Good Online Resources For Teaching SQL For SQL Server 2000

Oct 27, 2005

my freind asked me to look for him for online book or something very good that teach SQL for SQL server 2000 ... what i need is something like hands on examples that will take user from level 1 to level * .... i have seen alot of stuff in google but i think some of you might know what i need and can direct me to better resources as i could not find someting specail !!!

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Books/Online Resources For SQL Server 2005?

Jul 16, 2007

Could some body suggest some good books and online resources for:
1. T-SQL Intermediate level/Advanced
2. SQL Server 2005
Thanks a bunch

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Good SSIS Resources On The Internet?

Jan 17, 2008

I am new to SSIS and am looking for any good websites, screencasts, podcasts, etc on the subject to help me learn. What would you guys recommend? All links welcomed.

I am already a big fan of Jamies site ( and this forum but am looking for more resources.

Update: Before someone says I dont pay attention... I am aware of the post at the top of this forum with some links by Phil Brammer. I am simply looking for additional resources.


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Trouble Finding A Good MS SQL And TSQL Tutorial Online

Feb 20, 2008

Does anyone know any good MS SQL or TSQL tutorials? I know the basics of SQL, such as joins, functions such as COUNT, SUM etc so I do not need one of them. Problem is I am using MS SQL at a new role in work and finding it difficult. I write the statements how I would in oracle of mysql but find that they refuse to work, and I can not find/use the MS SQL Help to find what I want.

Cheers, Mike

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Deadlocked On Lock Resources. SQL Server 2000

Jun 27, 2007

Hi, i am getting this error when i am running a stored procedure.

Transaction (Process ID XXXX) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

i think so it is getting this error becasue it blocking it self at one point in the SP

SELECT Country FROM TB_Country

declare @cty varchar(2)

OPEN cty_Cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM cty_Cursor into @cty;
FETCH NEXT FROM cty_Cursor into @cty;
CLOSE cty_Cursor;
DEALLOCATE cty_Cursor;

i think so it calls the SP then before SP finsih its working it calls it back from cursor with other argument.

how we can make it sure it finish it execution before it is being called again. i think so we need some sort of lock here but i am not able to find right solution . please anyone suggest something.



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Find SQL Server 2005 Teaching Material

Apr 11, 2006

Who has SQL Server 2005 teaching material? Anyting is ok. thanks. :)

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Free Online Book For Sql Server 2000

Mar 7, 2006

i am new to sql. plz let me know from where can i get free book to study sql server 2000.

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Recovery :: Server Cluster Resource Fails To Come Online And Pending Online State

Nov 3, 2015

We have SQL cluster installed on top of windows cluster on VM environment. Node1 and Node2 under Windows Failover Cluster. SQL instance is currently on node2 the instance is up and running, but SQL Cluster service remains online pending and it restarts the instance on every 5 minutes.

SQL Browser service are running successfully.TCP/IP ports are enabled and configured.If we start the SQL server agent it is on for seconds and stopped immediately  .Cluster Service is attempt to connect to the SQL service every few minutes (setting in SQL cluster resource) for the IsAlive check, if this fails then the SQL resource is restarted even if the instance was online. Hope this is what happening exactly.

[sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF].  (268435455)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 ERR   [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [HYT00] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Login timeout expired (0)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 ERR   [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] ODBC Error: [08001] [Microsoft][SQL Server

Native Client 11.0]A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books

Online. (268435455)
00001024.00053314::2015/10/30-19:57:50.772 INFO  [RES] SQL Server <SQL Server (SIMAH_COMMDB)>: [sqsrvres] Could not connect to SQL Server (rc -1

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How Do I Make An MSSQL 2000 Server Database Go Offline/Online Using VB 6

Jun 21, 2001

Does anyone know how to do this? I am in the middle of writing a server side program, and this is one thing that I cannot do without.

Also, if anyone can answer that, how do I do the same with an Exchange 5.5 Email account?

Thanks ahead of time!
Cash Coleman

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Any Good Books For SQL Server 2000 Administration ???

Jun 5, 2003


I am an Oracle DBA with over 7 yrs of experience.I am new to sql server 2000 and am given the responsibility of sql server 2000 production databases in a few weeks.I already have the sql server 2000 DBA survival guide.

I would like to know if there are any good books out there for

a)backup and recovery

b)General DBA tasks

c)Performance tuning.


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A Resourse Good For Problems Replication In Sql Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

i want a good resourse for to learn replication in sql 2000 inoder topractical learn and implemetion replicat

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SQL Server 2000 Book Recommendations? Including Good Coverage Of Reporting Services

Jul 23, 2005

What up-to-date books on this topic can people here recommend? Thanks.- Bob

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SQL 2000 (SP 1) - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...

