Error In Searching Records

Jan 29, 2006


I am developing windows application.

I want to find records which has a particular number which is entered in textbox.
and result is displayed in datagrid.

If the entered number didnt find in database it must be displayed msg.

i tried it like as below but not working.

qlConnection conn = new SqlConnection();
            conn.ConnectionString = "Server=EBSERVER;UID=sa;Database=Airport-Clearance;";
            //SqlConnection sqlconn = objcs.GetConnection();
            //Do what ever
            SqlDataAdapter filling = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Airport where awb='" + txtawb.Text ,conn);
            DataSet displaying = new DataSet();
            dataGrid1.DataSource = displaying.DefaultViewManager;

Waiting for reply.

Warmest regards,

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Searching Records?

Jul 20, 2004

I want to create a stored procedure which takes a project name and returns any project with a name similar or = to the input parameter. This is so the user can search for a project although the spelling may be incorrect or whatever.....

Any hints on how to start this? It seems that I could use SOUNDEX or DIFFERENCE, but I don't know where to start.

Any hints?

Mike B

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Searching For Records With Null Values

Oct 9, 2007

I'm hoping someone can help me with my problem.
I'm reading in records from a 'flat file' and loading them into sql.
I have 5 values I'm loading in.  I first check my sql db, if all 5 values match a current record in sql, I don't want to load the record, because it's already there.  If it doesn't exist, I need to load it.
It works fine as long as none of my values are NULL.  But if I have a record with a field, say Gender, that is null, if its a new record it loads fine, setting gender to NULL in sql.  But then when I encounter another record, which is identical, I'm testing to see if it already exists by  doing a 'select where Gender = @Gender'   and it always returns that the record does not exist in the db - even though it exists (because its using the = instead of is null)! 
I need some mechanism where if the value is null it tests 'Gender is null'  but if there is a value, it tests gender=gender, [and I need this for all my parameters].  Or is there some other way to do this? 
 Here is my code for looking to see if the record exists:  
public static int ExistInsured(int CaseID, object InsuredLastName, object DateOfBirth, object CurrentAge, object Gender)
{SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStng.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT top 1 InsuredID from Insured Where PolicyID = (Select PolicyID from Policy where CaseID = @CaseID) and LastName = @InsuredLastName and DateofBirth = @DateofBirth and Gender = @Gender", conn);
 int result = -1;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CaseID", CaseID);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InsuredLastName", InsuredLastName);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DateOfBirth", DateOfBirth);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CurrentAge", CurrentAge);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Gender", Gender);
{object ret = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if ((ret != null) && (ret is int))result = (int)ret;
}return result;

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Searching And Displating Records, With A Twist

Nov 28, 2003

ive got a tough one for everyone this time!

i am trying to get a page up that enables me to enter a number into a box on a form, which then on clicking of a search button, queries the database, and returns 2 other fields that relate to the number found in the database, in an ASP datagrid.

the easiest way to do this would be to use OLEDB or ODBC, but the host i am using doesnt support either of them, and so i am trying to use their code, something using OBJDB, but to no avail. frankly, their code is rubbish, and im not sure how to go about doing the above.

i would be very grateful if someone could help me out with this problem,



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Searching Similar Records Within A Table

Oct 8, 2007


I have 4 tables :

Code Block
Create Table #Request ( [requestid] int , [stateno] nvarchar(5) , [cityno] int , Callid int, UniqueNo int);
Create Table #RequestDetail(reqdetailid int, [customername] Varchar(20), [customerage] int, requestid int);
Create Table #Call(Callid int,Calltype int,callDetailid int )
Create Table #CallDetail(callDetailId int,empid int)

Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(12123,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(53423,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(6532,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(82323,1)
Insert into #CallDetail VALUES(124235,1)

Insert Into #Call VALUES(111,1,12123)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(112,1,53423)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(114,1,6532)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(123,2,6532)
Insert Into #Call VALUES(134,1,124235)

Insert Into #request Values('324234','SA023',12,111,0);
Insert Into #request Values('223452','SA023',12,112,0);
Insert Into #request Values('456456','SA024',12,114,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22322362','SA024',44,123,0);
Insert Into #request Values('22654392','SA023',12,134,0);

Insert into #requestdetail values(1, 'Bill',23,'324234')
Insert into #requestdetail values(2, 'Tom',25,'223452')
Insert into #requestdetail values(3, 'Bobby',27,'456456')
Insert into #requestdetail values(4, 'Guck',29,'22322362')
Insert into #requestdetail values(5, 'Bobby',33,'22654392')

1. My stored proc will take the CallDetailID.

2. I have to find out the requests made on this calldetail.

3. After getting the request, i want to take the Customername, cityno of the request/requestdetail and pass it again to #request table to search for any duplicates within the request.

