Error Retrieving A Record Based On 3 Parameters. Need Help With Forming My SQL Statement

May 18, 2008

I am having trouble returning the correct record with my stored procedure.

my problem is that i don't know how to structure the sql statement to do the following:

given a set of records that have the same loankey, i need to

1. find the record that has most recent date (lockExprDt)

2. for all records with that date, find the highest Lock Number (LockNo)

3. for the all the records with that date and that LockNo, find the highest extension number (Ext) 

currently my sql statement returns a record that has the most recent date. i don't now how to write the sql to further define my query to return the record that has the most recent date with highest lock number, and finally the highest extension number.

any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong. below is my slq statement. please note that i need to add the sql that will query for the max LockNo, and max Ext. Any help is greatly appreciated. thx!

select a.loankey, a.lockrate, a.investor, a.price, a.ext, a.cost, a.lockno, a.lockstatus
 , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)='12:00:00 AM'  THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)   END as 'LockDate'
 , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)='12:00:00 AM'  THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10) END as 'LockExprDt'
 , Case WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)>= CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10) THEN datediff(day, CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10), CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)) ELSE NULL END as 'Days' 

from cfcdb..locktable a
inner join (select loankey, max(lockExprDt) as lockExprDt
from cfcdb..locktable
group by loankey) b
ON a.loankey = b.loankey AND a.lockExprDt = b.lockExprDt

where a.loankey = @LoanKey

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Trouble Forming SQL Statement

Sep 28, 2005

Hi there,Probably my problem is very simple with a pretty straightforward answer...but sometimes you get stuck around simple problems and never seem to get out! I have database with 5 fields : 1.RecNo(Pkey,auto)  2.AssetName(not null )  3.AssetNo(null allowed)  4.Description(null allowed)  5.MDAprroval? (null allowed-checkbox)The database already has 500 records I need to frame three different SQL statements to generate results in a datagrid...1. First Query to generate all records which DO NOT have ASSETNO 2. Second query to generate all records which DO HAVE ASSETNO3. Third query to generate all records which HAVE ASSETNO and MDAPPROVAL is checked(or true)I could get a workaoundin the second query but somehow my 'Null' check for Asset No  and where statement in third query is failing.Can someone please post some help with these query formations?Thankyou in advance for all your precious time spent in reading & replying to this post.

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Help Forming A Complex SQL Statement

Nov 12, 1998

I have what is turning out to be a very complex T-SQL query to build.

I'm porting an App from Access to SQL Server... one of the Access queries used a function made in VBA to return a value.

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make this work using only SQL Statements.

I'm not even sure how to even ask this. So here I go.. I've really simplified the SQL statement to help out with this. There are initially two tables.

Container and TraceRecord

Container is a table of Cargo Containers (the truck trailers you see on the highways)
TraceRecord is a table of location records as the containers move from city to city on the railroad.

The Containers move on fixed routes (ie.. Long Beach to Chicago, Long Beach to New York, etc...).. in the Container table there is a field called Route which records which Route the container is moving on and is related to a table of routes which I'll get to later.

[This is the old Access query.. notice the IIF statement and the function call to "IsOnTime"]
SELECT c.ContainerID, c.IngateDate, t.Location, t.Status, t.EventDate, t.EventTime
IIf(IsNull(c.IngateDate) Or IsNull(t.Location),"No Ingate Rail Record Captured",IsOnTime(t.Location,t.Status,t.Rail,c.Ro ute,c.IngateDate,t.EventDate, t.EventTime)) AS RailSch,
FROM c Container LEFT JOIN t TraceRecord ON c.ContainerID = t.UnitNumber

For each route there is a scheduled travel plan.

Example.. when a container is taken to the BNSF railroad in Long Beach that is called an "Ingate" and is considered Day 0 (zero). As the container moves on the railroad from Long Beach to Chicago, it will pass through other cities, and the TraceRecord table will record where the container is and what time and day.

What I need to do is determine, based on the latest TraceRecord record, by how many hours is the Container "on time".

There is a routing table which lists the predefined travel path for each route.. listing the number of days and hours a container should be a certain place since the day the container was taken into the railroad at the origin "Ingate".

What the IsOnTime function did was take the arguments and do some math with the routing tables and find out how many hours a unit is or is not on time.

Here's a copy of the function from Access 97 using DAO. I don't know if any of this is going to make sense to anyone.. but I'm stuck and don't know what else to do.