Jul 27, 2001

All -

I was wondering if anyone has any SP1 horror stories (or success stories) to report, I haven't installed the SP yet, but was hoping to find constructive feedback from those who have...


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Problem With Connecting With Online Mssql 2000 Database

Sep 30, 2007

dear all  i tried to connect to online mssql2000 database from enterprise manager,but i can't as i have a proxy can i overcome this proxy server during connection ?

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Sql 2000 Reporting Services - Reports Will Not Render Online

Jul 5, 2007

Hi all,

i got through the installation of the Sql Server 2000 Reporting services evaluation and managed to deploy a couple reports and a shared data source to my reporting server on my DEV box.

Now im trying to view the reports i made online and they never render, all i get is the animated gif that always says "Report is being generated". This goes on and on with apparently no end in sight.

I CAN preview the reports in VS 2003 and they render almost instantly. there are no differences that may affect the connection to the database between my development computer (with VS 2003) and the server that the reporting server is on.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this may be happening ?



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SQL Server Deadlock On Resources??

May 30, 2007

We've got a 3rd party application that periodically runs SQL commands throughout the day. We've been getting issues with this application showing a sql error:

Transaction (Process ID 71) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

In checking the processes on SQL Server, there were a lot, and process ID 71 was actually hitting a completely different database.

Is there a way to streamline how SQL Server handles processes, and what's the limit at any given time?

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SQL Server Express Learning Resources?

Jan 16, 2006

I am new to SQL Server 2005 Express, where can I find some tutorials on developing web applications with this product?

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SQL Server,SQL Server Agent,SQL Analysis Resources Failing In SQL 2005 Cluster

Aug 17, 2007

I have installed an SQL 2005 Failover Cluster on a Two Node Active Passive Windows 2003 Cluster.If i am trying to failover from the Active node to the passive Node,The Sql Server,Sql Server Agent and SQL Analysis resources fail,However if i reset the passowrd in the services tab of the above three services on the pasive node,the resources come online.
Below is the brief of my setup
1.I have two Active directory domain controllers running Windows 2003 R2 Standard edition with SP2.
2.i have installed a Windows 2003 Two Node Active Passive Cluster as NODE1 and NODE2.
3.The Domain account used to install WIndows 2003 A/P Cluster is Clusteradmin.This account is the member of Administartors on the Domain as well as the Local Admin on NODE1 and NODE2.
4.SQL 2005 with SP2 is installed on both the Nodes as SQL 2005 Failover Cluster.The account used to install SQL 2005 is sqadmin.This account is the member of Administartors on the domain and the member of Local Admins on NODE1 and NODE2.
5.SLQ 2005 has four domain groups for 4 SQL Services.The Services are SQL Server,SQL Server Agent,SLQ Anaylisis Server and Full text Search.
6.Each of these servcie has a seperate service account created for them.All these service accounts areb the members of domain admin and the member of Local Admin on NODE1 and NODE2.
7.Each of these servcies is running under these servcie accounts in the Servcies tab in NODE1 and NODE2.
8.If i fail the resources from NODE1 to NODE2 ,The SQL Server,SQL Server Agent and SQL Anaylisis resources are failing.on going to the service tab of NODE 2 I reset the password for these services,the services come online.
10.The Cluster resources and MSDTC Resources are Failing over successfully.They are coming online successfully.
11,I have a problem with the SQL Server Resources,even if i failback to NODE1 from NODE2,the same resources are failing again.

Plz Advice.

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Report Server Queue Not Fully Utilizing Resources

Mar 30, 2007

We've set up a report farm with two servers, both 64 bit with 4 CPUs each. One has 16Gig and the other 8Gig of memory. We're using Windows NLB and the load test software confirms that the NLB is working. When we run a number of concurrent reports, both servers get utilized, but they only work on a few at a time. The report server queue doesn't seem to be fully utilizing the hardware. From a prior post I've learned that the report server queue automatically runs 4 reports per CPU. This is not occuring for our setup. Has anyone else experienced the same? Are there any configurations that need to be set to open the queue up? The reports are heavy (300,000 records grouped and summed). Does this affect the queuing process?

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SQL 2012 :: Does Setting A Database Offline Free Up Resources On The Server

Jun 25, 2015

I have about 50 databases that are only accessed once a month and on a predictable schedule. Would it free up resources on the server if they were kept offline and brought online only when needed ?

