Flash Back

Mar 3, 2008

have query flash back facility in sqlserver 2005?

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Flash SQL Backend

Mar 13, 2007

Hi there SQL TEAM

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

We have a customer who would like us to write an application in flash that has a SQL 2005 Backend

Can Flash integrate with Microsoft sql 2005?
And if so are there any tutorials?

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Backup To Flash Drive

Jul 20, 2005

I have a utility I wrote which can backup/restore my database as wellas schedule backups. This has always worked pretty well except when Itry to backup to a USB Flash Disk. When I use one of these the backupfails. If I backup to the C:/ drive then copy it over to the disk itworks fine but when SQL Server tries to do it, it can't.I am simply doing the following:BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO DISK = 'E:/backup.dat_bak' WITH INITAnyone know what could be going wrong?

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SQL CE Performance On Flash Memory

Mar 17, 2008


I hope somebody here can help on my problem.
I wrote a MFC application using sql ce and is running prefectly smooth on wince and PPC 2003.
But when i deploy it to Windows Mobile, the database performance drop dramatically.
I knows the drop on performance is due to the I/O speed on the flash memory.(The previous mobile os are using ram instead).
Is there any solution or work around which I can solve this problem.

Recently i solved the performance issues on "insert" to DB by using a commit buffer(Instead of commit to the sdf instantly).
But how about the "select" performance? It's too slow which take about 3 sec to select a record from the DB.

Does Microsoft provide any suggestion on the sqlce perofrmance on windows mobile?


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SSCE With Flash Memory

Dec 11, 2007


I have a question about using SSCE with flash memory. Our CE components equally allocate the write access to the memory location. But write access is guaranteed only 10000 times per memory cell.
So I need to know

1. what changes are made to the file system if I add an entry to a table?
Is this entry the only information added to the file system?
2. What happens if I delete an entry? Will SSCE optimize the data in the filesystem?

Thanks a lot for helping.
Regards Flo

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Data Files In Flash Drive

Jan 26, 2005

Hi friends, i want to know something abt sql server installation and database properties as under.1) how much disk space reqd by multiuser sqlserver 2000 db to install ?2) is it possible to install sql 2K on Flash Drive ( gen connect at USB) ?3) When v create a database user Enterprise Manager , which files created by database ?4) If i Know datafiles name of a database e.g. pubs , and if v copied on cd and paste on other system which has sql 2K install , does those database works ?5) is it possible to create database on flash drive ? thanx in advance.

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Can Flash Work With SQL 2005 For Non-web Application?

Mar 9, 2007

I am not sure if this is the right folder to post, but currently I'm considering using Flash as an interface, the application at www.mobik.com seems impressive, simple and sweet. But I'm wondering if I can build desktop application with flash and SQL2005 as backend for all the processing. at the same time, the flash shall be getting updates from a server. Possible?

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Possible To Add A Flash Player Control To A Report?

Jan 10, 2007

I'm working on a project where the client wants us to create custom charts which have features not found in the standard Reporting Services charts. I would like to use flash to build this and have found an existing flash charting package for which I have the code and which I plan to expand.

Here's the problem:

The client wants to include these charts in his Reports. Is there some way to add a flash control to a report so that it will appear on the web page as a fully-functional flash presentation, which can then be included when printing or exporting?

The alternative, would be to figure out some means of generating the chart using flash outside of the report, exporting a bitmap of the chart and then saving the bitmap to a known location on the file system so It can be referenced by a report. This has some serious complications, and may not be feasible.

Any ideas?

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Database && Flash Wear Management

Jul 12, 2007

Hello everyone,

I'm currently developping a windows .net compact framework application which is basically a local datalogger.

Since my application will log data to the database (located on compact flash card) a few times a second over long period, I wonder if SQL Server Compact Edition offers some mechanism to reduce disk access.
By example, can SQL Server compact edition wait let's say 5-10 "insert into" commands before actually write to the database located on the flash card ?.

Any ideas which could help me to reduce flash wear would be greatly appreciated !


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Copy Database To My Flash Driver

Apr 28, 2008

I want to copy a database in my company's computer to my flash driver.
Then I am going to copy this database to my home compuer.
What is the full procedure?


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Inserting Flash Object In Report

Mar 29, 2008

Hello friends,
So, this is my senario...
i'm using SQL 2005 reporting service which reports are shown to the client from my web-site...
I've included a report viewer in my ASPX page through which i'm displaying the reports.
I wanted to know if their is any way by which i can embed a flash file in my report.

