Filtering A Group By??

Dec 6, 2007

I have the following below which works fine. However I would also like to filter on the group to say where the SumAmount is greater than 0 after the grouping occurs...

How would I do that? I guess I could put the results in a table variable and filter on that, but is there any other way?


select grdproductvariant, psproduct, preAllocationBusUnit, preallocationdept, glaccountid, Sum(Cast(Amount AS Decimal(18,2))) As 'SumAmount'

from tblTransaction tbl

where periodinfile= '200710' and datasourceIdinfile = 'ADJ'

group by grdproductvariant, psproduct, preAllocationBusUnit, preallocationdept, glaccountid

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Reporting Services :: Display Group Name Value Of Each Group In Column Header Outside The Group?

Sep 29, 2015

I have an SSRS 2012 table report with groups; each group is broken ie. one group for one page, and there are multiple groups in multiple pages.

'GroupName' column has multiple values - X,Y,Z,......

I need to group 'GroupName' with X,Y,Z,..... ie value X in page 1,value Y in page 2, value Z in page 3...

Now, I need to display another column (ABC) in this table report (outside the group column 'GroupName'); this outside column itself is another column header (not a group header) in the table (report) and it derives its name partly from the 'GroupName'  values:


Value X for GroupName in page 1 will mean, in page 1, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-X Value Y for GroupName in page 2 will mean, in page 2, column Name of ABC column must be ABC-Y Value Z for GroupName in page 3 will mean, in page 3, column Name of
ABC column must be ABC-Z

ie the column name of ABC (Clm ABC)  must be dynamic as per the GroupName values (X,Y,Z....)


GroupName                 Clm ABC-X



GroupName                 Clm ABC-Y



GroupName                 Clm ABC-Z


I have been able to use First(ReportItems!GroupName.Value) in the Page Header to get GroupNames displayed in each page; I get X in page 1, Y in page 2, Z in page 3.....

However, when I use ReportItems (that refers to a group name) in the Report Body outside the group,

I get the following error:

Report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope

I need to get the X, Y, Z ... in each page for the column ABC.

I have been able to use this - First(Fields!GroupName.Value); however, I get ABC-X, ABC-X, ABC-X in each of the pages for the ABC column, instead of ABC-X in page 1, ABC-Y in page 2, ABC-Z in page 3, ...

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What's Microsoft Doing About Providing Page Numbering Per Group And Total Pages Per Group?

Nov 27, 2007


I've posted a feedback with Microsoft to see if we can get them to fix the issue described below, but so far no one from Microsoft has commented to let us know what they're doing about this problem! I'm posting this here to see if maybe we can get more people to rate this feedback or chime in on what a pain it is! Please feel free to add your own comments or how you had to work around this issue and whether or not you think this is something Microsoft should be addressing NOW.

Provide Individual Page Numbering per Group and Total Pages per Group

Currently in a Reporting Services report, you can't readily reset the page number for each group in a table, nor can you display the total number of pages per group. For example, if I'm printing invoices and each invoice is a separate group, I'd like to be able to print "Page 1 of 5" , "Page 2 of 5" etc. for the first invoice, then "Page 1 of 3" when the next invoice begins, and so on. This was easy in Crystal Reports. I realize that Crystal Reports has a two-pass process that enables that kind of pagination. However, this is REALLY important functionality that's just missing from Reporting Services and I'm hoping you'll provide it REALLY SOON! Yeah, I know there are work-arounds if you can know exactly how many rows of information there are on each page. But gosh! That's not practical, especially if you have second level groups inside the main group or text blocks in rows that can 'grow' to more than one line. I've read a couple of work-arounds, but none of them works correctly and consistently when more than one user is running the same report or when you print the report while you're looking at it on the screen. I still may need access to the overall report page number and the overall total number of pages, so don't get rid of that. It's just that if you're doing this already for the entire report, I don't see why you can't do it per group! Lots of people have been asking for this for years, and I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented.

I've read a few articles on this topic, but no one has come up with a decent work around. My theory is that Microsoft should be addressing this immediately. This is major functionality that's just plain missing from SSRS and should have been there from the start. If anyone from Microsoft can let us know what's going on with this issue or if anyone would like for me to clarify this further, feel free to let me know.


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Reporting Services :: RDL XML To Unmerge Cells In Group BUT Keep Group Drill-In In Excel

Nov 6, 2015

I have an SSRS report with groups that when exported to excel contains drill-in's (plus marks on left side). The issue I have is that for all the groups in the drill-in, those cells become merged. I want to keep the group drill-in but have the cells UNMERGED. I have heard this can be done with the RDL XML but I don't know what to modify to accomplish this. 

