Error Connecting To An Instance Of SQL 05 Remotely

Oct 11, 2007

I have SQL 05 and SQL 200o on same server . SQL 05 version is a named inatnce. But when i try to connect it from my computer first it doest show the name instance in the list and when i manulay write its name i got this error.

"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)"

I went to check that remote connectiona nd SQL browsing is on or not but both were on . any ideas why this is happening and why the name is not coming in list of Server.


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Error Remotely Connecting To SQL Server Express

Sep 8, 2007

I've been trying to configure remote connections to my sql server express to no avail.

First here are some constants to clear some things up:
- OS: Windows XP Pro
- SQL Express version: April CTP release
- Windows Firewall: disabled (to avoid any problems there)
- Network type: two computers connected a router.
- Router firewall: Enabled (I may be wrong but the router firewall only blocks external traffic, so I left it on.)

First, I configured my SQL server to allow remote connections in the SQL Surface Area Configuration. (Set it to both TCP/IP and named pipes)

Second, I enabled and configured sql server browser.

Third, I enabled TCP/IP and named pipes in the 'Protocols for SQL Express' option of the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

According to
I have done everything I need to (including edit the registry to enable the SQL Server Browser service) and the error I continue to get is:

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)"

So I tinkered and had no success in messing with anything that would fix it. Although, ***when I browsed for network servers on different machine, the server instance DID show up in the list***. So I find it odd that it can find the instance when browsing, but fails to 'find' it when making a connection.

So I didn't stop there, I decided to try the non-sql server browser method of remotely connecting: specifying the IP.

I went back to the blog of instructions referenced above and re-did the steps, this time specifying a TCP Port for the server instance and then after specifying the port on the remote computer connection string, and attempting to connect, I get this error:

"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 10060)"

I've done all I know how, read all the possible blogs I can, and nothing's come up. If anyone can shed some light on me, I'd pay you 1 billion pretend dollars. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

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Error 26 When Connecting To SQL Server Instance

Mar 8, 2008

I do hope someone can help

I have a windows server with SQL Express, I have followed the link here and still no luck

I have checked and checked again a thousand times

I can remote desktop and connect through SQL Management Express, but when I try this on my local machine I get the error 26

My knowledge is very limited and could do with some expert help

I read somewhere that in TCP/IP properties all IP's should be set to 1433, is this correct
at the moment, apart from ALL IP which is set to 1433, IP1-9 are set to Dynamic Port =0, should I be setting all these to 1433


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Error 26 Connecting To Remote SQL Server Instance

Jan 17, 2008

I am attempting something that I have done many times before; however, in this instance it continues to fail.

I am trying to connect Management Studio to an instance of SQL Server 2005 Express over a VPN. The Management Studio connect dialog always fails with Error 26.

I have:

Enabled the instance for remote connections €“ both TCP/IP and Named Pipes

Ensured that the instance is enabled for TCP/IP on the VPN address ( and on port 1433

Ensured that the instance is running

Ensured that SQL Browser is running

Ensured that ports 1433 (TCP) and 1434 (UDP) are open on the firewall for inbound traffic

Rebooted the server following this configuration to ensure that the instance services are refreshed

Tried to connect from three separate clients (albeit on the same remote network)

Disabled the firewall to ensure no further complications (as a last resort)

I have this exact same setup functioning on a separate server.

There is an additional backstory to this problem; however, I will not complicate the scenario with it now. If you feel you can help then I can elaborate further on the server€™s history.



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Intermittent Login/General Network Error Connecting To A Named Instance Of SQL 2000

Mar 27, 2008


I have a VB 2003 .NET application that I wrote for a customer that connects to a named instance of SQL 2000. Until recently it has been working fine. Lately the program either pops a timeout failure within a few seconds or a general network error. I've increased the connection timeout settings to 90 seconds but the error still pops within a few seconds. I'm thinking something has changed in the environment that prevents a clean connection to the named instance of SQL server.

How should this issue be troubleshoot to determine the problem and what areas need to be looked at?


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Connecting Sql Server Remotely

Oct 22, 2007

I have a sql server 2005 remotely, need to connect from client using sql management studio. I am unable to connect from one of the client machine and able to connect from different machine.

