Formatting In Sql Server
Aug 16, 2007
below is my query
select * from guest.tbl1
i m getting result like this
id score
1 50
2 100
3 150
4 200
but i want this output like this
1 50 2 100
3 150 4 200
how to do this?
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Sep 11, 2007
Hello again,
I have a huge question haha. I just simply want to make a number display differently before I insert it into the table. for instance in Access, you can simply say FORMAT(c,format) ex: FORMAT(@CHARMINS, 00000) and it should work that way.
How would I accomplish this in SQL server? Right now I have the number 30 displaying as 30.00 in the variable it is set to.... I want it to be shown as 00030.... and any other number that is like 30.00, I want it shown the same way. Like 100.00 would be 00100. Thank you.
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Mar 11, 2004
I have two questions : 1) Linking SQL Server Databases
2) Data Formatting like InputMask
1) I want to know if there is a way to link two seperate SQL server databases (it's tables) within the same server (local server). I created one Global database - with clients, etc. tables. The reason I did it like this is that I have to handle three seperate invoices databases, but using the same clients, etc. tables to get their information from. I used MS Access like this, linking Clients, etc tables from the Clients Database with the three other Databases. It worked fine but now I need some new features like setting the InvoiceNumber to something different, eg . 04/0001 for this year and then 05/0001 for next year. My Access databases can't change this numbers - it's just a autonumber I used. I know some Visual Basic code can make a change like perhaps adding a new column like InvYear and then adding it together with InvoiceNumber to get the Invoice Number, but I want to change it to SQL Server because I want to learn how SQL Server works. I am just starting out and not doing courses.
2) The other thing is I want to know if there is some feature in SQL Server to make data input easier, like a InputMask in Access where you can let a text column be formatted as you want. Eg. for a telephone number, it can store it in the format you made; like (011) 123 4567, not like you typed it : 0111234567.
I would appreciate some help.
Thank you
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Oct 22, 2015
I need to export some Database data into a text file. My Query looks like this:
SELECT Category1, Category2, Category3
FROM dbo.tbl1
WHERE Category1 = 'JP-4'
AND Category2> 4;
This works fine to get the data, however there is some html formatting in the table entries such as
,</br>` etc.
So ideally I need to remove those when exporting the data to the text file. I've tried to do it with a simple replace query but that didn't work. I've also got an issue with line splits and would need to remove the ( ).
The Data format is something like this:
Category1: JP-4
Category2: 4
Category3:<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor</p> <p>amet, consectetur, adipisci velit</p>
Category4:<p>Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor</p>
I got it to work like this with the replace function:
FROM dbo.khia_tbl
WHERE Category1= 'JP-4'
AND Category2> 4;
But the issue is that I've got 15 columns in total and that I need to do it for several different tags for each column so
as well as "" and different spaces so that would be a lot and I thought there must be a better/more efficient way of doing it...
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Jul 1, 2015
How can i Format Column Name(Different Color) in Excel Sheet that was Created using Bcp Command in SQL SERVER 2008R2?Â
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Aug 28, 2015
Select@QRY='bcp "Select COL1, COl2 From table(nolock)" queryout "D: est.xls" -c -T -S ' + convert(varchar(20), serverproperty('servername'))
The file test.xls is getting generated but when opening getting the message
"File you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension"
Is there any property that can be set to avoid this message?
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May 28, 2015
I have a script that resolve's data into xml like this, ex:
And works perfectly, but ... how to make sure every item has an element "nodes" ? The case here is for the child leafs obviously. This, because on the client i have to inject this element "nodes" on a json version of this xml, and just wanted to avoid normalizing the structure on the client.
For the root I am using
FOR XML PATH('root'),TYPE; and for the hierarchy that follows
FOR XML RAW ('node'), root('nodes'), ELEMENTS
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Jul 18, 2007
I'm looking for a new way to publish reports based on OLAP data and was very disappointed to find that Reporting Services does not natively support displaying MDX query results in a matrix. While it is possible to assign an MDX query to the matrix control in Reporting Services, the two main problems are that the columns of the query must be measures (not dimensions), and it does not support display of server based formatting (fore color, back color, and font flags).
