How Do I Call A Sql Column Dynamically With A Checkbox And Search Term In Textbox
Jan 25, 2008
I have a question regarding calling sql table columns dynamically?
workflow would go as:
1. user enters search term into a textbox
2. user checks a checkbox to search by column in sqldb (eg.. firstname or surname)
pseudo sql would go like......
SELECT +%column1(checkbox1.value)%+ OR +%column2(checkbox2.value)%+ OR +%column3(checkbox3.value)%+WHERE column1 = +%TextBox.Text%+ OR column2 = +%TextBox.Text%+
3. display results in gridview
my sql needs to improve greatly so any code insight(good book or link) would be terrific .
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Apr 18, 2007
Although this SP intends to sorround a search text in double quotes, it seems that when called from Management Studio it throws a Syntax Error even before entering the SP.
createproc fts(@t nvarchar(1000)=null) as begin
select @t = '"' + @t + '"'
select @t
select * from dbo.products where CONTAINS(name, @t)
exec fts @t = 'my product name'
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Procedure fts, Line 4
Syntax error near 'product' in the full-text search condition 'my product name'.
If I pass the string in double quotes I get a different error:
exec fts @t = '"my product name"'
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 3, Procedure fts, Line 4
Syntax error near 'my' in the full-text search condition '""my product name""'.
Now, if I remove the quotes again and make the original call:
exec fts @t = 'my product name'
-- Then it works fine.
Doing a :
dbcc freeproccache
Shows the same behavior as outlined initially.
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Jul 10, 2007
Hi guys,
I have a field called URL in my table. I want to get the SEARCH TERM from a given URL and create a report based on that information. I'm getting difficulties, because the URL have different format depending up on the search engine
that the users use to browse. Some of the search engines are "google","", "search.msn.","search.netscape", "search.lycos", "altavista", "" and many more.
Examples of the URLs from google : -- The search term is S26 Collet Chuck,GGLG:2006-02,GGLG:en&q=kt21+kia -- The search term is kt21 kia -- The search term is Slagger burning Tables
Does anybody have a sql query or used a CLR functions to get the SEARCH TERM from different search engine (URL).
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 23, 2007
I'd like to get some ideas for the following:
I am writing a quick mini-application that searches for records in a database, which is easy enough. However, if the search term comes up empty, I need to return 10 records before the positon the search term would be in if it existed, and 10 records after. (Obviously the results are ordered on the search term column)
So for example, if I am searching on "Microsoft", and it doesn't exist in my table, I need to return the 10 records that come before Microsoft alphabetically, and then the 10 that come after it.
I have a SP that does this, but it is pretty messy and I'd like to see if anyone else had some ideas that might be better.
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Jun 19, 2008
I want to search a column with all the words deliminate by underscore. E.g. User_id, Community_name, author_id and etc.
It seems like freetext only deal with string with blank deliminator. How should I do the rull text search on column like this? Here is the code.declare @var varchar(2000)
set @var = 'id'
select [name], definition,version_code
from dbo.base
where freetext([name],@var)
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Nov 14, 2007
Hi, I test the following sql statement, finding that an error ocurs:
Msg 7630, Level 15, State 2, Line 3
Syntax error near '"' in the full-text search condition '"dsg SDRGDG " OR "sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfds'.
DECLARE @searchTerm NVARCHAR(40)
SET @searchTerm = '"dsg SDRGDG " OR "sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfdsafdsafdsafsafdfdsafdf"';
SELECT [JobTitle], [JobDes], [OpenDate], j.[URLRef], c.[CompanyName], c.[URLRef], c.[URLSource]
Company AS c ON c.CompanyID = j.CompanyID
WHERE CONTAINS((JobTitle, JobDes), @searchTerm)
It seems too lengthy string will cause an error for full-text engine. I find the sdfsdfsdfsdafdsafdsfdsafdsafdsafsafdfdsafdf is truncated as shown in error message.
How to avoid this issue? Could I configre this limination?
Thanks in advance.
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Mar 30, 2007
SQL Server Data Mining comes with "Term extraction" and "Term Lookup" for phrase detection. Rather than using the GUI tool, how to utilize these two features in coding? Please assist! Thanks!
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Sep 10, 2007
In my report, I've to print the address of the customer in a form which is in a pre-defined format. So while printing, the line number and position should be specified by the user. Is there any ways in SSRS to change the position of a textbox/any control dynamically by inputing the x and y coordinates? If there is a way please let me know that.
Thanks in Advance,
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Aug 6, 2007
Hi friends,
I have a text box with n number of text.
I want to set the font weight of each text in the textbox dynamically..
For eg.. suppose the text of the textbox is "Hello Friends", then i need "Hello Friends" as output.
Is there any way to accomplish this in SQL Reporting Service.
Any help will be appreciated. Its critical.
Please help me out ASAP.
