Group Subtotal And Grand Total

Jun 12, 2007

how to add group subtotal and grand total in report? i try to add formula Sum(Field!Net_Weight.Value) in group footer and unable repeat footer on each page, it return same total on every pages. I hope to get subtotal on each page by group. the expected result would be like this:


1.Group 1

Net Weight








Page 2

Net Weight








Grand Total=

2.Group 2

Net Weight







anybody know how to do it?

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Adding Grand Total To A Column Group In A Matrix. Please Help!

Sep 7, 2007

Hello Guys,
I am working on a matrix report which has several row groups and 1 column group. After execution, the column group wil end up with several columns containg numeric counts. I would like to have the grand total for each "column group" column as a last row on this report.
For row groups you can just right click "Subtotal", but that is not possible for column group. Could someone please help me to find a clever way of accomplishing this, please. Thank you so much for your help!

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Error With Subtotal And Grand Totals With Iff Checking.

Jun 8, 2007

I have a table with amount columns and I want the amount column to either insert the value from the database or a zero based on a condition.

For the table rows I use the following to find the amount:

=iif( Fields!TYPE.value="Material" or Fields!TYPE.value="Other", FIELDS.Amount.Value,0)

which works fine. However, when I try to Sum in the group foot I get #Error when I use

=sum(iif( Fields!TYPE.value="Material" or Fields!TYPE.value="Other", FIELDS.Amount.Value,0) )

for the groupings that have a type other than Material and Other. For some reason, it doesn't total the amounts of Material and Other with the Zeroes that were placed in the table rows based on the Condition.

For example, the subtotal errors out when trying to total Material with Labor but if it was just Material and Other, it works.

Example of what the Columns are:

job, year, month, type, amount

s57, 2007, 2, labor, 0

s57, 2007, 2, material, 500

month total errors out

year total errors out

job total errors out

Any help would be appreciated.

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Grand Total

Oct 18, 2007

Hello All,
I've created a report that has a count of dates reports. Every company has at least one date report. I've group the report by company and did a count this works find. Now I want to SUM up this field and put it at the end of the report.
I've used =sum(reportitems!textbox10.value) but it only works at the page footer. And only give me a grand total for that page. I want a grand total for the whole report. Is there a report footer???


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Get The Grand Total Of This Query

Dec 12, 2003

I need to get the Grand Total of the results of this query.
The query pulls the total customer quotes for each community in a management company and loads my DataGrid:

This query works fine for individual community totals"SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT vcName, COUNT(DISTINCT vcCustId) AS " & _
" Total FROM dbo.PropReportData WHERE cManagementCo = '" & Session("MgmtCo") & "' and " & _
" (vcEntryDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & StartDate & "', 102)) AND " & _
"(vcEntryDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, '" & EndDate & " 11:59:59 PM" & "' , 102))GROUP BY vcName ORDER by vcName"

At first glance you would think that the following query would return the Grand Total for all communities in the management company:

Current Grand Total Query"SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT vcCustID) As gTotal FROM PropReportData WHERE
cManagementCo = '" & Session("MgmtCo") & "' AND vcEntryDate >= '" & Session
("StartDate") & "' AND vcEntryDate <= '" & Session("EndDate") & " 11:59:59 PM' "

But here's the problem. If there are multiple customer quotes created for different communites, then the customer(vcCustID) is only counted once in the Grand Total Query because I have to use DISTINCT, which of course only picks up one instance of the customer.

Thanks in advance.

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Grand Total Needed

Jan 18, 2007

I have two subreports (Revenue and Expense) that each have subtotals.

This works just fine, but I need a Grand Total that would sum the two subtotals.

How would I go about doing this?

So it looks something like this:

Revenue Report (matrix)


Expense Report (matrix)


<~~~~ Need Grand Total here.

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How To Arrive At Grand Total?

Mar 6, 2007

Hi All,

My doubt is, how to get gand total in SQL Reporting Services2005 for the following scenario?

