Financial Year

Sep 22, 2006

how can you store a financial year in sql 2005

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Help Please. Select Data Between Financial Year

Feb 28, 2007

How can I select data between a financial year. The financial year begin in july(7) and end in june(6).

Lets say I want all data between the begining of financial year (7) to January (1)

so I would select all data between 7 and 1. (6 months period)

and lets say I want all data between the beginning of financial year(7) to october (10) so I would just select all data between 7 and 10. (3 months period).

Below is data from a customer table.

Customer Name Month

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SQL Server 2012 :: Spreading Value Across Financial Year

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table which can be downloaded from the link below. The table contains property Market Rent and period the new rent is applicable. I need to generate a report with parameter ( year and month) so when the user inputs year and month the associated market rent amount for that month is listed.

For example if the 1st market rent update was done in June 2014 ( $300) and the 2nd in Dec 2014 $(350), the property market rent from June to Nov should be $300 and from Dec 2014 till the next rent update $350. So if user inputs year 2014 and month August, the amount is $300 and if the user enters the year 2015 and month March amount is $350

[URL] ....

Below is the table with sample data

DECLARE @table TABLE ( PropCode INT ,PropStartDate DATE ,PropEndDate char(10) ,PropRentStartDate DATE ,PropRentEndDate DATE ,MarketRent INT)
INSERT INTO @table (PropCode,PropStartDate, PropEndDate,PropRentStartDate,PropRentEndDate, MarketRent) VALUES
(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2012-11-29', '2013-07-21', 289.20) ,(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2013-07-22', '2013-11-24', 289.20) ,(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2013-11-25', '2014-06-14', 289.20) ,(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2014-06-15', '2014-11-30', 299.18) ,(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2014-12-01', '2015-01-02', 299.18) ,(2718, '2013-01-30', 'NULL', '2015-01-03', '2050-01-01', 310.00) ,(3901, '2014-05-27', 'NULL', '2014-06-09', '2014-11-30', 400.00) ,(3901, '2014-05-27', 'NULL', '2014-12-01', '2050-01-01', 400.00) ,(3960, '2014-10-31', 'NULL', '2014-11-05', '2016-11-05', 470.00)

Select * from @table

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Calculate Contract Days In Financial Year

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table with 3 fields: Contract_No, Start_Date, End_Date. I need to calculate how many of the days between the Start and End dates fall within each financial year (FY) beginning 1st April and ending 31st March.

So for example if the Contract Start_Date is 26/01/2012 and the End_Date is 20/05/2012 or is null then the number of days for 2012 FY is 49 (counting from 01/04/2012 to 20/05/2012).

If the End_Date is null for the same contract, then the number of days for 2012 FY would be 365.

Since the contract period from Start_Date to End_Date might span more than one or even several FY I need to be able to show this in columns seperately for each FY. What is the best way of achieving this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Date Table For Financial Year

Dec 23, 2014

I need to create a table which holds date information for our financial year.

I have all the dates between now and 2045 and the start of the week and the end of the week. What I also have is the first sunday of the previous week in the spreadsheet too.

Please see below attachment

What I need to autofill once I import these three dates into a database is the week and the month.

The difficulty surrounding the month is that, we start a new month on the FIRST Sunday of the month.

So dates 07/04/14 to 04/05/2014 would be month 1.

Month 2 would begin on 05/05/2014 as it is the day after the first Sunday of the month, and so on....Month 5 would start on the 04/08/14.

Need to script something that would automatically calculate the week and month for me on the basis on above, if I have the start date, end date and 1st sunday already in a table?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Returning Results That Fall Within Current Financial Year?

Jun 3, 2014

I am using MSSQL Server 2008R2 and I am interested in returning rows from a 'financial' table that fall within the current year (each row contains a 'Entered Date'). I am located in Australia so my financial year consists of all entries between the date 01/07/xx to the 30/06/yy.

Perhaps using the datediff() function, or other functions as required to achieve what I need?