The tcp/ip, named pipes and sql browser is enabled in server and windows firewall is off in client.

I am getting (provider: sql network interfaces, error 26 - error locating server/instance specified)

Please throw your suggestions.

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Help With Connecting To Sql Server Remotely

Oct 5, 2007

i have installed sql server 2005 standard on our server. i need to now connect to the server from a client machine within our network. do i need to install just the client tools? what are the other steps in connecting? im new to sql server, so thanks for the help.


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Access MSDE Instance Remotely

Nov 3, 2004

I have a named instance of MSDE running on my windows 2k3 web server. I can connect just fine using ODBC to that DB whailst I am on the server.

I would like to be able to create an ODBC connection from my local machine (running Windows XP pro) to the MSDE database on my server but I can't get it going.

I have heard that I need to edit the registry but a Google search warns that this could be a vulnerability...

How do I do it without compromising the security of my web server?


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Connecting Remotely Using SQL Server Express?

Dec 9, 2006

I'm new to MSSQL. At my work place, I'm using MSSQL and using SQL Query Analyzer to run queries and view all my database tables and structures.

Now, I can work remotely at home for the time being. So, how do I get SQL Query Analyzer and be able to connect remotely to my database at work?

I've downloaded SQL Server 2005 Express and it comes with SQL Server Management Studio, which looks similar to SQL Query Analyzer. The problem is though, how would I remotely connect to my database server at work? Is it possible to do this using SQL Server 2005 express?

One thing I was advised to do was configure the TCP/IP Port number from 1433 to 1435. However, I do not see an option to configure that nor do not know how to connect remotely (I do have the IP, User, and Pass).

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SQL 2005 Express Not Connecting Remotely.

Oct 12, 2007


I hope this is the right place for this question.

I'm using SQL 2005 Express on my local machine, I can connect and do all I need to.

But when I transfered my database to my remote server I cannot connect (I changed the connection string to suit).

<add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Data,1786;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

I have checked the connection string passsword etc, and all are correct.

I have tried SQL Server Management Studio, aspnet_regsql.exe etc and all give the following error:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No such host is known.)or

System.Web.HttpException: Unable to connect to SQL Server database. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)

I have used the surface config to enable TCP/IP and named pipes.

Any Ideas?


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Problem Connecting Remotely Using Osql

Jul 24, 2006


I am using osql to connect to my remote MSSQL server. I am able to get a prompt for password and telnet to 1433 just fine, so I conclude this is not related to firewall. When I try to connect I get:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80ToolsBinn>osql -S xx.xx.xx.xx -U test

[DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

When I try to connect from 'localhost':

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server80Toolsinn>osql -U test


This is Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 and both local and remote connections are allowed. Logs don't show up anything.

Thank you.

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Can Not Remotely Connect To Instance Of Sql Server 2000

Aug 10, 2006

I had a big problem on connecting sqlserver remotely from other machines on the network .....

From any computer in the network i wanna to register the instance of the sqlserver from the enterprise manager ..... the server instance doesn't appear within the available sqlserver list (the servername which equal to my machine is the only one that appear) ..... when i manualy write the servernamealias manually and i choose the connection type and then i write sqlserver username and password and then finish he give a message to me that access denied or sql server doesn't exist ... !!

by the way from the local machine i registered the local instance of sqlserver successfully and successfully i access the Databases .....

To be noted:

I previously uninstalled this alias and i then i reinstalled it again with the same name and i attached the previously exists Databes.

in the same time i installed on the same machine sqlserver 2005 connectivity clients not the server itself.

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Cannot Remotely Connect To SQL2005 Instance On A Cluster

Jan 18, 2008


I am trying to remotely connect to a SQL 2005 Instance on a cluster. I see the following error:

No retry on exception System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

I have enabled TCP/IP , Named Pipes on the node. I have turned off IPSec on the clients as well. I am using the following connection string : "Integrated Security=SSPI;server=servernameinstancename;Pooling=false;database=TrialDB"

Is there something I am missing?

Any pointers will be appreiciated.


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COnnecting Sql Server Remotely Using Management Studio

Oct 23, 2007

I have a sql server 2005 remotely, need to connect from client using sql management studio. I am unable to connect from one of the client machine and able to connect from different machine.

