Error In Accessing Stored Procedure

Oct 10, 2006

i'm trying to insert into db sql 2000 through a stored procedure .. i got this error " Procedure or function newuser has too many arguments specified "

this is the procedure :


(@username_1 [nvarchar](80),

@email_2 [nvarchar](50),

@password_3 [nvarchar](256),

@Country_ID_4 [int],

@city_id_5 [nvarchar](10),

@gender_6 [nvarchar](50),

@age_7 [int],

@fname_8 [nvarchar](50),

@lname_9 [nvarchar](50),

@birthdate_10 [datetime])

AS INSERT INTO [Brazers].[dbo].[users]

( [username],











( @username_1,










& that 's the code in asp page :

Dim param As New SqlClient.SqlParameter


param.ParameterName = "@username_1"

param.Value = TextBox1.Text

param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input



plz .. waiting any solve for this problem immediately

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Error While Accessing COM Component From .NET Stored Procedure..

May 7, 2006

I have a COM object that is written using Visual Basic 6. This is referenced in a .NET Stored Procedure. But when I execute the stored procedure I get an error:

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure prCalculator_ExecCalc, Line 0

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'prCalculator_ExecCalc':

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {844E8165-ABC1-432B-9490-51B1A6D91E71} failed due to the following error: 80040154.


Here is what I do:

1. Compile the VB DLL.

2. Convert into a .NET assembly by importing to a Visual Studio 2005 project. Sign the interop assembly.

3. Register it as an assembly in SQL 2005 server.

4. Create a .NET stored procedure and reference the above assembly. Compile this assembly again in SQL 2005 and create a stored procedure using the assembly. This assembly is also signed.

Please Note:

1. All the assemblies are registered with UNSAFE permissions.

2. They are compiled with COM Visible flag in Visual Studio 2005.

3. This works perfectly on my local SQL Express where I have Visual Basic/VisualStudio 2005 installed.

4. I get this error, when trying on Test Server. I tried to install the VB Runtime on this machine and still does not work.

So, what am I missing? Thanks for your help.


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Accessing Stored Procedure In ASP.Net - What Is Wrong?

Jul 25, 2006

I have the following stored proceduredrop procedure ce_selectCity;set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO-- =============================================-- Author:        <Author,,Name>-- Create date: <Create Date,,>-- Description:    <Description,,>-- =============================================create PROCEDURE ce_selectCity    @recordCount int output    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here        --<@Param2, sysname, @p2> <Datatype_For_Param2, , int> = <Default_Value_For_Param2,, 0>AS        declare @errNo         int                -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from        -- interfering with SELECT statements.        SET NOCOUNT ON;                    -- Insert statements for procedure here        select ciId,name from ce_city order by name                select @recordCount = @@ROWCOUNT        select @errNo = @@ERROR        if @errNo <> 0 GOTO HANDLE_ERROR        return @errNoHANDLE_ERROR:    Rollback transaction    return @errNoGoand i was just testing it likeProtected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load        db.connect()                Dim reader As SqlDataReader        Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCommand("ce_selectCity", db.getConnection)        Dim recordCountParam As New SqlParameter("@recordCount", SqlDbType.Int)        Dim errNoParam As New SqlParameter("@errNo", SqlDbType.Int)        recordCountParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output        errNoParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue        sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(recordCountParam)        sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(errNoParam)        reader = db.runStoredProcedureGetReader(sqlCommand)        If (db.isError = False And reader.HasRows) Then            Response.Write("Total::" & Convert.ToInt32(recordCountParam.Value) & "<br />")            While (reader.Read())                Response.Write(reader("ciId") & "::" & reader("name") & "<br />")            End While        End If        db.close()    End SubIt returns ALL ROWS (5 in the table right now). So, recordCount should be 5. (When i run it inside SQL Server (directly) it does return 5, so i know its working there).BUT, its returning 0.What am i doing wrong??EDIT:Oh, and this is the function i use to execute stored procedure and get the readerPublic Function runStoredProcedureGetReader(ByRef sqlCommand As SqlCommand) As SqlDataReader            sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure            Return sqlCommand.ExecuteReader        End Function

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Accessing Stored Procedure Parameters Through XSD

Dec 9, 2006

Hi All,
 I have created a stored procedure (in SQL Server 2005 - Developer) with input and output parameters. Please somebody let me know how I can call this store procedure from code behind using TableAdapter i.e. through XSD.
Long Live Microsoft ;)

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Accessing Web.config From Stored Procedure

Feb 27, 2007

I want to access a key from appSettings  section of web.config. 
I have the number of days allowed for a user to activate his/her account  as a key in appSettings.
I have a maintenance procedure to delete all accounts that are not activated before that many days.
In this context, i have to access web.config from stored procedure.  The procedure will be scheduled as a JOB in sql server.

