I have a database of 22 gb in sql 2000, my database option is set to full recovery mode, the problem i'm having is the tran log is growing too fast, this morning it was 24 gb, more than the database size. Can anyone help how I can keep it in a managable size?
Something strange is happening to our SQL Server DB (2000). Thetempdb transaction log file continues to grow (quite slowly) for noapparent reason. We have it in simple mode, and I have tried a manualcheckpoint command and manual shrink (of the log file only). Thereare no unusual SQL's (large or small) going on. A "heavy hitter" wouldmake it grow fast, not 10 MB every 30 minutes or so. This server hasbeen in production for over a year with no similar issues to this.Anyone encounter a similar situation? This started (as far as we cantell) sometime yesterday. It is growing about 200 MB a day, and is upto 600 MB now, with all but 8 MB "used". For now we added space, butof course that is not a long term solution. The two "data" files(each had a 200 MB initial allocation) have never gone much above 100MB each used (they are each about 100 MB now and have been that wayfor several days, but have shrank and grown). There are about 30small to medium sized "regular" databases on this instance.Any help would be appreciated, especially if there is a way we can fixthis without bouncing the engine (I know, wishful thinking...). The OSis Win 2000, SP3. SQL Server is at 2000, SP 3a.THANKS IN ADVANCE!
The TEMPDB transaction log file keeps growing.The database server is new and the transaction log was presized to 1 GB on installation. After installing a number of databases, the log file grew over a day to 38GB. Issuing a manual checkpoint was the only way to free some space to allow it to be shrunk back to a usable size. The usage of the file is still going up.
I am struggling to find what process is causing the log to be used so heavily. Looking at the log reuse wait desc for tempdb returns "Nothing" and tempdb itself isn't being used very much or growing in size.
I am running an Execute SQL task that does a Begin Tran, then the next task in the sequence is a data task which imports a XML file into two tables. If i doo a Rollback Tran only one of the two tables is rolled back.
Is it possible to have both tables rolled back from one Begin tran command or do i need to split the datatasl into two and treat each import as a seperate issue ?
Why does a log (.ldf) file keep growing and growing and growing? Is this related to the fact that the scheduled Maintenance keeps failing due to exclusive access problems?
Hi, my log files are growing like anything. One of my log file size is 20GB. How i have to reduce the log file size. If i run DBCC command is it come backs... Pls tell me the way how i have to find the free space and reduce logsizes. After taking backups also my log file sizes are not reducing.
I have a DB with 1 data file, 1 log file and 1 index file. data file is 3 GB but index file is 12 GB. Index file is growing big day by day. This cause performance of DB down. What should I do to prevent index file become bigger and size of index file smaller?
My log file was 2x the size of my actual Database which is obviously too large on a DEV box. I know that my data can be easily recovered so I actually do not even want/need a log file.
After doing some investigation I found that I should turn my database into "Simple Recovery Mode" and after this I used a few scripts to truncate my log file. Things at this point looked great!
Unfortunately my log File is still growing even with this 'simple recovery mode'. So how do I stop this craziness from occurring?
I even unchecked the box 'allow autogrowth' on the database! However, I eventually get errors when creating records in the system because it complains about running out of room in the log file.
The transaction log for database 'ReportingDB' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases
I want to rollback my t-sql if it encounters an error. I wrote this code:
begin tran mytrans; insert into table1 values (1, 'test'); insert into table1 values (1, 'jsaureouwrolsjflseorwurw'); -- it will encounter error here since max value to be inputted is 10 commit tran mytrans;
I forced my insert to have an error by putting a value that exceeds the data size. However, I didn't do any rollback. Anything i missed out?
I started my database in last week to user with transfer data from Sybase to sql 2000 server. Intitally log file size was few MB near to 20 MB for each co’s, within 8 days it has reached upto 300 MB still datafile size in few MB , approximately 40MB for each co’s, why log file growing in such manger, how I can manage it?
Hello, we are running Microsoft SQL 2005 Express edition (9.0.32).
Recently I just noticed that the database log file of our main database is HUGE. The database data file is only 50MB and the log file is 210GB.
Any idea what is causing this? Seems to be getting bigger with time, in the last 7 days seems to have grown by 100GB. I noticed the following settings under the database:
I am using Append to media backup option in 2000 Version. The size of backup is growing. how can I best create the maintenace plan to clear the history or clear the old files in BACKUP (.bak) file but still be able to restore point in time from same physical file. I
I have got another annoying problem. The MDF file size on one of the machines is growing really fast. We zip the mdf/ldf files every day from all the machines in the dataentry dept. On this particular machine, the mdf file size is growing by about 1GB per day. However, when the file is zipped, the zipped file size comes closer to the zipped files from the other machines.
I'm having a problem. When I use the SQL query to make a backup of the database, it worked fine. But everytime I use it, the backed-up file's size kept growing in size. Say I have the file, test.bak whose filesize is 450 MB then I run a new backup to overwrite the existing test.bak file, it just end up as 900 MB. If I run it again, it become 1350 MB and so on.
I have an 19 gig database that somehow has a 100gig log file. The DB MUST BE in full recovery mode, I backup the transaction logs EVERY hour and shrink nightly. but for some reason my logfile WILL NOT SHRINK.
I've used both the DBCC Shrinkfile (xxxxxx) and DBCC ShrinkDatabase (xxxxx) and these don't seem to work. I Have No current backup, I have Not capacity for addtional 100 gig worth of backup drive or off-site tape.
