Find Out Next Top 10 That Does Not Belong To First Top 10?

Aug 31, 2014

I have a data of 100 PostalCodes and parcels associated with it. Each postal code will be having multiple parcels. My aim is to find the count of parcels for the postal codes and display them in a web page by a count of 10 rows.

I have a problem in displaying the postal codes and its count in sets of 10. The data will be picked based on the count from Higher to Lower postalcodes based on its count.

The query I used is

select top 10 postalcode, count(parcels) as Cnt
from TableParcel
group by postalcode
order by Cnt desc

This code will be displaying the first 10 postalcodes and will be displayed in the web page.

But I want to find out the next top 10 postal codes that does not belong to the first top 10 postal codes.

How can I do this?

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How To Find All Child Tables That Belong To A Parent Table

Mar 5, 2008

How do i find the child tables that belong to a parent table. Thanks.

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How To Show Only Records That Belong To The Logged In User.

Sep 28, 2007

Hello.I realize that this question has been asked before, but I still can't get it to work. Below are some links that might be of help: Basically, I need a DropDownList to display only projects for which the logged in user is assigned as leader. The [Projects] table contains an integer ProjectId, a string ProjectName, a uniqueidentifier ProjectLeader, and other fields. Can someone help me with the SQL query and code?  * Here is the definition of the SqlDataSource: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource5" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDB.MDFConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [ProjectId], [ProjectName] FROM [Projects] WHERE ([ProjectLeader] = @Leader)" OnSelecting="SqlDataSource5_Selecting"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="Leader" Type="Object" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>  * Here is the definition of the SqlDataSource5_Selecting method:   protected void SqlDataSource5_Selecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e) { e.Command.Parameters("@Leader").Value = loggedInUserId; } where loggedInUserId is a global variable of type System.Guid. It has been evaluated in the Page_Load event to as: loggedInUserId = (System.Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey; Now the first problem I encounter is that when I run the page, the compiler complains and says, "error CS0118: 'System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Parameters' is a 'property' but is used like a 'method'." The second problem is when I insert the line: SqlDataSource5.SelectParameters("Leader").DefaultValue = loggedInUserId; in page_Load. The compiler again says, "error CS0118: 'System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Parameters' is a 'property' but is used like a 'method'." I've spent a long time trying to figure it out, but could not solve it. I would appreciate it if someone can help me out. Thank you very much. 

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Column 'coloumname' Does Not Belong To Table Categories .

Dec 22, 2007

I have a simple Stored Procedure with multiple select statements..doing
select linkid,linkdesc from links;select cateid,cate from categories... for example.
I created a dataset and then fill the tables see the code below ,CS  DataSet ds = Obj.GetDataSet("query here);            dlc.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];            DataTable llist = ds.Tables[1];            if (llist.Rows.Count > 7)            {                dr = ds.Tables[1].Rows[7];                dr["cateid"] = 0;                dr["cate "] = "more...";                            }            else            {                System.Data.DataRow newDataRow = llist.NewRow();                                newDataRow["cateid"] =0;                newDataRow["cate "] = "more...";                llist.Rows.Add(newDataRow);                            }  lls.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];DataBind(); .ASPX<asp:DataList ID="lls" RepeatColumns="4" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"                                CellPadding="4" CellSpacing="4" BorderWidth="0" Width="100%">                                <ItemTemplate>                                    <asp:HyperLink  Text='<%# Eval("cate") %>' CssClass='<%# "mcs" + Eval("cate").ToString()%>' NavigateUrl='<%# PickURL(Eval("cateid").ToString(),Eval("cate").ToString()) %>'                                        runat="server" />                                </ItemTemplate>                                <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="right" />                            </asp:DataList> but  ITS WORKING FINE SOME TIMES ONLY , FEW TIMES ERROR OCCURRED  THE ERROR IS  Column 'cate' does not belong to table
Table1. I DON'T KNOW WHY THIS ERROR IS  COME ANY BODY HAVING SOLUTION TO RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM  DETAILED ERROR MESSAGE: Server Error in '/' Application.Column 'lname' does not belong to table
Table1.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of
the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details:
System.ArgumentException: Column 'lname' does not belong to table
Table1.Source Error:An unhandled exception was generated during
the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and
location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace
below.Stack Trace:[ArgumentException: Column 'lname' does not
belong to table Table1.]System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColumn(String columnName)
+1887619System.Data.DataRow.set_Item(String columnName, Object value)
+590state_common_index.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
+1203System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o,
Object t, EventArgs e)
+15System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender,
EventArgs e) +34System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1061

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Two Different Database Belong To Two Different Applications Stay In The Same Server

Aug 17, 2000


Does anyone know if two different database belong to two different applications stay in the same physical SQL server 7.0 with one server license would affect their performance?

