House Number

Jan 26, 2007

declare @table table(ad_str1 varchar(200))

insert @table
select '123b apple avenue' union all
select '12b apple avenue' union all
select '3b apple avenue' union all
select '32 apple avenue' union all
select '322 apple avenue' union all
select '3 apple avenue'

select * from @table

how to select the records where the house number contain letter.

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Extracing A House Number

Aug 9, 2006

I am trying to Extract the House Number from a address field

i want to start on the left and grab everything till i find the first space.

any help is greatly appreciated

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Dataware House Query Help !

Jan 26, 2008

Hi pals,

I need some help from u.
This is datawarehousing related stuff.
I am having a source table as "test" and target table as "trg".
I need to extract the data in required format as per below loading instructions and then load the data into "trg" table.
Below sample data is only given one zipcode.There can be several codes.

drop table test

create table test
currentyear int,
district varchar(10),
school varchar(10),
rollno int,
zipcode varchar(10),
flag1_handicapped char(1),
flag2_disadvantaged char(1),
status varchar(10),
relation varchar(10)
/* inserted 11 rows */
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','Y','Y','E','R' )
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','R' )
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','N','N','E','NR ')
insert into test values(2005,'D1','S1',101,'530024','Y','Y','E','NR ')

select * from test

--- Structure of the target table
create table trg
cyear int,
district varchar(10),
school varchar(10),
RollNo int,
zipcode varchar(10),
type varchar(20), /* This is an extra column with hard coded values which we need to assume as Total,flag1_handicapped,flag2_Disadvantaged.For Every unique zipcode i need to GROUP BY these 3 values.
These values never come from the source table i.e "test".But we can make use of the 2 source columns "flag1_handicapped" & "flag2_Disadvantaged"*/
actaul_cnt int,
empl_related int,
empl_not_related int,
modified_date datetime

-- The below table shows what values should get loaded into trg table

trg table columnvalue to be loaded Description
cyear test.currentyear
type /* here we to load 3 rows with 3 values
This table contains some calculated columns. such as "actual_cnt","empl_related","empl_not_related" and so on...
Every calculation should be grouped by this "type" column.For reference the you can see the bottom output rows how they should look like.
The 3 valid values for this type column is "Total","flag1_handicapped","Disadavantaged".
"Total" means = All the records which satisfies the calculation.
"flag1_handicapped" means = All the records which statisfies the calculation and have test.flag1_handicapped = 'Y'
"flag2_Disadvantaged" means = All the records which satisfies the calculation and have test.disadvanatged = 'Y'*/

actaul_cnt This is a calculated column. The calc is as follows:
count of records grouped by currentyear,district,school,zipcode,type(flag1_han dicapped,flag2_Disadvantaged,total)

empl_relatedThis is again calculated column. The calc is as follows.
count of records where status='E' and relation = 'R' grouped by currentyear,district,school,zipcode,type(flag1_han dicapped,flag2_Disadvantaged,total)

empl_not_related This is again calculated column. The calc is as follows.
count of records where status='E' and relation = 'NR' grouped by currentyear,district,school,zipcode,type(flag1_han dicapped,flag2_Disadvantaged,total)

modified_date getdate()


Here is the sample template which i felt like using to load the data. We need to modify this query littlt bit accordingly as per above rules.

currentyear as "CYear",
district as "District",
school as "School",
rollno as "RollNo",
zipcode as "zipcode",
count(*) "actaul_count",
sum(case when (status='E' and relation='R') then 1 else 0 end) "Emp_Related",
sum(case when (status='E' and relation='NR') then 1 else 0 end) "Emp_Not_Related",
getdate() "Date"
from test
group by currentyear,

/* Using the above query we need to load 3 rows into below target table whose structure is defined as follows */


Expected Output Rows using above sample data
2005 | D1 | S1 | 101 | 530024 | Total | 11 | 2 | 9 | 2002-01-26
2005 | D1 | S1 | 101 | 530024 | flag1_handicapped | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2002-01-26
2005 | D1 | S1 | 101 | 530024 | flag2_Disadvantaged | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2002-01-26

But using above SELECT,i am able to get only row as output that to i am not able to show the "type" column in the output

2005 | D1 | S1 | 101 | 530024 | 11 | 2 | 1 | 2002-01-26 12:57:53.420 |

Basically i am not getting how to build the Group by clause and displaying the type code using above rules.
Can anyone help me out in solving the problem.
Do we need to perform any UNION ALL ON test.flag1_handicapped and test.flag2_Disadvantaged columns.?
This is totally seems out of box for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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Select Query Between House No

Dec 15, 2013

I have table like below



i want out put like select only in between houseno ' 4-12-1000' to '4-12-1500'



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Any College Students In The House?

