Freetexttable - Limit Results
Jun 7, 2006
I am building a simple full text search engine for my site and I was wondering how would I retrieve rows 11-20 of the search result. This is required because I want to show my results only 10 at a time, like google does for instance. My query is as follows -
select top 10 ft_tbl.url,
ft_tbl.title, ft_tbl.body,,
from mytable as ft_tbl inner join
freetexttable(mytable, (url, title, body),
'".$searchstring."', 10) as key_tbl
on = key_tbl.[key]
order by (key_tbl.rank) DESC
In MySQL I would use LIMIT but I believe that doesnt exist in MS SQL
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Sep 2, 2004
I am doing some SELECT queries on my database through ASP, but for example, I only want to return the 50 most recent entries that match the criteria. Is there any easy way to limit the number of results returned?
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Jun 23, 2005
I'm busy writing a local site search engine that searches through a sql
server database and I want to know how or what is the correct sql
syntax to use in order to limit the amount of results a page loads at a
time? The idea is obviously similar to something like google where you
only see a certain amount of results first and then click at the botom
for the next eg. 10 results.
The second question is how do I, after the first page with the first
set of results that were shown, "clear" the second page of
the previous html in order to show the next set of results?
To give you an idea what my code looks like at the moment. Please don't
kill me if the code is done a bit a lame, because I'm still learning.
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" EnableSessionState="true" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<script runat="server">
void Page_Load(Object sender , EventArgs e)
//strings used to get values from basicSearch.aspx
string strProvince;
string strGender;
string strHeight;
string strBodyType;
string strLooks;
string strHairColor;
string strEyeColor;
string strEthnicity;
string strHomeLanguage;
string strRelStatus;
string strRelInterest;
string strHaveChildren;
string strWantChildren;
//strings used for storing results from search
string resUserName;
string resFirstName;
string resLastName;
string resUserPhoto;
string resProvince;
string resGender;
string resAge;
string resHeight;
string resBodyType;
string resLooks;
string resHairColor;
string resEyeColor;
string resEthnicity;
string resHomeLanguage;
string resRelStatus;
string resRelInterest;
string resHaveChildren;
string resWantChildren;
string resProfileHeading;
string resTextDescription;
string resTextDescription2 = "";// used for the actual display of the value
string strQuery; // to store concattenated search strings
string strInput; // to store textfile input while being read
StreamReader objStreamReader;
strProvince = Session["sessionProvince"].ToString();
strGender = Session["sessionGender"].ToString();
strHeight = Session["sessionHeight"].ToString();
strBodyType = Session["sessionBodyType"].ToString();
strLooks = Session["sessionLooks"].ToString();
strHairColor = Session["sessionHairColor"].ToString();
strEyeColor = Session["sessionEyeColor"].ToString();
strEthnicity = Session["sessionEthnicity"].ToString();
strHomeLanguage = Session["sessionHomeLanguage"].ToString();
strRelStatus = Session["sessionRelStatus"].ToString();
strRelInterest = Session["sessionRelInterest"].ToString();
strHaveChildren = Session["sessionHaveChildren"].ToString();
strWantChildren = Session["sessionWantChildren"].ToString();
strQuery = strProvince + " " +
strGender + " " + strHeight + " " + strBodyType + " " + strLooks + " " +
strHairColor + " " + strEyeColor + " " + strEthnicity + " " +
strHomeLanguage + " " +
strRelStatus + " " + strRelInterest + " " + strHaveChildren + " "
+ strWantChildren;
SqlConnection conPubs;
string strSearch;
SqlCommand cmdSearch;
SqlDataReader dtrSearch;
conPubs = new SqlConnection(
@"Server=THALIONTHALION;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=DateGame" );
//retrieve the results from the db
strSearch = "SELECT * FROM
client," + "FREETEXTTABLE( client, * , @searchphrase ) searchTable "
+ "WHERE [KEY] = client.userName " + "ORDER BY RANK DESC ";
cmdSearch = new SqlCommand( strSearch, conPubs );
cmdSearch.Parameters.Add( "@searchphrase", strQuery );
dtrSearch = cmdSearch.ExecuteReader();
//start display of results
lblResults.Text = "<table
width='100%' style='border-style:solid; border-width:thin;