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Feb 1, 2006
Can you search a column of a database table to find all the rows that have a wor in it?
example: I have a row that contains 'adventure st north', there are other columns in that table that are suppose to be the same but read 'adventure street N.' or 'adventure st. N.' or 'North Adventure st.'
could I search for rows that contain 'adventure' in the column searched (lets call it columnA). I tried:
select * from tbl_test where columnA LIKE 'adventure' and got no results.
what is the way to do this?
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Aug 30, 2015
Do we have any option to increase/decrease textbox width dynamically? I know that we have option to increase or decrease height.
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Oct 4, 2007
I am designing a ssis package,This is intends to mine text data(Data extracted from websites).
Term lookup/Term extraction has been used as tools for mining.
I have lookup terms defined with me for reference table,but the main problem lie in extracting the nearby text/number/charcters to these lookup terms during mining.
For example :
I found noun "Email" 200 (frequency score) times in my text,Now I want to extract nearby email address(this is also true for PhoneNumber,Address attributes also).so how can I achieve this with SSIS.
If u have some idea/suggestion to carry out this challenge with or without Term Extraction/Term Lookup,plz do write here.
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Jul 3, 2006
I enter a id in the textbox and based on that it give me a list of all entries in gridview that use that id.This works.But if I leave it blank it gives me nothing. I want to make it so if I leave it blank it give me all the id's.Do I have to modify the sqldatasource on pageload?
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Nov 28, 2006
hello..i need your help to provide me the idea and code how to view the data from database based on search criteria from user's input?the user's may fill up textbox and choose a criteria from dropdownlist...i am so no idea how to code it since i am fairly new in
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Jun 4, 2008
On my page I am using a wizard control with textboxes to collect data from the visitor.
When they click the finish button - this inserts their data into a Sql database.
On the form is a checkbox.
I dont know what type to use in the database column to accept this and also
how to configure the checkbox on the page so I know if its checked.
Also what would be inserted into the database column "yes" "no" or a numerical value??
Thanks for any advice?
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Oct 2, 2014
We are setting up a new reporting environment for our client and as part of the deliverable I need to achieve the following two things.
1. Most of our reports are snapshot reports and all the data needed gets populated into transaction DB tables from a batch program. Some of batches run monthly and others on request, we use a scheduling tool to run these batches. For monthly running batches since I know when they run, I have scheduled snapshot report for the respective dates. But the batch that run on request have no fixed schedule so my question : Is there a way I can invoke or kick off a particular SSRS snapshot Report as soon as the batch completes running. For example if a on-request batch program finishes running today at 6PM , I would like to create a snapshot report as soon as the batch finishes running. Is this achievable ?!
2. As I mentioned above most of the reports are snapshot reports and client wants Report history of 10yrs. We have about 170 reports on the whole which run monthly/daily/yearly. Is there a best practice known in maintaining all the reports and where to store them?
We are using MS SQL Server Reporting Services 2014.
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Mar 17, 2008
I want to have a FromDateTextBox and a ToDateTextBox where the user can enter in dates (most likely in mm/dd/yy format, although intelligently handing other formats might be a plus). Then I want to use these dates as the basis for a WHERE clause like:<some sql...> WHERE start_date BETWEEN 'FromDateTextBox.Text' AND 'ToDateTextBox.Text' (Note this WHERE clause will be used as the basis for an SqlDataSource FilterExpression). 1. I believe the date strings need to be in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd' to search SQL server is this correct?2. What's a decent way to convert the strings from the textboxes to the required format?3. How can I avoid an SQL injection attack?
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Jul 14, 2006
Hi, I need to return the system date to a column when a checkbox in another column becomes true, e.g. the instant a user updates a table where checkbox.value = 'true' it will record the date that it happened in another column.
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Jul 7, 2015
In one of my datasets, my field "Team" is a SharePoint choice column that is a checkbox, so multiple entries are in it. In my Parameter, I have it as a multiple-value, and I'm specifying the values directly in both available and default.For my filter, I have [Team] IN [@Team], which is where the problem comes in. It will only filter the results of entries that only have ONE listed in Team.
For example: One entry has "Building" in Team column which SSRS is displaying. But it will NOT display entries where "Building" and "Clerks" are displayed. I believe this is because SSRS sees this as 1 line of text, so it does not just see"Building" but "Building" and "Clerks" so it will omit it.I've tried to have my parameter set to "Get values from a query" but the problem there is the drop-down is too confusing since it interprets it as "Building" and then "Building, Clerks", and then "Building, Clerks, Economic Development' as another drop down, which defeats the purpose of the filter.
how I can get SSRS to show ALL entries that contain "Building" when I choose "Building" as a drop-down choice in my parameter? Instead of only showing ones that is Building only and dismissing other teams?
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Jun 4, 2015
How to change column size dynamically depends on content of the column.
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Jul 9, 2007
I have one cloumn with 10 rows and I want to read all those value to textbox, or another way I want to append all value to each other, I think I have to loop through it, so how can I do this. I have this column in SQL table. some plese tell me how to do this
thank you
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Oct 21, 2005
Hi experts,
I have a textbox and a upload file function in my page.User can either copy/paste their resume in text or upload their resume file and submit the application.The uploaded file will be saved into a BLOB column, but do you know if text in textbox can be saved into BLOB column?
