Grouping Rows By CSV Column

Aug 24, 2013

I have a table with following sample data:

**CategoriesIDs RegistrantID**
47 1
276|275|278|274|277 4
276|275|278|274|277 16261
NULL 16262
NULL 16264
NULL 16265


I need to know :

1). which category has how many regisrtantids (like 277 has how many registrantids) 2). group the registrants by category so that i can find which registrants are in category 277 for example)

Do I need to create a function which generates a table from csv ? I have created a function but not sure if it will work in this situation with IN clause.

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Counting Multiple Values From The Same Column And Grouping By A Another Column

Sep 16, 2004

This is a report I'm trying to build in SQL Reporting Services. I can do it in a hacky way adding two data sets and showing two tables, but I'm sure there is a better way.

Order# Customer Status

STATUS has valid values of PROCESSED and INPROGRESS

The query I'm trying to build is Count of Processed and INProgress orders for a given Customer.

I can get them one at a time with something like this in two different datasets and showing two tables, but how do I achieve the same in one query?

Select Customer, Count (*) As Status1
FROM TheTable
Where (Status = N'Shipped')
Group By Customer

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Multi Column Grouping Vs Page/Column Break

Mar 18, 2007

In my report i would have 2 groups.

The first group should cause a real page break, the secound group should cause a column break.

Any idea on how to realize this, i've been playing with quite some settings but .....

So, any help ...

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Grouping Rows By Just The Date

Mar 2, 2001

I store data in a table using a column named InsertTimestamp which is a datetime format. I now want to report on rows by just the date. I have been able to do this by converting the datetime like such:
convert(varchar, inserttimestamp, 107)
This reurns the data correctly however is very ineffiecnet. DOes anyone know another easy way around this dilemna???

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Restricting The Rows And Grouping

Dec 14, 2004

I have a table strcutre as follows.This is like a many to many relationship between category and Article. Now i need to pick 3 recrord from each category which has a relavancy 1 sorted by Article date Desc. ie.. from the recent articles..
I can fire 4 diff queries and restrict it using top keyword..
Can i do this in a Single query or in a better way..can anyone help me plz......


catID - PK

ArticleID - PK

ArticleID - Composite Key(ArticleID,CatId)

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Grouping Rows By Customer

Nov 8, 2006

my source flat file has many rows per customer,
but I need to transfer it to database with only one row per customer and accumulated sales (and probably do other calculations and lookups).
I understand how to do stuff with derived columns, but how can I read source file first, calculate, group and then save to database?
As I understand, the script offers only processing row by row: Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)



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Need Help On GROUPING Sets Of Rows And Comparison

Jan 24, 2007

Hi folks. Hope all the gurus including Brett,Pat Phalen, RdjBarov, r937 are fine. ;)
been so long to ask stupid question. Here's the question and i really need help on this.

i have data that tracks patterns of bus stops from one point to another.
like point a, to point b, point b to point c forms one pattern.
point a to point c , point c to point b should be a different pattern.

create table #journeypatterns (patternid int ,points varchar(100))
insert #journeypatterns
select 1 ,'a' union all select 1 ,'b' union all select 1,'c'
union all select 2,'a' union all select 2,'c' union all select 2,'b'
union all select 3 ,'a' union all select 3 ,'b' union all select 3,'c'

select * from #journeypatterns

patternid points
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 a
2 c
2 b
3 a
3 b
3 c

what i want is to get unique pattern value of sequence of points by grouping on patternid. if the sequence of points change, i need a unique value against that pattern.
like for patternid 1, sequence of points a,bc for example should be abc.
for patternid 2, sequence of points a,c,b for example should be acb.
again patternid 3, sequence of points a,bc for example should be abc.

i tried CHECKSUM_AGG which brutally failed in production because the checksum values for each single point when summed produce SAME result for different patterns.

select checksum_agg(binary_checksum(points)) ,patternid
from #journeypatterns
group by patternid


here patternid 2 should be different because sequence is acb. i know checksum is not the right approach for what i need.

