How Do I Use .btr File In SQL OR ACCESS

Apr 24, 2008

how do i use .btr file in SQL OR ACCESS
please help me

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Does MS Access Installation Is Required For Running Application That Uses Access Mdb File

Nov 28, 2006


I am developing an application that uses Access database (mdb file) to store the user data. The user of this application is not interested in the database file (to view in MS Access Environment). Does the user machine requires MS Access installation to run my application or just some couple of dlls (OleDB driver, Access DB Engine,..) should be enough to run my application?



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Access To The Database File Is Not Allowed. [ File Name = ],[,,] Happens In VS2005 Environ But SSMSE Is Ok?

Jul 20, 2007

I am developing a C# mobile 5.0SDK app that utilizes SQL2005 Compact Edition device files on Vista using as far as I know the latest SPs and versions.

Last night, I could open tables from the Server Explorer .sdf file, see the contents, edit the schema, etc. Now today, I assume all of a sudden,I am able to open schema but cannot open the table to see the contents. I get:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition captioned error dialog box that says "Access to the database file is not allowed. [ File name = ],[,,]

Using Sql Server 2005 Management Studio Express, I can open the table, do queries etc. I have tried rebooting, deleting, opening old projects, deleting dataset, disconnecting mobile device, but I still get the same error. I have tried stopping the SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS) service on the server but get:

Cannot open MSSLQ$SQLEXPRESS service on computer 'p5w64'. Access is denied.

I have no idea what to do next to start moving forward again, other than try the XP environment which I will do next.

Has anyone experienced this problem?

Thank you.

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Converting Mdb (Access File) File To A SQL Server Database

May 14, 2008


I'm not really sure my question belongs to here...

I have a database in Access (from microsoft office, of course), and I want to transfer convert it to SQL Server.
Does anyone know how I can do it? It must be very simple, but I haven't found it yet....

Thanks a lot!

- Miri

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Can Not Access File

Feb 4, 2008

Using ssis, is it possible to refresh the data inside an excel file which is sitting on a separate machine (i.e. machine B) on the network?
When I try this using the importy wizard, the error message is:
The microdoft jet database engine can not open the file \pathnamedata.xls. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view it's data.

I have checked and the file is closed. No excel is running when checking the processes.
I have given myself full permission on that file from that machine where data.xls is sitting.

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How To Run An Access File From A SQL Job?

Aug 1, 2007

I have an Access file that I'm using to move some data around. I want to run it from a SQL job. How do I do that? The Access file runs a command using AutoExec, so it doesn't have any interaction or anything. It just runs and closes itself. Thanks.

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Can Not Open Access File

Mar 12, 2001

Hi, Everyone,

Currently I can not open an MS Access file that was brought from one of the Europe offices, I got a error message "ODBC--Cnnection to Supportdb_sql7.mdb failed when I tried to open it. Supportdb_sql7.mdb is the file name.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Export Db As Access Mdb File

Sep 6, 2006

hi, subject says all infact,
my question is, is there any way to export database as a access mdb files using management studio express edition ..

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Import Access File

Aug 7, 2007

Is there a way to import an access table into Microsoft SQL Server Express with Server Management Studio? I prefer not to use the upsize tool from access. Another option would be to import from a text file, if someone can explain how to do this.


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The Process Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used

Dec 3, 2007

I am using a File System Task to delete the contents of a directory however there may be cases where a process is still using one of the files. What I want to do in these instances is to wait for a period of time and then retry the deletion.

Does anyone know of an easy way to implement this?


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File Access Error

May 11, 2006

Hi All DTS fans,

i know this is not the perfect forum for posting a DTS problem i am having but i thought that most of you who are now working on SSIS might have been using DTS earlier.

anyways, the DTS package that i have written transforms data from a csv file into a table in SQL Server 2000.

There is another application ,written in .NET C# which writes continuously to the csv file.

When i run the transform task, i see an error message saying

"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"

any pointers or solution to this problem would be appreciated.

Thanks !

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Import Access File

Mar 13, 2008

The SSIS ETL server that i am running on SSIS packages doesn;t have MS ACCESS install on it.. one of the SSIS packages need to grab the ACCESS DB which is in the network folder and process it .. since the ETL server dosn;t have MS Access , it keep giving me an error "Can not open the source file".
Do i have to have MS ACCESS installed on the SSIS Server to import ACCESS DB?