Would the performance be better off if each database stored in different physical SQL Server 7.0 with different server license?

Thank you in advance!

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Can You Backup And Restore Tables That Belong To A Specific Schema

Apr 30, 2008

Hi all,

does anyone know of a way in which you can backup and restore objects that belong to a specific schema?

So in this example, I€™d want to only back up and be able to restore the tables that belong to schema 1, leaving Schema2 stuff alone.


Thanks in advance,


EDIT: I forgot to add that I want to backup the tables and the data contained within.

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How Can One User View Other Users That Belong To A Database Role?

Nov 15, 2006

After upgrading my database from SQL2000 to SQL2005 I have noticed a change in behavior of sp_helprolemember.

In SQL2000 I could connect as 'user1' and use sp_helprolemember to find all users that belong to a certain role.

In SQL2005 sp_helprolemember seems to only show me the roles that connected user belongs to. For example, if I connect as 'user1' I only see the roles that 'user1' belongs to.

Any advice on how to duplicate the behavior from SQL2000?

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Column 'AnyColumn' Does Not Belong To Table Table

Oct 17, 2007

Does anyone know about this error:
Column 'AnyColumn' does not belong to table Table

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Adding Columns To A Matrix Report That Don't Belong To The Matrix Columns Groups

Jan 2, 2007

Can we do this?

Adding more columns in a matrix report that don€™t
belong to the columns drilldown dimensions€¦

That is, for example, having the following report:

Product Family


Country City Number of units sold

Then I
would add some ratios, that is, Units Sold/Months (sold per month) and other that
is the average for Product Family (Units Sold/Number of Product Family), for putting an example€¦ some
columns should be precalculated prior to the report so do not get into it, the
real problem I don€™t see how to solve is adding one or two columns for showing
these calculated column that doesn€™t depend on the column groups but they do
for the rows groups€¦

Any guidance
on that?

The only
way I am seeing by now is to set it as two different reports, and that is not
what my client wants€¦


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Anything That You Find In SQL Object Scripts, You Can Also Find Them In System Tables?

Jul 26, 2005

I tried all the INFORMATION_SCHEMA on SQL 2000 andI see that the system tables hold pretty much everything I aminterested in: Objects names (columns, functions, stored procedures, ...)stored procedure statements in syscomments table.My questions are:If you script your whole database everything you end up havingin the text sql scripts, are those also located in the system tables?That means i could simply read those system tables to get any informationI would normally look in the sql script files?Can i quickly generate a SQL statement of all the indexes on my database?I read many places that Microsoftsays not to modify anything in those tables and not query them since theirstructure might change in future SQL versions.Is it safe to use and rely the system tables?I basically want to do at least fetching of information i want from thesystem tables rather than the SQL script files.I also want to know if it's pretty safe for me to make changes in thesetables.Can i rename an object name for example an Index name, a Stored Procedurename?Can i add a new column in the syscolumns table for a user table?Thank you

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Problem: Find All Table Names In Db And Then Find

Jun 12, 2008

I have 3 database say

I need to setup a script to read all the table names in the database above and then query the database to find the list of Stored Procedure using each table.(SQL Server)

View 5 Replies View Related

To Find Www.

Mar 6, 2001

Please help me to find web page where guys who passed MS exams share their experience. I remember it should be like BenyenVine or very close...
Thank you,

View 2 Replies View Related

Using Contains() To Find -5

Jun 12, 2007

Everytime I search for this text, it seems to pick up stuff beginning with 5, not dash 5. Does something need to be escaped and how would this be done?

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Can't Find My UDF

Mar 2, 2006

Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult... I'm creating a
UDF as below, then executing it but all I get is that the object does not exist. I must be missing something very basic here...