Function IsOnTime(strLocation As String, strStatus As String, strRail As String, intRoute As Integer, _
dateIngateDate As Date, dateCurrentDate As Date, dateCurrentTime As Date) As Variant
On Error GoTo errorh:
Dim rs As Recordset 'Rail Schedule Recordset
Dim db As Database 'Current Database
Dim sqlFind As String 'Search String to find city transit time
Dim dateScheduleDateTime As Date
Dim dateDifference As Integer 'Hours difference between trace and schedule
Dim varvar As Variant

If dateIngateDate = Null Then
IsOnTime = -9999
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tTransitTimeTable", dbOpenSnapshot)

sqlFind = "([RouteID] = " & intRoute & " AND [City] = '" & strLocation & "' AND [StatusCode] = '" _
& strStatus & "' AND [Rail] = '" & strRail & "')"

rs.FindFirst sqlFind
If rs.NoMatch = False Then

If (rs!daymarker = "" Or IsNull(rs!daymarker)) And (IsNull(rs!daymarker) Or rs!cutoff = "") Then
IsOnTime = "Finished"
Exit Function
End If

dateScheduleDateTime = DateAdd("d", rs!daymarker, (dateIngateDate + rs!cutoff))

dateDifference = DateDiff("h", dateScheduleDateTime, (dateCurrentDate + dateCurrentTime))
If dateDifference <> 0 Then

IsOnTime = -dateDifference
End If
If dateDifference = 0 Then
IsOnTime = 1
End If
IsOnTime = -9999
End If

End If
Exit Function

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Results Produce A Single Record Based Off Of Parameters. Want To Change It So It Returns Multiple Records.

Dec 20, 2007

I have a query that will return one record as its results if you provide two variables: @login and @record_date. This works great if you only want one result. However, now what I want to do is not provide those variables and get the result set back for each login and record_date combination. The hitch is that there are several other variables that are built off of the two that are supplied. Here is the query:

DECLARE @login char(20), /*This sets the rep for the query.*/
@record_date datetime, /*This is the date that we want to run this for.*/
@RWPY decimal(18,2), /*This is the required wins per year.*/
@OCPW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities closed per week.*/
@OACW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to close per week.*/
@TOC decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in close.*/
@OANW decimal(18,2), /*This is opportunities advanced to negotiate per week.*/
@TON decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in negotiate.*/
@OADW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to demonstrate per week*/
@TOD decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in demonstrate.*/
@OAIW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities advanced to interview per week.*/
@TOI decimal(18,2), /*This is the total number of opportunities in interview.*/
@OCW decimal(18,2), /*This is the opportunities created per week.*/
@TOA decimal(18,2) /*This is the total number of opportunities in approach.*/

SET @login = 'GREP'
SET @record_date = '12/18/2007'
SET @RWPY = (SELECT ((SELECT annual_quota FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)/(SELECT target_deal FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)))
SET @OCPW = (SELECT @RWPY/weeks FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OACW = (SELECT @OCPW/cls_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOC = (SELECT @OACW*(cls_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OANW = (SELECT @OACW/neg_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TON = (SELECT @OANW*(neg_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OADW = (SELECT @OANW/dem_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOD = (SELECT @OADW*(dem_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OAIW = (SELECT @OADW/int_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOI = (SELECT @OAIW*(int_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @OCW = (SELECT @OAIW/app_perc_adv FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)
SET @TOA = (SELECT @OCW*(app_time/7) FROM #pipelinehist WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date)

SELECT loginname,
CAST(@TOA AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Approach],
app_time AS [Approach Average Time],
app_perc_adv AS [Approach Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOI AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Interview],
int_time AS [Interview Average Time],
int_perc_adv AS [Interview Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOD AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Demonstrate],
dem_time AS [Demonstrate Average Time],
dem_perc_adv AS [Demonstrate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TON AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps in Negotiate],
neg_time AS [Negotiate Average Time],
neg_perc_adv AS [Negotiate Perc Adv],
CAST(@TOC AS decimal(18,1)) AS [Opps In Close],
cls_time AS [Close Average Time],
cls_perc_adv AS [Close Perc Adv]
FROM #pipelinehist
WHERE loginname = @login AND record_date = @record_date

Here is some sample data to use with this. With this sample data what I want to get back is a total of 30 records in the result set each with its data specific to the login and record_date of that returned record.