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SQL Server Runs Out Of Resources Or Is It My Client Application. Handle Count = 96k

Jul 20, 2005

SServer PC: Win SBS 2003 with 2.6 GHz processor and 1GB RAMSQL Server 2000 v 2000.8.00.76 (sp3)MS Office 2k3MSJet ms04-014 (latest ost sp8)MDAC v2.8 RTMADO 2.1vb6.exe / ADO 2.0I think this is a SQL Server/ADO problem as I have 2 applications withsame problem.My access database uses a timer based function to insert records intoSQL Server using ADO and stored procedures. Access also uses DAO ,Jet/ odbc to linked tables on SQL Server for many other tasks/forms.All is well when Access 1st run but after a few hours or so the Accessapp grinds to a halt.Upon checking the task manager the mem usuage upto 160MB and handlecount upto 86,000 ! (cpu process % is low).After the "Access Fail" if I stop/start access only, performance isnot returned, I have to stop/start SQL Server.It would seem that allconnections from this PC to SQL server are badly affected, it is nottied to the client application that had the problem.As I could not work out where the problem was I took the Accessfunctionality into a VB6 app, using ADO 2.0, thinking this shouldsimplify matters with Jet and ODBC out of the way.I now have the same problem with the number of handles increasing withevery new timer based function.* code snippet example *If Not OpenConnection Then 'we have not been able to open aconnection to SQL serverCall procLog("Connection failed to SQL server")Exit FunctionEnd If'gVar.cnnSQL is my public ADODB.ConnectionSet cmdSQL = New ADODB.CommandWith cmdSQL.ActiveConnection = gVar.cnnSQL.CommandText = "MyDB.dbo.insert_tblMyData".CommandType = adCmdStoredProc.Execute RecordsAffected:=lngRecs, _Parameters:=Array(lngID, dtDate,intCategory,strNationality,strNotes,strName)End With* code snippet *** After the "Access Fail" if I look at one of my clients, running thesame Access app on another PC, it seems normally responsive when usingone my bound forms to browse the data from same SQL Server **Any ideas anyone ?

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SQL Server Down: Process ID 121:406 Owns Resources That Are Blocking Processes On Scheduler 4.

Sep 11, 2007

The following question applies to SQL Server 8.0.2187 (2000 + SP4+916287/914384/898709/915065/915340):

We have now twice had an incident where the same SQL Server has stopped responding. The only workaround is to restart the SQL Service. After this occurs, the log is filled with the following messages:

2007-09-10 16:42:14.29 spid3 Process ID 197:320 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 1.

2007-09-10 16:42:14.31 spid3 Process ID 74:324 owns resources that are blocking processes on Scheduler 5.

We haven't been able to pinpoint a cause or reporduce the problem on a dev server. I've seen several posts about this issue online but not many answers. Does anyone have any advice on how to troubleshoot this issue?

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Register Online Sql Server

Jul 18, 2007

Hi, here is my problem

I am trying to conncet to an SQL Server that is on the net. The name of the server looks like : sqlServer.TheCompanyOwingIt.Com and it listens to port 2433

I am opening enterprise manager and trying to connect ,giving the name of the server and the credentials but no luck. I also tried opening hte client Network utility , created an alias for that server, specifying 2433 as the port but no luck again. Finally i tried to change the port of my sql server to be 2433 (instead of 1433), no luck again !!! Any ideas ? (there is no firewall running on the PC, but there is a router which might (?) cause the problem ? (i tried to port forward 2433 , but i am not sure if i did it correctly).

Any ideas, suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Thx in advance


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Moving A SQL Server 2005 Database From The Local Network To An Online Server.

Mar 7, 2006

Hi All, first post.

I have done a bit of searching around and cant find a clear answer to this question.

Current Setup
Desktop application (c#) that connects to a SQL Server 2005 express database on the same local network as the application (currently 3 users)

It is only a very small company and has just taken on their first remote worker, but expects to take on another 6-8 over the next few months. They have asked for the database to be moved online.

The application was written in such a way that everything has been done using no stored procs, or views, it is all native SQL.

This will be my first DB hosted online and before I go ahead and do anything I just wanted to make sure what I have to do is correct, sorry if this is a very basic question, although I have been programming for a long time, I have never had the chance to do any online databases before.

Will this work.
1.Find a SQL Server 2005 Hosting company.
2.Move the database to the server.
3.Setup the users permissions.
3.Alter the connection string in the application to point to the new location.

So the only thing that would change would be a new connection string in the application preferences?

Or am I living in a dream world, because nothing is ever that simple.

