Get Value Of A Single Record Instead Of Aggregated Value With GROUP BY
Oct 12, 2007
How to get
Code Block
a record value instead of aggregated value with GROUP BY?
Assume that I have a PRODUCT_COMMENT table defined as below. It logs
the multiple comments for products. A product may have multiple
comments logged at different time.
Code Block
[COMMENT] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[UPDATED_ON] [datetime] NOT NULL,
I would like to use the following SQL statement to get the latest
comments for all products.
Code Block
But this leads to the following error:
Code Block
Column 'PRODUCT_COMMENT.UPDATED_ON' is invalid in the HAVING clause
because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the
GROUP BY clause.
I'd like to have all distinct recordIDs with relevant text associated with them. Each record has 3 text boxes in different languages. Each text in different language is defined by an AttributeDefinitionID. This is my query:
Select a.entryID, g.GroupName, c.CategoryName as ExperienceType, e.AttributeValue as EnglishWording, e1.AttributeValue as GermanWording, e2.AttributeValue as RussianWording, From Entry as a inner join entrycategory as b on b.entryid = a.entryid
[Code] ....
but in the results I get additional rows for each record even if the record doesnt have all three text boxes populated and there is only EnglishText for example.
EntryID GrouPName EnglishWording GermanWording RussianWording 1586 Red abc NULL NULL 1586 Red NULL NULL NULL 3566 Yellow NULL Hallo Welt NULL 3566 Yellow NULL NULL NULL 3566 Yellow Hello world NULL NULL 3566 Yellow Hello world Hallo Welt NULL
1586 should only return the first line with English wording. 3566 should return the last line that shows both English and German wording populated
So i want to make two columns by the name of operation. in the real code AA and BB are calculates with many counters. My code doesn't work, I have an error: "not a single-group group function" .....
partition with single file group or multiple file group which one best.
we have some report running from partition table, few reports don't have any partition Key and after creating 400 partition with 400 file group it is slow.what is best practices to crate 400 file group or single file group.
Say the following are the columns of a tableA B C D E FCan a aggregate function like sum be applied to A like sum(a) and thenorder by b and c similarly aggregate function on d and group by e andf using a single query...Regards,Jai
This one is driving me nuts. I've issued a very simple statement to delete a single row from a table. It appears that when I execute it in SQL Query Analyzer the CPUTime spikes and holds one of the CPUs on the box pegged at 100%. I've let this thing run for over a day, and it's not deleting the one damn record. Any thoughts? :confused: :confused: Here's the command I'm executing:
DELETE FROM Invoices WHERE InvoiceID = 153345
Running SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE InvoiceID = 153345 returns only a single record as it should. InvoiceID is the PK in this table. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I've rebooted the server, but to no avail. Same thing happens after a reboot.
Can you please assist me on how to get the 2nd record in case there are3 or more records of an employee, the query below gets the MAX and MINBasicSalary. However, my MIN Basic Salary is wrong because I should getthe Basic Salary Prior to the 1st Record (DESC)in case there are 3 ormore records and not the last Basic Salary of the Last Record.How to GET the 2nd Row of Record in Case that There are 3 or morerecords IN A SINGLE ROW ???---------------------------------------------------------------------------*-----This query gets the Max and Min Basic Salary on a certain Date Range.In case there are 5 records of an employee on certain date range howcan I get the record before the Max and would reflect as my OLDBASIC,if I use TOP2 DESC it will display 2 records. I only need one recordwhich should be the Basic Salary before the 1st record on a DESC order.Please add the solution to my 2nd Select Statement which get theOLDBASIC salary Thanks ...SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT E.EmployeeNo, E.LastName, E.FirstName,E.SectionCode, E.Department, E.DateHired, E.Remarks,(SELECT TOP 1 ([BasicSalary])FROM empsalaries AS T14WHERE T14.employeeno = E.employeeno AND startdate BETWEEN @FromDate AND@ToDateORDER BY startdate DESC) AS NEWBASIC,******************************* BELOW I SHOULD ALWAYS GET THE BASICSALARY PRIOR TO THE 1ST RECORD AND IN A SINGLE ROW ???(SELECT TOP 1 ([BasicSalary]) (FROM empsalaries AS T14WHERE T14.employeeno = E.employeeno AND startdate BETWEEN @FromDate AND@ToDateORDER BY startdate ASC) AS OLDBASICFROM dbo.Employees EWHERE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),E.DateHired, 101) BETWEEN @FromDate AND@ToDate ORDER BY E.LastName
Can someone please tell me which type of Isolation Levels in the Database Engine to avoid the above side effects respectively.
