Where does Sql server store the most current active T-SQL
statements? Is there a system table or stored procedure(documented or
undocumented)that will show you the active sql statements being
executed. For eg: in oracle you can query v$sql to see all the sql
statements executed by each session.
I know that you can use Enterprise manager, but was wondering if you
can run a query via query analyzer to look at it.
Any help is appreciated.
How can I make a statement that will return the 10 most frequently occuring values in a column?
I have no idea if that is even possible, if you have an idea on how I could do that I would really appreciate it.
Im trying to make a page that would show some statistics on a table I have.
Im also trying to make something that would show the count of the number of records inserted in the last 24 hours, week, month, year etc. The table has a column called "DateInserted" as SmallDate, right now i can use a Where DateInserted > '20080310' to get the count, but its not dynamic, is there anyone to merge all these results into one row with each column being a diffrent time period?
I know this a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate any pointers.
Is there a way to find active connection to a database so you don't have to wait for a restore or similar operation to fail. (Which take forever).?
Is there a SMO method or a transact SQL command or something that can be used in an application to detect active connections?
I don't want to have to wait forever to get a failure when you can't perform a operation that require that there be no active connection such detach a database. I want to be able to tell when I can perform a operation which requires no active connection and when I need to use a task without out dropping the connection like copying the schema using SMO methods.
However if there are no connection I can perform a detach copy and attach to create a new database which is considerable faster.
STEP1: CREATE TABLE Trace(Statement VARCHAR(MAX)) INSERT INTO Trace VALUES('select * from Account'),('select * from Account') ,('Select LastUpdated,Lastdeleted,LastInserted  from History'), ('Insert into Account  Select lastUpdated from History'),('Delete from OldAccount where LastUpdatedId=3'),('Delete from OldAccount where LastDeletedId=3'),('Delete from OldAccount where LastInserted=3'),('DROP TABLE BMP')
now,when i run step3 ; i wanted to see if there is actually a delete or insert or select or update happens but as i used like %% (matching characters) i am getting all names matching with the % % , example row 7 in above is there a way i can use any wildcards and only find if there is actual delete, actual insert, actual select, actual update statement happening.
I have read a lot of topics about execution plan for query, but I got little. Please give me some help with examples for comparing different select statements to find the best efficient select statement.
I need to list out all the procedures which have select queries and does not use NOLOCK hint. Please note that there are more than 2000 sps and some sps have single select some have multiple, some does not have select queries at all. I need to find out only the ones which does not use NOLOCK hint in a select query.
I have a table with the following columns employeeSessionID, OpDate, OpHour, sessionStartTime, sessionCloseTime. I need to see how many users remain active per hour. I can calculate how many logged in per hour, but I am stumped on how to count how many are active per hour. I have a single table that stores login data. I have created a query that pulls out the only the data needed from the table into a temp table using this query. Also note it is possible that the sessionCloseTime is null if the device has not been logged out this would need to be counted a active.
TABLE NAME #empSessionLog Contains the time stamp data OpDate, sessionStartTime and sessionCloseTime. OpDatesessionStartTimesessionCloseTime 2015-01-202015-01-20 14:32:59.1302015-01-20 14:33:14.6299166 2015-01-202015-01-20 06:58:33.7302015-01-20 15:27:16.9133442 2015-01-202015-01-20 09:56:22.8402015-01-20 17:56:29.7555853 2015-01-202015-01-20 05:59:18.6132015-01-20 14:05:19.0426707
can see how many sessions logged in per hour with the following statement:
SELECT opDate, FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00') AS opHour, Count(*) AS Total FROM #empSessionLog Group BY opDate, FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00') Order BY opDate, FORMAT(DATEPART(HOUR, sessionStartTime), '00') ASCResults: opDateopHourTotal 2015-01-20041
Where I am stuck is how do I count the sessions that remain active per hour until the session is closed with the sessionCloseTime.
I am having some teething problems while installing SQL on a 3 node cluster. Within the Cluster configuration I have 3 Cluster Groups with each of them having their associated disk resources. All these disk resources physically exist on a SAN.
