How Best To Tackle Logins With SQL Authentication After Automatic Failover
Aug 8, 2007
In an sql authentication environment with an automatic failover in database mirroring how to you manage new logins which have been created on the principle since the start of mirroring? Since the master cannot be mirrored, and the mirror database cannot be read during mirroring (except as a snapshot) in order to find the missing logins, I assume that only after failover a script should run to create the new logins and then run sp_change_users_login . The qestions are:
1) should the script create a new login first and then run sp_change_users_login with option update_one , or should sp_change_users_login using option
Auto_Fix create the missing logins?
2) But what is the password of these users? is it initially NULL , as a consequence of sp_change_users_login? What about the SIDs?
3) Or should we bypass sp_change_users_login altogether and use
CREATE LOGIN <loginname> WITH PASSWORD = <password>, SID = <sid for same login on principal server>, described in
4) What is the event that would trigger this script to run after the aitomatic failover ?
Is there a definitive MIcrosoft agreed apon and recommended method to tackle this?
Hi there, I am testing the db mirroring, making sure it will auto failover. I've stopped the SQL services on my principal and then I looked at the mirror db is says it's restoring. It stayed like that for 10 min before I enabled the mirroring again. Anyone knows why it's not failing over??????
Here's my setup: SQL 2005 Standard, Server 1 Principal, Server 2 Mirror & Witness.
We've recently set up a Principle, Mirror and Witness configuration with the Mirror and Witness in a separate building to the Principle. All three are part of the same domain (DMZ) and are different servers, the buildings are connected via a fiber optic cable. All servers and SQL Server instances are logged in with the same domain admin account DMZesAdmin.
Mirroring is all set-up and the databases are synchronized. Every once in a while some (not all, normally 6 out of 15) databases will switch roles and become active on the mirror. The SQL Server mirroring monitor job then reports:
Date 25/01/2007 12:37:01 Log Job History (Database Mirroring Monitor Job)
Step ID 1 Server DMZSQL01 Job Name Database Mirroring Monitor Job Step Name Duration 00:00:02 Sql Severity 16 Sql Message ID 32038 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message Executed as user: DMZesadmin. An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 32038). The step failed.
I have no idea, what causes the failover, it could be a slow network or a bad set-up, can anyone give me some ideas of what to do to track down the problem or any experience of what could be causing this, it happens randomly every day or three. No warning and if I go to the mirror and failover back to the principle again then it's all just fine. However I don't want half my databases working on 1 server and half on the other.
Any ideas?
Thanks Ed
I've just been looking at the logs on my Mirror and at the same time it reports in this order
Error: 1479, Severity: 16, State: 1.
The mirroring connection to "TCP://DMZSQL01.dmz.local:5022" has timed out for database "WARCMedia" after 10 seconds without a response. Check the service and network connections.
Database mirroring is inactive for database 'WARCMedia'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'WARCMedia' (41). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
The mirrored database "WARCMedia" is changing roles from "PRINCIPAL" to "MIRROR" due to Failover.
Database mirroring is inactive for database 'WARCMedia'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
This looks like a time out, is there any way to set the TimeOut threashold for Database mirroring or set retry intervals??
3 servers - PRINCIPAL IP: - DNS Lookup: - MIRROR IP: - DNS Lookup: - WITNESS ip: - DNS Lookup:
Each Server is running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition. All server instances are enabled for remote connections(By default they are not). All servers have the flag 1400 traceon and have been restarted. PORT 5022 is unrestricted on network.
The server instances are connecting via certificates. Each server has an endpoint for the certificates to to connect on.
Certificate Setup Proceedure:
1. Create Master Key with Password
2. Create certificate with subject
3. Create endpoint for certificate (Listener_Port = 5022, Listener_ip = all) to connect on for database_mirroring
4. Backup Certificate (principal_cert.cer)
5. Take backed up certificate to Mirror_Host
(Reapeat Steps 1-5 for Witness and Mirror)
Mirror_Host: Create Certificate on Mirror_Host for inbound connections from Principal:
6.(On Mirror_Host) Create Login for Principal using same password in step 1 (principal_login)
7. Create user for login just created. (principal_user)
8. Create local certificate for Principal on Mirror using certificate generated by principal.
ex: Create Certificate Principal_cert Authorization Principal_user FROM FILE='c:principal_cert.cer'
9. (If an endpoint has been created already on the mirror)Grant connectiion to the login:
ex: Grant connect on endpoint::mirror_endpoint to principal_login
Repeat Steaps 6-9 for Principal and Witness Servers accordingly.
