then
cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.Parameters("@recid").Value = intRowToFlag SqlConnection2.Open() Dim datareader3 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader datareader3 = cmdFlagRowsWithKeyword.ExecuteReader datareader3.Close() SqlConnection2.Close()
I have a column in a table that has a type TEXT,when I pull the length of a row it returns 88222 but when I select from that column it dows not show all the text in the result set.
I'm importing an Access database to SQL Server 2000. The issue I ran into is pretty frustrating... All Memo fields that get copied over (as Text fields) appear to be fine and visible in SQL Server Enterprise Manager... except when I display them on the web via ASP - everything is blank (no content at all).
I didn't have that problem with Access, so I ruled out the possibility that there's something wrong with the original data.
Is this some sort of an encoding problem that arose during database import? I would appreciate any pointers.
i've a reasonable amount of experience with MS Access and less experience with SQL Server. I've just written an .NET application that uses an SQL Server database. I need to collate lots of data from around the company in the simplest way, that can then be loaded into the SQL Server database.
I decided to collect the info in Excel because that's what most people know best and is the quickest to use. The idea being i could just copy and paste the records directly into the SQL Server database table (in the same format) using the SQL Server Management Studio, for example.
Trouble is, i have a problem with line feed characters. If an Excel cell contains a chunk of text with line breaks (Chr(10) or Chr(13)) then the copy'n'paste doesn't work - only the text up to the first line break is pasted into the SQL Server database cell. The rest is not pasted for some reason.
I've tried with MS Access too, copying and pasting the contents of a memo field into SQL Server database, but with exactly the same problem. I've tried with 'text' or 'varchar' SQL Server database field formats.
Since i've no experience of using different types of databases interacting together, can someone suggest the simplest way of transferring the data without getting this problem with the line feeds? I don't want to spend hours writing scripts/programs when it's just this linefeed problem that is preventing the whole lot just being cut'n'pasted in 5 seconds!
I have a very big database with me. This database has large number of tables and each table has n number of fields.
My trouble now is that I desire to search for a field name called 'empname'. Is there any query possible for me to search all tables and return me the table names which contain fields which match with 'empname'. Adding essence to the porridge I would like to know if I specify something like '%pnam%' it should match any field name which contains 'pnam' as a portion of its name. Is all these possible ??
I have a products table with product attributes in a second table, together they describe a full product. I have a product title, a list of providers, description text, and keywords. I would like to do a search across these fields, and so far my research has shown that the Full Text Search component of SQL Server is the way to go. However, I am not sure this will be possible based on what is installed on the hosted server, so I am wondering if there is a unique, cool way of doing this without Full Text Search?
I need to search all user written SPs which have particular text in them. One way to do it is to open each SP in some notepad or word processor and search for the particular text.Is there any efficient way to do it ??
I'm using the .NET Framework 1.1 together with SQL Server 2005 Beta.
I have a search page where you can search a db using a number of fields or combination thereof. Three are text fields (patient id, surname, forename) and I can do any search using one criteria or any combination without any problem.
However, I'd also like to search on a dob (datetime field in SQL Server) and I'm having real problems in making this work. The dates are stored in the following way in SQL Server: '1938-05-31 00:00:00.000', whilst they are displayed as 'dd/mm/yyyy' on a web page, which I guess corresponds to my regional settings.
My code is shown below. I 've tried any number of combinations for the dob string with no success. I do not get any error, just no records are returned.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong and how to correct it before this drives me crazy?!
TIA for any help.
P.S. chxPatID, chxSurname etc are all checkboxes.
<code starts>
If chxPatID.Checked Then strSQL = strSQL & " patid= '" & txtPatID.Text & "' " strAND = " AND " End If
If chxSurname.Checked Then strSQL = strSQL & strAND & " surname ='" & txtSurname.Text & "' " strAND = " AND " End If
If chxForename.Checked Then strSQL = strSQL & strAND & " forename='" & txtForename.Text & "' " strAND = " AND " End If
If chxDoB.Checked Then strSQL = strSQL & strAND & " dob= " & CDate(Year(txtDoB.Text) & "-" & Month(txtDoB.Text) & "-" & Day(txtDoB.Text)) & "" End If
I have a varchar column which containd comma delimited values like Rec# Fruits 1 Apple, Peach, Strawberry 2 Orange, Mango 3 Banana, Grape ...........
Now i have to add search facility so that a user could search for more than 1 fruit at a time. I have a Stored Procedure which returns records from this table. that SP has a Parameter @SearchFruit Varchar(500) and the user could pass in values like 'Apple, Mango' to this parameter.
Now how should i write the SQL so that i get back the records Rec# 1 & 2 since apple is there in 1st record and mango is there in the 2nd ??
I know if a put the comma delimited values as individual records in a temporary table and also do the same for the parameter values then i can get the desired results. But i want to avoid doing that. Any other way ?
