Fail To Change The Value Of Parameter With Operator 'range'

Jan 24, 2007

Hi all,

I have couple of paramters with operator 'range(inclusive)' in my report(Agains datacube), and I always get failure when I choose value with them. here's a example( 3 such parameters on my report).


From date To Date


From age To Age


From Salary To Salary

@salary is the last one.

when i choose a value for 'From Salary' or 'To Salary' from the dropdown list, it runs correctly. But if I choose value for 'from age' or 'To age' or 'From Date' or 'To Date', it fails due to

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Query execution failed for data set 'DimTimesheetTimesheetNumber'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)

Range operator ( : ) operands have different levels; they must be the same.

BTW, all the default values for these parameters are 'all', since it allows only 'all' to select when I set up the parameters, and I tried to change the default value, but it caused errors about the parameter dependency.

Any idea and suggestion will be appreciated!


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Filter A Dataset With The Range (inc.) Operator

Mar 12, 2007

It seems that when I use the Range(inc.) as the filter operator for a Dataset and then try to use the Last and First keywords to extract the results from the dataset in the layout the results are sometimes wrong and don't match the expected.

Does anyone knows of any issues that would affect this filtering mechanism?

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Fail Over - DNS Change

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,In case of failover to standby server, what is theest way to redirectclient applications to new server?1) DNS name change -- not viable due to Caching issue.IS there any alternate like Oracle's onames/LDAP for resolving namewith sql server?Can use Sever alias?Thanks

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Jobs Fail After Sa Password Change

Feb 7, 2007


It is our yearly procedure to change the sa password.
This time we do it for the first time in ss2005.
After changing the sa password, all jobs fail with the following error:

MessageLogin failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
MessageError: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.

When i check the properties of the job i can see (in the general tab) that all jobs are running through Windows authentication.

Any newly created jobs run successfull.
What do i do wrong?

Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,


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Sql Help - Passing An Operator As A Parameter Maybe?

Sep 14, 2006

My data table contains a column (a foreign key) with numbers from 0 and up.  (it could be null or a number.  I used ISNULL to convert it.)  I want to be able to select in three ways.  1) equals zero (or is null)2) greater than zero (or is not null)3) equal to a specific number.How do I do this?My application setup is Presentation Layer, BLL, DAL and Sql Server.I don't want to create another Query because this is only part of a larger query with other parameters.If I could just do something like    @IDOperator @IDValue     in the Filter of the Sql it would be great.

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Problem With Multi-value Parameter (IN Operator)

Jan 16, 2008

I am using SQL server 2005 SP2.

I have a view created in Sql database by name vw_CETARIS_Suppliers.

CWS_fn_MVParam: This function takes a parameter for cities (xx,yy,zz)
and returns a table with the values as individual cities. - If I
execute this from t-sql, it is working perfectly. Also I created a dataset with the query
SELECT Param FROM CWS_fn_MVParam(@pCity,', ' )
This is executing properly and the dataset is getting all the vlaues from the concatenated parameter (for example 'xx,yy,zz' is returning a table of values

My SRS report has a multi-value parameter called @pCity. The
following query is given under the data tab in SRS report.

IF @pCity=' All'

SELECT CetarisSupplierCode, CetarisSupplierName, CetarisAddress1,
CetarisAddress2, CetarisCity, CetarisProvState, CetarisPostalZip,
CetarisCurrency, CetarisCompany
FROM vw_CETARIS_Suppliers

SELECT CetarisSupplierCode, CetarisSupplierName, CetarisAddress1,
CetarisAddress2, CetarisCity, CetarisProvState, CetarisPostalZip,
CetarisCurrency, CetarisCompany
FROM vw_CETARIS_Suppliers
WHERE CetarisCity IN (SELECT Param FROM CWS_fn_MVParam(@pCity,', ' ))

When I refresh the dataset and run for a All,single city or multiple
cities, it returns data. No problem.

When I preview the report for single city and 'All' value it returns data perfectly.
But when I select two or more cities I
am getting an error.
An expression of non-boolean type is specified in a context where a
condition is expected, near ','
Incorrect syntax near the keyword ELSE

Can anybody help me please?. I tried different ways but was not successful in finding out the problem.
Thank you for all your help in advance,

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Setting Comparison Operator Depending On Parameter Value?