Sample report content:

CustomerId Product Name Price

123 Apple $100.00

Orange $77.00

SUB TOTAL $177.00

124 Apple $105.00

Orange $70.00

Olive $450.00

SUB TOTAL $625.00 // sum(Fields!Price)

GRAND TOTAL $802.00 //How to get Grand total? please..



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Grand Total Problem

Aug 5, 2007


I am trying to calculate grand totals in the table footer area on a single table report. The report table has a grouping with a filter. I want the grand total to sum the visible grouping data but instead it sums the entire dataset. I've tried summing the textbox but RS does not allow that from the footer. I've tried specified the group for the scope but apparently RS scope works outward not inward in regards to groups. A simple example of my problem might be a list of bank accounts whose balance is overdrawn. In the report you want to show only the accounts whose balance has gone negative and all the transactions for those accounts. You can create a group on the account field and then a filter on the group to sum the transaction amount and filter out the accounts whose sum is not below zero. The grand total would supposedly sum the accounts whose balance is negative. Unfortunately the sum is on the entire dataset and therefore includes accounts with good balances. I'm sure some will suggest changing the SQL but that is not an option for me. These seems like a very basic operation for a report writer so I'm guessing there is some easy way to do this that has eluded me. Thanks for any help.

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Calculate Grand Total Using Pivot

Apr 25, 2014

How to calculate grand total in sql server using pivot?

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Combined Orders Grand Total?

Apr 20, 2007


Im using Access and have created a query which adds up the grand totals of clients orders. However i want to be able to add up what each client has spent in total over any given time period. Basically in SQL logic terms:

take all order totals from same client and add together order totals to produce a grand client spend total.

Anyone help!?


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Calculating Grand Total And Percentage

Oct 19, 2007

Hi All,

I have to create a table like this using SSRS.

LoanStatus NoOfLoans Amouunt Percentage


Sent to Partner

Denied by Partner

Accepted by Partner

Loan Apps Pnd Disb

Loan Apps Disbursed

Table is grouped by loan status.
Percentage is calculate as NoOfLoans/TotalNoOfLoans.

Please can anyone tell me how to calculate the grand total and Percentages?

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Add Grand Total At Bottom Of Pivot Table?

Nov 9, 2013

I've been messing around with ROLLUP but have got nowhere,I have this:



which works a treat - I just need a grand total at the bottom for each column.

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Analysis :: Custom Grand Total In SSAS?

Jul 23, 2015

I have a requirement where I need to show the maximum value in grand totals but for the dimension members the same measure has to sum.

For ex: lets say I have a measure called Test and this is a base measure. The aggregation type set  to this is SUM.

For this same measure the grand totals should not show the sum instead it should show the maximum value of the dimension members which is being analyzed across.

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Transact SQL :: Add A Grand Total To Pivot Output?

Oct 9, 2015

I have a SP that will generate a pivot output. I want to add a grand total at the end row to sum up the counts for each column.

the SP is as below :

@columnHeaders NVARCHAR (MAX)
@columnHeaders  =  COALESCE ( (@columnHeaders)  + ',[' + [Date] + ']', '[' + [Date] + ']')


I am getting the below error:

Invalid column name 'Grand Total'.

Msg 205, Level 16, State 1, Line 16

All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.

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Grand Total Is Showing Wrong Result

May 19, 2008

My FactEmployeeTable showing 13 rows of data related to employees, but i used a bridge table for connecting project and employee dimensions. In the ProjEmpBridge table i mapped only 6 employees data to the proj's data. When dragging projet name and employee name it is showing data related to 6 employees but grand total showing 13 as the result. I dont know why it is showing 13 instead of 6. Can anyone please solve this issue.

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Matrix Report Columns Grand Total

Sep 10, 2007

Hi There i have a Report That Display's data in following format

Code | Descirption | Emirates | GCC | ASIAN | OTHER ARABS | so on..
1 What ever 3 0 2 1
2 ABC 0 0 1 0
Total 3 0 3 1

The Areas are Matric Columns and are dynamically generated .

i dont want sub total of each row , but i want Grand total at the end of the all columns generated by matrix

I have no clue how do to it

Kind Regards

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Grand Total Column In Matrix Report

Jan 15, 2008

Hi All,

I am having some trouble getting a Grand Total column at the end of my matrix report (not row at the bottom), such as you get by default in an Excel pivot table.

