Expression-based Connection Strings Difficult To Manage

Apr 17, 2007

Expression-based connection strings are great but they are specific to each report which makes them difficult to maintain. Shared expression-based connection strings are not supported.

I'm looking for a way around this. I'm hoping to write a custom data extension, and in the custom data extension, do all the "dynamic" logic that sets the connection string (which you normally would be doing in your expression-based connection string).

I know the above can be done. What I don't know is how, inside a custom data extension, to get the value of expressions like User!UserID? (I want the connection to run under stored credentials, but I want to customize the connection string and add a property to it based on the UserID who is logged into Report Manager.)

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SSIS: Making A System Fragile And Difficult To Manage?

Apr 1, 2008

I am fairly new to SSIS and do not have a wealth of 'in-depth' knowledge of it and I am running into some problems.

I am part of a team that is using Agile techniques (Scrum based) to implement a reasonably complicated system. This system has the requirement for numerous file feeds and multiple transactional database instaces whos base data is driven from a master seed database.

We are getting to a point where we are starting to hook up alot of the infrastructure and I am running into problems. Especially with the continous evolution of the database. Every iteration, the SSIS packes break because of DB changes. This is a little scary to me because I am starting to see SSIS as adding multiple points of failure to the system. Agile is based on refactoring often and that includes the database for this project. Every database change either breaks or requires a change to the SSIS packages that moves data from file feeds and staging databases to the master seed database. This problem is even more pronounced when considering the processes that move data from the seed database to the transactional databases. It discourages changing the database which is a really bad thing because that can lead to code archtecture smells and adds fragility.

Anyone have any input on this subject?

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Difficult Query: Return Recordset From Concatenated Strings?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have what seems to me to be a difficult query request for a databaseI've inherited.I have a table that has a varchar(2000) column that is used to storesystem and user messages from an on-line ordering system.For some reason (I have no idea why), when the original database wasbeing designed no thought was given to putting these messages inanother table, one row per message, and I've now been asked to providesome stats on the contents of this field across the recordset.A pseudo example of the table would be:custrep, orderid, orderdate, comments1, 10001, 2004-04-12, :Comment 1:Comment 2:Comment 3:Customer askedfor a brown model2, 10002, 2004-04-12, :Comment 3:Comment 4:1, 10003, 2004-04-12, :Comment 2:Comment 8:2, 10004, 2004-04-12, :Comment 4:Comment 6:Comment 7:2, 10005, 2004-04-12, :Comment 1:Comment 6:Customer cancelled orderSo, what I've been asked to provide is something like this:orderdate, custrep, syscomment, countofsyscomments2004-04-12, 1, Comment 1, 12004-04-12, 1, Comment 2, 22004-04-12, 1, Comment 3, 12004-04-12, 1, Comment 8, 12004-04-12, 2, Comment 1, 12004-04-12, 2, Comment 3, 12004-04-12, 2, Comment 4, 22004-04-12, 2, Comment 6, 22004-04-12, 2, Comment 7, 1I have a table in which each of the system comments are defined.Anything else appearing in the column is treated as a user comment.Does anyone have any thoughts on how this could be achieved? The endresult will end up in an SQL Server 2000 stored procedure which willbe called from an ASP page to provide order taking stats.Any help will be humbly and immensely appreciated!Much warmth,Murray

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Reporting Services :: Expression To Display Only Strings That Start Report Builder

Oct 7, 2015

How do you write an expression in report builder to only display the results that start with a certain string  Project Number - CUP1501, DPR1502, ENG1507 etc.  These values will all get returned but I only want the Project Number that has CUP and DPR in it?

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Connection Strings, Trusted-connection VS Username-password, SQL Server 2005 Express

Mar 9, 2007

All --
Please help.
I have some questions about connection strings.

Note that I am using the "SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider", SQL Sever 2005 Express, ASP.NET, C#.NET, and VS.NET 2005.
Note that I do not want to use the "Attach a database file" type of connection string.
Note that I am using the site as a reference.
Note that this "Standard security" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Uid=MyDatabaseUser;Pwd=MyDatabasePassword;" />...does not work and causes the following run-time error...A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)
Note that this "Trusted connection" connection string...<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=MYTESTOFFICESERVERS;Database=MyDatabase;Trusted_Connection=yes;" /> but is less-than ideal because it uses a Trusted Connection rather than a Username/Password combination.
(A) What exactly does the error in Item 4 mean?
(B) Do 4 and 5 imply that one must use a Trusted_Connection for all SQL Server 2005 Express connection strings when the database does not reside in the web application's App_Data folder or use a "Attach a database file" type of connection string?
(C) Are there any alternatives?
(D) What do you suggest?
Please advise.
Thank you.
-- Mark Kamoski

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Toggle Expression Based On Parameter

Apr 30, 2007

Hi, I have a matrix report containing a parameter.The count of groups may change based on the parameter's value.Also these groups are connected to each other with toggle property.
For example;
--If the parameter's value is "year", the report have three (year, month, day) groups.Day is connected to month and month is connected to year with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "month", the report have two (month, day) groups.Day is connected to month with toggle property.
--If the parameter's value is "day", the report have one (day) group.There will be no toggle property.