I received error message on the code:'save Applicant resume to a BLOB-image datatype column objComd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@AppResume", SqlDbType.NText))
error:Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Operand type clash:ntext is incompatible with image
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Oct 18, 2006
HI chaps
my scenario is that, i have a table in which i have column such as col01,col02,col03....col31
i want to retrieve the records related to that column by specifying the name dynamically (by using loop) as fist three character are same ('col??') and i have to do integer increment in last two character (???01...???31). Is it possible that I can use variable for column name?, if yes how? or is there any other way to achieve this task ?
waiting for your reply
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Mar 3, 2008
I want to choose a column dynamically depending on a session variable.
In other words, each customer has a different price level. so I need to choose the column that corresponds to thier price level in thier customer record
Any help is appreciated.
below is my futile attempt
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Sep 29, 2004
Hey all. I'm trying to create a stored proc that will update a variable column, depending on the parameter I pass it. Here's the stored proc:
@PlayerID int,
@VoteID int,
@BootNumber nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @SQLStatement varchar(255)
SET @SQLStatement = 'UPDATE myTable SET '+ @BootNumber+'='+ @VoteID + ' WHERE (PlayerID = '+ @PlayerID +')'
I get the following error:
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value 'UPDATE myTable SET Boot3=' to a column of data type int
The update statement is good, because if I use the stored proc below (hard-coded the column), it works fine.
@PlayerID int,
@VoteID int,
@BootNumber nvarchar(50)
Boot3 = @VoteID
PlayerID = @PlayerID
Is there a way to dynamically choose a column/field to select from? Or is my syntax incorrect..?
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Jan 14, 2008
am passing column name as parameter, so i wanted to select column name dynamically.
eg: select columname1,columname2 where @param = columnname1,columnname2.
when @param =columnname1,columnname2. select should be of respective column. if @param = columname2,columnname8, then select columname2,columnname8 from table1 where coulmnname2='1' and columnname8='2'.
love all
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Nov 30, 2007
Hi All,
I have a series of tables need to import to server. When creating the target tables, I want to change the columns name as well, for example:
Source table column Target table column
Name FN_Name
Age FN_Age
The problem is I suppose I don't know the columns name in source table, I want to the tasks scan the source table and make the change programmlly.
Which tasks or approaches can be used to implement this?
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Mar 21, 2007
I'm looping through Me.ComponentMetaData.InputCollection(0).InputColumnCollection... and get the column name of the inputcollection in a script component. Now, what i want to do is set a value to all of the input columns using a loop. If the type is an int, set it to 1, if string then set it to "1". Anyway to approach this problem?
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May 24, 2007
I want to add up the values in a couple of text boxes in another textbox. How do I refer to the textboxes?
fields!textbox1.value doesn't work..what does?
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May 21, 1999
I'm trying to create a procedure that can access a column in a table dynamically.<br>
Lets say I have the following table<br>
create table table_items<br>
(rec int identity not null,<br>
item1 int,<br>
item2 int,<br>
item3 int)<br>
and I have a procedure as such
create procedure access_item<br>
@rec int,<br>
@itemindex int,<br>
@item int as<br>
select @item = (select item1 from table_items where rec = @rec)<br>
However, the column I want to access is @itemindex.<br>
If @itemindex = 1, then set @item to item1<br>
if @itemindex = 2, then set @item to item2<br>
if @itemindex = 3, then set @item to item3<br>
I can't use a simple 'if/then' selection, because the number of columns in the table can grow, and I don't want to have to rewrite the procedure everytime a column is added.<br>
How do I do this?<br>
I tried to use an execute command, as such<br>
create procedure access_item_2<br>
@rec int,<br>
@itemindex int,<br>
@item int as<br>
declare @sql varchar(255)<br>
select @sql = "select @item = (select item" + convert(varchar(2), itemindex) + " from table_items where rec = @rec)"<br>
execute (@sql)<br>
but when the procedure runs, I get the following error:<br>
'@item is not a valid variable.'<br>
What else can I do?<br>
Please e-mail me at sam@microcsl
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Jun 2, 2008
There is a table exists in a database, I have to write a stored procedure to create the same table in different database, with the same column name and field. This should be done in runtime. Is it possible. The table will be passed as a parameter to the stored procedure.
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Feb 28, 2008
Can someone please help I'm writting the following query.
(SELECT c.column_name FROM information_schema.tables T
JOIN information_schema.columns C
ON t.table_name = c.table_name
WHERE t.table_type = 'base table' and t.table_name like 'L_%' )
INTO #TempTable FROM TableA A LEFT JOIN [Server-Name].DB_Name.dbo.TableB B ON A.ID = B.ID
I'm trying to put commas between column names. How do I go about doing that?
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Nov 23, 2005
Hi,In my stored procedure I'm doing a SELECT onINFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS. However there is no unique id onthis table, so I was wondering if it was possible to add it dynamicallyin my SELECT, so that I would assign a unique id to each recordreturned by my SELECT?Thanks for your support.
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