I have a SSIS project where I am transferring data from DB2 table to SQL Server table. There is a column called REC_ID which I need to encrypt before we store it in SQL Server. Now, SQL Server has buildin encryption functionality and we need to use that as there are views that will decrypt this column and give data to authenticated users.
So, the question is, is there anyway that I can encrypt the column data in my SSIS package using my target SQL server database key and using SQL server encryptbykey function while transferring?
hi i am doing the project in sql sserver 2005 so i want help from u the following topics i want "HOW TO ENCRYPT THE DATA IN COLUMN OR ROW IN sql server 2005" PL REPLY SOON MY MAIL ID IS
sarunprasadmtechis@gmail.com if u get any idea pl send mail to the above address pl..
I have an application that has stores sensitive data in an SQL server and I am currently handling this through my ASP.NET application using the encryption classes in C#.
One of the things we would eventually like to be able to do is use other programs (like Microsoft Access) to run advanced Querys on the tables and retrive the data. With the encyption being done in C#/ASP all that would be returned would be the encrypted data.
I wondering if there is a way to build a layer to encrypt/decrypt data at the database level, my searches haven't yeiled to much info (As well as a trip to Borders) as I haven't seen any books that even touch on this.
I don't know a lot about SQL right now (Mainly only MySQL so Stored Procs and all that stuff are really new to me) so I don't know if I would go about it this way or not? (Using a stored procedure)
Can anyone reccommened where I should start to learn about accomplishing this? Books are usually the best help but I'll take any kind of information that can be thrown my way :-)
Hello,I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2000 on a Windows 2000 Sever. I havebeen working with SQL Server, Building ASp WebSites for many years now.I am by no means an expert - nor have I had ANY formal training. So ebarwith me if my questions seem elementary...I have some questions regarding sensitive data and encryption.There is a project that is headed my way were the social security numberis being used as the unique identifier for an account. I have alwaysused as identity column as a unique identifier. What would be the prosand cons of using the SSN as a unique identifier?#1 How do I go about encrypting the number to store in the DB. Is thisdone within SQL Server? Or before the data is inserted?#2 Is it possible to use an encrypted field as a unique identifier?My gut tells me to use the identity column , encrypt the SSN and not useit as any part of an identifier.Thank You for your Help.. Happy New Year!Please Reply to the Newsgroup.*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I have creating a stored procedure in sql server 2005 to encrypt a parameter value that comes from an asp.net page. this value is of type varchar.
Now i have declared a paramater as varbinary to accept this value in the stored procedure. And encrypting it using symmetric key which is encrypted by certificate.
Now when i enter a value into the textbox in asp.net page. it shows
"implicit conversion from varchar to varbinary not possible" pls tell me what is the solution? do i have to convert the value in vb code while accessing the value of the textbox or do i have to convert the value while passing the value when call stored procedure.
pls tell me the solution so that i don't jave to change any coding in vb.
CREATE TABLE TabEncr ( id int identity (1,1), NonEncrField varchar(30), EncrField varchar(30) )
CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'OurSecretPassword' CREATE CERTIFICATE my_cert with subject = 'Some Certificate' CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY my_key with algorithm = triple_des encryption by certificate my_cert
OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY my_key DECRYPTION BY CERTIFICATE my_cert INSERT INTO TabEncr (NonEncrField,EncrField) VALUES ('Some Plain Value',encryptbykey(key_guid('my_key'),'Some Plain Value')) CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY my_key
What is the problem with this code. It works fine , inserting the value encrypted but when i try to decrypt ,it returns a null value. What is missing. I also tried with symmetric key encryption with asymmetric key. Result is same, returns NULL value. I am using SQL 2005
I want to encrypt some audio files before inserting them in a SQL server database. I want to use the built in sql server encryption. I found that the encrypt by key function accepts only text (nchar,nvarchar,etc). I was thinking or reading the audio file's bytes and change them to a string and then insert them in the database. I just wanted to take opinions here. Is there a better way to do this? thanks in advance
I need to find a way of encrypting and decrypting data from SQL server 2000. I need to do this as transparently as possible, which is why I need to do this if at all possible before my web application encounters the data.I know this is possible without 3rd party applications using SQL server 2005, as I have a working implementation already; however I need to do this with SQL server 2000 as upgrading is not an option. Using a 3rd party product to encrypt/decrypt is also not possible.Any help much appreciated.Matt Rose
We are looking at setting up peer-to-peer transactional replication between two databases. We have a customer requirement to encrypt the SSN in this database. I have configured replication successfully. I have also successfully encrypted the SSN using a symmetric key (with encryption by certificate). What I haven't done yet is set up encryption to work across a replication topology.
