Do we have a hash structure in t-sql ? I want that a stored procedure accept a hash table as input (which contains 'column names => new_value' as keys and values). A small piece of code demonstrating the use can be useful.
Dear Techies,I making one stored procedure, which does some operation based on aninterface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.This stored has two section of code (seperated by parameter value 0and 1)But hash table #mydata (same name) number/name of columns changes asper call 0 or 1.e.g.when call for 0, ----> Pass 2 columns as company_cd and section_cd ininterface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.when call for 1, ----> Pass 3 columns as Section_cd, line_cd andsubline_cd in interface hash (#) table ---- name #mydata.As a result, none of the case (0 or 1) is running properly, It givesproblem.When I execute procedure for 0 by passing #mydata with two columns---> it gives problem in 1 section codeAnd When I execute procedure for 1 by passing #mydata with threecolumns ---> it gives problem in 0 section codePlease suggest !!! If anybody have faced the same problem or have anyidea about this case.(I think passing hash table with 3 column as col1,col2,col3 can servethe purpose, but this may cause rework in my case, so looking foralternate solution)Thanks in Advance,T.S.Negi
Hi,I'm using DB2 UDB 7.2.Also I'm doing some tests on SQL Server 2000 for some statements touse efectively.I didn't find any solution on Sql Server about WITH ... SELECTstructure of DB2.Is there any basic structure on Sql Server like WITH ... SELECTstructure?A Sample statement for WITH ... SELECT on DB2 like belowWITHtotals (code, amount)AS (SELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans1 GROUP BY codeUNION ALLSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans2 GROUP BY code)SELECTcode, SUM(amount)FROM totalsGROUP BY code.............................Note: 'creating temp table and using it' maybe a solution.However i need to know the definition of the result set of Unionclause. I don't want to use this way.CREATE TABLE #totals (codechar(10), amount dec(15))GOINSERT INTO #totalsSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans1 GROUP BY codeUNION ALLSELECT code, SUM(amount) FROM trans2 GROUP BY codeGOSELECT code, sum(amount) FROM #totals GROUP BY codeGOAny help would be appreciatedThanks in advanceMemduh
It seems like there is no built in procedure for making a password hash inSQL2000. Am I wrong.Do I have to make it from scratch myself or is there samples out there?/Jens Ulrik
I want to know wether SQL Server 2005 (that I use) has a built in support for creating MD5 hashes and if it has then can someone give me an example how to use it.
I need to create hash of image field and then compare it to another one that has been sent from application. The hash from my app is sent as string so it would be great if the hash result would be returned as 32 character string
The Software is wrintten in visual basic .net 2005 and it has a built in MD5 hash function so I have taken care of that part.
P.S. If SQL Server 2005 doesn support MD5 maybe someone know other hash alghoritms that Server does support (maybe one that also is supperoted by VB.NET 2005).
Many articles on sql server security make reference to Hash functions. Do you know of a simple example of a hash function that I could show to others?
For example, would taking the first eight bytes of the mathematical "sin" of a number be a good function? I don't know. Or is a hash "function" actually an involved algorithm, so the "simple" formula I was looking for really doesn't exist.
Hi, I've been through Books Online, Technet, MSN and the archives on this site trying to get a difinite answer on this. Everything except Technet indicates a maximum configurable value of 265003. However in Technet, it says that if you are running the enterprise edition with more than 2GB of memory that you can configure this to a much higher number (their example is 700000). Using the calculation involving memory, and based on several dozen performance tests, we would like to set our value to around 666000 (using the prime number of course). However we cannot get SQL to accept any value over the default maximum.
Is Technet wrong? Are we missing something? I cant find any reference other than in Technet on being able to use the higher number.
I am wondering, in theory, how I would use a typical one-way hash function to protect customer password on my website server (which is a small e-commerce server)?
I have implemented a script to perform a MD5 hash on each row processed by the SSIS package so that it can be compared with a stored value to see if there has been a change in the record. This package processes over 1 million rows. In 12 of these rows I get a hash value that is different than the stored value despite the fact that the rows "look" identical. Curious about this, I used the both the CheckSum and Binary_Checksum feature from t-sql to check the rows and they both show the identical checksum value. I have exported the rows into text and did a compare and the records are identical. I assume there must be some hidden characters that is causing the hash to be different, has anyone else run into this issue? Any help is much appreciated.
Ok, here is what i'm trying to do and its driving me nuts.
1) I have a proc that runs and needs to validate the user prior to running - this proc is called from an hand held device
2) the id and password are being passed as "clear text" but the password is stored in the database table hashed.