border-color:#E1E2DC;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
while ( dtrSearch.Read())
//values read from the returned result set
resUserName = dtrSearch[ "userName" ].ToString();
resFirstName = dtrSearch[ "firstName" ].ToString();
resLastName = dtrSearch[ "lastName" ].ToString();
resUserPhoto = dtrSearch[ "userPhoto" ].ToString();
resProvince = dtrSearch[ "province" ].ToString();
resGender = dtrSearch[ "gender" ].ToString();
resAge = dtrSearch[ "age"
resHeight = dtrSearch[ "height" ].ToString();
resBodyType = dtrSearch[ "bodyType" ].ToString();
resLooks = dtrSearch[ "looks" ].ToString();
resHairColor = dtrSearch[ "hairColour" ].ToString();
resEyeColor = dtrSearch[ "eyeColour" ].ToString();
resEthnicity = dtrSearch[ "ethnicity" ].ToString();
resHomeLanguage = dtrSearch[ "homeLang" ].ToString();
resRelStatus = dtrSearch[ "relationshipStatus"
resRelInterest = dtrSearch[ "relationPreference" ].ToString();
resHaveChildren = dtrSearch[ "haveChildren" ].ToString();
resWantChildren = dtrSearch[ "wantChildren" ].ToString();
resProfileHeading = dtrSearch[ "profileHeading" ].ToString();
resTextDescription = dtrSearch[ "textDescription" ].ToString();
// read the text file's info into a variable for display
if (
File.Exists( MapPath( "text files" +"\" +resTextDescription ) ) )
objStreamReader = File.OpenText( MapPath( "text files" +"\"
+resTextDescription ) );
strInput = objStreamReader.ReadLine();
while ( strInput != null)
resTextDescription2 += strInput;
strInput = objStreamReader.ReadLine();
resTextDescription2 = "myFile.txt does not exist!";
//determine whether male or female in order to display correct sign
if ( resGender == "Male")
resGender = "Male_sign_1.jpg";
resGender = "Female_sign_1.jpg";
//determine whether 'want' and 'have' children and convert to correct
words for display
if ( resHaveChildren == "have kids" )
resHaveChildren = "Yes";
resHaveChildren = "No";
if ( resWantChildren == "want kids" )
resWantChildren = "Yes";
resWantChildren = "No";
// The writing of html to display the values calculated
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td width='16%'
bgcolor='#C7C9BE' class='text_bold'><div align='center'>" +
resUserName +
"</div><hr noshade class='hr_line'></td>";
lblResults.Text += "<td colspan='2' bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'><div align='center'>" + resProfileHeading +
"</div><hr noshade class='hr_line'></td><td
colspan='2'><div align='center'
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td rowspan='15' valign='top'
bgcolor='#C7C9BE'><p align='center'><img src='images/" +
resGender + "' width='20' height='22'></p>" +
"<img src='photos/" + resUserPhoto + "' width='80'
height='88'><div align='center'></div></td>";
lblResults.Text += "<td colspan='2' bgcolor='#E1E2DC'><p
class='text'><br></p><p class='text'>" +
resTextDescription2 + "</p><p
class='text_bold'> </p></td>";
lblResults.Text += "<td width='7%' rowspan='15'
valign='top'><img src='images/hotlist_1.jpg' alt='Add To
Favorites' width='34' height='32'></td>" +
"<td width='14%' rowspan='15' valign='top'><img
src='images/email_1.jpg' alt='Email this profile' width='42'
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td width='26%' bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Location :</td><td width='37%'
bgcolor='#E1E2DC' class='text'>" + resProvince +
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Age :</td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text'>" + resAge + "</td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Height : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text'>" + resHeight + "</td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Body Type : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text'>" + resBodyType + "</td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Looks : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text'>"+ resLooks+"</td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Hair Colour : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Eye Colour : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Ethnicity : </td><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Home Language : </td><td
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Relationship Status : </td><td
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Realtionship Interest : </td><td
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Have Children : </td><td
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td bgcolor='#E1E2DC'
class='text_bold'>Want Children : </td><td
