Hi Experts, I am having already sql server 2005 enterprise edition in my box, but i want to install sql server 2005 standard edition in the same box, but I am getting the following error, so how to solve this problem through command promt?
To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005, you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPGRADE=1 parameter.
Here is the block of the sproc that I?ve created. All lines executefine except for the ?exec master..xp_cmdshell @reboottc?. In order tomake this work from the query analyzer I had to set the MSSQLSERVERservice to have the same credentials as the thin clients we are tryingto shut down, that means the service is running as an Administrator onthe sql server with the same u/p as administrator on thin clients.declare @RoomNumber varchar(6) -- for testingset @RoomNumber = '1144' -- for testingDECLARE @RoomIP varchar(15), @RebootTCvarchar(120), @shutdownStart varchar(20), @shutdownEnd varchar(85)-- @ShutDownStart and @ShutDownEnd will be usedwith the @RoomIP to build the shutdown command sent to the thinclientsSET @ShutDownStart = 'shutdown -r -f -m \'SET @ShutDownEnd = ' -t 5 -c "MandatoryiConnect Reboot issued during guest check in/out process"'SELECT @RoomIP = IP FROM Rooms WHERERoomNumber = cast(@RoomNumber AS INT)SET @RebootTC = @ShutDownStart + @RoomIP +@ShutDownEnd-- print @RebootTC -- for testing-- @RebootTC ends up looking like the line below based on the@RoomNumber-- shutdown -r -f -m \ -t 5 -c "Mandatory iConnectReboot issued during guest check in/out process?-- Also the command below runs correctly when executed from SQL QueryAnalyzerEXEC master..xp_cmdshell @RebootTC
can someone tell me where I can look to find a sql command that is being executed by an application against my database? In Oracle, I look in the v$sql_text view - is there something similar in SQL Server 2000 ? Many thanks in advance
I see a weird behaviour when the package is executed as a SQL Server job and via command line. The package has environment variables configured. So when I run the package via a command line it picks up the user environment variables and gets executed fine with success. But when the package is scheduled as a job, it fails as it is not picking up environment variables. Does the SQL server has to be restarted to pick up the environment variables? I dont understand the reason of not picking up the environment variables when the package is run as a job. The job runs as the same user as the command line and the user variables are set for the environment variables. The logging is enabled on the package and I can see that it is logging as the same user even if its command line execution or executed as a job. Could you please anyone can explain why the package fails as a job and doesnt fail via command line. I am fighting with this for a long time.
I'm trying to use an SSIS script component that will go do a DNS lookup on the contents of an input column. I've already got a vbs function that performs the wshshell.exec and parses the answer for address and/or errors. I'm having trouble with syntax for the call. When I attempt to run it, I get a lot of errors like "Name 'wshell' is not declared", "StdErr" is not a member of 'String'"
Does anyone have an example of a script that calls a command?
I'm fairly new to SSIS, but think I've properly set up the inputs and outputs.
Ok, now for my not so happy new year problem ... here's the scenario:
I have a simple task of exporting data retrieved by a parameterized stored procedure to a delimited text file ... task done in 30 mins max using dataflow task from OLE DB Source with SQL Command to Text File Destination ... thank you very much SSIS!
But the problem is the OLE DB Source executed the SP MULTIPLE TIMES (3 to be exact) Actually configuration is:
1. OLE DB Source 2. SQL Command access mode 3. The following command written in the command text box:
The stored procedure logs to a database table everytime it is executed to report how many rows were selected (please don't crucify me with this method, i'm re-using procs from old system). The log shows that during execution of this package the SP was executed on 3 times.
I've got a stored procedure in database A that calls the sp_start_job stored procedure in msdb as follows:
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job B'jobname' ;
The domainusername is the in the database sysadmin role and the owner of the job. To make this work originally, I had to change the msdb database to be trusted.
This worked for the past several months.
Now it doesn't work (perhaps after a reboot but not sure). The error I get is "The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_start_job', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'
I looked to make sure that the account had grant execute rights and it does. I tried setting it via GRANT statement and it was granted successfully yet the error still occurs. I've tried changing accounts and anything else I can think of to no avail.
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this issue. I've tried all the tricks I can think of.