The tcp/ip, named pipes and sql browser is enabled in (sscm)server and windows firewall is off in client.

I am getting (provider: sql network interfaces, error 26 - error locating server/instance specified)

Please throw your suggestions.

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Sql Server 2005 - Problem Connecting Remotely

Jun 8, 2007


I have 2 machines using SQL Server 2005 developer edition. I am able to connect to each of them locally without any problem. But when I try using one SQL Server as server and another machine's SQL Server as client, I am not able to connect. I get the following error:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to ServerName.


A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233).

I have checked for "Allow Remote Connections" property turned on for TCP/IP.

I am using SQL Server Authetication mode.

I have checked for SQL Server Browser service to be running.

Firewall on the server is also allowing the sql server traffic to pass.

But still not able to connect. What could be the problem connecting the 2 machines.

Any help is appreciated.

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Trouble Connecting Remotely To Sql2005 From Other Machines.

Sep 20, 2007

New sql2005 install as a named instance and having trouble connecting from remote machines.

I noticed on our other servers that the "Public" server role is listed in permissions (right-click over the sqlmgr connection for the dialog, then permissions).

When I try to add the role to the new server it doesn't save! This is the only setting that's different, can't connect using sqlmgr from other machines to this server so any ideas on other settings to look at appreciated.

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Problems Connecting Remotely To Sql Server 2005

Sep 14, 2007

hi. im still a bit new in handling SQL and im having problems connecting to a remote sql server 2005. i have already configured the surface area to accept remote connections and am using the connection string:

SqlConnection lasConnection = new SqlConnection("user id = sa;" +

"password = 12345; server = Naomi;" +

"Trusted_Connection = yes;" +

"database = LAS;" +

"connection timeout=30");

and it returns an error of "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'NAOMIGuest' "
however, when i use the application on the same computer as the server, it has no problems connecting at all. could please point me to the right direction on how i should face this problem?

thanks in advance

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Access Denied When Connecting Remotely Via SSMS

Jan 10, 2006


Only the server administrator user can connect to SSIS from remote workstations.  All other users encounter "Access denied".  What security settings are necessary to permit regular user access to SSIS?  Firewalling is not an issue.  SSIS is running and works fully for the server administrator user.  All users can manage the Database with SSMS just fine; only SSIS cannot be accessed by regular users.


Server Configuration Notes:

Windows Server 2003

SQL Server 2005 Standard


Workstation Configuraiton Notes:

Windows XP Professional

SSMS (installed from the SS2005 media)


Thank you.

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Problem Connecting Sqlserver2005 Express Remotely In LAN

Feb 11, 2008

i have a Vb application on an client pc that has to connect with a sql databse file on the server.
the connection string is :
connectionString="Data Source=<servername>SQLEXPRESS,1433;Initial Catalog=TBSD.mdf; User Id=sa;Password=sa;integrated security=false;" />

if i run the application i get the error message : "login failed for user 'sa'.

If i try to connect remotely to sql server express with sql server managment studio express i can connect without any problems.

is this a security problem ?

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Cannot Remotely Access SQL Server Standard Named Instance

Oct 10, 2006

Good Day,

I am creating a SQL Named instance as a testing environment. This instance is on the same physical box as my Development environment, both are SQL 2005 standard edition. From the server in Management Studio, I can load, and interact with both instances. From a remote connection (e.g., my pc) I cannot access the named instance. I am getting the following:

Connect to Server

X Cannot connect to <server><named instance>

Additional Information

An error has occured while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Sever 2006, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)(Microsoft SQL Server)
I have checked, and rechecked the server settings for this named instance, and remote connections are set to "allow" I have enabled TCPIP and Named Pipes prototocals, and have ensured that my firewall is allowing the "listenting port" for the named instance, and have even tried turning off my XP firewall during testing.
I am sure that I have probably missed something, and have searched the community but only have been able to find resolutions that I have already tried. Is there more?
Thanks in advance for any help and guidance you can provide.

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Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Remotely Via Windows Authentication

Oct 20, 2006


I have installed SQL Server 2005 onto a server and then on my client machine I have installed SQL Server 2005 and the Server Management Studio.

When installing it on the server I chose all the defaults so have not setup an sql username or password to connect as I thought I could use Windows.