For Record Locking issue: Example, two editors make an electronic copy of the same document. Each editor changes the copy independently and then saves the changed copy thereby overwriting the original document. The editor who saves the changed copy last overwrites the changes made by the other editor. This problem could be avoided if one editor could not access the file until the other editor had finished and committed the transaction.
For the above example, is it possible to do like this way: Editor 1: SELECT and Lock a record Editor 2: Before SELECT the record, check for the record whether it is locked or not. If it is not lock, then the record can be selected
Hello everyone, I've got a bit of an SQL mystery that I'm not sure how to solve. For some reason I just cant get my head around it. Here's the scenario: Table A: _____________ BidID - Int identity AuctionID - int BiderName - varchar(50) bidAmount - money ______________________ Now obviously each Bid will have a Unique ID using BidID but the other rows will contain multiple bids per user, on many different items possibly. BidID AuctionID BiderName BidAmount 1 4005 joeblow 100.00 2 4005 janedoe 101.00 3 4005 joeblow 107.00 4 4006 joeblow 100.00 5 4006 janedoe 105.00 6 4006 joeblow 106.00
I need to find out which Auctions JoeBlow is bidding on, but I dont need a table with Rows for every single one of his bids, just a distinct auctionID for his top bid so in this case the only thing returned would be 3 4005 joeblow 107.00 6 4006 joeblow 106.00 Any clues? I've been through sub querys, and stored procedures, and I cant get anything to work quite right. Thanks in advance for your help.
I am using a drop down list box to select values from an SQL 2000 DB. I have put a record into the table which says"...Select Item"I used the dots so that It will apear at the top of the list and therefore display at startup. I also have a gridview to allow users to edit and delete from the same table.I am worried that a user may accidently delete the "...Select Item" row from the table.Can anyone think of a way round this? Is it possible with SQL Server 2000 to stop a single record from being deleted?Any help would be most appreciated.ThanksPaul
HiIs it possible to return the results of a query so that instead ofhaving say 10 rows its concatenated, egMy query returns 'M' 10 times, can this be returned as 'M M M M M M MM M M'?ThanksLee
I have imported a table into SQL Server from a legacy program. Each record has a repeating sequence of similar fields. (Ex. Accnt1, Assesed1, Paid1, Accnt2, Assesed2, Paid2, etc.) I would like to take a single record and put data from these fields into a table that has the columns Accnt, Assesed, and Paid. I am doing this for easier use in a program I am developing in VB 2005. Can this be done in SQL or do I need to have help from some VB code? If it's possible, what might the SQL look like?
I have a query that pulls back task and user assigned. Each task can have multiple users assigned. I want to pull back the single task and all the users assigned in one row.
Current Query:
select t.Name 'Task', d.FirstName + d.LastName 'User' from [dbo].[Tasks_TemplateAssignTo] a join Task_Template t on a.template_id = t.ID join Doctor d on = a.provider_id
Results from query above:
TaskUser Call CustomerJohn Smith Call CustomerBetty White Call CustomerTammy Johnson Order suppliesGreg Bullard Order suppliesJosephine Gonzalez
Expected Results:
TaskUser Call CustomerJohn Smith, Betty White, Tammy Johnson Order SuppliesGreg Bullard, Jospehine Gonzalez
Is me again,and now i facing problem to retrieve a single record from the database. here is my code:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim user As String user = TextBox1.Text Dim varpassword Dim mydata As SqlDataSource mydata.SelectCommand = "Select * from tbluser where uLogin = '" & user & "'" varpassword = mydata.SelectCommand.uPassword End SubEnd Class
but i get the error : 'uPassword' is not a member of 'String' i wan to retrieve the password of that user,can anyone help me? thanks
that above was my solution, get the relatedterms information and comma separate, and then put a # and get all the ids comma separate them and then put the in one field. then I can later parse it in the client
this does not seem like a very good solution ( or is it?) If posible it would be nice to get something like this
TermID, Term, RelatedTermsInformation 1 test RelatedTermsTwoDimentionalArray
but I am not sure how this idea could be implemented using the capabilities of SQL.
my other option is have the client make one call to the database to get the terms and then lots of another calls to get the relatedTerms, but that will mean one trip to the DB for the list term, and one call for every single term found.
I have the following table. There are eight section IDs in all. I want to return a single row for each product with the various section results that I have information on.
