Exponential Values In The Report

Sep 3, 2007

I am values in scientific notation when i am rendering the report into excel.
I wanted the number to be displayed as it is without any scientific notation(exponential format)

Thanks in advance

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Exponential Value

Aug 28, 2007

I am using data flow. source is ole db and target is flat file (csv). I run sql server stored procedure in source and mapped all columns to target file.

Value "-5.0000000000000003E-2" is giving me hard time. It's coming in target file how can remove exponential before writing to target file. In source table that value is coming from float type column. I would like to use some function in select sql if I can.

Thank you - Ashok

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Exponential Moving Avg.

Jul 20, 2005

Exponential Moving avg is calculated using the formula.EMA = (Today's Price)* K + (EMA yesterday) * (1-K)where K = 2 / (N+1)The user is going to Input the K.It is something likeF(N) = Price * K + F(N-1) * (1-K)How can I reference, the previously calculated value in the Next rowcalculation. I need to implement this in SQL Server.I created a Stored procedure to do this and I used a Temp tbale withIdentity.Create Table #TempMovAvg(MID int identity(1,1) Primary key, tempDate DateTime, tValue float)I Populate the data for that temp table using the below query.Insert Into #TempMovAvg (tempDate, tValue)Select Date, Price From DataTableI tried Diff options to calculate the exponential Moving Avg using theabove formula, but none of them are giving the correct answers. I amnot able to reference the Prev Calculated value in the Next rowcalculation.Some queries I used.Select a.TempDate, a.tValue,0.9*A.tValue+0.1*(Select 0.9*t1.tValue+0.1*t2.tValue From #TempMovAvg t1, #TempMovAvgt2 Where t1.MID=A.MID and t2.MID=t1.MID-1)FROM #TempMovAvg AWhere A.MID>=2order by a.TempDateSELECT A.MId,SUM(CASE WHEN B.MID=A.MID THEN 0.9*B.tValueELSE 0.1*A.tValue END) exponential_averageFROM #TempMovAvg A, #TempMovAvg BWHERE A.MID>=2 AND A.MID BETWEEN B.MID AND B.MID+1GROUP BY A.MIDAny help will be greatly appreciated.thanksGanesh

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How Do I Enter In A Default Values For A Report Parameter That Accepts Multi Values

Apr 11, 2008

I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)

, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?

The field is a Varchar 20

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Exponential Database Autogrowth

Dec 7, 2007

Whenever we restart the services on this one SQL server 2005 instance, the database autogrowth changes to grow by 2500%. We have to manually change the autogrowth of data file to some sane number. Has anyone faced this issue? We tried to put SP2 on but even that doesn't help. Any help would be appreciated

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SQL Server 2012 :: Odd Cast Of Exponential To Float?

Mar 23, 2015

For whatever reason i'm unable to cast anything more thtan e-4 to a float which makes no sence. Am i missing something?

select cast( '1.550e-6' as float)
returns 1.55E-06
select cast( '1.550e-5' as float)
returns 1.55E-05
select cast( '1.550e-4' as float)
returns 0.000155
select cast( '1.550e10' as float)
returns 15500000000

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Accessing Values Parameter Values From Another Report

Sep 20, 2007

Hi, How can I display a value of a report parameter from one report into a textbox on another report??

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How To Display Multiple Values On Report Page From A Multi-value Report Param

Nov 5, 2007

How do I display multiple parameter values on report page from a multi-value report parameter. For example, I have a report parameter where users can select multiple attendance codes and I want them displayed at the top of the report after it's run.

Currently, only the first value is showing on the report.


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SQL 2012 :: Save Real Datatype Without Converting To Exponential?

Sep 21, 2015

I want to save 999999999 as real data in sql.but it saved 1+E09.

how can I save 999999999?

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Sub Report Parameter Selections Via Values From Master Report Data

Jan 30, 2007

I am designing a report which will be used under the subreport control of a master report, now i am using a stored procedure for the subreport which has two parameters.

In the subreports dataset parameters tab, how can i mention the master reports columns, since i do not see the master reports columns here. since it is a different report.

If i use a hardcoded select query then i can just say

select address, city, state, zipcode from customer where (customerid = @customerID)

but i am using a stored proc. how to define the parameters under datasets parameter tab.

Thank you very much for the information.

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SSIS Package (Data Flow) Validation Time Going Exponential

Jul 25, 2007

I am using SSIS to populate a star schema.

The issue is in the data flow for loading and setting the Fact table dimension keys (the dimensions are all loaded fine). After 16 rather pedestrian Lookup Transformations, I have an escalating problem adding additional Lookup transforms to the Data Flow. The problem is not in execution; the problem is adding more transforms in design mode.