Hello,I'm trying to execute a file containing few SQL statements.CREATE VIEW test1 AS SELECT * FROM table1;CREATE VIEW test2 AS SELECT * FROM table2;The standard SQL way is to end a statement with semi-colon.But doing that,it doesn't work in SQL Server.After changing ";" to "GO", it works fine.Is there anyway we can stick to ";" to indicate the end of statement.I don't want to create scripts which works only in SQL Server.Please comment.Thanks in advance.
The SQL query takes about 4 minutes to execute in SQL Management Studio. But when I run it from the Script Task using the OleDBCommand, I got the timeout error in 40 seconds. The timeout setting on the SSIS DB connection is 0. I do not see how to set the timeout for an SSIS task. Any thoughts on this problem? TIA.
I notice when I copy an SSIS package 'A' to a new package 'B', the new package 'B' will generate a "login failed for user" message in the data flow components. To copy I "save copy of Package 'A' as."
Some config info:
Package ProtectionLevel = EncryptSensitiveWithPassword Connections are Data Sources Connection strings with password are stored using PackageConfigurations to an SQLServer table. I've verified Package 'A' is in fact using the config table (e.g. it is not using a password or user stored in the package) Data connectios are all SQLServer Native OLE DB Client The account is an SQLServer account (not integrated security)
The original Package 'A' works flawlessly and I get success when I test the connections in Package 'B'.
But executing package 'B' I get: The error message I get is: [Connection manager "MyConnection"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user 'dwuser'.".
Does anyone know why this would occur and/or how to work around it? I saw another thread where a potential workaround is to create a new data flow task and copy all the data flow components to that task. That won't work well for us because the data flow is moderately complex and when you copy and paste it, SSIS completely re-orders the layout.
This is a typical data warehouse ETL setup where there is a master package that executes child packages (e.g. 'A', and 'B' mentioned above) that each perform the ETL for a specific dimension or fact table.
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL Express 2005 and VB as the code behindi have a table called orderdetail and i want to update the fromdesignstatus field from 0 to 1 in one of the rows containing order_id = 2so i am using the following coding in button click event Protected Sub updatebutton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim update As New SqlDataSource() update.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() update.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text update.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE orderdetail SET fromdesignstatus = '1' WHERE order_id = '2'" End Sub but the field is not updatedi do not know where i have gone wrong in my coding. i am sure that my database connection string is correctplease help me
hi, i am tryuing to use the gridview as means for the user to be able to edit delete and update columns of the database. however when it is run in the browser it allows the user to edit the fields but when i click on the update button it throws an error. can someone please offer me advice on how i can sort this problem out or provide me with any examples as i cant see what the error is. i used the option in edit columns which allows you to specify you want update delete etc controls added to the gridview. how can i make it so it supports updating? thank you Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless UpdateCommand is specified. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: Updating is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless UpdateCommand is specified.Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Hey people im just wondering if someone could help me out with this Insert query im doing from one of the learn asp videos. I have a table called EquipmentBooking and it contains the following fields <teachingSession, int,> <staff, char(5),> <equipment, varchar(15),> <bookedOn, datetime,> <bookedFor, datetime,> now im doing the following Insert statement in Visual Studio 2005 when the submit button is clicked but all I get is the catched error exception and I just can working out why. Can someone help? heres the code im using Dim WebTimetableDataSource As New SqlDataSource()WebTimetableDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("WebTimetableConnectionString").ToString() WebTimetableDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text WebTimetableDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO EquipmentBooking (teachingSession, staff, equipment, bookedOn, bookedFor) VALUES (@TeachingDropDown, @StaffDropDown, @EquipmentDropDown, @DateTimeStamp, @DateTextBox)"WebTimetableDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("TeachingDropDown", TeachingDropDown.Text) WebTimetableDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("StaffDropDown", StaffDropDown.Text)WebTimetableDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EquipmentDropDown", EquipmentDropDown.Text) WebTimetableDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateTimeStamp", DateTime.Now())WebTimetableDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateTextBox", DateTime.Now()) Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0 Try rowsAffected = WebTimetableDataSource.Insert()Catch ex As Exception Server.Transfer("problem.aspx") Finally WebTimetableDataSource = Nothing End Try If rowsAffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("confirmation.aspx") End If
This is a real head ache. Nothing I do to add a record to my SQL2k Database wil work.