4. If found return the details of the original record :

[A similar requirement was solved earlier, but the structure has changed. This is a seperate requirement with different table strucure. Hence a new post. ]


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Problem In Searching Records By Date In Sql Query For

Oct 8, 2007

In my web application I used two textboxes for date1 and date2 to search records I have used two variable in my stored procedure @OrderDate1 datetime,@OrderDate2 datetime,for todays record (values for date1 and Date2)set @OrderDate1='09/20/2007 12:00 AM';set @OrderDate2='09/20/2007 11:59 PM';for records between (values for date1 and Date2)set @OrderDate1='09/20/2007 12:00 AM';set @OrderDate2='09/24/2007 11:59 PM';I have to search the todays records OR records between these two days (OrderDate >= @OrderDate1 ) AND (OrderDate <= @OrderDate2) It
works fine in my local server>>It finds the todays records by
ginving same date (@OrderDate1 and @OrderDate2) and records between two
dates but it does not work for sql server which is outside india ...if it is problem of date format how i can solve that.. Thanks

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Full Text Searching....THOUSANDS Of Records!

Sep 12, 2005

Hope I am in the correct section.

I am installing a FTS system on an existing system (that used LIKE % queries!!  hahaha)

Anyway, it is working pretty well (AND FAST!) but when I type in a
common word like "damage" I get like 32,000 records.  Now, the
server handles those records in about one second but the ASP page that
returns the results takes about one MINUTE to download.  When I
save the source, it is almost 12 MEGS!!

So, basically, I am streaming 12 megs across the pipe and I want to reduce that.

I would like the system to detect over maybe 500 records and cancel the search.

I have put a "TOP 500" into the search and that actually works pretty well but is there a better/smarter method?



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Failed Searching Records By Using SQLCommand Parameter LIKE '%@keywords%'

Aug 8, 2007

I use SQL Server 2005 Developer. I failed to search the records by using SQLCommand Paramater. Please find the code below.
However, when I hardcode like  LIKE '%sudoku%' , it works. Could aynone help?
Andy.private bool searchProducts(string keywords)
command.CommandText = "SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Image, ProductPrice.Price, ISNULL(SpecialProduct.PromoDiscount,0) as PromoDiscount FROM Product INNER JOIN ProductPrice ON Product.ProductID = ProductPrice.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialProduct ON Product.ProductID = SpecialProduct.ProductID WHERE Product.Name LIKE '%@keywords%' ";
command.Parameters.Add("@keywords", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
command.Parameters["@keywords"].Value = keywords;

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Searching Varchar Field That Contains Future Dates Error

Feb 25, 2008

I am doing a search on a column of type varchar, the columns all contain dates in the future. When i perform a query






FROM [FutureSoft].[dbo].[zCIFRecord]

WHERE CAST([CIFExpDate] AS smalldatetime) between '12/01/2000' and '01/30/2015'

I get error:

Msg 295, Level 16, State 3, Line 1

Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.

I can use this same query on an exactly same other field that contains dates in the past. Is there some kind of limitation on the dates as far as them being in the future or past?

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Stored Procedure Giving Error When Searching On Date Range

Aug 20, 2007

I've  a report whose columns are returned from a stored procedure. Now I want to display the report based on a date range. The date field is Received. It's in dbo.master. I added 2 parameters start date and end date. When I check the condition if dbo.master.Received>StartDate and dbo.master.Received < EndDate directly I'm getting error. Could someone tell me what mistake I'm doing? Thanks for your help!ALTER Procedure [dbo].[USP_Reports_NewTier1]
@ClientCode VARCHAR(7) = '',@UserID INT = 0
,@OrderID INT =0
,@StartDate datetime,@EndDate datetime
IF @ClientCode <> '' and dbo.master.Received > StartDate and dbo.master.Received<EndDateBEGIN SELECT --Root Select --ClientName @ClientName = (Select Name  FROM dbo.customer c     WHERE   c.Customer = @ClientCode)     ,@TotalDollarValue = (SELECT SUM(m.current1-m.paid1)     FROM dbo.master m     WHERE phase=1     AND m.Customer = @ClientCode    AND M.Status <> 'PIE')
 ,@AverageAge = ISNULL((select avg(age) from    (select datediff(day,Received,CASE WHEN clidlp>clidlc then clidlp else clidlc END)* -1 as age    from dbo. master M    WHERE phase=1 AND customer = @ClientCode AND M.Status <> 'PIE') x),0)END

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Make Single Records From Multiple Records Based On Different Fields Of Different Records?

