Hey Every.. A Msde Exporting Question

Oct 13, 2004

hey i fairly new to this msde and webmatrix thing... and my question is.. how do i move my db in msde to a web host using a sql server

i have looked for tools on the net.. but none of them seem to be the one .. or maybe they using terms im not fimilar with..

pls help... much appreciated...

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Exporting From MSDE To SQL Server

Apr 20, 2005

Hi All,
I recently created my entire site before even starting to look at hosting providers. It's a very complex ASP.NET e-Commerce site built on SQL Server. I've (nearly) got it to a point where I want it to go live.
I found a host that caters for all my needs and is a good price. What I need to do now is migrate all my data, as well as all my tables and stored procedures, into the database with my host.
Is there an easy wy to go about this?
- Mina

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Exporting Data From MSDE

Nov 1, 2006

Does anybody know what "free" tool I can use to export data from an MSDE database? I want to import it back to SQL Server

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Exporting Binary Data From MSDE

Aug 25, 2006


Im having a problem with a database getting full and would like to export a column with binary data. The binary data belongs to different types of files (pictures, txt-files etc) attached to tickets in an error reporting system. We would like to create a directory named as the issue ID and dump the file(s) corresponding to the issue there. For example C:23-1005Errormessage.txt

The database is called MSDE (some kind of SQL light.. ?). Is there a simple way of doing this?


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MSDE Text Datatype - Unable To Store More Than 900 Characters. (msde + Visual Studio 2003)

Jun 6, 2005


I'm not sure if it's the setup I did wrong, but I can't seem to get my
text datatype in my database to store more than 900 characters. 
I'm trying to setup a news database for my website, which will populate
the information into a datagrid.  To test, I manually added a news
item in the database through the visual studio 2003 gui.  I
immediately noticed a problem as the I was getting an error after a
long news item saying:

"The value you entered is not consistent with the data type or length of the column, or over grid buffer limit."

I couldn't find anthing to set the buffer limit and the datatype is
"text" filled with simple text in the column.  As a further test,
simply entered 12334567890123... up to 900 characters and still
recevied the error.

I would appreciate someone leading me in the right direction on this one.

Thanks a lot.

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How Do I Change The Name Of A Computer Running MSDE With Out Reinstalling MSDE

May 27, 2000

I am trying to change the computer name of a machine running MSDE but I get an error when SQL Server starts. With regular SQL when I change the name of a computer I re-run setup and setup fixes this problem. MSDE can only be installed from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem.

My question is "How do I change the name of a computer running MSDE with out reinstalling MSDE"

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MSDE: Renaming Machine Without Reinstall Of MSDE

Mar 27, 2001

We currently have the problem, that all our machines are produced with the
same name and afterwards the name is changed. So we have the problem that
the checksum key for the MSDE isn't valid anymore. As MSDE can only be installed
from unattended mode so I can’t rerun setup and fix the problem. Does anyone
know a solution for this problem ?? A program recalculating the cheksum ??



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MSDE Worth Using Or Should I Invest In MySQL? (was MSDE)

Mar 9, 2005

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this this question but I'll give it a shot.

The only db development that I have ever done is in MS Access. I have a project at work that is being accomplished in VB and I need a db engine to use as the back end. Visual studio came with a copy of MSDE. Is this tool worth using or should I invest in mySQL? Are there any advantages to using MSDE over mySQL?

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Jun 3, 2006

I built a new sql server database and want to export its content to a .sql file. How to do it? (EM, QA ?) Thanks

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Dec 2, 2002

I have a SQL database with about 600 tables. Is there an easy way to export all tables into individual excel files?

Ken Nicholson
Sara Lee Corporation

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Sep 15, 2003

I need to export my data using DTS into a csv text file but with fixed
record length

ie: "data ","more data ","data "

and so on - is there an easy way to do this? - when you setup the
destination text file it appears to be a choice between one and the other.


James Bevan

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Mar 19, 2007

Hi, I'm new to SQL sever and am using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005.

I've written my query that returns too many rows to be looked at Excel, and so wish to view and perform my calculations in SAS.

However, I don't know how to export the data I am getting in to SAS. I have tried using the Results to File option, but when I try import this into SAS it doesn't like the data.

Is there some option I need or is there anyway I can export the data to SAS.

Thanks a lot.