The question is:
I wrote expressions for this report and set the visibility properties of the groups, but when I select the "day" or "month" value for the parameter, no groups are shown.I think the reason is "being connected to each other with toggle property".

How can I solve this?

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Connection Strings

Nov 11, 2006

I am trying to develop a web site. I have a local ms sql database on my machine.
I am trying to connect to a ms Sql database on a goDaddy server from the application.
I am trying to understand the connection string and its total properties.
here is what I think should be in my web.config file

add name="Personal" connectionString=";
User ID=myID;
Trusted_Connection=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
<remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
can someone please tell me where I am going wrong, Thanks for your help.....

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Connection Strings

Nov 24, 2007

I developed an application and deployed it onto a hosted provider.  I use SQL 2005 Express for development SQL 2000 for production.  Both systems work.
I backed up my production database and wish to use it for my development testing.  I restored it as a SQL 2000 database on my development machine and changed my connection strings to point to it.  I added it as a new Data Connection in Database Explorer and can see all of the data through it, but I see that all the tables now have the owner name in parenthesis as part of the table name.
My application now fails trying to find any of the tables.  It works if I include the owner name as part of the SELECT statement.  So much for data separation.
I don't know where to start.  Is this an issue between SQL 2005 Express and SQL 2000, or is it an issue between SQL and ASP.NET, or is it a hosting provider issue, or what?????

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Connection Strings

Jan 24, 2008

Hey guys, don't know if this is in the right place but here goes.
I'd like some advice on optimizing the way I write my code. Here's the scenario. I have a select string for 3 different tables. One for the main gridview, and two others that are binded to dropdownlists.
So I created a Sqldatasource1,2,3 and had to create the connection strings for each one.
ex. SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = "blah", SqlDataSource2.ConnectionString = "blah", SqlDataSource3.ConnectionString = "blah"the thing is, the connection string itself is the same. Is there a way to consolidate that? So that when I use a select/update/insert command for each sqldatasource i dont have to have another connection string? Also, having multiple connectionstrings, does that slow down the performance?

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Connection Strings

Mar 14, 2008

Im struggling to work out the connection string to my ms sql database.
My website is being hosted with and I have a ms sql database called "aspnetdb". I usually log into the database with a username but no password. I don't no what other information is needed to create my connection string?
Thanks, Mark Lawton

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Connection Strings

Nov 6, 2006

I have created a SSIS package, and got it to perform as I want.

I am having a problem though with connecting to my data source (OLE DB Source) using SQL Server Authentication.

If I use Integrated security, I have no problems. If I use SQL Server Authentication, I get errors.

Here is the connection string that works:

Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=.SqlExpress;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=MyDataBase

Here is the connection string that fails:

Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Data Source=.SqlExpress;Persist Security Info=True;Password=**********;User ID=myUserid;Initial Catalog=MyDataBase

The strange thing is that when I use the Connection Manager dialog screen and click on "Test Connection", I get the response that the connection succeeded. It is only when I try to run the task that I get an error.

Here is the error I am getting:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "MyDataBase" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: component "MyDataBase" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

I have eliminated the obvious errors (incorrect Userid or password). Also, I am unable to use Integrated Security as this package needs to be distributed to various systems that may or may not be on our company's primary domain.

It seems I am missing something really basic here, but am not seeing it.

Any thoughts?

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Connection Strings

Dec 13, 2006

This is probably a very basic question and I apologise for asking. Can an app developed with VWD using SQLexpress be used with server2000? if so how do I modify the connection string.

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Expression-based Data Source + Subscription = No-go?

Dec 20, 2006

Set up reports to use expression-based data sources and everything works fine as far as executing and viewing the reports. The ConnectionString expression includes the credentials, and the "No credentials required" option is selected.