Nov 19, 2006


My name is Dr. James Triton. I am working on a research program for an unnamed University. Without getting into too much detail, I was wondering if any lower level college (or perhaps late high-school, depending on the strength of your Computer Science program) would be interested in filling out a few SQL queries, making an ER model or DDLs for a database.

Here is some example questions:

1.List each employee's first name, middle initial, and last name, concatenated to form a single value, as well as how many years they have been working for the company. An example name would appear as "JOHN Q SMITH". Sort the output by descending number of employment years. (HINT: create a column alias.)
2.List all of the job functions (such as "CLERK"), and the last names of all employees associated with each function. Order the output alphabetically by the functions. (HINT: there are a total of seven different functions.)
3.List the last name of every manager, along with the last names of the employees that the manager manages. Create column aliases "MANAGER" and "EMPLOYEE", and order the output by manager last name.

(there are 15 such queries)
The table for these is located here:

Please email me if you are interested!

~Dr. James Triton~

Edit : Links removed.

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Dataware House..General.

Jun 6, 2007

I am into starting a new dataware house project where i will be loading data from several sources to respective tables within databases.Are there any basic things which i need to set in doing this.

Please let me know

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Retrieve Records From In House Data.

Jan 15, 2007

Hi, All

I'm only have permition to query table data and with local sql server installed. Also, capable link server from local machine to live sql server (Blue). Getting error type when ran a query that commons: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. Others, ambiguous column name " ". Here are the information below before i ran the query.

In house data:-Table fields contain (address,city,state,zip,zip4,fips)
-All data type fields are character
-No Primary Key

Local machine table:
-Fipscodes (table) contain data was provided by customer that I inserted into my machine
and column fields (state,zip,fips) made Zip as Primary Key.

So, I wants to able run a query to retrieve data from live server by using some kind of join table with table(FipsCodes)locate in my local machine.

Query Statement:
SELECT h.lname,h.fname,h.street,,h.state,,h.zip4,h.carroute,h.gender,

FROM blue5.Homeowner.dbo.homeowners AS h INNER JOIN FipsCodes AS n

WHERE state ='AL' AND fips='001' AND pubDate >= '12/1/2006' AND pubDate <='1/8/2007'

Error occur:
Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Ambiguous column name 'State'.
Server: Msg 209, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Ambiguous column name 'FIPS'.

, please help me solve this issue and thank you very much everyone.

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Transact SQL :: Trigger Execution With OLEDB Connection From In-house Application

Oct 28, 2015

issues with triggers in Sql Server 2014.

A few weeks ago I've done a SQL Server migration from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2014.It was a bit tricky but anything worked fine.

I have some legacy VB6 (Visual Basic 6) applications written in house which worked with Databases on the old SQL server 2000.Surprisingly, these applications worked well after the upgrade to SQL Server 2014 without having to change a piece of code.

Now, some users tell me that they receive some unusual message when saving data  from these legacy applications.After investing for a few hours, I discovered that triggers are not executed when those users try to save data from grids or forms in their applications.Trying to reproduce the INSERT statement in SQL Server Management Studio, the triggers run well.From the application, they don't.

These applications connect to Database Server thru OLEDB connection with the following ADO connection string :

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password={password};User ID={user};Initial Catalog={db};Data Source={datasource}.the {user} is a true SQL account who have read/write/delete access in the databases.

On the web there is a lot of questions involving the same issue, but only from SSIS.I found some articles about an OLEDB connection parameter named FastLoadOptions with a value of FIRE_TRIGGERS, but nowhere how to put it in the ADO OLEDB connection string.

how to reactivate the "normal" use of triggers from an ADO OLEDB connection ?Either with some obscur parameter in the connection string or options somewhere in the SQL Server 2014.

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Source Data Base Deleted Records Reflection On Dataware House DB

Jun 27, 2007

Iam using Sql Server Integration Service to transfer the data. I have to methods to transfer the data.

Method -1

Daily cleaning Dataware house Data base and transfering the data from Source database.

Method -2

Only new rows transfering from the Source database to dataware house data base.

If i use first method, Any performence issues's will come in the future?. In future my source data will have upto 6 lacks records.

If i use second method, daily date based i can transfer the data. But if they delete any previous records from the source database how can i reflect the same in Data ware house Data base.