The actual cluster is running absolutely fine and I can access all the disks from their respective owner node. The problem only starts when I start installing SQL Server 2005 on this cluster. I specify the Cluster group from the Cluster Group Selection and choose the desired partition and then the error message pops up
"There is not enough diskspace on the destination disk for the current SQL Server data files. To proceed, free up disk space to make room for data files, or install the data files to a different drive"
But the disk I am trying to install it on is 264Gb and none of it is used. I have also tried to change it to a different disk within the same Cluster group but to no avail. I have even tried to install it in a different cluster group all together but I get the same error message.
I have googled around havent found anything so far. The disks have got full permissions for the account I am installing SQL with.
I am newbie in SQL Clustering. I have set up a Windows Server Cluster with 2 nodes and am having the following problem with Physical Disk resource for cluster groups:
My Default Cluster Group (named Cluster Group) has IP Address, Network Name, Physical Disk and MSDTC resources. In addition to that my Default SQL Server instance resources are also in this group. I had this initial set up for Active/Passive mode.
Now I am trying to set up a SQL Cluster in Active/Active mode. For this I have to install another instance of SQL Server in the existing cluster and make a separate cluster group for its resources. I made a new cluster group (SQL Instance Group) with an IP Address and a Network Name resource for this new instance but I dont have any Physical Disk resource to allocate to it. As such while installing the SQL Server Instance I get stuck when I'm asked to select the quorum disk to be used.
Is it possible to configure two quorum disks, one for each group? What's the concept of dedicated disks resource for each sql instance in a group? Is this same as the quorum disk? If this is not a shared disk how do I configure a dedicated disk resource for my second cluster group (SQL Instance Group)?
We are going thru the process of scoping an active/active cluster at one site. I was wondering whether there will be any issues with mirroring (DB by DB) off the cluster into non clustered server at an alternate DRP site.
We are trying to set up an active/active configuration of a SQL Server cluster, and we had a few questions.
Initially, we want to have 2 Database Servers that would share the same Database (both reading/writing to the same tables). However, from reading the MS docs, we find out that we can have what they call an "active/active" configuration using a Cluster but they need to have 2 different disk sets, i.e. having 2 separate databases. If this assumption is correct, how does the data get synchronised between the 2 databases (that are on the 2 different disks sets)?
have you ever heard of an Active/Active SQL Sever 2000 Cluster deployed in a pure OLTP environment?
Some 8 years ago I have learned about a bespoke solution for the SAP ERP system (not the BW!) with DB2 Parallel Server for a huge German company. Then again, I would expect that Oracle RAC might fit into an OLTP environment, although I never heard about a real world implementation.
All this led me to believe clustering is good for failover purposes, and for decision support services, not quite for OLTP applications.
So if you see a point in Active/Active Clustering and OLTP please come forward and explain.
P.S: For those of you who want to know: Consultants from www.hiltes.com want us to deploy an Active/Active Cluster for their Fashion 3000 Net stock software.
We run several SQL 2000 SP4 instances on IA64 active/active cluster. The OS we run with is Windows Server 2003 SP1. We have different network cards : 2 network cards teamed for production purposes in domain X and 1 network card dedicated for problem solving in domain Y. First we configured the cluster with only the 2 teamed network cards for production purposes in domain X. Later we introduced the second network card for problem solving in domain Y. Everything looks fine. The (virtual) SQL instance listens on two different IP adresses on TCP port 1034. If we try to make connection via isql, EM or Query analyzer than we can directly contact the SQL instance from a workstation/server within domain X but this doesn't work form a workstation/server within domain Y. However if we use the specific TCP port in the connection in domain Y the connection is setup. We wish however not to use explicit TCP ports in setting up connections. Has anyone experienced the same problem before or has anyone an idea how to solve the problem?
I have a 2005 active/active cluster and want to apply SQL server 2005 SP2 to both node. I know that for active/passive , the sp can simple be installed on the active node(instance) and everything will be replicated to the other node. bear in mind what I have SSIS and SSAS and SSRS running on the active/active cluster.
what is the rigth method for applying the SP to activeactive cluster?