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Exporting To CSV

Jul 6, 2006

Hi,I have a bunch of stored procedures (some using temp tables) which giveout tables which are then used in crystal to give out reports. Thesestored procs are run dynamically depending on values users select onformsSome people instead of reports want Comma Seperated Files (CSVs). I amtrying to find a good way of outputting to csv with using either sqlserver or ASP. I tried two ways but none of them were ideal1st methodfirst way i tried was creating a record set in asp and then using thefollowing to output the data in a comma delimited row and writing tofile.Response.Write RecordSet.GetString(,,", ",vbCrLf,"")The problem with the above was with data sets greater than 10,000records the processing time increases exponentially because of memoryusage ( i found other people with the same problem)So i tried the following2nd methodI used bcp using the master.dbo.xp_cmdshell command to output thecsv. The problem with that is that the bcp executes the stored procthree times and also doesnot give out column headers. So i had to runthe stored proc once in ASP and get the headers from the record set andstore it to a text file and then run the stored proc in bcp and sendthe output to a csv file. Then merge the two files into a third file.The problem with this method is that it takes around 4 times as long torun as just the stored proceedure and also i have to create 3 filesinstead of one.I would appreciate any suggestions you have to output the csv from astored proc in sql server. Note users have to do this dynamically whenthey submit a form so cant use the query analyzer or enterprise managertools.Thanks for your time and help:)

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Exporting To CSV

May 9, 2007

I have a report which is just a simple table with only the detail row (which then as about a dozen columns)

I have uploaded this to report manger. The report generates correctly and I export to CSV.

But when I open the CSV file there are Headings at the top. I want to know is there any way of getting rid of there headers so it is jus the data which shows.

(The headers seem to be the name of the textbox column in reporting services)

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Exporting To CSV

Jul 26, 2007

I'm not sure if this is possible or not, still new to RS. I need to export a file in CSV format but a vendor needs the very first character to be a '~'. I've tried adding that to the first column name without sucess and RS won't allow me to name it with the ~ in the properties box. Any ideas? Thanks

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Exporting Db Structure

Feb 14, 2007

is there a way of exporting a database structure and not the data in it?

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Exporting A SQL Server DB

Jun 9, 2007

i have created a SQL Server DB in a Web Site. (Not a SQL Server Project) so its a DB in a Web Site. how do i export the Database so that i can use it with other Projects? 

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Exporting Diagram

Aug 19, 2003

When using the DTS to copy a db from my local MSSQL to the remote server (connecting via IP address) everything is copied ok except the diagram laying out the relations.
The table relations *are* copied because the damn thing works as expected also on the remote server.

I figured out that the diagrams are saved in the sysfile 'dtproperties' but when copying using the DTS query tool from local to remote this table is not visible.

I need to remove some relations on certain tables when bulk loading new data and was just wondering how I got to copy the diagram (as opposed to creating a new diagram on the remote server and adding relations manually).

Thanks a lot for any ideas,

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Can DTS Be Used For Exporting XML To Files?

Mar 14, 2001

Can DTS be used for exporting XML to files?

Thanks for your help.


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Mar 21, 2001

hi all,
I am getting problem while importing data from excel file.
I am bale to do the same with flat files. But when i do with excel files
its throwing error : format error.
pls help me in this regard.
and How to export data into export files from query analyser..

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Exporting To Excel

Jun 14, 2001

I have DTS package which exports the data from myTable to myXLSheet - works fine, except this appends data to the existing myXLSheet.

Is there any way of creating a new sheet or clearing out the existing one first???


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Exporting Between Servers

Mar 2, 2000

We just installed another SQL Server and we need to export data from one server to the other
inorder to set up replication. When I tried to export the database from the one server to the other
I got the following error:
The license for the installation of MS SQL Server on your source and destination connection
does not permit the use of DTS to transer data.
Is this because of the setting we used to install the server?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also if you could direct me to additional documention
to deal with this, that would be great.
Thank you.

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Exporting Using DTS To SQL6.5

Oct 29, 1999

I created a DTS task to transfer data from a SQL7.0 table to a SQL6.5 table. This trasfer is really slow.

The transfer the other way is amazingly fast.

Any ideas ??

Thank you in advance.

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Exporting BIT Datatypes?