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td colspan='2'
bgcolor='#E1E2DC'> </td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td
bgcolor='#497792'> </td><td colspan='2'
bgcolor='#678BA1'> </td><td colspan='2'
bgcolor='#678BA1'> </td></tr>";
lblResults.Text += "<tr><td> </td><td
colspan='2'> </td><td
colspan='2'> </td></tr>";
resTextDescription2 = "";
lblResults.Text += "</table>";
void Button_Login(Object sender , ImageClickEventArgs e)
SqlConnection conClient;
string strSelect;
string strclientName;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
//create a connection
conClient = new
SqlConnection( @"Server=THALIONTHALION;Integrated
Security=SSPI;database=DateGame" );
//select statement
strSelect = "Select userName
From [client] Where userName=@username and userPassword=@userpassword";
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand( strSelect, conClient );
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add( "@username", txtNickName.Text );
cmdSelect.Parameters.Add( "@userpassword", txtPword.Text );
//open a connection to db
//check to see if it already exists
strclientName = System.Convert.ToString(cmdSelect.ExecuteScalar());
if (strclientName.ToLower() == txtNickName.Text.ToString().ToLower())
//Store user name as session variable
Session["sessionUserName"] = txtNickName.Text.ToString();
txtNickName.Text = "";
txtPword.Text = "";
lbl_invalid_login.Text = "Invalid login!";
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May 29, 2007
In other SQL programs I have seen the use of Limit to tell it how many rows to return.
Is there an equivalent in MS-SQL that will let me do a quick Select clause and tell it how many rows to return.
In other words if I just wanted to see the first 10 rows what would I add to Select * from tableA
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Aug 11, 2005
Hi,I need to limit results in the following query type: found a reference that says I should be able to use LIMIT x[,y], butI don't know where/exactly how to add that to the string. Once I knowwhat it's supposed to look like, and can write something to generateit.If someone could post an example using the above and limiting theoutput to 100 records starting at position 1, that would be great.
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Nov 12, 2007
I have a simple ForEach SMO Enumerator that returns the names of all the databases in the server identified by the SMO connection manager. I would like to populate the ForEach collection with just a subset of the names, based on some simple pattern matching. In his helpful book Integration Services, Kirk Haselden indicates that this can be done directly in the Enumerate field by adding qualifiers. However, I'm at a loss in regards to syntax.
What I have is: SMOEnumObj[@Name='Databases']/SMOEnumType[@Name='Names']
which returns the database names
What I want is to limit the names returned to those where Left(DBName,5) == "abcdb" (for example).
I have tried adding some test expressions to the Enumerate field, however, the URN is constructed based on the properties of a combination of the Connection Manager and Enumerate fields, and I'm just created invalid URNs.
Has anyone done something like this?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a query that returns the data about test cases. Â Each test case can have multiple bugs associated to it. Â I would like a query that only returns the test cases that have all their associated bugs status = closed.For instance here is a sample of my data
TestCaseID TestCaseDescription  BugID BugStatus
1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â TestCase1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 1 Â Â Â Closed
2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â TestCase1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2 Â Â Â Open
3 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â TestCase2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 11 Â Â Closed
4 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â TestCase2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 12 Â Â Closed
5 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â TestCase2 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 13 Â Â Closed
How can I limit this to only return TestCase2 data since all of that test case's bugs have a status of closed.
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Mar 22, 2004
I'm trying to build a search function using FREETEXTTABLE to provide rankings of the results.