I go to the Server Management and registered servers, create a new one and enter the ip address of the server and choose Windows Authentication. The following error keeps appearing though and I am not sure what settings/where to check:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

I have checked and think port 1443 is open on the server, tcpip is enabled but when I choose Windows authentication I cannot enter a username or password as it is greyed out. It has completed the username but no password and these are not the correct ones to connect to the server - I wish to wish the same one I use for RDC.

Or should I try SQL Authentication and if so how would I set this up? Cannot see on the server in SQL Configuration where I could set this?

Hope someone who knows a lot more than me on this can help!

Thanks for your time - this has been driving me mad for days now and everything I print off the internet is not help so any feed back or more useful links to loo up would be great.

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Problem Using Client Tools To Remotely Connect To A SQL Server Instance On Another PC

Jan 18, 2005

Someone please help me before I loose all of my hair :mad: !!!

I have two machines, a Windows Server 2003 machine running an SQL Server Standard Edition database instance and client tools (Enterprize Manager etc.), and a workstation PC running Windows XP SP2 which has just the SQL Server client tools (not an actual DB instance).

I'm trying to use the Enterprize Manager client tool on my WinXP machine to remotely connect to the server instance on the server PC (via 'New SQL Server Registration' option). Everytime I do this I get the following error message:

Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection.

Now I've tried using different usernames and passwords. I have login details for my SQL Server set to use Windows Login rather then SQL Server login, so I tried remotely connecting with the username and password for the server PC, tried 'sa' with server password, even tried setting up a new user on the server and logging in from the client with that, no luck. I've opened up correct ports 1433 on both PCs, even disabled the windows firewalls algother. Both server and client have SP3a installed, WinServer2003 has SP1 and XP SP2.

So I'm at a loss to how to remotely connect to my SQL Server. FYI I know the server itself is working fine because I can connect to it using Enterprize Manager/Query Analyser on the local machine. Any ideas? Many thanks for your help!

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Unable To Connect Remotely After Upgrading A SQL Instance From Express To Enterprise

Mar 4, 2007

Problem: I upgraded a SQL Server Express instance to SQL Server Enterprise, but I'm unable to connect to the SQL server from any remote machine. Only local connections work -- and I've verified that Remote Connections are allowed in the SQL Surface Confg. utility.

Scenario: Server1 has an SQL Enterprise edition installed as a default installation. SharePoint Server 2007 was installed later, and during that install a SQL Express edition instance was installed which is part of the standard SharePoint install. That Express instance contains all the SharePoint content databases.

So Server1 has SQL instances:
Server1 <default install running Enterprise>
Server1OFFICESERVER <previously running SQL Express, now upgraded to Enterprise>

After upgrading Server1OFFICESERVER to Enterprise, everything seemed to work fine (i.e. SharePoint works fine). However when I try to connect remotely to Server1OFFICESERVER I can't. I've verified through the SQL Surface configuration tool that remote connections are allowed. I've rebooted the server as well. I've tried connecting remotely using various PCs and various applications (e.g. SQL Server Mgmt Studio, Visual Studio, etc.).

Any other ideas to try?

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Web Data Mining - Help On Connecting Remotely To Analysis Servicers Server

May 26, 2007


i am trying to connect to Analysis services server through another pc but i am unable to do so.

Using the following commands i manage to connect to analysis services server at my pc

Server.srv=new Server ();

srv.Connect('ip address or name');

but not to another pc. Are there any settings under sql server should i change ?

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Connecting To Datafiles Stored Remotely From SQL Server--not Locally From The SQL Server

Jun 18, 2001

I had asked a question last week and I realized that I had phrased it in a misleading way. Within a lab environment at my company, we are experimenting w/ accessing remote SQL data files stored separately on another machine from the SQL server itself (whether it be another client or server).

The experiment is this: You have one client machine accessing a SQL server via Enterprise Manager. The datafiles that you are trying to access are stored on another machine that does not have SQL Server installed. This remote machine only has the datafiles.

Can one map a static path via UNC from the SQL server to the datafiles on the remote machine and then access these datafiles (as long as the user's account has the appropriate permissions to the remote machine)? To my understanding, within SQL server you can only access datafiles that are stored locally on the SQL server itself.

