Entreprise Manager On Windows Millenium ?

Jun 13, 2002

which version have I to install to have sql entreprise manager on Windows millenium ? thank you

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Entreprise Manager

Jun 27, 2001

is it possible to manage by entreprise manager a server sql server 7 which is not attached at domaine NT ?
thank you

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Entreprise Manager Access Keys

Jan 15, 2006

New to SQL server, sometime I want to naviguate through tables, records , i m not sure where I can find a list of all access keys (keyboard shorcuts) to open a table to return rows, open table in design mode,add a row, delete a row....and so on

That ll make my life much easir

Thanks and have a nice week

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Connection Still Apperas In SQLServer Entreprise Manager Over Locks / Process ID

Sep 22, 2005

Hello,i have a doubt here, after a close the connection, i still can see the last stored procedure active in the LOCKS/PROCESSID in enterprise manager of SQL SERVER.I think i'm closing the connection well
If Me.ID > 0 Then
Dim sqlcommand As New SqlCommand(strSql, New SqlConnection(ConnStr))
sqlcommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformActivation", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformInactivation", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformDelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 1
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PerformUndelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = 0
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@PermanentDelete", SqlDbType.Bit).Value = CBit(PermanentDelete)
sqlcommand.Parameters.Add("@Class_ID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = _id
Err.Raise(10205, "CLASS", "CLASS ID is empty")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
_err = ex.Message
Return Err.Number
End Try

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Entreprise Manager Error Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL ServerDriver][SQL Server]Login Failed For User '#####'. The User Is Not Associatedwith A Trusted SQL Server Connection.(28000,18452)

Dec 12, 2007

Can anyone give a quick description of the meaning of this message andwhat needs to be done to get a connection.I'm running DBArtisan with SQLServer 2000 client SP4 installed.I also get the same message with MS Enterprise Manager so this iscoming out of the actual ODBC connection attempt.Thanks in advance!

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SQL Enterprise Manager On Windows Vista

Nov 6, 2007

Hi,I've just purchased a new machine with Windows Vista, and the cd Ihave for SQL Enterprise Manager (that works perfectly on Windows XP)no longer works.Is there a version for Windows Vista? Could someone provide me with alink to download?Many thanksSam

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Windows Task Manager - Sqlservr.exe Mem Usage

Sep 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I have my minimum server memory in SQL set to 4GB, but in my Windows Task Manager, sqlservr.exe only has about 100MB.

Does anyone have any idea why task manager doesn't show the full amount?

Thanks in advance.


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Saving Passwords In Windows Synchronization Manager

Sep 22, 2006

I am using Windows Synchronization Manager to sync up a web based Merge Replication. Is there anyway to get Windows Synchronization Manager to save the passwords for the distributor, publisher, and the basic auth for the web server? I know the easy way would be to use windows auth by that is not an option in my scenario.

It is a pain to have to type them in everytime I want to sync my databases...

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Downgrade SQL 2005 Entreprise To Workgroup Edition ?

Oct 31, 2006


I have the following problem :

I have licensed a german version of sbs 2003 premium. With the upgrade to sbs 2003 r2, I will buy the rights to use the sql 2005 workgroup edition. But the german sbs 2003 r2 is not available by now.

I could go in production with the sql 2005 trial, this is an entreprise edition.

My question is : can I downgrade the sql server 2005 from this trial edition (entreprise) to the workgroup edition ? Is it possible ? easy ? any recommendations ?

Many thanks !


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Cannot Open SSRS Report Manager URL On Windows Edge Browser

Sep 21, 2015

I was using Windows 7 and had SSRS 2014 installed.Having set up the inbound rule on Windows Firewall (port 80), to allow SSRS through, I was able to browse to the Report Manager URL, by opening up Internet Explorer as 'Administrator'..

However, now that I have upgraded to Windows 10, I am unable to open the URL.In fact there is now way for me to open Edge as administrator and open my Report Manager URL.

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Problems In Changing Windows Service Identity In Configuration Manager

Aug 1, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services and also Toolkit in my system. Following which I cofigured the Reporting Services Configuration.

When I try http://localhost/Reports it throws the following error.
The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help

The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)

Bad Data. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090005)

I have tried to search exhaustively for the solution and nothing seems to be crystal clear in solving the above error.