I've got it working on one of the tables using a query that looks something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT title, recordid, rank
FROM mn_records INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE(mn_records,*, 'sony') AS ft
ON mn_records.recordid = ft.[key]
The problem is that I want to search two tables mn_records and mn_items. A record has multiple items linked to it and some of the fields in the items table are different for the same record. I have the functionality working using FREETEXT:
SELECT DISTINCT title, recordid
FROM mn_records, mn_items
WHERE mn_records.recordid = mn_items.parentrecord
AND (FREETEXT (mn_records.*, 'sony')
OR FREETEXT (mn_items.*, 'sony'))
How can I properly join these two tables and the FREETEXTTABLE rank so that the search results will only contain distinct record_ids yet still search the information contained in mn_items?
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Mar 21, 2006
This is my proc...
@Search Varchar(8000)
@Search) AS KEY_TBL
Iam returning rank = 0 for each record. FTS Is running and the catalog has all table records in in it ( I can tell by the record count)
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May 13, 2006
I have used Full-Text Search in a stored procedure with English words whithout any problems..But when i use it with Arabic words it gives me THE Error:
Server: Msg 7619, Level 16, State 1, Procedure SearchProject, Line 19
Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words.
The stored procedure :
@SearchString nvarchar(500),
@CultureName nvarchar(50),
@HowManyResults int OUTPUT
FieldNO int,
ProjectNO int,
ProjectName nvarchar(200),
ProjectDescription nvarchar(1000),
ProjectImage nvarchar(1000),
CultureID int
INSERT INTO #SearchTable (FieldNO,ProjectNO,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,ProjectImage,CultureID)
SELECT P.FieldNO, PL.ProjectNO,PL.ProjectName,PL.ProjectDescription,P.ProjectImage,PL.CultureID
FROM FREETEXTTABLE(Project_Locale,*,@SearchString) AS FT JOIN Project_Locale AS PL ON FT.[KEY]=PL.ProjectCultureID
JOIN Project AS P ON P.ProjectNO=PL.ProjectNO
WHERE PL.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID(@CultureName)
INSERT INTO #SearchTable (FieldNO,ProjectNO,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,ProjectImage,CultureID)
SELECT P.FieldNO, PL.ProjectNO,PL.ProjectName,PL.ProjectDescription,P.ProjectImage,PL.CultureID
FROM Project_Locale AS PL ,Project AS P,
ProjectField_Locale AS FL,
FREETEXTTABLE(ProjectField_Locale,*,@SearchString) AS FT2
AND FL.FieldCultureID=FT2.[KEY]
AND PL.ProjectNO=P.ProjectNO
AND PL.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID(@CultureName)
AND FL.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID(@CultureName)
INSERT INTO #SearchTable (FieldNO,ProjectNO,ProjectName,ProjectDescription,ProjectImage,CultureID)
SELECT P.FieldNO, PL.ProjectNO,PL.ProjectName,PL.ProjectDescription,P.ProjectImage,PL.CultureID
FROM Project_Locale AS PL ,Project AS P,
Feature_Locale AS PFEA,
ProjectFeature AS FP,
Feature AS F,
FREETEXTTABLE(Feature_Locale,*,@SearchString) AS FT3
WHERE FT3.[KEY]=PFEA.FeatureCultureID
AND FP.ProjectNO=P.ProjectNO
AND FP.FeatureNO=PFEA.FeatureNO
AND PL.ProjectNO=P.ProjectNO
AND F.FeatureNO=PFEA.FeatureNO
AND PFEA.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID(@CultureName)
AND PL.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID(@CultureName)
SELECT @HowManyResults=COUNT(DISTINCT ProjectNO) FROM #SearchTable
I called the stored procedure using the following(in the Query Analayzer) :
USE nabeel1eagle
DECLARE @HowManyResults int
EXEC SearchProject 'ملÙ?ات','ar-SA',@HowManyResults OUTPUT
but when I use the previous code directly(without calling the stored procedure using EXEC) in the Query Analyzer it works fine.Like the following (part of the code)code:
SELECT P.FieldNO, PL.ProjectNO,PL.ProjectName,PL.ProjectDescription,P.ProjectImage,PL.CultureID
FROM FREETEXTTABLE(Project_Locale,*,'ملÙ?ات') AS FT JOIN Project_Locale AS PL ON FT.[KEY]=PL.ProjectCultureID
JOIN Project AS P ON P.ProjectNO=PL.ProjectNO
WHERE PL.CultureID=dbo.GetCultureID('ar-SA')
Could any one help and tell me how to solve this problem?