10. Import Database to SQL Server 2005 Principal Instance
11. Backup Database to disk with format
12. Backup Database log file to disk with format
13. Copy backups to mirror
14. Restore Database and log file with norecovery on Mirror_Host
15. Configre Database for Database Mirroring on Principal Server
There are two ways to do this. Via the wizzard or via the Transact-SQL window. Using the wizzard appears to work since I started using FQDN.
After configuration, everythig appears to be correct. That is, the principal displays that it is the principal and it is synchronized with the mirror. The mirror also displays that it is the mirror and it is synchronized with the principal and it is in recovery. If I failover manually, the mirror becomes the principal and the principal becomes the mirror (They form a quarum). If I disconnect the principal from the network, the mirror is supposed to form a quarum with the witness and promote itself to principal status. This is not what is happening. The witness recognizes that the principal is down and logs that info into its log file. The Mirror attempts to contact the witness but cannot log onto the machine. The Mirror Logs the following:
Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry.
<<<<<<<MIRROR SERVER >>>>>>>>
2007-09-06 15:08:45.32 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-09-06 15:08:45.32 spid23s The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. 2007-09-06 15:09:05.32 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-09-06 15:09:05.32 spid23s The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. 2007-09-06 15:09:25.33 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-09-06 15:09:25.33 spid23s The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. 2007-09-06 15:09:45.34 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-09-06 15:09:45.34 spid23s The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. 2007-09-06 15:10:05.35 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2. 2007-09-06 15:10:05.35 spid23s The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1451, and state 3, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request is likely to succeed. Correct the cause if any and retry. 2007-09-06 15:10:25.36 spid23s Error: 1438, Severity: 16, State: 2.
<<<<<<< WITNESS SERVER >>>>>>>>
2007-09-06 14:19:55.90 spid52 The Database Mirroring protocol transport is now listening for connections. 2007-09-06 15:07:11.64 spid24s Error: 1479, Severity: 16, State: 1. 2007-09-06 15:07:11.64 spid24s The mirroring connection to "TCP://db-server-2:5022" has timed out for database "APS_SQL_DEV" after 10 seconds without a response. Check the service and network connections. 2007-09-06 15:07:43.20 Server Error: 1474, Severity: 16, State: 1. 2007-09-06 15:07:43.20 Server Database mirroring connection error 4 '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)' for 'TCP://db-server-2:5022'. 2007-09-06 15:08:06.03 spid9s Error: 1474, Severity: 16, State: 1. 2007-09-06 15:08:06.03 spid9s Database mirroring connection error 2 'Connection attempt failed with error: '10060(A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)'.' for 'TCP://db-server-2:5022'.
we're running a mirrored database with High Availability for Automatic failover including a Witness instance for a web application.
When doing a manual failover on the database in Management studio, the roles are switched correctly and the database is in "Principal, Synchronized" and "Mirror, Synchronized/Restoring" mode. The web application has no problems switching servers by using client failover with the jdbc driver. There is no problem accessing the database with Management Studio.
However, if we stop the SQL service on the Principal server the role is automatically failed over to the Mirror server by the Witness. The database is then in the mode "Principal, Disconnected" which should be fine. However, accessing the database from the web application or with Management Studio yields some strange results. It is not possible to write to the database, and reading from the database works inconsistently (the web application seems like it can do it, but not from the Management Studio).
Starting the SQL service on the former Principal server makes the database go into mode "Mirror, Synchronizing/Restoring" and "Principal, Synchronizing". And it will stay that way indefinitely. There are not that many updates/transactions made to the database that can make it stay in this state, especially if you can't write to the database in the first place.
The next step taken after being stuck in this state is to stop the SQL service on the Mirror (former Principal), restart the service on the Principal (former Mirror). Accessing the database now works. The database is in mode "Principal, Disconnected". Starting the SQL service on the Mirror (former Principal) makes the database go into the normal "Principal, Synchronized" and "Mirror, Synchronized/Restoring" mode. Access to database is normal.
The same erroneous behaviour can be observed by unplugging the network cable on the Principal server, so it seems like we can only get a smooth transition by doing a manual failover.