Mar 20, 2014

writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29

output should be ......

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29

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How Can I Take Millions Of Records Without Time Out Error?

Sep 19, 2007

Hi,There are about 30 millions records on my mssql server and I want to access 2 million of them at one time.  However, when I try to access with sql command I get time out error. I want to select first 100 record and select the other 100 and so on. May I obtain this?For example;select * from tbl_Customer where name = @name_  ->time out errorSomeone has said that you can solve this problem with < cursors > but I can't find enough article. Thanks... 

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Error While Handling Large Number Of Records

Jan 29, 2008

Hi I have created one store procedure which handles global updates I am using cursor to fetch one be one row for updating (It is required for implementing business logic)Now when i execute this store procedure ---it gives me dedlock error , I dont know why i m getting this error(Approx number of rows 1.5lakh)if then i removed unnecessary records from table (Approx -50000) it works fine,Is there any way to handle itI am calling this storeprocedure from my window service.please give me a good solution if possible 

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Inserting Of Duplicate Records Error Message

Jan 15, 2004

I would like to know what options I have with regards to trapping a duplicate record
before it tries to post to a SQL database. I have set the column to unique in SQL. But
when I try to use ASP and post a duplicate record I get a system error. I would like to
just create a referential error to notify the user that they cannot post a duplicate record
please try again. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Value Of @@Error After Performing Update That Finds No Records?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,Just wondering if you perform an update using a where condition thatactually returns no rows to be updated, does @@Error contain an errormessage afterwords?We want to fire an update ona table against records that may or maynot exists. As a matter of course we test for an @@Error afterwardsand rollback our transaction and exit our stored proc if an error isreturned.However, we don't want this to happen if there are no records in thetarget table that match the where clause of the update statement.So, if no records are found, does this raise an error?Many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murrau

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Records Erroring Out. Error Description --- &&> No Status Available

Mar 22, 2007

hi All,

In process of migrating a database we had developed a SSIS package that loads fairly straight forward data. It was all working fine but now suddenly around 95 % of the data is getting errored out and all i get as a Error Description is that 'No Status is Available'. I know its pretty tough to ask wht can be the reason ? But can someone guide me onto what exactly I look for ? Has some one before got into such thing and did some resolution ?

Thanks in advance.

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Writing ETL Error Records To A Common Table

Jun 13, 2007

I am working on building a template/design pattern for a DTS to SSIS upgrade project.

During our ETL processing, if we encounter a record that cannot be inserted into a destination table, we'd like to be able to write the entire record out to a common error/reject table. The obvious problem is that every SSIS package that is using this template will of course be dealing with varying table schemas.

I was thinking that if there were a way that I could transform the error record/buffer row into XML, I could then achieve my goal of having a common table to receive errors/rejects.

Has anyone done something like this, or have suggestions on how we might accomplish?

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Dealing With Error Records - Best Practice Question

Oct 15, 2007

There's lots of smart people here who can, I am sure, offer insight on this one.

I need to add handling of erroneous data to my package.

This is what my SSIS package does. The source table has thousands of records in it, most of which have been processed already (have a status of "Finished".) A typical run would have 400-600 records to process. The runs happen overnight.

1) Execute SQL task that Updates all records in input table with status "New" or "Error" to "Process"
2) Data Flow task that takes as input all records with status "Process" and outputs to destinate OLEDB table
3) Execute SQL task that Updates all records with status "Process" to "Finished"

Erroneous records are identified at step 2 (Data Flow task) and need to be marked as "Error" so that they are not marked as "Finished" by step 3. They will be picked up and reprocessed by step 1 next time around.

I am having trouble seeing what would be the best way to achieve this? I am concerned that any steps I take might be prone to deadlocking as the updated data is also the source data?