Can you please provide the solutions.



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Reg:CSDW_sql, Csdw_olap Datasources In Commerce Server 2007 Dataware House Reports

Mar 25, 2008

hi all,

i unpacked starter site and dw.pup file and i got 34 reports provided by commerce server 2007. i want to edit these reports.
i followed these steps
1)created a "Report server project" in Visual studio 2005
2)In that project in "Shared data sources" folders i added "Startersite_Datawarehouse" of type "Microsoft SQL Server"
3)i added another shared data source name "Startersite_Datawarehouse" of the type "Microsoft SQL services analysis services"
4)later i added one of the reports to "Reports" folder by selecting "Add existing item".
But in design mode of that report when i clicked "Preview" tab i am getting the error
"an error occured during the local report processing. The item /CSDW_olap cant be found"

when i clicked "data" tab i am getting this below error
"Connection cant be made to database"

please help me in resolving this urgent issue....

Thanks in advance,
Archana Devi Papineni

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Access A In House Sql Server From A Remote Web Server

May 10, 2005

does anybody know how I would create a connection string in 2.0
express to access a database in a different location from the web
server. I have a static IP address on the web server, so I've allowed
access from the web server through the firewall. I have a user name and
password, and I've made sure that I have the correct database. Would I
access the database using the network IP address and if so, where do I
put it. Thank you to anyone that can give me some insight to this
problem, I'm very new to so, about a weeks worth of knowledge,
so if you could explain as such I would appreciate it.

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The Number Of Requests For XXXServerXXXUser Has Exceeded The Maximum Number Allowed For A Single User

Oct 15, 2007

I have created a local user on Report Server Computer and the user has the administrative rights.
When i try to connect Report Server ( with this user's credantials. (ReportServer directory security is set -only- to Basic Authentication. ).
I get the following error.

Reporting Services Error

The number of requests for "XXXServerXXXUser" has exceeded the maximum number allowed for a single user.
SQL Server Reporting Services

Then i try to login using a different user with administrative rights on the machine, i can logon successfully.
The system is up for a month but this problem occured today?!? What could be the problem?!?

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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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Transact SQL :: How To Select A Number Less Or Equal Than A Supplied Number

Jun 23, 2015

Got this query and I need the following result;

declare @NumberToCompareTo int
set @NumberToCompareTo = 8
declare @table table
number int
insert into @table 
select 4

[Code] ....

The query selects 4 and 5 of course. Now what I'm looking for is to retrieve the number less or equal to @NumberToCompareTo, I mean the most immediate less number than the parameter. So in this case 5

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How To Change A Decimal Number To Percent Format Number?

Oct 8, 2006

in my sql, i want to change a decimal number to percent format number, just so it is convenient for users. for example there is a decimal number 0.98, i want to change it to 98%, how can i complete it?


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Limitations In Term Of Number Of Tasks And Number Of Columns

Jun 5, 2007


I am currently designing a SSIS package to integrate data into a data warehouse fact table. This fact table has about 70 columns among which 17 are foreign keys for dimension tables.

To insert data in that table, I have to make several transformations and lookups. Given the fact that the lookups I have to make are a little complicated, I have about 70 tasks in my Data Flow.
I know it's a lot, but I can't find a way to make it simpler. It seems I really need all these tasks.

Now, the problem is that every new action I try to make on the package takes a lot of time. At design time, everything is very slow. My processor is eavily loaded each time I change a single setting in one of the tasks, and executing the package in debug mode takes for ages. If I take a look at the size of my package file on disk, it's more than 3MB.

Hence my question : Are there any limitations in terms of number of columns or number of tasks that can be processed within a Data Flow ?

If not, then do you have any idea why it's so slow ?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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How To Number Records / Duplicates Receiving Same Number

Feb 19, 2013

I have a large table of customers. I would like to add a column that contains an integer, unique to that customer. The trick is that this file contains many duplicate customers, so I want the duplicates to all have the same number between them.the numbers dont have to be sequential or anything, just like customers having the same one.

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How To Query A Number (street Number)...

Jul 30, 2007

I have a table that has a street number field.
if the user types in a street number of '2' i would like to return all street numbers the begin with 2 (2,20,21, 200, 201,205,2009,...)
how can this be done.

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Maximum Number Of Tables - Is 4^15 Big A Number?