CREATE function dbo.GetColumnLength(@vcTableName varchar(50), @vcColumnName varchar(50)) returns smallint
declare @intLength as smallint
select @intLength=sysC.prec from syscolumns sysC, sysobjects sysO
where sysC.Id = sysO.Id AND sysO.xtype ='U' And
sysO.Name = @vcTableName AND
sysC.Name = @vcColumnName
return @intLength
select top 2 * from player, dbo.GetColumnLength('playerdetails','email')

View 7 Replies View Related

Where Can I Find....

Oct 23, 2007

Some pre-written scripts that contain things such as automobile make or other generic common data like that?

I'm trying to avoid populating my db by hand. Any insight would be appreciated.


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Jul 20, 2005

Can someone help on this:I am just learning, and I'm connecting to the the northwindcs.mdf tables /open file is northwindcs.adp.This is the sample installed using msde, which is supposed to be mini sqlserver to learn.Please don't refer me elsewhere, here is what I'm trying to learn:If I want to hit a command button and do the following:1. Find a customerid2. if found, edit the record, if not found, add a new record.How would the below code need to look for this, I'm not even sure theconnection string is correct.I'm getting following error:run-time error 3219operation not allowed in this context.I get the y messagebox, but rst!ContactTitle = "The Owner" doesn't work.When I hit the debug, rst.close is highlighted.Also, how do you handle a no find situation here, I noticed a nomatchdoesn't work.I am real good at programming, but new to the server thing.And finally, is there a way to hit this command button, and do all from astored procedure instead of code? But in background, no user inteventiononce button is hit. Which is better, this code approach or a possiblestored procedure.Please help, if I get this down, I think I'll have the rest wipped. Theconnect string is one big thing confusing me along with handling record oncefound / not found. I'm used of DAO. If some one is willing to help, I canemail detailed real code from a database I'm really working on. I need tolearn this first to convert code.HERE IS SAMPLE CODEPrivate Sub Command16_Click()Dim cnn As New ADODB.ConnectionDim rst As New ADODB.RecordsetDim mark As VariantDim count As Integercount = 0cnn.Open "DSN=NorthwindCS; Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=OEMCOMPUTER;InitialCatalog=NorthwindCS; uid=sa; pwd=;"rst.Open "SELECT * FROM Customers", cnn, _adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText'rst.Open "SELECT CustomerID FROM Customers", cnn, _' adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText' The default parameters are sufficient to search forward' through a Recordset.rst.Find "CustomerID = 'CHOPS'"If rst!CustomerID = "CHOPS" ThenMsgBox "y"rst!ContactTitle = "The Owner"ElseMsgBox "n"End If' Skip the current record to avoid finding the same row repeatedly.' The bookmark is redundant because Find searches from the current' position.'Do While rst.EOF <> True 'Continue if last find succeeded.' Debug.Print "Title ID: "; rst!CustomerIDcount = count + 1 'Count the last title found.'mark = rst.Bookmark 'Note current position.'rst.Find "CustomerID = 'CHOPS'", 1, adSearchForward, mark'Exit Do'Looprst.Closecnn.CloseDebug.Print "The number of business titles is " & countEnd Sub

View 8 Replies View Related

Find And Replace

Sep 13, 2006

To ensure I don't leave orphans floating around in tables when records get deleted (values from one record might link to values in another) how do I find and possibly replace values in tables?For example, if I have a unit of measure table and want to delete the value "inches", how do I look in other tables to find this value and give the user the option to cancel or clear it out. If I don't it will cause controls bound to that value like the dropdownlist to throw an error.

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Sql String Find With &&

Jun 22, 2007

I have a visual studio 2005 app that has to match strings to something in a database.
It works wonderfully until a string shows up  with an & in it (so "this & that")
The app wont find anything even though it should, the same query that is made in VS works just fine in enterprise manager
I tried a replace on the & with the chr(), hex, and html reference for & and none of those work.
We tried using different methods in VS to do the sql statement and commands.
The statement surrounds the string with single quotes.
If we take the & out, everything works fine.
Turned off request valadation just in case.
Any ideas?????

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SQL Find Question

Feb 26, 2008

I am a novice....
Where would I start, if I wanted to search my SQL database for a record and have SQL return a true/false.  I want this to be done with

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How To Use WHERE To Find Various Matches

Apr 26, 2008

Hello.I have a select that returns some SubCategories.SELECT SubCategoryID from SubCategories SCATINNER JOIN Categories CAT on CAT.CategoryId = SCAT.ParenCategoryIdWHERE SCAT.ParentCategoryId = X Now i will to retrieve all rows from a Table called Items Where Items.SubCategoryId will be any of the previous SubCategoryId's returned by the above SELECT query.What code i need to write toI think .. Select * from Items AS IT WHERE IT.Subcategory = ???I don't know, anyone can help meThanks

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Find And Replace.