Jun 24, 2004

Hi all. Im tryin to export (DTS) my some SQL server tables, many of which contain 'bit' datatypes. However, when DTS/SQL Serv. moves these bit datatypes out, it changes bit values to True/False values - which makes sense - however these are all going to plugin to web frontends where the SQL specifies condtions like: "if column1 = 0 then" etc..
Is there anyway to get SQL server to export bit datatypes as just numeric values of 0/1?

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Exporting From ACT! Into SQL Server

Nov 30, 2004

My company just purchased another company and I was tasked with extracting the data from the ACT! database that the purchased company was using for it's Contact Management to import into our CRM. The problem is that all of the contact data is in FoxPro .dbf files that I can extract from, but all of the sales and history data appears to be in unfamiliar file formats that I can not get to from the SQL QA, EM or Access. When I open them up in notepad, the data is a mess. The ACT export feature only appears to export this same Contact data which is pretty useless without everything else. There are third party plug ins that claim to be able to export all of the data, but I have only seen one that I really like and I do not really want to throw down $250 for something we are going to use once for 15 minutes. The trial version only lets you dump about 100 records. I googled the heck out of this and I could'nt find a solution.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Exporting Data

Feb 1, 2005

Hello everybody,

I was wondering if there is a way to export and recode data at the same time with SQL.

For example I have gender information coded as 1 or 2 in my table and I need to upload the information to a different application that needs M or F. Is there a way to export to a new table and recode at the same time ?

I'm still pretty new to it.

Thank you.


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Exporting DTS Jobs?

Sep 7, 2006

SQL Server 2000.

Hey there,

I'm trying to set up a test environment. My projuction environemtn has a bunch of Scheduled Jobs which run either stored procedures or DTS jobs.

I've exported the SP's and the Scheduled jobs but I'm wondering if there is any way to migrate the DTS jobs?


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Exporting Data

Apr 20, 2004

I would like to export data to a excel file using a stored procedure. I'm not sure how to go about this or if it is even possible. Can someone point me to a link to show me how to do this?

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Importing And Exporting

Jun 24, 2008

how to import data into sql and export from sqlserver

is there any options are there or else any command directly type and execute

automatically data will dump into new one

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Exporting Data

Jan 17, 2007

Hi all,

I recently found out that there is no easy way to distribute a MSSQL 2005 database to MSSQL Server 2000. Most forums that I have read say to use the DTS facility to import the data into the SQL 2000, however this is not an option (for a variety of reason I won't go into).

The next best option in my mind is to script the entire database, including the data into one or a few script files then run them on the SQL 2000 server to recreate the database. Unfortunately, exporting the data, what I thought would be a fundamental feature, isn't part of SQL 2005.

So does anybody know of a good (free) scripting program that will allow me to export the entire database from a server? I've tried:
- Free program from the CodeProject.com (program dies when there's more than 5000 lines) http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/ScriptDatabase.asp
-SQL Scripter www.sqlscripter.com (Doesn't script table which don't have primary keys, and produces a script for each object instead of just a single file)

I'd probably like a program which only creates a single script, as the database has over 200 tables and I don't want to have to go through this process everytime I need to distribute the DB (which will be often).

The only other option I can think of is a program which converts an SQL 2005 backup to a 2000 version.

Thanks for your help!

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Exporting To CSV Format

Jan 22, 2007

I need to export various tables (over 5k records) to CSV format to import the data to a CRM (a web based customer relationship management).

The problem is my nvarchar fields have commas in them. So I cannot map the fields correctly and some characters are not displayed properly.

What is the best procedure?

I also tried to export to Excel then CSV but it uses ; as delimiter which is not compatible.

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Exporting Header

Mar 6, 2007

Hi Guys,
In Sql Server Management Studio, when I have run a query and I want to export to file, how do I include the headers (field Names) in the first row to be exported also.

Thanks for your help,



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Exporting XML - (with Crlf)

Apr 2, 2007

I am exporting data via the "for xml auto,elements" clause.
The data is bcp:ed out to textfiles.

The recipients are now complaining that there are no line breaks between the tags.
i.e. they want it more "nicely formatted".

So my question is basically, is it possible to handle this request nicely from the server side?

I basically just do:

bcp "select blah,blah from tbl for xml auto,elements" queryout "D:..." -w -T -t -r

Any way to get line breaks???


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