My initial thought is to output some data to an "error" table in step 2, and then insert another Execute SQL task before step 3 that will update the source table to mark all these records as "Error" records. Does this make sense? Is there a best-practice way to achieve this?


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Using Look UP Getting Error When Insert New Records In SSIS Package

Sep 4, 2006

Hi i am using look up for 5 composite key purpose for Insert new Records and Updated Old Records.

I am getting the Follwing Error Information. I cant understand the Error Description Please give any one solution for this : Here i a m pasting the Error Description;

"[Insert Destination [14266]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E2F.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult:
0x80040E2F Description: "ORA-00001: unique constraint (RDP.SYS_C0020517) violated ". "

[Insert Destination [14266]] Error: The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (14279)" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (14279)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

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Stored Procedure Does Not Return Records Error In VB

Jul 28, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 std edition SP2 on a Windows 2003 server. I have created a simple stored procedure that deletes all records from two tables:



DELETE FROM dbo.table1

DELETE FROM dbo.table2


Executing the procedure generates the message "The stored procedure executed successfully but did not return records." which produces an error condition when run from an Access 2007 VB module using the DoCMD function:

On Error GoTo ErrorExit
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenStoredProcedure "dbo.myStoredProcedure"

When the above VB code is run (it's part of an Access 2007 adp project connected to the SQL Server database) it takes the error exit and returns the "... did not return records." message. How can I avoid this??

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Error Occur While Delete Large Volum Records

Jan 6, 2004

I had write a ActiveX service to delete several tables and those records are more than 100000. When I test it by deleted 1000 records it is ok, but once the volum is increase until 100000, it will give me a error message said timeout operation fail.

how can i overcome this problem. please!!!!

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Fetch Records Which Throws Error

Feb 27, 2015

How to fetch records which throws error?

For example

I'm inserting records from a table to another table, having multiple columns

SampleQuery :

insert into tableB (col1,col2....col10)
select col1,col2....col10 from tableA

* while executing this query im getting error. (like varchar cant convert to numberic)
* Here I have no clue in which column it is
* also dont know which row causes it

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FormView - Update Process Completes With No Error But Records Is Not Changed

Jul 24, 2006

I have setup a FormView which functions as it should but after the user input is updated, the table record stays unchanged, and when I trap the FormView1_ItemUpdated and look at the SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand, it shows this:
UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '', last_name = '', email = '' WHERE id = @original_ID
Here is most of the code I am using:<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server"   DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="id, first_name, last_name"   OnItemUpdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating" OnItemUpdated="FormView1_ItemUpdated" > .. // my ItemEditTempate is here.</asp:FormView>
<EditItemTemplate>First Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' runat="server" ID="author_name" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />Last Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox1" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />E-mail: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("email") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox2" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName="Update" /><asp:Button ID="CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Cancel" /> </EditItemTemplate>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM aspnet_test where id = 1"UpdateCommand="UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '<%# first_name %>',   last_name = '<%# last_name %>',   email = '<%# email %>'   WHERE id = @original_ID ">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_ID" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
Any idea where the @original_ID is supposed to get its value from, or why does the SQL command shows blank fields?Thanks

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Error Editing Data Records In Gridview When Using Convert Function.

Jan 24, 2008

Hello, i currently have a gridview that is populated with data from a SQLServer datasource. I have put an output mask in the select statement, so the date and time attributes are displayed in the format i prefer them to be in. SELECT PatientNo, ConsultantName, HospitalName, CONVERT (varchar, Date, 101), CONVERT (varchar, Time, 8) FROM [Appointment];
 However when i click the 'edit' link for a record in the gridview, i am unable to edit the date/time attributes and when i click update to confirm any changes to the other attributes, the values in the date/time attributes are emptied. How can i solve this update problem. I'm guessing i need to configure my SQL UPDATE statement, but bit stuck how i do this. Please help!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: XML Path - Get File Records Along With If Any Error Messages Occurred

Feb 7, 2015

Below is the test data and my query. Basically i am trying to get the File records along with if any error messages occurred. I am getting the output as expected but the message column has "," at the front and sometime at the end of the column. How do i avoid that.

declare @Files table (ID int identity(1,1) primary key,Filename varchar(50),Date_Created datetime)
insert into @Files (Filename,Date_Created)
select 'File1',GETDATE()-1 union all
select 'File2',GETDATE()-1 union all
select 'File3',GETDATE()-1 union all

[Code] .....