Apr 30, 2004

Does anybody know how to search through all stored procedures (in SQL Server 2000) and find and replace text without having to open each one individually in Query Analyzer and doing so one at a time?

That would be so time consuming. I want to be able to change my table names, but I have so many stored procedures allready using the old names. To go and find each name and replacing them is a task I don't want to even try and do.

Thank you to whomever can help.


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How To Find An MS SQL Server DBA

Sep 1, 2004

My ISP runs MS SQL server for me and does not have experience managing this type of database. For example, the database occassionally crashes and looses data. Our site is not live yet, but once we go live, this is unacceptable.

I need somebody to consult on the database configuration, tuning, security and maintenance plan. How would I find a person with the correct qualifications?

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Can't Find SQL Server

Feb 13, 2006

I have the following in my web.config<appSettings>       <add key="strConn" value="server=;uid=sa;pwd=;database=MyDB/></appSettings>and I am getting the following error message --"SQL Server cannot be found or access denied"if I replace the server IP address with server name, it works fine.  Am I missing something here?  Help!ThanksBugme

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Where To Find The Web Tasks?

Dec 17, 2001

Where to look for the web assitant created jobs on the server?I created a web page using the web assistant which is suppossed to get updated each time a value changes in a particular table,but I can't find the task which I created ,where do i look for that?I didn't use this wizard previously.thanks for any help!

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Duplicated Key.. How Can I Find This Key?

Jun 5, 2001

Hi, All
I have a problem with one table.
This table is corrupted so I drop the table and recreate the table..(Of course I export data) After that I try to put the primary key to new table but it won't allow me to do it. Error message says " There are duplicated key existed" Therefore I open up the EM and take a look at that table. There is key in that table but not Primary key..(also from the query analyzer using sp_help)
My question to U is how can I find this duplicated key and delete that info? I think somewhere in the system table contains this info but I don't know where:-(((

Thanks in advance..

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Find The Max And Min Date

Feb 1, 2001

I'm doing a query using SQL Server. How can I get the max and min date from a database? I can't find any function related to it. Can you help me please ....

Thanks in advance

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To Find A Column

Aug 30, 2000

I have 80 tables in the database and I need to find in which table particular column exist. How can I do it shortly, without naming every table in my query?
Thank you.

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Could Not Find The Sp....... URGENT!!

Dec 11, 2000

Can any one tell me what could be the probable reason for the following error.
'could not find the stored procedure sp_xxxx


even though the stored procedure is verymuch there on the server. This error pops up frequently,not allways.Any help on what I should do??

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Find A Relationship

Dec 4, 2002

how can i find if a field in one table has a relationship to a field in another table and how can i get additional inforation about this relation?


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How Find Out If Db Is Readonly Or Dbo Use Only With Sql

Jun 9, 2004


I have sciprt that assign object
permissions to all databases.

I want to exclude all read only and dbo use only databases

Thank you


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Can Not FInd &#34;OOS_MAP&#34;

Apr 30, 1999

We have a number of databases on a server running NT 4.0(SP4) and SQL 6.5
(SP 5a). We run Enterprise Manager scheduled dumps of the databases to
disk every night The dumps are spread over the clock from about 1730 to
about 2330. The databases are stable and we regularly run various DBCC
maintenence routines on them. We have been doing these dumps for a long
time without problems. For the last two weeks we have been getting the
following message in the SQL error log:

"[date & time] kernel DPDB_MAP: unable to find the OOS_MAP for page xxxx"

This is followed by an AV and stack dump of whatever dump happens to be
running. This occurs at different times, and we can find no pattern or
abnormality in the error logs or the event logs. So far, Microsoft has not
been able to provide any information about this phenomenon. Can anyone
help? What is the "OOS_MAP" and how do we fix this ?

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Find PK Of Table

Dec 21, 1998

I have a table name and I want to get the column name of the PK of this table.
Do you know how can I do this ?

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How To Find Last 10 Records Using T-SQL?

Sep 7, 2001

Hi all,

Anybody would tell me how can I find last 10 records in a table using T-SQL?

Thank you very much!


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