I'm logged into it as "sa".
I've Tried Stored Procedures:
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("AddLender", myConnection) ' Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim parameterUserName As New SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterUserName.Value = userName myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterUserName)
Dim parameterName As New SqlParameter("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterName.Value = name myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterName)
Dim parameterCompany As New SqlParameter("@Company", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterCompany.Value = Company myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterCompany)
Dim parameterEmail As New SqlParameter("@Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterEmail.Value = email myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterEmail)
Dim parameterContact As New SqlParameter("@Contact", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterContact.Value = contact myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterContact)
Dim parameterPhone As New SqlParameter("@Phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterPhone.Value = Phone myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPhone)
Dim parameterFax As New SqlParameter("@Fax", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterFax.Value = Fax myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterFax)
CREATE PROCEDURE AddLender ( @Username nvarchar(100), @ModuleID int, @Email nvarchar(100), @Name nvarchar(100), @Rep nvarchar(250), @Phone nvarchar(250), @Fax nvarchar(250), @City nvarchar (100), @State nvarchar(100), @ItemID int OUTPUT ) AS INSERT INTO Lenders ( Email, Name, Rep, Phone, Fax, CIty, State ) VALUES ( @Email, @Name, @Rep, @Phone, @Fax, @City, @state
) SELECT @ItemID = @@Identity
I get no Errors... I've run SQLProfiller and I don;t even see it run...
I also tried the method..
Dim strSql As String Dim objDataSet As New DataSet() Dim objConnection As OleDbConnection Dim objAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter
strSql = "Select ItemId,ModuleId,Name,Rep, Email,Phone,Fax,City,State,Address From Portal_Lenders;"
objConnection = New OleDbConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionStringOledb")) objAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(strSql, objConnection)
objAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Lenders")
Dim objtable As DataTable Dim objNewRow As DataRow
My compiler says that the line in bold below is illegal. The error msg I'm getting is: No overload for method 'select' takes '0' arguments. How can I correct this error and execute a SELECT? protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource2.Select (); } protected void SqlDataSource2_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) {string strReadyFirstName = e.Command.Parameters["@FirstName"].Value.ToString();string strReadyLastName = e.Command.Parameters["@LastName"].Value.ToString(); } <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [User_ID], [User_Name], [FirstName], [LastName], [Company_Name], [Department_Name] FROM [CompanyDepartment] WHERE ([User_Name] = @User_Name)" OnSelected="SqlDataSource2_Selected"> <selectparameters> <asp:sessionparameter DefaultValue="TheirUserName" Name="User_Name" SessionField="TheirUserName" Type="String" /> </selectparameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
Hi :eek: I have a strange problem on my sql 2000 sp4 server
When I kill a session I gives me
Msg 6101, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Process ID 61 is not a valid process ID. Choose a number between 1 and 32817.
The process exists in sp_who and sp_who2 it even has an entry in the sysprocesses this happens with all processes even test ones that we create that are'nt doing anything
any suggections (I have been told to re-install sql 2000 but this is not possible as it is a production server and I will only get maintenance time on sunday's not enough time to rebuild )
Hi there, I'm not exactly sure where to post this question, so I'll post it here.
I have 2 Windows XP machines, not part of a network domain. One of the XP machines is running SQL Server 2005 Express edition, lets call this DB machine. The other machine is just running my application - App machine. As part of my application, I want to be able to do a backup of the database.
The DB machine is also running the application. If I log into my application on the DB machine using SQL Server Authentication, and run the backup it works fine. (It's using the T-SQL BACKUP command). If it log into my application on the App machine, and try to do the backup, I'm getting an error saying that "The user is not associated with a trusted SQL connection". The same user is being used in both scenarios, and this user can update the database fine on the App machine, so it's not really a connection problem, it seems a permission problem. The SQL user I have created is a member of the db_backupoperator role for the required database.
Is anyone aware as to why I would be getting this error?
Hello,The PRINT command works fine on Query Analyzer.However, when I used it with other Database Client,eg: Aqua Data Studio, nothing got printed out.Is there a way to make it work?Thanks in advance.
Hi there, I'm not exactly sure where to post this question, so I'll post it here.
