Export Data From Mdf And Ldf Files

Jun 8, 2004


My first post, I don't know much about MS SQL.

I have the .mdf and .ldf files from an MS SQL 2000 server. I don't have MS SQL server running on my home machine. I'd like to be able to extract the data from the .mdf file to something I could use on my home machine. XML would be good, CSV would be ok too, maybe even some way to import into MySQL. Any help would be appreciated, also if I've some how missed the forum faq, please point me to it.

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Export Data From Tables To Files Using Procedures

Oct 14, 2005


Having small query

How can i able to Export Data from Tables to Specific Local files using Procedures?

Environment Details

OS : Windows 2000 server
Database : MS-SQL Server

Solutions are needed asap.

Thanks in advance


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Export MSsql Data To Excel Files

May 12, 2007


i have a MSsql file wich i want to export information from.
Every post in the database should be exportet to a own single file with all the information about the post.
So from a single question to the database i would like to have a lot of files named by a speciel filed i the post.
I also want to be able to design what the excel file should look like.

How can i do this?

Greatful for help.


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Export Data From A Number Of 2000 Tables To UTF8 CSV Files

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to export the data from a number of MSSQL 2000 tables to UTF8 csv files.

Using the bcp that came with MSSQL 2000 didn't work (UTF8 related), so I am now accessing the 2000 database from within MSSQL 2008 R2 Management Studio and use its Import and Export wizard that does make UTF8 exports possible.

But it fails. This is the error I got for one table.

- Validating (Error)
Error 0xc00470d4: Data Flow Task 1: The code page on input column "cmsGUID" (74) is 1252 and is required to be 65001. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc00470d4: Data Flow Task 1: The code page on input column "PublicationStatus" (79) is 1252 and is required to be 65001. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard) ....

What do I have to do?

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How Can I Export Foreing Key And Primary Key With SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data Wizard.

Jan 4, 2008

How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.

Operation is that
SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data

Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs

But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.

How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.

Best Regards,


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Export To Flat Files

Apr 13, 2007

How can I export data from sql server 2005 table to fixed length flat file without using xp_cmdshell option from sql server stored procedure ?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Trying To Export FOR XML Procedure Using BCP - Getting Files Padded With Spaces

Mar 19, 2015

I have a procedure that generates some XML from a bunch of tables.Then i use BCP to export it to a file. This works just fine.Here's the sample code:

INSERT INTO t_test (i, z)
SELECT1, 'Test'


But recently, i wanted to add a test that calls this procedure. So, Test procedure uses INSERT / EXECUTE thingy to put XML data into a temp table to compare things. But then you get following error: "The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a INSERT statement."

EXECSPRC_EXPORT -- crashes here

So, i thought, fine, i'll wrap the FOR XML inside a sub-SQL:

FOR XML PATH('root')

And BCP call still works, BUT, now the file generated becomes 64kb instead of 1kb :) When i look into the file, it displays same XML, but the string is right-padded with a LOT of spaces.how BCP uses SET FMTONLY, OR that the "type" of result somehow gets changed when i do the wrapping.

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SSIS Export Wizard - Tmp Files And Connection Strings

Aug 15, 2006


I have used the SSIS import/export wizard to create a transfer from one database to another.

Q1: Why are some files from this wizard stored in the the temp folder ?

Example: C:Documents and SettingspbhLocal SettingsTemp

This is extreemly unuseful when checking in the solution in tfs since these files will not be saved.

Q2: I have tried to move these files and manually edit the location for these file references in the dtsx package file. However: The connection string wants an absolute path for the files..


DTS:Name="ConnectionString">c: mp1EA.tmp

How can I refer to $project$ mp1ea.tmp, a relative path to the project directory instead?



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FOR EACH Loop To Export Files Based On Header Record

Dec 21, 2006

Hey guys,,

Well im new at this SSIS stuff and i have something that i am trying to do, but cannot get it to work.. Ill try to explain, and if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction it would be much appriciated..

