Frequent Log Backups

Jan 16, 2001

Hello all
I'm not sure if this is anything to be concerned about, but I'd appreciate some input. I've created an alert that invokes a log backup scheduled job to start if one of the production database log becomes over 80% full.
I've noticed that the log gets backed up every couple of minutes- sometimes even more frequently- while a series of scheduled jobs are in the process of execution. Otherwise, it runs and backs up the log every hour as scheduled. I've also noticed that some of the jobs are taking longer to complete (they've been running for about 6 months now). Each job truncates the table that it populates with data, so I'm not sure what the cause of the delay is. It doesn't look like there is any fragmentation. Am I missing anything? Thanks

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10 Most Frequent

Sep 26, 2001

I want to get the top 10 most frequent cpt's for each dssid.

nuclear medicine 12345
urology 63547


select dssid,cpt,count(*) from enc_vis_cpt group by dssid,cpt
will give me the cpt's and their frequency for each dssid.

dssid cpt count

How do I limit the output to just display the 10 most frequent cpt's for each dssid. Thank you...

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(how Frequent) In SQL Server?!

Oct 9, 2006

I have used Base SAS for analysis for a while and it was really great.. everything is easy just with a simple command.. I am sure it's not the same in SQL Server but I need some help on how to start with the following:

I have a field called call_country and another field called call_minute. Each call will be saved with the destination country and the total number of minutes..

and I want to run a query to see what are the TOP frequent destinations in this format:

United States - Count: 420 - Total Minues: 12,345

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Choosing The Most Frequent

Jul 14, 2006

There must be a way to do this simply. We're running SQL Server 2000. I'm looking for some generic SQL statement that I can apply.

If I have a table with a person column and a location column and multiple records for the same person / locatioin combination, how do I select the person with the location they most frequently visited? Say George visits Mexico 5 times, and the Bahamas twice and costa rica once. I would have 8 records in my table for George. The data looks something like this:

George/Costa Rica

The results would be:




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Selecting Most Frequent Records

Jul 26, 2004

I have a reviews table where all reviews are submitted. On the main page I want to display the 10 most reviewed products. I have a Product_ID column in this table which identifys the product. How can i write a query which will select the product_ID of records which have the most frequent product_ID's?

I came up with something like this:
"Select Top 10 Product_ID, COUNT(*) AS Occurances FROM reviews GROUP BY Product_ID ORDER BY occurances DESC"

But it does not work.?? It says "Declaration expected" as error

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Frequent Database Failover

Apr 28, 2008

Hi MSDN ppl,

I seek your expertise yet one other time.


We have 7 databases mirrored on two servers which are mirroring partners. 3 of the 7 databases are live on server1 and mirrored on server2; and the remaining 4 databases are live on server2 and mirrored on server1. The data is exposed through .NET Widows Application.

The configurations of the servers are as follows.

System: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2

Standard x64 Edition

Service Pack 2

Computer: Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU

5130 @ 2.00 GHz

2.00 GHz, 32.0 GB of RAM

SQL Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3175.00 (X64) Jun 14 2007 11:45:39

Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Evaluation Edition (64-bit)

on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)


The databases for no apparent reason keep randomly failing over to one server quite frequently. At least twice a day. There is no pattern associated for me to make out as to why this is happening.

My Questions:

1. Is it a good practice to divide the databases on each server, the way it is now? Or should all the databases be kept on one server and mirrored on other all the time?

2. From the above mentioned scenario, do you find the reason for database to 'failing over' so frequently? Could the Win Application which is used to expose the data be responsible for the failovers?

3. What steps can be taken to check for the reason which is causing the databases to failover? Alternatively and most importantly, how can I this problem of 'Databases Failing over randomly' be solved?

Thank you,


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Retrieve Most Frequent Use Tables

May 30, 2008

Hi guys , may I know is there any way for getting the information about the tables that most use frequently in the db?