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Accessing A 'View' From Within A Stored Procedure

Jun 7, 2004

Hiya folks,
I'n need to access a view from within a SProc, to see if the view returns a recordset and if it does assign one the of the fields that the view returns into a variable.

The syntax I'm using is as follows :


I keep getting an object unknown error (MyView). I've also tried calling it with the 'owner' tags.

SELECT TOP 1 @MyJobN = IJobN FROM LimsLive.dbo.MyView

But alas to no avail!

Any offers kind people??

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Accessing Another Database In A Stored Procedure

Aug 10, 2006


i have stored procedure and i need to access another database in my stored procedure

I'm going to query a table which is located in another database

as you know it is impossible to use the USE database keyword in stored procedures

so what should I do?


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Accessing SELECT Results Within A Stored Procedure

May 18, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to access the results from a select statement within the stored procedure?

This is to implement auditting functionality, before updating a record i want select the original record and compare the contents of each field with the varibles that are passed in, if the fields contents has changed i want to write an audit entry.

So i'd like to store the results of the select statement in a variable and access it like a dataset. e.g

declare selectResult

set selectResult = Select field1,field2,field3 from table1

if selectResult.field1 <> @field1
exec writeAudit @var1,@var2,var3

Many thanks.

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Problem With Accessing Stored Procedure In The Report

Mar 14, 2007


I am new to Sql Server 2005 Reporitng Services. I created a report in BI and used stored procedure as a dataset. When I run the report in preview mode it works fine and when I run it in report server/report manager, I am getting the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Query execution failed for data set 'dsetBranch'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)

Could not find stored procedure 'stpBranch'.

But I have this procedure in the db and it runs fine in the query analyzer and the query builder window in report project. When I refresh the page in Report manager, I am getting this error.
Input string was not in a correct format.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]
System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) +2753715
System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) +102
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportAreaPageOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +149
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +75
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +154
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

I have changed the dataset from procedure to a sql string and the report is working fine everywhere. But I have a business requirement that I need to use a stored procedure.

I am not sure why I am getting this error and I greatly appreciate any help.


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Accessing Multiple Databases From Stored Procedure In SQL 2000

May 16, 2006

Hi ,

I have around 5 databases with same structure used to store data for different locations and services.

I have created an intermediate database which will have all the stored procedures to access data from above 5 databases.

My queries are common to all the databases. so,I would like to pass database name as an argument to my stored proc and execure query on specified database.

I tried this doing using "USE Databasename " Command. but it says ...We can not use "USE command " in stored proc or triggers. so ..what i did is ..


CREATE PROCEDURE TestDB_access(@dbname varchar(100))


DECLARE @localDB varchar(100)

Set @LocalDB=@dbname

if @LocalDB='XYZ'

elseif @LocalDB='ABC'


Select * from Mytable



When I run this from my database , it gives me an error "unable to find table "mytable".

What is the best way to make my queries work with all the databases.

Thanks in advance

Venu Yankarla

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Trouble Accessing SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Parameters

Jun 14, 2007

I created a stored procedure (see snippet below) and the owner is "dbo".
I created a data connection (slcbathena.SLCPrint.AdamsK) using Windows authentication.
I added a new datasource to my application in VS 2005 which created a dataset (slcprintDataSet.xsd).
I opened up the dataset in Designer so I could get to the table adapter.
I selected the table adapter and went to the properties panel.
I changed the DeleteCommand as follows: CommandType = StoredProcedure; CommandText = usp_OpConDeleteDirectory. When I clicked on the Parameters Collection to pull up the Parameters Collection Editor, there was no parameters listed to edit even though there is one defined in the stored procedure. Why?

If I create the stored procedure as "AdamsK.usp_OpConDeleteDirectory", the parameters show up correctly in the Parameters Collection Editor. Is there a relationship between the owner name of the stored procedure and the data connection name? If so, how can I create a data connection that uses "dbo" instead of "AdamsK" so I can use the stored procedure under owner "dbo"?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Code SnippetCREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_OpConDeleteDirectory
@DirectoryID int
DELETE FROM OpConDirectories WHERE (DirectoryID = @DirectoryID)

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Accessing A Stored Procedure From ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express:How To Define/add 1 Output &&amp; 2 Input Parameters In Param. Coll.?

