SqlConnection cmiDBCompConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectString);
when I attempt to run the apps, I get the
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message="A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)".....
any idea what I am doing wrong, given that the connection string works using other means? I am using Windows authentication.
To add, the error in my log shows:
2007-03-17 21:10:55.82 Logon Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
i'm going nuts with SQL server notification thing. I have gone throigh this artical which tells how to set user http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/SqlDependencyPermissions.aspx. This article show how to create new user and setup for sql server notification.But In my case user was alredy existing in database. which is very common senario in most cases. So i did following( check the SQL script below) but then i get this error "A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)" this my sql script use [master]Go -- Ensuring that Service Broker is enabled ALTER DATABASE [DatabaseName] SET ENABLE_BROKERGO -- Switching to our databaseuse [DatabaseName]GO CREATE SCHEMA schemaname AUTHORIZATION usernameGO ALTER USER username WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schemaname GO /* * Creating two new roles. We're not going to set the necessary permissions * on the user-accounts, but we're going to set them on these two new roles. * At the end of this script, we're simply going to make our two users * members of these roles. */EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_subscriber' EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_starter' -- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT CREATE QUEUE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE SERVICE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification] to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO [sql_dependency_starter] -- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SELECT to [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQL/Notifications/PostQueryNotification] to [sql_dependency_subscriber] -- Making sure that my users are member of the correct role.EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_starter', 'username'EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_subscriber', 'username'
I had to un-install and re-install SQL Server 2005 for a different problem which has been resolved.
But now when I try to make a connection to the database I get the following error:
"...No process is on the other end of the pipe"
I have verified that the server allows named pipeing which seems to be the common answer I found after searching. I have also verified that the account I use is setup and has all the proper permissions.
Can someone help me in resolving this issue noting what I have verified above???
I am getting the following error when i try to connect to the my web site using froma different server. A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) i am using sql express and i attach the database through the connection string in the web config. Any ideas
Hello all, I have question regarding the error message that I'm getting above. I have a program written in .NET that is suppose to traverse through a database and retrieve various records and then write a summary record. The code worked without issue. The database the used to hold the data was a SQL 7.0. However, recently I moved the server over to SQL 2005. Since that time I have been getting the following error:
Description: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Named Pipes Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.
ramdomly throughout the execution of the program. It doesn't happen on record and is intermittent when it occurs.
Here is the code that is having issues any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Mike Gisonda
Dim mreleaseqty As Double Dim mmakeqty As Double Dim k As Integer Dim mbackorderqty As Double Dim mOnOrder As Double Dim mOnHand As Double Dim mMaximumqty As Double Dim mMinimumQty As Double Dim muomfactor As Double Dim mSafetyStockQty As Double Dim mQtyInTransit As Double Dim mQtyAllocatedWip As Double Dim mQtyAllocated As Double
Dim cnLean As New ADODB.Connection Dim cnSyspro As New ADODB.Connection Dim cnLean2 As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdPullItems As New ADODB.Command 'command to retrieve pull items Dim cmdWHTotals As New ADODB.Command 'command to get combined warehouse totals Dim cmdUpdatePull As New ADODB.Command Dim cmdBkOrd As New ADODB.Command Dim cmdInvMst As New ADODB.Command Dim cmdInitPull As New ADODB.Command 'command to clean our old pull data
Dim prmStockCode As New ADODB.Parameter 'parameter to supply stockcode.
