Exec(select...), How Supress The Output?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a dynamically constructed sql query that I want to execute, e.g.
exec('select * from ' + @tablename)

(1) Can I suppress the output somehow if this returns no values?
(2) Can I use the result of this query in another query somehow? e.g.
(3) Can I control the size of the columns in the output somehow


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Supress Output From Execute Of A Select

Apr 23, 1999

I have a stored procedure where in a cursor I create a dynamic select
statement. If I have a non-zero result set (check @@rowcount) I output a message. The problem is I do not know how to supress the output of the
execute of the dynamically created select statement. All I want going to
output is the message. I know ISQL has this function, and so does EM. How do I do it totally within a stored procedure.

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Exec Sp With Output Parameter

Feb 28, 2007

I have the following sp:ALTER PROCEDURE myspPrepareTextForHTML @MessageContent nvarchar(1400), @returnval nvarchar(1400) outputASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;SET @returnval='something'RETURN @returnvalENDWhen I try this:
EXEC myspPrepareTextForHTML @MessageContent='dfgsdfgdf', @returnval OUTPUT
print @returnval
I get the error:Must declare the scalar variable "@returnval".
How can I get this to work?

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EXEC @SQLString With Output Results

Jun 2, 2005

Hello, I have been working around this issue, but couldn't yet find any solution.I have a stored procedure that calls a method to do a certain repetitive work.In this function, I have a dynamic query, which means, that I am concatinating commands to the query depending on the input of the function.for example, there is an input for a function called "Id"Inside the function, if Id = 111I need to add " and ID <> 1" and if Id has another value I need to add " and ID = c.ID" something like that.Now, inside the function, I need to return a value by executing the above @SQLString as follows:EXEC @SQLStringWhen I need is something likeEXEC @SQLString, @Total OutputReturn (@Total)Are there any ideas ?regards

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Sql Server Error EXEC -- OUTPUT

Sep 15, 2004

I have a c# app. This is a piece of code out of a stored proc. it is erroring: Procedure or function getTopParentDealerFromChildDealer has too many arguments
@dealerID is not a parameter for procedure getTopParentDealerFromChildDealer.(if I put ",@dealerID=@parentID)

I have tried all combinations "@dealerID",@dealerID=@parentID" etc.

--get the top parent dealerID
SET @parentID = 0
EXEC getTopParentDealerFromChildDealer @dealerID, @parentID OUTPUT
IF (@parentID>0)

here is the getTopParentDealerFromChildDealer as called
ALTER PROCEDURE getTopParentDealerFromChildDealer @childDealerID INT

SET @dealerID = 0
SELECT @dealerID = dealerParentID from dealerRelations where dealerChildID = @childDealerID

WHILE @dealerID <> 0
declare @temp INT
set @temp = @dealerID
IF (SELECT count(dealerParentID) FROM dealerRelations WHERE dealerChildID = @temp)>=1
SELECT @dealerID = dealerParentID
FROM dealerRelations where dealerChildID = @temp
SET @dealerID=0
set @parentID = @temp

if (@parentID IS NULL)
set @parentID = 0
--set @parentID = @dealerID

return @parentID

I don't usually use stored procedures but the job I have taken over previously used them. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Can Exec Select But Can't Exec Sp

Oct 31, 2007

I have two SQL Server 2000 (one is localhost, one is remote with VPN IP

I can select * from [].db.dbo.test but I can't exec [].db..spAdd in localhost.

These select and sp is OK for 1 or 2 week without any problem,but it didn't work one day.

Can some one explain why?

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Jun 6, 2008

I  am writing a stored procedure to select some information from two tables and I would also like to Execute a function using the userid information from the processing in the where clause of the Select statement. Is the syntax below possible?? If yes, could you please help me understand exactly what I may be doing wrong here.. If no, can you please help with better syntax. Thanks in advance
SELECT M.UserID, M.FullName, (EXEC calcPoints M.UserID) as 'UserPoints'
 FROM MissionUsers M LEFT OUTER JOIN MissionUserInfo MU ON M.UserID = MU.UserID
WHERE  M.EMAIL = @UserEmail

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Exec SP Many Times, From Select?