Is there anything on the db side that can get the hash value from the password column of the aspnet_membership table and compare it to the password being passed in to this proc? I have suggested several options to the handheld developer but nothing. This has to be done on the database side.
username and password are passed to proc from handheld.
proc needs to validate ther user in the aspnet_membership table
if user id and password are valid execute the stored procedure
is this possible? if so can ANYONE point me to some examples of this being done?
In my example I join two tables DimCustomer and FactInterSales from AdventureWorksDW database In T-SQL it's simply query
Code Snippet select a.CustomerKey, a.FirstName, b.SalesOrderNumber from AdventureWorksDw.dbo.DimCustomer a, AdventureWorksDw.dbo.FactInternetSales b where a.CustomerKey=b.CustomerKey
In SSIS it's simple task too €˜As input two queries stored in variable ADO.Recordset
Code Snippet Public Sub Main()
Dim SrcAd As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim SrcA As New Data.DataTable("DimCustomer") Dim SrcB As New Data.DataTable("FactInterSale") Dim DstC As New Data.DataTable("Output")
€˜ create destination product Dim col01 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("CustomerKey") col01.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32") DstC.Columns.Add(col01) Dim col02 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("FirstName") col02.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String") DstC.Columns.Add(col02) Dim col03 As DataColumn = New DataColumn("SalesOrderNumber") col03.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String") DstC.Columns.Add(col03)
€˜ populate hash table based on PrimaryKey For Each row As DataRow In SrcA.Rows TabA.Add(row.Item("CustomerKey").GetHashCode(), row) Next (row)
Dim myNewRow As DataRow Dim tmpRow As DataRow
€˜ make hash join For Each row As DataRow In SrcB.Rows
Here what I want to accomplish, I have table that has 15 column one of the columns is ClientID that is about max 45char. I want to be able to hash on the column and return the hash value in a new column call ClientID_Hash. Is this possible?
Hi there,I have created a hash table. After using it, somehow the primary keyconstraint of this hash table still exist in database. Which causeerror.When I delete this constraint with Alter table Drop con....It gives no table exist error.Can anybody give any idea.Thanks in Adv.,T.S.Negi
I have two queries that seem to be the same, but perform very differently. The first query runs very fast (7000+ records returned in <1 sec.). The execution plan shows that it uses a nested loop with index seeks on both tables.
select * from t_loadbasic
where ld_nbr in (select ld_nbr from t_tripcombined where comp_date between '11/1/07' and '11/05/07')
The second query is almost the same, save the fact that it uses date variables instead of hard dates. The execution plan shows that it uses a hash match instead of a nested loop with an index scan on the main table (t_loadbasic). This query takes about 12 seconds to run.
declare @startdate datetime
,@enddate datetime
set @startdate = '11/1/07'
set @enddate = '11/5/07'
select * from t_loadbasic
where ld_nbr in (select ld_nbr from t_tripcombined where comp_date between @startdate and @enddate)
I'm trying to figure out why the database executes these two statements so differently. BTW, I've tried switching the order of the tables. I've tried using joins instead of a subquery. The execution plan seems completely dependant on the use of variables. I can attach the execution plans if necessary.
I apologize if this is too simple a question, but I couldn't find an answer on any forums, web searches or BOL. Thanks in adavance.
We are using binary_checksum in some of instead of update trigger. The problem came into the knowledge when update falied without raising any error. We came to know after research that checksum returns same number for two different inputs and thats why update failed.
We are using following type of inside the trigger.
I'm importing logs from multiple servers from CSV format into a table. Inside the loop the 1st thing I do is insert the FileName into a table to ensure that I never process the same file twice.
The problem is that multiple servers produce the same filename, so if server A produces Log20061110.csv - when I import the log from server B ( also called Log20061110.csv ) into the table, it of course runs into a problem.
If there was some way for me to get an MD5 Hash of the file as a variable that would be solve my problem.
I would like to perform an audit of weak passwords, which is well documented for sql users. Using the same methodology, I should be able to audit weak passwords for contained users. To accomplish this, I must be able to find the location of the password hashes for the contained users.
I have looked at sys.syslogins and sys.sql_logins, which both have the password hash for server level users, but not contained users. I was able to find sys.sysusers, which does contain contained users, but no password hash.
What is the location of the password hashes for contained users?
When I have a record that I copy and paste (Access 2010 datasheet view) into a new record with one column having a unique constraint , I display message "Cannot insert duplicate code" then if not all values in the record are inserted , I get a #deleted in all columns Refreshing , I find that the id is incremented by 2 instead of one.