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Mar 29, 2001
I have defined full-text indexing on a table a couple of months ago and the catalog was fully populated, it was working fine until now. But suddenly has stopped working, I have been scheduling incremental population on a regular basis and also have tried to remove and redefined full-text indexing but can't get it to work.
Can anyone help please
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Jul 19, 2007
We are using freetexttable as our search function in our application and it seems to be partially working. I search for a word from a column of a table I included in the search catalog and it sometimes pickup the record and sometimes it doesn't. I got 2 records having 'business' as the keyword. And when I search that keyword, it only returned 1 record.
here is the codesnippet:
select * from freetexttable(<tablename>, *, 'business')
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Jun 9, 2007
i use two containstable (one of them with 'formsof') and one freetexttable attributes in a select command and i want to combine them with the logical 'or'.can i do this in the same command? what is the syntax?my code :select table1.field1,a.rank,b.rank,c.rankfrom table1containstable(table1,field,'"word"') as aor containstable(table1,field,'formsof(inflectional(word)') as b)or freetexttable(table1,field,'word') as cwhere[key] and[key] and[key]the above syntax is wrong. i tried ',' instead of 'or' but the results were not right. thanks
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Dec 8, 2003
Hi everyone -
I have the following code on a database that works perfectly (i.e. searching for 'print' will return results that have 'printer' in the field):
INSERT INTO searchResults (articleId, articleTitle, articleSummary, articleType, reviewedBy, reviewedDate, submitDate, modifiedDate, appTitle, appVersion, rank, hasAccess)
SELECT id, articleTitle, articleSummary, articleType, reviewedBy, reviewedDate, submitDate, modifiedDate, appTitle, appVersion, k.rank, hasAccess
FROM articles As a
INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE(articles, articlesummary, 'print') AS K
ON = K.[KEY]
I am working on a new DB trying to accomplish the same thing, so I have the following code:
SELECT id, firstName, lastName, k.rank
FROM Pagers_Users As a
INNER JOIN FREETEXTTABLE(Pagers_Users, lastName, 'smith') AS K
ON = K.[KEY]
However, this second block does not completely work (as I see it). When I enter the word 'smith' to serch for, it only brings back exact matches, not close calls, like 'smithe'.
I have also tried searching for other words (or partial words) and it only returns exact matches.
Is there something in setting up the Text Index that I forgot to turn on for "close" matches?
-Thanks in advance
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Apr 8, 2008
Can somebody help me in identifying the difference between FREETEXTABLE and CONTAINSTABLE statements?
I have recently started experimenting with the free text search and I feel that FREETEXTTABLE can look for the search string into multiple columns by breaking it into tokens.
For example
select ft_tbl.saon, ft_tbl.paon, ft_tbl.street, ft_tbl.postcode
from temp as ft_tbl
INNER JOIN freetextTABLE(temp, (saon, paon, street), '80 ridge avenue', 15) as key_tbl
ON FT_tbl.ID = key_tbl.[key]
Now in my case €œ80€? is in PAON column and €œRidge Avenue€? is in STREET column. Among the resulting rows it also displays the required row. If I try to achieve this with CONTAINSTABLE using
select ft_tbl.saon, ft_tbl.paon, ft_tbl.street, ft_tbl.postcode
from temp as ft_tbl
INNER JOIN containsTABLE(temp, (saon, paon, street, postcode), '80 ridge avenue') as key_tbl
ON FT_tbl.ID = key_tbl.[key]
It gives me error
Syntax error near 'ridge' in the full-text search condition '80 ridge avenue'.
If I make search string as €˜€?80 ridge avenue€?€™ instead of €˜ridge avenue€™ then it doesn€™t give me error but also displays no results because 80 ridge avenue does not appear as whole in any single column. If I search by only specifying €œridge avenue€? in search string then I get a full list where street is ridge avenue.