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SQL Server 2012 :: Obtaining A Comma Delimited List For Each Group In The Output Of A Group By Query?

Jan 10, 2014

I'd like to ask how you would get the OUTPUT below from the TABLE below:

id category
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 C
7 B


category count id's
A 3 1,3,4
B 2 5,7
C 2 2,6

The code would go something like:

Select category, count(*), .... as id's
from TABLE
group by category

I just need to find that .... part.

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Error 15401: Windows NT Group Or Group Not Found

Sep 25, 2003

I have a user in SQL Server with a NT login of Mike
I changed his NT account to Mikel in User Manager

Now when I try to add Mikel, Im getting error 15401.

Do I need to delete NT login in SQL Server 'Mike' account first ?..before adding 'Mikel' ?

Can I go into the Master database and just change Mike login to Mikel ?

Thank you

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Average Column Group Value For Row Group

Feb 28, 2014

I'm having a fight with Reporting Services at the minute when trying to compute an average at the row group level for a value summed in a column group.I have the following column groups:


And the following row groups:

SubType (hidden, data at the date level is summed to Product)

At the moment I'm computing the average for SubType for each Date at the Product level (giving a decimal value), so for each day I end up with a nice average, that works. However I am unable to average that average over the whole Year for a Product. The issue being that I'm trying to combine Row Groups (Product) and Column Groups (Date/Year)

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SQL 2012 :: Fast Way To Do Group By Count On Items Within Group?

May 1, 2014

select top 15 count(*) as cnt, state from table
group by state
order by cnt desc


Can the above three queries be combined into one and still be fast, if so how?What i am trying to go is an item count, by group, similar to ones Inbox in Outlook.

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Any Way To Show A Group Detail Header Row Once For Each Group In A Table?

Nov 21, 2007

I have a need to show a row inside a table group to simulate a header row for the data rows inside the group. The table will not have a real header or footer. Thanks for the help.

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Login For Domain Local Group And Global Group

Jan 5, 2008

I have one domoain in the forest. The domain level is set to Windows 2000 native mode and forest level is set to mixed mode. My SQL server 2005 server joined to this domain. I added a brand new domain local group and add a normal user account to this domain local group. I login to the SQL server 2005 server and make a query "SELECT * FROM sys.login_token". I cannot see my domain local group in sys.login_token. However, if I add my account to a global group, I can see it there.

Then, I setup another forest. This time, I have domain level set to Windows 2003 mode and forest level is set to Windows 2003 native mode. I do the same testing. This time, I can see my domain local group in sys.login_token.

Why does SQL server 2005 has this limitation? Is it a bug?

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Adding A Group By Clause And Getting A Count Of A Group

Feb 6, 2008

HiI am new to SQL and am having a problem. I need to fix my query to do the following...2) get a total of the number of rows returned.
DECLARE @StartDate varchar(12)DECLARE @EndDate   varchar(12)DECLARE @Region    varchar(20)
SET @StartDate = '01/01/2002'SET @EndDate   = '12/31/2008'SET @Region    = 'Central'
FROM  dbo.FilteredIncident AINNER JOIN dbo.FilteredAccount B ON A.customerid = B.accountid
WHERE (A.createdon >=@StartDate  AND A.createdon <= @EndDate)AND   (B.new_RegionName = @Region)AND   (A.casetypecode = 2) 

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How?: Group By Date And Count Rows In Group

Jan 29, 2007

I'm new to MSSQL 2005 and want to get a summary of a log table. I want to count all the rows for each date based on a DATETIME field called 'post_date' that holds the date and time of each record's creation.

this is the best I can come up with:


DISTINCT(LEFT(post_date,11)) AS post_date, COUNT(DISTINCT(LEFT(post_date,11))) AS total_posts
FROM log_directory_contacts
GROUP BY post_date

The results show each date but the count column ('total_posts') returns '1' for every row even when I know their are more than 1 record on that date.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

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How To Use Group By (group Tasks Based On Projects)

May 28, 2007

Hi folks,

I have a Projects , each project have many tasks now i want to display tasks replated to each project:

for example:









how to write query for this

i have 2 tables:

Project .......>columns are projectid

Task------------->columns are projectid, taskid


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Repeat First Row Group Header For Second Row Group Items

Jun 6, 2007

I have a matrix with two row groups and one column group with about 6 items in it. I have about 2100 rows at the lowewst row group level. This report was built solely for excel export. The first row group has about 20 items and controls the visibility of the other group. When I toggle the visibility of the second row group, how can I make the the header of the first row group copy down for each row of the other row group? The first row group is the Section and the second is Mnemonic.