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Reporting Services :: Set Financial Year Value Dynamically In SSRS Report

Jun 28, 2015

I have a requirement to display the count of project data by their status (On Hold,  In Progress, Pre-concept and Closed) for the current FY and Last FY based on column 'Financial Year' and 'Project Status'. 

Financial Year column has a value in the following format (FY2011-12, FY2012-13, FY2013-14,FY2014-15, FY2015-16,FY2019-20 ,FY2020-21,FY2021-22)
I need to set the financial year value dynamically in above format for the last and current year (FY2013-14, FY2014-15) based on today's date and  Financial Year is from July to Jun. For example,

When today's  date is 28-06-2015 then it should set the current FY as FY2014-15 and Last Financial Year as FY2013-14When today's  date is 28-06-2021 then it should set current FY as FY2020-21 and Last Financial Year as FY2019-20

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create View To Allocate Amount Per Month - Financial Year

Mar 21, 2015

I like to create an SQL view to divide amount 300,000 between 12 month starting from Month July 2014 to June 2015 as shown below

Amount Month Year
25,000 July 2014
25,000 August 2014
25,000 September 2014
25,000 October 2014
25,000 November 2014
25,000 December 2014
25,000 January 2015
25,000 February 2015

25,000 June 2015

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Power Pivot :: Sessions Conducted In X Years Prior To Chosen Financial Year

Jun 25, 2015

I have a simple 2 column dataset representing Date of session and Client Name (Please download workbook from here - [URL] ....  The Financial Year runs from April 1 to March 31.  I want to determine the number of sessions conducted in chosen financial year - 2.  So if I select FY 2015-16 in a slicer, then, I want view the number of session conducted client wise in FY 2013-14.  This is the formula calculated field formula I have written but when I drag this in the Pivot Table, I get an error message.  In the calculated field window, when I click on Check for errors, then there are no errors at all.

=CALCULATE([Sessions conducted],DATESBETWEEN(calendar[Dates],EDATE(FIRSTDATE(calendar[Dates]),-24),EDATE(FIRSTDATE(calendar[Dates]),-12)-1))

I cannot identify my error.

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Sql For Financial Reporting Periods This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, This Year, Last Year

Oct 26, 2006

Does anyone know of a way to use a funtion for returning records based on fiscal reporting periods like Quickbooks uses for example "This Month", "Last Month", "This Quarter", "Last Quarter", "This Year", "Last Year". While I realize that I can create a very long date time parsing routine  for this but it is not very elegant or useful. I thought there might be a way to do this already with an existing function.I have created a stored procedure that I pass a @ViewRange Parameter to and it returns the records that I want but I need this ability in several procedures and wanted to turn it into a stored procedure.IF @ViewRange = 'This Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE (MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) AND (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY SUM(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC;IF @ViewRange = 'Last Month' SELECT TOP 20 Customer.LastName AS Customer, Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) AS Amount FROM Customer INNER JOIN Sales ON Customer.CustNo = Sales.CustNo WHERE(MONTH(Sales.InvDate) = MONTH(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - 1) And (YEAR(Sales.InvDate) = YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY Customer.LastName ORDER BY Sum(Sales.AmtCharge) DESC; Any ideas? 

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Fiscal Year Totals - Calculating Sales By Month And Current Year

Sep 18, 2013

I have the following script that calculates Sales by month and current year.

We run a Fiscal year from April 1st thru March 31st.

So April 2012 sales are considered Fiscal Year 2013.

Is there a way I can alter this script to get Fiscal Year Totals?

select ClassificationId, YEAR(inv_dt) as Year, cus_no,
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 4 then salesamt end),0) as 'Apr',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 5 then salesamt end),0) as 'May',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 6 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jun',
isnull(sum(case when month(inv_dt) = 7 then salesamt end),0) as 'Jul',

[Code] ....

Data returned looks like the following.

ClassificationID Year Cus_no Apr May June ....
100 2012 100 $23 $30 $400
100 2013 100 $40 $45 $600

What I would need is anything greater than or equal to April to show in the next years row.