Aug 5, 2004

Hi All...

if i had the following sp...

create procedure my_insert (param1 int, param2 int, paramx int)
complicated insert routine

and then i wanted to exec this sp in another procedure i would have

exec my_insert( 1_value, 2_value, 3_value )

My question is how could i exec this will the result set of a select.... something like this

exec my_insert (select 1_value, 2_value, 3_value from another_table).

I know i could have this in an insert result type statement ie...

insert into dest_table (select 1_value, 2_value, 3_value from another_table)

but my insert routine is quite complicated and carries out some other functions so I would like to call (exec) a sp rather than repeating the complication in the select statement

Many Thanks
Gary T

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Exec In Select Statement

Jan 2, 2007


can somebody tell me how to call SP in another SP select statement..? i've seen ppl doing it something like this..

Select column1, coulumn2, (select EXEC SP_NAme), blabla

thanks in advance... :)

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Exec('select...into #temptable...) Doesn't Work

Mar 11, 2008


exec('select RIGHT(00000 + CAST(dh.zipcode AS varchar(5)), 5) as zip, '+@fieldname +' as distance into #distance from sumplicity.dbo.t_distancetohospital dh')

This runs normally and returns the number of rows created. Yet when I do a 'select * from #distance' query, I get a message that #distance doesn't exist.

Where is it storing all of this and how do I access it?

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Need To Pull A Select Few Results From INSERT EXEC

Aug 17, 2006

I'd *like* to execute a sProc within another sProc, because this other one (let's call it dataProc) will provide me with results I need that are calculated based off execing other procs within that proc itself.

I'd like to use this data in a new sProc (we'll call it newProc), but I don't need NEARly all of the columns. The dataProc returns 1 row with 42 columns. I need about 4-5 of those for my newProc.

The dataProc does not have any output variables, and I do not want to change the signature, because several pages/apps use this existing dataProc.

My question:
Is there a way to INSERT INTO table EXEC dataProc
*Without* making a temp table that takes in every single column the dataProc puts out?

Any help is much appreciated.. thanks!

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@NUM_MEMBERS = EXEC ('USE ' +@X + '; SELECT COUNT(Member_Name) FROM Logins') -HOW?

Mar 27, 2004

SELECT @X = 'other_db'

@NUM_MEMBERS = EXEC ('USE ' +@X + '; SELECT COUNT(Member_Name) FROM Logins')

I get an error when I try to store the result in @NUM_MEMBERS. :/ I've been looking all over for the correct syntax. Can anyone help?

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 6
Line 6: Incorrect syntax near '@NUM_MEMBERS'.

thx n adv

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Error In --&&> EXEC Xp_cmdshell 'bcp SELECT * FROM Tbl A Where A.flag=N Queryout F.txt -c -T'

Aug 7, 2007

some one can tell if i can make a "where" clause inside the BCP , when i say : select * FROM tbl where flag=N , usually the where flag='N' works with the ' ' , but it gives no error when save the store procedure without it ' ' saves nicely the SP,

like this it saves well "SELECT * FROM tbl where flag=N" and
when i execute it, give a sql statement error "Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Invalid column name N."

i dont now , any help

PS: perhaps at the end of the BCP ---> -c -T , must have some more or less

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EXEC Stored Procedure For Every Line Of SELECT Result Table - How?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Is it possible to EXEC stored procedure from a query?I want to execute stored procedure for every line of SELECT resulttable.I guess it's possible with cursors, but maybe it's possible to make iteasier.Give an example, please.Thank you in advance.Hubert

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Qusetion About Return Values From EXEC('select Count(*) From XTable')

Aug 23, 2006

Hello everybody!

As the topic:

Can i get the value "count(*)" from EXEC('select count(*) from xTable')

Any helps will be usefull! Thanks!

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Create User Only With Permissions, To Select, Insert, Update, Delete, And Exec Sps

May 18, 2006

Hello, I recently view a webcast of sql injection, and at this moment I created a user, and give dbo to this user, and this same user, is the one I have in the connection string of my web application, I want to create a user to prevent sql injection attacks, I mean that user wont be able to drop or create objects, only select views, tables, exec insert,update, deletes and exec stored procedures.