Code Snippet
Column Column
Section1 -





Section2 -





Should be:

Code Snippet

Column Column

Section1 -

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section1 Mnemonic

Section2 -

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

Section2 Mnemonic

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Need Help Filtering

Apr 18, 2007

I need help with filtering a specific set of numbers.  I have a Sql database that is connected to my sql report I have created a tsql statement that pulls a clients name, PO, and invoice number. The prblem I am having is I have 2 different types of invoice numbers  one number looks like 123456-1234-T the other looks like 123455-1234-L I need to beable to pull only the invoices with T on one report and L on another report  can some on show me how I can sort these in a tsql script

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Help With Filtering

Aug 29, 2006

I have table with the following columns.

ID, DearlershipLocation, VehicalMake, VColor, VType, VYear

1, London, Buick, Red, Sedan, 2000


2006, Windsor, Ford, Blue, Jeep, 2002

My question is, how do I write a query to filter fron all Dealership location a speciif car like Ford with a red color and a sedan type?

Please help.



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Sum By Filtering

Apr 4, 2008


This may be simple, but I can't figure a way to do this. I have the following data returned to a table and need to sum only the items where HDMethod=0 in the table footer. For some reason, something like:

=Sum(Iif(Fields!HDMethod.Value=0, Fields!BDExtended.Value, Nothing)) returns all the rows.
There is a LEFT OUTER JOIN: dbo.[Billing Detail].Item = dbo.[History Detail].Item between the tables touched in the query if that helps.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

BDBilling BDExtended HDMethod BDDate
----------- --------------------- -------- -----------
14965 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14965 25.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14965 28.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14965 45.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14966 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14966 50.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14966 20.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14966 45.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14966 42.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14966 60.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14967 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14967 25.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14967 28.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14967 45.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14968 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14968 25.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14968 28.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14968 45.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14969 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14969 25.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14969 28.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14969 45.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14969 42.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14969 60.00 NULL 2008-03-24
14970 30.00 0 2008-03-24
14970 25.00 0 2008-03-24
14970 28.00 0 2008-03-24
14970 45.00 0 2008-03-24
14970 60.00 0 2008-03-24

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Help With Filtering

Aug 29, 2006

I have a table with the following columns

ID, Dealershiplocation, VehicalMake, VColor, Vtype and VYear.

1, London, Buick, Red, sedan, 2001


20, Windsor, Ford, Blue, pickup, 2004

My question is how do I write a query so I can filter from all dealership location a specific vehical like

Ford with a red color and Sedan type?

Please help.



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SqlDataSource And Filtering

Aug 3, 2006

Hi All,
I have following:

a text input for filtering
a gridview that displays the data
an SqlDataSource that contains the query.
Users can either enter something into the text input or leave it blank. Depending on that, the gridview should either display all data (unfiltered, because nothing was entered into the text field) or filtered data (when something is entered).
Now my problem is in defining the query in the SqlDataSource. I could do something like this:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myField = @p1;
and then add in the appropriate <asp:ControlParameter /> under the <SelectParameters> tag. However, this sorta "fixes" the filter. Regardless of whether users actually type something in or not, the filter is in effect. I want it in such a way that if users do not type in anything, the query essentially becomes:
SELECT * FROM myTable;
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,

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Filtering Values

Apr 1, 2008

does anyone one know how to filter this 01/23/2008 to 2008. i just want the year and stored it to a column in my sql database.

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Row_Number Filtering

Jun 20, 2008

I'm not sure if this is possible and have been having trouble figuring out the code to do this.  I am assigning row_number to a gridview.  I then want to filter the results with a dropdown.  I am able to get the filter to filter the status but it either renumbers the gridview or it leaves the row numbers blank.  Is there a way to have the row_numbers stick to the gridview when I filter?  Example below.  Thanks
Normal:IssueNumber(row_number), Status1, Open2, Open3, Closed4, Open5, Closed
"Open" Filter:IssueNumber(row_number), Status1, Open2, Open4, Open
"Closed" Filter:IssueNumber(row_number), Status3, Closed5, Closed

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Help On Filtering Data

Nov 9, 2004

Why is Select * from [Merchandise] where [Product Name] like '[ABCD]%'the same as Select * from [Merchandise] where [Product Name] between 'A' and 'D'I can run Select * from [Merchandise] where [Product Name] like 'A%'and get Products that start with the letter "A" but they don't show up when I try to get all "A","B","C","D" Products.