Any ideas on what might be the problem? Has anybody experienced a similar situation?
I'd like to understand why it is not possible to automatic Failover Availability Groups using Failover Cluster Instances. I think it would be great for DR and HA. Do you understand why that limitation exists?
The link [URL] ....
SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances (FCIs) do not support automatic failover by availability groups, so any availability replica that is hosted by an FCI can only be configured for manual failover.
I have setup a mirror configuration with a witness to be able to use the automatic failover. The principal is DBSP01, the mirror is DBSP02 and the witness is DBSP03. I have an application running an DBCP01. When the mirroring is working, the application can connect to the database on DBSP01. I disconnect dbsp01 from the network, so that DBSP02 becomes the principal. When I try to connect the application to the database on DBSP02, the login fails. Whithout the mirroring I was able to logon to DBSP02, but as soon as it is part of the mirroring, I'm not able to connect to it anymore, whatever the state of the database is. What could be the problem? Can anybody help?
I have a 3 node 2014 AlwaysOn setup. The primary and secondary are set for automatic failover. The third node, of course, is manual (until 2016). The 2 nodes with are automatic are sitting in one datacenter, the third is in another. If the first datacenter was to go down, I would manually have to failover to the third node? What's the normal process here for having two datacenters and ensuring the availability group is always available?
I'm looking for a solution to have cross data center automatic failover in the event of a data center loss for highly critical databases. I would like to have local HA and also automatic failover to the DR site. This does not seem possible with AlwaysOn.
Is my only option for automatic cross data center failover to build a node in one data center and a node in the other data center with a node/FS at a third data center in order to maintain quorum? I'd like to have local HA in the mix but that doesn't seem possible.What pattern for the highest data security and also availability?
An automatic failover set exists. This set consists of a primary replica and a secondary replica (the automatic failover target) that are both configured for synchronous-commit mode and set to AUTOMATIC failover.Configured the both AG Group database automatic failover and synchronous-commit mode.But automatic Failover failed also Cluster service not started automatically at Node2. It got connected through AO Listerner after starting Node1. As below SQL Error log during shutdown Node1
Date,Source,Severity,Message 10/27/2015 10:44:20,spid37s,Unknown,AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required. 10/27/2015 10:44:20,spid37s,Unknown,AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node started.
I am a C++/C# developer my SQL skills are very limited. I have a database set up for mirroring and I would like to get an e-mail notification whenever an Automatic Failover occurs. Can anyone show me how to do this using SQLServer 2005? Please provide T-SQL script sample if possible!
I have the failover working fine in the sense that the mirror becomes the principal when I issue a failover. The problem is that the login that I have set for the database becomes invalid and I get no permissions on my stored procs unless I go in and manually change the password for the login. I know the issue is that the logins have different SIDs on the two boxes. How do I sync them up? These machines are not on a domain and are using SQL authentication.
Since the logins/jobs do not get stay in sync between principal and mirror after a failover (when using sql logins), is there a workaround to schedule a job or something to automate dropping, re-creating and autofixing logins?
I've read somewhere that an alert can be setup to run (after a failover) and a job can be executed, but cant seem to get this to work. Does anyone have any helpful hints on a solution to this
I have setup a database mirroring session with witness - MachineA is the principal, MachineB is the mirror, and MachineC is the witness. Each SQL Server instance is hosted on its own machine. The mirroring is working correctly. If I submit data to the database on MachineA, and then unplug the network cable on MachineA, MachineB automatically becomes the principal, and I can see the data that I originally submitted to MachineA on MachineB. All the settings are showing correctly in Management Studio.
My issue is with the SQL Native Client and a front-end application that needs to make use of this database. I have setup my front-end application to use the ODBC client and specified the failover server in both the ODBC setup and the connection string. Here is the connection string that I am using :
Everything works perfectly on my front-end application when MachineA is the principal. If I unplug the network cable on MachineA, MachineB becomes the principal, and the failover occurs correctly on the database side. The problem is that my front-end application is not able to query the database on MachineB.
BUT - if I plug the network cable back in on MachineA (making the database on MachineA the mirror), the front-end application now works and can access the principal database on MachineB. I wrote a quick tester application to verify what I am seeing, and I am convinced that this is what is happening. The mirroring is working perfectly, and everything is setup correctly. The SQL Native Client is setup correctly. The problem is that the automatic failover to MachineB that is built into the SQL Native Client only works if both servers are plugged in.