Feb 23, 2008

Hi all,

In a Database "AP" of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I have a stored procedure "spInvTotal3":

CREATE PROC [dbo].[spInvTotal3]

@InvTotal money OUTPUT,

@DateVar smalldatetime = NULL,

@VendorVar varchar(40) = '%'

This stored procedure "spInvTotal3" worked nicely and I got the Results: My Invoice Total = $2,211.01 in
my SSMSE by using either of 2 sets of the following EXEC code:
--Code that passes the parameters by position
DECLARE @MyInvTotal money
EXEC spInvTotal3 @MyInvTotal OUTPUT, '2006-06-01', 'P%'
PRINT 'My Invoice Total = $' + CONVERT(varchar,@MyInvTotal,1)
DECLARE @InvTotal as money
EXEC spInvTotal3
@InvTotal = @InvTotal OUTPUT,
@DateVar = '2006-06-01',
@VendorVar = '%'
SELECT @InvTotal
Now, I want to print out the result of @InvTotal OUTPUT in the Windows Application of my ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express programming. I have created a project "spInvTotal.vb" in my VB 2005 Express with the following code:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data.SqlTypes

Public Class Form1

Public Sub printMyInvTotal()

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=AP; Integrated Security=SSPI;"

Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)



Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

cmd.Connection = conn

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[spInvTotal3]"

Dim param As New SqlParameter("@InvTotal", SqlDbType.Money)

param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output



'Print out the InvTotal in TextBox1

TextBox1.Text = param.Value

Catch ex As Exception





End Try

End Sub

End Class
I executed the above code and I got no errors, no warnings and no output in the TextBox1 for the result of "InvTotal"!!??
I have 4 questions to ask for solving the problems in this project:
#1 Question: I do not know how to do the "DataBinding" for "Name" in the "Text.Box1".
How can I do it?
#2 Question: Did I set the CommandType property of the command object to
CommandType.StoredProcedure correctly?
#3 Question: How can I define the 1 output parameter (@InvTotal) and
2 input parameters (@DateVar and @VendorVar), add them to
the Parameters Collection of the command object, and set their values
before I execute the command?
#4 Question: If I miss anything in print out the result for this project, what do I miss?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Gridview / SqlDataSource Error - Procedure Or Function &<stored Procedure Name&> Has Too Many Arguments Specified.

Jan 19, 2007

Can someone help me with this issue? I am trying to update a record using a sp. The db table has an identity column. I seem to have set up everything correctly for Gridview and SqlDataSource but have no clue where my additional, phanton arguments are being generated. If I specify a custom statement rather than the stored procedure  in the Data Source configuration wizard I have no problem. But if I use a stored procedure I keep getting the error "Procedure or function <sp name> has too many arguments specified." But thing is, I didn't specify too many parameters, I specified exactly the number of parameters there are. I read through some posts and saw that the gridview datakey fields are automatically passed as parameters, but when I eliminate the ID parameter from the sp, from the SqlDataSource parameters list, or from both (ID is the datakey field for the gridview) and pray that .net somehow knows which record to update -- I still get the error. I'd like a simple solution, please, as I'm really new to this. What is wrong with this picture? Thank you very much for any light you can shed on this.

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Help With TSQL Stored Procedure - Error-Exec Point-Procedure Code

Nov 6, 2007

I am building a stored procedure that changes based on the data that is available to the query. See below.
The query fails on line 24, I have the line highlighted like this.
Can anyone point out any problems with the sql?

This is the error...

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced, Line 24

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

This is the exec point...

EXEC [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]

@LicenseType = 4,

@PositionType = 4,

@BeginAvailableDate = '10/10/2006',

@EndAvailableDate = '10/31/2007',

@EmployerLatitude = 29.346675,

@EmployerLongitude = -89.42251,

@Radius = 50






ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]

@LicenseType int = 0,

@PositionType int = 0,

@BeginAvailableDate DATETIME = NULL,

@EndAvailableDate DATETIME = NULL,

@EmployerLatitude DECIMAL(10, 6),

@EmployerLongitude DECIMAL(10, 6),

@Radius INT




DECLARE @v_RadiusMath NVARCHAR(1000)

DECLARE @earthRadius DECIMAL(10, 6)