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2.0: SqlDataSource Filtering

Mar 27, 2006

I think I might be missing something here.
Here is what I'd like to do:1. Retrieve a list of data from SQL Server.2. Display that data in a gridview.3. Have the user click on a button to then see a subset of that data. (filtering)
I can't seem to make this work.  When the user clicks the button,  I need the GridView to update to show only the specified data.  In 1.1 I would created a DataView for the filtering, but am trying to use the latest and greatest. 
I've seen examples online of people using DropDownLists to act as the dynamic filter parameter.  How can I programatically assign this to make it work?Thanks!

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Filtering Data

Nov 13, 2001


Our current method of limiting what data a user can see is implemented solely through our Web based business intelligence tools. No filtering is enabled at the database level. This has become somewhat cumbersome as security is tied exclusively to these tools. The tools use one common logon to access the underlying database.

I would like to implement security at the database level (SQL Server 2000) and thereby produce a more flexible/portable solution. I was thinking of setting up individual database accounts for each user and then tying these into our company structure table by passing system_user result to a constraint.

For example System User name 'Store 2' would reference Store '2' in the structure table. Depending on the user, different columns will need to be referenced to filter the rows. A store user would be validated against the store column, an Area Manager user would be validated against the Area Manager column and Head Office users would not be valiadated at all i.e. they are not filtered.

1) What is the best method to implement such a look up. Can or should I use Check constraints for such a solution?

2) Would a UDF be useful?

Any ideas on the best approach to take would be greatly appereciated.



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Comparing And Filtering??

Sep 1, 2003

Hello all,

I'm new to SQL Server so if the following sounds stupid then apologies. I am trying to design a query which compares columns and filters according to the result of the comparison. We are a UK based charity that provides financial help to families with disabled children ( We have a large database (250,000 entries) which we know contains some duplicate/split files from a recent migration. We need to identify these files but not delete them. Currently I am using the following:

SELECT dbo.Families.famId, dbo.Address.street, dbo.Children.childId, dbo.Address.postcode
FROM dbo.Children INNER JOIN
dbo.Families ON dbo.Children.family_no = dbo.Families.famId INNER JOIN
dbo.Persons ON dbo.Families.famId = dbo.Persons.famId INNER JOIN
dbo.Address ON dbo.Persons.addressId = dbo.Address.addressId
WHERE (NOT (dbo.Children.eligStatus IN (3, 4)))
GROUP BY dbo.Children.childId, dbo.Address.postcode, dbo.Families.famId, dbo.Address.street
HAVING (dbo.Address.street IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY dbo.Address.street

Obviously this returns all 250,000 records and then we have to search manually. We would like to run a query which compares families.famID to address.street so that where famId has more than one address attched it is returned to the results grid. Does this make sense? is it possible? Any help would be gratefully received

Thanks in advance

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Filtering Rows(help)!!

Jun 15, 2001

to any who can help:

Here are some rows in a table with their lettered columns:

012345Ae2001-01-01 00:00:00.0002001-01-02 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-02 00:00:00.0002001-01-03 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-03 00:00:00.0002001-01-04 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-04 00:00:00.0002001-01-05 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-19 00:00:00.0002001-01-20 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-20 00:00:00.0002001-01-21 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-24 00:00:00.0002001-01-25 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-25 00:00:00.0002001-01-26 00:00:00.0000
012345Ae2001-01-25 00:00:00.0002001-01-26 00:00:00.0001
012345Ae2001-01-26 00:00:00.0002001-01-27 00:00:00.0000

if you notice on the 8 and 9th rows the only difference between them is in
the E column(0 and 1). What I am trying to do here is to display all with
max(E). So in the above example, I should display rows 1-7,9,10 (8th row
will not display because the 9th row has 1 in the E column). this is the
query I have been using on SQL Server 2000 but I keep on displaying all the

FROM <table>
WHERE ( A = '012345A' ) AND
( B >= '01/01/2001' ) AND
( C <= '01/31/2001' )

any solutions?


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Filtering By Date

Mar 19, 2007

Please can someone assist me which this simple query:

Im using MSSQL Server 2005:

select * from ex_messagelog where DateCreated = '2007-03-19'

The query above does not return any results, but my data looks as follow: Note, the DateCreated is a DATETIME Datatype field.