In this scenario, when I plug both servers in, I know that the front-end app is definitely pulling from MachineB (since the mirror database on MachineA is in recovery mode, it's unavailable, and the front-end app displays the server that it is pulling data from).
Am I using an out-dated SQL Native Client? The version number displayed in the ODBC configuration page is 2005.90.2047.00, and is dated 4/14/2006. Has anyone experienced this issue? I'm guessing that it's a problem in the SQL Native client, since the mirroring really seems to be working correctly.
I'm looking at a setup where they have server1 and server2 in a mirroring relationship with automatic failover.
Server1 is the principalThey are using transactional replication to replicate asingle databse to server3 is AWS.Distribution database is on Server1All Agents (log reader, snapshot, distributor) run on Server1Server2 has not been set up for replication...My understanding is that in this set up you would normallly place the distribution database on a separate server and enable publication on the mirror, Server2.
What happens if they failover? Replication would stop, and presumably records added while the mirror is the active database would not be marked for replication?How would they recover? Failback and reinintialize
I'm doing a project at work. We're using SQL Server 2000 right now but will probably migrate to 2005 later. Here's my situation. My database stores feature request tickets. So I have columns for id, feature_request_number, summary, description, etc.
id is auto-increment (primary key). feature_request_number is a 6 char alpa-numeric. The first three are numbers, and the last three are FRQ...(ex. 034FRQ). What's the best way to implement the incrementation of that field? Since it's alpha-numeric I can't just make it auto-increment. I can drop the FRQ, but that would cause some complications with migrating the older database to the new one.
This is what my plan was:
- Set the feature_request_number as an int. (Drop the FRQ) - When a record is being added, get the value of the last feature_request_number. - Add 1 to it and specify that value in the INSERT statement.
So it's like a manual increment. Would I be able to do this all in SQL? Is there a way to form a SQL statement to get the value of a column and add 1 to it and save it to a variable. I want to do it in SQL to keep data integrity. I can have a stored procedure to do this and it would make life a lot simpler. The front-end of my app is a ASP.NET website, so it would be best to keep as much logic out of the ASP pages as much as possible.
ok, first, I know... I forgot to run a backup of the master database, and I forgot to run a script to caputure logins. Not that that is out of the way... I need to recreate the logins under the Securities tab below the databases. All the company databases have the user names and passwords assigned to them, but they are not able to login, because they are not able to authenticate to the SQL server first.
Is there a script that someone has that will copy the company database security info for the users and recreate them in the SQL security tab?
I know that I can rebuild them manually, but I need to delete them first in the application software, then delete them from the databases, and then recreate them in the application software... and as simple as that sounds... it is a slow moving process.
1. Once fail over to secondary replica, what will happen to connected session in primary node? can the session fail over to secondary seamlessly or need to re-login. what happen committed transactions which has not write to disk. 2. Assume I have always on cluster with three nodes, if primary fails, how second node make write/ read mode. 3. after fail over done to 2nd secondary node what mode in production(readonly or read write). 4. how to rollback to production primary ,will change data in secondary will get updated in primary.
We have set up Mirroring with a witness server and everything works fine when we failover from the SQL Management console.
However, if we failover when our Maccola client is connected, the client blows up - clearly because it can no longer connect to the database.
The ODBC DSN used by the Maccola client shows a checkbox for the 'select a failover server' but the checkbox is grayed out.
Also the summary of settings for the DSN at the end of the wizard reveals that the failover to server (y/N) option is set to N.
The default setting for this DSN is 'populate the remaining values by querying the server' but it doesn't appear to be getting the settings for failover from the server or any other interactive DSN settings either. The server is clearly set for mirroring.
Another suspicious item is that the DSN cannot connect to the server with SA permissions, even though the server is set to mixed security and we use the correct authentication.
Is it possible that the client MACHINE is not authenticating with the domain or sql server properly. We are logged into the client with the domain account that is the SQL admin account on the sql server box.
We should be able to interact with the sql server settings through the ODBC DSN on the client shoulnd't we?
1. In alwaysON fail over cluster, Once fail over to secondary replica, what will happen to connected session in primary node? can the session fail over to secondary seamlessly or need to re-login. what happen committed transactions which has not write to disk.