I have managed so far to add another column that sums up all values across the data range for a particular product code. My intention was to hide all but the last (I did something similar on rows). However you cannot use an expression on the width property for columns, so this will not work.

My report is very standard:
Month (grouped by year)
Product code | Description [qty]

I want a column that displays the total qty across all dates for each row. Surely this is possible?

Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks.

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Distinct Count With Null Values (grand Total)

May 9, 2007


I have a DB of professors and information related with them. I created the cube, it consist of:
Measure group Professors:
Amount of projects (COUNT proj_id)
Amount of pulications (COUNT pub_id)
Amount of e_books (COUNT book_id)
Measure group Projects:
Distinct amount of projects (DISTINCT COUNT proj_id)
Measure group Publications:
Distinct amount of publications (DISTINCT COUNT pub_id)
Measure group E_books:
Distinct amount of e_books (DISTINCT COUNT book_id)
Calculated measures:
iif ([Measures].[ Amount of projects ] = 0 OR [Measures].[ Amount of projects] = NULL,0,[Measures].[ Distinct amount of projects])
(similar to the above one)
(similar to the above one)
- prof_id
- proj_id
-type name
- pub_id
-type name
- book_id

For example, when I browse the cube:
prof_id____Amount of projects___Distinct amount of projects___Amnt_Projects
1032------------------- 30 --------------------------1----------------1
1070-------------------90 --------------------------2----------------2
1111-------------------0 ---------------------------1----------------0
1137-------------------0 ---------------------------1----------------0
2661-------------------85 --------------------------5----------------5
6999------------------- 20---------------------------1-----------------1
Grand Total------------ 2421------------------------11-----------------11

Grand Total 11 is the amount of distinct projects +1 (because of the unknown member). So the last column shows the right amount of projects for the professor but I want Grand Total to sum those values and show, how many projects do the professors have (it should be 59 if for all professors). How could I get the right value to be shown in Grand Total?

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Distinct Count With Null Values (grand Total)

May 10, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005. I have a DB of professors and information related with them. I created the cube, it consist of:
Measure group Professors:
Amount of projects (COUNT proj_id)
Amount of publications (COUNT pub_id)
Amount of e_books (COUNT book_id)
Measure group Projects:
Distinct amount of projects (DISTINCT COUNT proj_id)
Measure group Publications:
Distinct amount of publications (DISTINCT COUNT pub_id)
Measure group E_books:
Distinct amount of e_books (DISTINCT COUNT book_id)
Calculated measures:
iif ([Measures].[ Amount of projects ] = 0 OR [Measures].[ Amount of projects] = NULL,0,[Measures].[ Distinct amount of projects])
(similar to the above one)
(similar to the above one)
- prof_id
- proj_id
-type name
- pub_id
-type name
- book_id

For example, when I browse the cube:
prof_id____Amount of projects___Distinct amount of projects___Amnt_Projects
1032------------------- 30 --------------------------1----------------1
1070-------------------90 --------------------------2----------------2
1111-------------------0 ---------------------------1----------------0
1137-------------------0 ---------------------------1----------------0
2661-------------------85 --------------------------5----------------5
6999------------------- 20---------------------------1-----------------1
Grand Total------------ 2421------------------------11-----------------11

Grand Total 11 is the amount of distinct projects +1 (because of the unknown member). So the last column shows the right amount of projects for the professor but I want Grand Total to sum those values and show, how many projects do the professors have (it should be 59 if for all professors). How could I get the right value to be shown in Grand Total?

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Role Defined Wrong Grand Total Result

May 22, 2008


In my cube I have defined a role where thet user can only browse certain dimention value. BUt in grand Total the result showing is for all the diemnsion values.

for example The user restricted to browse only Australia and UK Country , But in grand total its showing the SUM of all the country.