Secondly, i have some reports in which I have used the matrix control. And to display the headings of the columns i've created individual text-boxes & have made them overlap on the top region of the matrix.thoe these text boxoes are getting rendered in proper places when i preview the reports during design time, but when they get rendered in my website all the heading text-boxes get scattered all 'round the report......has anyone faced such weired problems & is there any alternate way of do'in the same ??

thanks in advance,

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Inserting Flash (shockwave Files And Animated Gifs Into DB

Dec 1, 2006

Can someone please tell me if it is possible to insert a flash movie into MSSQL 2005 and if so what would be the most appropraite data type to use for this.
 Any links to tutorials on how to uplaod such fiules would be appreciated

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Storing/Retrieving Flash Files In/from Sql Server 2005

Dec 17, 2007

Hi There,
Can I store flash files in the database. I have a table with one of the columns as varbinary datatype. Previously, I was saving images (as filebytes) into this column. But now I need to implement something to store the flash file. So, is it possible to store flash files in the database and retrieve them and display them in an asp.net page?
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!!

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How To Store Flash Files Into The Sql Server 2000 Database

Mar 1, 2008


How to store flash files into the sql server 2000 database and again display them back in asp.net/C# user interface?thanks 

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Having Difficulty Setting Back Up To Back Up File Wihout Datetime Stamp SQL 2K

Apr 24, 2007

Hello,I'm trying to create a simple back up in the SQL Maintenance Plan that willmake a single back up copy of all database every night at 10 pm. I'd likethe previous nights file to be overwritten, so there will be only a singleback up file for each database (tape back up runs every night, so each daysback up will be saved on tape).Every night the maintenance plan makes a back up of all the databases to anew file with a datetime stamp, meaning the previous nights file stillexists. Even when I check "Remove files older than 22 hours" the previousnights file still exists. Is there any way to create a back up file withoutthe date time stamp so it overwrites the previous nights file?Thanks!Rick

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Mirroring :: Principal Database Get Role Back After Being Back On Line

May 14, 2015

New to Database Mirroring and I have a question about the Principal database server. I have a Database Mirroring setup configured for High-safety with automatic fail over mode using a witness.

When a fail over occurs because of a lost of communication between the principal and mirror, the mirror server takes on theĀ roll of Principal. When communication is returned to the Principal server, at some point does the database that was the previous Principal database automatically go back to being the Principal server?

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Reporting Services :: Run Two Reports Back To Back Without Page Eject?

Jun 9, 2015

I need to run two reports each of A5 Size to run back to page and print on single A4 paper means in 1st half Sale bill will be printed and in second half Gate Pass Will Be Printed both report will be on same page and size and shape should be maintained. How to do it.

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How Do I Back-up &> Truncate &> Shrink &> Back-up SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am hoping you can help me with the following problem; I need to process the following steps every couple of hours in order to keep our Sql 2000 database a small as possible (the transaction log is 5x bigger than the db).1.back-up the entire database2.truncate the log3.shrink the log4.back-up once again.As you may have determined, I am relatively new to managing a sql server database and while I have found multiple articles online about the topics I need to accomplish, I cannot find any actual examples that explain where I input the coded used to accomplish the above-mentioned steps. I do understand the theory behind the steps I just do not know how to accomplish them!If you know of a well-documented tutorial, please point me in the right direction.Regards.

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Is It Possible To Embbed And Ocx Control On A Report Or Some Sort Of Interactive Control Like A Flash.ocx?

Oct 25, 2007

does any one have and example of how to embedd a flash swf file onto a report.??? Is it possable? any examples would be helpful.

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Rolling Back SQL Server 2005 Databases Back To SQL Server 2000

Sep 22, 2006

Does anybody know of a way to rollback SQL Server 2005
databases back to SQL Server 2000? Is there a way of doing it without
resorting to Copy Database Wizard? I love to find a way of attaching a SS 2005 database
to a SS 2000 instance without any issues.