Apr 6, 2006

Hello,Is it possible to set a comparison operator using a parameter value?The code below shows what I'm after;declare @co char(1)declare  @date datetimeset @co = '<'set @date = '02/02/2002'select * from recipe where date @co @dateI would use an if statement perform two seperate statements depending on the value of co, but this is only one of 13 statements where i need to have different combinations of comparision operators.thanks

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Find Existing Data Within A Date Range Change

Jul 30, 2014

We have records in one table that are marked as accepted/rejected based on eligibility start and end dates in another table. We're loading new eligibility data into an ETL table and if the start or end date is going to change, I want to report any records that need to be reviewed to see if their status should change. The new dates could be before or after the existing dates, and the new or existing end date could also be NULL. Currently I'm using 4 > < statements and it seems to catch any scenario, but I'm wondering if there's a better way:

DECLARE @RECORDS TABLE(RecordDate date,ID varchar(8))
INSERT INTO @RECORDS(RecordDate, ID)VALUES('20100101','99'),('20110101','99'),('20120101','99'),('20130101','99'),('20140101','99')
DECLARE @ORIGINALDATES TABLE(StartDate date,EndDate date,ID varchar(8))


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Date Range Parameter

Oct 5, 2007

I have a situation where i need to have two parameters (startDate, endDate) and use them as filters for my query. But i don't want to have a stored procedure with these parameters. So how can i have the two date parameters as calendars to choose dates from?

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How To Insert A Date Range Parameter

Sep 16, 2013

I am trying to pull MTD and YTD sales for this year and last year.

I have this line to pull all invoices between two dates:

WHERE (invc_hdr.ivh_dt Between '08/01/2013' And '08/31/13')

But I want to be able to put the dates in without having to change the code each time. I want a window to pop up so I can input the date range. Is there a way to do this.

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Using 1 Parameter To Select A Date Range

Apr 23, 2008

I have a series of "Payroll Periods", called S1 thru S26 for the year. I want to create a parameter call "Pay Period" and have the user select a single pay period, i.e. S13. Elsewhere I know the beginning and ending date for each pay period, but it is in another dataset. So if the user selects S13 and I know the 13th pay period is April 1st thru April 15th, how do I use those dates as my beginning and end dates for my SQL query statement to return only the data from the selected pay period. The data itself has dates and not pay period references.

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Fail SSDT Project Build When A Stored Procedure Call Missing Required Parameter?

Jun 17, 2015

Is it possible to force a build to fail when a stored procedure in a project calls another stored procedure with one or more required parameters missing. E.g.:
CREATE PROCEDURE [App].[ServiceUser_Save]
@userID int-- Param #0
,@serviceuserID int-- Param #1
,@version int-- Param #2 etc...

And then in a separate stored procedure we have the following

CREATE PROCEDURE [Admin].[CreateMiscellaneousData]
@fullURL nvarchar(255),
@apiUserPwd nvarchar(255)
EXEC@return_value = [App].[ServiceUser_Save]
@userID = 1,
@serviceuserID = 0, etc...

Note there is no value passed for the @Version parameter.

What I want is the build to fail because of the missing parameter on the call to ServiceUser_Save in the Create_MiscellaneousData stored procedure.

How can I achieve this?

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Specified Argument Was Out Of The Range Of Valid Values. Parameter Name: Index

May 21, 2007

This is the error I'm getting. I will paste my code below:

DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Friends] WHERE [FriendName] = @FriendName"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Friends] WHERE (([FriendName] = @FriendName))"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Friends] SET [UserName] = @UserName, [UserID] = @UserID, [IP] = @IP, [AddedOn] = @AddedOn, [FriendName] = @FriendName, [IsApproved] = @IsApproved WHERE [FriendID] = @FriendID">

Type="String" />

DataSourceID="request_source" DefaultMode="Edit" EmptyDataText="You have no pending friend requests"
GridLines="None" Height="50px" Width="125px">

ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="UserName" />

Text="Accept" /> 
CommandName="Delete" Text="Deny" />

Text="Edit" /> 
CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete" />

ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="FriendID" Visible="False" />



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Execute SQL Task – Output Parameter On Stored Procedure Causes Task To Fail.

Dec 2, 2005

I have a SQL Task that calls a stored procedure and returns an output parameter.  The task fails with error "Value does not fall within the expected range."   The Stored Procedure is defined as follows: Create Procedure [dbo].[TestOutputParms]             @InParm INT ,             @OutParm INT OUTPUT as Set @OutParm  = @InParm + 5   The task uses an OLEDB connection and has a source type of Direct Input.  The SQL Statement is Exec TestOutputParms 7, ? output    The parameter mapping is: Variable Name Direction Data Type Parameter Name User::OutParm Output LONG @OutParm  

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Change A Parameter With Another One

May 19, 2008

I have a dropdownlist parameter like Today, 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago
and I have 2 datetime parameters.
What I want is when I select 1 week ago in the dropdownlist parameter
I want other date parameters to be today-7 and today respectively.
Is that possible?