I have 2 Windows XP machines, not part of a network domain. One of the XP machines is running SQL Server 2005 Express edition, lets call this DB machine. The other machine is just running my application - App machine. As part of my application, I want to be able to do a backup of the database.
The DB machine is also running the application. If I log into my application on the DB machine using SQL Server Authentication, and run the backup it works fine. (It's using the T-SQL BACKUP command). If it log into my application on the App machine, and try to do the backup, I'm getting an error saying that "The user is not associated with a trusted SQL connection". The same user is being used in both scenarios, and this user can update the database fine on the App machine, so it's not really a connection problem, it seems a permission problem. The SQL user I have created is a member of the db_backupoperator role for the required database.
Is anyone aware as to why I would be getting this error?
I have a script from ASP.NET application services. It can be crated using the aspnet_regsql.exe utility in the 2.0 framework. The beginning of the script contains the following:
SET @dboptions = N'/**/' SET @dbname = N'databasename'
IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = @dbname)) BEGIN PRINT 'Creating the ' + @dbname + ' database...' DECLARE @cmd nvarchar(500) SET @cmd = 'CREATE DATABASE [' + @dbname + '] ' + @dboptions EXEC(@cmd) END GO
USE [databasename] GO I have a database in the App_Data folder in an ASP.NET website project. It shows up in the Server Explorer. But when I run this script on that database, the output seems fine (No rows affected. (0 row(s) returned) etc) but no tables are actually created in the database I ran it on. The database connection string in the Server Explorer has AttachDbFilename and User Instance=True.
So what exactly happens when SQL Server Express executes the CREATE DATABASE and USE [databasename] in this context? Is it ignored, is there now a new database somewhere on my machine, because the script seems to run fine on SOME database, just not the one expected.
I am trying to push the install for ReportBuilder 3.0 and am having an issue with the REPORTSERVERURL option for installing via command line.I have a batch file that works fine, however when I launch the app it does not have a report server configured. I have verified I can connect to my report server if I enterĀ it manually.
I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window
Please see the image through this url http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png
Hi,I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query windowPlease see the image attached http://kyxao.net/127/ExecutionProblem.png Any ideas for this issue?Thanks a lot Jalijack
Hi all,I am facing an unusual issue here. I have a stored procedure, that return different set of result when I execute it from .NET component compare to when I execute it from SQL Management Studio. But as soon as I recompile the stored procedure, both will return the same results.This started to really annoying me, any thoughts or solution? Thanks very much guys
i am using visual web developer 2005 and SQL 2005 with VB as the code behindi am using INSERT command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString1").ToString() test.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO try (roll,name, age, email) VALUES (@roll,@name, @age, @email) " test.InsertParameters.Add("roll", TextBox1.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("name", TextBox2.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("age", TextBox3.Text) test.InsertParameters.Add("email", TextBox4.Text) test.Insert() i am using UPDATE command like this Dim test As New SqlDataSource() test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DatabaseConnectionString").ToString() test.UpdateCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text test.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE try SET name = '" + myname + "' , age = '" + myage + "' , email = '" + myemail + "' WHERE roll 123 " test.Update()but i have to use the SELECT command like this which is completely different from INSERT and UPDATE commands Dim tblData As New Data.DataTable() Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True") Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM try WHERE age = '100' ", conn) Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(Command) da.Fill(tblData) conn.Close() TextBox4.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("name").ToString() TextBox5.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("age").ToString() TextBox6.Text = tblData.Rows(1).Item("email").ToString() for INSERT and UPDATE commands defining the command,commandtype and connectionstring is samebut for the SELECT command it is completely different. why ?can i define the command,commandtype and connectionstring for SELECT command similar to INSERT and UPDATE ?if its possible how to do ?please help me
i am using a OLE DB Source in my dataflow component and want to select rows from the source based on the Name I enter during execution time. I have created two variables,
enterName - String packageLevel (will store the name I enter)
myVar - String packageLevel. (to store the query)
I am assigning this query to the myVar variable, "Select * from db.Users where (UsrName = " + @[User::enterName] + " )"
Now in the OLE Db source, I have selected as Sql Command from Variable, and I am getting the variable, enterName,. I select that and when I click on OK am getting this error.
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E0C. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E0C Description: "Command text was not set for the command object.".
Can Someone guide me whr am going wrong?
myVar variable, i have set the ExecuteAsExpression Property to true too.