Unfortunately, am getting this when trying to create a subscription for same report. WTF?

eportingServicesService!processing!3!12/20/2006-12:20:07:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source 'XXXData'., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot create a connection to data source 'XXXData'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.PermissionDemand()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.PermissionDemand(DbConnection outerConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.SqlConnectionWrapper.Open()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.ReportRuntimeDataSourceNode.OpenConnection(DataSource dataSourceObj, ReportProcessingContext pc)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

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Dynamic Connection Strings

Feb 5, 2007

I am looking to allow a user to select which database they need to connect to, and then for them to be able to use that connection string until they choose a different database. I have a separate database specifically to hold the list of databases with the respective connection strings, and various forms that are currently looking at the web.config for the connection string. Unfortunately, I can't just put all the connection strings into the web.config as the number of databases available to the user will increase on a weekly basis which will be handled by a database administrator, so I want a user to select from a list of databases (for which they have permissions), and for that connection string to remain for that user. Potentially there will be 20 or more users each connected to a different database (all SQL Express).
If anyone can provide any help on this I will be truly thankful as I've hunted on the internet for hours and have been unable to find anything that has helped.
Thanks in advance.

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Dynamic Connection Strings

Feb 6, 2007

Dynamic connection strings
I have found lots of people asking for something similar to this but cannot find any solutions - can you help?
I am developing an application (ASP.Net2) in which users are associated with 'Clients' and every Client has their own SQL Server database.
Users are authenticated using standard ASP.Net Authentication via a separate database (common for all users). This includes a table linking them to a Client and each Client record includes the connection string to their database. Currently a default connection string is held in the web.config file.
My problem is that I don't know how to dynamically change the connection string after a user has logged on. I have a large number of databound controls, many of which are declared and some are coded in the VB.Net code behind. I know I can use code behind to change the connection string for a SQLDatatSource:
I thought I had it cracked with the following:
Public objClientConnection As New ConnectionStringSettings
Public Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)If Session("ClientDBConnectionString") <> "" ThenobjClientConnection.ConnectionString = Session("ClientDBConnectionString")objClientConnection.Name = "ClientDBConnection"objClientConnection.ProviderName = "System.Data.SqlClient"ElseobjClientConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("WebTool1ConnectionString")End IfEnd Sub
The session variable Session("ClientDBConnectionString") holds the client specific connection string and is populated when the user logs on. If this is not populated then the connection string defaults to one collected from web.config. This should ensure there is always a design time connection string available.
The trouble is, when I try and declare the SQL data souce like this:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsTest" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%# objClientConnection.ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="usp_SEL_DocumentTypes" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" ></asp:SqlDataSource>
I get an error: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.
I have been going around in circles on this for days and would really appreciate some help. Am I on the right lines? What needs to change to make it work? Is there a better way?
Many thanks,

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Connection Strings In Web.config

May 31, 2007

What am I doing wrong?
This works:
SQLConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=McD_DB;Initial Catalog=McDFeelGood;User ID=uuu;Password=ppp"
Now I want to put it in my web.config, but these don't work ("ConnectionString property has not been initialized"):
SQLConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("McDFeelGoodConnectionString") (VS IDE says this method is obsolete)SQLConn.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("McDFeelGoodConnectionString")
<connectionStrings>    <add name="McDFeelGoodConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=McD_DB;Initial Catalog=McDFeelGood;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=uuu;Password=ppp" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /></connectionStrings>

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TableAdapter And Connection Strings

Sep 19, 2007

I'm trying to setup a typed dataset with a table adapter in .NET 2.0, and the problem I am having is that I cannot get the table adapter to use existing connection strings setup in the web.config file.  How can I get it to do so?  It doesn't see the connection strings, and so it wants me to create a new connection, which I don't want to do.

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SQL Server Connection Strings

Dec 18, 2003

I should start by saying that I'm new to SQL Server and ASP.NET. My question is about connection strings. With so many possibilities of these strings, how will I ever know what is best to use or try when one does not work. Is there a rule of thumb or an article or even a book that someone can recommend? Something that will demystify this part of working with the SQL Server and ASP.NET?

Thank you very much for any help on this.

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Database Connection Strings

Aug 2, 2004

My question is, are the user id and password optional when creating a database connection string? I've created an asp page without including them, but in my aspx page (which is basically supposed to do the exact same thing as the asp page), I'm receiving the following error:

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

Source Error:

Line 48: DisplayConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=infomart;Database=psg")
Line 49: DisplayCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT RollOutID,RequestedDate,Background,Product,StagingPushDate,ProdPushDate FROM rolloutrequests ORDER BY RollOutID DESC", DisplayConnection)
Line 50: DisplayConnection.Open()
Line 51: DataGrid2.DataSource = DisplayCommand.ExecuteReader()
Line 52: DataGrid2.DataBind()

Source File: c:inetpubwwwroot
olloutrequests.aspx.vb Line: 50

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction) +472
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction) +372
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +384
rolloutrequests.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwroot
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +35
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +731

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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Storing Connection Strings

Oct 1, 2004

My app is in a shared hosting environment. They use SQL Server authentication and I'm not wild about storing user ids and passwords in web.config. What's the best practice for storing this connection string information?