I NEED A GENERIC FUNCTION, that marks the pattern differences, my ultimate goal was to create a procedure, whom a patternid should be passed, and it would result the NEXT patternid in the table which has the SAME ORDER OF point sequences.

now folks, i can do this holding all data into a temp table and write a cursor to traverse through each patternid and concatenate the sequence of points.
BUT, using this approach is the ugliest, as it has slow down the process badly and boss is not happy with the performance. the table holds a lot of data.
I NEED a query rather than a cursor on the fly to resolve this.
Here's the query i am using to get the current sequence of a pattern and then i have to search all sequences similarly against it.

declare @patternid int
set @patternid =1
declare @sequence [varchar] (100)
declare @id varchar(10)
declare cr_sequence cursor fast_forward for select points from #journeypatterns where patternid=@patternid
open cr_sequence
fetch next from cr_sequence into @id
while @@fetch_status = 0
select @sequence = isnull(@sequence,'')+@id
fetch next from cr_sequence into @id
print @sequence -- next i have code to find the similar sequence for another patternid.... which is not mentioned here but is similar

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Removing Duplicate Rows In Grouping

Feb 14, 2012

i've to generate a notepad using this query in :

strSql = "Select count(*), d.ShareholderId, d.UsufructId, d.BnkAccount, b.SBMCode, " & _
"LTRIM(ISNULL(d.TitleCode + ' ', '')) + LTRIM(ISNULL(d.Forename + ' ', '')) + d.Surname as ShName," & _
"d.BankCode, (select count(*) from (select ShareholderId from dividend " & _
"where CompCode = 'L1' and PaymentMode = 'B' group by ShareholderId, UsufructId, " & _


In the select statement i need to select "d.amount" as well. When i do so, it ask me to insert it in the group by option or in an aggregate function.

Grouping by "d.amount" returns extra field as there can be 2 similar "d.shareholderId" but with different amount.

how to group the "d.amount" without having repetition in the "d.shareholderid" ??

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Grouping Consecutive Rows In A Table

Feb 21, 2013

SQL Server 2008.

From individual event logs I have generated a table where arrivals and departures at a location are registered per device. As there are multiple registration points, there might be multiple consecutive registrations per location.
If this is the case I need to filter those out and have one registration per location and in the result I need to get the earliest arrival and the latest departure of these consecutive rows.

Part of the table:

3485441082013-02-07 17:51:05.0002013-02-07 17:51:15.0005110
3492041082013-02-07 17:51:15.0002013-02-07 17:51:26.0005220
3500241082013-02-07 17:51:27.0002013-02-07 17:51:37.0003312
3508941082013-02-07 17:51:41.0002013-02-07 17:51:54.0004413

[Code] ....

So as long the field LocationID is the same in the next row, it needs to be grouped.

I have added the rows Grp1, Grp2, Grp in an attempt to get an unique grouping number with the following script in the select statement:


By subtracting Grp2 from Grp1 (Grp = Grp1 - Grp2) I hoped to get an unique group number for each set of equal consecutive locations, however the Grp2 column does not restart from 1 each time the LocationID changes: Grp2 in line 7 should have been 1 again, but it is 2 because this is the second row with LocationID = 3 in the list.

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Transact SQL :: Grouping Similar Rows After Unpivot?

Sep 23, 2015

I've unpivoted some data and stored it in a temp table variable


Using the above data, if two rows have the same FreqDt, I want to see the record with the lowest row number.

So it should look like the below


I've used the below code to accomplish it

CASE WHEN t2.idNum IS NULL THEN t1.idNum ELSE t2.idNum END,
CASE WHEN t2.FreqDt IS NULL THEN T1.FreqDt else t2.FreqDt END,
CASE WHEN t2.freq is null then t1.freq else t2.freq end
FROM @tmptbl as t1 LEFT JOIN @tmptbl as t2
ON t1.idNum = T2.idNum
AND t1.FreqDt = t2.FreqDt
AND t1.rn = (t2.rn-1)

After all this, I'm supposed to condense the result set to only include sequential frequency dates with unique frequencies.should look like below (this is where I'm stuck)


answer is below:

FROM @t as t1 LEFT JOIN @t as t2
ON t1.idnum = T2.idnum
AND t1.freq = t2.freq
AND t1.rn = (t2.rn-1)
WHERE t2.idnum IS NULL

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Transact SQL :: Selecting Rows As Column Name And Other Column Values As Rows

Jun 25, 2015

I have questions and answers from one table, I need to select questions as column names and answers column values as the results for the questions column.