Does anyone know of any custom control that properly deals with Analysis Services data?
Thanks for any info you have!
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Aug 18, 2005
Hello all,I have a strange problem that i need some advice on. I have the following field called FILENO. It is a SQL 2000 field with the Data Type set to Char (7). The following sql statement works perfectly:SELECT TOP 1 RTRIM(FILENO) AS TEST, RIGHT(DATEPART(Yy, FILENOYEAR), 2) AS YEAR FROM tblRecordsWHERE RIGHT(DATEPART(Yy, FILENOYEAR), 2) = '05'ORDER BY FILENO DESCIt returns the correct data, 0050. Now, what i'm trying to do is add 1 to the value so i can get the next available number which is 0051. But, when i run the following sql statement, i get 51 instead of 0051.SELECT TOP 1 RTRIM(FILENO+1) AS TEST, RIGHT(DATEPART(Yy, FILENOYEAR), 2) AS YEAR FROM tblRecordsWHERE RIGHT(DATEPART(Yy, FILENOYEAR), 2) = '05'ORDER BY FILENO DESCDoes anyone have an idea how to solve this? Thanks.Richard M.
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Feb 28, 2001
I'm working as a consultant for a project and I have been having constant issues with the in house "database guru" about stored procedure formating.
He insists I use a format similar to this:
create procedure getUser @UserId int = NULL
, UserPassword
, UserRole
User.ID = UserRole.ID
User.ID = @UserID
User.Active = 1
where as I prefer this format:
create procedure getUser
@UserId int = NULL
select UserName,
from Users
join UserRole on User.ID = UserRole.ID
where User.ID = @UserID
and User.Active = 1
Now normally I don't argue about style issues but I find his format confusing and it bothers me that it senselesly wastes lines make the stored procedure longer than necessary.
I'd love to get some comments on this issue or reference to any discussions on issues such as this.
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Apr 9, 2008
Hello -
Does anyone know why SQL Server Reporting Services formatts SQL weird? -- If I type a SQL statement in notepad or notepad++ and then paste it in Reporting Services it will change the whole structure and "expand" it out to three or four times its size.
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Dec 12, 2006
Hello All,
Is it possible to format an integer to a float value with 2 decimals in an sql query.
If yes, Please help?
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Jan 24, 2007
I need to show my SUM of the 2 columns added in the query below formatted as currency. Is this possible?
I tried:
But this does not format it as currency. Any input would be helpful.
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Apr 25, 2007
I imported data from a text file, where dates are currently in the format: 050729 to represent July 29, 2005.
How could I write a sql statment to put make this show up as 07/29/05?
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Jan 31, 2008
I am trying to output data from SQL Server to an email body message with a little formatting (just to make it legible)
Using this SQL statement:
select top 1 'Name', app_first_name+' '+app_last_name [name] ,'Submission Date', submission_date ,'Address', app_address+', '+app_city+', '+app_state+' '+app_zip from vw_bpa_export where app_email = order by submission_date desc
the resulting output displays this in the email body
"Name","Brian Vogler","Submission Date","2008-01-30 07:45:00","Address","6285 Harrow Trace, Norcross, GA 30092 "
but what I want is the text to look more like this:
Name Brian VoglerSubmission Date 2008-01-30 07:45:00Address 6285 Harrow Trace, Norcross, GA 30092
Is there a way to do this in the SQL statement (without HTML tags)?
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Jun 9, 2008
In a SQLDataSource, the following line throws an error as an undefined function. FilterExpression='left$(lname,1) = "D"'
Isn't this a standard VB function and why does it produce an error. How do I fix?
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Dec 13, 2000
In MS Access I can do the following:
Format([SW_Dttm],"Short Date")
What is the equivalent in SQL Server?
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Jun 19, 2000
I have values in my database that I'd like to display as $xxx,xxx.xx. Some of these values use the money datatype and others use float.
I'm building a string in a stored procedure that is eventually passed to Visual Basic. I want to format these values in the above format in the string that is passed. I've searched all through MSN and I couldn't find anything related to VB's FORMAT function in SQL Server.
