Export To Excel 2007 In SSRS
Feb 14, 2008I am new to reporting services. I need to export more than 64K rows to excel from SSRS Katmai. Please let me know how to do this.
I am new to reporting services. I need to export more than 64K rows to excel from SSRS Katmai. Please let me know how to do this.
Hello Everyone,
Is there any way in RS2005 to export to Excel 2007 format ?
The reason I'm asking is that we have a report that can potentially have more than 256 columns but for now, there is no way of directly importing to excel 2003 (.xls).
Is microsoft going to come out with an improvement to RS2005 or is there already a way to export to Excel 2007 to bypass the 256 column limit?
Hi Guys,
I am trying to export data from database to excel 2007 file on my machine.
I have downloaded the provider for office 2007 and I have XP with sp2 and SQL server 2005 with SP2.
I havn't installed office 2007 on my machine,but I have a excel file which is created in office 2007.To get acess of read and write i have downloaded office compatibilty pack too,So I can read and write into the file.
Now I am creating one SSIS package to export data into excel file.But I m not able to coause I am getting some errors like
"test connection failed because of an error in intializing provider. Invalid UDl file"
"Test connection is failed because of an error in intializing provider.Not a valid file name".
Please help or suggest how to export data from database to 2007 excel file.
Yogesh V. Desai. | SQLDBA|
Hi all,
Posted - 12/05/2007 : 01:54:18
How to export data from SQL Serevr 2005 Express to Excel 2007 using OPENROWSET command.
I have tried the following code But getting error
sSQL.Format("insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;Database=%s;','Select * from [%s$]') select * from [%s]", sExcelPath, sSheetName, sTable);
But getting the following error
The OLE DB provider "MICROSOFT.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error
I am using automation object for creating EXcel .I have added the header also.
Any help is appreciated
I made a package in SSIS to copy some data from SQL server 2005 SP2 to Excel 2007. The package works fine, but generate errors. If I replace the OLE DB destination for Excel 2007 with a Excel destination for Excel 2003 then they errors don't appear. The problem is that I have to use Excel 2007 because the data contains more than 65000 records. I thought maybe it was to much date, but if I limit the amount of data with top 100 it also generate errors.
The errors are:
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300A at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043006 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300C at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043008 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0047018 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: component "Source Declaratiegegevens uit NZDF op NED_NDFSQL01" (1) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0x80004002.
Error: 0xC0047018 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: component "Source Declaratiegegevens uit NZDF op NED_NDFSQL01" (1) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0x80004002.
Information: 0x40043009 at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Declaratiegegevens NZDF naar Excel, DTS.Pipeline: "component "Destination Excel 2007" (142)" wrote 353858 rows.
Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure.
I hope someone gots a answer...
Thanks in advantage!
I've created an rdl and already deployed it on the report server, when I render the report to excel, I've noticed some problems regarding the header/footer, I've noticed that after the rendering process, SSRS put an extra character (space) before the left header/footer.
Please help me on how am I going to solve this problem, or any workaround on how to solve this.
Any reply are highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I created a report with multiple line per group and detail. When I export the report to Excel it expands all of the drill downs. Report with a single group and detail line exports to Excel and shows the drill downs for you to either expand or collapse. Is there a way to have multiple group and / or details and have Excel show the drill downs?
View 1 Replies View Related
When I Export SSRS report into Excel , all the Numeric data type field in SSRS reports are converted Text Type.
when i used other function except formatcurrency so it's works!!
But it's doesn't work when used formatcurrency function!!!
Any solution ?
Hi all,
1. SQL Server 2005 -
2. Office 2007
A Patricular Report which i need to export to excel, does not export at all. Run for Hours together and i have kill it atlast. It is trying to export more than 1 Lac records. That is reason i am using Office 2007 because it has more than 1 Lac records. Still i am not able to export the report.
Please help
I have created a report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. After I export it to Excel format, if I try to print it (Hardcopy), my Excel crashes. It shows an error and shut down. I'm using Excel 2000. It even shows me same error when I click on "Print Preview", in Excel.
Everytime I try to print the excel worksheet, a window pops up with the heading "Visual Studio Just-in-Time Debugger". The error is: "An unhandled win32 exception occurred in EXCEL.EXE [3460]".
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi All,
We are using the SSRS 2005 for developing reports. In that I have some problems/doubts.
My problems are:
I developed / designed the report using the SSRS 2005. And I uploaded the reports in to the report server. I can able to view the reports in the preview section as well thro the browser.
Problem 1:
Reports are having the huge amount of data (For: report is having > 800 Pages). So, when ever I am trying to export in to EXCEL that time I am getting MemoryOutOfException. If I having the less number of pages that time I getting the result. How I can export the report into excel with out MemoryOutOfException.
Problem 2:
Some Excel sheets are having more data for ex: 75000. In EXCEL it self we are having the limitation we can not create more than 65536 rows per sheet. So If I want to export these 75000 records into excel how I do it.
Problem 3:
For delivering the reports I am using file share subscription method in SSRS. For example my reports are having the huge amount of data. That time I getting the following status in report server ��Failure writing file Weekly Install Base Report @timestamp: An error occurred during rendering of the report.�?"