That is if the previous record has ID 20 , the #deleted record has ID 22 .
avoid the #deleted which happens if not all columns are filled.
Hopefully this makes sense, not sure what to even begin researching...
I'm trying to optimize all facets of this process, as it will take over the resources on my server if not done efficiently.
I have CSV files containing INTs that I need to upsert (match to an existing/earlier imported array or create a new record set) millions of times a day. To be clear, this data is a small subset of the actual import, this arrays contents are not the main data of the process, and the value of the entire array is meant to be related to higher level tables.
The contents of the CSV array are 99.9+% repeating, meaning they will very often share the exact same contents as a a previously imported array. A rough guess is there are 20k combinations existing, and less than 1k new per month, and will range from 6 cols x 15 rows to 6 cols x 50 rows.
So current plan is to use a MD5 hash during the (not SQL related) export process to identify the contents of this CSV file, and export only the md5 (32 digit hex) as a lookup to identify the contents. If the SQL import process finds a new (unknown) MD5 it will request the actual contents, otherwise it will simply use the MD5 as a key/id/code for the actual array contents that are already stored.
There's probably a certain terminology I'm not familiar with for this type of thing.. I've never heard of something like this. I realize collision is a threat, but I'm unsure how much I should be worried about it with this type of data (similar size/contents, but a relatively small amount of possibilities). I think up to even 0.1% collision would be acceptable which is probably way more than enough.
Does this sound like a bad idea to anyone? Are there certain hash functions I should use for this type of thing? Anyone have suggestions of where to look next?
We have one single hash (#) table, in which we insert data processingpriority wise (after calculating priority).for. e.g.Company Product Priority Prod. QtyProd_Plan_DateC1 P11100C1 P22 50C1 P33 30C2 P11200C2 P42 40C2 P53 10There is a problem when accessing data for usage priority wise.Problem is as follows:We want to plan production date as per group (company) sorted order andpriority wise.==>With less data, it works fine.==>But when there are more records for e.g. 100000 or more , it changesthe logical order of dataSo plan date calculation gets effected.==Although I have solved this problem with putting identity column andchecking in where condition.But, I want to know why this problem is coming.If anybody have come across this similar problem, please let me knowthe reason and your solution.IS IT SQL SERVER PROBLEM?Thanks & Regards,T.S.Negi
I wanto know whether it is possible to create a hash id f 8bytes from 31 character string using any T-ql functions. If it is possible, I need to know whether the function works fine in Sql 2000?
Please help me out this with some example. That would be of great help.
Where is located the hash password for the contained database users?I have a script that prints all creating statement so that a Dev environment security can be reapply after a prod data refresh but I can't find the table containing the hash password when the user is "with login" for contained database.
I was told that the authentication is a process that concerns about security. So the authentication process should be hidden from the client as possible and the client should receive a flag value (1= password is correct and authenticated, -1= incorrect password) and/or user name of the authenticated user. So it should be a SQL operation that should occur in the back end. So the process in detail should be, client form sends user name and hashed /encrypted password to SQL, SQL authenticates and it sends 1/-1 with the user name to the client as the return value and the output.
But when i do research that was not the case, all the threads i have seen on web, either the app is windows or web, developers do two operations:
1. the salt value of the user is searched by user name then return the salt value along with the PasswordHash to the client form / or to the business layer
2. Then use the entered password and the returned salt value to generate a PasswordHash and then compare this passwordHash with the returned passwordHash. if match password is correct if not password is incorrect.
Is this actually how developers write code to authenticate a user in a login event? If so basically the password comparison happens at the client side(either in the form or in the business layer) then wouldn't this be huge security risk by exposing the actual salt and passwordHash to the client?
A user can login at front hand (WEB APP ) and username and password is stores in HASHED FORMAT I want to access that password into a orignal text from database ( sql server) Pls help me out is there any way to get orignal text .
Hello, i need to create temporary table inside SP. i having one string variable @strQuery which contain dynamic query inside SP. i am executing that trhough execute sp_executesql @strQuery once query build.
now instead of select query , i want to creat hash table. so i wrote :
set @strQuery = "Select * into #tmp_tbl from table_name..." when i tried to execute it through
execute sp_executesql @strQuery , its giving error 'Invalid object name '#tmp_tbl' If i removed Hash then it works fine. even for double Hash also its work fine. but i want hash table only as i want that table local to that user.
Even direct execution of select statement without @strQuery works fine. but i want to execute @strQuery through execute sp_executesql @strQuery only as query is dynamic .
please guide me how to do this? its very urgent for me. thanks in advance.