Nov 26, 2006

Hello people,I might sound a little bit crazy, but is there any possibility that youcan incorporate 4^15 (1,073,741,824) tables into a SQL Database?I mean, is it possible at all? There might be a question of whereanyone would want so many tables, but i'm a bioinformatics guy and I'mtrying to deal with genomic sequences and was coming up with a newalgorithm, where the only limit is the number of tables I can put intoa Database.So, can you please advise if its possible to put in so many tables intoa SQL database? Or is the Bekerley DB better?

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Page Number &&amp; Records Number

Jun 20, 2006

1. how to show page number & total page number in report body?

2. how to show total records number?

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Format A Number For Use As Number In Excel

Dec 20, 2006

I want to format a number like "#,##0.00" in order to handle it in Excel as a number (i.e. compute a sum).

Excel is able to show a number in a specail format and still allow to compute with ...

Thanks in advance,


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Field LIKE Number,number,number

Nov 26, 2006

I am testing something in Visual Basic
that talks to a database and I want to
filter results by -> field1 like "###".
However, that 'like' and '#' is VB syntax.
How do you say that in SQL?

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How To Get Id Number From Sql

Jul 6, 2004

i am an asp programer trying to program in aspx c#
i have a litle problem geting the id number from my sql db and put it into an intiger

what i am doing is that i am trying to make the picture have the same name as the id number in the db

String sql = "SELECT id ";
sql += " FROM PictureLibrary";
sql += " ORDER BY id desc";

int pictureNR = ??

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How Do I Get The Row Number?

Mar 2, 2005

I have tryed to find a way to include the row number in a querry but without result.

I have a table select some rows ordered and now I will add a column called rank

How do I get the rownumber in the field rank ?

Thanks in advance

Jan O

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Row Number

Jun 11, 2008


I need to add row number to my query result and I know how to do that in SQl2005 but the row number function is not working in 2000.Please help me to figure out how should I do that in SQl2000.The query that I have is kind of a big query with 162 columns. It is coming from another view.



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WK Number

Nov 15, 2005

Hi all,

Does anybody know why SQL server gives the wrong weeknumber when I enter the following syntax in my query analyzer.

select Datepart (wk,getdate())

It should give week 46, but it gives 47

What is wrong ?
Are the settings of SQL server wrong
It does give the correct day, month and year.

Thanks in advance

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Row Number

Jan 9, 2008

Is there a way to take the row number from my code and put that into a column I have code that returns the top 50 of sales and I want to put those row numbers into columns that they coordinate with.

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Seq Number

Jul 20, 2005

How to generate a seq number in TSQL. My need is for every recordinsert ,I need to insert a seq number paded with letter 'I'.Please help me.Adv Thanks mate--Posted via

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Row Number.

Jul 20, 2005

All I am trying to do is return the row number (calculated field?)with each row returned from an SQL query. I think I have done this inthe past but am a bit rusty after not using SQL for a while. Ifanyone could help with a code snippet this would be gretlyappreciated.

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Where's My Number?

Mar 6, 2008

Can someone tell me why I'm not getting .9375?

declare @MyFloat1 float

set @MyFloat1 = 30/32

select @MyFloat1

returns 0

declare @MyFloat2 real

set @MyFloat2 = 30/32

select @MyFloat2

returns 0

declare @MyFloat3 decimal(2,2)

set @MyFloat3 = 30/32

select @MyFloat3

returns 0.00

View 14 Replies View Related

Row Number

Oct 25, 2006

update [Costing].[dbo].[Supplier]

set n =


SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY suppliercode) + 1000 )

as RowNumber from [Costing].[dbo].[Supplier] as t

where t.suppliercode = Supplier.suppliercode


hi i cannot update a column with the row number,

it is all taking 1001, supposed to be 1001,1002 and so on .


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Increase Number By 1

Sep 2, 2004

Hello all,
I have, what i think, is a unique problem that i'm hoping some of you can help me on.

I need to create a record number that is incremented by 1 whenever someone adds a new record to the database. For example, records numbering 1,2,3 are in the database. When the users adds a new record, SQL takes the last recordno, 3 in this case, and adds 1 to it thus producing 4.

Also, i need to have the ability to replace deleted record numbers with new ones. Using the example above, say a user deletes record number 2. Whenever someone adds a new record, sql would see the missing number and assign the new record that number.

I hope i'm making sense here. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Any articles on the web that someone could point me to?

Richard M.

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Next Inserts ID Number, Someone Please Help

Sep 21, 2004

I have a table with a primary key being a bigint and its set to auto increment (or identity or whatever ms calls it). Is there anyway I can get the ID number that will be assigned to the next Insert before I insert it? I want to use that ID number within another field when inserted.

I hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any help.


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