Is any easy way to do this?

A database role and then assing that role to the user?

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Supress Result 0

Jul 20, 2005

I have the following code to SUM based on one field but want to be ableto not show rows which result is 0.========================SELECT Headers.employee_id AS Employee#,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'I' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SIP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS PUP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'Q' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CMT,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'M' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS CONS,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN '' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HIP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'U' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS HOP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN '^' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS INSTA,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'L' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ONRD,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'B' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS POD,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'G' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS PUX,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN '#' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ROP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'J' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SOP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'N' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS STAT,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN 'R' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UNCON,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN '<' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ASUSPS_PSP,SUM(CASE Headers.scan_type WHEN '"' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS RIP,COUNT (Scans.header_index) AS EmpTotFROM Headers INNER JOINScans ON Headers.header_index = Scans.header_indexWHERE (Scans.datetime BETWEEN '06/18/2003 00:00:00' AND'06/19/2003 23:59:00')GROUP BY Headers.employee_idORDER BY Headers.employee_id===============================Any ideas?Thanks,Manuel--Posted via http://dbforums.com

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How To Supress A Line ?

Oct 4, 2007

Hi !

I am working on Converting existing Crystal reports to Reporting Services. Now I have a line in Crystal reports which has a formula for supression. I dont know whats the equivalent of supress in SSRS. I have tried Visibility as hidden but then it shows empty line but not supressed line.

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Help! How Do I Supress Return Results In SP

Nov 11, 2003

I'm executing this dynamic query in the middle of stored proc to get the @hrs2 value:

select @sql=('select @hrs2 = sum('+quotename(@day2)+') from #pso_view where id = ')
select @sql= @sql+cast(@num as varchar(5))

EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@hrs2 int OUTPUT',@hrs2 OutPut
SELECT @hrs2

That works, but then it returns a row result with every exec and that messes up my desired row return from the contaner sp for my web control databind

Any tips on how to get the varible populated via the dynamic sql w/o rows return?


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Supress Blank Rows

Jan 31, 2007

How do I get a Report Table to supress blank rows from displaying ?

In Crystal Reports this option is available under Format Detail Section, supress blank section chekckbox.

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How Do I Supress Duplicate Data

Feb 12, 2007

Cannot find this anywhere while creating a report. Is this an option?


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Can We Supress The System Error Messages ?

Oct 5, 2001


Can we supress the System error messages ?

if yes how ?

for ex. In a table I am adding a row which is voilating primary key constarint ..I do not want system message for that ..

Server: Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 0
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_b'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'b'.
The statement has been terminated.

I can write a user defined message for this purpose but I am not able to supress system message .

The procedure I am using is

@num int,@empno int, @name varchar(6)
INSERT INTO B (num, empno, ds ) values (@num,@empno,@name)
-- Test the error value.
IF @@ERROR <> 0


-- Return 99 to the calling program to indicate failure.

RAISERROR ('Job id 1 expects the default level of 10.', 16, 1)

PRINT "An error occurred loading the new author information"





-- Return 0 to the calling program to indicate success.

PRINT "The new author information has been loaded"





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How To Supress/hide/filter Nulls Or Nothing-s?

Dec 26, 2006

I have several columns with expressions that return Nothing under certain conditions:

Example:=(IIF( Fields!solved.Value=False,IIF( Fields!TAT3.Value >120, IIF(Fields!TAT3.Value <144,Fields!Ticket.Value,Nothing),Nothing),Nothing))

As a result, I get tons of white/empty space, because 200 values were evaluated as Nothing and only 5 values/records were actual numbers.

How can I supress this Nothing value ?

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SSRS - Supress Page Breaks?

Aug 24, 2007

Hello -

Does anybody know of a way to force SSRS to render a report with no page breaks at all? And better yet, to render as such but export using breaks (I know, thats asking a lot but the first part seems to be a reasonable request)

I have 1 report that renders a lot of data with no page breaks and cannot find a SINGLE property difference from the reports that do break...