What steps would I have to follow in order to be able to encrypt the SSN on one server, replicate it to the subscriber, and then decrypt the SSN on the subscriber? For this scenario, is there a better way to handle encryption other than a symmetric key encrypted by a certificate?
I support an accounting application that uses SQL as the db engine. One of our clients is asking about encrypting of certain data within the database. The developer does not encrypt the data nor have they any plans to. My question is, can we turn on encryption of a field in one of the data tables that will not require decryption by the accounting application. In other words, if we set encryption at the db level, can the server itself decrypt the data when it's called by the application? Or does the application have to do the decryption?
Right-clicking "Protocols for MSSQLSERVER" under the Sql 2005 Server Configuration Manager I find the "Force Encryption" option. Right-clicking the SQL Native Client Configuration, Client Protocols, I find "Force Protocol Encryption"
I believe these can be used together to force the connection between a client (running the SQLNC client) and a sql 2005 server to be encrypted. In other words, the data "in motion" can be encrypted.
1. Is my understanding correct?
2. Do I need to use a certificate to make this work?
My vendor requires data to be sent in Excel format. Some of my tables have rows over 65,536 so I need to use Excel 2007 (Max of 1,048,576). Right now my data sits in SQL 2000. I am using MS SQL Enterprise Manager 8.0 to prepare the data. Is there some kind of add on or selection I am missing to use DTS to export from SQL to Excel 2007?Thanks in advance.
I have two database(MYDB1 , MYDB2) on two different server's(SERVER1 , SERVER2) . I want to create an store procedure in MYDB1 on SERVER1 and get some data from a table of MYDB2 on SERVER2. How can i do this?
I have an excel sheet that contain colummns as in a table in a sql database i want to transfer this data from the sheet to the table frombusiness logic code layer not from the enterprise manager by wizardwhat can i do?? ...please urgent
I have created a SSIS package that transfer data from a Foxpro database to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express. I used the wizard to create the package but I load and execute the package within a custom application that I have written in C#.
The way the custom application is intended to work is that the user can have the database in any location on the computer and all he has to do is specify the location then the application programatically changes the location of the source on the package that it has loaded and then execute it. When I initially run the package the first time (using the original path), it works fine and transfers the data. However, every subsequent time I run the application and specify a different path, the database on the SQL Server side gets created as expected but the data is not transfered!
Where am I going wrong? Do I need to save the package after I modify the source then reload and run it again or do i need to change something else in the Data Flow to make this work?
I am newbie to MDS of SQL,want to know how we can transfer tables from two different SQL Databases to MDS.Suggest me the steps to proceed with any examples.
Is it possible/advisable when transfering very large amounts of data from server to server to: trasnfer the data to a new table first second alter new table adding indexes, defaults, ets based on original table
if it is what flow item would be used to transfer/alter the indexes and defaults?
I'm very new to ssis so the more detail you can give the better.
In the full recovery model, if i run a transaction that inserts 10MB of data into a table, then 10 MB of data is moved in the data file. Does this mean then that the log file will grow by exactly 10MB as well?
I understand that all transactions are logged to the log file to enable rollback and point in time recovery, but what is actually physically stored in the log file for this transactions record? Is it the text of the command from the transaction or the actual physical data from that transaction?
I ask because say if I have two drives, one with 5MB/s write speed for the log file and one with 10MB/s write speed for the data file, if I start trying to insert 10 MB of data per second into the table, am I going to be limited to 5MB/s by the log file drive, or is SQL server not going to try and log all 10 MB each second to the log file?
I have a table with Million plus records. Due to Running Totals article, I have been able to calculate the Trial_Balance for all months.
Now I am trying to provide a Beginning Balance for all months and the Logic is the Beginning Balance of July would be the Trial_Balance of June. I need to be able to do this for multiple account types. So the two datasets that need to be included in logic is actindx and Calendar_Month.
For actindx of 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-01-01The Trial_Balance_Debit is 19585.46 This would make the Beginning_Balance of actindx 2 and Calendar_Month of 2014-02-01 19585.46
I am trying to do some type of self join, but not sure how to include each actindx number differently.
