Generate Table Scripts

Jul 28, 2007

I'm developing a website using SQL Server Express 2005 and VIsual Web Developer Express, and now want to start testing my website in a live environment. Until now I have been manually creating tables on my web database to match those on my local DB, but I have so many tables I don't want to manually recreate them all again. Is there a method in SQL Server Express 2005 that will allow me to generate insert scripts for  all the tables?

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How To Generate An ID And Fill It In The Table

Feb 29, 2008

hi i have a table with Id and otehr fields,ID is autogenerate with datatype int.
But now i want to generate an Id in AU001 format and then want to insert into table where it must be autogenerate.How to do this.
Please help me with the problem,its very urgent....

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What Is Right Way To Generate Create Table

Aug 30, 2001

Hello everybody
I am doing update on Database using Erwin
Is any diffrence in this code and what is is right way to create table in my case ?
-- --- this code generated by Erwin 3.5.2
CREATE TABLE obooGrpAllotRmBooking (
BookingDate ASmallDateTime NOT NULL,
ContractQty hAvailQty DEFAULT 0

ALTER TABLE obooGrpAllotRmBooking
ADD PRIMARY KEY (ID_GrpAllot, ID_RoomType, BookingDate)

------------- This code generated by SQl server 7 generate script ---
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[obooGrpAllotRmBooking] (
[ID_GrpAllot] [ID] NOT NULL ,
[ID_RoomType] [ID] NOT NULL ,
[BookingDate] [ASmallDateTime] NOT NULL ,
[ContractQty] [hAvailQty] NULL

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[obooGrpAllotRmBooking] WITH NOCHECK ADD


ALTER TABLE [dbo].[obooGrpAllotRmBooking] WITH NOCHECK ADD
CONSTRAINT [DF__obooGrpAl__Contr__78DED853_05] DEFAULT (0) FOR [ContractQty]


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How To Generate DDL Of An Existing Table

Feb 25, 2007

I need sql script that can generate 'Create Table' definition including primary and foreign constraints for the table already existing in SQL server 2000.

Please do not refer me to the utilities or commercial software, I need only the sql script.


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How Generate SID On Users Table

Nov 12, 2007

How can I generate the user SID on ReportServer.dbo.Users table?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Generate DDL For Table

Sep 11, 2015

I am working on SQL SERVER schemas using a plug-in in SQL developer itself now my requirement is to generate DDL for a table which is part of SQL SERVER schema...

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Generate SQL Script With Table Data

Aug 24, 2005


i have one problem in database to creating SQL script

i want to copy table strucure with table data

Pls help

Shailesh Kavathiya

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How DO I Generate A Table Of Contents For A Report??

Aug 28, 2006


Can anybody help me with the generation of Table of Contents for a report using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Let me ellaborate. The scenerio is...i m having a report of lets say 500 pages grouped on employees, showing the performance of each employee between specific date range. Now if the manager prints the report of 500 pages he will be more intersted to jump directly to a perticular employee's page which means my printed report had to have a Table of Contents on my grouped criteria (which in this case is employee number). I would really appriciate if someone can suggest me a solution for this.

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How To Generate Table Structure For Ssis

Jan 7, 2008

I'd like to know more about data warehouse. I've known some for SSIS working with SSAS. But it's existing data warehouse. I just transfer data to data warehouse using bussiness rules. I have no idea about data warehouse, how to design data warehouse from transactional database, how to generate the table structure. Any tips or books for that? Thank you very much.

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Generate Identity Field On Existing Table

May 11, 2004

Hi, I have the lovely task of overhauling some of our SQL-based systems. I've found many tables that don't have unique identifying numbers that really should have them. I've searched around and people keep mentioning the Identity field as being similar to Autonumber in Access. The only examples I could find involved setting up a new table... but I need to add (and populate) an identity column to an existing database table. Does anyone know the command for this?

Example... my table is called PACountyTown. It currently has 3 columns: County, Town, and Area. I wish to call the identity-ish field RecordID.

Thanks in advance!

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How To Generate Random Default Value For A Field Under Sql Table?

Oct 13, 2005

I have a field call: password, I want to generates some random chars as
default password for users (so user got something to login, and update

Current Solution I have:
I made myself a trigger and it does generate password on insert, but
the problem with that is I have to allow NULL on that field.  I
don't want NULL to be allowed, and if I don't allow null... sql server
won't allow me to insert a record (when leaving password field empty).

Reason i don't wanna allow NULL on that field, is because there may be
more applicaions using the same field from the same database. 
Just in case if the other developer gets sloopy, I don't want other
application(s) allow user put to enter a null or leave it blank on my
password field.

My question is:
1) can I put a function or some sort at the "Default" field under "Design Table", if
2) any suggestions for a better implementation?
3) if (1) doesn't work, what other options would you suggest other then the current trigger i'm using?