Under Reporting Services Configuraiton Manager (RSCM) all are ticked excepting:
Initialization, SharePoint Integration,Encryption Keys, EMail Settings,Execution Account.

Before this unknowingly I have changed "Windows Service Identity" during configuration which is not the same as Web Service Identity. Under "Web Service Identity" ASP.Net Service Account is listed as <machinename>ASPNET.

Now under "Windows Service Identity" it is selected to "Windows Account" : homequinn. After reading the installation steps it is suggested to have it with "Buil-in Account" ->"Network Services" is recommended. When I try to change it asks me for password and key file. Once I provide it, it is throwing me the following error.

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.ThrowOnError(ManagementBaseObject mo)
at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.BackupEncryptionKey(Byte[]& encryptedBytes, String password)

Can someone tell how should I proceed to get the reporting services working.

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Entreprise Library - Same Query In All Databases (SQL+Oracle), Is This Possible? URGENT

Sep 12, 2007

It is posible with Entreprise Library to use the SAME QUERY, by example,
"Select isnull(Val,33) from calculs where Col1 is not null" (specific for Sql Server)
to select data from Oracle too ? or the only way is to use specific stored procedures (queries)
wtitten in 2 ways : for Oracle and for Sql Server?

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Unable To Open Windows Service Identity Panel In Reporting Services Configuration Manager

Jul 4, 2007


I've a slight problem with configuring my Report Server. I have set up everything apart from the initialisation and and the Windows Service Identity, however when I select the panel for the latter I am presented with a message box displaying the following:

" Reporting Services Configuration Manager:

There was an error while switching panels. The most likely cause is an error retreiving WMI properties. The exception details are:

InvalidArgument=Value of '1' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.

Parameter name: SelectedIndex "

I have tried re-installing the entire SQL server setup and this made no difference, I followed this by removing then reinstalling just the Report Service. Still nothing.

Any ideas as to what it is doing and how I should go about fixing it?


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Reporting Services :: Unable To Run Report On Report Manager Using Windows Authentication

Oct 15, 2015

I was able to log in to SSRS report manager. But i was unable to run a report i designed on report builder.

It prompts for login when i wanted to run the report and i used the same windows authentication to sign in

It will show me the parameters but when i click on view report it gives this error

 "Data source 'DataSource1': An error has occurred.

Details: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source 'DataSource1'. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'Acc-11Admin'."

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Windows Synchronization Manager And Subscriber Web Synchronization

Dec 7, 2005


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Can't Install IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server On Windows 2003 X64 Storage Server, How Can I Fix The Pkg?

Jan 14, 2008

I am a Windows developer for the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server (TSMS) product.
Our product installation is built with InstallShield and uses the Windows Installer.

On a new installation of Windows 2003 x64 Storage Server R2, at a customer's site, the TSMS product fails to install.
The install of the OS has version 3.01.400.3959 of the Windows Installer and I see no newer version that installs.

Part of our product is 32 bit (console) and another part is x64 (server).
When installing I can see that the install's default is being redirected/reset to C:Program Files (x86)TivoliTSM after it is explicitly set by a custom action to ..Program Files.. . I further observe that our custom actions to write 64 bit registry entries are being refused.

if ( regIsWow64Process () ) samMask = samMask | KEY_WOW64_64KEY;
lStatus = RegCreateKeyEx( hLocalConnectKeyRoot,
&dw ) ;
The above fails to create the key.

We have tried four versions of our TSMS spanning many changes but the install acts the same.
This does not happen on any other Windows OS we test on but we do not test on Windows 2003 Storage Server R2 being that it is an OEM product. We did test on Windows server 2003 R2 x64 and do not see this problem.

Do you have any suggestions on how to tackle this problem?
I have full installation traces but can only see that the registry work is being refused. I can't see why.

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Report Manager With Forms Authentication. Report Server With Windows Authentication.

Feb 1, 2008


I wonder if it is possible to set forms authentication for report manager but leave report server "as it is". I need to authenticate users from external LDAP and can't use windows authentication for report manager, but I would also like to leave report server open for anonymous users. In that way authenticated administrators could create reports which anonymous users could read.

I tested the Security Extension Sample and got it working when I rewrote the authentication part with my own LDAP authentication.