SET @earthRadius = 3963.191

-- SET @EmployerLatitude = 29.346675

-- SET @EmployerLongitude = -89.42251

-- SET @radius = 50

SET @v_RadiusMath = 'ACOS((SIN(PI() * ' + @EmployerLatitude + ' / 180 ) * SIN(PI() * p.CurrentLatitude / 180)) + (COS(PI() * ' + @EmployerLatitude + ' / 180) * COS(PI() * p.CurrentLatitude / 180) * COS(PI()* p.CurrentLongitude / 180 - PI() * ' + @EmployerLongitude + ' / 180))) * ' + @earthRadius

SELECT @v_SQL = 'SELECT p.*, p.CurrentLatitude, p.CurrentLongitude, ' +

'Round(' + @v_RadiusMath + ', 0) AS Distance ' +

'FROM ProfileTable_1 p INNER JOIN CandidateSchedule c on p.UserId = c.UserId ' +

'WHERE ' + @v_RadiusMath + ' <= ' + @Radius

IF @LicenseType <> 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND LicenseTypeId = ' + @LicenseType


IF @PositionType <> 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND Position = ' + @PositionType


IF LEN(@BeginAvailableDate) > 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND Date BETWEEN ' + @BeginAvailableDate + ' AND ' + @EndAvailableDate


--SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + 'ORDER BY CandidateSubscriptionEmployerId DESC, CandidateFavoritesEmployerId DESC, Distance'




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ERROR:Syntax Error Converting Datetime From Character String. With Stored Procedure

Jul 12, 2007

Hi All,

i have migrated a DTS package wherein it consists of SQL task.

this has been migrated succesfully. but when i execute the package, i am getting the error with Excute SQL task which consists of Store Procedure excution.

But the SP can executed in the client server. can any body help in this regard.

Thanks in advance,


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Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Error Description : Error Accessing Windows Event Log

Dec 13, 2007


I am running dts in Sql Server 2005 management studio from Management, Legacy and data Transformation Services.

Once the dts has run, I get this error message "Error Source : Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Error Description : Error accessing Windows Event Log."

Please help me

thanks in advance


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Stored Procedure And Error

Oct 17, 2006

Hi, somebody can tell me how to create a correct Stored procedure (with commit and rollback) that return errors to my code for save it in a log file .... I would like to know the right method for a SP with parameters and return error value Thanks

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I Have An Error In My Stored Procedure

Jul 29, 2007

i want to take the first n values from my Categorii table, here is my stored procedure:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CategoryID) AS RowNumber, CategoryID, Name, Description FROM Categorii
WHERE DepartamentID = @DepartamentID AND RowNumber <= 5
i get the error: invalid column name RowNumber
why? what should i do? if i execute the procedure without the AND RowNumber <= 5 i get the RowNumber values 1 to 9 (that means it works)...but what should i do to retrive only the first n?
thank you

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Error In Sql Stored Procedure