One thing I am worried about is the security/visiblity of the database and data as it travels from the server to the client and back.

Thanks for any advise you can give.


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Is There An Online Remote SQL Server I Can Test Against?

Jun 5, 2006

HiI am trying to connect an application to a remote sql server database, however it does not appear to eb configured for remote connections. Does anyone know a connection string of a database I can connect to , soem sort of learnsers database sort of idea ?Thank you.

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Online Connection Between Access And SQL Server

Mar 23, 2007

Hello,I am trying to develop a database solution for an organisation inIndonesia.This organization has a number of offices and users throughout thecountry. They all need to maintain their own data, but I also need tocreate a central database, to store all of the data, and share databetween the individual users. The problem is that the internetconnections are not reliable, so a online solution isn't possible. Iam planning to implement stand alone databases in Access, which "sync"with the central server. This sync could happen automatically (maybedaily), or could be initiated by the user. This Sync would/could takeplace when the internet connection is working.I am very familiar with Access, but I suspect that I will need to useSQL Server for the central database. I have not used SQL Serverbefore, and have a few questions:Is it possible to host a SQL Server, so that it is "Online"? What do Ineed to do for this? Does this need to be hosted by an ISP, or couldit been hosted on a computer in our office? What are the securityconsiderations?Is it then possible to connect to this SQL Server from the Accessdatabases in the various locations to "Sync" the data? If I could runSQL statements from the stand alone databases which could access theonline SQL Server I could write the code for the Sync procedure. Thebit that I am unsure of is how to connect to the SQL Server?Could anyone point me in the right direction? Examples? References?What sort of technology to use?I know VB and how to write SQL statements, it's just the connectivitythat I am unsure of.Thanks in advance.CheersMichael

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SQL Server Express Books Online

Dec 1, 2007

are a mess, reminiscent of the structurless "goto" programming of days past. One of you brainiacs need to erect a "real" getting started section, with procedural steps on how a first time user can successfully download, install, and use SQL Server Express. Not all of us are working in corporations where the guy in the next cubicle can answer questions for newbies.

I will try once again, nicely, to ask a question about installing SQL Server Express Edition SP2 onto a Windows Vista machine. That drama will take place in another post.

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SQL Server T-SQL - Bring Database Online...?

Oct 11, 2006

Hi there, i would please like to know how to get a database online in T-SQL, I managed to get it offline in T-SQL, but know I can't get the database back online.

Please help.

If someone can please help me with the T-SQL command.

Or direct me to a link where I can get more information.


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Online Get Data From MS Acces To SQL Server

Mar 28, 2008

Hi All,
I have MS Access 97 database and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (or SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition).
I want online get data from MS Access and upload to SQL Server.

Help me, which way I select ?

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How Do We Work With Development And Online Sql Server Databases ?

Sep 22, 2006

Hello,I am working with VS2005pro and sql server 2005 (tables, SP). Nothing online yet but it should be soon for tests, and it will be for me the first time with sql server...I have a very basic question about the way we can keep on adding tables, stored procedures... when the application is already online.I'll try to explain: once online my users will enter data in the database (good point!). But on my side I have to keep on developing new features (new tables, new stored procedures...) and why not add new rows in tables, and I would like to add them to this database on the server once I have finished my development.So what's the best way to work ? Do I need to work online directly on my .mdf database (which I wouldn't like to do) ? Or do I keep on developing on my own computer, on a development database, and then is there a way to update/synchronize with the database on the server in order to add the newly created tables and SP ?Thank for you help.   

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Online Query Tool SQL Server 2005

Feb 18, 2008

Hi,I was wondering if someone could help advise me.Basically i have a client who wants to upgrade from a desktop msaccess solution to a web based system using MS SQL Server 2005.Basically their main concern is in losing the ability to write ad-hocqueries using the MS Access query manager. I can obviously writestatic reports etc but whats the best way to give them someflexibility ??Can anyone advise me if there is any product that can do this for SQLServer 2005 (which im sure there is) but will work in a webenvironment.Or does anyone have any helpful ideas ???all help / advice greatly appreciatedCG

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Installing Sql Server 2005 Books Online

May 3, 2008

I am trying to install sql server 2005 books online but I am failing and I am getting this message
"This installation pakage could not be opened.Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid windows installer package"

am I doing anything wrong or has the version of books online changed? Do I have to install anything else before installing it? or does my operating system not support it?


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SQL Server 2005 Books Online (May 2007)

Nov 6, 2007

I downloaded and tried to install the file "SqlServer2K5_BOL_May2007.msi" and got a message:
"This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."
Please advise.

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