Lookup # Fields in Data Flow Time to validate that lookup
<17 47 Sub-second
17 48 2 sec
18 49 4 sec
19 50 8 sec
20 51 16 sec
21 52 32 sec
22 53 64 sec

While I€™m intrigued by the mathematical progression that is forming here, the issue is that I have at least 6 more Lookups to perform. I hope you can see my dilemma.

I have gone to where it takes a little over 4 minutes each to validate the lookup transform and its associated Derived Column transform and Union transform (Total 12 Minutes). Not only does this add up to many idle minutes to each design step, BUT it breaks the debugger as it pre-validates the ENTIRE data flow before it ever switches into debugging mode.

Some notes:
1. It doesn€™t matter what order the Lookup transforms occur in, the timings are exactly the same.
2. I tried many Data Flow execution optimizations, but they don€™t improve the validation times (or even get a chance to improve the execution times!)

I realize this may be somewhat of a unique problem.

Thanks for any help you are able to lend.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Float Value Converting To Exponential While Inserting To Varchar Field?

Aug 6, 2015

Am converting varchar field to float and summing using group by and next inserting to varchar field(table).

while inserting float value it is converting to exponential ex:1.04177e+006 but if i execute only select statment actual float value will get display ex:1041765.726

My question is why it is converting while inserting ? and how to avoid it.

select query : SUM(CONVERT(float,(rtrim(REPLACE(REPLACE( column1, CHAR(13), ' '), CHAR(10), ' '))))) as AggregateValue

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SQL Server Integration Services - Stop Large Number From Being Converted To Exponential

Sep 23, 2006

I am importing a text file with a column (serial numbers) with alphanumeric data, some mixed and some only numeric. The very large values that are all numeric are being converted to exponential when I run it thru an import package in SQL Server Integration Services (2005)

Ex. 4110041233214321 --> 4110040000000000 (displays as 4.11E+15)

In the past I dealt with this by importing the text file into Excel and changing the format of the column to number. This works even when many of the values contain alpha characters. I am not sure how to accomplish this same thing without going thru Excel. If you have any ideas on this I would be happy to hear from you.

I am importing the text file into a sql table.

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Sum Of Values In Matrix Report

Feb 13, 2008

Hey everybody,

I am somewhat new to SRS. I am creatnig a report containing a Matrix. I did this because there are one or more columns included in the data set. I would like to add totals to both the rows and columns.

Here is data samples of the matrix:
Columns: C1, C2, C3...
Rows: R1, R2, R3, ...
There is a total making up the data section and looks like this (I will just use Valx for the value in the data section):

C1 C2 C3 ....
R1 Val1 Val2 Val3

R2 Val4 Val5 Val6
R3 Val7... ....

I would like to total each column and have a summary at the bottom (for the C1 this would contain Val1+Val4+Val7) and also like to have an extra column containing totals for each row (for the R1 this would contain Val1+Val2+Val3...).

Is there a way to do this? Am I missing something obvious?

Thank you for any help, it is very apprecaited.

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Real Figure Instead Of Exponential Figure Needed

May 29, 2008


I use OPENROWSET to read values from Excel and store them in a SQL Server table. In the Excel file I have a row having format 'Number' with two decimal places.

Example: 1225000.00

When I select this value using SSMS I get the correct value:


Strange enough, I cannot see the decimals anymore. However, when I now store this value into my table and then select it from there I get: (the datatype in the table is VARCHAR(max))


I would not care if I could convert this back to a numeric datatype but this seems not to work: CAST('1.225e+006' as INT) throws an exception. Obviously OPENROWSET sends the data strictly as a character string. Storing this into varchar(max) works for small figures but it starts to use exp values for big figures.

Does anybody has an idea how to bring huge Excel based figures safely into a MS SQL Table ?

Thanks: Peter

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Report Doesn't Show Up Any Values

Jan 28, 2008


I've designed a report and assigned it a datasource that binds with a SP with a parameter. In the XML code of the dataset I can see the input parameter has been recognised by the wizard. Then, I built a report with that Dataset as the source. Everything is fine till this time. Now through my aspx code I pass on the value of the parameter to the report. But the report doesn't show any values at all. The aspx code is like

Code Snippet
Dim reportParameter As New ReportParameter("@UserID", Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text), True)
Dim test() As ReportParameter = {reportParameter}

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
VS 2005 & SSRS 2005.

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Calculate Value Based On Other Values For Use In SRS Report

Mar 10, 2008

I am trying to create a report in SRS that will calculate a Composite Score based on the Sum of other scores and then that Sum is divided by 12.

Here is a copy of the Query I have created to calculate the numbers I want to use, but when I create the expression in SRS the calculations don't come out correctly. The expression that I use in SRS is at the bottom of the Script.