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Script To Generate INSERT Statements On Table

Jul 20, 2005

I'd I have a problem I'd like to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statementsthat will create my table and insert data into the table.I can use the scripting feature in Enterprise Manager to generate CREATETABLE scripts.Is there a script I can run that will generate INSERT statements so I caninclude sample data.Thanks

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Transact SQL :: Generate Drop Table Statements

Oct 13, 2015

I am trying to generate a script to drop 15 tables which have dependencies across the database. Is there a script that could generate the drop stataments based on the child table first , parent table last strategy?

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Transact SQL :: Only Generate Email If Table Contains Data?

Jul 1, 2015

I am wanting to fire-off an email with the failed jobs anytime they are deposited into a table.  My syntax fires off an email even when the table does not contain data, it just sends a blank email.  this will only generate an email if teh table contains data?  

if exists (Select from FailedJobs)
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'DatabaseMail'
@recipients = ''
@from_address = ''
@query = 'Select * from failedjobs'
@subject = 'List Of Failed Jobs'
@attach_query_result_as_file = 1;

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How Can I Add A Unique Key Column To A Table And Generate Its Values Automatically?

May 2, 2006

Hi, all,

I have a question about adding a unique key column to an existing table.

what i trying to do is that: I have already created a table, now i wanna add a ID column to this table, and generate the values for ID column from 1 to the existing row number. How can I get this done?

Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance.

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Transact SQL :: Generate A Report Based Of Columns In Each Table

Oct 31, 2015

I have 5 different tables with same structure. Each table has an account column and another column count. I am trying to generate a report based of the columns in each table. Account is same in all tables with same account numbers but count will be different. 


Table 1 has Account Count

Table 2 has Account Count

Table 3 has Account Count

Table 4 has Account Count

Table 5 has Account Count

I want output as: 

Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count Account Count 

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Transact SQL :: Method To Generate Insert Statements For Data In A Table

May 30, 2013

I have a database which will be generated via script. However there are some tables with default data that need to exist on the database.I was wondering if there could be a program that could generate inserts statments for the data in a table.I know about the import / export program that comes with SQL but it doesnt have an interface that lets you copy the insert script and values into an SQL file (or does it?)

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DB Design :: Generate A Script To Choose Only Top 10 Items From Each Table In Database?

Aug 22, 2015

I know how to generate scripts that would contain insert queries of all records in all tables. But how can I limit this to top 10 records only from each table?I can select "Data Only" when generating the script, but it generates insert queries for all data. How can get the script to have only top 10 record insert statements? These top 10 should be ordered by the primary key.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Generate Script For View Dependencies Of User Defined Table Types?

Aug 25, 2014

T-SQL script for the following request ?

Generate script for view dependencies of user defined table types ?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Generate Relationship (Parent Child Hierarchy From A Table)

Jul 18, 2015

I am working on a query to generate parent child hierarchy from a table.

Table has below records.

--===== If the test table already exists, drop it
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #mytable

--===== Create the test table with

[Code] ...

how to achieve this.l tried with temp tables it doesn't work.

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Error Message: Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server. Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate A User Instance

Mar 3, 2008

 Hello everybody,I was configuring a SqlDataSource control using SQL Authentication mode.I first added a database file (testdb.mdf) through Solution Explorer-Add New Items. Then through Database Explorer I created a table named "info"Then while configuring  the SqlDataSource control I used the SQL Authentication mode and attached the "testdb.mdf" database file.Test Connection showed success. But when I hit the Ok button of the wizard it displayed the following error message:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance.While configuring the  SqlDataSource control I clicked "New Connection". Under Data Source section I tried both Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Database File. And in both the cases I attached a databese file(testdb.mdf).          Plz enlighten me on this.Thanks and Regards,Sankar. 

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2005 - Generate QR Codes For All Customers In Customers Table?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a list of customers in my Customers table. What I am looking to do is to create QR codes for each customer in Reporting Services. I need to include the customer name, address, postcode, telephone number and contact name.

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Generate A Separate Txt File For Each Account In A Table, Need To Join Tables To Get Details, And Specify Output File Name?

May 16, 2008


I'm looking for a good way to rewrite my T-SQL code with 'bcp' to SSIS package, any help would be greatly appreciated?

I have table1 contain account numbers and output-filename for each account,

I need to join table2 and table3 to get data for each account in table1, and then export as a txt file.

Here is my code using bcp (bulk copy)

DECLARE @RowCnt int,
@TotalRows int,
@AccountNumber char(11),
@sql varchar(8000),
@date char(10),
@ArchPath varchar(500)

SET @RowCnt = 1
SET @date = CONVERT(CHAR(10),GETDATE(),110)
SET @ArchPath = '\D$EDATAWorkFoldersSendSendData'
SELECT @TotalRows = count(*) FROM table1
--select @ArchPath

WHILE (@RowCnt <= @TotalRows)
SELECT @AccountNumber = AccountNumber, @output_filename FROM table1 WHERE Identity_Number = @RowCnt
--PRINT @AccountNumber --test
SELECT @sql = N'bcp "SELECT h.HeaderText, d.RECORD FROM table2 d INNER JOIN table3 h ON d.HeaderID = h.HeaderID WHERE d.ccountNumber = '''
+ @AccountNumber+'''" queryout "'+@ArchPath+ @output_filename + '.txt" -T -c'
--PRINT @sql
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql
SELECT @RowCnt = @RowCnt + 1

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Generate .sql ?