Dim rsPullItems As New ADODB.Recordset 'recordset to hold pull items. Dim rsWHTotals As New ADODB.Recordset 'recordset to hold warehouse records Dim rsBkOrd As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rsInvMst As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rsSalesOrders As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rsWipMaster As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mPullSQL As String Dim mWHSql As String Dim mBackOrderStr As String Dim mInvSQL As String Dim mStockCode As String Dim mSalesSQL As String Dim aBackOrderRec As Array Dim mReqDate Dim mShipDate As Date Dim mcol As Integer Dim mNewVal As Double Dim mWipSql As String Dim mAdjAmt As Double Dim mStockStatus As Integer Dim mBackOrder As Double Dim mBackLate1 As Double Dim mBackLate2 As Double Dim mBackLate3 As Double Dim mBackLate4 As Double Dim mWeeklyStDev As Double Dim mWeeklyUsage As Double
Dim mBackLog1 As Double Dim mBackLog2 As Double Dim mBackLog3 As Double Dim mBackLog4 As Double Dim mBackLog5 As Double Dim mBackLog6 As Double Dim mBackLog7 As Double Dim mBackLog8 As Double Dim mBackLog9 As Double Dim mBackLog10 As Double Dim mBackLog11 As Double Dim mBackLog12 As Double
Dim mBFlagValue As Integer Dim mFileNum As Integer Dim mTrnFileNum As Integer Dim mtest As String Dim mCountOfRecords As Long Dim mPullCount As String Dim rsPullcount As ADODB.Recordset Dim mCurRecordCount As Long
Dim mWipAllSQL As String Dim rsWipAll As New ADODB.Recordset
'On Error GoTo ehbtnUpdateLean_Click 'open connection to springdesign With cnLean .ConnectionString = "DSN=SPRINGDESIGN;UID=sa;PWD=" .Open() End With With cnLean2 .ConnectionString = "DSN=SPRINGDESIGN;UID=sa;PWD=" .Open() End With
'open connection to syspro With cnSyspro .ConnectionString = "DSN=COMPANYM;UID=sa;pwd=" .CommandTimeout = 300 .Open() End With btnUpdateLean.Enabled = False Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
** Bunch of code to set up commands and select statements ** 'Initial command that will update the pull records as they are being processed. With cmdUpdatePull .let_ActiveConnection(cnLean) .CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdStoredProc .CommandText = "sp_MX_Daily_UpdateMRPData" .CommandTimeout = 300 .Parameters.Refresh() End With
** More Code **
Try rsPullItems.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient 'Get all the pull items. 'rsPullItems = cmdPullItems.Execute rsPullItems.Open(mPullSQL, cnLean2) rsPullItems.ActiveConnection = Nothing
'Initial flags used to determine if the individual sales order dates are 'before or after the request date. cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4_BFLAG").Value = 0
** ** If IsNothing(rsWHTotals) = False Then If rsWHTotals.EOF = False Then 'If there are values in the warehouse query. ** BUNCH MORE CODE ** cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@stock_code").Value = mStockCode cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@MINIMUM_QTY").Value = mMinimumQty cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@MAXIMUM_QTY").Value = mMaximumqty cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@SAFETYSTOCKQTY").Value = mSafetyStockQty
cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@ON_HAND").Value = mOnHand cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@ON_ORDER").Value = mOnOrder ** cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@BACKORDER_QTY").Value = mbackorderqty mmakeqty = (mMaximumqty - mOnHand) If mmakeqty > 0 Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@MAKE_QTY").Value = mmakeqty Else cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@MAKE_QTY").Value = 0 End If
'Initiale Binary flags that represent if the ship date is 'before or after the request date. cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3_BFLAG").Value = 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4_BFLAG").Value = 0
** more Code ** Try rsSalesOrders = New ADODB.Recordset rsSalesOrders.Open(mSalesSQL, cnSyspro) Catch ex As Exception mtest = "Exception Message: " & ex.Message & vbCrLf & "SQLStatement: " & mSalesSQL LogError(mStockCode, mtest) rsSalesOrders = Nothing End Try
If IsNothing(rsSalesOrders) = False Then Do While rsSalesOrders.EOF = False ** More Code ** Select Case mcol Case Is <= -5 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER_BFLAG").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKORDER_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue End If
mBackOrder = mBackOrder + mNewVal
Case Is = -4 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4_BFLAG").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE4_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue End If
mBackLate4 = mBackLate4 + mNewVal
Case Is = -3 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE3_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLate3 = mBackLate3 + mNewVal
Case Is = -2 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE2_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLate2 = mBackLate2 + mNewVal
Case -1 To 0 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_LATE1_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLate1 = mBackLate1 + mNewVal
Case Is = 1 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG1").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG1").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG1_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG1_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG1_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog1 = mBackLog1 + mNewVal Case Is = 2 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG2").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG2").Value + mNewVal 'Check to see if the bit is marked. If not then mark it. If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG2_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG2_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG2_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog2 = mBackLog2 + mNewVal
Case Is = 3 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG3").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG3").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG3_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG3_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG3_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog3 = mBackLog3 + mNewVal
Case Is = 4 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG4").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG4").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG4_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG4_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG4_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog4 = mBackLog4 + mNewVal
Case Is = 5 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG5").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG5").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG5_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG5_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG5_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog5 = mBackLog5 + mNewVal