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Reporting Services :: Calculate Sales Percentage Difference Between Selected Year And Previous Year In A Matrix

Mar 27, 2015

I'm trying to generate a report using matrix like this

Product     PreviousYearSalesAmount    SelectedYearSalesAmount      %SalesDifference

I can populate year sales amount, but i cant calculate the percentage.

Note: Month and Year are passed as parameters.

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To Send The Date Format If The User Has Specified Only Month And Year, Or Only The Year

Aug 30, 2004

I have three web form controls, a ddl that contains the day, another ddl that contains the month and a textbox that contains the current year. To send the date chosen by the user to the database, I join the three web form control values so that the resultant string is ‘day/month/year’ thus:

CmdInsert.Parameters("@Date").Value = day.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + month.SelectedItem.Value + "/" + year.Text()

And the resultant string is: dd/mm/yyyy, for example 30/08/2004.
But the problem is if the user does not select any day or any day and month, then the resultant string is for example; 00/08/2004 or 00/00/2004, but the problem is the database does not accept this format as datetime. How can I do it?

I want the user has the possibility to chose as well only the month and year, and as well only the year. Is it possible to send to the database the datetime format with only the month and year, or only the year?

Thank you,

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Get This Year And Last Year Totals In Two Separate Columns

Jun 19, 2014

I have two queries that give me the total sales amount for the current year, and the last year.

FROM [$Cust_ Ledger Entry] cle
LEFT OUTER JOIN dw.dim.FiscalDate fd
ON fd.CalendarDate = cle.[Posting Date]
WHERE [Customer No_] = '10135'
AND fd.CalendarYear = '2013'

[Code] ....

I would like to learn how to be able to make this a single query and end up with two columns and their summed up totals. Like it shows on the attached image.

This is my query without the columns I need:

,cle.CreditLimit AS 'CreditLimit'
,SUM(cle.Amount) AS 'Amount'

[Code] ....

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Select Month/year When Range Spans Year

Feb 25, 2004

I'm using PHP with SQLServer2k to create a page containing monthly counts of episodes at a facility occurring between two user selected month/year combinations. For instance, the user could select 10/2003 and 2/2004 and facility X and get a line for each month showing the count of episodes occuring in that month.

The problem is that the episode date is stored in three integer fields (epiday, epimonth, epiyear) and I'm having a terrible time getting them into a format where I can use them in a between statement.

I've tried evaluating the parts of the episode date seperately like:

(epimonth>=10 and epiyear=2003)
(epimonth<=2 and epiyear=2004)

and that works, but what happens when someone wants to see from 10/2002 to 2/2004?

Any suggestions on the best way to do this?

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How To Find Year And Past Year Compare In Business

May 5, 2014

We have customers who are new to this year (2014) and there same customers in last year (2013). also there are customers we have not received business this year but only last year. so there are 4 conditions.

1) New customer (2014) - Customer(B)
2) Old Regular customer (2013 and 2014) - Customer(A)
3) Last Year (Lost) customer (2013) - Customer(C), no business received in year(2014)

For example we have a transaction table:

TransactionId, ReceivedDate, Customer
1, 2-Dec-2013, A
2, 3-Jan-2014, A
3, 2-Mar-2014, B
4, 25-Nov-2013, C

I want results like

Customer, Business (this year activity/last year activity)
A, 1/1
B, 1/0
C, 0/1

How can i show this for each year? I used to separate it month wise as below but it does not return applying year with each customer anyhow...

select t.customerId, YEAR(Receiveddate),
sum(case month(ReceivedDate) when 1 then 1 else 0 end )as Jan,
sum(case month(ReceivedDate) when 2 then 1 else 0 end )as Feb,
sum(case month(ReceivedDate) when 3 then 1 else 0 end )as Mar,
sum(case month(ReceivedDate) when 4 then 1 else 0 end )as Apr,

[Code] ....