Best Regards,

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Finding Mode (frequent Occurrence)

Jun 5, 2007

What function(s) can be used to find the mode of data? I have a column that is populated with codes and I'd like to summarize the data by the code that occurs the most frequently. Any help is appreciated!!

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Need Help With Some SQL Statements, Find Most Frequent Value In Column

Mar 11, 2008

How can I make a statement that will return the 10 most frequently occuring values in a column?

I have no idea if that is even possible, if you have an idea on how I could do that I would really appreciate it.

Im trying to make a page that would show some statistics on a table I have.

Im also trying to make something that would show the count of the number of records inserted in the last 24 hours, week, month, year etc. The table has a column called "DateInserted" as SmallDate, right now i can use a Where DateInserted > '20080310' to get the count, but its not dynamic, is there anyone to merge all these results into one row with each column being a diffrent time period?

I know this a lot of questions, but I would really appreciate any pointers.

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DB Engine :: Will Transaction Log Backups Not Free Up Log During Full Backups

Nov 15, 2015

The space allocated to the Log in question is 180 GB. During this time period I was running TLog backups every 5 minutes, yet the log continued to chew through to 80 GB used, even after the process was complete and a final TLog backup had been taken. It continued to stay very large until the Full backup was complete -- or something else that I'm unaware of completed. Like every other DBA I typically take a TLog backup to shrink the log, but what appeared to be the case here was the Full completed and it released the used log space. All said, will Transaction Log backups not free up the log during Full backups?

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SQL 2012 :: Computed Column For Frequent Filters

Jun 30, 2014

we have a handful of developers and each of us are responsible for laying out and creating our own database backends. This often leads to inconsistencies in table and column structures.One obvious situation that comes up often is whether or not the other developers are building in history into their primary tables, using history/archive tables or (usually in cases of helper tables) no historical data at all.

My thought on how to alleviate this a little was to suggest that we all build a IS_DELETED computed column into our tables so that someone else trying to work with their data doesn't have to play the guessing game. In most cases, this column would just be running date comparisons on an Expiration Date and either checking to see if it's in the future (usually 12/31/9999) or NULL.

I have read that computed columns can be a performance hit if used/returned unnecessarily but is that also the case on fields where their main use would be filtering? It just seems that the calculation that the computed column is doing would be necessary for the WHERE anywhere so it seems like a wash ... and worth the benefit of not having to decipher someone else's work.

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PredictCaseLikelihood Returns Low Probability For Sequences That Are Very Frequent

Jun 28, 2007

I am working on a text mining application wherein I need to detect unusual/anomalous sentences in text. Certain sentences, that I know occur very frequently, are given a likelihood of 0.2 by PredictCaseLikelihood. Other sentences that are just as frequent get a much higher likelihood (>0.9). I am using the NORMALIZED option. The only significant difference between these sentences is their length. The one with the lower likelihood has only 2 words in it, whereas the one with the higher likelihood has more than 10 words. The problem is that the shorter sentences end up being interpreted as anomalous, when in fact they are'nt. Any suggestions?

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SQL Dumper - SQL 2005 SP1 - Frequent Entries In Event Logs - Sql90exception, P1 Reportingservicesservice.exe...

Oct 5, 2006


I am constantly getting this error message in the Application log after installing SQL 2005 last night followed by SP1 (say 5 times a minutes). See below:

EventType sql90exception, P1 reportingservicesservice.exe, P2 9.0.2047.0, P3 443f5953, P4 sqldumper_unknown_module.dll, P5, P6 00000000, P7 0, P8 00e8ed9d, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

I have reservice packed SQL 2005 but made no difference - it is running on a Windows 2003 server with all the latest MS patches.

Does anyone know the solution or possible solution to this issue?



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Frequent Failure Of DB Conectivity Failure

Nov 17, 2007

Hi all,

I am using ODBC to connect SQL Server 2000 + SP4 server runnig on Windows 2003 standard edition Server +SP1. But, sporadically my application server connectivity to DB fails and i receive the following error messages

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionWrite (WrapperWrite()).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]General network error. Check your network documentation.) In D:de.cpp 702 Apr 12 2006 20:34:47
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Communication link failure) In D:de.cpp 702 Apr 12 2006 20:34:47
20071017 08:23:10 TID (00000ff0) Sev (3) Err (0) Msg (Read failure.
General SQL error.