Hi While configuring an active / active cluster, do I need to run the SQL setup on both nodes? The SQL2K setup installs binaries on localdisks of both nodes - hence the question.
I have setup an active/active clustering environment for SQL Server, however it is 2 seperate virtual servers. How can I set them up to exist as one virtual server containing both active installations? Can this be done? I have two compaq 8500 w/8 processors each. I need to be able to cluster these configurations to take advantage of all 16 processors in one virtual SQL Server. Can it be done?
If you can answer these questions, you will have my undying gratitude.
Hi I am running some tests on SQL7 in an active/active cluster and have a couple of queries 1. When I create an ODBC DSN, why is the "Use the Failover SQL Server if the primary SQL Server" checkbox disabled 2. To test, I was running SQL queries from Access over the DSN created. When the Primary Server went down, I had to reconnect to re run the query - Is this normal? 3. Can someone point me to any documentation on the above scenario that would shed some more light?
I currently have a two node HP hardware active/active cluster server. Running windows NT 4.0 Enterprise and dSQL server 6.5 sp 3. I want to upgrade the cluster to SQL 7. I would like to know if anyone ran into any problems or has sucessfully attempted this.
Also I read a few months ago about a gottcha involving NT sp4 and SQL sp5a that would prevent a node from failing over. Has this been corrected and does it affect SQL 7.
Is there anyone who knows where I can get some information about installing an ACTIVE/ACTIVE SQL 2000 Cluster server (MSCS). I have no problem setting up an active/passive failover cluster.
Where can I get more information? Do I need two instances? Two databases? What's the difference between active/active and active/passive?
Hello, Can anyone please explain how the failover processes works on a sql server 2000 2 node active/active cluster.
Given the following You have 2 node active/active cluster NodeA & NodeB
Question 1. How many SQL instances need to be installed on each node?
2. If the answer to question #1 is one instance per node, then say if NodeA fails NodeB will take over all the resources of NodeA including the master database, How does that work , how can once instance (in nodeB) handle two master database i.e its own master database and the one taken over from NodeA.
Hi, I've just setup an 2 node active/active sql cluster (my first). Both servers have exactly the same specification, 16GB of RAM each and SAN attached. My question is, how do I configure the min and max memory for each sql instance. I've read some where that I need to follow the 20-40-40 rule as, 20% for the OS, 40% for the active sql instance on the node and the other 40% is for the other sql instance if it fails over. Are there any other gotcha that I need to be aware of? Can someone share some light with me in regards to this? Thanks
We have an active/active node setup with SQL 2005. Does anyone have any samples of VBS I could use to see what node is actually taking requests at a certain time? What I want to determine is what the actual active node is.
I want to host 2 seperate SQL databases and wanted to know if it would be possible to run this in an active active cluster config which each database running on a different server.
The clustering would be there in the event of failure of one of the servers but for normal operation the two sql instances would be completely seperate.
Is this configuration possible and would this give the best performance and resiliance from a 2 server setup.
Help, I have an active/active cluster with SQL2k5 Ent with SP2 installed on node1 that is currently running live apps, I need to add the 2nd node to have fail over functionality but if I use the Change Install from Add or Remove Programs on the primary node to add the 2nd node I get the following error.
"The File 'c:....SqlRun_SQL.ms' is not a valid installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server 2005(SQL2K5VVS01). Try to find the installation package 'SqlRun_SQL.msi' in a folder from which you can install Microsoft SQL Server 2005(SQL2K5VVS01).
No I assume this is because node 1 has had service pack two applied. Does anyone have instructions how I can add node two without having to completely uninstall Node 1, as the doc€™s with SQL2005 SP2 say it can not be removed, a complete uninstall of 2005 must be done???
I have an active/active cluster and the second node failed and could not start all the instances are intact on the first node. Now we have built the second node and joined to the cluster group as well.
I am sure we dont need a install as all the instances are there so anyone know where I need to join the SQL cluster to talk to both the nodes
Anyone know of any differences in an active/active cluster and an active/passive cluster that would cause an application to work on an active/passive environment but not an active/active environment?