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AS400 DB2 Connection Strings

Jan 17, 2007

I am trying to construct a connection string via iSeries OleDb provider. The default list of libraries on the AS400 for my user is fine for production. But in test scenarios the code/data libraries are rolled out through a sequence of test libraries. How do I specify the additional libraries for testing.

I connect fine and can execute sql. the statements like insert into TestLibrary.Table work fine, but the associated trigger code isn't called.

Would it be better to use the .Net Connection set of classes instead. I switched from ODBC to OleDb because of assumed thread safety issues.

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Sub-report Visibility By Expression With Two Conditions Based On Parameters

May 30, 2007

Product version : SQL Reporting Service 2005 with SQL SP2

It's a report with 3 sub-reports in it, i want to display only one of the 3 sub-reports at a time depending on 1 or 2 parameters received by the parent report. These parameters are verified by an expression into the visibility tab of each sub-report. The two parameters are 2 lists with possibles values between 1 and 2 (not query based). I have verified these values and they are correctly received by report depending on the selection of each list.

Ex.: SubReport1.expression = IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 1, True, False)

SubReport2.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 1, True, False)

SubReport3.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 2, True, False)

So here are the posibilities :

when Regroupement.Value = 1 --> SubReport1 will be shown

when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 1 --> SubReport2 will be shown

when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 2 --> SubReport3 will be shown

Now why that doesn't work ? I always see the same report and it's not the right one displayed even i change the selection of my 2 lists for the parameters value.

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Question Regarding SQL Express And Connection Strings

Nov 20, 2007

Hello everyone! I am having some more problems while trying to get my site online. I built the site offline using Visual Web Developer Express Edition, and used "SQL Server Express" that comes with ASP.Net.  Therefore, I have the ASPNETDB.mdf and mydatabase.mdf in the App_Data folder.  Now, on my local machine everything runs fine.  When I tried to put the site online however, I get the following error:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to
the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26
- Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) This is the connection string in my web.config file:    <connectionStrings>        <add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|mydatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>    </connectionStrings> Now, my web-host does have SQL Server 2005.  Does my ASP.Net application use that though, since I have it running just through SQL EXPRESS?  Also, does anyone know where I could change my "SQL Server 2005" settings?  My web-host uses Plesk 8.2.0, and the database managing program is "ASP.Net Enterprise Manager", but I can't find any options anywhere to change the Server settings to allow remote connections. Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance, Markuu 

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Connection Strings/Data Sources

Jan 3, 2005

Hey all,

I'm coming from ASP and I used to have a global connection string accessible to all of my ASP pages that I'd use for all of my data access. This was really convenient because I could easily switch to a backup or local data source for testing/debug by changing the connection string in one place.

Now, I'm using ASP.NET with Web Matrix and I love the drag and drop functionality but its dropping my connection string all over the place. How can I do this and keep my connection string in one spot so I can have the same convenience of switching data sources.

Thanks in advance!

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MS SQL Express - Connection Strings For Depolyment

Mar 18, 2006

From my Web.Config<connectionStrings>  <add name="CustomerConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=&quot;D:-- Work Documents --WorkezWebApp_DataASPNETDB.MDF&quot;;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"   providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>It's obvious to me that the next in orange would cause my db application not to work when i roll it out onto the net.Am i correct to say this? I recalled i needed something like "Server.mappath("path-name")"anyone know what i need to do?

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Recreating ODBC Connection Strings

Jul 11, 2002

Due to some problems, we have to reformat Our Windows NT4.0 Server.
The SQL Server 2000 has several ODBC Configured as
"User DSN" and "System DSN" .

Question: Is there any way that we could copy these User DSN and System DSN
Config Files so that after Rebuilding Server AND Database, we could Re-aaply/
Re-create these ODBC DSN specifically "System DSN" as they are More Number.


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Recreating ODBC Connection Strings

Jul 11, 2002

Due to some problems, we have to reformat Our Windows NT4.0 Server.
The SQL Server 2000 has several ODBC Configured as
"User DSN" and "System DSN" .

Question: Is there any way that we could copy these User DSN and System DSN
Config Files so that after Rebuilding Server AND Database, we could Re-aaply/
Re-create these ODBC DSN specifically "System DSN" as they are More Number.


