Fault With Configure The Select Stament

Mar 13, 2007

Goodday all

I,m having a problem with something that worked well just recently. maybe I changed a setting by mistake.

I have a Database grid view on my page. When I configure my data sourse and get to "configure the select statment " on the wizard and press advanced to open the wizard with two check boxes " generate INSERT, UPDATE etc and the other check box "Use optimistic concurrency " this input box of the wizard is greyed out (non responsive)

Does anyone know how to rectify this?



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Set More That One Var From Select Stament

Mar 8, 2006

I have the next code:

declare @SaldoNuevo decimal(9,2)

SET @SaldoActual =

But I want to do a select that return 3 field and set the values to three variables.

declare @SaldoNuevo decimal(9,2)
declare @LastName varchar(30)
declare @Name varchar(30)

SET @SaldoActual, @LastName, @Name =

Hope you undestand my English

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Web Host MS Sql Performance - My Fault?

Feb 14, 2007

I'm using SqlServer 2000 at a web host, and share this db with about 200 others (it's an inexpensive web host so I guess there is not very much traffic on most of them, but I can only see their db IDs so I don't know what organisations they are or the urls they have).
Usually, my web site runs fine, but lately it's really really slow (as in non-functioning in reality). I'm in the middle of coding my seach functionality, so I fear that I'm causing this myself. ;-)
However, there are only ten posts in my test db, so it should be a piece of cake for SqlServer. The other .aspx pages runs rather slow too now, but when I start a programming session they have worked fine (this has happened three times now so I don't know what to conclude). When the server slows down, it can stay down for hours. I've also tried to access my site from other computers but get the same result, so I guess it has nothing to do with caching (I also tried emptying my browser's - IE7 - cache). I have several asp web sites with Access dbs at the same web host, and they all work fine. In addition, I have no problem viewing and editing my db at the web host via SqlServer Management Studio Express.
What do you think of this problem? Should I go for a more expensive web host? Should I give them the "It's not you, it's me" speech? ;-) Or is it really me?
Below's my search code, and as you can see, there are some integers there to make sure the loops don't run ad infinitum. I don't really think the problem actually lies with my search code, as everything worked well a week ago, but I don't know...
BTW, if you think my code can run much faster without getting too tricky, please let me know.
Please help!
If Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim soktext As String = Trim(SokTextBox.Text) + " "
Dim tillagg As String = ""
Dim varv As Integer = 1
Dim loopvarv As Integer = 0
soktext = Replace(soktext, vbCrLf, " ") 'vbCrLf = mellanslag i VB-terminologi
Do While InStr(soktext, " ") And varv < 100
soktext = Replace(soktext, " ", " ")
loopvarv += 1
While Trim(soktext).Length > 0 And varv <= 20 'Loop för att identifiera ord och lägga till dem i sqlsatsen, ett i taget
Dim icke As String = " "

Dim ordet As String = soktext.Substring(0, soktext.IndexOf(" ")) 'Det godkända ordet läggs till i tmp-strängen
soktext = soktext.Remove(0, soktext.IndexOf(" ") + 1) 'Tar bort det som just använts (eller varit för kort)
If ordet.Length > 1 Then 'Blanksteg och ensamma bokstäver förhindras att komma med i sql-satsen
If ordet.StartsWith("-") Then 'Det är ett minusord
icke = " NOT " 'I sqlsatsen blir det alltså AND NOT (...)
ordet = ordet.Remove(0, 1) 'Tar bort minusttecknet från söksträngen
End If
tillagg += " AND " & icke & " (artistnamn LIKE '%" & ordet & "%' OR " & _
"beskrivning LIKE '%" & ordet & "%' OR " & _
"kulturhemvist LIKE '%" & ordet & "%' OR " & _
"kontaktnamn LIKE '%" & ordet & "%') "
End If
varv += 1
End While
Dim kat As String = ""
If KategoriDropDownList.SelectedValue <> 0 Then
kat = " AND (kategori1 = " & KategoriDropDownList.SelectedValue & _
" OR kategori2 = " & KategoriDropDownList.SelectedValue & _
" OR kategori3 = " & KategoriDropDownList.SelectedValue & _
" OR kategori4 = " & KategoriDropDownList.SelectedValue & ") "
End If
Dim lan As String = ""
If LanDropDownList.SelectedValue <> "alla" Then
lan = " AND lan = '" & LanDropDownList.SelectedValue & "' "
End If
ResultatDataSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT TOP 200 folknuID, kategori1, kategori2, kategori3, kategori4, initial, artistnamn, lan, kontakthemsida, kategori1, (COALESCE(audio1,'') + COALESCE(audio2,'') + COALESCE(audio3,'')) As audio, (COALESCE(video1,'') + COALESCE(video2,'') + COALESCE(video3,'')) As video, (COALESCE(pressbild1,'') + COALESCE(pressbild2,'') + COALESCE(pressbild3,'')) As pressbild " & _
"FROM Mytable " & _
"WHERE shown = 1 AND shownadm = 1 " & _
tillagg & _
kat & _
lan & _
"ORDER BY initial"
ResultatLabel.Text = "SelectCmd: " & ResultatDataSource.SelectCommand
End If '*** på sökkoden