239test 2007-03-19 08:42:19.00000
240Hallo Frank2007-03-19 08:45:43.00000
241spring 123 2007-03-19 08:49:41.00000
242testing 1232007-03-19 08:51:15.00000
243testing 1232007-03-19 08:52:39.00000
244as 2007-03-19 08:55:30.00040

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Filtering Selections

Feb 23, 2005


ok, i'm building a page to display a list of courses, a user rating and 'last visited' date.

I have 3 tables -
course (a list of all courses)
review (a list of all ratings)
visit (user visits to each course)

I've put together an SQL statment that returns everything i need, however its not quite right.
SELECT course.courseID, course.courseName, course.courseURL, avg(review.fldRating) AS fldAverage, visit.visitDate
FROM course

JOIN review
ON course.courseId = review.fldcourseId

JOIN visit
ON course.courseId = visit.courseId and visit.userId = 2

GROUP BY course.courseId, course.courseName, course.courseURL, visit.visitDate
ORDER BY course.courseId, visit.visitDate DESC

The problem lies with the fact that each time a user enters a course a new record is inserted into the visit table - so the visit table will show how many times a user has entered a course and on which dates.

this SQL statment returns something like this:

course1 | 5 stars | 10/02/05
course1 | 5 stars | 03/02/05
course2 | 4 stars | 01/01/05

because the user has entered course 1 twice, the list is now showing 2 course1's - how can I change the statemtent to only select the most recent user visit, but still keep the complete list of courses?

I'm a bit of an SQL novice, so appologies if I've not explained this very well,
Thanks in advance,


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Help On Filtering Double Id

May 26, 2008

Hi everybody..

have this table and I want to filter only those records that has it's id's appearing more than one.


id field1

1 ! first
1 ! second
2 ! first
3 ! first
3 ! second
4 ! first

the result should be

id field1

1 ! first
1 ! second
3 ! first
3 ! second

am using this query

select field1, id, count(id) as countid
FROM table1
GROUP BY field1
HAVING count(id) >1

the countid column gives me always the value of one (don't know the reason) so I couldn't get the results I want


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Filtering Results

Apr 20, 2004

This is a really complicated issue and is hard to explain but i have the following:

select name, MAX(table2.time) from table1 INNER JOIN table2 on = GROUP BY name

which is fine and brings up the correct results but if I want to find out from those records what another field is in table 2 for each record it pulls up too many results (i want just the one result from table 2 and then find what user it is)

if I do..

select name, table2.username MAX(table2.time) from table1 INNER JOIN table2 on = GROUP BY name, table2.username

.. it pulls up too many results cos there are different usernames

if i dont group by table2.username then it give an error

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Filtering By Date

Jun 13, 2008

Hello I am trying to gilter a table by getdate() (i also tried now()) but I cannot seem to be able to do it I place my code below if anyone can help. am grateful, my db is sql 2005.

Dim Recordset1__MMColParam
Recordset1__MMColParam = getdate()
If (Request("MM_EmptyValue") <> "") Then
Recordset1__MMColParam = Request("MM_EmptyValue")
End If
Dim Recordset1
Dim Recordset1_cmd
Dim Recordset1_numRows

Set Recordset1_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
Recordset1_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_connpeepeek_STRING
Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT usr_image1, dateimage_usr FROM diddle.ps_usr_image WHERE dateimage_usr = ?"
Recordset1_cmd.Prepared = true
Recordset1_cmd.Parameters.Append Recordset1_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 135, 1, -1, Recordset1__MMColParam) ' adDBTimeStamp

Set Recordset1 = Recordset1_cmd.Execute
Recordset1_numRows = 0

if any one can help I would be grateful


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Not Filtering Criteria

Mar 22, 2007

I am trying to filter data from columns and this is just not working. If I select all the criteria below and try to run it - I do not get any records returned.

WHERE (DropDt >= DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()) - 13, 0)) AND (DropDt <= DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0))
and Type IN ('Employee', 'Refinance')

and Chan IN ('XM', 'BN', 'RS', 'MM')

and Seg IN ('Hoc','LeftOver', 'COnly')

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Filtering Bad Data

Sep 24, 2007

I have following query. I want to insert the value MBR_COV_EFF_DATE
to table fixed_MM if the function dbo.CheckTheDate2 returns correct date and if it returns NULL I want to insert it on error_MM table.
How can I do this?

from [unfixed_MM]


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