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Dymamic Connection Strings In SSIS...

Oct 16, 2006

I was reading through the following post regarding dynamic connection strings:

In this posting they talk about setting up a configuration file to setup the connection string, but I am not sure how to apply that connection string to my connection manager. When I go into my configuration file, I can see the connection string, and when I go into the advanced properties of the connection manager, under the "Named ConnectionStringFileName" property, I set the property value to the name of my configuration file, but when I test the connection I get an error that the connection string property has not been initialized.

Can someone please assist me with identifying what I am doing incorrectly?

Thanks in advance for the assistance!


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Connection Strings And Package Configurations

Nov 5, 2007

I've been planning on putting all my connection strings for my SSIS packages into package configurations. So far, I've been using XML config files, and these strip out the passwords in connection strings which then have to be retyped every time in notepad.

Has anyone got some better guidance regarding this? Could I use another type of package config to avoid this problem?

My contraints are such that I cannot use integrated security for the packages, so the password MUST be in the connection string. However, I can place the config files in a secure location where only the package and admins have access to them.

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One Package Running With Different Connection Strings?

Oct 5, 2006

I have a SSIS package which needs to connect to 5 different servers to import data. I want to schedule one task to run this one .dtsx but run once for each server connection( 5 different servers).

Is it possible? how can i accomplish it? Is Package configuration possible? How to go about it if so?



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Synchronize Connection Strings Dialogue Box

Jul 18, 2006

I created a couple of Data Sources, setting them up as I have done for OLE DB connections and then deleted that connections, and created them (recreating the connections using create connection from Data Source).

But when I open them again it gives me a dialogue box (Synchronize connection string) stating following message:

This package contains at least one connection which is based on a data source. The connection string for connections and data sources listed below are currently not identical. Connection strings of connections will be updated to reflect those on the data source.

I am also using connection string variable (through Expression builder) with Package configuration for those connection

Can any tell me the solution of this problem?

I have read, in one of the forum, as a BUG but I m sure it is not as i had this problem previously on my old system but it was gone somehow (I dont know how?)

waiting for quick reply



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Config File/ Connection Strings

Sep 27, 2007


I made certain changes in the properties in my Config file and by Change the ServerName and Database Name.
below is the example

When i execute the package it still runs. I mean theer is no server or database with that name but it still works.

<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[ConManName].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=UHS137;Initial Catalog=UH_IntegrationStaging;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;</ConfiguredValue>

Changed to

<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[ConManName].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=NOSvr;Initial Catalog=NOdB;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;</ConfiguredValue>

Then I created a new config file in which I checked in the box for ServerNam and when i change the name teher in the Config file


<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[ConManName].Properties[ServerName]" ValueType="String">


and when executed teh package its fails.

Thats what I neede

SO coming to my question.
1)What is it doing. I mean how is the package talking to this config file
2) Irrespective of what I do in the Connection String the package executes fine, which It should not do as far as my understanding goes. Why is it doesn't matter whats in String. where as it matter in later.

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Synchronize Connection Strings Issue

Feb 12, 2008

Since we made some 'improvements' on our package deployment I feel I am going crazy!
This is what changed:
We created LOCAL.dtsConfig (UAT...) files.
This local file resides say at C:DWDWPackagesDWPackages.
We have user environment variable called DW_XMLCONFIG which has value C:DWDWPackagesDWPackagesLocal.dtsConfig

in this Local.dtsConfig file I have following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varPkgDir].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>C:DWDWPackagesDWPackages</ConfiguredValue> </Configuration>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varErrlog].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>C:DWDWPackagesDWPackages</ConfiguredValue> </Configuration>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varSource].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=SQL2;Initial Catalog=_ODS2;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;</ConfiguredValue> </Configuration>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varTarget].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=LPET06VPC02SQL2K5Local;Initial Catalog=DW_Dev;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;</ConfiguredValue> </Configuration>
<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varTargetNET].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=LPET06VPC02SQL2K5Local;Initial Catalog=DW_Dev;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;</ConfiguredValue> </Configuration>

Any package I open gives me following dialog box
Synchronize Connection Strings
with Connection, Data Source and
Old Connection =Data Source=LPET06VPC02SQL2K5Local;Initial Catalog=DW_Dev;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;
New connection =Data Source=sql11;Initial Catalog=DW_UAT;Integrated Security=True

All of my packages have connection called TargetNet.
My question; Why it does not pick up value from dtsConfig file instead using connection under Data Sources (TargetNet).

thanks a lot!

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