Hi, I made a table to display information from northwind database. It displays fine on IE5.0 but will only show the first line in netscape. Do you know what it may be???
Hello. I currently have a website that has a table on one webpage. When a record is clicked, the primary key of that record is transfered in the query string to another page and fed into an sql statement. In this case its selecting a project on the first page, and displaying all the scripts for that project on another page. I also have an additional dropdownlist on the second page that i use to filter the scripts by an attribute called 'testdomain'. At present this works to an extent. When i click a project, i am navigated to the scripts page which is empty except for the dropdownlist. i then select a 'testdomain' from the dropdownlist and the page populates with scripts (formview) for the particular test domain. what i would like is for all the scripts to be displayed using the formview in the first instance when the user arrives at the second page. from there, they can then filter the scripts using the dropdownlist. My current SQL statement is as follows. SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [TestScript] WHERE (([ProjectID] = @ProjectID) AND ([TestDomain] = @TestDomain))" So what is happening is when testdomain = a null value, it does not select any scripts. Is there a way i can achieve the behaivour of the page as i outlined above? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, James.
Lets say you have to retrieve some SQL.Then you have to go through those records and delete some items, change some values, and even add columns and rows...based on logic that depends on the data you got.Thanks.
I don't know if anyone has encountered this before but here goes:
I've a select clause below: result = "Select * from person where LocalName LIKE N'" + queryLocalName + "'"
queryLocalName is an input field that allows the user to search for non-English characters in the database.
What I'm wondering is what kind of effect is the N in the where clause is having?
I can't seem to get it to work when doing it via the web. I've tested in the database itself, got it to work using the SQL Analyser but when testing on the web, it can't find because ? are appearing in the result.
I have a column in the following select startement called displayvalue. Displayvalue is a varchar column. Primary everything entered into this column is numeric, but there are times when NR is entered. In the select query if it sees NR, I would like to have NR changed in the resultset to NULL or blank. NR doesn't come up all of the time, but I have not idea how to do this in the select statment.
Here goes..
I am working on a project that displays images. Before you can get to the image, you have to select a category that the image may be in. After that, you select the sub categories. I am trying to display a count of the number of records that the subcategories contain. Here is an example:
The user can make a selection from the categories listed below:
Geographic Area Time Period Topic Record Type
If the user selects time period, he/she is taken to a list of subcategories. I would like to display the subcategories with a count of the number of records that will be displayed if it is selected. Listed below is an example of what this would look like:
Colonial (10) -----the number in parenthesis is the number of records that will be displayed if selected------ Gilded Age (12) Revolutionary (9) Progressive Era (22)
Is there a way to display the number in parenthesis using ASP.Net and SQL Server 2000? Any clues will be greatly appreciated.
I have small requirement in my project. I need to display the results of the WHERE clause based on percentage/ranking of exact match.
I mean the result set should be displayed based on percentage match.
For example i have the below table.
create table test ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, ename varchar(10) )
insert into test(ename) select 'REG' insert into test(ename) select 'xyz' insert into test(ename) select 'abc' insert into test(ename) select 'Reg' insert into test(ename) select 'Regsxysn' insert into test(ename) select 'psReg'
I need the output something similar as below
REG Reg Regsxysn psReg
I have tried out with full text indexing but i could'nt get the required output.
I have a query that calculates sales by sales person, but it displays horizontally across my query window. Is their a way in SQL Server to have the data display vertically down the window instead?
This is my current query
Select count(case when salesman Like 'Geo%' then id else null end) As [George] ,count(case when salesman Like 'Li%' then id else null end) As [Lisa] ,count(case when salesman Like 'Jor%' then id else null end) As [Jorge] ,count(case when salesman Like 'Ri%' then id else null end) As [Richard] ,count(case when salesman Like 'Geo%' then id else null end)+count(case when salesman Like 'Li%' then id else null end) As [Team 1 Sales] ,count(case when salesman Like 'Jor%' then id else null end)+count(case when salesman Like 'Ri%' then id else null end) As [Team 2 Sales] from sales.southeastregion
Which of course shows the results as such
George --- Lisa --- Jorge --- Richard --- Team 1 --- Team 2 100 50 10 90 150 100
And I want the data to be displayed like
George - 100 Lista - 50 Jorge - 10 Richard - 90 Team 1 - 150 Team 2 - 100
I have small requirement in my project. I need to display the results of the WHERE clause based on percentage/ranking of exact match.