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Grouping And Sum Column

Oct 9, 2007


I have table and i need to sum one colume of this table and group by not all column table but with some of the table column for instance.

Table is:

SerialNum | Factry | DateTime | Owner,QTY | Cost | Description

I need to sum Qty and group by Serical number and owner only.
How can i do that?

Thank you,

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How To Query By Grouping One Column

Jan 5, 2005

Hello, everyone:

I have a table like:


How to query this table to return by Col1 like


Thanks a lot

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Grouping By A Formated Column

May 13, 2008

I have a date column that formated and i need to group by it, how do it do this? i get this error code:

Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Column 'o.Initials' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

here is my query:
select * from(
, TechInt as Initials
, [Drug]
,[Missed PT Notes]
,[Pt Same Name]
,[PT Family]
,[Wrong PT]
,[Wrong Ques. Asked]
,[Rx/Refills Omitted]
,[Wrong Sig]
,[Wrong PT Address]
,[Write Date]
,[Wrong MD/MD Info]
,[Rx Should be Questioned]
,[TSTF],[Non-Link Image]
,[DC Date],[Days Supply]
,[No Call Card]
,[Order Count]
,[Credit Hold Procedure]
,[Sig Typo]
,[Verse Missing/Wrong]
,[Right Drug Wrong Form]
from tblaitinfo
pivot (count(ercode) for ercode in ([Drug],[Missed PT Notes],[Pt Same Name],[PT Family],[Wrong PT],[Wrong Ques. Asked],[DAW],[Rx/Refills Omitted],[Allergy],[Wrong Sig],[Strength],[Wrong PT Address],[Quantity],[SVQ],[Refills],[Write Date],[Wrong MD/MD Info],[Rx Should be Questioned],[TSTF],[Non-Link Image],[DC Date],[Days Supply],[No Call Card],[Order Count],[Credit Hold Procedure],[Routing],[Sig Typo],[Verse Missing/Wrong],[Right Drug Wrong Form],[Others])) p
group by formatdate

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Matrix Column Grouping

Sep 15, 2006


I have a requirement from my users to be able to drill down for a single column in a matrix. I've been able to implement drilldown for all of the measures (all columns grouped at the same time) in my matrix but they now want to be able to group different columns independently of each other. In other words they want to be able to group the data in different columns by different things.

An example might make my question clearer, the report would need to look like this: 

Client Name
Sales -
Costs +
Revenue -

Client A +
Europe +
Middle East +
Asia Pacific +
Products +
Investments +


Client B +

As you an see, the Sales measure has been expanded so it's grouped by region so the sales figures can be seen for all clients and the 3 regions. The revenue column has also been expanded/grouped so that you can see revenue figures for products and investments for all clients. Costs is not expanded but it could be by clicking on the '+' which would group the data in that column by something else. They have asked for more than 1 level of drilldown, so clicking on "Europe" above would allow another level for the sales measure which might be country. There will also be regular measure columns that are not drilldown/groupable columns.

Is it possible to implement this with SSRS 2005?



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Grouping Column Currency By Range

Apr 11, 2007

HI all -

I need to group data in a sql report by currency values. I have a report that shows part numbers and 4 columns making up manufacturing costs and then a 5th column showing total costs. I would like to add a 6th column that groups the total costs by ranges. The example would be, group all costs > 20000, group all costs 1000 > x > 20000 , and finally all costs < 1000.

How can I accomplish this?

