Extrach Part Of A Column String Into Another Field
Feb 6, 2001
hi, I have a field named city_state that contains city and state together (Warren, OH) in the same field. I need to create two seperate columns one city, another state. how can I extract the state out of the city_state column and have two different column.
Hi all I was wondering whether it was possible to remove or delete part of a String in a Field? Lets take for example I have:
- A Table called: Table_1 - A Field called: MyField - MyField contains the value: Hello I am on the msdn forums
Is it possible to perform an UPDATE Query which deletes part of that sentence? If this was hard coded it would be rather simple but if the phrase was changing which would lead to the sentence also changing is it possible to do this?
Lets say I wanted to remove the part which said msdn forums. Then UPDATE the field again which should leave out the bit msdn forums.
I have a table that holds a large amount of text in a field that is the body of the email. For example, it might say something like:
Quote: Email tech support at thisemail@email.com if you have any questions about the results of this test.
I need to change the email address in this field. Using this example I need to change thisemail@email.com to thatemail@email.com; however I do not want to change the other text in that field.
It is also important to note that the rest of the body of the emails stored here is different depending on the email.
So basically what I need is a statement that would look at a particular field, search for an email address, and replace that email address with another one without disturbing the rest of the text in that field. I already checked the w3 update tutorial and the update there is for the entire field.
I have to extract a specific part of a string from a column in a sql server table. Following are the details and I have given the sample table and the sample strings.
I have 2 columns in my table [dbo].[StringExtract] (Id, MyString)
The row sample looks like the following
I have to extract the Id and a part of the column from mystring.
Id MyString 1 ABC|^~&|BNAME|CLIENT1||CLIENT1|20110609233558||BIC^A27|5014589635|K|8.1| ABC1|^~&|BNAME1|CLIENT1||CLIENT1|20110609233558||CTP^A27|5014589635|I|7.1| DEF||5148956598||||Apprised|Bfunction1||15|LMP|^^^201106101330| alloys3^ally^crimson^L||||alloys3^ally^crimson^L||||alloys3^ally^crimson^L|||||Apprised|
[Code] ....
The part I want to extract is in the line "ZZZ" and the string part that i want to extract is between the 5th and 6th pipes (|). So my output looks like the following
Id DesiredString 1 Extracts^This^String1 2 Extracts^This^String2 3 Extracts^This^String3
Is there a way to extract this either using TSQL or SSIS.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StringExtract]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[StringExtract] GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[StringExtract]') AND type in (N'U')) BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StringExtract]( [Id] [int] NULL,
Is there a way to extract the date part (11/27/2012) of a datetime/time stamp column (11/27/2012 00:00:00.000) and keep it in a date format?
The code i have below extracts the date part of a timestamp column and converts it to a char field. This becomes a problem when I joing the resultant table with a SAS dataset which contains the same column but is in a date format. The join process generates an error saying the column is in different formats.
Hello to all, I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me. i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships . 3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....) 4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...) i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members. Query: Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567; select * from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in (select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query. Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
hi friends..... i want to get part of the database field value in stored procedure.. ex : select reason from reasontable where rid=1 output : reason-------------------------------telephone is not working properly. but i want the output as : reason--------------------------------telephone is n.............
I have a tabkle that I want to use for NT authnetication. It was a list of domain lan usernames. I want to use NT authentication in ASP but in order to do so I need to add the domain to each of the lan ds. So my username, kssensalo needs to be DOMAINkssensalo. I need to do this for 5,000+ plus records. What SQL fucntion would I use? I know I can use LTRIM to remove, but I need to add or append.
I have a column Sports which contains a string.the string is comma delimited, so may contain e.g. 1,3,2,6,8,19 or 6,22,13 etc.What is (performance wise) the fastest way to select all the rows where the number 2 is in the Sports column.....?(I can't search on ",2," since "2" may also be at the start of the string....)
I have a field in my table that includes free form text. Within this text are two five digit numbers seperated by a forward slash (/). I need to be able to locate the "/" and then return and display the numbers before and after the "/" seperately. For example:
"the text looks like this but has two numbers 55555/66666 within the string"
I need to get the "55555" and the "66666" in oprder to then display them. can anyone help? I am using ASP/SQL. Appreciated in advance!