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Performance Vs Fault Tolerance

Jul 10, 2001

We are setting up a new SMS (SP3) primary server with local SQL 7.0 (SP3) and are mandated to use the following configuration for hard drives:

C:&D: are on mirrored 18GB drives (2 channel RAID controller)

C: OS (8GB) partition
D: pagefile & temp (10GB)

E:&F: are on RAID 5 (3x36GB) 72GB useable (2 channel RAID controller)

E: temp data for field techs (10GB)
F: SMS & SQL (62GB)

We would like to have the SQL logs on a different physical drive than the data (for improved performance), so we are planning on putting it on drive D:

We realize this will affect redundancy, but should this be a big concern?

Has anyone used this type of configuration?

Pros, cons?

Any help would be appreciated.


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What Is A Fault Bucket Error?

May 21, 2006

When I open my Computer Management Console and look at Event Viewer/Application, I see an error:

Fault bucket 277816039.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
0000: 42 75 63 6b 65 74 3a 20 Bucket:
0008: 32 37 37 38 31 36 30 33 27781603
0010: 39 0d 0a 9..

What is this error and how can I fix it?

Also, When I click on the link to get more information all I get is a page that says there is no information on this error. This happens with ALL my errors! I have never seen any usefull information from this link.

I am running on a Windows 2004 Standard Server with SQL Server 2005.


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MMC Caused A General Protection Fault

Mar 23, 2000

I just installed SQL7.0 on a windows 98 machine. When I go to register a new database, I get the following message.
MMC caused a general protection fault

I have rebooted the machine, removed & reinstalled the application.

Help - what else

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Best Practices For Drive Fault Tolerance

Jun 16, 2008

Hello All,

We have to setup a SQL 2000 box (it's what the app requires) and I would like to know what is considered the best practice for setting up the drive fault tolerance.

We are looking at allocating about 500GB for both system and data drives.

Thank you in advance for your input.



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Recover After A Raid-5 Disc Fault

Jun 17, 2006


My raid-5 server failed because one disc, some folders and files are lost, but I have recoverd whit some software for the propuse.

I have reinstaled the SQL server and attached the database, but when I try to open the tables I recieve a error message saying : internal consisty error... somethihg like this.

How can a restore the databases?

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Blonde To Write Query Or Design Fault

Nov 18, 2005

Dear All,

I’m wondering if it’s the design that needs to be changed or I simply can’t put this together.

I have 3 tables.

1. people (peopId, peopFName, peopSName etc.)
2. codes (codeId, codeName)
3. codedPeople(codePeopleId, peopId, codeId)

Codes represent different skills of people, example the sort of job functions they’ve held in their employment. Like:


people, clearly holds data about people.

CodedPeople holds data about which people are coded. So person1 can be coded as t-CEO as well t-Founder, and person2 coded as t-CFO

What I need is a query that returns all distinct people records and takes a number of codeNames as input. So if I throw in t-CEO OR t-Founder I get person1, again if I define t-CEO AND t-Founder I get person1.