If I have understood correctly, the report manager is just application inside report server so is it possible to use forms authentication with one application but still leave the report server with Windows authentication?

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A User Group Account Acting Like A Content Manager And Admin On The Report Manager????

Nov 2, 2007

A user was created with a limited privilege under the USERS group. Once this user loged in the Report Manager he is acting like an Admin and Content Manager, though he is not given even a browser role.

What do u think that this guy is acting like a Super User evenif he is restricted to a browser role on the Report Manager ????????????

I did all my best, but no luck so far

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Problems Running Enterprise Manager And Service Manager

Jul 20, 2005

On one of our machines, all of the SQL Server 2000components except for the main Server component (SQL Servercore) itself were installed (Management tools, etc) a while agoand everything was running fine. Now I go and add/install theServer component and then Service Pack 3a.It seems that Service Manager won't start up (I get an hourglass cursor)and now I find that Enterprise Manager won't run as well. No errormessages appeared and I don't think I saw anything unusual inthe log file.However, I can use Enterprise Manager on a differentmachine and connect to the database (so the databaseitself seems to be running).Any suggestions as to what the problem might be and how tofix it? I like to see if I can repair this without havingto do a reinstall.Thanks.PF

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Help! Enterprise Manager Turns SQL Server Service Manager Off

Dec 6, 2006

IF someone can assist me. Everytime I load up enterprise manager the service manager turns off. And the enterprise manager can't connect to the local database. But everytime i turn it back on and try to connect again it shuts it off and around and around we go. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Is It Possible Adding Windows (activi Directry Users) From SQL Server Which Is Running Windows Authotication.

Dec 12, 2007

Is it Possible adding Windows (activi directry users) from SQL Server which is running Windows authotication.?

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Package Execution Fails In Windows Service But Runs Fine As A Windows Application.

Jun 23, 2006

I am attempting to write a Windows service that watches a database for uploaded files to import. When a new file is found, the corresponding SSIS package is run from the file system with variables passed through. I started development as a Windows app and copied the functionality to a service.

The app runs fine. The service does not. I get a "Failure" each time a package is executed. Everything is identical behind the scenes with the obvious exceptions that OnStart and OnStop handlers are buttons in the app. I added a script task at the beginning of one of the SSIS packages to notify me that it is even running at all. It doesn't even hit that initial task.

Again, the app will run all packages just fine. The data is imported and the results return as "Success."

The following is the code executing the package. Any help is appreciated. I've been banging my head on this one for a few days now. (Is there a tag to format a code sample?)

Dim pkgLocation As String
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim app As New Application
Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult

pkgLocation = sPackageFolder & PackageName & ".dtsx"

pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, Nothing)

Dim vars As Variables = pkg.Variables

vars("ImportId").Value = ImportId
vars("ProductionServer").Value = ProductionServer
vars("ProductionDatabase").Value = ProductionDatabase
vars("SourceFileName").Value = FileName
vars("SourceFilePath").Value = FilePath

pkgResults = pkg.Execute()

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How To Open SDF File Stored On Windows Mobile Device From A Windows Desktop App?

Apr 14, 2008

Long story short -

Have two C# applications - one WinForms desktop app, the other a WinForms smart device app. Both use SQL Server Compact CE 3.5 to store data locally. Both work just fine.

Now the desktop app needs to open and update the .SDF file that is stored on the Windows Mobile device. (Device will be docked via USB.)

What format would the path to the .SDF look like that the WinForms application would need to specify in order to open it?

Thanks for reading.

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Connection Problem To Sql 2000 On Windows 2003 From Windows 95

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a Windows 2003 server, which is also a terminal server forapplication, with sql 2000 installed. My company has developed anapplication that uses SQL 2000 as its database. The application is aclient/server one. In each client computer there's a link to theapplication on the server. There is no problem with Windows 98,Windows 2000 pro, Windows xp pro clients, but the windows 95 onescannot log in to the database. The log of the application shows thefollowing error:connection error -2147467259. Cannot open database requested in login'database name'. Login fails.Till a week ago the application was running on a Windows 2000 serverwith SQL 2000 install and the W95 clients had no problem connecting tothe database, so my guess is the error has something to do withWindows 2003 server, but what'causing the error?I tried to install a newer version of MDAC (MDAC 2.5, the last versionof MDAC you can install on W95)but with no success. By the way W95clients have no problem accessing shared folder on the Windows 2003server.Any idea?ThanksMarino

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Moving SQL Servr 2000 From Windows 2K Server To Windows 2K3

Apr 17, 2008

Does any one come across any difficulty in the following migration?
OS: Wondows Server 2K
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Migrating to
OS: Wondows Server 2K3
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Thank you,

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How Can I Port Driver And OAL Code Of Windows CE 5.0 To Windows CE 4.2

Jul 12, 2006

How can I Port Driver and OAL code of Windows CE 5.0 to Windows CE 4.2?