CREATE TABLE #pipelinehist (
glusftboid int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
record_date datetime NOT NULL,
loginname char(20) NOT NULL,
app_new float NOT NULL,
app_time float NOT NULL,
app_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
int_time float NOT NULL,
int_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
dem_time float NOT NULL,
dem_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
neg_time float NOT NULL,
neg_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
cls_time float NOT NULL,
cls_perc_adv float NOT NULL,
target_deal money NOT NULL,
annual_quota money NOT NULL,
weeks int NOT NULL

INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 56.8, 26.9, 0.57, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 80.7, 0.53, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.2, 0.5, 0.9, 7.7, 0.77, 8, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 210.2, 0.3, 0.87, 6.6, 0.5, 13.7, 0.4, 16.3, 0.43, 1.5, 0.91, 461.25, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 47.6, 5, 0.53, 33.3, 0.6, 57.5, 0.53, 50, 0.7, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 75.3, 110.9, 0.47, 36, 0.5, 17.4, 0.87, 20.3, 0.6, 7.2, 0.83, 2021.74, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 17.2, 23.3, 0.73, 6.8, 0.8, 6.3, 0.93, 29.7, 0.67, 15.5, 0.83, 2218.95, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 105.4, 67, 0.2, 32.9, 0.43, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 116.4, 118.5, 0.33, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 46.3, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1735.13, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 143.3, 9, 0.77, 96, 0.17, 21.6, 0.77, 39.9, 0.43, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 67.6, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 107.6, 38.2, 0.23, 47.5, 0.47, 21.3, 0.77, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 18.6, 8.3, 0.87, 23.2, 0.57, 2.6, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1229.02, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 4, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.4, 1, 1091.22, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 54, 21.6, 0.57, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/17/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 37.6, 24.4, 0.57, 50.1, 0.43, 6.7, 0.87, 15.6, 0.73, 0.9, 0.97, 1163.48, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'AREP', 57.2, 32.5, 0.6, 29.5, 0.47, 20, 0.67, 85.6, 0.5, 2.1, 0.97, 2194.93, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'BREP', 33.9, 0.5, 0.93, 7.8, 0.73, 8.3, 0.77, 9.2, 0.6, 7.7, 0.64, 971.1, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'CREP', 152.1, 0, 0.87, 4.3, 0.67, 9.7, 0.47, 15.7, 0.47, 1.8, 0.85, 396.43, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'DREP', 80.5, 9.8, 0.5, 40.7, 0.57, 68.3, 0.43, 64.2, 0.57, 1.5, 1, 2045.7, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'EREP', 61, 92.1, 0.5, 31, 0.53, 16.9, 0.83, 17.7, 0.6, 7.3, 0.83, 2318.04, 775000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'FREP', 19.4, 21.1, 0.7, 5.3, 0.77, 2.2, 0.93, 33.3, 0.7, 9.7, 0.87, 1937.17, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'GREP', 81.7, 40.5, 0.3, 33, 0.37, 18.5, 0.67, 8.9, 0.77, 3.5, 0.93, 1838.91, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'HREP', 128.6, 115.7, 0.3, 30.9, 0.77, 46.3, 0.77, 48.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.97, 1728.29, 1150000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'IREP', 100.9, 3.4, 0.77, 86.2, 0.27, 18, 0.8, 54.7, 0.37, 0.9, 0.93, 1385.43, 400000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'JREP', 179.4, 66.7, 0.7, 63.5, 0.1, 41.4, 0.6, 20.2, 0.8, 14, 0.7, 1563.76, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'KREP', 285.2, 36.5, 0.1, 46, 0.43, 24.2, 0.73, 9.6, 0.73, 2.1, 0.83, 2120, 575000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'LREP', 17.6, 7.3, 0.9, 21.5, 0.57, 1.7, 0.87, 12.2, 0.67, 1, 1, 1250.54, 330000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'MREP', 26.7, 46.2, 0.6, 26.7, 0.57, 8.1, 0.87, 1.7, 0.9, 1.3, 1, 979.7, 350000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'NREP', 61.6, 20.8, 0.5, 1.7, 0.77, 11, 0.8, 7.4, 0.9, 49, 0.47, 3240.68, 1300000, 50)
INSERT into #pipelinehist VALUES ('12/18/2007 0:00', 'OREP', 31.6, 16.9, 0.63, 50.1, 0.43, 7.2, 0.87, 19.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.97, 1303.48, 330000, 50)