Strange thing is that i receive this error only sporadically, Please Please advice !

Thanks ,


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Jan 14, 2007

I'm trying to work out how to backup an ASP.NET 2.0 site which uses an SQL 2005 Express database located in the App_Data directory. It seems that the database file cannot be copied while in use so I guess that either leaves taking the site offline or maybe the database can be backed up to another location using a scheduled task?
Any suggestions?

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SQL 7 Backups

Mar 15, 2002

What backups options do you have if you do not have a tape drive connected to your SQL 7.0 Server ? Can you run a SQL Maintenance Plan and backup the databases to a remote server. If not, can ARCServe 2000 backup the SQL backups to another server with a tape drive ?

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Jun 27, 2001

I'm having trouble backing up two databases to tape. Should I be using a backup_device?

have a job defined with the following in it:

backup database test1
TO TAPE = '.Tape0'
with ...


backup database test2
TO TAPE = '.Tape0'
with ...


where should the init go?

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Aug 28, 2001

I've set up several backups in the past using the backup screen. I've also set up a Maintenance Plan to back up my database using MyDbName* where the * is the familiar suffix automatically generated by the system when the backup runs every night.

The trouble is that, even though I've deleted old maintenance plans and scheduled backups, they're not going away. Every morning, I see new nightly backups of old backups etc., in the backup folder. Furthermore, the maintenance plan I want to backup my database isn't creating a backup file.

How can I make the old backups stop running, and make sure the new backup runs? I've gone through everything and can't seem to find any residue of these old scheduled backups--yet they still run! Can anyone help?

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Nov 13, 2000

We are having problems with our tape drives so we are attempting to back up our databases to disk. I have a whole server on the network I could use for this. When I use the backup that comes with SQL 7.0 it won't allow me to choose a network drive. It looks like it must be a local drive. Is there a way around this so I could back it up to this other server. I jave 32 gig available on the server which would be plenty. We don't have enough disk space on the local drives to back it up. We have been having problems with our current tape drive company Exabyte. Does anyone have any recommendations. We are thinking of switching to another company.

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SQL 7.0 Backups ?

Dec 13, 2000

I currenntly backup several databases to thier own unique device. Each backup is executed as a full backup (databases are small)and they are set to expire after 7 days. I checked my devices after 7 days and they continue to grow in size - is this right? I expected the device size to hold constant once I had a rolling seven days of backup (The databases don't change in size from day to day) Any ideas?

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Oct 18, 2000

I'm using the database maintenance plans to backup my databases. We are backing them up to tape. Is there a way within the database maintenance plan to tell it to format the tape instead of appending it to the tape.

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Jan 4, 2000

I couldn't restore a SQL 6.5 Backup in my SQL 7.0, because it is generating an error in SQl 7.0 that shows an Incompatible types.(media)

How can I restore a SQl 6.5 Backup into my new SQL 7.0 ??? Please Help me, because I'm a Beginner in SQL 7.0.

Thanks in Advance.

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Nov 30, 2000

I am trying to make sure I have my backups scheduled correctly and in the correct spot. We have a tape drive on the server which is backing up the databases each night. The logs I have them currently being backp up once an hour to disk. My question is would it better to have the logs back up to the tape drive or to disk. The server where I'm backing up the logs to has 2 drive C and D. Where D contains the data and C contains the application/program files. I'm assuming I wouldn't want it on D since if there was a crash with that drive and we lost the data we wouldn't be able to get the logs for that day so it would be better to put it on C. What are most people doing to backup there logs. At the end of the day after a full backup I clear the device that contains the log backups. It this good practice?