Software Platform:
1. SQL Server Reporting Services 2005
2. SQL Server 2000 Data base
3. Microsoft Office 2003
Sundaraguru S
I am creating an application where I need to export the reportviewer data into formatted excel sheet.
Ex excel sheet should have formatting-
1-Column width set to 8.3
2-Wrap text turned OFF
3-Left Justify all fields
4-Landscape default for orientation.
If I apply these formatting into the .rdl files then it is going to be applicable for all other formats
like csv,xml etc but I don't want to apply these fomatting except the excel report.
I think if I can trap any event when export button is clicked when excel is selected from dropdown menu
then it is going to solve the problem a little bit.
I need this solution as soon as possible.
Chinmay Chandra Dey
(Software Engineer)
I am exporting the ssrs report with Execl sheet but iam getting this error in excel sheet"The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe ".
View 3 Replies View Relatedhy all,
when i export to excel reports having a drill-down, in the excel file i don't have the possibility to drill down data.
i have memory that once it was possible.
does anyone know how to help me?
is it possible that a service pack or any updating could have change configurations?
I am having difficulty in exporting a report to Excel that has drill-down grouping created in SSRS 2008 R2. I can export with the report expanded or with just the summary and both look fine, but when it gets to Excel it looses the toggle ability which I need for it to retain.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe are experiencing problems with reporting services built-in Export to Excel. Basically, the columns get wrapped in Excel, which frustrates users who need to pivot and sort(ie the point of downloading to Excel). Is there a method for removing the column wrapping? Please help
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi
When I export a report to XLS, I get a huge file size, and performance really takes a hit.
When I copy the Excel Data, and Paste Special - Values into a new excel, the file size shrinks considerably again.
When I export to CSV instead, the file size is halved, and the processing time comes down from 5-6 mins to 10 seconds.
I use SQl 2005 with SP2, so some of the old problems with RS2000 do not apply.
I suspect SSRS uses XML to export to excel. Is there some way I can get over this problem?
I have a SSRS 2012 report which have few columns with long text. They appear good when viewed in browser. However, when I export it to excel data is shrinking. How can I avoid the data shrinking in excel.
Attached the screenshots for reference.
SSRS View:
Export to Excel(Where data is shrinking):
I have a report in that report having some Text boxes and below tables.But the problem is when i export the report into excel textboxes are merged, not getting properly.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am facing some issue in rendering my SSRS report(2012 version) to excel sheet with color codes. i am using conditional formatting to display the colors. So what is happening is ,take the below expression as an example, for the id = 0, we are not getting white back ground, we are getting some other colors. But the same thing is working fine in SSRS 2008R2.
= 0, "WHITE","BLUE")
I have two different dataset in one Report, Each Dataset result is binded to a different Table component.
When I export as Excel ,I am getting all this in One Excel sheet.
I need this in separate excel, as dataset1 in excel1 and dataset2 in excel2.
We mark cells in a report using color names like red, pink, and transparent in the fill expression. In the browser it works correctly. When exported to Excel the colors go to the wrong cells. This worked correctly in SSRS 2008.
View 9 Replies View RelatedAnyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.
I have reinstalled Office 2007 (to changre the license key)
after this, the data mining excel add-in failed to load.
the "COM add-ins" displays: "not loaded. a runtime error occurred during the loading"
reinstalling the add-in doesn't solve the problem
installing the 2008 version don't solve the issue too.
There is no other information, what can I do to solve the issue?
I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne of my report has different data types like decimal,percentage and integer values.
When I exported the report to excel , all the values are showing as "general" data type.
How to get excel data type same as ssrs report data type by default when exported to excel?
i have one application in Microsoft excel 2003. but when i open this in Microsoft excel 2007 it gives me error saying that
error inintializing menu,
object variable or with block variable not set.
kindly guide me what i can do for this. i m not getting exactly what is happening.
thanks & regards,
Haven't been able to find much information on using openrowset with excel 2007 xlsx files. I've tried the following with no success so far.
'Excel 12.0 Xml;Database=\serverfolderfile.xlsx;HDR=No;IMEX=1',
'SELECT f1 FROM [Raw Keywords$] WHERE f1 IS NOT NULL')
If anyone knows the correct way to do this please tell me.
hellow all,
i installed SqlServer 2005 sp2 on my server.
now, how do i import excel 2007 files in SSIS? i don't have office 2007 installed on my computer, but i've got some .xslx that i would like to try ro import. i tried to create an OLEDB connection, but i don't know which provider to choose.
anyway, can i do it without the sp2 or office 2007 installed on my server?
thanks for tour reply!
When importing an .xlsx file the number of columns stops at 255. Does anybody know how to get all columns imported?
Tried saving the file as text and that allows me to import all the columns but it would be much easier to do this directly from Excel.
Hi Folks,
I have got a quick question, Is it possible to use office 2007 in SSIS, If so what would be the driver?
or Could we use JET 4.0 itself?
Any thoughts and help in this regard would be appreciated.