Hi there,I have a data manipulation process written in a Nested Stored procedurethat have four levels deeper. When I run these individual proceduresindividually they all seems to be fine. Where as when I run them alltogether as Nested proces (calling one in another as sub-procedures) Logfile is growing pretty bad like 25 to 30GB.. and finally getting kickedafter running disk space. This process is running around 3hrs on a SQLserever Standard Box having dual processer and 2gb ram.This procedures have bunch of bulk updates and at least one cursor ineacch procedure that gets looped through.I was wondering if anybody experienced this situation or have any clueas to why is this happening and how to resolve this?I am in a pretty bad shape to deliver this product and in need of urgenthelp.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated..Thanks in advance*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***
I want to truncate my sharepoint config database and WSS_Logging database logs the size of sharepoint_config database is growing at a pace of ~10GB every week. I have scheduled a weekly full backup. Current .ldf file size is 113GB.
I am using SQL server 2012 with Always On High Availability feature. I am not able to set the recovery mode from Full to Simple as it gives me message that mirroring is running on both server.
In my case to reduce the log file what I need to do.
I upgraded from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7 last month, and so far, everything's been going fine.
However, I'm not using my old SQL 6.5 backup scripts, which, when the backup was done, would dump the transaction log with TRUNCATE_ONLY, shrinking the log size.
My SQL 7 server is set up with a Maintenance Plan which does everything, including backup, but the log file seems to be growing and growing. I'm up to 4.5 gigs now, for a database with a data file of 3.5 gigs.
How do I "dump transaction with TRUNCATE_ONLY" on a SQL 7 database?
I have merge replication setup up for 6 SQLCE Subscribers. I have noticed that the MSmerge_tombstone table is growing at a fast rate regardless of any changes to the data in the database. It seems to be consistantly adding 50 rows of data to the table every 2 minutes. As the table grows it causes the SQLCE subscirbers to fail with the following message:
ERROR: -2147467259 SQL Server Reconciler failed: Run
ERROR: -2147200925 : Failed to enumerate changes in the filtered articles.
ERROR: 0 : The merge process timed out while executing a query. Reconfigure the QueryTimeout parameter and retry the operation.
I'm sure that this is due to the size of the MSmerge_tombstone.
Should the MSmerge_tombstone table grow at this rate? 36,000 rows every 24hrs!
I understand there is the sp_mergecleanupmetadata Stored procedure but if i use this does that mean that because i have to reinitialise all the subscribers, they are going to have to pull down the whole subscription again.
I have since Changed a settings to make subscription expiration date to 8 days instead of never expires but we're still getting 50 rows added every 2 minutes
SQL SERVER 2000 SP3 Hope someone can shed some light on this for me.
I have a transaction log that is over f gig in size....what can be done with this..and what are the pros and cons if I delete it...also how can I keep this from getting that big in the future. Thanks!
On my SQL 6.5 box, I have a corrupt Tran log. I do not use my Tran log but now I am getting an 1105 error, that the log is full. I run Dump tran with no log but it does not work. I cannot perform any other function without getting the 1105 error. Now I tried to reboot and now it is hanging during reboot. It is hanging while checking the partition where the tran log resides. I went in to VGA Mode. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Does this seem right? We have our transaction logs set to "Truncate Log on Checkpoint" and they still grow over 1GB. Is it possible that one transaction (to a checkpoint) generates this much logged information? Will transaction log backups every 5-10 minutes help me out better or is this just a poorly written application?
Help. I have a database with high transaction rates. THe log is 300 mbs. No matter what i do I cannot get it below 64%. I have dumped and trucated the log yet it will not budge. Being friday and it being a time card application this is my heaviest transaction day. Please help
Hi There, How do I find the space used for the tran log of the db. sp_spaceused gives the space used for the complete database. but I need the space used for a tran log alone. Thanks in advance. pete
What is the advantage of taking frequent tran log backups (say every 30mins) as opposed to once a day? Say, I backup data and tran log once every night and I lost a table at 10:00am next day. Can't I recover the database to the point in time by restoring the previous night's backup and then applying the transaction log from previous night and then applying the transaction log (to the point int time) that you just dumped when the mishap was reported to you?
We are experiencng high cpu utilization across all 4 cpu's at the top of the hour when our transaction log dump job runs. Has anyone observed this bahavior before? Is there anything we can do to mitigate this? Thank You.
Reviewing the MSSQL process info screen, I am seeing the same process appear a numer of times. It is always the same, being
Sometimes, there can be up to a hundred of these processes (listed in the process info screen). They generally have a 'sleeping' status, but nonetheless, I would like to see these processes disappear if they are not being used.
I have checked in all of the stored procedures and triggers in the application, and none have this sql statement.
When I run profiler, I get these entries, but the profiler says they belong to either SQL Enterprise Manager or 'Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating System', and not to the application I am running.
Does anyone know where these transactions come from? Can I prevent these from appearing? If no, what is the impact (other than sql server having to maintain a connection).
All my jobs run fine, except for a Transaction Log Backup job that fails with the following error: Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server 'Server1' as 'sa' (non-trusted) Starting maintenance plan 'MaintPlan-TLogs- AllData' on 5/12/2001 10:00:01 AM Backup can not be performed on database 'AllData'. This sub task is ignored. I have not change the sa or agent password. I cannot figure out why this job started failing, it ran fine for a while. Any insight is appreciated. Thanks