How Can I Reserve A Record To Prevent Anyone Else From Editing For X Minutes?
Nov 30, 2006
Hey All,
I think this is something like locking, but not quite. I need to select a record in a database and display the information to the end user. The end user has a few minutes to review it before giving the ok at which point I will update the record.
However, while the user is reviewing the record, i dont want anyone else to be able to grab that record. I also want to make sure that if the user doesnt submit the page, that the record will be freed up and not indefinitely marked as taken.
What would be the best way to do this? This is with .net 2.0 and sql2000
I need to calculate changes in reserve from the initial reserve calculation as seen in the diagram below. The initial reserve is derived from 1000-100 = 900. Next 900-50 = 850, 850-150 = 700 and so on.
can someone help me why it produces an error.... error is: ERROR 22001 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server STRING or data of BINARY was cut short. ERROR 01000 Microsoft ODBC SQL Server Driver SQL Server statement was ended. This is my code here for editing a record....
Protected Sub Button_save2_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_save2.Click '||||| Create string connection Dim StrConn As String = "Dsn=MS_PKG01;UID=emiline;APP=Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005;WSID=MSHNP200603;DATABASE=MS_PKG01;Trusted_Connection=Yes" '||||| Create connection object Dim MyConn As Odbc.OdbcConnection = New Odbc.OdbcConnection(StrConn) '||||| Open connection MyConn.Open() '|||| Create odbcCommand object Dim Update_record As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("UPDATE TM0001 SET TM0001.syain_name = ?, TM0001.syain_pass = ?, TM0001.office_id = ?, TM0001.birth_date = ?, TM0001.empl_date = ?, TM0001.user_iden = ? ", MyConn) Dim hireYear As String Dim hireMonth As String Dim hireDay As String Dim date_hire As String hireYear = DropDownList_hire_yr.Text hireMonth = DropDownList_hire_mo.Text hireDay = DropDownList_hire_day.Text date_hire = hireYear + "/" + hireMonth + "/" + hireDay '|||| Add command parameters Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P1", OdbcType.Char, 8).Value = TextBox_id.Text Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P2", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_name.Text Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 20).Value = TextBox_pswd.Text Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 40).Value = DropDownList_office.SelectedValue Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 2).Value = date_hire Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 10).Value = TextBox_bday.Text Update_record.Parameters.Add("@P3", OdbcType.Char, 1).Value = DropDownList_iden.SelectedValue '|||| Execute command Update_record.ExecuteNonQuery() '|||| Close connection MyConn.Close() End SubEnd Class
I have some software (written in Delphi 5) which has been working forseveral months without a problem.I have been given a copy of the database on our development server(SQL 7) and have pointed the software to this. So, nothing has changedwith the software. In theory the servers should be the same.However, if I try to make a small change to any record (as I would onthe 'live' system), I get an error stating that another user isediting the record. Now, I'm the only person with access to thisserver. So am I stopping myself I wonder ?If I create an ODBC connection to the database through Access 2000, Iget the same error. I feel I can reasonably assume that the softwareis not at fault.I'm sure it's something SQL based, whether it's an error orconfiguration difference, but I'm stuck.I've checked who is locking/blocking, and yes it will show me ashaving the record open, but this is me attempting to edit the recordso I would expect this.I can edit the table directly in SQL, but it takes 30 seconds or more,freezes EM and then allows the change. Table info below :if exists (select * from sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[PostReceived]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[PostReceived]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[PostReceived] ([PostID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[Type] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[ClientsName] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[DateReceived] [datetime] NULL ,[EnteredBy] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[AssignedTo] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[DateAssignedTo] [datetime] NULL ,[Adviser] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[TargetDate] [datetime] NULL ,[CompletionDate] [datetime] NULL ,[Completed] [bit] NULL ,[KeyAccount] [varchar] (100) NULL ,[Notes] [text] NULL ,[Specific1] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific2] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific3] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific4] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Specific5] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[ToDelete] [bit] NULL ,[EnterUser] [varchar] (20) NULL ,[Returned] [bit] NULL ,[ReturnDate] [datetime] NULL ,[ReturnReason] [varchar] (87) NULL ,[PrintAdviser] [bit] NULL ,[EmailAdviser] [bit] NULL ,[EmailSM] [bit] NULL ,[EmailRegionManager] [bit] NULL ,[ReturnText] [varchar] (150) NULL) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]GO(Yes I know about using Identity in the key, but it's on my list tochange before anyone says anything).