Any help will be appreciated.


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Transact SQL :: Grand Total At Button Of Result Set Of Query

Jul 16, 2015

I have a script that produce a result set that is almost complete. I have a new requirement come up to put a Total  at the button of the result set of my Query.

I'm using SQL Server 2008
Case WHen left(MONTHDate,3)='Jan' Then '01'
WHen left(MONTHDate,3)='Feb' Then '02'
WHen left(MONTHDate,3)='Mar' Then '03'
WHen left(MONTHDate,3)='Apr' Then '04'
WHen left(MONTHDate,3)='May' Then '05'


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Power Pivot :: Sum Of The Parts Not Equaling Grand Total?

Nov 18, 2015

I've created a measure counting instances of unique identifiers utilizing the following formula. However, the Grand Total does not equal the sum of the sub-totals. 

=CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(DISTINCT('Rawdata File'[Identifier])),ALL('Rawdata File'[Identifier]))

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Pb With Calculated Measure And Totals (grand Total Or Anysubtotals)

May 20, 2008


I've created a calculated measure which is a division between 2 other measures which i also have displayed in the cube.
of course as soon as there is some level of aggregation, the shown result is an averaged division and therefore is wrong.

here is some example:
A 16874
B 956
C 1354
D 264
E 103
F 81
G 6
H 3
X 23
Total 5198.36...

here the wanted result would be a simple some of all the other values (=19664)

How could i treat totals/aggregation differently or have any good way of solving this issue?
I know there is the aggregatefunction propertie for normal dimension, but i'm not familiar with calculated measures and it seems properties that can be accessed through BIStudio's interface is rather limited.

thanks a lot in advance for your help. I've been looking for tweaks on the data to trick the cube, but couldn't find any way of getting the result i'm looking for.

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Err On Grand Total In Cube Measure Using A Distinct Count Agregation

May 28, 2007


I'm using sql server analysis services 2000, i have a problem with grand total when i select more than one member of any demension. the measure of this cube is built on a distinct count agregation function. i have only one measure in th cube

can some body help me !!

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Total Of Subtotal

Jun 9, 2006

I need to total filtered values each time the filter criteria changes.
So lets say I change the month to JAN then in addition to the subtotals for each category I need to get a Grand Total.
Thanks much.

SELECT Location, SUM(month_est) AS SubTot_Month_Est, SUM(actual) AS SubTot_Actual, mnth, yr
FROM dbo.meetings
GROUP BY Location, mnth, yr

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 3.0 - Separate Grand Total Section To A New Page?

May 5, 2015

is it possible to separate Grand Total of a sub group to a new page?

I tried using advanced mode, find the first line the Grand Total section and set its "RepeatOnNewPage" to true, but, when I execute the report, it will throw an error something like the value of RepeatOnNewPage of the TablixMemeber must be the same as its previous object.

I need my report pages to separate by subGroup(SubGroupA, SubGroupB, A+BTotal).

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Analysis :: Show Grand Total When Using SSAS Tabular Role Security Permission

Oct 30, 2015

If user want to see the grand total for a measure with include all members, even though the user has limited access for that member, so how we can do using DAX?For example, let’s say the total revenue for all the divisions in a cube is $15,000. You create a role called “Division A”, and set it up so members of that role can only see the revenue for Division A, which totals $3,000. If you use a front-end tool like Excel to access the cube and use the division hierarchy to see the total revenue, you will see the revenue of $3000 for Division A, but also want to see the Grand Total for the revenue as $15,000How we can achieve above scenerio in tabular model (DAX).

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Total/subtotal SQL ROLLUP Question

May 3, 2004


To create subtotals and totals.

The problem is, I want items on every line, like transaction dates, that are neither grouped by or summed. They are just for information only.

ANSI-92 SQL does not allow any column to be selected that is either not grouped on or has an aggregate function performed.

The MS example in the link above works fine, but does not present much data.