I have 2 tables, one header table. and one lines table. This is a one - to -many relationship.. ie 1 header, many lines.. This is a Order Header, and Order Lines table setup.. Order header has Order numbers and and email address field that link to the lines table by order number. I also have a view which links all this info together.

I would like to export a excel file (preferable named from the order number column - but that can come later) for each order number in the header table. The excel file will contain the details from the View that was created. I want this to loop through all the header records in the header table and create a excel file for each one..

Down the track i want to add a send mail task to this and pass the email address to a variable so i can use it in the send mail task.. But ill get the main part working first..

Anyhelp would be more than helpful.. I tried to set this up, but i am stuck on the enumerator part..

thanks again, scotty

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SQLState=S1000, Proc To Export Tables Into Flat Files

Feb 28, 2006


I am trying to create a Procedure that will export all the tables present in the database to corresponding flat files. The below procedure builds fine but gives a run-time error as below:

SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Unable to open BCP host data-file

What am I missing?


CREATE Procedure BCP_Text_File_5
Declare @table varchar(100)
Declare @FileName varchar(100)
Declare @str varchar(1000)

select name from dbo.sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and name = 'TestTable'

open export_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM export_cursor INTO @table

set @FileName = 'D:SqlData' + @table + '.txt'
set @str='Exec Master..xp_Cmdshell ''bcp "Select * from '+ db_name() + '..' + @table + '" queryout "'+ @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'''
EXEC (@str)

FETCH NEXT FROM export_cursor INTO @table

CLOSE export_cursor
DEALLOCATE export_cursor

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Integration Services :: SSIS Dynamically Export Tables To Raw Files

Nov 16, 2011

Every day an application creates new tables and dumps static info into them. 

I would like to create a package to dynamically export those database tables to raw files for long term archive, one file per table. Here is what I have so far and the issue I am having.

1)     Get a list of un-archived tables.
2)     Foreach table do the following.

a. Export the table into raw file.
b. Zip the raw file.
c. Update archive tracking table.

As long as the metadata for each table is the same this package seems to work fine. However, I have many tables with different metadata.  How can I dynamically get the package update the metadata column collection when it hits a new table? When it hits a table with different metadata I am getting warnings like this:

The column "some_column" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection.

The "external metadata column "someother_column" (103)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.

Then I get this error:
Error: 0xC004706B at dump the table into a raw file, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA"

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Importing DBase Files With The SSIS Import/Export Wizard

May 5, 2006

I saw this post by dterrie in the Wishlist thread and I just wanted to second it:

"How about bringing back a simple dBase import. The SSIS guys are clearly FAR out of touch with reality if they think people who handle data no longer need to work with dbf files. I've seen alot of dumb stuff in my day, bit this is just sheer brilliance. I just love the advice of first importing into Access and then importing the Access table. Gee, why didn't I think of such a convenient solution. I could have had a V-8."

I've been struggling with this the last couple days and finally decided to import the dBase III file into Access and then import that into SQL Server 2005. Imagine my surprise when I discovered this was the current recommended method.

That's just ridiculous. Can someone tell me why they would reduce some of the functionality of SQL Server from 2000 to 2005? This was a very easy process in SQL Server 2000...

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Separate Data Files / Log Files / TempDB / Backups

Jan 9, 2015

I proposed on a new server that we separate Data Files, Log Files, tempDB, Backups, etc. onto separate LUNS on a SAN with High Speed Solid State Drives.I was told that with the new technology with solid state SAN's that it would decrease performance and that it did not work the same way as it did when you had RAID 5's etc.I thought that if things were cared out correctly by a SAN Administrator they would know how to configure for optimal performance.