My question is Does FREETEXTTABLE can search in all listed column by breaking the search string into tokens and CONTAINSTABLE only in one as whole?
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Aug 23, 2007
I realised that I am not able to do a FREETEXT search on multiple table, example:SELECT * FROM [tStaffDir], [tStaffDir_ClientExp], [tStaffDir_CoreSpecs], [tStaffDir_GlobalExp], [tStaffDir_Lang], [tStaffDir_PrevEmp], [tStaffDir_TerEdu] WHERE FREETEXT(*, @Name) ORDER BY [Name]
Can I use FREETEXTTABLE instead? How do I go about doing it?
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Jul 26, 2007
I am using FREETEXTTABLE to enable users to search forum posts. It works extremely well (and fast!) and I am very happy with it.
I also have a top ten list of 'Most viewed' forum posts. Each time a post is accessed, a 'viewcount' value is incremented accordingly. The ten forum posts with the highest viewcount appear in the top ten list (by order of viewcount, of course).
Now... when a user searches on a search term, I would like the top ten list to also be affected by this search.
For example, the user searches on 'foo'. In response they get a list of results containing 'foo'.
However, the top ten list also changes to reflect this. It now shows the ten forum posts with the highest viewcount which also contain the word 'foo'.
This is easy enough to do. The problem arises when we also add proximity searches.
For example, if I search on 'foo bar', FREETEXTTABLE will look for records which have both or either of these words. Records which contain both words will be ranked higher than records which contain either word. And of the records which contain both words, the closer together the two words are, the higher the ranking will be.
But how does this now work with the top ten list? For example, I may have two records:
- Record A has been viewed 10 times. It contains the words 'foo' and 'bar' and they are next to each other.
- Record B has been viewed 10,000 times. But it only contains the word 'foo'.
Now, according to 'viewcount', record B should be ranked higher. But according to FREETEXTTABLE, record A should be ranked higher.
So, I need to combine both these rankings in some way. Regardless of how the 'top ten' records are chosen, they will be ordered by viewcount. But I'm not sure how to get the right top ten records in the first place.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
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Sep 13, 2007
I have an issue trying to pass a search text parameter to FREETEXTTABLE via Dataset.
The following code works fine if you hardcode the search word/text as shown:
Now, I want to do this:
The error I'm getting is @Search is not declared. How am I suppose to pass in a value?
I have searched almost everywhere and nobody seemed to ask this precise question. I'm sure this is a huge problem.
Can anyone help me please?
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Aug 31, 2007
We have a query that uses the Full-text index on a view that's returning duplicate rows. We thought maybe it was the way we were joining, but we were able to simplify the query as much as possible and it still happens. Here's the query:
Code Snippet
FROM FREETEXTTABLE(vwSubtable, TitleSearch, 'Across five Aprils') AS KEY_TBL
vwSubtable is an indexed view that contains some of the columns in our original table, and is also filtering out some rows from the main table in a where clause. There are no joins in the view.
This seems like it's about as simple a query as we could get. It will return some rows twice (ie. the same primary key row is returned back as two separate rows in the resultset). This is a problem since we're filling a datagrid, which is throwing a ConcurrencyException because the primary key is already in there.
I made sure we have SP2 installed on my SQL Server. Any ideas on what might be happening?
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Sep 12, 2007
I am trying to do a freetext filter with mutiple columns using a column list, but I can't get the syntax down for multiple column list. First, am I am going about this the right way...Do I need to be doing both? Second why doesn't mutiple columns work. I can't find any good samples online. What I am trying to accomplish is a refined search stored procedure that uses the freetext to do the search refinement. Any help would be appreciated.