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Change Or Remove An Sql Parameter

May 22, 2008

I have a gridview that is connected to a sql datat srource witch gets a few columns to populate the GV with. I also have a drop down list where i enable the user to fill the gridview with the values that only match a specific category. What iv done is that i have a selected index changed event on my drop down list that does the following.string kategori = DropDownListKategori.SelectedValue.ToString();
Label1.Text = kategori;
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add(@"ARTTYP", kategori);
Now when i launch the webpage and select a category (kategori) the gridview chanes and displays only the values that match that category but when i slect a new category Visual Studio throes me the following.
The variable name '@ARTTYP' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure.
I thought that the parameter would get a new value but aparently when its set i cant declare a new value inside. What id like to know is how i can modify the above code so i can pass a new value to my select as soon as the drop down changes.

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How To Change The Value Of The Parameter When Call

Sep 24, 2007

I have below sql procedure
@make as nvarchar(32)

select department as category from tblproducts where department = @make

Parameter (@make) will get the value from page

My Question: Is any possibilities to change the value of parameter when the procedure trigger. Examlpe like below

If @make = 'Sealed Lead Acid' then I need to pass parameter to the database as 'SLA'
elseIf @make = 'Photographic' then 'Multimedia'
elseif @make = 'cctv and accessories' then 'security'

and so on. I only have six categories. Please help

Advance Thanks

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Why I Cannot Easily Change The Value Of Parameter?

Aug 19, 2006

Hi all,

I read the Tang and Lennan's book 'SQL Server 2005 Data Mining'. It frequently says
about changing the value of the algorithm's parameter. I tried changing values for
MINIMUM_PROBABILITY in one occasion. However, the dialog box refuses to
change the value; for any of 'Value', 'Default', and 'Range'. Similar thing happens
when I tried to change the value.

What I can do is delete the parameter, then add it again. Even so, I can only supply
the value, not the default value and range (of values).

What happen? Again, is this because I'm using evaluation copy?

Thank you,


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SQL 2012 :: How To Change Parameter Panel From Top To Right

May 27, 2014

Our client is asking to display the 'parameter panel in right side of the report' insted of top.

how can I do this?

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Report Won't Rerun After Parameter Change

May 31, 2007

One of our Sales Reps is having issues with a report I've made and as far as I know he's the only one (Out of about 50) who has had this issue. He's running IE 7. What happens is he'll enter in the parameters and run the report and it works fine. But when he goes to change the dates he entered as parameters and then clicks "View Report" again to run the report again, the browser just redisplays the same results and doesn't even generate a new report. It appears as if the browser has cached his previously ran report and then just redisplays it instead of going back to the server and re-generating the report. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas? I appreciate it.


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ReportViewer (web Control) - Parameter Change Refresh

May 13, 2007

I have created an ASP.NET website with a ReportViewer on. The report renders fine, but when I change one of the parameters (manually), the report seems to invalidate itself and a blank while area is drawn. I would like the same behaviour as in the WinForms variant, where rhe rendered report remains the same until the 'View Report' button is pressed.

Is this possible?

Regards Andreas

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Parameter Date Format - Change To Dd/mm/yyyy

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,

I'm using report with a date parameter (user enters a date) and all transactions before that date are displayed. I don't know how to set parameter date format on the displayed report to dd/mm/yyyy.

If it's not a parameter I usually use sql " convert(varchar(10),datefield,103)" but don't know how to use this with parameter.



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SRS2005 - How Can You Change The Field Width Of The Parameter?

Sep 8, 2007

My value is approx 50 characters wide, the parameter drop down is only displaying about 10 characters, although I have plenty of room on the screen.

Also, in a multi-parameter environment, are there any controls on where the parameters are being displayed?


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Date Parameter In SSRS - Allow Drop Down For A Date Range To Be Selected

Aug 11, 2013

Date parameter. I created a report that allows a drop down for a date range to be selected. However, whenever I preview the report, I get an error. I know my error stems from my date fields being in this format "201301" , and the "date/ time" in SSRS being mm/dd/yyyy on the drop down calendar in SSRS.

I know the direction I want to go in, but just a little confused on where would I use the convert or cast function. Would it be in the data parameter itself, or a part of the query before the @start date and @End date?

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Index Was Out Of Range. Must Be Non-negative And Less Than The Size Of The Collection. Parameter Name: Index

Jan 22, 2006

Keep getting this error when positioning to the last page of a report.

Using Server 2003...SqlRpt Svcs 2000 sp2

Detail error msg:

Exception of type Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException was thrown. (rrRenderingError) Get Online Help

Exception of type Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException was thrown.