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Receiving System Error When Retrieving Database Record With Null Value

Sep 26, 2007

I have some VB.NET code to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it.  The code is as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sw_calendar = calendarAdapter.GetEventByID(cid)
If sw_calendar.Rows.Count > 0 Then

lblStartDateText.Text = sw_calendar(0).eventStartDate
lblEndDateText.Text = sw_calendar(0).eventEndDate
lblTitleText.Text = sw_calendar(0).title
lblLocationText.Text = sw_calendar(0).location
lblDescriptionText.Text = sw_calendar(0).description

lblStartDateText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblEndDateText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblTitleText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblLocationText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
lblDescriptionText.Text = "*** Not Found ***"
End If
If all of the fields in the database has values, everything works ok.  However, if the title, location or description fields have a null value, I receive the following error message:
Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'.
I've tried a bunch of different things such as:

Adding ".ToString" to the database field,
Seeing if the value is null:  If  sw_calendar(0).description = system.DBnull.value...
...but either I get syntax errors in the code, or if the syntax is ok, I still get the above error message.
Can anyone help me with the code required to trap the null within the code example I've provided?  I'm sure there are other, and better, ways to code this, but for now I'd really like to get it working as is, and then optimize the code once the application is working (...can you tell I have a tight deadline )

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Delete Record Based On Existence Of Another Record In Same Table?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a table in SQL Server 2000 that contains several million memberids. Some of these member ids are duplicated in the table, and eachrecord is tagged with a 1 or a 2 in [recsrc] to indicate where theycame from.I want to remove all member ids records from the table that have arecsrc of 1 where the same member id also exists in the table with arecsrc of 2.So, if the member id has a recsrc of 1, and no other record exists inthe table with the same member id and a recsrc of 2, I want it leftuntouched.So, in a theortetical dataset of member id and recsrc:0001, 10002, 20001, 20003, 10004, 2I am looking to only delete the first record, because it has a recsrcof 1 and there is another record in the table with the same member idand a recsrc of 2.I'd very much appreciate it if someone could help me achieve this!Much warmth,Murray

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Record Retrieving Problem

May 11, 2007

hi all,
I have a table productprice which has the following feildsid             price                     datecreated                  productname 1               12.00                    13/05/2007                        a1   2              23.00                     14/05/2007                       a13               24.00                     15/05/2007                        a14               56.00                     13/05/2007                            b15               34.00                     18/05/2007                            b16               23.00                      21/05/2007                           b17               11.00                       12/02/2007                    c1                   8               78.00                        12/03/2007                  c2I
need to select the rows that are highlighted here.. ie the row that has
the max(datecreated) for  all the  productname  in the table..
plz help thanks in advance..

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Retrieving The The Max Occurrence Of A Record

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,In the datawarehouse DB (under MS commerce server 2002) a table storesthe referer domain name. Table structure is likerefererdomainid <binary>,domainInternalFlag<0/1>,refererDomainName<varchar>e.g.<binary>|0|unknown<binary>|1|<binary>|1|<binary>|1|<binary>|1|<binary>|1|<binary>|1|altavista.commy problem is to build a query (using this table only) whichrefererDomainName has the max occurrence and how many times. As in thetable above it is and 4 times.Can anyone help me.Thanks in advance.

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Best Practice For Retrieving Last Record

Apr 1, 2006

Hi there, very sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this in.

I want to know what is the BEST practice, the correct Microsoft way of doing this:

basically, lets say I am inserting a new record into SQL. simple customer record:







dateOfRegistration (SQL has this value and the default value is the getdate())

That's all very well. I want to know how I can get the recordID for this and return that back from the caller (returning is easily done) -

You cannot really after this insertion, perform a SELECT statement to get the LAST record entered, as there maybe several records that could all be inserted at the same time by coincidence. It's not the best way of going about this.

I want to know what is the best way of getting the just inserted record's recordID - I was thinking about using date and time, manually inputting them and then using that to retrieve the last record/current inserting record but again its not the best way of going about doing this.

what is the best way?

Many thanks for your help!

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Retrieving Connection Parameters

Jun 11, 2006

I would like retrieve a connection's server and initail catalog to store in an audit file.