If anybody have idea about this, kindly give me suggestions.

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 24, 2008

I am using SSIS 2005 on Windows 2003 server. Using Excel Source to dump the data for staging database.
I am getting following error while I execute it through BI studio's execute button.

Please help.

- Sachin

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 11, 2008

I have deployed my packages into Sql Server and I am using Configuration File. As my Data Source is Excel, I have changed the connection string during deployment with Server Path. But I am getting the following errors. Actually the File Exist in Path. May I know What is cause of the issue? Do I need to give any permission to execute the package.

SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

component "Excel Source Service Contract Upload" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

One or more component failed validation.

There were errors during task validation.

DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error Code: 0x80004005 Source: "MS JET DB Engine" Description : Path is not valid

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Error: The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009.

Dec 27, 2007


I am working on SQL Server 2005 (x64) with Windows Server 2003 (x64) operating system. I am having a major issue in SSIS. Here is the detailed explanation of the issue :

I have an EXCEL file in 2003 / 2007 version. It contains some data. I want to import the data using SSIS into SQL Server 2005 (x64) database table. I have taken "EXCEL FILE SOURCE" and "SQL Server DESTINATION". It was failed on importing data. Surprisingly it works fine in SQL Server 2005 (x32). Can you please explain why it is NOT woking on (x64) ?

Here is the error code i am getting:

[Excel Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Appreciate your time and patience !!


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Windows 98 Vs Windows 2000

May 25, 2001

We just moved the back end of an Access db to an SQL server and upgraded to Access 2000. A strange problem has arisen. The execution of a query in a certain function seems to be causing the function to prematurely terminate (that is, the query does not complete, and the function does not execute beyond the execution of the query). This error occurs only on workstations loaded with Windows 98. Windows 2000 users are unaffected, and the function runs uninterrupted. The query in question contains date parameters. On the SQL server, dates are enclosed in single quotes (')'s, whereas in Access they are enclosed in pound signs (#)'s. When a query is sent by Access to the SQL server, it is filtered through a program that converts the Access format to SQL-friendly code. Our theory is that this process fails to occur on the machines running Windows 98. Does anyone know why this is occuring?

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Windows 2K Vs XP Windows Authentication

Oct 12, 2004

We have an installation of MS SQL Server (MSDE actually) runnning on a group of Windows 2k machines. Due to IT constraints at the customer site, we are using Windows authentication, but it is all done with local user accounts, not domain accounts.

We have the same user account witht he same password locally created on each machine. This works fine with all the Win2K machines (not the best solution, but under the client's insane IT department, it's all we were allowed to do).

The problem is that we tried to add an XP machine. While we can connect to a DB running on a 2K machine from the XP workstation, the XP system will not accept connections from the 2K systems. We have done a little research and think we have found out why- the 2K systems are sending usernames for authentication, but the XP is looking for the UID- which is different on every system.

We cannot go to SQL authentication, and we cannot use Domain authentication. Is there a way to change XP to authenticate from username instead of UID?



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The Connection Type OLEDB Specified For Connection Manager Is Not Recognized As A Valid Connection Manager Type - Why?

Mar 17, 2008


I have an SSIS package that I need to modify. It was developed in Visual Studio 2005 and runs faithfully in production on SQL Server 2005. Suddenly, I can't open the package on my own workstation. I see a big red "X" image and a message stating "Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document." The real reason the document can't be loaded appears to be:

Error loading DataWarehouseLoader.dtsx: The connection type "OLEDB" specified for connection manager "Warehouse Logging OLE DB" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name.

Does anyone know what causes this and what I can do? The package has been in production for 9 months and I've never seen this problem before.


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