2. Assume I have always on cluster with three nodes, if primary fails, how second node make write/ read mode.
3. After fail over done to 2nd secondary node what mode in production(readonly or read write).
4. How to rollback to production primary ,will change data in secondary will get updated in primary.
I would move a Database to another server. I try to use DTS but I have problems with this process because DB have big tables, I think. I try to use DETACH and ATTACH procedures but logins doesn't export. And more, in new server there are already logins from another DBs.
What's the best way to solve this problem? Please, help Thanks
I am a systems analyst and work with an app that runs against 2 SQL Server DBs. Though I have some familiarity with SQL Server and SQL, I am not a DBA.
The app executable is tied to a Windows service. When we install the app, we run a process that builds 2 dbs to include: Tables, indexes, stored procedures, views and user accounts. SQL Server is set up for mixed mode authentication.
Normally, the dbs run off the local db user accounts which are tied to local logins with the same names. We have a client that wants to remove our standard logins so that they can run on only a Windows login. I know I should be able to tie the db users to a Windows login. And I can do the same for the service.
But I am at a loss as to how to get this done. How do you associate db users with a Windows login? When I have tried sp_change_users_login I get an error that the Windows login does not exist. (Though I have added the Windows account to the DB.)
I folks.I Have installed sql server 2005 express and choosed windowsauthentication on instalation, but i make a mistake and now i needmixed authentication, how can i modify this whithout uninstall andinstall again the application?thanks for the help.
Hi there,I have installed MS SQL Server 2005 on my machine with windows authentication. But now I want to switch the authentication mode to SQL Authentication. I am unable to switch, I can’t find the proper way to do so here in 2005.Could any one help me in doing this?Thank you,-Ahsan
(Using win2k, sqlserver2k, framework 1.1) I have an fairly data-heavy application that uses Windows authentication (Trusted connection/aspnet account) to connect to Sql Server. The site uses IIS basic authentication.
On the dev server everything works fine but when I move to the live server things get strange and it starts to crawl along. (Pages load OK but then it just crawls as it loads the datagrids etc. Sometimes it brings back incomplete/incorrect data )
BUT When I use Sql Authentication to connect to Sql Server and there is no problem at all!
Ok, there is something obviously wrong with the live server (which is identical setup to dev)but I dont know where to start.
I've got two applications which both have a database on my MS SQL 2000 server. The problem is, one application must use Windows Integrated Authentication (which it is currently using and cannot be changed) whilst the other application which I'm trying to configure must use a SQL password.
Since the server has already been configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication for the existing database and application, how do I configure the other database to use the SQL password?
My work is using a shared application which accesses a MSSQL 2000 database. To access the application, the folder on the Windows 2003 Server is shared and users can access the folder through a shared drive.
For the application to access the database, it uses an ODBC connection to the MSSQL server which originally used the SA password.
We have recently switched to using Windows Integrated Authentication because we believe it offers a higher level of security. However the only way in which we have been able to enable this is to add the windows users to the SQL server.
The problem with this is that the application sets permissions for individual users on what records they can see within the database. We have found that by adding the windows users to the SQL Server, they can bypass the permissions the set by the application by simply using any application that can use an ODBC connection, such as Enterprise Manager, and see all the database.
One way around this would be to set up domains of users with access privileges to the tables which reflect the permissions set by the application, and configuring a view of the data so they may only see the records that they have permissions to. However to do this would require a high administrative cost to ensure that changes made in the application are reflected in the privileges of the SQL server.
Instead, is there a way the SQL server can authenticate that the ODBC connection is coming from the correct application using Windows Integrated Authentication?
This would allow the applcation to determine security, and stop users from connecting to the SQL server using other applications.
Alternatively, can the SQL server, using Windows Integrated Authentication, also ask the application to supply a username and password?
Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Hi,I'm using SQL Server 2005. My Connection String looks like that at the moment: <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=xx;Initial Catalog=xx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xx;Password=xx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> Now I'd like to change this kind of authentication to Integrated Windows AuthenticationI added the WorkerProcess IIS_WPG to the permitted Users but it didn't help.Changed the Connection String to this:connectionString="Server=xx;Database=xx;Trusted_Connection=True;"All I'm getting is that my NetworkService is not permitted to access DB when I try to connect to the DB in ASP.NET.How can I properly configure that? Thanks!