What object contains this information and could you point me to some sample code that accesses this information from a script somponent?

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Retrieving Data Based On Value In A Field

May 29, 2008

Hi I hop i make sense with this, i have a page where you can update a products price based on the year, so for instance some products will still have prices set in 2007, while some may have prices which will be set in 2008, what i am trying to do is if the price has been set in 2008 it shows this value. The fields in the table which control the values are Rate(controls 2007), and Rate2007Period2. What i am trying to do is if Rate2007Period2 is null or 0, then display the 2007 rate, and if Rate2007Period2 is greater than 0 then display that value. Here is the view which displays the rates;
SELECT     dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SWT,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Tstamp, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateSchedule_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit,                       dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description, dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Work_Type_Description AS Expr1,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,                       dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2FROM         dbo.tblRateSchedule INNER JOIN                      dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code = dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.MA_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblRateScheduleType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleType.RateScheduleType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblWorkType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID = dbo.tblWorkType.WorkType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.RateScheduleUnit_IDWHERE     (dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active = '1')

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Retrieving Data Based On Criteria

May 31, 2008

Hi I hope i make sense this time around, I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;

dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.

dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2

What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.


SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate

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Retrieving Data Based On Criteria

May 31, 2008

Hi this is my first post i am hoping its the write place. I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;

dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.

dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2

What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.

SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate

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Retrieving Only One Record Per Item Using A Select

Apr 7, 2008

The following select retrieves multiple reoords for each i.number. How can I select just the first record for each i.number?

SELECT i.number, i.desc, i.it_sdate, v.entry_date FROM itemsnum as I INNER JOIN Inventor as V ON SUBSTR(i.number,1,5)=v.catalog WHERE v.entry_date<ctod("04/01/06") AND i.it_sdate < ctod("04/01/06") order by number, it_sdate desc

Thanks in advance!

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Retrieving 1st Record In Time Range Else

Jan 5, 2014

I have a date/time value (dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss) stored in a field as part of each record in a dataset.

I would like to achieve the following via a single T-SQL query if possible (efficiency is not an issue as the dataset is small)

On query run;

Check if any records in the dataset are within 10 minutes + or - of the current system time (using the date/time value referenced above)

if none

Load the first record

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Update A Record Based Of A Record In The Same Table

Aug 16, 2006

I am trying to update a record in a table based off of criteria of another record in the table.

So suppose I have 2 records

ID owner type

1 5678 past due

2 5678 late

So, I want to update the type field to "collections" only if the previous record for the same record is "past due". Any ideas?

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Retrieving Records Within An Index Range, The Nth Record?

Mar 5, 2007

if I create an index for a table with some records, do you think I can retrieve records in a giving range? for example, the 5th to 10th records?Possible? How can I do it?When we insert data at the table, would the index in sequential order? How would the index be created for new inserted records?I'm using SQL 2005 Express, not SQL 2000.

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SQL Question ( Retrieving Records Based On A Priority Order )

Feb 24, 2008

Hi all,I have a table with this structure:Customer ID | Transaction date | Transaction type1 | 1/2/2008 | F1 | 1/4/2007 | M1 | 1/2/2008 | R2 | 1//5/2007 | M2 | 1/6/2007 | RFor each customer ID, I need to retrive only the records with the mostrecent transaction date, and I did:Customer ID | Transaction date | Transaction type1 | 1/2/2008 | F1 | 1/2/2008 | R2 | 1/6/2007 | RThe problem is, each customer can make more than one transaction inthe same day (see above). In these cases, I need to retrieve only onerecord per customer, based on the importance of the transaction: F ismore "important" than R which is more "important" than M. So, in theexample above, I would only retrieve transaction F for customer 1 anddisregard transaction R: they were made on the same date, but I ammore interested in F than in R.Do you have any suggestions on how I could achieve this in SQL?I use Microsoft SQL server 2005.Thank you for your help!

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Retrieving Data From A DB Based On Output Of A Conditional Split

Sep 5, 2007

This is probably an easy question, and I just can't find the solution. I've searched extensively, but I am probably just not searching for exactly what I need.

Basically, I have a Conditional Split. What I need to do is for each row coming out of my split, I need to SELECT some data from another database based on one of the fields and then place the data from the DB into a file for later processing.

Seems pretty simple, considering the power of SSIS. Using tools such as OLE DB Command didn't help - the data that comes out of the OLE DB Command is the input data, not the data returned by the command.