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How To Export Files From ReportViewer In Visual Studio 2008 Frame Work 2.0

May 13, 2008

I want to export file such as .csv, xml , word from ReportViewer in visual studio 2008 but when I run on ASP.NET .net framework 2.0, it can export only excel & pdf files. But in business intelligent project in Visual Studio 2005 I can export all files that I want.
How can I export file from reportviewer in visual studio 2008 run on web application?


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Empty Log Files And Data Files

Sep 17, 2004

I'm using replication with two database on SQL 2000,when begin, the log files size is 50mb and the data files size is 150mb. But now the log files size is 2Gb and the data files size is 4Gb. I would like to decrease the log files and the data files ??? How do i do this???
(I using Truncate and shrink doesn't change )

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Where Can I Find The Import Data/Export Data Options If I Only Have The SQL Server Management Express Studio?

Oct 4, 2007

Hi all,

It looks like these options are only available in the SQL Server Management Studio? I installed SQL Server Management Express Studio and I can't even find the DTSWizard.exe on my machine.

Can you please help how I can import data from excel or where can I download the SQL Server Management Studio?

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.


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Export Wizard Disturb The Order Of Data While Exporting Data To Acess 2003 From SQL Server 2005

Feb 24, 2007

I am using the following query to export data from sql server to ms access in export data wizard:
SELECT * FROM myView where myID = 123
Order by varcharColumnName1,varcharColumnName2 ,intColumnName3
This query will fetch about 7, 00,000 records.
SQL server 2005 shows the correct order, but Data in access table shows Incorrect data.
Please give me the solutions.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Export To Excel Showing Data Type As General For All Data Types

Sep 16, 2015

One of my report has different data types like decimal,percentage and integer values.

When I exported the report to excel , all the values are showing as "general" data type.

How to get excel data type same as ssrs report data type by default when exported to excel?

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SQL 2012 :: Master Data Service Export Data On-demand?

Feb 17, 2014

Background: In my current company the business users maintain a huge quantity of master data using excel. Then a series of SSIS jobs are edited and manually executed.

Goal: the challenge is to replace this process using MDS. One of the requested features is the possibility for the users to edit or insert new master data using the Web UI or the Excel Add-in and when they are done perform a merge of the master data in the target, in this case in the reporting DB.

The perfect solution for me is something like trigger the execution of a SSIS package to export the data from the subscription views to the reporting DB after the business rules are apply to a specific entity.

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Export Multiple Tables To Multiple Flat Files

Nov 29, 2007

I used the data export wizard to export a single table to a single flat file (multiple wasn't allowed). I saved the package as a *.dtsx file which I'm attempting to edit to add the additional tables.

Creating additional sources is fairly easy copy of the first source and change to the table name.

I've tried copying the destination connection and changing to a new text file, but can't get past having to add each column manually to the new destination.

How can I duplicate the mapping that must be taking place in the wizard in the *.dtsx editing environment?

This seems like a simple / common task, but I've been unable to find a solution.

Thanks, Richard

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Copying Data Problem With Export Data Tool

Nov 14, 2007

I Have a problem when copying data from one server to another in Management studio, I need to create and exact copy of the original because of primary key relationships,

Currently when I export the data the data will run through an insert type statement, which means that all PKs are reissued, rather than being duplicated from the original, How can I be sure that the data will be copied exactly how it is on one server to the other.

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Physical Setup: 1 Data File Vs Multiple Smaller Data Files

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all. Before my arrival at my current employer, our consultantsphysically set up our MSSQL 7 server as follows:drive c: contains the mssql enginedrive d: contains the transaction logdrive e: contains the data filesNo filegroups were set up and the data files consist of only 1 largephysical file. Currently, our data file is >10GB. When I was trained onthe physical aspects of sqlserver, I was told to never create physical files[color=blue]> 2048MB each. If I did, I could expect inefficient physical storage of[/color]data and slower performance (due to the OS).Our server has 2 RAID-5 arrays. Drive c: and e: are located on the firstarray and drive d: on the second. We're running Windows 4.0 NT Server SP6with NTFS.Can someone comment on the use of 1 single large data file vs. more smallerdata files?