If I wanted to sum total orders and each order's subtotal for a given customer, I would also likely want the order date, who the order was placed by, etc. in each line of the report without grouping or summing that extraneous info.

Here is an example of the SQL syntax:

THEN (SELECT CFP..Company.companyName FROM Company WHERE Company.companyId = Activity.companyId) ELSE 'TOTAL' END AS [Company name],
SUM(transactionAmount) AS [Request amount]
FROM Activity
WHERE DATEPART(year, dateOrder) = DATEPART(year, '2004')
GROUP BY companyId, dateOrderWITH ROLLUP


But I want more details.

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Query By Year Group By Total Students Sort By Total For Each County

Jul 20, 2005

I haven't a clue how to accomplish this.All the data is in one table. The data is stored by registration dateand includes county and number of students brokne out by grade.Any help appreciated!Rob

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Group Total Expression - Add Total Disabled

Oct 26, 2015

For some reason my Add Total is grey out, when i tried to add grand total using some expression.

I have two row & two column groups?

Is there any alternative or how can i enable add total? using you can see in my Attached Image

I'm using iff condition in my expression.. 

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How To Add Subtotal In A Matrix Which Shows All Colunms Nut Seletd Vales Of Total

Jan 26, 2007


I have a Matrix Like This

Sales Type AZ CA ID NV WA OR Total

No Surplus 1 2 1 3 4 1 12
Reverted 1 4 2 4 7 2 20
Surplus 2 4 1 2 2 1 12

This "Total" is of All States(AZ, CA, ID, NV, WA, OR). But I Just want the total of
just four states i.e(ID, NV, WA, OR). And I also Want that States which are not included in the total i.e(AZ, CA) Should also appears in the matrix , but their values should not include in the total.
I have already applied the filter on the subtotal, but (AZ, CA) did'nt appears in the matixr after filter.

Mohammad Yaseen

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SQL Server 2012 :: Add Column Names As Total And Subtotal For NULL Values?

Jan 21, 2014

How do I add column names as Total and SubTotal for NULL values.

, COUNT(*)


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What's Microsoft Doing About Providing Page Numbering Per Group And Total Pages Per Group?

Nov 27, 2007


I've posted a feedback with Microsoft to see if we can get them to fix the issue described below, but so far no one from Microsoft has commented to let us know what they're doing about this problem! I'm posting this here to see if maybe we can get more people to rate this feedback or chime in on what a pain it is! Please feel free to add your own comments or how you had to work around this issue and whether or not you think this is something Microsoft should be addressing NOW.

Provide Individual Page Numbering per Group and Total Pages per Group

Currently in a Reporting Services report, you can't readily reset the page number for each group in a table, nor can you display the total number of pages per group. For example, if I'm printing invoices and each invoice is a separate group, I'd like to be able to print "Page 1 of 5" , "Page 2 of 5" etc. for the first invoice, then "Page 1 of 3" when the next invoice begins, and so on. This was easy in Crystal Reports. I realize that Crystal Reports has a two-pass process that enables that kind of pagination. However, this is REALLY important functionality that's just missing from Reporting Services and I'm hoping you'll provide it REALLY SOON! Yeah, I know there are work-arounds if you can know exactly how many rows of information there are on each page. But gosh! That's not practical, especially if you have second level groups inside the main group or text blocks in rows that can 'grow' to more than one line. I've read a couple of work-arounds, but none of them works correctly and consistently when more than one user is running the same report or when you print the report while you're looking at it on the screen. I still may need access to the overall report page number and the overall total number of pages, so don't get rid of that. It's just that if you're doing this already for the entire report, I don't see why you can't do it per group! Lots of people have been asking for this for years, and I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented.

I've read a few articles on this topic, but no one has come up with a decent work around. My theory is that Microsoft should be addressing this immediately. This is major functionality that's just plain missing from SSRS and should have been there from the start. If anyone from Microsoft can let us know what's going on with this issue or if anyone would like for me to clarify this further, feel free to let me know.


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