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Compare Given Period In Current Year / Previous Year

Mar 15, 2006

HiI want to write a function that can return a sum for a given daterange. The same function should be able to return the sum for the sameperiod year before.Let me give an example:The Table LedgerTrans consist among other of the follwing fieldsAccountNum (Varchar)TransdateAmountMST (Real)The sample data could be1111, 01-01-2005, 100 USD1111, 18-01-2005, 125 USD1111, 15-03-2005, 50 USD1111,27-06-2005, 500 USD1111,02-01-2006, 250 USD1111,23-02-2006,12 USDIf the current day is 16. march 2006 I would like to have a functionwhich called twice could retrive the values.Previus period (for TransDate >= 01-01-2005 AND TransDate <=16-03-2005) = 275 USDCurrent period (for TransDate >= 01-01-2006 AND TransDate <=16-03-2006) = 262 USDThe function should be called with the AccountNum and current date(GetDate() ?) and f.ex. 0 or 1 for this year / previous year.How can I create a function that dynamically can do this ?I have tried f.ex. calling the function with@ThisYear as GetDate()SET @DateStart = datepart(d,0) + '-' + datepart(m,0) +'-'+datepart(y,@ThisYear)But the value for @dateStart is something like 12-07-1905 so thisdon't work.I Would appreciate any help on this.BR / Jan

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How To Do A Year-to-date SQL Query Where Year Commences In August?

Jul 20, 2005

Does anyone have an example of an SQL query which returns rows for theyear-to-date, but where the "year" commences on August 1st?e.g. select * from mytable where datefield > last august 1stTIA for any helpIsabel

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Power Pivot :: DAX Ranking Events Year Over Year?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table of data that has a format similar to the following:

EventID | Event Date
1 | 1/1/2014
2 | 2/8/2014
3 | 10/1/2014
4 | 2/5/2014
5 | 4/1/2014
6 | 9/1/2014

What I am trying to do is create a DAX formula to rank each event in the order that it happened for the year. So I want to end up with something like this. This way I can compare the events year over year as the events don't happen on any regular time schedule.

Event Date | Year | Rank
1/1/2014 | 2014 | 1
2/8/2014 | 2014 | 2
10/1/2014 | 2014 | 3
2/5/2015 | 2015 | 1
4/1/2015 | 2015 | 2
9/1/2015 | 2015 | 3

I have tried to do this by creating a formula that will give me the day number of the year:

Day of Year =(YEARFRAC(CONCATENATE("Jan 1 ", YEAR([Event Date])),[Event Date])*360)+1

Then using rankX on this table, but I cant seem to get the proper result. Perhaps I am not understanding the use of rankX or going about this the right way.

=RANKX(FILTER(Event,EARLIER(Event[Event Year])=Event[Event Year]),Event[Day of Year])


=RANKX(All(Event[Event Year]),[Day of Year],,1,Dense)

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How To Add The Total Balances Of Previous Year Into The Next Year?

Apr 13, 2006

I'm working with a table called SALFLDGAMS where it has two columns that I need to work with. One of the columns is Period which has years from 2000 to 2005 and the other column is called amount which has the balance for that year. Let me explain in a little more detail. There are account codes associated with the years as well so there will be many places where for example the year 2000 will show up with a given value. What I'm trying to do is to create a view which has a BeginBalance column which adds lets say all the values for 2000 and sticks them to 2001. So what I'm saying is all the values from the previous year I want them in the current year. All in one column. Thanks for the help guys.

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Parameter Year And Previous Year (Beginner)

Dec 14, 2006

I have one matrix that shows the CrashCount (measure) by month. Looks like this:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Dec

25 90 100 55 52 55 22 55 22 35 65

The user selects a Year as a parameter. I want to put another matrix in that displays the previous year, just as the first year is displayed. How do i edit the second matrix? Do i put the parameter as

=(Parameters!CrashStatisticalYear.Value)-1 or is there some other way this can be done. Without having the user put 2 years. I just want them to pick one. And the previous year shows up in the matrix below this one. Can anyone help me with this...what should i do?