However when I add t-CEO OR t-CFO I get person1 and person2 but when the query takes t-CEO AND t-CFO I get no result.

I can’t seem to come up with anything that would give me a good starting point. Is there a design fault here? All opinions are much appreciated, thanks in advance!

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GP Fault When Using SSRS Print Icon RSClientPrint

Apr 8, 2008

I am getting a general protection fault when pressing the print icon in Reporting Services website.

Hi I found this article:


but I can't figure ou how to "remove" the RSClientPrint Class add-on in IE 6.

Why does something as simple as printing need to be an ActiveX control? There are all kinds of issues revolving around pushing this out using SMS for users without local admin permission.

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SQL Server Express: Restore, Backup And Attach Do Not Work Anymore &&amp; Database Locations Fault

May 7, 2008

Hello there,

I've some really big problems with SQL Server 2005 Express. I Recently, I had 2 instances on my machine, one was a SQL Server 2000 Developer and the other a 2005 Express Version. The 2000 version was not necessary anymore, so I unstalled it, since then, the Express version keeps having probems.

Under the Server Properties -> Database settings -> Database Locations I've changed the path to D:sqldatamssql, but now, the programm always takes the "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData" to store and load the databases, no matter what I do.

And there are more problems see here:

Restoring does not work=======================
I wanted to restore a database called "fw40_admin" from a backup file (.bak), but that didn't work at all, it always says this as an error:

"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(error not found)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'D:sqldatamssqlfw40_admin.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)"

But as soon as I type in the installation path "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData" inside the "Restore As" under "Options", it works.

Why does the backup only work in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData", BUT the database locations under the server properties is indicated with "D:sqldatamssql"????

Attaching does not work=======================
Attaching an existing database does not work either. Most databases (mdf) are located on the path D:sqldatamssql, but as soon as I press

Attach Databases -> Add

The dialog window appears with the "D:sqldatamssql" path, but it is unable to find any *.mdfs altough THERE ARE .mdfs in this directory. But Express can find databases in the selected installation: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData".
Why can't Express see the directory on the D: partition???

What is wrong? Here? Can anybody help me?

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Tranaction Log Error- Can Someone Tell Me If This Error Was My Fault

Apr 16, 2007

Hi everyone:We received a error message "Log File to Database is Full. Backup thetransaction log to free up space."I have a Access 2000 application that calls a Stored Procedure thatinserts about 5000 records into a worktable on a SQL server 8.0database table. After the user is finished with the work table astored procedure deletes just the records that he was using in thework file (so I can't use Truncate Table). I have the work tablelinked to an Access database so I can't use a temporary table on theserver.This action of 5000 records being added and deleted to this workfilecan occur 7 or 8 times an hour. And for the last week I've beentesting the application so I have probably been doing this action 10to 20 times an hours.I do not currently use a COMMIT with the INSERT Stored Procedure orthe DELETE Stored Procedure.Although I didn't think this was a lot of records, could it be that myapplication caused this error. Is there a way to find out for sure ifmy application caused this error and if there something I can do in myapplication to keep the Transaction Log from filling up.Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any help would beappreciated.

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Please Help Me To Configure SQL

Oct 29, 2007

Guys , I have a dedicated server ... I've installed SQL SERVER 2005 and I have a problem to connect to SQL from local machines in the office ... Remote connections are on , server BRowser starts automatically ... for example from remote machinne I mean from Server where SQL is installed I can connect to SQL ... FireWall i've turned off.... What can be the problem ???? 

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How To Configure SQL 2000

Nov 23, 2006

Hi, I got a website and everything works fine with SQL Server 2000, but now I modified the way of authentication using Forms and when I enter in a protected area I got this error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by thefact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remoteconnections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could notopen a connection to SQL Server)
The problem is that I don´t have SQL Server 2005 installed so I don´t know why my webapp is trying to contact it, where I can configure this settings so it will look for the Server that exists?