Case Is = 6 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG6").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG6").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG6_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG6_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG6_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog6 = mBackLog6 + mNewVal
Case Is = 7 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG7").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG7").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG7_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG7_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG7_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog7 = mBackLog7 + mNewVal
Case Is = 8 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG8").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG8").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG8_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG8_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG8_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog8 = mBackLog8 + mNewVal
Case Is = 9 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG9").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG9").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG9_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG9_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG9_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog9 = mBackLog9 + mNewVal
Case Is = 10 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG10").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG10").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG10_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG10_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG10_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog10 = mBackLog10 + mNewVal
Case Is = 11 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG11").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG11").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG11_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG11_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG11_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog11 = mBackLog11 + mNewVal
Case Is = 12 cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG12").Value = cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG12").Value + mNewVal If mBFlagValue <> (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG12_BFLAG").Value And mBFlagValue) Then cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG12_BFLAG").Value = (cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@LEAN_BACKLOG12_BFLAG").Value + mBFlagValue) End If
mBackLog12 = mBackLog12 + mNewVal
End Select End If rsSalesOrders.MoveNext() Loop rsSalesOrders.Close() rsSalesOrders = Nothing End If
Else cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@stock_code").Value = mStockCode End If rsWHTotals.Close() rsWHTotals = Nothing Else 'rswhtotal is nothing cmdUpdatePull.Parameters("@stock_code").Value = mStockCode End If 'rswhtotal is nothing
'Update the record in DesignLean Try ********* This is where it fails ********* cmdUpdatePull.Execute()
I downloaded MS Pet Shop 4.0 recently for best-practice training purposes. The installation went smoothly with a SQL Server 2005 backend. At first I had a problem authenticating the mspetshop4 user in the database, but that was solved by fixing some settings with the password policy. Now the mspetshop4 user is authenticated properly, but I came across this error instead:Server Error in '/Web' Application. A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
Source Error:
Line 216: Line 217: if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) Line 218: conn.Open(); Line 219: Line 220: cmd.Connection = conn;
Source File: C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0DBUtilitySQLHelper.cs Line: 218
Stack Trace:
[SqlException (0x80131904): A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +117 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +346 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSniError(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, UInt32 error) +619 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSni(DbAsyncResult asyncResult, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +224 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadPacket(Int32 bytesExpected) +113 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadBuffer() +59 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadByte() +36 System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +181 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK) +56 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +1083 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +272 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) +688 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options) +82 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject) +558 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject) +126 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject) +651 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +160 System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +122 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +229 PetShop.DBUtility.SqlHelper.PrepareCommand(SqlCommand cmd, SqlConnection conn, SqlTransaction trans, CommandType cmdType, String cmdText, SqlParameter[] cmdParms) in C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0DBUtilitySQLHelper.cs:218 PetShop.DBUtility.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, CommandType cmdType, String cmdText, SqlParameter[] commandParameters) in C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0DBUtilitySQLHelper.cs:127 PetShop.SQLServerDAL.Category.GetCategories() in C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0SQLServerCategory.cs:27 PetShop.BLL.Category.GetCategories() in C:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0BLLCategory.cs:20 PetShop.Web.NavigationControl.BindCategories() in c:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0WebControlsNavigationControl.ascx.cs:53 PetShop.Web.NavigationControl.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:Program FilesMicrosoft.NET Pet Shop 4.0WebControlsNavigationControl.ascx.cs:27 System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +31 System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +68 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +88 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +74 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +158 System.Web.UI.BasePartialCachingControl.LoadRecursive() +61 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +158 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +158 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3035
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42Now I'm clueless. What does No process at the other end of the pipe mean?