I am trying to run a full text serach on one field, a Varchar 2000. say the field contains: (before you break the seal of your new product box, please be careful to read all the instructions) ...for example I search for keywords that may be in this field Like: product box seal instructions and this row is included in the result set
but I would like to leave out words like all pronouns and 'a' and 'I' ...words that aren't going to matter to the search.
Does someone know where I can stgart in doing this full text searching?
I`ve just starting playing around with version 7.0 and was wondering if anyone knows how to implement the Full-text Searching feature. Its sound like a neat feature if I could just get it to work. Thanks in advance Joe
I've assumed responsibilty for a sqlserver 2000 that has many databases and has only 1 database that uses full text searching. That 1 application now wishes for me to update the noise words file to remove the single characters.
As far as I can tell, no other application is using the full text searching since I don't see any catalogs created for any of them.
So, if no other databases and applications in this sqlserver have catalogs created for them, can I safely assume that changing the noise words file will not impact any of them even if the other databases do have text fields in some tables?
Everyone seems to think this needs something elaborate:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_FindText @text varchar(8000), @findtype varchar(1)='P' AS SET NOCOUNT ON IF @findtype='P' SELECT DISTINCT Len(SubString(text,1, PatIndex('%' + @text + '%', text)))-Len(Replace(SubString(text,1, PatIndex('%' + @text + '%', text)),char(13),''))+1 AS Line, --PatIndex('%' + @text + '%', text) AS Position, OBJECT_NAME(id) AS ProcName FROM syscomments WHERE text like '%' + @text + '%' ORDER BY ProcName, Line
It not only searches procedure and view definition text, it will also find tables, views, and column names:
EXEC sp_FindText 'myTable' --or-- EXEC sp_FindText 'myTable', 'P' --finds procedures/views containing 'myTable' in their definition/code EXEC sp_FindText 'myTable', 'T' --finds tables/views containing 'myTable' in their name EXEC sp_FindText 'myCol', 'C' --finds columns containing 'myCol' in their name
It's pretty easy to modify and extend, and probably doesn't need dynamic SQL either. It returns line numbers for views and procedures, but these can be incorrect if the procedure or view contains over 4000 characters of code. It does not search tables for values, it's strictly for finding object names.
I am building a generic job site and well I have hit a speed bump. I need to store resumes in the database to be searched on. Well what is the best way to store these full text resumes? so that they can be easily searched on?
I've used CONTAINS on a varchar field. in SQL SERVER 2000
the query was "Select name from description where CONTAINS(name,' "donot*" ')
say if I search for "Select name from description where CONTAINS(name,' "donot a*" ') ---it doesn't return rows.
as might be it is seeing that 'a' as the starting letter of AND key word which is used in CONTAINS but how to tell that it is my next letter in the search
Maybe a totally newbie question - I need to find some text in SQL database, I have no idea in which table it may be. Can I do it through SQL Management Studio 2005 or do I need some other utility? What would you suggest then?
Are there any plans to add full-text searching capability to SQLCE? I know it's available in SQL Server Express but it would still be useful for an embedded/desktop application -- SQLite recently added this.
Hi, I am building a website in ASP.net C# for a university project, and would like to search a table (Member) for a field (UserName) using a session variable Session["sUserName"]. If that field is null, then I would like to insert that session variable into the field to start to create a new user. However, I am getting errors saying that I am using invalid expression terms. My code is; //Create the Command, passing in the SQL statement and the ConnectionString queryString = "SELECT UserName FROM Member WHERE (UserName = @myUsername); "; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConn);cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@myUsername", Convert.ToString(Session["sUserName"]))); //If UserName is null, display confirmation, else display errorif (UserName == null) ; {UserNameCheckLabel.Text = "Username okay"; String queryString = "INSERT INTO Member (UserName) VALUES(@myUsername); ";SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(queryString, sqlConn); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@myUsername", Convert.ToString(Session["sUserName"]))); }else; {UserNameCheckLabel.Text = "That username is in use"; } I have a feeling I should be checking the database for the UserName, but I'm not sure whether to put this in the SELECT statement part or as a method... I would be most grateful for any advice! Many thanks, Chima
I have the time of an event stored on each record as a datetime field.Itincludes the year,month,day, etc. Suppose my user wants to search the tablefor all events over the lunch hour, say between11am and 1pm. How do Iconstruct the SELECT query to peek into each datetime field and return onlythose records that satify the specified time range?Many thanks.
I was wondering when is it worth using Full Text Searching as opposed to using LIKE? Also, since I will be using third party for hosting my site, generally, do hosts support Full Text Searching?
I'm wrtiting a local site search egine but I need to make use of functions like FREETEXTABLE for instance. In order to use this I have to have the' Full Text Search table' enabled for a table. Now the Microsoft Search Service is running in MSDE; of that I'm sure. However when I try to enable the full text searching on a table or database the option that I'm supposed to choose is grayed out which means I can't select it. What's wrong? What do I have to do to be able to use that option? I' short of time and would appreciate n answer a.s.a.p. Thanks