I mean the result set should be displayed based on percentage match.
For example i have the below table.
create table test ( id int identity(1,1) primary key, ename varchar(10) )
insert into test(ename) select 'REG' insert into test(ename) select 'xyz' insert into test(ename) select 'abc' insert into test(ename) select 'Reg' insert into test(ename) select 'Regsxysn' insert into test(ename) select 'psReg'
I need the output something similar as below
REG Reg Regsxysn psReg
I have tried out with full text indexing but i could'nt get the required output.
I have a single column returned from a select statement. How can I have this returned as a vertical string? I looked into using PIVOT but my scenario seems too simple to use Pivot. I'm not requiring any aggregate functions or anything.
I have an issue with some data that has a leading ASCII char 160 (the "a" with the accent mark) but it shows in query results as a space.
... where customername like char(160) + '%'
returns 2 rows but shows the customer name with a leading space. How would I change the collation or do otherwise to get this character to display correctly in the results?
I written a proc to display the list of Indexes But I needed to print the database where the objects do belong to. How I should write the Dynamic script to add the database Id? I thought to use derived table kind of stuff, but unable to find a solution.
I am trying to calculate the time difference between the value in the row and the min value in the table. So say the min value in the table is 2014-05-29 14:44:17.713. (This is the start time of the test.) Now say the test ends at 2014-05-29 17:10:17.010. There are many rows recorded during that start and end time, for each row created a time stamp is created. I am trying to calculate the elapsed time and have it as a row in the results.
min(timestamp) - timestamp(value in row) = elapsed time for that test where Channel = '273'
Here is the table DDL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Spec1]( [Spec1ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Channel] [int] NOT NULL,
Please help. I'm completely new to SSIS, and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction(s).
I am developing a winforms client app, and I need to be able to provide the user with the ability to import data in CSV format into our application's database.
I'd like to use SSIS if possible, as long as what I am trying to do isn't near impossible.
I'm thinking of a UI where the user can specify a flat file (CSV) to upload and be processed by an SSIS package on a remote database server.
This package will be responsible for validating the CSV file and inserting data into the database as appropriate.
Is there a way I can:
launch an SSIS package remotely, from a winforms app on the client machine that is not running SQL server (preferably asynchronously) -- and pass it some parameters, including the import file itself (optionally) provide progress feedback to the client pc to let them know it is being processed display a nice SSRS report on the client upon completion that tells them exactly what the success/failure of the import was (how many rows processed, which ones failed and why, etc)
Any helpful examples, links, etc would be most appreciated.
When I run the following query from Query Analyzer in SQL Serer 2005, I get a message back that says. Command(s) completed successfully. What I really need it to do is to display the results of the query. Does anyone know how to do this? declare @SniierId as uniqueidentifierset @SniierId = '85555560-AD5D-430C-9B97-FB0AC3C7DA1F'declare @SniierAlias as nvarchar(50)declare @AlwaysShowEditButton as bitdeclare @SniierName as nvarchar (128)/* Check access for Sniier */SELECT TOP 1 @SniierName = Sniiers.SniierName, @SniierAlias = Sniiers.SniierAlias, @AlwaysShowEditButton = Sniiers.AlwaysShowEditButtonFROM SniiersWHERE Sniiers.SniierId=@SniierId
I want to make a query, stored procedure, or whatever which will only display the primary key where there does no exist a foreign key in linked table.For example. If I had two tables with a one to many relationship.A [Computer] has one or more [Hard Drives]. I want to select only those computers which do not have a Hard Drive(s) associated with them. That is, show all computers where the Computer_ID field in the [Hard Drives] table does not exist. This seems simple but I'm drawing a blank here.