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Trying To Configure SQL Query

Mar 13, 2008

In my DAL, I have 3 tables -
Footballer (FootballerID = Primary Key)
Aspnet Membership Table (UserID=Primary Key)
Favourite Footballers (Junction Table with 2 Primary Keys FootballerID and UserID -  both with foreign relationships to their respective data table)
On my sports site,  visitors can view various footballers and store their favourites in th FavouriteFootballers Table by clicking on a button.
This stores the Logged in UserID and FootballerID in the junction table.
 I now need to  write a select query that allows users to click a link and view their favourites which they stored - lets say in a data list on another aspx page.
This would include other columns from the Footballer Table such as Name, Age, Profile ect
I think I am right in that I need to use a Select clause as I am using SQl data adapters in the DAL.
 Be very pleased if someone knows how to contruct the query and give me an example how to code a method in the BLL
Some code is below
 Method that Stores FootballerID and UserIDprotected void DataList1_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
// Assuming only have one button in the item templateInt32 fid = Int32.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString());Guid userid = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
// Connect to the db and insert the recordusing (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyDatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"))
 string query = string.Format("INSERT INTO FavouriteFootballer(UserID, ArtistID) VALUES('{0}',{1})", userid, fid);
 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
Code in FavouriteFootballersBLL
 Its not complete -withotu parameter -  i think maybe I also need to reference the Footballer Table and not the Junction one
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]public DataSet1.FavouriteFootballerDataTable GetFootballerFavourites()
return Adapter.GetFootballerFavourites();

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How To Configure SQLDataSource

May 14, 2008

I am really having a hard time creating a parameter for the RadioButtonList radSearchField.  I want to type 's' in the text the choose the column for the query to execute the Select statement.  I was able to create a parameter for the txtSearchText but can't get the radSearchField working.
My form contains four objects.

Textbox to perform the query.  (name: txtSearchText)

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Configure Backup

Apr 8, 2005

Is there a way to automate backup? Like it has a schedule. Is this in standard edition.?
Please help a newbie.

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Configure SQL XML Support In IIS

May 17, 2006

I have configured SQL XML Support in IIS but still i am not able to Use
I am getting Internal Server Error

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How To Configure A2K To SQL Server 7.0

Mar 19, 2001

Hello All,

We've A2k db which we plan to migrate to SQL 7.0 very soon. Though am familiar with upsizing wizard BUT don't know how to configure Access forms, reports etc. to talk to SQL back end tables. So that information entered via Access forms can be stored in sql and reports can be generated using sql tables..

Thanks in advance..

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How To Configure SQL Mail In 7.0

May 18, 2001

I want to send a email after completion of DTS package.
How can I configure SQL Mail??


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How Do I Configure Sql Mail

Sep 2, 2000

Can anyone help me in configuring Sql mail in SQL server 7.0

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Configure SQL Mail

Jul 30, 2003

I'm using Exchange server for our mail communication. If wanted to config SQL Mail in SQL Server 2000 is Ok
1. Insall outlook in sql server
2. US Exchange mail server name in sql mail or any procedure I need to do?

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How To Configure SQL SERVER 6.5

Oct 27, 1998

What are the steps in configuring sql server 6.5 to have excellent performance?
what are the items that I should think of and based on what condition I can set up the configuration?


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Which Raid To Configure

Mar 17, 2004

I run a small homw office. I am planning to purchase a dell powerdge 1750 server to install SQL server on that.
I am confused here about which RAID should I install on this server RAID 1 or RAID 5.
The dell customer rep could not tell me the advantages of installing only RAID 1 or only RAID 5 or installing both RAID 1 and RAID 5

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Cannot Configure Distribution

Jan 28, 2008


I cannot create a Distribution Server on SQL Server 2005 SP1. When I right click on Replication and click "Configure Distribution" and hour glass appears for a minute, and then nothing happens.

I get the same result if I try to create a publication.

Any suggestions on what to do?

Thank you!

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How To Configure Sql Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,Here is my questionWhat might you configure on a SQL Server so that a Web server runningon the same machine, with limited memory, will continue to performoptimally?Thank youRaju

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Unable To Configure Add-in

Feb 22, 2007

I have installed SP2 on my SQL 2005 instance which also houses RS of course. Additionally I installed WSS3.0 without configuring it so it has the Object Model installed (should be enough?)

I am running WSS 3.0 on a seperate Server and have the Add-in installed on there.