Aug 17, 2007

I've a stored procedure which returns values based on 7 criterias. It was working fine and returned the values properly. I added one more criteria for returning values from 2 database columns based on minimum and maximum values. It's not working properly and gives syntax error. Could someone tell me what mistake I'm doing? Thanks. ALTER procedure [dbo].[USP_Account_Search_Mod]
@ClientCode VARCHAR(7) = ''
,@DebtorName VARCHAR(25) = '',@DebtorNumber INT = 0
,@AccountNumber VARCHAR(30) = ''
,@ReferenceNumber VARCHAR(30) = '',@Tier INT = 0
,@Status VARCHAR(5) = ''
,@UserID INT
,@Month DateTime = NULL
,@FromDate DateTime = NULL
,@ToDate DateTime = NULL,@OriginalMin decimal = 0
,@OriginalMax decimal = 0,@CurrentMin decimal = 0
,@CurrentMax decimal =0
,@lstAmountSelect VARCHAR(3),@IsActive bit = 1
@SQLTier1Select VARCHAR(2000)
,@SQLTier2Select VARCHAR(2000)
,@Criteria VARCHAR(2000)
,@CRI2 = ''
,@CRI3 = ''
,@CRI4 = ''
,@CRI5 = ''
,@CRI6 = ''
,@CRI7 = ''
,@Criteria = ''
SELECT @DebtorName = REPLACE(@DebtorName,'''','''''');
Print @DebtorName
if(SELECT UserTypeID FROM dbo.tbl_Security_Users Where UserID = @UserID) = 3 AND @ClientCode = ''
                return (-1)IF LEN(@DebtorName) > 0
SET @CRI1 = ' AND Name like ' + '''%' + @DebtorName + '%'''IF @DebtorNumber > 0
SET @CRI2 = ' AND Number = ' + CAST(@DebtorNumber AS VARCHAR(7))IF LEN(@AccountNumber) > 1
SET @CRI3 = ' AND AccountNumber like ' + '''%' + @AccountNumber + '%'''IF LEN(@ReferenceNumber) > 0
SET @CRI4 = ' AND Account like ' + '''%' + @ReferenceNumber + '%'''IF LEN(@ClientCode) > 1
SET @CRI5 = ' AND Customer = ' + '''' + @ClientCode + ''''
SET @Status = RTRIM(@Status)
IF ((@Status Not IN ('ALL','ALA','ALI')) AND (LEN(@Status)>1))
IF(@Status = 'PAID')
SET @CRI6 = ''
IF(@Status = 'CANC')
SET @CRI6 = ' AND Code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryCancelledT1 = 1 OR SearchCategoryCancelledT2 = 1)'
--PRINt @CRI6IF LEN(CONVERT(CHAR(8), @Month, 112)) > 0
IF(LEN(CONVERT(CHAR(8), @FromDate, 112)) > 0 AND LEN(CONVERT(CHAR(8), @ToDate, 112)) > 0 )
SET @CRI7 = ' AND Received BETWEEN ' + '''' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), @FromDate, 112)+ '''' + ' AND ' + '''' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), @ToDate, 112) +''''END
ELSEBEGIN SET @CRI7 = ' AND DATEPART(mm, Received) = DATEPART(mm, ' + '''' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), @Month, 112) + '''' + ') AND DATEPART(yy, Received) = DATEPART(yy, ' + '''' + CONVERT(CHAR(8), @Month, 112) + ''''
IF @lstAmountSelect='ALL'
SET @CRI8=''
else IF @lstAmountSelect = 'DR'
SET @CRI8=' AND OriginalBalance >= '+ convert(Varchar,@OriginalMin) + 'AND OriginalBalance<=' + convert(Varchar,@OriginalMax)+' AND CurrentBalance >= '+ convert(Varchar,@CurrentMin) + 'AND CurrentBalance<=' +convert(Varchar,@CurrentMax)
ELSE IF @lstAmountSelect = 'OLC'
SET @CRI8=' AND OriginalBalance < CurrentBalance '
ELSE IF @lstAmountSelect = 'OGC'
SET @CRI8=' AND OriginalBalance > CurrentBalance '
ELSE IF @lstAmountSelect = 'OEC'
SET @CRI8=' AND OriginalBalance = CurrentBalance '
 SELECT @Criteria = @CRI1 + @CRI2 + @CRI3 + @CRI4 + @CRI5 + @CRI6 + @CRI7 + @CRI8
--PRINT @Criteria
if @Status = 'ALL' OR @Status = 'ALA' OR @Status = 'ALI' --All Period
if(@Status = 'ALL') --All Active
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryAllT1 = 1)'
SELECT @SQLTier2Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier2Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryAllT2 = 1)'
if(@Status = 'ALA') --All Active
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryActiveT1 = 1)'
SELECT @SQLTier2Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier2Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryActiveT2 = 1)'
if(@Status = 'ALI') --All Inactive
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryInactiveT1 = 1)'
SELECT @SQLTier2Select = 'SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier2Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria + ' AND code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryInactiveT2 = 1)'
ELSE IF @Status = 'PAID'
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))' + @Criteria + ' AND (number IN (SELECT DISTINCT ph1.number FROM Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph1 LEFT JOIN Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph2 ON ph1.UID = ph2.ReverseOfUID WHERE (((ph1.batchtype = ''PU'') OR (ph1.batchtype = ''PC'')) AND ph2.ReverseOfUID IS NULL)) OR code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryPaidPaymentsT1 = 1))'
SELECT @SQLTier2Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier2Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))' + @Criteria + ' AND (number IN (SELECT DISTINCT ph1.number FROM Collect2000Tier2.dbo.payhistory ph1 LEFT JOIN Collect2000Tier2.dbo.payhistory ph2 ON ph1.UID = ph2.ReverseOfUID WHERE (((ph1.batchtype = ''PU'') OR (ph1.batchtype = ''PC'')) AND ph2.ReverseOfUID IS NULL)) OR code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryPaidPaymentsT2 = 1))'END
BEGINSELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria
SELECT @SQLTier2Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier2Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))'+ @Criteria END
WHEN 0 THEN @SQLTier1Select + ' UNION ' + @SQLTier2Select + 'ORDER BY NAME ASC' WHEN 1 THEN @SQLTier1Select + 'ORDER BY NAME ASC'