Does Transact-SQL have any functions that could format these values for me?
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Mar 13, 2001
Does anyone familiar with a tool or a quick way to put apostrophes and commas around some values, so they could be used in a query ? Example, if I have a bunch of zip codes such as:
Let's say I have a couple of hundreds of them. I need to be able to see them as -
'10001','10003','10009','54321','89043' etc
Appreciate very much your time.
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Feb 1, 1999
I am trying to run a query for the company that I work for and I am getting the right data but more than needed. the query is like this
select distinct(companyname),max(calldate) from tablename
what I want to see is the latest call made to a customer for each company
but what I get back is the company listed several times with the dates of each call. I only want the latest. Any help?
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Apr 12, 1999
Hello Everyone,
I have been requested to take a number of columns and concatenate them into one column with a specifc format/layout. For example I need to take this, (noting all columns are of different datatypes:
col_1 col_2 col_3 col_4 col_5 col_6 col_7
PK #1 John Doe 123 Elm Street Anywhere NM 55660
...and create this on a different table (noting col_2 is of datatype "text":
col_1 col_2
PK #1 John Doe
123 Elm Street
Anywhere NM 55660
Can this type of formatting be done?
I know how to concatenate data and use the convert function, but how do you add in CR-LF to get the proper formatting??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Jun 12, 2001
On Insert, Trigger xp_sendmail to complete pre-formatted email with specific content and send to given email address.
What tools/methods are available to develop a template that SQL Mail's (SQL Server) xp_sendmail function can utilise without resorting to attachments.
e.g. - how do format and send their automated shipping confirmaion emails ??
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Oct 10, 2001
I'm currently getting a date in this format 2001-10-08 10:35:45
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) how would I convert the date to this format
2001-10-08/10:35:45 (yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss)? The only thing added was the / between the date and time.
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 6, 2004
I need to know how i can format the date so that the query results will come out as the format mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss?
Thanks alot.
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Sep 8, 2006
I am new to php/MySQL and am working on an online manual. The data is divided into Title and Content. The title is easy as it is one line but the content is meant to be in a number of paragraphs.
The Content field is currently set as "blob" and the text comes out as just one paragraph. Wha can I do to get paragraphs etc into the text?
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Oct 7, 2004
Hi, I am running a script which inserts certain rows into a table and at the end of the execution, I do a select statement to show the inserted data as output in the results pane and it is showing as truncated...How can I show the full results..
Here is my script to show the results.
DECLARE @errorCount INT
SELECT @errorCount = COUNT(*) FROM error_report WHERE id != - 2 ANDid != - 5
IF @errorCount = 0
INSERT INTO error_report VALUES( '' , - 1 , 'No error found.' )
INSERT INTO error_report VALUES( '' , - 2 , 'The Report was generated on ' + CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), GETDATE(), 1) AS VARCHAR) )
SELECT table_name + ' table has bad data at id = ' + CAST(CONVERT(VARCHAR(23), id) AS VARCHAR) + ' (' + CAST(reason AS VARCHAR) + ')'FROM error_report WHERE id > 0
SELECT table_name + ' table has bad data (' + CAST(reason AS VARCHAR) + ')' FROM error_report WHERE id = 0
SELECT reason FROM error_report WHERE id = - 1
SELECT reason FROM error_report WHERE id = - 2
The Results in the bottom pane looks like this below
NODETABLE table has bad data (There are 2 duplicate subclass)
Propertytable table has bad data (at Parentid = 2000000859 and p)
Propertytable table has bad data (at Parentid = 10122 and proper)
But, when I do a select, they are like this below
NODETABLE0There are 2 duplicate subclass name: Specification
Propertytable0at Parentid = 2000000859 and propertyid = 721
Propertytable0at Parentid = 10122 and propertyid = 9
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Jan 18, 2005
I am using a MS Access ADP connected to SQL Server Data
In a view I have the following formula:
dbo.tblQuoteItem.Cost + dbo.tblQuoteItem.Markup * dbo.tblQuoteItem.Cost * .01
this calculates cost + markup
I cannot get it to format in Currency
Cost is $1.75
Markup is 2.00 (2%)
Total shows - 1.785000
I want $1.78
Also - I am using this formula to calculate the Quoted price for the Qty Entered
dbo.tblQuoteItem.Qty * dbo.tblQuoteItem.Cost + dbo.tblQuoteItem.Markup * dbo.tblQuoteItem.Cost * .01
Using a Qty of 2 for above, I get 3.535000
I want $3.53
Any help is appreciated - AB
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Jun 13, 2007
I wrote the below code and procedure that exports two tables contents into 2 separate Excel files. Is there a way to export contents of two tables via BCP utility into 1 Excel file but 2 different Worksheets of this file?