Following the installation instructions I am going to Application Management to configure WSS, but there is no section called "Reporting Services". Looking on the Report Server, in the Configuration I see the following error under the SharePoint Integration Setting:

The report server cannot access settings in the SharePoint configuration database. Most likely, the Windows SharePoint Services object model is not installed or the Report Server Web Service and Windows service accounts do not have access to SharePoint databases. To configure service account access, use SharePoint Central Administration.

In my SharePoint Site I do see a SharePoint section under the "Site Settings" for managing shared schedules but I think the main issue is, that I don't see that section in Central Administration.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Error Configure

Mar 25, 2007

Hi every1,
I have problem about configuration in Merge Replication.
First, I configure for SQL Server 2000, expand Replication> Publication>New Publication>Choose Publication Database, I choose pubs>Select Publication Type, choose Merge Replication>Specify Subscribers Type, choose Servers running SQL Server 2000 and Devices running SQL Server CE>Specify article (ex. authors)€¦>Finish. I configure succeeded (A snapshot of 1 article(s) is generated).
Snapshot folder reference to path: \server_nameC$Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile EditionServerReplication
Next, I configure for SQL Server Mobile Agent, Subscriber Type, choose SQL Server Mobile Edition>Web server, choose Create a new virtual directory>Alias: Replication (reference to the path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile EditionServerReplication)..>Client Authentication, choose Client will connect anonymously€¦.>Snapshot share access, enter \server_nameReplication =>error: The share '\server_nameReplication' cannot be accessed. Please specify a new share. Why that?
I want to ask u I configure that correctly? If Subscriber is Pocket PC Emulator, what is subscriber €™s property of SqlCeReplication (Windows PocketPC Emulator?)?
Plz help me. Thanks so much.

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Cannot Configure SQL 2000 Over 3gb

Mar 16, 2007

We have an 8gb SQL server running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition that simply will not get above 3gb of memory usage. We are using SQL 2000 Enterprise edition, version 2040 - SP4.  My boot.ini has been configured with /3gb /PAE.  System Properties does list Physical Address Extension as being enabled.  AWE is enabled, and has been verified in the SQL server logs. Lock pages in memory access has been given to the account SQL is started under.  Under task manager, the process sqlservr.exe does not grow above 2,762,428 ish. Does anyone know why this is occuring?

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How To Configure Connections

Oct 27, 2015

I've been working on a WinForm application (C#) that connects to a database on an external server. My connection string has always been the following and has always worked:

string strCon = "Data Source=static_ip_address;Initial Catalog=someDatabase;User Id=admin;Password=*****";

The specified credentials are actually the physical server's only and local windows account - admin. Contrary to the fact that specifying a user id and password in the connection string uses SQL Authentication, this is practically Windows Authentication as I haven't configured any roles, logins or users in the database or SQL server instance.

Recently there was a power outage and the server was offline. After going back online, my application can no longer communicate with the server. I even modified the connection string to the following and ran the application on the server itself and it still
won't work:

string strCon = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=someDatabase;Integrated Security = True";

There's obviously something wrong with the server that prevents it from accepting any incoming SQL connections; even those originating from it. I am able to ping the server and even remotely access it from a different network but no SQL connections are being established.

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Configure Web Synchronization Pb

Nov 8, 2006


First, sorry for my english, I'm french

When i try to configure web synchronization, I get the following err " success Hresult 0x8007000"(!!!) for the step : setting the snapshot share permission

I really don't understand : my folder have all the rights for the user agent...

I don't know what to do.

Config . SQL Server SP4,Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition

It had worked but I had to reinstall the system and now, it does not work anymore

Thans for your help,


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Can I Configure A SQLDataSource Object To Use.....

Nov 8, 2007

.. the Membership ProviderUserKey value as the parameter of a stored procedure ?It seems obvious to me that you would want to do this, but I can only see that it allows you to pass Profile parameters. 

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How To Configure Data Source That Gets ID From The URL?

May 15, 2006

When configuring the SqlDataSource, what source do I need to specify
for getting the ID passing through the URL? I tried Form but it's not
getting the ID through the URL. Help is appreciated.

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