How can I do this?

Thank you!


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Retrieving Default Values For Parameters In A Stored Procedure.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm generating a list of parameters needed by stored procedures, and
I'd like to know which ones have default values assigned to them.
To retrieve the parameter information I use:

sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser''

However, the column that is supposed to give the default value,
'COLUMN_DEF' always returns as NULL, even when that column has a
default value assigned to it.
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertUser@UserID INT = 10,.....

And then if I do a sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser'', the COLUMN_DEF value for the @UserID column is still NULL.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how I can retrieve the default value?


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Value Of A Record Based On A Previous Record

Jul 20, 2005

I hope you can help me. I posted this in the microsoft sql server newsgroupa few days ago and got no response so I thought I'd try here. If I canprovide any clarification I'll be glad to do so.I'm trying to calculate a column based on the value of the previous record.I'm not very experienced with SQL-Server.I'm using the following table:CREATE TABLE tblPayment([PaymentID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[LoanID] [int] NULL ,[PaymentPeriod] [int] NULL ,[PaymentRecDate] [datetime] NULL ,[PaymentAMT] [money] NULL)I have a view based on this table. That view has the following calculatedcolumnsBeginningBalance: For the first record, this is equal to the loan amountfrom the loan table. For each additional record this is equal to the endingbalance from the previous payment record.Interest: BeginningBalance * the monthly interest rate from the loantablePrincipal: PaymentAMT - InterestEndingBalance: BeginningBalance - PrincipalIt might seem I could use a subquery to calculate the Beginning Balance asin:SELECT LoanID, PaymentPeriod, PaymentAMT,(SELECT SUM(PaymentAMT) FROM tblPayment AS tbl1WHERE tbl1.LoanID = tblPayment.LoanID AND tbl1.PaymentPeriod <tblPayment.PaymentPeriod) AS BeginBalanceFROM tblPaymentWHERE (LoanID = @LoanID)But this will not work, because the interest is calculated on the previousmonth's balance. I need to find a way to loop through the recordset. Isthis possible?Thank you,--Derek

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create Dynamic Update Statement Based On Return Values In Select Statement

Jan 9, 2015

Ok I have a query "SELECT ColumnNames FROM tbl1" let's say the values returned are "age,sex,race".

Now I want to be able to create an "update" statement like "UPATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race" dynamically and execute this UPDATE statement. So, if the next select statement returns "age, sex, race, gender" then the script should create "UPDATE tbl2 SET Col2 = age + sex + race + gender" and execute it.

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Retrieving Form A Text Box And Using Information In SQL Statement

Mar 8, 2008

Hi everyone,
 So what I am trying to do is to have a simple textbox where the person enters a code.
 Then I need to have that code in an SQL statement like: SELECT Participant_Code FROM Contacts WHERE (this is where im stuck, I need to have something like WHERE Participant_code = code (code is the textbox ID))
 After this is done I need to keep this code from page to page, because I will need to add data from other textboxes to the database.

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Forming A String With Dateparts

Aug 30, 2007

I want to create a string using the week number and year of a date.For instance, if i have a date of 1/3/2007, which would be week 1 of2007, i want to create a string that says 'Wk1-200707'.i know it's basically 'WK' + CAST(DATEPART(WK,'1/3/2007') AS VARCHAR)+ '-' +CAST(DATEPART(YEAR,'1/3/2007') AS VARCHAR) but it's not quiteworking for me. Any idea of what I'm missing?Thanks in advance.Richard Garth

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Problem Is Forming Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I have a tablesay SalesLeads. This table is accessed through various front -ends andit stores data for Sales leads of various products.This table has a reference to another table(SalesLeadRefTable)Sample Data in SalesLeadsSalesLeadID Comments RefTableID-------------------------------------------------------1 Sample 1Sample Data in SalesLeadRefTableReferenceID TableName TableFieldName-------------------------------------------------------1 ProductTable ProductIDI need to form a query which will refer to the refdtableID and form adynamic query likeSelect Comments , TableName.TableFieldName from SalesLeads,TableNamePlease let me know if this can be doen in 1 query

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Update Based On Another Record

Mar 13, 2014

We are developing a database in SQL and we are trialing some of our typical analysis undertaken on out dataset.