Seems that when i use the edit functionality of the formview, and there are NULLs in the record, that my sql update statement (default from the FormView wizard) doesnt work (nothing updates). However, if i populate all fields, everything works fine. I have modified the FormView edit template to add my own textboxes and dropdowns to simplify the user record editing. Because it works when all fields are populated with non-NULL values, Seems my Bind's are all correct. ---Jim
I am getting the following error while trying to update a SQL Server 7.0 table thru' MS Access('97 version). It was working fine until now. This problem started happening after re-linking the table to MS Access as new columns have been added on the SQL Server table. We tried re-starting the MS Access,re-linking the table again,giving all the permissions to the user on the table etc. Also, no other user is accessing the table at the same time..Any help?
Error message in MS Access:
This record has been changed by another user since you started editing it. If you save the record, you will overwrite the changes the other user made.
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes back in if you decide to make changes.
Hey Guys,I have been trying to work out how I would delete a record that was created more then 10 minutes ago.I can use this to delete records older then a day.DELETE FROM DownloadQueue WHERE Downloading = '0' AND QueuePos = '0' AND DateTime < GETDATE() - 1Just need something now that will do it for just 10 minutes.Cheers.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[table_Data]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[table_Data] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[table_Data] Script Date: 04/21/2015 22:07:49 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[table_Data]') AND type in (N'U'))
On an SQL2000 Enterprise Edition with SP3 and 3.2 GB memory, I have restore around 700 databases from backup .bak files with no errors. Now, while in the process to restore (proc to restore with move statement) another 150 databases, following errors are encountered: ------------------------- There is insufficient system memory to run this query.
WARNING: failed to reserve contiguous memory of size = 196608.
Query Memory Manager: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=150384 Available=150384 "Buffer Distribution: stolen=6699 Free=280 Procedures=4821 Inram=0 Dirty=1221 Kept=0 I/O=0, Latched=1169, Other=194482" ------------------------- Is ther memory leaking and/or hardware related? the sql used only 1.8 gb mem and the whole system is using 2.4 gb mem. After reboot, same error appears in the middle of restoring 150 databases.
We are trying to read a table name Order through command line SQLcmd. But it is giving us an error. Order is an SQl2005 reserver word and app programmer created that table who left. No we have problem to read that table through sqlcmd. any ide a how we can do that.
C:>sqlcmd 1> use ACCMedford 2> select * from 'Order'
3> go
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near 'Order'.
1> select * from "order" 2> go
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford,, Line 2 Incorrect syntax near 'order'.
1> select * from order 2> go
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford,, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.
Hello, Anybody has came to solution across this error? We are getting this error repeatedly. I appreciate if anybody give suitable solution for this. Thanks, Ravi
If I have a *.dts file, and want to change the originating server database from SERVERA DB_A to SERVERB DB_B, is there an easy method to do this, besides editing the file in the GUI form?
I need help transferring a SQL database. I currently have my website database on a SQL 4.0.27 (vdeck) and want to transfer it to a new server (VPS) which has SQL 4.1.2
I have imported the database to my desktop computer. It will not let me import to the new server. I have to edit/reconfigurate.
Any suggestions, comments, advice, help would be greatly appreciated.
hey guys, is it possible to add or edit columns once there is data in the tables?? not the data in the columns but the columns themselves.. for example lets say i have a table with 4 columns and for some reason or another, i want to add a 5th or 6th column after data has already been entered, like a few months down the line..
I have scheduled a T-SQL job that runs every morning using Enterprise Manager. Now I want to change the SELECT and UPDATE statements that this job runs, but I can't find anywhere to edit a job that has already been scheduled. Any help would be appreciated.
I want to get (SELECT??) data from a db (SQL), edit the data (+1) and then update (UPDATE??) the table with the edited value. How do I get the value from the db and then edit it and then update the field in the db?? Does someone has an example so I get on the way??
Is there anyway possible to edit table design with data already entered in the table.If not, is there anyway I can cut and paste the info back in. Ive tried importing to access and then back to SQL, however, when i tried to view my table design in ASP.NET webmatrix, it gave me an error.