Table creation and data insert is below.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TrialBalance]( [Trial_Balance_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
I am trying to encrypt a column, and then do a select and decrypt the results. I believe that I am encrypting the data properly, but whenever I try and do a select the column comes back as NULL. If I do a select without trying to decrypt the column (select * from table) I get the following:
Name | Dept | Encrypted_Info ----------------------------------------------- scott | it | 0x38383131
If I try and decrypt it I get this
Name | Dept | Encrypted_Info ----------------------------------------------- scott | it | NULL
This is the query that I put together to create the database, table, DB Master Key, Cert, encrypt the column, and then select and decrypt the result:
create database QA_Encrypted
create table QA_Encrypted.dbo.Enc_Table1
(UserName varchar(50),
Dept varchar(50),
Encrypted_Info varbinary(MAX))
Go use QA_Encrypted
if not exists (select * from sys.symmetric_keys where symmetric_key_id = 101)
create Master Key encryption by password = 'Pa55w0rd'
Create Certificate QACert
with subject = 'Certificate for Testing'
Create symmetric Key QAEncryptionKey with Algorithm = DES
Encryption by certificate QACert
open symmetric key QAEncryptionKey decryption by certificate QACert
update QA_Encrypted.dbo.Enc_Table1 set Encrypted_Info = EncryptByKey(Key_GUID('QAEncryptionKey'), 'AUTHENTICATOR')
use QA_Encrypted
insert into dbo.enc_table1 values ('scott', 'it', Convert(varbinary,'8811'))
OPEN Symmetric Key QAEncryptionKey
Decryption by CERTIFICATE QACert
select * from dbo.Enc_Table1
Select Username, Dept, Convert(varchar, DecryptByKey(Encrypted_Info)) as "decrypted"
from dbo.Enc_Table1
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
I need to encrypt one column of a Sql Server 7 database. I would like to use some sort of function to accomplish this so regular reporting tools can grab the encrypted data.
encrypting a column in a sql server database. I have userid and password columns that I think should have protection on them. My thought was to encrypt these 2 columns. What happens if someone needs to know the actual values of a userid and password? Is encryption the right way to secure this data?
I have a database that is the publisher in transactional replication and also part of an availability group. I have put the pertinent certificates on all of the involved servers, and it is encrypted on all servers and operated as expected. However, we are adding additional security for personal data and we have targeted columns in multiple tables for column encryption. I have a master key and certificates that are stored in the master database. Following an example where I am to create the database master key:
-- Create database Key USE encrypt_test; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'Password123'; GO
But when I try to create a certificate on the database:
-- Create self signed certificate USE encrypt_test; GO CREATE CERTIFICATE Certificate1 WITH SUBJECT = 'Protect Data'; GO
It get the following: Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot find the certificate 'Certificate1', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Can I add a database certificate to an already TDE enabled database and if not to I create the symmetric key through the certificate located on the master database? And how will that effect decrypting the column values in stored procedures and function on the user database?
Hi everyone,I need some help transfering my database(SQL2005) to the host's server.In SQL 2000 I had the Management tools > DTS or ImportExport tools.SQL2005 lacks this, all I've got is Express Manager > can't connect to multiple databases.Can connect to one database and has a screen to excute TSQL commands.I don't want to have to recreate the whole database on the server.....This would be crazy... 150 stored procedures and 30 tables. Not to mention all the individual settings for each column.I know there is SQL Studio Management tools for the full version of SQL 2005. Anyone got any idea's ?Any input/suggestions is greatly appreciated.Thanks,JShep
can any body can tell how data trnsfer from oracle database to sql server database. what is the methods i can use? is it required to write scripts. if scripts required, can anybody can give me sample scipt.
SQL v7.0 - DTS Tying to transfer all object info, sp's, constraints and data in to a fresh new database in the same instance, but it's hit and miss when it comes to getting everything transferred. Followed step by step instructions (GUI/Scripts) and sometimes the table structure will transfer without PK's, as well as some data and if you're lucky, some constraints. Stored proc's have a tendency to show up 20 minutes later. I'm testing this on a machine with IE 5, SP2 and fresh new Dll's (just in case something was corrupted). Is there a priority as far as what to transfer first? For example, tables only 1st, then constraints on down to records parent to child? I am assumming you should be able to transfer all at the same time since it's built in to the utility. Or, does it come down to something in the schema? If anyone out there has experienced something similar and found a solution, please advise.
hi, I am having two servers one is 6.5 and another is 7.0. I would like to export a one database from 6.5 to 7.0. when i was trying to transfer the data it is saying u have to upgrade the server of 6.5. pls tell me how i have to transfer data from 65 to 7.0 without bcp.
Hi, here we have 5 servers,application server,datawarehousing server,web server,QA server and production server. so i suppose to transfer(by using DTS) the total data(GDWReports) from production server to QA server. so actually i exported that data from production server to one destination by using export wizard and i tried for import that data to qa server by using VB script.but i got one error that "login failed like that". so how to import the data. pl give the suggestions asap. thanx Janreddy
I would like to ask about the Data transfer . I have huge data in Access database and want to transfer in the MS SQL Server 2000. Can some body help me how i can do it. Thanks