When I try to install MsSQL Server 2005 Develop Edition do I get the error:
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.
I have trying to look at other posts on this forum and elsewhere, but cant find any solution that works for me - mainly cuz all solutions is after the installing.
Before trying to install MsSQL Server 2005 Dev did I install VS.Net 2005 Pro. First did the Native Client make troubles, but got it to work with reinstalling it, but now does the SQL setup stop on every try with the error above.
I have tried looking if the MSSQLServer is running when it tries to connect during install, and everything says it is running (Services, Net start, Taskman.).
I dont run any special setup on my system - it is a normal Windows XP Pro SP2 with all updates. I just need the SQL server installed so I can develop locally without access to out main SQL server.
I have been using MsSQL 2000 before and never had any problems, but the 2005 keep on bugging me.
The only solution I havent tried is to reinstall Windows itself, but I will pref. not to do so.
And to be honest, then have I no idea what a "pipe" is - I am used to develop webapplications and not so much on server maintaince/troubleshooting.
I have a problem with a PIPE "|" delimited flat file. I have a column "Description" in which we get a string in which we have PIPE "|" as data. How we can skip this and load it as a data into the column Description.
Running a clustered webserver, windows 2000, IIS v5, and a sql server, v2000. Using OLE Db as connection, running stored procedures, no sql created on the fly. The website handles about 5000 transaction a day.
Every now and again, we get a problem whereby an error 41 - Broken Pipe is reported. I can't find any info on this error on Technet, MSDN, etc. Google returns info, but only really affecting solaris, unix, linux, etc.
Anyone ever come across this error before? or know what might cause it? and possible resolutions?
Hello all, I am running into an interesting scenario on my desktop. I'm running developer edition on Windows XP Professional (9.00.3042.00 SP2 Developer Edition). OS is autopatched via corporate policy and I saw some patches go in last week. This machine is also a hand-me-down so I don't have a clean install of the databases on the machine but I am local admin.
So, starting last week after a forced remote reboot (also a policy) I noticed a few of the databases didn't start back up. I chalked it up to the hard shutdown and went along my merry way. Friday however I know I shut my machine down nicely and this morning when I booted up, I was in the same state I was last Wenesday. 7 of the 18 databases on my machine came up with
FCB:pen: Operating system error 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.) occurred while creating or opening file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation. and it also logs FCB:pen failed: Could not open file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDataTest.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).
I've caught references to the auto close feature being a possible culprit, no dice as the databases in question are set to False. Recovery mode varies on the databases from Simple to Full. If I cycle the SQL Server service, whatever transient issue it was having with those files is gone. As much as I'd love to disable the virus scanner, network security would not be amused. The data and log files appear to have the same permissions as unaffected database files. Nothing's set to read only or archive as I've caught on other forums as possible gremlins. I have sufficient disk space and the databases are set for unrestricted growth.
Any thoughts on what I could look at? If it was everything coming up in RECOVERY_PENDING it's make more sense to me than a hit or miss type of thing I'm experiencing now.
Dear list Im designing a package that uses Microsofts preplog.exe to prepare web log files to be imported into SQL Server
What Im trying to do is convert this cmd that works into an execute process task D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad>preplog ex.log > out.log the above dos cmd works 100%
However when I use the Execute Process Task I get this error [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoadpreplog.exe" "" at "D:SSIS ProcessPrepweblogProcessLoad", The process exit code was "-1" while the expected was "0".