Hi, I have a difficult case that I need to solve. I will try to be the very clear explaining my problem:
I have a sql query which brings me many records. This records have a column in common which have the same value (COL1)
There is a second column (COL2) which has different values bewteen these records. I need to concatenate values from the second column in records with same value in COL1. And I need only one record of the ones that have the same values. If two records have the same COL1 value, only one row should be in my result.
Me result should be:
It is clear what I need? I dont know if I can solve it through sql or any function inside SSIS. Thanks for any help you can give me.
If I have a sorting which gives me multiples of column C1 but which can be uniquely identified by C1+C2+C3, and I want to query for the first C1 in each of C1's unique values, how would I go about doing that?
A small problem here, I have the below table and I need to group and display the record that has the minimum value in the table (this table is derived from a query that permutates some records to give me this result).
F1 F2 F3 QQQ C 2 QQQ B 1 QQQ A 3
expected result: QQQ B 1
my result: when I group by F1, First(F2) and MIN(F3): QQQ C 1
when I group by F1, MIN(F2) and MIN(F3): QQQ A 1
when I group by F1, F2 and MIN(F3): QQQ C 2 QQQ B 1 QQQ A 3
Select Date, Item_Code, SUM(In_Quantity) as In_Quantity, SUM(Issue_Quantity) as Issue_Quantity, (SUM(In_Quantity)-SUM(issue_Quantity)) as BalanceQty from
( select tbl_add_product.Date as Date, tbl_add_product.Item_Code, tbl_add_product.In_Quantity, 0 as Issue_Quantity from tbl_add_product where Item_Code = 'pen' union ALL select tbl_issue_product.Date as Date, tbl_issue_product.Item_Code, 0 as In_Quantity, Issue_Quantity from tbl_issue_product where Item_Code = 'pen' ) X group by Item_Code, Date
I want to 100 in second row. the logic is that balance Qty from first row should be added to In_Qty so that when Issue_Quantity is subtracted from it, it gives BalanceQty
I have been attempting to figure out - in Report Builder - how to print only the last record in each group, i.e. the last activity. I see no Last function available anywhere.
Would someone please be so kind as to advise how this can be done?
If this cannot be accomplished in Rpt Builder, it looks as if the Last function is available within Report Designer. Unfortunately, although documentation states it's available, it does not state where this function can be utilized. I'm certainly having no luck.
I'm trying to pull all records from one table and just a single record from another. I have this join, (see below). It works ok, but the problem is if a blog record doesn't have a corresponding image record it doesn't return. The end result should be the blog record and a single corresponding image record. But always a blog record.
SELECT U.UserFamilyName, F.FamilyName FROM Users U LEFT JOIN User_Friends F ON U.UserID = F.UserID WHERE U.UserName = ‘JOHN’
How do I adjust my query to select just the very first record from Users_friends, I want only the top first one.And if there are no friends how can I return an empty string instead of Null.
select 'PURCHASE' as EntityName, d.PartnerName, h.* from ( select MAX([TimeStamp]) [Data import], COUNT(1) [Numar de inregistrari], StartDate, EndDate, DistributorId from DataImport.PurchaseHistory group by DistributorId, StartDate, EndDate ) h inner join Partner d on d.PartnerId = h.DistributorId where d.Active = 1 order by DistributorId, StartDate desc, EndDate desc
I'm looking for some sql syntax that will return the last entry per group in a secondary table. MEANING: have 2 tables, one with names and the other with visits. I need to be able to display all the patients with there last visits.
I have for example a table with columns name, surname, id, ..., weight, age. I need to choose from each age group (GROUP BY age) entire record of the person who has the greatest weight. How to construct such a query?
The earlier versions will still exist on the database, but the latest version will be 2.1.
There may be several different documents, with different DocumentID’s (e.g. DocumentID = “1”, DocumentID = “2”), etc., and each of these documents may have many versions.
I’m trying to write a query to display a list of documents showing ClientID, ProjectID, DocumentID, MinorVersion, MajorVersion, Name… but the list should only display the latest version of each document.
So, if the database contained the following records:
ClientID, ProjectID, DocumentID, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Name 1,1,1,0,1,My Document 1,1,1,0,2,My Document 1,1,1,0,3,My Document 1,1,1,1,0,My Document 1,1,1,2,0,My Document 1,1,1,2,1,My Document 1,1,2,0,1,My Second Document 1,1,2,0,2,My Second Document 1,1,2,0,3,My Second Document
My query should return:
ClientID, ProjectID, DocumentID, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Name 1,1,1,2,1,My Document 1,1,2,0,3,My Document
… where 2.1 is the latest version of Document 1 and 0.3 is the latest version of Document to do it.