The other thing that I was wondering was if the type of user account had some significance in this situation. More than likely, a local user account would not be able to access the remote machine w/ the datafiles even if the SQL server could map an UNC path and retain it. A domainuser account might be able to do this though.

Any help that you could provide would be appreciated.

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Connecting To A Second Instance Via VPN

Apr 8, 2004


I have two SQL SERVER Instances on the computer I am trying to connect to via VPN:

I can connect to the first with no problems.

When I am trying to connect to the second (with the Enterprise Manager/Query Analyzer and even with isql) - I get the following message:
"SQL SERVER does not exists or access denied".

I use the SQL SERVER user and password to connect (as login sa).

How can I connect to the second instance?

Thanks in advance.

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Connecting To My Instance

Nov 7, 2007

I have had to format my laptop and re-install server 2005 developer edition. Im having trouble logging on. My computer name is 28NEWMANSLANE. I installed sql server with a default instance, where as last time i installed with a named instance.

I can not find out with name it has given itself.

am i correct saying that the logging in format would be

computername/instancename ?? using windows authentication



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Connecting To Named Instance

Jan 3, 2004


How can i connect to Named Instance of MSDE on remote server from Enterprice Manager in my local computer ?

Instance name is Helm

I can connect inside server like

osql -S -E .Helm

But how i access from remote machine using Enterprice Manager ?


Yujin Boby

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Connecting To Express Instance

Oct 8, 2015

SQL Express 2014 was installed to support reporting for an application. I can connect to the server using the server name without any issue. When I run “select @@version”, I get SERVERNAMESQLEXPRESS, but I can’t connect to the server with SERVERNAMESQLEXPRESS. This is throwing off one of my script when trying to connect to the server.My script connects to the server using SERVERNAME for default instance or SERVERNAMEINSTANCENAME for named instance.

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Connecting To A Names Instance Through A Firewall.

Mar 12, 2007


I am really struggling with this problem.

I am connecting to several SQL 2000 servers on another LAN from my workstation and I have to go through a firewall.

I got the firewall people to open port 1433 and was then able to connect any server with a default instance using Query Anlyzer and the IP address of the Server.

When I try to connect from my workstation to a server with a named instance I am being blocked by the firewall before it gets to the server.

I went into Client Network Utility on my workstation and removed named pipes which only left Tcpip using port 1433.

Fire wall is now blocking “nbname UDP 137”.

Is there a setting somewhere on my workstation that I can force the traffic to the named instance to use Tcpip through port 1433.

Any Help would be great.

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Connecting To Named Instance Of SQL Server

Jun 16, 2008

We have installed SQL 2000 SP4 on Windows 2000 Server. We created named instances on the SQL server.
When trying to connect to named instances from a remote sql client which is on windows 2000 and windows 2003, its throwing an error message saying that remote connections are disabled.
But, remote connections are enabled on the SQL server.
After changing the component services settings on windows 2003 where sql client is installed, we are able to connect to named instances.
But, after applying the same settings on another windows 2003 machine, we are unable to connect to the same instances.

We have another machine where we installed SQL 2005 on windows 2003 SP1. When trying to connect to named instances from any remote client, its throwing an error message saying that remote connections are disabled. But, remote connections are enabled in SQL server settings. We tried connecting to the instances by changing the component services settings but still we are facing the same issues.

Can you please help me on above issues?

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Connecting To Default Instance For The First Time

Mar 16, 2008

I just installed Sql Server 2005, and opened the Sql Server management studio, and the connect to server dialog box popped up, i selected database engine, but what do I put in the server name box? I tried my computer name, and got an error, i tried localhost and got an error, i tried my computer name/localhost and got an error. I installed it as the default instance with windows authentication, and I verified that the sql server service is running, but I always get a login error. Can anyone help me get started?

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Connecting To A Remote SQL Express Instance

Feb 11, 2008

Can anyone tell me what are the necessary steps if I want to connect to a Remote SqlExpress Instance ? I am using Visual Studio 2005. When I tried to connect it says that the remote server does not allow remote connection. I have enabled all the protocols from Sql Server Configuration manager and disable the firewall. But it still not working. Pls Help me.
Thank You.

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