There are two package varaibles User::gsPreplogInput = ex.log User::gsPreplogOutput = out.log
How do I use the execute process task? I am trying to unzip the file using the freeware PZUnzip.exe and I tried to place the entire command in a batch file and specified the working directory as the location of the batch file, but the task fails with the error:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC0029151 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: In Executing "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeeklyUnzip.bat" "" at "C:ETLPOSDataIngramWeekly", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
Then I tried to specify the exe directly in the Executable property and the agruments as the location of the zip file and the directory to unzip the files in, but this time it fails with the following message:
SSIS package "IngramWeeklyPOS.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Unzip download file, Execute Process Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application".
The command in the batch file when run from the command line works perfectly and unzips the file, so there is absolutely no problem with the command, I believe it is just the set up of the variables on the execute process task editor under Process. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.
I am designing a utility which will keep two similar databases in sync. In other words, copying the new data from db1 to db2 and updating the old data from db1 to db2.
For this I am making use of the 'Tablediff' utility which when provided with server name, database, table info will generate .sql file which can be used to keep the target table in sync with the source table.
I am using the Execute Process Task and the process parameters I am providing are:
The customer.bat file will have the following code: tablediff -sourceserver "LV-SQL5" -sourcedatabase "TC_CTI" -sourcetable "CUSTOMER_1" -destinationserver "LV-SQL2" -destinationdatabase "TC_CTI" -destinationtable "CUSTOMER" -f "c:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1"
the .sql file will be generated at: C:SQL_bat_Filessql5TC_CTIsql_filescustomer1.
The Problem: The Execute Process Task is working fine, ie., the tables are being compared correctly and the .SQL file is being generated as desired. But the task as such is reporting faliure with the following error :
[Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:SQL_bat_FilesSQL5TC_CTIpackage_occurrence.bat" "" at "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90COM", The process exit code was "2" while the expected was "0". ]
Some of you may suggest to just set the ForceExecutionResult = Success (infact this is what I am doing now just to get the program working), but, this is not what I desire.
I'm pulling data from Oracle db and load into MS-SQL 2008.For my data type checks during the data load process, what are options to ensure that the data being processed wouldn't fail. such that I can verify first in-hand with the target type of data and then if its valid format load it into destination table else mark it with error flag and push into errors table... All this at the row level.One way I can think of is to load into a staging table then get the source & destination table -column data types, compare them and proceed.
should I just try loading the data directly and if it fails try trouble shooting(which could be a difficult task as I wouldn't know what caused error...)
I'm currently having an issue with a linked server. Here's the surrounding information:
A) I have a clustered SQL Server 2005 Instance (A) and a SQL Server 2000 instance (B). B) There is a linked server on A to B. When I set it up, I did run the fix to ensure A could talk to B (There was an issue with communication between 2005 and 2000 servers). It has been there since I installed A, and has worked fine.. Until last week. C) This linked server uses static credentials to connect to B. D) Named Pipes are enabled on both servers to listen to both connections on both A and B in cliconfg. So A has a named pipe listening for B, and B has a named pipe listening for A. E) A has a view that looks at a table on B - It's a table view, very simple, just pulls in all the data from the table on B.
So, I go to do a select statement from the view, connected as a user other then 'sa'. I then get the error:
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server Linked Server Error Source: ncli Client (Paraphrasing, didn't copy that down, but it was the ODBC connector)
Well, that's odd. It's been working fine for months now..
I then go and connect as sa on A to query B. It works! Mind you, absolutely NO QUERY from A to B will run again until I run SOME kind of query has been run as sa on A.
Mind you, this is not a credential issue. Every user who connects to the linked server to B uses a stored credential that is DBO to the database on B. The same User Name and Password exists on both A and B.
Also of note, I check the activity monitor. There's a process that is "dormant" every time I run a query against the view. The details of this connection are:
My question is, why is it resetting the connection on B when being queried from A? Why is it "all of a sudden" a problem? Are there any changes that coudl ahve been made that would cause this?
Any help with this confusing issue would be appreciated.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup -------------------------------------------------
The setup failed to get IID_IIMSAdminBase object. The error code is -2147467262.
Hi there,
I have checked every possible site for this error but unable to find any solution. I received the above alert message during the installation of SQL2k5, Reporting Services. I am using window xp with sp2.
When click OK to alert box then it rollback all installed components of Reporting Services.