I have nine type of buttons, EnrollAmtBTM PlacAmtBTM and so on, I also have a SQL setver view V_Payment_Amount_List from here i need to display the data on the button this is the select value to display when i choose the agency list and the amount corresponding to that agency_ID is displayed here the agency_ID is fetched from the SQL CONDITION THIS IS WHERE I GET FETCH AGENCY DATA WHEN SELECTED i.e SQL CONDITIONprotected void CollectAgencyInformation() { WebLibraryClass ConnectionFinanceDB;ConnectionFinanceDB = new WebLibraryClass(); string SQLCONDITION = "";string RUN_SQLCONDITION = ""; SessionValues ValueSelected = null;int CollectionCount = 0;if (Session[Session_UserSPersonalData] == null) {ValueSelected = new SessionValues(); Session.Add(Session_UserSPersonalData, ValueSelected); } else { ValueSelected = (SessionValues)(Session[Session_UserSPersonalData]); }ProcPaymBTM.Visible = false;PaymenLstBTN.Visible = false; Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0;TreeNode SelectedNode = new TreeNode(); SelectedNode = AgencyTree.SelectedNode; SelectedAgency = SelectedNode.Value.ToString(); Agencytxt.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt2.Text = SelectedAgency; Agencytxt3.Text = SelectedAgency;DbDataReader CollectingDataSelected = null; try {CollectingDataSelected = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceData("SELECT DISTINCT AGENCY_ID FROM dbo.AIMS_AGENCY where Program = '" + SelectedAgency + "'"); } catch { }DataTable TableSet = new DataTable(); TableSet.Load(CollectingDataSelected, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);int IndexingValues = 0;foreach (DataRow DataCollectedRow in TableSet.Rows) {if (IndexingValues == 0) {SQLCONDITION = "where (Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } else {SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + " OR Project_ID = '" + DataCollectedRow["AGENCY_ID"].ToString().Trim() + "'"; } IndexingValues += 1; }SQLCONDITION = SQLCONDITION + ")"; ConnectionFinanceDB.DisconnectToDatabase();if (Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex == 0) { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex += 1; } else { Dataviewlisting.ActiveViewIndex = 0; } SelectedAgency = SQLCONDITION; ValueSelected.CONDITION = SelectedAgency;
???? this is where i use to get count where in other buttons and are displayed.... but i changed the query to display only the Payment_Amount_Budgeted respective to the agency selected. from the viewRUN_SQLCONDITION = "SELECT Payment_Amount_Budgeted FROM dbo.V_Payment_Amount_List " + SQLCONDITION; try { CollectionCount = ConnectionFinanceDB.CollectedFinaceDataCount(RUN_SQLCONDITION); EnrollAmtBTM.Text = CollectionCount.ToString(); } catch { }////this is my CollectedFinaceDataCount-- where fuction counts the records in the above select statement if i use for eg. "SELECT Count(Placement_Retention_ID) FROM dbo.V_Retention_6_Month_Finance_Payment_List" here is the functionpublic int CollectedFinaceDataCount(String SQLStatement) {int DataCollection; DataCollection = 0; try { SQLCommandExe = FinanceConnection.CreateCommand(); SQLCommandExe.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SQLCommandExe.CommandText = SQLStatement; ConnectToDatabase();DataCollection = (int) SQLCommandExe.ExecuteScalar(); DisconnectToDatabase(); }catch (Exception ex) {Console.WriteLine("Exception Occurred :{0},{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } return DataCollection; }
So here mu requirement request is to display only the value fronm the view i have against the agency selected Please help ASAP Thanks Santosh
I got one table with 3 columns = Column1, Column2, Column3
Sample Table
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 ------------------------------------ A | 12 | 0 A | 13 | 2 B | 12 | 5 C | 5 | 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New1 Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 = 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New2 Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 >0
The only difference is one condition Column3 = 0 and another one Column3 > 0. This two condition is not an "AND" condition... but just two separate information need to be display in one table. So how do i display the result in one table where the new Output will be in this manner
I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.
I cannot create a measure that returns results for dates that do not exist in the fact table despite the fact that the components included in the measure contain valid results for these same dates.Creature a measure that counts the number of days where the "stock qty" is below the "avg monthly sales qty for the last 12 months" (rolling measure).Here is the DAX code I have tried for the measure (note that filter explicitly refers to the date table (called Calendar) and not the fact table):
Below you can see the sub measures (circled in red) are giving results for all days in the calendar.Highlighted in yellow are dates for which the StkOutCnt measure is not returning a result. Having investigated these blank dates, I am pretty confident that they are dates for which there are no transactions in the fact table (weekends, public holidays etc...).why I am getting an "inner join" with my fact table dates despite the fact that this is not requested anywhere in the dax code and that the two sub measures are behaving normally?
with actividades_secundarias as ( select a.*, r.Antigo, r.Novo, rn = row_number() over (PARTITION BY a.nif_antigo, r.novo ORDER BY a.nif_antigo) from ACT_SECUNDARIAS a inner join ((select
[Code] ....