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Data Access :: Users Get Wrong Data Records - Cross Coupling When Accessing Files From MVC App

Aug 7, 2015

I have an MVC asp.net application that stores many records in a table on sql server, in its own system.  used the system for 2 months, worked fine accessing, changing data.

Now that other users are logging in? there is cross coupling going on.  one user gets the data from another users sql search.

In the mvc app it had used the get async method to read the ID record from the db, i set that to synchronous.  no effect;  the user makes their own login id but that does nt matter either.

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Update Data From Text Files To A Data Base?

Mar 10, 2008

i am really in need of help. i have a text file consiting of some data.i want to update my database from that text file periodically say 12 hours.the text file is being updated by another server program in every 12 hours can any one help me in this case? i am lost for this scenario?? help me please.....

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How To Copy Data From Backup Or Data Files To New SQL Installation?

Dec 10, 2005

Hi,I have(had) an old Win2k Server server with about 30 web site databases(SQL 2000) that just went under due to hardware problems. Thankfully, Ihave backups of all the databases plus the MDF and LDF files from thehard drive.I want to move all of these sites and their data to a newer server(Win2003) running SQL2000.What's the best way to copy the database from the old server hard drive(now mounted as an extrnal drive to a local machine; I'm currentlyFTPing all of the web site directories from it to the new server)?Just upload the original data to the new server and then mount the MDFand LDF files within the new SQL server? Or do I restore the backupfiles in the new SQL2000?All of my previous data migrations have been DTS operations from onelive server to another, so no experience with either of the abovescenarios. I'll certainly have a lot more experience at one of them bythe time this weekend is through.Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Best Way To Export Data......

Jul 17, 2001

What is the best way to do the following.....

I want to publish a database on the web and enable to end users to click a button on the web page which will export the data from a table into an Excel spreadsheet which is then saved onto the user's machine.

Is this possible with SQL Server 7 (dts/sp/???) or do I need to use other technologies (maybe something like COM?)

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated (even better if u can provide coding hints/samples)


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Export Data

Nov 17, 2000

Dear all

Any one knows of away to export data out of all tables in SQL7.0, to a text file and import them back to another DB

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Data Export Into XL With New Doc

Sep 19, 2003

I need to export data from SQL Server 2000 table into XL Doc.
These data have 4 creteria and need to be store each creteria in each sheet.
This XL document should create new for everymonth.
Any Advice Please?.

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Export Data

Jun 14, 2006


I usually export data from my sqlserver db to a mdb file. I know there are different destinations like csv, txt, etc...
But however, how can I export data in a sql script file???? I know i should do it with the sentence "insert into table" but i would like to know if the sqlserver has some option to do this without i have to write the sentence for each rows to insert.
I know this option in Oracle.

Thanks for all.

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Export Data

Jun 4, 2007

Hi everyone,

Every day I have to export data from SQL server 2005 to Microsoft access. (with export data wizard)
There is an automatic function that allow to overwrite the data?
because every time that I do it the tables goes to add to the
existing Access database. So every time before start the job I have to delete the file and create a newone.

I appreciate your help

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Export Data.

Jan 11, 2008


Is it possible to use stored procedure to export data?-- I know u can use pcb utility and DTS pkg (sql 2000)/SSIS, but I want to see if there is some other options. If it can be done using stored procedure--please, let me know



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Best Way To Export Data.

Apr 9, 2007

Hello,I have some questions on my options available.I have to export some tables to csv files to enable another departmentto process the files. What I need is a way to do this in ms sqlthough a stored proc with quoted identifiers and column names asheads. I cannot figure out how to do this.Can anybody give me some options that would be the best options.I am using ms sql 2000.Thank you for your time.

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Export Data To CSV

Oct 5, 2007

How can I export data from a Sql Server 2005 Express table to CSV format?

Thanks in advance for any help provided in solving this.

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