isnull(h.PackageDescription,a.ItemPKG) as PKG,
case g.StockStatus
when 1 then 'Yes'
when 0 then 'No'
else ''
end as StockStatus,
isnull(g.StandardUnitPrice,a.ListPrice) as Price,
isnull(j.SupplierAbbreviation,a.ManufacturerAbbreviation) as ItemSource
dbo.vw_mcProductItem a
inner join freetexttable(dbo.vw_mcProductItem, (ProductName,ItemName,ManufacturerItemCode,ItemPKG,BrandName,ManufacturerName,ManufacturerAbbreviation,CategoryName), @SearchWord) as b ON a.ItemID = b.[KEY]
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupItem] c on c.ItemID = a.ItemID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroup] d on d.CustomerGroupID = c.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerGroupCustomer] e on e.CustomerGroupID = d.CustomerGroupID
inner join [dbo].[mcCustomerUser] f on f.CustomerID = e.CustomerID
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplierItem] g on g.ItemID = a.ItemID
left outer join [dbo].[mcPackage] h on h.PackageID = g.SellingPackageID
left outer join [dbo].[mcItemSource] i on i.ItemSourceId = a.ItemSourceId
left outer join [dbo].[mcSupplier] j on j.SupplierID = g.SupplierID
d.CustomerGroupID = @CustomerGroupID
and f.UserID = @UserID
and FREETEXT(BrandName,ManufacturerName,CategoryName, @SearchWord)
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Aug 11, 2007
Please have a look at the following two queries, the purpose of which is to find which ten users (represented by 'Username') have created the most records which contain the term 'foo':
SELECT TOP 10 Username, COUNT(*) AS [Count] FROM Options
GROUP BY Username
SELECT TOP 10 Username, COUNT(*) AS [Count] FROM Options
JOIN FREETEXTTABLE (Options, *, 'foo', 500) ct
ON OptionID = ct.[KEY]
GROUP BY Username
They both produce the same result set. However, I am wondering which is more performant. At first glance, it would seem the first one would be. It doesn't involve a JOIN and should, therefore, be more efficient.
But this depends on how the FREETEXT expression is evaluated. My concern is that internally, SQL Server would generate an entire recordset based on 'WHERE FREETEXT(*, 'foo')', which could be thousands of records, and only then restrict this to the TOP 10 by COUNT.
If this does happen, then it would be better to join to a FREETEXTTABLE, where I can at least restrict the result set using the 'top_n_by_rank' parameter (which is set as '500' in this case, as this seems a good balance of performance against the likely number of duplicates I will get in my FREETEXTTABLE results).
So... I am worrying about this unnecessarily? Should I just use the simpler first version?
Any thoughts appreciated.
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Apr 1, 2007
hi, like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right? so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance!
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Mar 25, 2015
I have four tables: Customer (CustomerId INT, CountyId INT), County (CountyId INT), Search(SearchId INT), and SearchCriteria (SearchCriteriaId INT, SearchId INT, CountyId INT, [others not related to this]).
I want to search Customer based off of the Search record, which could have multiple SearchCriteria records. However, if there aren't any SearchCriteria records with CountyId populated for a given Search, I want it to assume to get all Customer records, regardless of CountyId.
Right now, I'm doing it this way.
DECLARE @SearchId INT = 100
CountyId IN
SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT CountyId FROM SearchCriteria WHERE SearchId = @SearchId)
THEN SearchCriteria.CountyId
[Code] .....
This works; it just seems cludgy. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
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Feb 12, 2008
Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist.
My current SQL statement is as follows.
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))"
So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated.
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May 14, 2008
Hi All,
I have a stored proc which is executing successfully...but the results of that stored proc are displaying in the Messages Tab instaed of results Tab. And in the Results Tab the results shows as 0..So, Any clue is very urgent..I am trying to call this stored proc in my Report in SSRS as well but the stored proc is not displaying there also...Please help me ASAP..