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Searching For ._

Apr 24, 2008

I am trying to find all the email addresses with a " ._"    I use '%._%' but it returns all records.  What is the correct syntax? Also, is there a way to search for a field where the underscore is followed by a single alpha letter and then another underscore? like bla_A_bla or bla_Z_bla.thanksMilton
SELECT DISTINCT fname, lname, inet
FROM ocadbo.notes
where inet like '%._%'

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Need Some Help In Searching

May 8, 2004


How can I find records that contain a STRING from some (more than one) other fields ?

for example, I have:

Name_First = "aaa"
Name_Middle = "bbb"
Name_Last = "ccc"

Key_Words = "aaa,bbb,ccc"
(includes all values - comma separated)

How can I do the SELECT so that when I search for "bbb" on Key_Words I will get my record ?

Should I use "LIKE %aaa%" or something like this ?
(should I keep the comma separators ?)

Thanks in advance, Yovav.

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Searching With LIKE

Feb 13, 2006

Let say a user wants to search for the name Joe Soap

I have two column's in my table, firstname and lastname

So if I do:


SELECT firstname, lastname FROM table WHERE firstname LIKE '%Joe Soap%' OR lastname LIKE '%Joe Soap%'

it returns nothing! So do I have to split the string Joe Soap or something ?

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Nov 28, 2004

my app use a registration table

stName varchar(30),
stDOB smalldatetime,
stGuardianName varchar(30),
stRegDt smalldatetime,
stRegNo bigint,
courseId smallint

the application registers the student details to a course.
each student gets a new registration no during registration.

the app should identify repeaters to a particular course by checking another
table RegHistory, which stores the details of student registrations for the previous 5 years.

stName varchar(30),
stDOB smalldatetime,
stGuardianName varchar(30),
stPrevRegDt smalldatetime,
stPrevRegNo bigint,
courseId smallint

the application must search the RegHistory table and list out those students who are the repeaters.

the sample entries in the two tables are as follows

stName stDOB stGuardianName stRegDt stRegNo courseid
abc 01/01/1979 def 20/11/2004 12345 1
def 01/01/1976 xyz 20/11/2004 12346 1
... ..... ... ...... .... ...

mno 24/18/1976 pqr 20/11/2004 12400 1


stName stDOB stGuardianName stPrevRegDt stPrevRegNo courseId
abc 01/01/1979 def 20/11/2001 2345 1
ghi 01/01/1976 xyz 20/11/2001 2346 1
... ..... ... ...... .... ...

dfg 24/18/1976 pqr 20/11/2001 2400 1

to determine whether a student is a repeater or not, we have to search for an exact match in RegHistory table (where the student name, guardian name and date of birth in both tables match with the corresponding entries in Registration table).

here is my question,

if there are 100,000 students registering in each academic year, we will have
500,000 records in RegHistory Table and 100,000 records in studReg table

if i start searching for a repeater, i guess i will have to loop through all records in studReg, for an exact match in RegHistory, which wil be a time consuming process.

is there any other options to search for repeaters ?

pl discuss

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Mar 16, 2004

hi all,
I need help in selecting records from a table based on the given search criteria.
select * from table where col1='x' and col2='y'... and col6='q'
i may give any combination of column values.
I mean I can't provide 6 values in 'where' condition all the time i submit query.
help me with a stored proc which has 6 input parameters for the 6 columns.

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Dec 11, 2006

Maybe a dumb question.. but is there a way to search all tables in a database for a particular word or phrase?

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Searching For Add-In

Feb 18, 2008

I am searching for an add-in to ssms which lets me choose which server to deploy my code.

For example, I have a complete statement with CREATE PROCEDURE and all code in my query window.

Now I want to run/deploy this code to many servers at once.
Instead of having to reconnect to all server (5), I want an add-in which have checkboxes for me to select.

Anyone heard of this?

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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XML And Searching

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have come to point in my db design where I'm trying to figure whichis the best approach in making it generic (does this really matter?!?)Senario - I have a table called JOBS and this table contains fieldsuch as JobTitle, JobDescription, Salary etcI want to add to this table other attributes which are specific to acertain Job Industries.Solution - Add a join table for each type of industry containingattributes (db is now not generic) OR add a new table with a IndustryType field and a XML field containing the industry specificattributes.If I go the XML way will this just make it complex and slow to query?If not, what is the best way to query an XML field?Thanks,Jack

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