DECLARE @FileName varchar(50),
@FileName1 varchar(50),
@bcpCommand varchar(2000)
SET @FileName = 'E:GPPD_db_stats.XLS'
SET @FileName1 = 'E:GPPD_file_stats.XLS'
print @FileName
SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "master.dbo.spdbdesc" OUT ' + @FileName + ' -Samex-srv-gppdb -T -c'
print @bcpCommand
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand
SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "master.dbo.spfiledesc" OUT ' + @FileName1 + ' -Samex-srv-gppdb -T -c'
print @bcpCommand
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand
exec master.dbo.xp_stopmail
set @bcpCommand = ' ' + @FileName + '; ' + @FileName1 + ''
SET @body = 'Please find enclosed files with the database status reports as of '+
CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE()) + '. Please DO NOT respond to this email or the ones coming in the future ' +
'with data files as this email address is not monitored for incoming emails. However, if you have any ' +
'questions/concerns please contact ....'
EXEC master..xp_sendmail
@message = @body,
@subject = 'Database Weekly Statistics Report',
@attachments = @bcpCommand
Thanks in advance!
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Jan 20, 2004
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to output a special format for dates in SELECT statements. Currently, my date field is returning my date in this format:
2004-01-19 00:00:00.000
but I want it to be like this:
1/19/04 or 1/19/2004
Is there a way to do this?
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Mar 13, 2004
I have an old DB2 app that has date values in 4 fields (i.e. Date1_MO, Date1_DA, Date1_CN, Date1_YR). I have several MSAccess queries that I convert this to a date by doing the following:
CDate(Date1_MO & "/" & Date1_DA & "/" & Date1_CN & Format(Date1_YR,"00"))
Piece of cake....however I am struggling with this in MSSQL.
Mostly I am fighting formatting the Year. As you can see, If I were to concatinate the above values i would come up with something like 3/9/204 for a date of March 9, 2004. (Each field is a numeric value).
I have gotten this far....
select CAST(Date1_MO as varchar(2))+ '/' + CAST(Date1_DA as varchar(2))
+ '/' + CAST(Date1_CN as varchar(2))+ CAST(Date1_YR as varchar(2)) as Date1
From tPrices
I still need to convert the whole string to a date, but more importantly, I cannot figure out how to get the last element (Year) to format as '04' instead of '4'. I can't concatinate a 0 in front of it for obvious reasons. (Athough I was tempted, just joking)
I looked through a lot of the T-SQL docs but have come up dry.
Anyway HELP!!!!!!
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May 5, 2004
At first I'd like to justify myself - I'm rather a greenhorn in MS SQL ;-)
What I'd like to do is to create a very simple spool file from my database.
I'd like to do this using OSQL tool and it's very important for me to have the spool file in the same format as it was earlier when I used Oracle and simple spool command.
And it's almost the same, but white spaces...
There's always one white space at the begining of each line and at least one at the and of each line.
I've been trying many OSQL switches and ltrim(..) / rtrim(..) functions but the problem still exists...
The spool file is rather big - around 300MB so it's not good idea to use SED (for example) to remove white spaces.
So my question:
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Apr 2, 2008
hey there I have a series of finacial reports. the girls that work on them want color and the boss wants them to print in black and white. the color back grounds print grayscale so I would like to add a link of some sort that changed the background to transparent when they want to print a report.
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Apr 2, 2008
can anyone help me try to figure out how to get my colored background to print in white and not gray
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