I have a problem with a update function. ID direction Holiday Lat Long Speed obstime - Datestamp LicenseID - varchar(7) status - int (0 or 1) O-Unoccipied, 1-occupied Pickup - Boolean Dropoff - Boolean

I am trying to update the 'Pickup' or 'Dropoff' when the status changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 if the difference in the datestamp is less than 2 minutes. Pickup is when the status goes from 0 to 1 Drop off is when the status goes from 1 to 0

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Record Based Security

Feb 15, 2008


We are currently developing a crm that has the following main tables: client, sales, actions, contacts and employees with up to 4 million records. The db contains several other tables with extra information but these aren't relevant for this problem.
Clients have sales, contacts and actions. sales and actions can have seperate contacts as well, and contacts can be related to employees in a way.

Offcourse a security model was implemented but this only provides the option to hide or show all the records of these main tables. Now people noticed that it is a must to let people see for example only companies they created or do sales with. In other words access must be given at a record level.

The first thing that pops in my head is to create a client_security, sales_security, ... table that contains the employee_id and client_id or sales_id, or ... And add a join with one of these security tables for each select that is executed.

I wonder (because of the huge amount of data) if there isn't a better way to get this done?

Another possible issue that came to mind was, that when some data doesn't need protection or some people have the rigth to see everything, we would have to create the records in the security table anyways, resulting in probably hundreds of thousands of records.

Feedback on our solution (if we can call it that allready), or even keywords to find more about this issue via google (record based security really isn't the best description I guess) are most appreciated.

thx in advance.

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[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving The File Name For A Component Failed With Error Code 0x001B6438.

Jul 28, 2006

This error occurs when the ActiveX task tries to execute:

[ActiveX Script Task] Error: Retrieving the file name for a component failed with error code 0x001B6438.

Anybody know how to troubleshoot these errors? I can't find anything on this error code. The same script works in DTS.

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Getting One Field Based On Two Other Parameters

May 29, 2008

I have a report. I want to display title according to the following combination of two parameter values.

Line of Business
Product Type
Report Title

Line, Loan
13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Total

Line, Loan
13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Total

Line, Loan
13 Month Direct to Consumer Portfolio - Total

Line, Loan
13 Month Equity Direct Portfolio - Total

Line, Loan
13 Month Institutional Lending Portfolio - Total

13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Lines

13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Lines


Line of Business and product type are two parameters.
Product type is a muliple parameter. i.e you can select Line, Loand or Line and Loan.

can any one tell me how to write a proceedure to get this result(i.e report title)


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WSS-based ReportServer URL Parameters

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to pass parameters in a URL to a report deployed to a report server that has been migrated to WSS using SP2.I can call the report itself with no problems but am having trouble duplicating the ability to pass URL parameter values in a similar fashion to an unmigrated reportserver. I am sure I'm just missing a few differently placed question marks or ampersands. So far I haven't found any doco which gives me the specific format & rules for URL parameter passing and how it may have changed.

This URL will run the report:

I just need to figure out how to pass in values for the two parameters: Date and Country.

Any and all help/suggestions much appreciated.


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Select Record Based On Max Date

Sep 12, 2012

I have the following table:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-2-2012 Water
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-2-2012 Other
123 2 1-13-2012 Other
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I want to select each Occ_Num, Feature_NUM, Trans_Date, and PERIL_Desc but with only the Peril that was part of the max trans_date.

So i would want the following from above:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I'm having trouble with the syntax need to accomplish this.

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View To Get Record Based On A Column Value

Jul 24, 2013

I have a view where the results would be like this.(userid,name,rolekey are my col names with data)

userid name rolekey
test1 tname rolekey1
test1 tname rolekey2
test1 tname rolekey3

is this possible to retireve data from view where i need only userid with rolekey1.? tried with a function but its taking more time? any options in doing it in the view itself?

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Select X Record Based On Row Passed In URL

Aug 3, 2007

Hi all - this one has me stumped... PLEASE HELP!!!

I have a back/forward navigation link that passes a URL.startrow number (lets call it n) - based on n - I only want to select the record that is the n'th record based on a sort order (gall_order) - (SQL SERVER).

<cfquery name="gallHomePic1st" datasource="id" maxrows="1">
FROM gall_home
ORDER BY gall_order asc

For e.g. - I want the 7th (14th - 21st etc) record based on gall_order asc.

Thanks guys - this has me stumped!

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