When excuting the xp_sendmail in the Query analyzer, my mail gets send. When doing this in my code it doesn't work eventhough I explicitly use startmailn then xp_sendmail and then sp_stopmail? I think this is a problem of user rights? I gave my user as parameter but even then it didn't work. Any suggestions? I'm pretty sure, the used code is correct.
I have a package that contains several package when executing it like a task, presents the following messages
Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: DWCampo-Dimensiones- Produccion Connection manager "Administrador de conexi¢n con Excel" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered". End Error Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Agrupacion Canteros Origen - Canteros$ [1] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Administrador de conexi¢n con Excel" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End Error Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC0047017 Source: Agrupacion Canteros DTS.Pipeline Description: component "Origen - Canteros$" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. End Error Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC004700C Source: Agrupacion Canteros DTS.Pipeline Description: One or more component failed validation. End Error Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC0024107 Source: Agrupacion Canteros Description: There were errors during task validation. End Error Error: 2008-02-08 11:24:02.55 Code: 0xC00220E4 Source: DWCAMPO-Dimensiones (Producci¢n) Description: Error 0xC0012050 while preparing to load the package. Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run. . End Error
I know that you can execute a stored proc with the "execute" command, but is there any way to execute a string that is an sql string? On a related note, is there a better way than building a string like "select * from table where" and then tacking on "value="+@somevalue to do a search if your search is based on multiple (possibly null) variables? If you can answer the first question, dont bother with the second. =P
Hi. Some time I get delay in running particular querry.I check in my App and also in sql visual stodiu.I'm using sqlexpress edition.If I use Sql developer does speed go up?
I have got an SQL server stored procedure, and I would like to get this stored procedure, dbo.SpDate_Time_Minute_Today below executed against a matching or exact datetime from the database tables, PRODUCT_SALES.
Is it possible to execute queries in parallel on multiple linked servers? I retrieve the checksum of a table on a linked servers like this:
I need to do this on multiple linked servers at the same time - is this possible? I tried the following but my workstation executes the queries sequentially:
I am trying to use xp_sendmail with no luck. My SQL mail works fine and I am logged in as sa. Here is the csript that I am using. The script works on my local box(which is running Win 2K Advanced Server and SQL 7). It will not work on my production boxes. Any suggestions?
I am using xp_sendmail in a stored procedure.I need to update the fields after the mail sent. Is there a way to capture the errors or server messages that occurs. I am using the following code.....
If @send_Mail=0 Begin update MasterleadPool/*Updates the MasterleadPool table once the mail sent */ Set EmailSent='Y', Dateout=getdate() where AssToID=@AssToID and EmailSent='N' and AssToFlag='Y' End
I used @@error to capture the error but it does'nt work. I got server message as follows.... So the problem is it should'nt go to update statement if there is any type of errors in sending a mail..
Server: Msg 17903, Level 18, State 1, Line 0 MAPI login failure.
However in doing this, it never works (go figure or I wouldn't be submitting this). I have defined the variable @EMAIL_ADDRESS_LNK appropriately to reference a field in a table and I'm positive that the value in the field is valid.
What am I missing? If this is not possible, is there a workaround. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
How robust is xp_sendmail? I would like to roll thru 10 - 20 thousand records, strip the email and send a newsletter...
I'm a definite newby when it comes to mail servers (and how they interact with SQL Server 7.0)...so I'm not sure whether this type of processing would crash/stall the server.
can xp_sendmail handle this type of processing?
I appreciate your help,
p.s. can u point me to any good articles on the subject?
I have a query that works on its own, however when I put it into xp_sendmail it fails. It appears that the "set" command does not work. Here is the query. Any suggestions? Can you use variables within xp_sendmail @ query section?
EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'Richard Peoples', @subject = 'The following Budget Checked items need attention.', @query ='DECLARE @A1 CHAR (20) DECLARE @A2 CHAR (2) SET @A1 = 'Yvette Palomo' SET @A2 = 'N' IF (select COUNT (*) from FSPROD75.dbo.PS_C_JRNLLN_BUDCHK where RETURN_TO_ANALYST = @A1 AND BUDGET_CHECK_CLEAR= @A2) > 0 begin select A.JOURNAL_ID, A.PROJECT_ID, A.ACCOUNT, B.XLATLONGNAME from FSPROD75.dbo.PS_C_JRNLLN_BUDCHK A INNER JOIN FSPROD75.dbo.XLATTABLE B ON A.BCM_LINE_STATUS = B.FIELDVALUE where (((A.RETURN_TO_ANALYST)= @A1) AND ((A.BUDGET_CHECK_CLEAR)=@A2)) AND (B.FIELDNAME = "BCM_LINE_STATUS") end'
I'm using XP_Sendmail on an NT Server and it works fine. We have a new Windows 2000 server, which the SQL Mail has been set up correctly, and the test passes.