Thanks in Advance

--6 Trait_03052008.sql

--Pull test scores for 6 Trait out of Campus for SRS reports.

SELECT s.lastname+','+' '+s.firstname AS Student, e.grade, sm.lastname+','+' '+sm.firstname AS Teacher, sc.name AS School,

t.name AS Test, t.code, ts.rawscore,

CASE WHEN t.name = '1 Ideas' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 3 AS Numeric)END AS IComp,

CASE WHEN t.name = '2 Organization' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 3 AS Numeric) END AS OComp,

CASE WHEN t.name = '3 Voice' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 2 AS Numeric)END AS VComp,

CASE WHEN t.name = '4 Word Choice' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore * 2 AS Numeric)END AS WComp,

CASE WHEN t.name = '5 Sentence Fluency' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore AS Numeric) END AS SComp,

CASE WHEN t.name = '6 Conventions' AND ts.rawscore IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(ts.rawscore AS Numeric)END AS CComp

FROM testscore ts

JOIN student s ON s.personid = ts.personid

JOIN roster r ON r.personid = s.personid

JOIN test t ON t.testid = ts.testid

JOIN calendar ca ON ca.calendarid = s.calendarid

JOIN enrollment e ON e.enrollmentid = s.enrollmentid and e.calendarid = ca.calendarid

JOIN section se ON se.sectionid = r.sectionid

JOIN course c ON c.courseid = se.courseid AND c.calendarid = ca.calendarid

JOIN school sc ON sc.schoolid = s.schoolid

JOIN staffmember sm ON sm.personid = se.teacherpersonid AND sm.schoolid = ca.schoolid

WHERE t.code LIKE '6%' AND c.calendarid =50 AND c.homeroom = 1

GROUP BY s.lastName,s.firstName,e.grade,sm.lastName,sm.firstName,sc.name,t.name,t.code,ts.rawScore

ORDER BY [Student], t.code, t.name DESC

Expression being used in SRS to calculate the Composite Score.


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Report Chart Values Overlayed

Nov 30, 2007

Hi to everyone.I have this problem in my chart control in report.I am retrieving datas from my database.My x-axis is consist of dates of the year,y-axis is the hit counts.My problem here is when i only have hits in only one month(ex december) and almost over 20 hits are retrieved,the bars of my graph become so overcrowded and overlayed which make the value unclear to see.And also another thing is my legend repeats the color when there are too much data.is there anyway to fix this or this is just a ReportingService bug??Hope not..hehe.. Thanx

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How To Select NULL Values For My Report

Apr 23, 2008

Hi All,

I use a parameter for product type in my report so that end user can select different product types from a drop down menu. Now my problem is that for some fields product type is blank(NULL). But end user can not see these NULL value when he click drop down menu. I can not use Allow Null value option in report paramter , because I have used multi value option.
Is there any other way to select these NULL values?


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SQL Report With Parameter For Multiple Values

Apr 20, 2007

I need to somehow set up a third parameter which allows me to control the tag quantity type either by ALL - % , IS NULL, or IS NOT NULL.

I tried TAG_QUANTITY LIKE :Tags but this would only work if I had the % option select and not the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL

Any thoughts on how to format the select statement?


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Multiple Y-Axis Values In Report

Oct 23, 2006

I will try to explain this best I can. I have a report where it shows total number of pieces over time. This range is from 0 to like 100 pieces. I have done a UNION query to add average accumulation (in inches).

If adding average accumulation to the "Data fields" section of the report in report designer, It shows the average accumulation on the bottom in releation to the number of pieces. (which is what I want.. But.. ) The numbers are not proportional obviously there wont be 60 inches of snow.. more like 1 or two inches.. So the line is very close to the bottom almost invisible..

Now that ive dont a muck up job of explaining.. This is what im looking for.. Some type of chart that will overlay the average accumulation but somehow be smart enough to show the different scale of precipitation vs pieces of equipment.


VS 2003 SQL Server 2000

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How Can I Specify Report Parameter Values Using The Url Querystring?

Apr 4, 2008

I have a report that has 2 parameters. I use this report to do comparisons of performance data between two builds of our product. I'm not hosting this report in a seperate page, just using the standard sql reporting services web interface.

I'd like to be able to send out a link to this page that will load up the page with values for the parameters specified. I know in the report definition itself I can change the default parameter values, but I'd rather not change and redeploy the report every time I need to send it out for others to view.

My first thought was that it should be easy enough to specify the parameters as part of the url querystring and read the values in somehow using an expression for the parameters default value. Is this possible? I've done a bunch of searching but can't seem to find any good examples of this.