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

Anyone have any suggestions?  Any way to find out what collection is blowing?...or where parameter name: index comes from?

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Change Sproc Where Clause Based On Parameter Null

Apr 7, 2008

I have an optional param passed to my sproc @Pid if that is populated i want to have it part of where clause, if it is null then not in where

I know this is wrong, and very new to sqlsrver:

WHERE (Pos = 'T') AND (ofDate= @OfDate)
IF not @PID is null
bla bla bla


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How To Change Report Name Based On Multi Valued Parameter

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I'm having trouoble with changing my report name when I swtich to different parameter values.

I use the following expression.

IIf(Parameters!GroupVar1.Label = "CBank", "CBank", IIf(Parameters!GroupVar1.Value ="DTC","DTC","Total"))

This works fine when I clear Mutli-Value box in paramter properties. but when I use multi-value, this does not work.

Is there any solution for this?


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How Can I Change The Data Type Of The Parameter For The Deployed Stored Procedure ??

Jan 11, 2006

I have Try to Create Stored Procedure in C# with the following structure
public static void sp_AddImage(Guid ImageID, string ImageFileName, byte[] Image)
But  when I try to deploy that SP to SQL Server Express  , The SP Parameters become in the following Stature
@ImageID uniqueidentifier
@ImageFileName nvarchar(4000)
@Image varbinary(8000)
But I don€™t want that Data types .. I want it to be in the following format
@ImageID uniqueidentifier
@ImageFileName nText
@Image Image
How Can I Control the data type for each parameter ??
How Can I Change the data type of the parameter for the Deployed Stored Procedure ??
How Can I defined the new Data type ??
What's the solution to this problem ??
Note : I get Error when I try to use Alert Statement to change the parameter Data type for the SP
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddImage]
      @ImageID [uniqueidentifier],
      @ImageFileName nText,
      @Image Image
EXTERNAL NAME [DatabaseAndImages].[StoredProcedures].[sp_AddImage]
And thanks with my best regarding

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Change/Add Report Fields To Display Based On The Parameter Selected

Dec 18, 2007

I have a report parameter named "Schools" which display a list of schools. For example, Alo elementary school, Balo middle school and Calo high school.

When "Alo elementary" is selected the report only display students from that school along with other assessments data fields. same goes for other schools too. But I want to display different data fields for "Calo high school" when it is selected. It is not currently possilbe becasue I am using the same template for all types of schools. There some fields only should be displayed for "Calo high school" but not for any other type of schools.

I can accomplish this by creating two separate report, one for "Calo high school" and the other for other schools. But I want to accomplish this just by creating one report. So when "Alo elementary school" is selected it displays report with certain fields and when "Calo high school" is selected then it displays same fields as "Alo elementary school" but as well as some other fields too in the report. Is this possible? Need help.

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Reporting Services :: Ssrs 2012 Change Parameter Values

Apr 22, 2015

In an existing SSRS 2012 report, I have a requirement for a user to be able to select by multiple school(s) and/or multiple grade(s). This is fine except certain schools like elementary have grade levels of KG to 06, Middle school has grades of 06 to 09 and high school has grades of 10 to 12. Thus for example, if a user has initially selected grades 11 and 12 and then they select an elementary school that has grades KG through 06, the 'grade level' selection would need to change.In other words,  I am thinking of initially having the available and default values for the parameter called 'Grade' set to KG through 12. However if a school is selected that only has specific grade levels like elementary school, how can I override the original grade level and only allow the user to select grades that the particular school contains?

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Reporting Services :: How To Change Position Of Parameter Control In SSRS Report

Jun 24, 2015

I want to Change parameter position in SSRS report.I need Start Date and End Date Parameter at same column so client can easily select Start Date and End Date.I have tried a lot but not succeed.

How Can I change the position of Start Date and End Date.I can't change order of other three parameter Select Institutions, Select Author and Course Pack Names parameter because they are internally related to each other(forward dependencies are there).

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Query Info Between Time Range & Date Range

Aug 16, 2006

I am attempting to write a SQL query that retrieves info processed between two times (ie. 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) during a date range (ie. 8/1/06 to 8/14/06)... I am new to SQL and am perplexed... I have referenced several texts, but have not found a solution. Even being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!!

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Reporting Services :: Change Order Of The Day Of Week Names In Parameter Drop Down List In SSRS?

Aug 26, 2015

I have a requirement to show Day of week in parameter drop down list in different order, actual order is Monday to Sunday (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday) in DayOfWeek dimension in cube.

But my requirement is to show Friday to Thursday(Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday) in DayOf Week parameter drop down list and report table. How I can get this requirement done.

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