Thanks in advace,


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How To Supress Popup Window On Export

Feb 21, 2008

Is there any way to supress the popup window on the export option so that the first thing the user see's is the open/save dialog?


Is there a way to make the window close when the open/save dialog appears?


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Error Redirection - How To Supress File Creation?

Oct 16, 2007

Hi all!

Iīve having some issues with a package that Iīm currently building.
The package is pretty much finished and doing what itīs supposed to,
just doing some testing to ensure everything is in order.

The package is pretty basic:
Read a fixed with text file, do a lookup on destination database table,
conditional split to determine what to insert and what to update, and thatīs it!

At the source of my data flow I have the error output set to redirect all rows,
counting those rows, and finally writing them to a dynamically created file.

However, I just now realized that this file seems to be created ALWAYS,
regardless of rows actually being redirected or not. Everytime I run the package
with no rows being passed through the error output, I still end up with a
dynamically named, zero sized text file.

So my question: Is it possible to supress the creation of this file,
or do I have to add a file system component to my control flow,
deleting this file if my number of errorrows = 0 ?

Hope you can help!


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Select Output

May 7, 2002

Another question for all you SQL experts, I have a lot of them. I am trying to select from a table wher some conditions need to be met based on an employee ID. What I am doing is when the rank is a 1,2, or 3 I pick up the text description of that rank. Can I make it so that I get the ID only once and all the text descriptions are on the same line. Here is the sql script along with my current output and my desired output.


select C.empID, B.Rank,B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C
where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and
(B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3')


empID Rank Skills
------- ---- --------------------------------------------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer
2924 3 Create Spreadsheet
2924 3 Joining Tables in a Query


empID Rank Skills
------ ---- ------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer, Joining Tables in a Query, Create Spreadsheet

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Select Output With Cursor

May 8, 2002

In my previous post I asked how to do the bottom question. I got a response to use a cursor, now I made an attempt to use a cursor but I still get the same response. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


empID Rank Skills
------- ---- --------------------------------------------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer
2924 3 Create Spreadsheet
2924 3 Joining Tables in a Query


empID Rank Skills
------ ---- ------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer, Joining Tables in a Query, Create Spreadsheet

--Here is the cursor script.--

Declare @skills varchar(255),@skills2 varchar(255),@message varchar(255),@empID varchar(255), @Rank varchar(255)
DECLARE emp_skills CURSOR For
select C.empID, B.Rank,B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C
where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and
(B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3') or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924'

DECLARE emp_skills2 CURSOR For
select B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C
where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and
(B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3') or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924' or PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and
B.Rank ='3'and C.empID = '2924'
OPEN emp_skills
OPEN emp_skills2
FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills into @empID, @Rank, @skills
FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills2 into @skills2
SELECT @message = @skills2
FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills2 into @skills2
Print @empID + ' '+ @Rank + ' ' + @message

FETCH NEXT FROM emp_skills into @empID, @Rank, @skills

CLOSE emp_skills
DEALLOCATE emp_skills
CLOSE emp_skills2
DEALLOCATE emp_skills2

--Previous Post--

Another question for all you SQL experts, I have a lot of them. I am trying to select from a table wher some conditions need to be met based on an employee ID. What I am doing is when the rank is a 1,2, or 3 I pick up the text description of that rank. Can I make it so that I get the ID only once and all the text descriptions are on the same line. Here is the sql script along with my current output and my desired output.


select C.empID, B.Rank,B.Text1 as Skills from tbl_survey_rank B , tbl_survey_valueID C
where PATINDEX ( '%'+ltrim(rtrim(B.valueID))+'%', C.text1) >0 and C.empID = '2924'and
(B.Rank ='1'or B.Rank ='2' or B.Rank ='3')


empID Rank Skills
------- ---- --------------------------------------------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer
2924 3 Create Spreadsheet
2924 3 Joining Tables in a Query


empID Rank Skills
------ ---- ------------
2924 1 Create Documents
2924 2 Mail Merge
2924 3 Create Header and footer, Joining Tables in a Query, Create Spreadsheet

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How To Put Select Output Into Different Columns?