I'm trying to backup a database of 330 GB more or less from my server to an external hard disk connected by optical fiber and I'm receiving the next error:
[SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 3211) Write on "H:sqlbackuppm_import" failed: 33(The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.) [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3202) BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.
I had to move my developed software onto another computer in order to demo this. The new computer has IIS installed as well as VS2005 and SQL Server 2005. When I try to execute I get this error.
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
I have worked on this problem for two days now and have to demo it first thing Monday. Any help would be appreciated.
guys, I have a stored procedure which gets called by ASPX page and it inserts, updates data into different tables. originally, I had a issue that if error occured, it would not rollback all the data so i used transaction around it. now, once in a while I am getting this error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 181) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction". I don't know how this error occurs and how do I prevent it. please help. transaction is as follow. BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION // t-sql codes to insert update multiple tables COMMITEND TRY BEGIN CATCH if (@@TRANCOUNT > 0) --error ROLLBACK declare @errSeverity intselect @errMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @errSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY() RAISERROR(@errMsg, @errSeverity, 1) END CATCH
I have a simple update statement that will update one field, and that field is part of the primary key. During the update process, some of the rows will cause duplicate error. Is there a way to update the table and suppress the error? What I am looking for is a way to update the records that it can and ignore those it cannot. Right now, the entire process is terminated if duplicate error occurs.
Hey guys. I am creating an app that uses the RMO Merge Replication objects. So far it can subscribe and unsubscribe just fine but when it comes to the syncing process it gets a little weird, here's why.
- If I run the SQL GUI Sync tool, it sinks fine. So that setup is working.
- When I run the C# App it blows up witht the error: "Process cannot connect to Distributor"
- Here's the weird part: When I set a breakpoint on my custom method SyncData (this method sets up the connection info and properties and then calls Syncronize( ) ) and step through the code when it gets to Syncronize( ) it runs perfectly fine, no execeptions.
I thought that maybe the Syncronize( ) method was being called too fast before the connection properties got to fully setup and connect, so I added a Thread.Sleep( ) method for 10 secs after each connection call and just before calling Syncronize( ). It still didn't work. My class is a static class by design, however, I changed it into an ordinary class and then placed the connection info in the constructor hoping it would do it's connection when the object gets initialized, that didn't work either.
If someone could please help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it.
Here's my code:
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.BusinessLogicSupport;using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Threading;namespace Emds.Briefcase.BriefcaseSubscriber.BLL{ public class SyncDataClass { #region Members private static string m_statusMessage = string.Empty; private static byte m_percentComplete; public delegate void StatusTextChangeHandler(int percent, string status); public static event StatusTextChangeHandler OnStatusChange; #endregion Members #region Methods public static string SyncData() { //Delay(); // Define the server, publication, and database names. string publicationName = "Chart"; string publisherName = @"JSMITHSQL2005"; string subscriberName = @"JDOESQL2005"; string subscriptionDbName = "DataSubscriber"; string publicationDbName = "DataPublisher"; string message = string.Empty; // Create a connection to the Subscriber. ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(subscriberName); MergePullSubscription subscription; try { // Connect to the Subscriber. conn.Connect(); // Delay(); // Define the pull subscription. subscription = new MergePullSubscription(); subscription.ConnectionContext = conn; //Delay(); subscription.DistributorSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = false; subscription.DistributorSecurity.SqlStandardLogin = "sa"; subscription.DistributorSecurity.SqlStandardPassword = "russell"; // Delay(); subscription.PublisherName = publisherName; subscription.PublicationDBName = publicationDbName; subscription.PublicationName = publicationName; subscription.PublisherSecurity.SecurityMode = ReplicationSecurityMode.SqlStandard; subscription.PublisherSecurity.SqlStandardLogin = "sa"; subscription.PublisherSecurity.SqlStandardPassword = "russell"; // Delay(); subscription.DatabaseName = subscriptionDbName; subscription.SubscriberSecurity.WindowsAuthentication = false; subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardLogin = "sa"; subscription.SubscriberSecurity.SqlStandardPassword = "russell"; // Delay(); // If the pull subscription exists, then start the synchronization. if (subscription.LoadProperties()) { // Check that we have enough metadata to start the agent. if (subscription.PublisherSecurity != null || subscription.DistributorSecurity != null) { // Synchronously start the Merge Agent for the subscription. subscription.SynchronizationAgent.Status += new AgentCore.StatusEventHandler(SynchronizationAgent_Status); // Delay(); subscription.SynchronizationAgent.Synchronize(); message = "Data Syncronization is a success!"; } else { throw new ApplicationException("There is insufficent metadata to " + "synchronize the subscription. Recreate the subscription with " + "the agent job or supply the required agent properties at run time."); } } else { // Do something here if the pull subscription does not exist. throw new ApplicationException(String.Format( "A subscription to '{0}' does not exist on {1}", publicationName, subscriberName)); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Implement appropriate error handling here. throw new ApplicationException("The subscription could not be " + "synchronized. Verify that the subscription has " + "been defined correctly.", ex); } finally { conn.Disconnect(); } return message; } static void SynchronizationAgent_Status(object sender, StatusEventArgs e) { m_percentComplete = e.PercentCompleted; m_statusMessage = e.Message; //Fire custom event if (OnStatusChange != null) { OnStatusChange(m_percentComplete, m_statusMessage); } } #endregion Methods }}
I am having trouble running a package in SQL Agent. The step involves zipping up a number of files using SQL Agent. I know in the error message it states "Access is denied" but I can run the package manually in BIS. Also I have applied a SQL proxy to the step using my own credentials which have rights to the file location, but still no luck.
I get the following error:
Error: 2008-03-10 09:04:02.04 Code: 0xC002F304 Source: Call ZipFiles Batch Execute Process Task Description: An error occurred with the following error message: "Access is denied". End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 09:04:00 Finished: 09:04:02 Elapsed: 1.219 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.,00:00:02,0,0,,,,0
While MOM processes are running at some point, a process goes into deadlock and uses up all existing CPUs.
Sysprocesses shows this it opened up 4 threads and program name is Microsoft® Reliability Analysis Service.
Profiler doesn't show which command it was trying to execute, but last notable command which has started was MRAS_pcLoad EXECUTE @i_Return_Code = sp_getapplock @Resource = N'MOM.Datawarehousing.DTSPackageGenerator.exe', @LockMode = N'Exclusive', @LockOwner = N'Session', @LockTimeout =
Can you please help us, what could be the problem. It has been running fine till couple of days back.
I've got a dilemma here. I'm currently reading records into EasyListBox (ELB) dropdownlist. The criteria in the dropdownlist is based on the select from another ELB dropdownlist. The problem is that the data contains rows with pipes that serve as separters. For example, one of the options that comes back now might be 123 | 456 | 789. I need to be able to make each of them its own row in the dropdownlist. Can anyone advice? Most records don't have any pipes and come throught fine, but some dont. My code below: Dim sAT As String = Replace(elbAttribute.SelectedValue, "'", "''") Dim adapter As New SQLDataAdapter("Select Feature_Type As Attribute_Name, FEATURE_TEXT_VALUE as Attribute_Value, (select distinct FILTER_FAMILY_FEATURE_EXCLUDED.FEATURE_TYPE_ID from FILTER_PROFILES, FILTER_FAMILY_FEATURE_EXCLUDED, FAMILY_ALLOWED_FEATURE_TYPES, SHARED_FEATURE_TYPES, SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES where FILTER_PROFILES.FILTER_PROFILE_NAME = 'MAQ' And FILTER_PROFILES.FILTER_PROFILE_ID = FILTER_FAMILY_FEATURE_EXCLUDED.FILTER_PROFILE_ID And FAMILY_ALLOWED_FEATURE_TYPES.FAMILY_ID = FILTER_FAMILY_FEATURE_EXCLUDED.FAMILY_ID And