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Sales For Current Year To Previous Year

Oct 20, 2007


I wanted to find the ratio: (sales made for current year 2007 - sales made for previous year 2006)/sales made for previous year 2006.

so, the result should be something like this:

Year: Sales: %change in sales:
2005 100 10%
2006 200 20%
2007 300 30%

How do I write a query for this...??? so that i can plot this in a chart in SSRS.

somebody help me.

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Financial Functions In SQL Server

Apr 10, 2002

Do we have any builtin functions in SQL Server for certain financial calculations. For eg., like the PV, FV functions in VB

If not, how else do we achieve this thru' a SQL Server stored procedure?

Thanks in advance,


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Group By Financial Quarter

Dec 4, 2007

I have a transaction file with Company_code,Gl_code,Amount,Transaction_Date

I want to sum the amount based on a Company_Code,Glcode for every financial quarter(01/04/2007-30/06/2007,01/07/2007-30/09/2007 and so on).

Expected Output




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Financial Functions For SQL Server

Aug 17, 2006

Hi everybody,

Does anyone have financial functions to be run in SQL Server 2000? For example, future value, interest rate, payments, and so on. Or where can I find them on Internet?

Thanks in advance


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Reporting Financial Ratings

Sep 10, 2007

I'm running into 'CLS-compliance' problems trying to use characters such as "+" and "-" as reporting fields. For example, Standard and Poors ratings have these characters to indicate a notch between main letter rating categories. I have reports that need to display distributions of these various ratings in column charts. However, the X axis labels refuse to print because of these characters!

Any suggestions? This is an awfully common type of labelling in this business!


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Reporting Suspicious Financial Transactions

Jul 20, 2005

I want to monitor any suspicious financial transaction which takeplace in a bank through electronic transfer.There are three tables Customers, Account and transaction_type.How can I write a SQl to report the following:Detect an outbound Electronic transfer that is unusually high,compared to a set threshold.For each customer, generate alerts if any outbound Electronic Transferexceeds threshold.Detect Electronic Transfer that are high, compared to a set threshold.For each customer, generate alerts if any set of last 5 outboundElectronic Transfers exceeds the set threshold.Detect Electronic Transfer that are high, compared to historicalbehavior of the customer.For each customer, generate alerts if any set of last 5 ElectronicTransfer (the average of all sets of 5 outbound Electronic Transfer +2standard deviation points)

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Expert DBA Needed For A Large Financial Company!

Sep 10, 2004

I know, it's a job posting site, but our company is urgently looking for an expert senior level sql server DBA who can be rated as 9.5 out of 10 in sql server dba activities who are hard to find! Top hourly pay on a long contract in East Coast! so anyone interested? please rush resume to

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Aggregating Financial Data To 1 Minute Intervals

Aug 19, 2006

I'm trying to create a query to return Open, Close, Max and Min Price for each 1 minute interval. Source data has two fields - Price, and Datestamp at 5 second intervals.

I can calculate the Max and Min (below) and set the datestamp to the middle of the interval, but get stuck on how to also return the Open and Close price for each interval.

SELECT MAX(price) AS MaxPrice, MIN(price) AS MinPrice,
DATEADD(ss, 30, DATEADD(n,DATEDIFF n, '1/1/2006', DateStamp),'1/1/2006')) AS DateStamp
FROM MasterData
GROUP BY DATEDIFF(n, '1/1/2006',DateStamp)

Any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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Reduce Row Spacing In Financial Reports - RS2005

Jan 30, 2007

I am using RS 2K5 to develop financial reports, with plenty of figures that must fit in a page.

I use tables for example. Fonts cannot be set smaller than 8pts.
I have also tried to decrease row height and to disable the "can grow to fit content" option, but of course in this way the text gets cut of in its lower part.

How can I do lines more compact? I need to reduce line spacing and to make the data more dense. Currently it looks very sparse.

Is it a known limitation for RS? Any workaround available? Any online example with dense reports?

Thank you.