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Error In Stored Procedure

Sep 6, 2007

When I'm trying to execute my stored procedure I'm getting the following code  Line 35: Incorrect syntax near '@SQL'.
Here is my procedure. Could someone tell me what mistake I'm doing.Alter procedure [dbo].[USP_SearchUsersCustomers_New]
,@RepName VARCHAR(50)
,@dlStatus VARCHAR(5) = ''
@Criteria VARCHAR(500)
if (@dlStatus <>'ALL' AND (LEN(@dlStatus)>1))
SET @Criteria='AND dbo.tbl_Security_Users.IsActive=1'
SET @Criteria='AND dbo.tbl_Security_Users.IsActive=0'
--If the user is an Admin, select from all users.
if(dbo.UDF_GetUsersRole(@UserID) = 1)
,ISNULL((Select TOP 1 R.RoleName From dbo.tbl_Security_UserRoles UR
INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_Security_Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleIDWhere UR.UserID = U.UserID), 'Unassigned') as 'RoleName'
FROM dbo.tbl_Security_Users U
--INNER JOIN dbo.tbl_Security_Roles R ON U.RoleID = R.RoleID
WHERE U.NAME LIKE @RepName AND U.UserTypeID < 3'+ @Criteria

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Error Im My SQL Stored Procedure

Jan 29, 2008

Hi,I want to use a variable to put a value in a table but it doesn't seems to works. How can i do that? I have bolded and underlined the text that i think is not correct.What syntax can i use to make it work?Thanks----------------------------------------------------------------------dbo._UpdateImage(@ID int,@ImageID int)
Declare @PhotosThumb nvarchar(50)Declare @Photos nvarchar(50)
SET @PhotosThumb = 'PhotosThumb' + convert(nvarchar, @ImageID)SET @Photos = 'Photos' + convert(nvarchar, @ImageID)
IF @ImageID = 1
UPDATE PhotosSET @PhotosThumb = 'Logo_thumb.gif',@Photos = 'Logo320x240.gif'WHERE ID = @ID
UPDATE PhotosSET @PhotosThumb = NULL,@Photos = NULLWHERE ID = @ID

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Error SQL Stored Procedure

Feb 12, 2008

Yo people, got a little problem with this stored procedure, i go to save it and it kicks out these errors:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Drop'.Incorrect syntax near 'Go'.Incorrect syntax near 'Go'.'CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE' must be the first statement in the query batch
I dont no about this sort of stuff so a good break down of what wrong would be good, below is the whole procedure.
Drop Table PersonGo
 Create Table Person
(PersonID Int Identity,
PersonEmail Varchar(255),PersonName Varchar(255),
PersonSex Char(1),PersonDOB DateTime,
PersonImage Image,PersonImageType Varchar(255)
 Drop Proc sp_person_isp
 Create Proc sp_person_isp
@PersonEmail Varchar(255),@PersonName Varchar(255),
@PersonSex Char(1),@PersonDOB DateTime,
@PersonImage Image,
@PersonImageType Varchar(255)
BeginInsert into Person
(PersonEmail, PersonName, PersonSex,
PersonDOB, PersonImage, PersonImageType)
(@PersonEmail, @PersonName, @PersonSex,
@PersonDOB, @PersonImage, @PersonImageType)

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Error With Stored Procedure

Nov 4, 2003

I have the following code in my code behind page:

Dim CN = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("connectionstring"))
Dim CM As New SqlCommand("spCCF_CrossTab", CN)
CM.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
CM.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LocationID", "CCFIF"))
CM.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@BeginDate", dtbStart.Text))
CM.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@EndDate", dtbEnd.Text))
DR = CM.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
dgReport.DataSource = DR

A SQL exception is thrown: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'

But I turned on tracing in Enterprise Manager, the following request is sent to SQL:
exec spCCF_CrossTab @LocationID = N'CCFIF', @BeginDate = N'11/3/2003', @EndDate = N'11/4/2003'
In query analyzer the above line executes without error and returns the expected information.