FILTER_FAMILY_FEATURE_EXCLUDED.FEATURE_TYPE_ID = SHARED_FEATURE_TYPES.FEATURE_TYPE_ID And (SHARED_FEATURE_TYPES.Feature_Type_ID = SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES.Feature_Type_ID And left(FEATURE_TYPE, 4) <> 'CPLV' And Feature_Type = '" & sAT & "')) As ExclusionFlag From SHARED_FEATURE_TYPES, SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES, PRODUCT_FEATURE_VALUES Where PRODUCT_FEATURE_VALUES.FEATURE_VALUE_ID = SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES.Feature_Value_ID And SHARED_FEATURE_TYPES.Feature_Type_ID = SHARED_FEATURE_VALUES.Feature_Type_ID And left(FEATURE_TYPE, 4) <> 'CPLV' And Feature_Type = '" & sAT & "' UNION Select distinct Column_Name As Attribute_Name, SMALL_TEXT_VALUE As Attribute_Value, (select FILTER_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED.EXT_ATT_ID from FILTER_PROFILES, FILTER_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED where FILTER_PROFILES.FILTER_PROFILE_NAME = 'MAQ' And FILTER_PROFILES.FILTER_PROFILE_ID = FILTER_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED.FILTER_PROFILE_ID And FILTER_ATTRIBUTES_EXCLUDED.EXT_ATT_ID = EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES.EXT_ATT_ID) As ExclusionFlag From EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES, EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES, PRODUCTS Where PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_ID = EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES.PRODUCT_ID And not SMALL_TEXT_VALUE is null And EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES.EXT_ATT_ID > 1499 And EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES.EXT_ATT_ID = EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES.EXT_ATT_ID And Column_Name = '" & sAT & "'", myConnection) Dim dt As New DataTable() adapter.Fill(dt) elbValue.DataSource = dt elbValue.DataBind()
My group has recently begun ramping up #of users from 5-10 to 50 concurrent. I'm currently using a 10Mb/s Ethernet but am not sure if there is a fiber or multiplexing solution that I could use to increase output. Basically, we're looking at up to 50 heavy duty data pulls (50MB+) at any one time.
Has any one managed to get Report Manager to have the option to export to pipe delimited? There are documents out there how to do it on SSRS; I need it on Report Manager. Any Suggestions?
Can somebody help me with a delimiter problem I have.I have several PIPE (|) delimted text files which I need to import toSQL.With one of the files I keep encountering the following error;"Error at Source for Row 27753. Errors encountered so far in this task:1. Column Delimter not found."I suspect the problem is that one record (and possibly more) has a PIPE(|) within a field, because some of the fields contain free text.Getting an export of the file again using a different delimter like tabor comma will not work as these characters occur throughout the file.I'm open to suggestions as to how to resolve this and really need toget a solution soon.One solution I was thinking of, but do not know how to execute is tocount the number of PIPEs on each record and then manually change therecords which have count which is inconsistent with the rest of thefile.I've also tried importing to Access first and then SQL, as this hasworked for me in the past, but it did not work.Regards,Ciarán
I was trying to extract data from the source server using OLEDB Source and SQL Server Destination when i encountered this error:
"Transaction (Process ID 135) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.".
What must be done so that even if the table being queried is locked, i wouldn't experience any deadlock?
I have a database table where a primary key is defined. When I enter data that is the same as another table, it does not allow and throws an error which I do want. What happens is that a Server Error in Application error type is thrown with the following message:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_cs_sc'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'cs_sc'. The statement has been terminated.
How can I detect the error in my own asp.net page code so that it does not forward my users to the asp.net server error page? Heres my code below... how can I check for success or failure within this code?
Dim conSqlConnect As SqlConnection Dim strInsert As String Dim cmdInsert As Sqlcommand conSqlConnect = New SqlConnection( "Server=localhost;uid=var;pwd=var;database=var" ) strInsert = "Insert cs_sc ( [name] ) Values ( @name )" cmdInsert = New SqlCommand ( strInsert, conSqlConnect ) conSqlConnect.Open() cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() conSqlConnect.Close()