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Aug 10, 1999

How do you backup to a remote drive?
The book says that inorder to backup to a remote drive, you need to log on with a domain NT account with administrative privileges.
I am unable to log on with a domain account and backup to a mapped drive.

For example, S1 and S2 are two servers in the domain D1. The NT domain administrative account is A1. I need to backup a database D1 on S1 to a location on S2. For this I do the following.
On S1,
sp_addumpdevice 'disk','dump_dev','s2sharenamefilename.bak'
On executing, I get,

(1 row(s) affected)
'Disk' device added.

Then when run the command,
backup database D1to dump_dev
I get the following error,

Server: Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot open backup device 'dump_dev'. Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error log for more details.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally.

The event log shows the following error message:

BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 's2sharenamefilename.bak' failed to create. Operating system error = 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).

Please let me know how to back up to a mapped drive using TSQL and Enterprise Manager.

Thank you.

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Old Backups

Dec 4, 2000

I have a dump device configured to append the backup file each time a backup is run. This file has grown extremely large. Im looking for a way to go into the file and delete all but the last 2 or 3 backups. Is there a way to do this?


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7.0 Backups

Apr 5, 1999

is there any backup software (archserve,ultraback) that has a sql agent for 7.0 ? I have not found one yet.
Charlie Principato
Dialamerica Marketing,Inc.

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Sep 11, 2003

I have a SQL2K/SP3 database with an MDF of 4GB and an LDF of .5GB. If I do a backup using Enterprise Manager, whether manually or via a DB Maintenance Plan, I get a .BAK of approx. 2GB. If I do a backup using:
USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'RAMScopyBAK', 'F:MSSQLBACKUPRAMScopyRAMScopy.BAK'


I get a .BAK of 24GB !!!

In the end I want a T-SQL step to be part of a SQA job that will back up the database, thus the use of the dumpdevice command. I could create a maintenance plan, disable the jobs it creates, and then start them via sp_start_job, but this is just an example of a systemic problem; i.e. I'd have to do individual maintenance plans for more than one database.




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Aug 22, 2001

For a lot of smaller/medium sized systems that I administer, I tend to use SQL Server to backup to a backup device and then let the normal system backups backup the dump files to tape.

However, I am taking on a new system with approx 900Gb of data. We dont want to buy another 900Gb of disk to secure the databases ! I have found the SQL Agents in Arcserve 2000 to be unreliable to say the least. (we dont want to stop the SQL Services either)

Would anyone recommend alternative software to backup large databases.



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Aug 21, 2001


Can anyone guide me which method is best to dump databases to a tape.
Using Sql server to dump database to tape or dumping of the file to tape.



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Sql Backups

Oct 9, 2001

Is there a way in SQL 2k running on win2k adv. server to map a scsi tape device from one sql server to another so database backups can run to the remote tape device??

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Feb 1, 2005

database backups and differential backups

i took database back up on 01-jan-2005 and from 2nd jan onwards im taking differential backups. if i want to restore the database to a new system, is it sufficient that i restore the back up which i took on 1st jan , and the most recent differential backup ? will the entire data till the last back up date be restored?

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Dec 30, 2003

Hi Guys,

I'm pretty new to SQL Server. I have a ? regarding backups.

I have a database which I'm backing up everyday using BACKUP DATABASE db TO db_bak WITH INIT. This job runs everyday successfully, but I'm having an evergrowing transaction log file. I presumed a full database backup will apply transaction logs and will truncate the log files. Isnt it so, or am i missing some concepts? This database can have a data loss of 1 day which is covered by my full database backup job. I dont need a transaction log backup. But to reduce log file size should I do a log backup?


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May 20, 2004

I have some backups scheduled on my sqlserver.most of them are differentail backups.But among them some have options 'Append to media' and some of them are 'Overwrite existing media '. But i dont know which of them falls into which category.How can i find that and can i cahnge 'Append to media' to 'Overwrite existing media '?If yes how can i do that?Does it effect my db if i change it?
INfact which one is the best option ('Append to media','Overwrite existing media ') among these two?

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