My stored procedure is:

@LocationID varchar(10),
@BeginDate varchar(10),
@EndDate varchar(10)

declare @select varchar(8000), @sumfunc varchar(100), @pivot varchar(100), @table varchar(100), @where varchar(1000)

select @select='SELECT dbo.ActionCodes.Name AS Action FROM dbo.Productivity_CCF LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ActionCodes ON dbo.Productivity_CCF.ActionID = dbo.ActionCodes.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.UserInfo ON dbo.Productivity_CCF.UserID = dbo.UserInfo.ID WHERE (dbo.Productivity_CCF.[Date] BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, ''' + @BeginDate + ''', 101) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, ''' + @EndDate + ''', 101)) GROUP BY dbo.UserInfo.UserName, dbo.ActionCodes.Name order by Action'
select @sumfunc= 'COUNT(ActionID)'
select @pivot='UserName'
select @table= 'UserInfo'
select @where='(dbo.UserInfo.LocationID = ''' + @LocationID + ''' and dbo.UserInfo.Inactive<>1 )'

DECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1)

EXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE 1=2')
EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' + @table + ' WHERE '
+ @pivot + ' Is Not Null and ' + @where)

SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )

SELECT @delim=(CASE Sign( CharIndex('char', data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) )
FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivot'

SELECT @sql=@sql + '''' + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + ''' = ' +
stuff(@sumfunc,charindex( '(', @sumfunc )+1, 0, ' CASE ' + @pivot + ' WHEN '
+ @delim + convert(varchar(100), pivot) + @delim + ' THEN ' ) + ', ' FROM ##pivot

DROP TABLE ##pivot

SELECT @sql=left(@sql, len(@sql)-1)
SELECT @select=stuff(@select, charindex(' FROM ', @select)+1, 0, ', ' + @sql + ' ')

EXEC (@select)

I've been banging my head on this for quite some time now, any insight someone might have as to the problem would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Stored Procedure Error -- Please Help

May 27, 2004

I am trying to get a returned value from the stored procedure below
CREATE PROC insert_and_return_id
@parameter1 varchar,
@parameter2 varchar

DECLARE @newID int
SELECT @newID = 0
INSERT INTO tbltest (field1, field2)
VALUES (@parameter1, @parameter2)
My asp Code looks like this
Function InserTest(value1, value2)
Dim objConn, objRs, objCmd
' Create a connection to the database
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "DSN=" & CONNECTION_STRING
' Create the query command
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = "insert_and_return_id"
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
' Create the parameter for output and returned valueand populate it
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("parameter1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, value1)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("parameter2", adVarChar, adParamInput, 255, value2)
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("newID", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 4)

objCmd.Execute objCmd0
response.write objCmd.Parameters("newID")
End Function

And I get the following ASP Error
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Procedure or function insert_and_return_id has too many arguments specified.
/netwasp/tester.asp, line 62

I only just started to use sp's hence it might be something really simple, Can anyone help, cheers?

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Error In The Stored Procedure

May 19, 2005

I am trying to swap two rows in a table .. I am stuck with this error since a long time.. can anyone guess where the problem is ? create procedure was working fine in query analyzer but when used it in the stored procedure. I am getting these .. can anyone help me out please ... Your help will be greatly appreciated.. UpdateRowsReorderUp is my storedprocedure ... and i am using MS Sql 2000 .. am I doing something really wrong which i'm not supposed to ?????
Thanks friends..
Procedure 'UpdateRowsReorderUp' expects parameter '@nextlowestsortID', which was not supplied.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateRowsReorderUp]
 @intsortID int,
 @nextlowestsortID int,
 @MemberID int
 Select @nextlowestsortID=(Select Top 1 SortID from SelectedCredits where SortID<@intsortID order by SortID DESC)
 UPDATE SelectedCredits SET SortID= CASE
WHEN SortID = @nextlowestsortID then @intsortID
WHEN SortID = @intsortID then @nextlowestsortID ELSE SortID End
WHERE MemberID = @MemberID
SELECT * FROM SelectedCredits WHERE MemberID= @MemberID ORDER BY SortID
// this is my script on the page
 void moveup(Object s, DataListCommandEventArgs e)  {
    objcmd= new SqlCommand("UpdateRowsReorderUp",objConn);
    objcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;   
    objRdr= objcmd.ExecuteReader();
    dlSelCredits.DataSource = objRdr;

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Error In Stored Procedure

Sep 12, 2005

I have a stored procedure to which I pass the following parameters     @Date smalldatetime,     @Amount decimal(15,3)     @Exg_Rate decimal(5,3)Inside this stored procedure I call another one passing to it those parameters like thatEXECUTE dbo.[Opening_Balance_AfterInsert] @Date, @Amount*@Exg_RateI receive an error at the above line saying:  Incorrect syntax near '*'if I try to put the expression between rounded brackets I receive the error Incorrect syntax near '('How can I pass that expression?