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Transact SQL :: Grouping Based Of Column Value

Nov 5, 2015

Below is the data I have in table name

T 1 Complete or Escalate
T 2 Pick Up
T 2 Resolve Case
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate

I want to get he group based of Resolve Case value in Status Column. Anything before Resolve case will be considered as Group 1 and after Resolve Case status should be considered as Group 2. Below is desired new Group column,

Group TeamStatus
Group 1 T 1Complete or Escalate
T 2 Pick Up
T 2 Resolve Case

Group 2 T 1Pick Up
T 1Complete or Escalate
T 1 Pick Up
T 1 Complete or Escalate

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How To Show Distinct Rows Of The Column Of The Dataset And Number Of Distinct Rows Of That Column

Mar 29, 2007

suppose i have aDataset with 11 rows. field1 with 5 rows of aaa, 6 rows of "bbb"

I want's some thing like

field1 rowcount
aaa 5
bbb 6

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Dividing Two Values Of Same Column / Grouping

Aug 4, 2014

I'm trying to divide two values from separate rows. Each row is a separate UNION statement.

2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Total Offers 1218 UNION (A)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - With Lead 301 UNION (B)
2014-08-03 00:00:00.000NKBB (N) - Without Leads 917 UNION (C)

In the below example, I would like to divide KBB (N) - With Lead (UNION (B)/KBB (N) - Total Offers UNION (A)

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Reporting Services :: Column Header Over Grouping

Aug 11, 2015

I would like to create a group and add an overall header.

So the dimension is grouped and results in the following:
                                  Group Title
Dimension 1    Dimension 1    Dimension 1    Dimension 1

Instead of :
Group Title    Group Title    Group Title    Group Title
Dimension    Dimension     Dimension    Dimension

How can I achieve this without using a tablix within a tablix?

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Reporting Services :: Reference Column Grouping

Aug 31, 2015

I create a matrix,

Row groups: Province
Column groups: Project Type
Values:  Count of # of Projects, Sum of Amount ($)

What this displays is the following. How do I go about calculating what's highlighted in yellow? It is Amount of OneProjectType / Amount of TwoProject Type.

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Reporting Services :: Customize Column Grouping

Jul 6, 2015

I am working on one of the report. where I need to move the amount across column group.

My data is like this

Project Amount CurrentFiscalMonth DelaybyMonth
A 10 Jul 0
B 20 Aug 2
C 10 Sep 0

Report will be sum up the amount at CurrentFicalMonth grouping on column

But, if the Project is being delayed say by as per the example its 2 months than the amount should be moved from Sep to Oct column for the particular project. User has done it using the Offset function in excel.

Fiscal month starts at July and ends at June. and data source is SSAS cube.

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Joining On And Grouping By CASE Function Column Alias (URGENT)

Apr 14, 2004

I REALLY need to perform a JOIN and a GROUP BY on a CASE function column alias, but I'm receiving an "Invalid column name" error when attempting to run the query. Here's a snippet:

SELECT NewColumn=
FROM Table1
JOIN Table2 ON NewColumn = Table2.ColumnName
GROUP BY NewColumn, Table2.SelectCol2
ORDER BY Table2.SelectCol2

I really appreciate any help anyone can provide.

DC Ross

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Reporting Services :: Tabular Report Datasets - Grouping On Column

Jun 23, 2015

I have table which has 5 columns(col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) very simple and some data .

I would like to create a tabular  report  datasets on the report like shown below with grouping on col1

col1  some static text and dynamic text
col1 col2 col3 col4
data data data data
col1 some static & dynamic text
col1 col2 col3 col4
data data data data

Note I need to keep all the tables on the same page and when exported in excel they should come on same page sheet.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Page Break With Column Grouping

Nov 16, 2015

We are facing problem in doing page break with column grouping. Our column group contains years e.g 2011, 2013 . We want to show a complete page for a year. 

Suppose 2011 has 10 records(horizontal) and 2013 has 12 records(horizontal) in column. The output should be 10 records of 2011 in first page, 12 records of 2013 in second page.

We cannot change the report layout to make column to row and vice versa.

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Transact SQL :: Find Unique Rows In Column That Are Associated With Another Field In Another Column?

May 1, 2015

I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1.  To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique. 