I recently upgraded to SS 2005 and I am very unhappy with the SS 2005 and I
want to rollback to SS 2000, which was a lot more stable. I am having
several major issues that are affecting my whole company's day-to-day
operations and the managers are not happy. Some of the issues include
night time batch running very sluggish for no apparent reason. This is a
biggest problem because it only occurs once or so a week and causes a disturbance
with the daily activities when the night time processing isn€™t completed on
time. The rest of the time, the batch processing runs great, even a little better then on SS 2000. I
don't believe it is a matter of my application needing to be retuned because if
that was the case, then why isn't it running sluggish every night? Also,
it's never the same day that the sluggish behavior occurs. If it was occurring
on the same night, then I would have something to investigate within our
application, but it doesn't. Another issue that I am having involves a
night time job that restores a copy of the production database to the Data
Warehouse server to be used for updating the data warehouse. Again, most
of the time it runs great (~2 1/2 hours), but once or twice a week, it goes
stupid and takes 6 1/2 hours for no apparent reason. Again, it is not happening
the same day either, which could give me something to invesigate. On SS 2000, this same job ran flawlessly. Never I did I run into situation that the
database restoration took that long to run. Even another issue involves a SQL Server Agent Job that was put into suspended
state. What's a suspended state and how can I get it out of suspended
state? I can find no information about suspended state in BOL. I
did a Google and nothing came up. If this suspended state was put
in for security reasons, great, but then tell me how I can remove the suspended
state. I am also not happy with the
fact that I can't get accurate information about the queries that are actively
running at that particular moment. In SS 2000, when I noticed high CPU
usage on the server, I would run the sp_who2 active stored proc and it would
show me all the active thread and how much CPU it was consuming. I would
then find the running threads with the highest CPU numbers and investigate the
query and see if we could improve it. Now in SS 2005, I get in the same
situation and run the sp_who2 stored proc, and there is no smoking gun.
All of the active threads are showing very little CPU usage, which I am very
suspect of. What the heck happen to sp_who2? I looked at some of
the other ways of looking at running processes (i.e... sys.sysprocesses) and
they don't appear to be giving the information that I need.

I am very unhappy and I just want to roll back to SS 2000 and wait a couple of
years before I upgrade to SS 2005.

Dave Brown

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Oct 8, 2001

What is the simplist way to back up SQL database?

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Back To 6.5

Sep 14, 2000

anyone try to convert a 7.0 database back to 6.5? Is there a way to move the data back or does the 6.5 to 7.0 upgrade change field identifiers or anything else prohibiting the move?


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Back Up

Sep 12, 2000

How to back up DTS package?

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Back Up

Sep 19, 2000

Hi all,

We need to restore a back up of database from one machine to another machine. The sql server's are running separately on two of the machines.

We rebuilt the MASTER database on the machine which needs to be restored as there was a conflict in the LOCALE and SORT ORDER.

We rebuilt the Master using the RebuiltM.exe

After that we successfully restored the database. AS BOL suggessted that MSDB and Model had to be restored, thosee two were also done.

But we are not able to see all LOGINS / USERS that were there in the original database.

Are we missing anything that will show up all the users once we restore database from the dump.



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Back Up

Feb 7, 2007

Hi all,

what do i do in the event that my disk is full during back up? Is there anyway to plan for this ahead of time?


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Back Up

Jun 3, 1999

Please help.
We need back up database on remote SQL Server backup device,
because first one doesn't have space for backup file.
Give mi hint what to do.

Thank you very much,

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Back Up

May 18, 2001


how do we take back up of data from a table to a text file.
write data from table to a text file or excel sheet.

thank u

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Back Up

Apr 30, 2007

how do i back up my database

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How To Back Up??????

Feb 19, 2004

Hi all,
I know how to backup database form full back, diffrential backupp. I ' d like to know how to restore database from transaction log file not from backup file.
Thanks fro reading.

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Back Up

Nov 28, 2006


whats the best way for me to back up an instance within my sql server 2005?
(all databases within instance)


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How To Back Up SQL

Oct 19, 2007

What is the best practice for a SQL back up? We are installing Symantec Backup Exec. Is it really necessary to pay for the SQL backup agent? What does the agent do for you that the regular backups within SQL doesn't give you?

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Transactional Log Back Up

Feb 7, 2007

How do we take Transactional Log Backup using sqlserver 2000? Can we take only transactional log back up?

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Roll Back

May 14, 2007

I wrote a stored procedure. It work properly.
But I want to catch if any error occurs while executing it. And I want to make roll Back on error .And send the error OUTPUT
How can I roolBack the command below and How can I send the error over OUTPUT parameter?

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