i have two tables: "Person" and "Year". "Person" can have many "Year" (one to many relation). i want a query which returns all the records from "Person" where "Year" is 2005 but exclude if there is any "Year" with 2004. how can i write that query? any help will be appreciated. i did try <code> SELECT * FROM Person JOIN Year ON Person.Id = Year.PersonID WHERE Year.Year = 2005 AND Year.Year <> 2004 </code> but it doesn't seem to work. i want this query to return records from Person where there is no any year with 2004 but only 2005. If a person has both 2004 and 2005 exclude that person.
I am running a query that works just fine however, I would like it to exclude value that are equal to zero.
Basically my query looks at the commission that clients pay over a number of periods.
So it goes like this
T.Client_Code as Client ,SUM(CASE t.Transaction_Date WHEN DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 1, GETDATE()),0)THEN (ABS (t.transaction_commission) /((fx.Exchange_Bid + fx.Exchange_Ask)/2 )) ELSE 0 END)as Commission_Day
WHERE fx.Currency = 'USD'
And T.Salesman_Name in ('X''Y'Z)
Group BY T.Client_Code
It works perfectly fine however, we dont transact with our clients everyday so therefore this list will return all of our clients in the database and many will have generate zero commission. I want to keep the query along those lines I just need to insert something that says "ONLY SHOW WHEN Commission is not ZERO.
I have a list of numbers that I get from a query to my database. how could I make the query so that I can exclude a couple of numbers. For example the numbers 1234 and 8888. My list is in the range of 1 - 99999.
I have 16,000 rows in tblClient and 3000 rows in NewTable.SELECT tblClient.*FROM tblClient INNERJOIN [New Table] ON tblClient.NoDossier <> [New Table].NoDossierif I use = (equal) instead of <> (exclude), the query returns 3000 rowswhen I use <> it returns 160000 rows,if I try group by, the query bugswhat is my problem
Is there any way of excluding an entire row if a particular field contains a null value? Even if other fields in the row aren't null... This is in SQL Server 2005
I have a datagrid with a “sort� field I want to use to sort the rows in ascending order. However, I want values with a 0 or NULL value to be displayed last. I can’t figure out how to do a sort (preferably in the SQL) that returns the empty values last. Is this possible?
I have a table (tblAction) that contains customer account numbers (Account) and actions taken on the account in a given day (AcctCode). So each account can have multiple actions taken on it (one row for each action) in a day.
I have a request to present a result set that displays all action 52, 53,54. But if a given account number has at least one action 28, then they want me to exclude all the rows for that account number from the result set. Can someone help with this?
Select AVG(AVG_Back), AVG(AVG_Yield) FROM tblUser WHERE Date Between '3/1/2008' AND '3/31/2008'
I want to limit the AVG_Back field to exclude all values of 0. So only average AVG_Back if the value > 0. What is the best way to accomplish this? I can't just put it in the where clause or the AVG_Yield will be excluded too.
I am attempting to create an SQL statement that will query a file and give me amount totals by company number/customer number. The totals have to be combined into 4 groups (1/2/3/4) for each amount total in company number/customer number combination. In effect it will look something like this:
I HAVE THIS PART WORKING ALREADY. The problem is that I am trying to exclude the rows that have 0 (zero) in the amount column from showing up in the output. The amount is a calculated field of all the invoice for that company number/customer number combination for that sort (eg: Company 00001/Customer 11111/Sort 1 has $55 associated to it). I cannot use the calculated field in my where clause.
I will include a simplified version of my select statement so you can see how I got as far as I have and where to go so I pretty much say "WHERE SUM(SubTBL.Amount) <> 0".
----SELECT STATEMENT----- SELECT MainTBL.Cust#, SUM(SubTBL.Amount) As TotAmt, CASE WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) <= 30 THEN '1' WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) BETWEEN 31 AND 60 THEN '2' WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD)) BETWEEN 61 AND 90 THEN '3' WHEN (days (currdate) - days (MainTBL.DateFLD))> 90 THEN '4'
I have a column that is VARCHAR(30) this column is supposed to contain values that "look" like a date in the form mm/dd/yyyy - however because it is a free-text character field often times data is entered other then a date -- "text" -
How do I return only the data that is in the format of mm/dd/yyyy
This should be trivial but I'm ignorant so I'm hoping someone can assist. I can find lots of code snippets for removing duplicates, but I can't find a variation that works for my case.