The result of the query would only have PID1 because it has two unique GUID's. PID2 would not be listed has it has the same GUID3 in each row.



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Query Or Grouping Problem (some Kind Of Parallel Grouping?)

Nov 26, 2007

I'm really stumped on this one. I'm a self taught SQL guy, so there is probobly something I'm overlooking.

I'm trying to get information like this in to a report:

-WO Line #
--Work Order Line Detail #1
--Work Order Line Detail #2
--Work Order Line Detail #3
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
--Work Order Line Parts #1
--Work Order Line Parts #2
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
-WO Line #
--Work Order Line Detail #1
--Work Order Line Detail #2
--Work Order Line Detail #3
--Work Order Line Detail #etc
--Work Order Line Parts #1
--Work Order Line Parts #2
--Work Order Line Parts #etc

I'm unable to get the grouping right on this. Since the line details and line parts both are children of the line #, how do you do "parallel groups"?

There are 4 tables:

Work Order Header
Work Order Line
Work Order Line Details
Work Order Line Requisitions

The Header has a unique PK.
The Line uses the Header and a Line # as foreign keys that together are unique.
The Detail and requisition tables use the header and line #'s in addition to their own line number foreign keys. My queries ends up looking like this:

226952 10000 10000 10000
226952 10000 10000 20000
226952 10000 10000 30000
226952 10000 10000 40000
226952 10000 20000 10000
226952 10000 20000 20000
226952 10000 20000 30000
226952 10000 20000 40000
399999 10000 NULL 10000
375654 10000 10000 NULL


It probobly isn't best practice, but I'm kinda new so I need some guidance. I'd really appreciate any help! Here's my query:

SELECT [Work Order Header].No_ AS WO_No, [Work Order Line].[Line No_] AS WOL_No,
[Work Order Requisition].[Line No_] AS WOLR_No, [Work Order Line Detail].[Line No_] AS WOLD_No
FROM [Work Order Header] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Line] ON [Work Order Header].No_ = [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Line Detail] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order No_] AND
[Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Line Detail].[Work Order Line No_] LEFT OUTER JOIN
[Work Order Requisition] ON [Work Order Line].[Work Order No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order No_] AND
[Work Order Line].[Line No_] = [Work Order Requisition].[Work Order Line No_]

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Concatenate Column Value From Multiple Rows Into A Single Column

Feb 27, 2008


I need to concatenate a column from multiple rows into a single column in a new table.

How can I do this?


Need to have



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How To Substract New Rows From Old Rows In The Same Column?

Mar 7, 2008

Hi I'm having a bit troubble by creating a SQL-sentence which substract the newest row from the second newest row in the same column. The table looks like this:

Pricecalcid Date Price Itemid
2000 2006-12-12 3000 100
2488 2007-10-11 2800 100
3100 2008-08-07 2500 100

What I need is that the largest "Pricecalcid" that is 3100 equals "Price" 2500 and the second largest "Pricecalcid" eqauls 2800 results in a pricecalculation that substracts 2500 from 2800 for "Itemid" 100.

How do I do that?



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Rows To Column

Sep 26, 2000

i have a query that returns 1 column 5 rows which i want as 1 row 5 columns

SELECT columna
FROM atable

would become??


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Two Rows To One Column

Jan 11, 2006

How to put two rows of data in one column?
dealID dealNO
1 888
1 999

dealID dealNO
1 888,999

you can't use create permission, so can't create storedprocedure.
Pls help.

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Get Some Rows Into One Column

Oct 31, 2007

Hello,can I do this via SQL:example: tbltest has 5 rows:col1===ACFMRWhat I want is this:result:===============A, C, F, M, RDo I really have to go through the rows per SP? I could do this:SELECT UDF(col1)FROM tbltestAin't there a more simple way, maybe theres a T-SQL-command ?thxcandide_sh

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Convert The Rows Into Column

Dec 11, 2007

I want to convert the row value as column name
value       ratio
3           4.166666666661          1.315789473680          00          0
To :->
value     ratio        ratio1   ratio2   ratio3
3          4.166      1.315    0          0
any ideas?

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