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How To Convert .btr File In SQL OR ACCESS

Apr 28, 2008

how To Convert .btr file in SQL OR ACCESS
please help me

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Different Path For File Access

Apr 24, 2007

Please help me. I want to know, what i do wrong or may be samewhere documentation is describe this situation:

sql server on servername
filename.txt is situated on servername c:filname.txt
and this query is runing on this server
Version of Msjet40.dll on servername is 4.0.9025.0
SELECT ( [Host] ) AS [Host] e WHERE EXISTS(SELECT PVListFile.F1 FROM OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="c:";User
ID="Admin";Password=;Extended Properties="text;HDR=No"')...filename#txt as PVListFile WHERE [Host] LIKE PVListFile.F1 COLLATE database_default
) AND NOT ( EXISTS(SELECT PVListFile.F1 FROM OPENDATASOURCE('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Data Source="\servernamec$";User
ID="Admin";Password=;Extended Properties="text;HDR=No"')...filename#txt as PVListFile WHERE [Host] LIKE PVListFile.F1 COLLATE database_default ) ) ORDER BY e.[Host], e.[Mac], e.[startGMT], e.[stopGMT]

i get this error message
[OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.

Thank you

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Update Sql Express From An Access File

Nov 24, 2006

I need to be able to update a database in SQL Server Express from an Access database that a user will be uploading.  Can anybody give me some suggestions about how to accomplish this besides reading in each record and updating the SQL server one record at a time.  David 

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Cannot Access The File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process - Using ASPNETDB.MDF

Dec 4, 2006

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express, SQL Server 2005 and using the local file system as opposed to IIS for development purposes.
I will reference two pages of my site:  one that manages Types of Tours and one that downloads a Tour Registration Excel file.
On the Tour Types page, there is a sqldatasource that populates a DetailsView whose default mode is Insert.  On that same page I have a GridView that is populated from the same sqldatasource. The gridview has Paging, Editing and Deleting enabled.  There is no code behind on this page except for a prompt to the user to confirm the delete action if he has elected to delete a Tour Type.  This page works fine no problems.
On the download page, I have a prompt that allows the user to click a button to download the Tour Registration Excel file.  The code behind opens the Registration table in the ASPNETDB.mdf database, builds an .xls file via a streamwriter and prompts the user to download the file.
My problem:  if I start up VWD, go into my project, go straight to the download page without accessing any other pages, the download page works fine.  If I access any other pages first and then go to the download page, I get the error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Unable to open the physical file "C:....App_DataASPNETDB.MDF". Operating system error 32: "32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."  My simplified code behind is this:
Dim sw As System.IO.StreamWriterDim myConn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, query As String, myCommand As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandDim myReader As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReaderDim fileName As String, baseDirectory As String, fullFileName As String
fullFileName = baseDirectory & fileNamesw = New IO.StreamWriter(fullFileName)myConn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=C:<pathnamehere>App_DataASPNETDB.mdf;database=ASPNET;Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS")query = "SELECT Registrations.RegistrationNum, Registrations.Title, Registrations.LastName, Registrations.FirstName, Registrations.Organization, Registrations.StreetAddr1, Registrations.StreetAddr2, Registrations.City, Registrations.State, Registrations.Zip, Registrations.WorkPhone, Registrations.HomePhone, Registrations.CellPhone,, Registrations.AddToMailingList, Registrations.NumberInParty, Registrations.Comments, Registrations.DateRegistered, Registrations.TourDate, Registrations.TourFormattedTime, TourTypes.TourTypeDescr FROM Registrations INNER JOIN TourTypes ON Registrations.TourTypeNum = TourTypes.TourTypeNum"
myCommand = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(query, myConn)myConn.Open()As soon as the code his the myConn.Open(), it abends with the above message.  I then have to close the project, and stop and re-start SQL Server.  HELP!!

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Cannot Access Backup File Because It Is Being Used By Another Process

Dec 2, 2002

I occasionally receive the following error on backups to a disk backup device.

BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 'F:MSSQLBACKUPFull_Backup.BAK' failed to create. Operating system error = 32(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.).

There are no other jobs running that access this file during the backup. So nothing else should be trying to touch the backup file.

Rerunning the backup again seems to work so it does sound like something is accessing the backup file, I just can't figure out what.

The backup proc reinitializes the backup file each time it runs with the init parameter and then appends remaining backups with noinit. This error occurs on several different servers. Could there be a problem reinitializing the same backup device? It seems like a previous backup has not let go of the device.