Overview: I'm doing a name look-up, combining first & last names and if it matches against an employee table, getting the employeeID for that person. I need to only return the unique matches, and exclude any names that happen more than once in the employee table.
I have 3 possible results from my select (snippet below): 1) Single match 2) No match 3) Multiple matches (2 or more people, same first and last name)
My simple code below does exactly what I need for case 1 & 2. If there is a single match on the name, it's returns the res_ID and emp_ID as expected, if no match, no record and that works for me.
The problem I can't solve is if there are two John Smith employees, both records are returned, which is what my query requests, but not what I need. I want ONLY return data which has ONE exclusive match, and exclude all others.
Code for case 1 & 2, doesn't handle 3rd case:
Select distinct ot.res_ID, e.emp_ID From employee e, @OutputTable ot Where (e.fName + ' ' + e.lName) = ot.empFullNameText
Employee table has first & list names, plus emp_ID @OutputTable is a table variable from my proc which has "John Smith" type text names as one string.
This has to be simple, but I'm over my head on this one. All ideas, reference links or other assistance appreciated.
I have a cube that is showing measures that don't exist. Let me give an example. This example will include 3 dimensions, product, location, and time. The fact table measure will be sales.
Here are the distinct values if you were to write a sql query against the dimensionl model that feeds the cube.
Product Location Time Sales A X 1/04 200 B Y 1/04 100
A X 2/04 300
In the cube, if you were to look at product by location for just 2/04, you would see:
Product Location Sales All Loc 300 A X 300 Y
All Loc B X Y
How do you get rid of the zero's or combinations that don't exist?
I've a query wich with I select buildings form a table. I've a second table with a few building I don't want in my select (exclude form select). How can I make this?
I need to remove some IP addresses from a total list of IP addresses. The ones I need to remove are in certain IP ranges. I could create a temp table with all these IP addresses I need to exclude.
which works fine. I want to look at the query SAP_CALD and disclude any record in the field 'department' that has a record of any {DPSG, System, Dealer, DealerIT, Inbound}..I can do this by piggybacking a another query that removes these but wondered if it would be easier to exclude them in the crosstab code.
I have data that looks like below (columns are Timestamp, Offered, Answered and Delay). I'm looking to exclude returning records that have a value for Delay that are within the top 10% of values of that column. Are there any 2005 tricks where this can be accomplished in a simple statement?
I am creating a query which will show patients that are enrolled in more than one program, but I need to exclude those patients that enrolled more than once in the same program. Here's part of the code:
SELECT member_id, service_id FROM pat_prg_info ppi
I have a TSQL (SQL SERVER 2005) code inside a Transaction, I would like to exclude a piece of that code from the transaction (I do need to recovere it in the trasaction log).
For instance
SQL Statement 1 SQL Statement 2 -- out of the transaction SQL Statement 3
I would like to exlude SQL Statement 2 (SQL statement1 and 3 must be inside the same transaction)
I have created a procedure with several SQL statement, all are included in a transaction. Some of the code are "insert" in tables that are in remote server. for example:
procedure sp1 is on SERVER B. From SERVERA by linked server we have:
exec serverB.db_B.dbo.sp1 (from serverA the procedure sp1 is called)
CREATE procedures sp1 AS BEGIN TRANSACTION insert into T1 (col1) values (1) insert into serverA.db_A.dbo.T2 (col1) vales ('8vhrfvrf') insert into T3 (col1) values (3) COMMIT TRANSACTION GO
I would like to make that these piece of code ( insert into serverA.db_A.dbo.T2 (col1) vales ('8vhrfvrf') ) is out of transaction. My question is: Is it possible to exclude piece of code from a transction?
You ask me why this: because SQL server do not allow loopback transaction
Hi. I'm creating a new publication for replication. There are a few columns on our main database I do not want published as they contain some confidential information. When I go to create a new publication, I go through the wizard and I select the option to filter rows vertically. I uncheck the columns I don't want published and the wizard completes without any errors.
When I go to start the Snapshot agent to create the database on new server, it gets error saying it cannot find certain columns--the columns I do not want published to begin with.
Am i doing something wrong? I appreciate any help you may provide!
I have this job that runs and Kills blocking sessions that are longer than 10 mins. I need to add a list of login's that are exclulded from this Job. I cannot seem to get it to exclude specific users in this script. Below is the script.
SET NOCOUNT ON -- Table variable to hold InputBuffer data DECLARE @Inputbuffer TABLE ( EventType NVARCHAR(30) NULL, Parameters INT NULL, EventInfo NVARCHAR(4000) NULL