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Design Question Relating To A Financial Application

May 20, 2008

EDIT: Please skip over this and go to the 2nd post. After writing this, I realized it may be too complicated to comprehend, so I tried to simplify with another example which is found in the 2nd post. Or if you want you can read this one and try to understand it.

I would like to go over a design we came up with to handle a certain reporting requirement from an OLAP cube to see if this is a good approach. Also, I would like to hear about other designs that we can consider.

Here is the condensed version of the requirement.

We are measuring the performance of a bunch of portfolios. So among other dimensions, we have a portfolio dimension that holds the list of portfolios we are tracking. In a typical portfolio analysis, an analyst almost always looks at a portfolio's measures along side a benchmark portfolio's measures. A benchmark is another portfolio against which a selected portfolio is compared. So, for a given portfolio, there is a determined benchmark portfolio.

For example, an analyst might want to look at a measure called Annual_Yield for a portfolio called Portfolio_A. There will be an attribute on the member Portfolio_A that tells us what its benchark portfolio is. That attribute will basically be another member from the portfolio dimension. So, as a function of what an analyst chooses as the first portfolio (the subject portfolio), the cube should be smart enought to know what to select as the second portfolio (the benchmark portfolio).

To implement this, I am proposing the following structure for the table that will create the portfolio dimension.

PortfolioID, PortfolioName, Attr1, Attr2, ..., AttrN, BenchMarkID
1, Portfolio_A, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
2, Porfolio_B, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
3, Portfolio_C, blah, blah, ...., blah, null
4, Portfolio_D, blah, blah, ...., blah, 3
5, Portfolio_E, blah, blah, ...., blah, 6
6, Portfolio_F, blah, blah, ...., blah, null

So, the above data says that Portfolios A, B, and D uses Portfolio C as their benchmarks. And Portfolio E uses Portfolio F as its benchmark. Lastly, if a portfolio is used as a benchmark for other portfolios, then its BenchmarkID is null, meaning it doesn't get compared to anything, thus Portfolios C and F have null BenchmarkIDs. With this data, I would create a hierarchy in the portfolio dimension that has two levels. At the top level, there will be a portfolio and if that portfolio has a benchmark, then it will drill down to it.

With a portfolio dimension designed as such, I envision a fact table that looks like the following.

PortfolioID, SomeOtherDimIDs,....., Annual_Yield
1, , blah, ,....., 10%
2, , blah, ,....., 7%
3, , blah, ,....., 0%
4, , blah, ,....., 15%
5, , blah, ,....., 20%
6, , blah, ,....., 9%

So, going back to the original report which was looking at Annual_Yield by Portfolio_A, I would do an MDX statement such as

With Set [PortfolioAndBenchmark] As

[Annual_Yield], [PortfolioAndBenchmark] On Columns,
Whatever Other Dimension On Rows

Does this make sense? The only concern I have is that I don't want the measures to aggregate along the portfolio hierarchy.

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Fiscal Year Date Help??? I Need The First Day Of The Year To Be 01/27.

Feb 4, 2008

Greetings All,
I have a SQL question that maybe someone out there can help me with. Our fiscal year starts on 01/27. I want to write a query that I can pass a date to and it will return the week number (DATEPART("ww", someDate)) of the year using the Fiscal Year Start Date as the base. Datepart works great except it figures the first day of the year as 1/1. Does anyone know how I can make it work with a first day of the year equal to the fiscal year date 01/27. Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Compare Current Year Data With Last Year Data - Day Adjusted

May 25, 2015

Our business get orders through the week with the weekends (Fri & Sat) orders being higher than weekdays. Im wanting to graph this years data with last years and possible the years before but to compare days in such a way that the all the weekdays line up. so comparing 2015 week 1 with 2014 week 1 but with 03/01/2015 (Sat) lining up with 04/01/2014 (Sat) etc.

I'm looking for alternatives to adding or removing days from the dates to solve this issue, i have a date dimension table for the past 5 years that i can use to compare calendar week 201401 with calendar week 201501 but I am finding it a bit inflexable.

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