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I Need To Change Those NAN Values To 0 In Ssrs Report

Dec 2, 2007

When I use calculation in generating reports, I get "NaN" value in preview , I wanted to avoid this and display "0" if the result of calculation is null or infinity..

I used the below calculation

=CDbl(Fields!POST_TEST_COUNT.Value/Fields!ENROLL_Actual.Value), here i taken input as percentage for every field.

Please let me know how to avoid "NaN" and "infinity", while displaying in reports

when ever i see the prview NAN values are displayed and remaining fields are shows appropriate query results like percentage values Like 98%.00 some thing but i have a problem with NAN values i need to change those NAN values to 0

plese help me.

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Referencing Report Items Values On A Matrix

Sep 1, 2005

Does anybody knows how to reference a value inside a group in a Matrix.
I know it should be possible to use a calculated field, but I can't find a way to calculate a simple percentage!

example: (The Orders Group have "Received" and "Accepted" columns and these are created Dynamically, and I want to add a calculated field (ie. "%Accepted") to the group.

Simple Formula
%Accepted = "Accepted" / "Received"
%Accepted = 5/10 :. (50%)

Matrix Object ( creates columns dinamically)
Orders "Group"
Received Accepted %Accepted
10 5 ?

Any Help or Ideas are very much appreciated.

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NUL L Date Values In Report Builder Display As...

Apr 13, 2007

Null date values within a table in SQL Server are displays as (12/30/1899) by Report Builder. Does anyone know how to display the null value as blank?

Thanks in advance

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Stop Subsciptions From Sending If The Report Has No Values

Dec 5, 2007

What would be the best way of setting up a subscription to not send, if the report is empty?

Do i need to write a new stored procedure that does a count or something? what would i do on the reporting serivices side?

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Carrying Values From A Subreport To A Main Report

Mar 22, 2007

How can I carry a value over from a subreport to a main report?

If I have a total in a sub report, I want to use that total in expression on the main report.

Any ideas?

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Using Values Returned From SQL For Report Column Names

Apr 17, 2008

I am building reports against our TFS development db.
One of the reports tracks days spent (Dwell Time) in various status categories (eg: New, Assigned, In Development, Hold, etc) for a given "ticket".
For a fixed list of values from {Work Item].System_State, I can send the results (days in Assigned) to the column named (Assigned) for each status for each event in the [Work Item History], and then sum them for each ticket as:
Ticket ID New Assigned InDev etc
1230001 2 0 0 ...
1230001 0 1 2 ....

SUM 2 1 2 ....
However, I have many different Projects, each of which use their own Status names.
I don't want to duplicate the same basic report, if I can avoid it.

How can I name and generate this data for the unique Status list for each Project?

Simplest analog is: name = First(Fields!Status.Value, "TFSdb")
and allows value for a column name (category) as: =IIF(Fields!Status.Value = First(Fields!Status.Value, "TFSdb"), Fields!Days.Value, 0)
However this fails beause:
1. It only delivers the FIRST status value, and,
2. I cannot SUM an expression which is itself an aggregate (using First).

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Compare Values Within Subreport To Main Report

Oct 10, 2006

I was wondering if anyone knew how to take a value from a subreport and
compare it to a value iwthin the main report. We are trying to see if
the value in the subreport is greater than the value returned in the
main report. We want to make the value test red if it is greater than.
I know how to compare these values if they were in the same report, but
when it comes to subreports I am lost. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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How To Get The Values From Dataset To Parameters On Report Header

Mar 13, 2008

Is it possible to get the reportdataset field values into parameters. dynamically when the report is generated.


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Store Into Database Report Parameters Values?

Feb 3, 2007

is it possible to perform an insert/update query upon the execution of a report, using the report Visual Basic expressions?
I mean, the user enters some values for the report parameters, and i would like to store them, along with the resulting recordset data, into a dedicated table in the database.

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SSRS Report Multiple Values In TextBox

Aug 6, 2007


1. I have one combobox for supplierID, it displays 1,2,3...
Now i want to display the corresponing SupplierDescription in the textbox placed in the Page Header Section. If it is multiple selection then it has to be seperated by ',' (Comma).

Ex: IF i select 1,2,3 in the combobox then in the TextBox should look like
Suplliers: Ram, Don, Krish

Can you please help me in this


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Report Builder Could Not Retrieve Filter Values

May 6, 2008

when i use a filter in report builder, it's not able to retrieve the information to populate the dropdown menu, the dropdown menu is empty. I get a triangle with exclamation mark and the following message and the drop down box is not being populated:

the requested list could not be retrieved because the query is not valid or connection could not be made to datasource

I am able to generate reports but not able to use filter. what could cause this issue ?


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