I've just created a new maintenance plan (sql2k sp2) and attempted to re-enter it to make a change. right click - choose properities (or double click)...I see the dialog box 'flash' very briefly but it's not making itself available for editing.
I've deleted and recreated the plan ... same result.
I have a SQL 2000 SP4 server running on Windows 2003 SP2. About 6 months ago I started experiencing problems editing existing DTS packages. At that time it was just 1 package. (I tested that I could edit all others but this one package the first time I experienced the problem.)
But now it seems like anytime we experience import problems, I cannot edit the package so that I can verify that the import file is good. (So far the initial problem is always with the import file and once we figure out what that is and resolve it the package runs ok again.)
The problem is I'm planning on migrating to SQL 2005 and since I can't import DTS packages, I'm going to have to rewrite them as Integration Service Projects. If I can't edit the workflow tasks in DTS, it will be time consuming figuring out what the actual import file is. Also, most of these imports are coming from our AS400 which we are phasing out so I have to rewrite these to work with the new ERP package we are going to as we bring on each division.
I have not installed any post SQL 2000 SP4 hotfixes. So if anyone is aware of a hotfix that resolves this issue, please let me know.
We have an application that used Ms-Access for its backend. We wanted to move up to MSDE so I wrote a conversion utility that creates the SQL database, copies all the data from the Access database, creates all the indexes and relationships.
Now, the application used a lot of sql statements which would have to be rewritten for SQL Server so we decided to create a ms-access database with linked tables to the SQL server (ODBC). Don't tell me not to do that because I have no control over it :).
The weird thing happening now is that: All the records that were moved from access are fine. New records can be added fine. However, when trying to edit/delete the new records, I get an error saying that: Write Conflict. I can't change the record because it has been changed by another user since I started editing it.
I have an SP which I use to insert into a table data from another. Forexample...INSERT INTO myWorkTable(Field1, Field2)SELECTmyField1, myField2FROMmyNewTableIt's a pretty straight forward sp. Now, the data that gets insertedseems to have remained in a state that stops me updating it later. TheSP is called by one app which is then closed and not used again untilthe following month. The sp shouldn't be used by anything else.I have another application which goes to the table (in my examplemyWorkTable) and is supposed to open and edit specific records whichit does correctly navigate to (a few days after the sp). It fails andI get an error message stating that the record is being edited byanother user. This record should not be opened by any other process.If I export the data and re-import it into the table, it worksperfectly fine.The code used to edit the table is fine and has worked for a couple ofyears and I'm happy with it. The only change I have made is to use anSP to import the data instead of an old method using Access 2000. Thefunctionality is the same, even though the connection is different.The Delphi app uses BDE.Inserting directly through SQL works as I would have expected and Ican edit the record as I need.I'm guessing that Delphi (which I use for the app) is somehow notfreeing up the data locked by the SP when it finished calling the SP,even when it is closed. However, it seems a little bizarre as I wouldexpect it to free up the data affected by the SP once it has finished(maybe this is the wrong assumption).So, my question is, can an SP lock records in this way ? If so,how/why and can I stop this once finished, or is there a way ofchecking / resetting records which were locked up and should no longerbe this way. I can't see anything obvious which shows the records arelocked, but am willing to delve further.ThanksRyan
Hi, I need to modify the ModelGenerationRules.smgl file to increase the mandatory filter setting of 5000 records. This is much too small for our database. I know where the file is but I need to know how to make the change. Does anyone know how to change this?
I need to edit a stored procedure. I simply want to change the text that it displays. I do not intend to change its function.
I am using SQL Express and SQL Server Management Studio Express. I can select Modify for my stored procedure, but when I save it, it saves it as an SQL file to my hard disk. How do I affect the edits to the actual stored procedure?
Apologies if this has been posted before and feel free to point me to an existing thread if it has.
I currently have a dev, stage and live environment for a package
i have created a load.dtsconfig file that contains various bits such as connection strings, email to, from, etc which i created via the package configurations in the dev package. I then made a few changes via XML Notepad
I went to use the same config file on stage and decided to add a further property. I selected package configurations on stage and selected edit it the package configurations box, added the property and clicked finish. However it reset all the existing properties to the values that exist in the actual package so all the changes i made via XML notepad were overwritten.
Is there anyway you can get the Package configurations editor to retain the values from the .dtsconfig file rather than reading in the values from the package???