Is there a function that will extract part of a string when the data youwant does not occur in a specific position?Field "REF" is varchar(80) and contains an email subject line and the emailrecipients contact nameExample data:Rec_ID REF1 Here is the information you requested (oc:JohmSmith)2 Thanks for attending our seminar (oc:Peggy SueJohnson)3 Re: Our meeting yesterday (oc:Donald A. Duck)What I need to extract is the contact name that is in parenthesis after theoc:The name is always in parenthesis and occurs immediately after "oc:" - nospaces after the "oc:"Thanks.
1. I have a table with a column for region names. Region Names are in 2 formats basically - "NAME-BU*RM" OR "NAME*RM". I want to extract just "Name" from this string. The length of "Name" varies and I want to extract all characters included for "Name". Can anyone advise what the query/SQL statement would look like?
2. I wrote a VB code to generate a xls file. Users are able to run it fine but if they have another file with same name already open, then it just crashes excel. So I want to include a code that checks if file "file.xls" is open on user's machine. If file is open, then message "file "File.xls" is already open. Generating File_1.xls" Run the code but create the file with file name "file_1.xls" If file doesn't exist, then run code and create file with file name "File.xls"
Trying to update part of a field. Currently using ColdFusion 4.0 and SQL Server 7.0. My field looks something like this: ABC.DEF.GHI and I just want to update the last 3 characters, GHI. The length of the field may change so it's not going to be 11 characters long. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a very beginer's question. I am trying to compare datetime field with time only. how can i just compare with time?
Select start_time,end_time from tblvouchers as sv,tblvoucherlines as svl where sv.voucher_no = svl.voucher_no and sv.equip_no = '01325' and svl.line_date ='03/14/2004' and svl.start_time = '18:00' and svl.end_time = '00:00'
I want to set a filter in my statement. Normally it is no problem, but this time I want to set a filter only on a part of the field.
For example: In my table with ordernumbers, I have orders with are starting with 'FO', VO' (FO0001, FOO0002, VO0001, VO0002, ect etc) I want to set a filter in my statement that I only wish to see the ordernumbers starting with 'FO'.
I got a problem which looks like the same with a futher topic of me (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1156355&SiteID=1), but this one is a little bit more difficult.
I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:
I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions. ItemNo ItemDescription 1 Pineapple yellow 2 Cauliflower size 6 3 Orange sweet yellow etc. etc.
Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the item must be shown.
Can some one help me out by solving this problem??
new question about an old topic (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1232451&SiteID=1):
I want to set a filter on a field, but the it must set a filter on a part of the field. I think it will be more clear with an example:
I have a list with ItemNumbers and ItemDescriptions. ItemNo ItemDescription 1 Pineapple yellow 2 Cauliflower size 6 3 Orange sweet yellow etc. etc.
Now I want that the user of this report can set a filter just by entering a part of the description. So, if he enters 'flower' he only see the cauliflower. If he enters 'yellow' he only see the pineapple and the orange, etc. etc. If a blank value is left, all the items must be shown.
After this, Jarret, suggest to me to insert the next code into my query:
where ItemDescription like '%' + @ItemDescParam + '%'
This helped, but I want to have 2 options extra: 1) The part of the description which the user inserts must be independent of capitals 2) It also have to be possible that the user inserts more than one part. For example "pine" and "fellow"
I'm passing a variable to SQL and I want it to query a column (IP_user), but query any part of what is given. For example if I given Chris it would bring up Chris, Christian, Christine, etc. What is the syntax to do this?? thanks
I have about 200 records with a field (fileName) that have an ampersand(&) somewhere in them. I need to update the fileNames and remove all occurances of "&" and replace it with "-"; without modifying any other part of the file name.
Is there a SQL command I can use to update only part of a field?
I'm trying to extract the time part of a smalldatetime field in a usprocedure to return just the time. I've used Datepart() to get the hours or minutes but you can't get both without getting messy. Anyone know a way to keep it neat & simple?
I would like to know the best way of returning just the Date part (dd/mm/yyyy) of a DateTime field using T-SQL. I know that some methods mean that you lose the indexing if the field is indexed. Which is the best way to do this in T-SQL whilst preserving the indexing? I'm using SQL Server 2005.
I am trying to make a query that will group my errors messages together - my problem is that each of the error messages is unique, due to them having an unique id in them.