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Stored Procedure Error

Nov 26, 2005

String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.I am using a Stored Procedure, shown hereCREATE PROCEDURE GetImagePath(     @ID INT,     @ImagePath VARCHAR(50) OUTPUT) AS    SET NOCOUNT ONSELECT @ImagePath = path FROM WHERE table1= @IDRETURNGOHere is the code that I am usingSqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strConnection);conn.Open();SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@ImagePath", SqlDbType.VarChar);param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetImagePath", conn);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", 100);cmd.Parameters.Add(param);cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();cmd.Dispose();conn.Dispose();TextBox1.Text = param.Value.ToString();When I run it, I get the following error String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0. The stored procedure is correct because I tested it wtih Query Analyzer. I cant seem to figure out what is causing this error.Any help would be appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Error

Mar 24, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 and wrote a stored procedure as shown below.CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetUsers](    @StartRowIndex INT,    @MaximumRows INT,    @SortExpression VARCHAR(50))ASBEGIN    DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(1000);    DECLARE @Start VARCHAR(10);    SET @Start = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @StartRowIndex + 1);    DECLARE @End VARCHAR(10);    SET @End = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @StartRowIndex + @MaximumRows);    SET @SQL = '        WITH Data AS(            SELECT UserID, Username, FirstName, LastName,             ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @SortExpression + ') AS RowNumber FROM Users)        SELECT UserID, Username, FirstName, LastName        FROM Data        WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN ' + @Start + ' AND ' + @End    EXEC(@SQL);ENDIn VS 2005, I am using a DataSet. Then I created an ObjectDataSource which binds the GridView control. However, I am getting the following error:  Incorrect syntax near ')'After playing around with it, the error is from the line:ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + @SortExpression + ') AS RowNumber FROM Users)If I change the line to ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY UserID') AS RowNumber FROM Users) it works fine, except for sorting.I dont understand what I might be doing wrong.

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Stored Procedure Error

Mar 4, 2003

I am writing a stored procedure where I am adding a column to a table, doing some manipulation using the new column and then deleting the column. The problem is when I try to save the stored procedure, it gives me an error because it cannot find the new field on the table. How can I tell SQL to not compile a section or whole stored procedure?

Ken Nicholson
Sara Lee Corporation

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Error With Stored Procedure

Jan 29, 1999

Periodically, while running a stored procedure from a VB front end, I get the error 08501, General Connection Failure.

This application is not being used by anyone else, but no one else running other apps on the same server has a problem.

Additionally a symptom dump is produced followed by a message that 'The current contents of process'input buffer are' sp_cursoropen'.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Stored Procedure Error...

Oct 5, 2006

I'm trying to build a quick stored procedure here but I get error with "BackupId"... Why?


@parameter1 int = 5,
@parameter2 datatype OUTPUT

INSERT INTO tblFileInvalid
BackupID, AccountNo, CompanyName, StoragePath, PhoneNumber, Active, RelayActive, TimeStamp
'86','0607-2114-0910','zzUnknownCompanyName','E:BACKUPProcessed','0000000000','1','1','10/04/2006 6:30:00 PM'

/* RETURN */

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Error With Stored Procedure

Aug 17, 2004

does anyone see anything wrong with this stored procedure?? I keep getting a syntax error.

INSERT INTO [CommissionEmployee_Exclusionsdb].[dbo].[GCEmployeeTerms]([TM #],[FirstName],[LastName],[SocialSecurityNumber],[DateHired],[DepartmentName],[Title])

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Error In Stored Procedure

May 21, 2008

Hi All,

I have a problem with the procedure shown below. When I try saving it I get the following error, can anyone help

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure KillPurveyanceProcess, Line 19
Incorrect syntax near '@tSPId'.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillPurveyanceProcess]


DECLARE @tSPId smallint;
DECLARE @tblocked smallint;

DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT spid,blocked from sys.sysprocesses where program_name ='PurveyanceImport'
and status = 'suspended' and cmd = 'UPDATE'

OPEN my_cursor

FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @tSPId,@tblocked


Kill @tSPId

FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @tSPId,@tblocked

CLOSE my_cursor
DEALLOCATE my_cursor

Thanks in Advance

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