When I use execute xp_sendmail in the query analyzer on the 2000 server, it just sits there and processes for over an hour, without any error messages.
select @MB_Free = MB_Free from #FreeSpace where Drive = 'J'
if @MB_Free < 550 exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'test@yahoo.com', @message = 'Running low on free space'
I can run it as a job step. However, the problem is that we don't have Microsoft Outlook to run xp_sendmail proc to get notify when the free space on the drive is low. I can run mailsend which is os command and add that as a job step. But I don't know how to combine the code above and mailsend, since one is the t-sql and the other one is command script. Any help is appreciated.
I have recently added columns to a table that is part of a xp_send mail script. meaning i run a query off of the table that had the columns added. I am now getting the error: failed with operating system error 32
I have no idea what this means. This is a copy of the script. exec xp_sendmail 'dionne, jim;eddens, david;Wiggs, Alexander;Miller, Debbie;conmdi', '(scrbbususcnc01) Failure 322 Load', @Attachments = '322Error.txt;\scrbbususcnc01archive322msg322M SG.txt;', @query = 'Use [maersk data warehouse] create table #Duplicate_Records (Equipment_Number varchar(10) ,Activity_Date varchar(6) ,Activity_Time varchar(4) ,Sighting_Code varchar(2) ,CountOfEquipment_Number int) insert into #Duplicate_Records SELECT STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code, Count(STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number) AS CountOfEquipment_Number FROM STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL GROUP BY STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code HAVING (((Count(STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Numbe r))>1))
insert into #None SELECT DISTINCT STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.* FROM [#Duplicate_Records] INNER JOIN STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL ON ([#Duplicate_Records].Sighting_Code = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Activity_Time = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Activity_Date = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date) AND ([#Duplicate_Records].Equipment_Number = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number) ORDER BY STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code;
create table #Real (Equipment_Number varchar(10) ,Activity_Date varchar(6) ,Activity_Time varchar(4) ,Sighting_Code varchar(2) ,CountOfEquipment_Number int) insert into #Real SELECT [#None].Equipment_Number, [#None].Activity_Date, [#None].Activity_Time, [#None].Sighting_Code, Count([#None].Equipment_Number) AS CountOfEquipment_Number FROM [#None] GROUP BY [#None].Equipment_Number, [#None].Activity_Date, [#None].Activity_Time, [#None].Sighting_Code HAVING (((Count([#None].Equipment_Number))>1));
SELECT STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.* FROM [#Real] INNER JOIN STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL ON ([#Real].Equipment_Number = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number) AND ([#Real].Activity_Date = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date) AND ([#Real].Activity_Time = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time) AND ([#Real].Sighting_Code = STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code) ORDER BY STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Equipment_Number, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Date, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Activity_Time, STG_INTERMODAL_322MSG_TBL.Sighting_Code;
drop table #Duplicate_Records drop table #None drop table #Real', @subject = '(scrbbususcnc01) Failure 322 Load' , @Attach_Results = true, @width = 3000, @Separator = '|'
it gives error saying that @table_var must be declared. even if i use temporary table, the message i get is "cannot reference object in tempdb database."
I want to send a reslut as a xls file. so I did it throug BCP. The same time i need to send file in mail. Here i am stucked. Could any one please advise me to solve this problem?
when creating a sp in SQL 2K that uses xp_sendmail i get a messagesaying:Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current stored procedure becauseit depends on the missing object 'xp_sendmail'. The stored procedurewill still be created.does this mean that only dependencies involving xp_sendmail will notbe stored? the other dependencies appear to be fine. i'm not surewhy sql would even bother telling me this info. thoughts?
I migrated dts pckg into ssis . In that pckg i have one activex script for xp_sendmail. exec maseter xp_sendmail, @recipients='abc@gmail.com', @query=@sqlsrd, @subject='member load validation', @attach_results=true,@width=250
above code run in ssis or i have to change if i have to chang then tell me where should i have to change.
I'm using SQL 2000 and would like to send a generated email using this stored procedure: select Libraryrequest.LoanRequestID, Titles.Title, requestors.fname+ ' ' + requestors.lname as [Name], libraryrequest.requestdate,libraryrequest.shipdate,libraryrequest.duedatefrom libraryrequestjoin requestors on requestors.requestorid=libraryrequest.requestoridjoin Titles on Titles.Titleid = Libraryrequest.titleidwhere duedate < DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '20010101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20010101') I know I need to go to Management, SQL Server Agent, Jobs, New Job. Do I put the stored procedure in the descriptions part? After that I'm lost what do I do.
I am using xp_sendmail to send mail messages from SQL Server Everything is ok on the development box, but on the production box , Am getting "xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80004005"
Has anyone else noticed that if you create a non-existing file as an attachment using xp_sendmail in SQL Server 2000, it does not create a copy of that file on the Hard Drive, nor does it format the attached file sensibly if you attach it as a .csv file ?
I am using the procedure below :-
declare @sql varchar (255)
In the example above, the file MARKTEST.CSV does not currently exist, but the procedure should create it, put it in the root of C: and e:mail it, as it did when it ran under SQL Server 6.5. However, under 2000 it now doesn`t put a copy on the Hard Drive and it formats the .csv file in a very odd manner.