Jan 9, 2007

When MS published starter kits there were files .sql in App_Data. This files contained some sample data for a DB. How to create such files when I have database with data ?

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Generate Xml

Oct 20, 2007

how generate an xml file from data in sqlserver2005
and read it in sql again

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Generate FKs

Nov 20, 2002

One of my first tasks on my current project was to generate all of the SQL scripts needed to rebuild the database. Of course, one of the catches was that everything needed to be separated out (table columns in different script from PKs different from FKs different from DEFAULTs, etc., etc.). And we wanted our own comment block inserted. So, I couldn't just use the Generate SQL Script from Enterprise Manager and be done with it. I was going to need to do some more work. Well, here's one of the scripts I wrote to build the FK scripts. Execute this script, then copy & paste the results into a new window. Break apart into separate .sql files as desired.

NOTE: Be sure to show results in Text (not grid) and change the display options in QA to return more than just 256 characters.

Author: Mark Caldwell
Date: 11/15/2002
Descrip: Generate scipt commands to ADD FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS for constraints already in DB.

NOTE: Be sure to set your Tools/Options/Results/Maximum Characters per column to a
large enough number (such as 2000) to display the entire command.

-- ' + + ' to ' + + '
IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N''' + + '''), ''IsForeignKey'') = 1 BEGIN
PRINT '' -- DRP - ' + + '''
G' + 'O


PRINT '' -- ADD - ' + + '''
G' + 'O

FROM sysforeignkeys sfk
JOIN sysobjects so1 on sfk.constid =
JOIN sysobjects so2 on sfk.fkeyid =
JOIN sysobjects so3 on sfk.rkeyid =

Edited by - AjarnMark on 11/20/2002 02:46:11

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Generate Sql Script?

Oct 22, 2006

The web site I am building is working fine locally, but I am hitting some problems with setting it up on a remote hosting server.First off, how can I generate the sql script to populate the SQL db on the remote server?I am using VS 2005 Standard. Do I need to d/l the SQL Server Express?Once I get that going, I should be able to figure out the rest...but I'll prolly have another question or two.Thanks

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How To Generate Userid?

Feb 15, 2008

Hello everyone.

i need to auto generate the user id in id colunm in my sqldatabase table.i want it to generate in this fashion.(mycompanyname-todaydate-number.)eg (ibm-15thfeb-1)    (ibm-15thfeb-2)       (ibm-16thfeb-1)here i need this user id to be automatically displayed in my web form when doing registration of new user,then only after clicking the savebutton i want all the data along with user id to be inserted into the table in sqldatabase.thanksjack.   

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Generate AutoNumber

Jul 16, 2005

Hi, I have a question, I have created a table and with a primary key called "ID". However, I want the "ID" be auto increment as well. when inserting new record into the database.I'm using how can I do in the following format: "1", "2", "3", ............ etc. I've the code below but it's not working in the right way, what's wrong with my code?
Private Sub BtnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim ssql As String
Dim Itemid As Integer
Dim updcmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Itemid = 0
mysqladap = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select MAX(Item_id) From auction where item_type= '" & (Image1.ImageUrl) & "'", mySqlConn)
Itemid = (Itemid) + 1
ssql = "insert into auction (item_id,owner_name,owner_mail,owner_mobile,owner_phone,owner_ext,item_type,item_name,item_image,item_desc,item_cost,start_date) values ('" & (Itemid) & "','" & Trim(ownertxt.Text) & "' ,'" & Trim(emailtxt.Text) & "', '" & Trim(mobiletxt.Text) & "', '" & Trim(phonetxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(exttxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(DropDownList1.SelectedValue) & "','" & Trim(itemtxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(Image1.ImageUrl) & "','" & Trim(desctxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(costtxt.Text) & "','" & Trim(Today.Date) & "')"
updcmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(ssql, mySqlConn)
lblmsg.Visible = True
End SubAnyone can help me? Thanks.

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&#39;Generate SQL Scripts&#39;

Apr 2, 2001

Are there any scripts available with anyone, for generating SQL scripts for all the objects in a server?


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Generate Script

Apr 2, 2001

I want to transfer some procedures using a generated script. However, the procedures that create pre-existing tables will not be created. Is there a way to shut off the validation so that I can create these procedures without getting errors?

Thanks for the help

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DTS - Generate SQL Script

Jun 7, 2002

Is there a way to write a dts package that will Generate SQL Scripts for a particular database? I am just learning dts and would like to automate this process that I run on weekly basis.



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Generate Excel From Sp

Nov 13, 2006

can I generate excel from stored procedure?

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