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Jun 18, 2008
Hi all, I have the following SQLDataSource statement which connects to my Gridview:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceStandings" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT P.firstName, P.lastName, T.teamName, IsNull(P.gamesPlayed, 0) as gamesPlayed, IsNull(P.plateAppearances,0) as plateAppearances, IsNull( (P.plateAppearances - (P.sacrifices + P.walks)) ,0) as atbats, IsNull(P.hits,0) as hits, P.hits/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [average], (P.hits + P.walks)/(CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF( (P.atbats + P.sacrifices + P.walks) , 0), 1))) AS [OBP], (P.hits - (P.doubles + P.triples + P.homeRuns) + (2 * P.doubles) + (3 * P.triples) + (4 * P.homeRuns)) / (CONVERT(Decimal(5,2), IsNull(NullIF(P.atbats, 0), 1))) AS [SLG],, P.doubles, P.triples, P.homeRuns, P.walks, P.sacrifices, P.runs, P.rbis FROM Players P INNER JOIN Teams T ON = T.teamID ORDER BY P.firstName, P.lastName"></asp:SqlDataSource>There are 8 teams in the database, and somehow the average and obp results are as expected for all teams except where T.teamID = 1. This doesn't make sense to me at all! For example, I get the following results with this same query: First NameLast NameTeamGPPAABHAVGOBPSLG1B2B3BHRBBSACRRBI
GabrielHelbigSafe Haven62119141.0000000.9375002.1428576404111519
MarkusJavorSafe Haven82927200.8695650.8000001.21739114501021218
AdamBiesenthalSafe Haven82929210.9130430.9130431.56521712631001015
ErikGalvezMelville82625180.7200000.7307691.24000011322101015 As you can see, all teams except for Safe Haven's have the correct AVG and OBP. Since AVG is simply H/AB, it doesn't make sense for Gabriel Helbig's results to be 1.00000. Can anyone shed ANY light on this please?Thank you in advance,Markuu ***As a side note, could anyone also let me know how I could format the output so that AVG and OBP are only 3 decimal places? (ex: 0.719 for the 1st result)***
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Oct 19, 2007
I have a web form that lets users search for people in my database they wish to contact. The database returns a paged set of results using a CTE, Top X, and Row_number().
I would like to give my users to option of removing individual people from this list but cannot find a way to do this.
I have tried creating a session variable with a comma delimited list of ID's that I pass to my sproc and use in a NOT IN() statement. But I keep getting a "Input string was not in a correct format." Error Message.
Is there any way to do this? I am still new to stored procedures so any advice would be helpful.
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Jan 30, 2008
Hi, when I copy and paste results from query analyzer into Excel it appears that values with zeroes at the end loose the zeroes. Example, if I copy and paste V128.0 into an Excel cell it comes out as V128 or if I copy 178.70 it displays as 178.7 - any ideas? I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager for 2000.
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Jul 6, 2004
Hi there guys!
I was wondering if anyone know the number of rows you can import from an external source into MS SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition?
I have tried importing a whole table from another database with over a million records. But failed after 1.7 million row.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
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Aug 6, 1998
When creating a database, SQL Server 6.5 seems to have a 2 gig limit. What I mean is that if the device chosen is over 2 gigs SQL Server displays the size of the device as anegative number. This prevents me from being able to expand the database when I need to. Can anyone tell me why this is so, and if there`s anyway around it??
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Feb 21, 2006
we all know
mysql: select * from table limit ?1, ?2
sqlserver: SELECT TOP ?2 *
FROM table order by IDENTITYCOL))
but the below SQL in mysql,how to convert?I enmesh...........
select pageid,pagename,pageaddr,pageauditflag,pageartaudi tflag,startplaytime
from pageinfo where entryid= ?1 and startplaytime= ?2
limit ?3, ?4
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Jul 20, 2005
hi,I have a question.Maybe You know the equivalent to command LIMIT from MySQLI couldn`t find something like this in MS SQLPSI try to display 10 records begining form e.g. 4 sort by idsomething like: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name=... LIMIT 4, 10 ORDER BY id"in MySQLthanx,Urban
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Mar 26, 2007
Hi There
I recently read up and found an msdn forum post that said the 4gb limit only applied to data files not log files.
However recently i had an error on a sql express database saying that the log file was full, the database log file was set to auto grow and there was plenty of space left.
So i am guessing the 4gb limit applies to any database file mdf or ldf, is this correct ?
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