Oct 27, 2004

I have a table like:

ID Disc

I would like output depending on ID to put Disc into two columns. Like:

ID Disc1 Disc2

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


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How To Do A Select From Sp_helpdb's Output ?

Sep 25, 2005

Hi friends,
I want to select only filename column of sp_helpdb's output.But I don't know how should I do this? Other way is doing a direct select from sysfiles or sysdatabases but as you know microsoft doesn't recommand this way. Also I can select that filed in my application level but it is strange for me: Of course sql server should has a proper way to do a select from output curosr of this procedure,Doesn't it?
-Thanks in advance

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Changing Output Of Select

Feb 18, 2015

I have a table: it contains a list of data belonging to a name, however the field 'name' defines the source.

name |field1 |field1data |

test1 |in |123
test1 |out |345
test2 |in |123
test2 |out |456
test3 |in |123
test3 |out |456

I'm trying to get the data out of the database in a columed format, I would be quite comfortable doing this if 'in' and 'out' where there own field. The output i'm trying to get is:

name |data |data |

test1 |123 |456
test2 |123 |456
test3 |123 |456

in an ideal world i'd like to be able to have the header the name of the field data - eg

name |in |out |

test1 |123 |456
test2 |123 |456
test3 |123 |456

I can use - select name,field1data from table where field1 in ("in","out")but this returns each piece of data as a new row - eg:

name |field1data |

test1 |123
test1 |456
test2 |123
test2 |456
test3 |123
test3 |456

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How To Use SP's Output In The SELECT Statement

Sep 8, 2006

hi guys!it's very very simple question for you mighty sql DBAs. but very hardfor a developer like me who is very very new to MS SQL.anyways the problem is i want to use one SPs out to in the SELectstatement. here is an example :select * from sp_tables tablename like 'syscolumns'please note that this is just an example. i'm using different SP but iwant to use in the same way.if anybody has anything to say. please write to me. i would be glade toread your repliesThanks,Lucky

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Output Parameters And Select Statements

Mar 17, 2004


thanks for reading!

Here is my problem: I have a strored procedure that inserts some records

into one table and then selects some records from another table at the end.

The stored procedure takes several parameters, first one of them is marked as

OUTPUT. I'm using it to return an id of the inserted record. The procedure is called from asp.net code with first parameter set as ParameterDirection.InputOutput (tried with just Output as well). Now for the problem: if the the select statement at the end returns 0 records everything works and i my first parameter contains the @@IDENTITY value from the insert statement like it is supposed to.

If the select statement at the end returns 1 or more records my output parameter is not updated at all and contains the same value as before the procedure was run. All the records are inserted correctly.

if i try to return the @@identity as a plain select statement instead of through the parameter
i get System.DBNull.

I hope you can shed some light on this for me. Here is my stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE cwSaveProductInquiry
@inquiryId int OUTPUT,
@libraryName nvarchar(500),
@contactName nvarchar(200),
@address nvarchar(100),
@city nvarchar(50),
@state nvarchar(3),
@zip nvarchar(10),
@phone nvarchar(50),
@email nvarchar(100),
@comment nvarchar(3000),
@productIds nvarchar(2000)


INSERT INTO INQUIRY (LibraryName, ContactName, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email, Comment) VALUES(@libraryName, @contactName, @address, @city, @state, @zip, @phone, @email,@comment)

--i tried including this statement at the end as well but that did not do the

--trick either

select @inquiryId=@@IDENTITY FROM INQUIRY

set nocount on
declare @separator_position int -- This is used to locate each separator character
declare @objectId varchar(200) -- this holds each array value as it is returned

if(@productIds is not null)
while patindex('%,%' , @productIds) <> 0
select @separator_position = patindex('%,%' , @productIds)
select @objectId= left(@productIds, @separator_position - 1)
INSERT INTO PRODUCT_INQUIRY_LOOKUP (ProductId,InquiryId) VALUES(@objectId, @inquiryId)
select @productIds = stuff(@productIds, 1, @separator_position, '')
set nocount off

Select Distinct Email from vPRODUCT_CONTACT WHERE ProductId in
(Select ProductId From Product_Inquiry_Lookup Where InquiryId=@inquiryId)


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