I want to make a delete statement like this:
select * into #table1 from actvidades_secundarias where rn>1 Delete from act_secundarias where act_secundarias.nif_antigo = #table1.nif_antigo and act_secundarias.cod_cae = #table1.cod_cae
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501 SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting' FROM TableA ta WHERE tblid = @tblid UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting' FROM Tableb tb WHERE tblid = @tblid
I have a fairly complicated report consisting of numerous datasets and numerous tables.
In one of my tables I want to display the message "No data to display" if nothing comes back from the query. Currrently the table just disappears if there is no data. Is there a way to display the table if there is nothing in the query?
I have one table which contains more than 200 rows of data. Our customer wants this report to be displayed only in one page with vertical scorll bar on the right of it.
I need to analyze the results from Table 1, count how many records there are where one field matches, and then put some of Table 1's information into Table 2 along with the count of the records that match. This is built to interface with another system, so a lot of the information, names, and relationships can't always be changed.
Table 1: tblResourceAllocation Fields (Description):ID (Unique)LastName (Unique alphanumeric string for each employee, but one employee can have multiple records in this table)Project (Unique name, can have multiple entries in this table)Owner (Unique alphanumeric string for each owner, but one owner can have multiple records in this table)ResourceStartDate (datetime)ResourceEndDate (datetime)ServiceID [I](this is what I want to aggregate)Status_FC [I]
Table 2: tblGRFM ID (unique)Pm (the tblResourceAllocation.Owner's actual full name, which I'll look up from an EmployeeData table and concatenate the FirstName and LastName)IdClient (from tblResourceAllocation.Project I will look up the Customer from the Projects table, then look up the Customer ID from the Customers table)US_State_Id (look up State from Projects table then ID from tblStateCodes)Project_name (same as tblResourceAllocation.Project)Status (same as tblResourceAllocation.Status_FC)Id_operlst (same as tblResourceAllocation.ServiceID)Start (earliest start date of relevant entries)end (latest end date of relevant entries)Nb_ress (total number of ResourceAllocation entries that match Id_operlst)Cadence (explanation below)
I need to calculate how many of each serviceID's are in table 1, and then store that calculation and the ServiceID (Id_operlst) in table 2I need to separate those calculations by Owner, IdClient, US_State_Id, and Project_Name I.E. If there are 5 entries in table 1 with ServiceId = X, and Owner A is listed on 2 of them and Owner B is listed on 3, I want it displayed as [Owner A, X, 2] and [Owner B, X, 3] in table 2.
Same goes for the other fields, which obviously adds more complexityWithin those calculations I also need to calculate the Start and end date for table 2. Using the last example, if one entry of Owner A's service X has the early start date and the other entry has the later end date, those dates need to be displayed in the Start and end for table 2 (should I use Rank here?)
I need to create a string of numbers separated by semicolons that shows how many resources are working on a given week after the start date
Example:I have 3 resources on a projectResource 1: 12/31/2012-1/27/2013 (Week 1-4 of our calendar)Resource 2: 1/7/2013-1/27/2013 (Week 2-4)Resource 3: 1/7/2013-1/27/2013 (Week 2-4)tblGRFM.Start will equal 12/31/2012 and tblGRFM.end will equal 1/27/2013Cadence should be equal to "1;3;3;3" to indicate that one resource will be working the project the first week, and three resources will be working the project for the next three weeks.
Ok here goes. I have 3 tables, one holds case info, the 2nd holds possible outcome on the charges, and they're joined on a 3rd table (CaseOutComes). With me so far? Easy stuff, now for the hard part. Since there's a very common possiblitly that the Case has multiple charges, we need to track those, and therefore, display them on a datagrid or some other control. I want the user to be able to edit the info and have X number of dropdowns pertaining to how many ever charges are on the case. I can get the query to return the rows no sweat, but ...merging them into 1 record (1 row) with mutiple drops is seeming impossible -- I thought about using a placeholder and added the controls that way, but it was not in agreement with what I was trying to tell it . Any ideas on how to attack this?