I am running SQL 2000 SP2 on Windows 2000 SP2.

Any ideas?

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Using Udl File To Connect From MS Access To SQL Server?

Mar 3, 2004

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to use udl file to connect to SQL Server from MS Access, instead of using a DSN? Is that possible?


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File Access On Network From MS SQL Server SP

Oct 25, 2006


How can I read a file placed in a shared folder on a network from MS SQL Server Stored Procedure.


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Linking SQL Server To Access MDB File

Mar 8, 2004


I am using an MDB file to talk to a SQL Server. I would like to use pass-through queries to keep as much of the processing on the server as possible. However, I have been told that the results of such queries will be read-only. How do I keep the processing on the server but generate read-write answers to my queries?


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File Access On Network From MS SQL Server SP

Oct 25, 2006


How can I read a file placed in a shared folder on a network from MS SQL Server Stored Procedure. Is there any kind of set-up I have to do. Can someone please help I am very new SQL Server stuff.


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Access To Database File Is Not Permitted.

Jan 31, 2008

I've done some programming before, but i'm pretty much a novice in C#. I recently installed Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition. For some reason, when i came to a point to make a connection with an SQL Sample database "NORTHWIND.SDF".... An error message show up saying "access to database file is not permitted". What causes it.???

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Access Denied To File For RESTORE

Aug 16, 2006

I'm running the isqlw.exe command from a console app. The output log file is telling me access is denied to my My Documents folder (where the .bak file is) to do the restore. It keeps erroring and teminating the RESTORE command. It's not read only or anything (not that I'd think that would necessarily affect it) and I don't know why it would throw an OS access denied error on any part of my computer for me since I'm logged into the computer as an admin and I'm using the sa login info in the isqlw command.

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Refining MS ACCESS Data To Csv File Using T-SQL

Sep 25, 2007


I have a table with these sample data pattern:
Col1 Col2
001 2
002 1002 2
002 1
003 4003 4003 3003 3003 5

The expected output in the csv file should be exactly like this:
In the csv file, the number next to the topmost 002 is the sum of the Col2 where Col1
is 002 and the remaining field next to other 002 rows will be blank, the same process repeats for 003 and so on.

Would anyone please help me to make a T-SQL statement for the above requirement? I am using VB codes.



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Can Not Access Excel File Using OpenRowset

Aug 8, 2007

I am using SQLServer 2005 SP2. I enabled the Ad Hoc Distributed Queries and DisallowAdhocAccess registry option is explicitly set to 0. Query is working fine when I remote desk to the server and execute when I run same query from my workstation I am getting following error

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "(null)".

Any help is appreciated.

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Remote Connection To Access DB File

May 10, 2008

hi ,all
what should i do to connect db file on the server ,

at first i putted the file in shared folder and i connected from server explorer .
iam not satisfied with this solution i want more professional one (ODBC,......,ect)
what is the best way .

My Tools are ;Vista OS,VS2008,SQlServer2005.


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Refreshing SQL Connection From Access ADP File

May 21, 2008

I have many buttons in Access ADP that trigger feeding a table with different data.
Let's call the table tempTable1. I have 600 buttons that feed the make table with all kinds of data:

Code SnippetSELECT * INTO tempTable1 From AnyDataSourceSPViewTable

. There is another menu bar button that only opens

tempTable1. The result for tempTable1 is always correct when you use Query Analyzer. However Access ADP recognizes the change in the table structure when the connection is refreshed. Is there is any way that we can automate the connection refresh procedure or an easier way to get the desired results?

Am using Access 2003 connected to SQL 2005 and trigering the events via VBA.

thank you,

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Access To The Database File Is Not Allowed.

Sep 23, 2007

I'm connecting to an Sql Compact database (3.1) from a C# assembly exposed via COM and called from inside a winsock LSP. The database is only used once on instantiation of the class, which happens in the first call to WSPStartup.

The issue I'm having is that under Vista and when running inside IE7 I get the error in the title. However there is no problems with IE7 under windows XP, or with Firefox and MSN Messenger under XP or Vista!

When selecting to run IE as administrator, the problem dissapears, however when using the LogonUser API to impersonate an administrator it doesnt.

This would seem like a permissions issue, strange though that Firefox under vista has no problems.. Also, the following code throws no SecurityException under either browser, indicating the code is running with full trust.

new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Demand();

Any input would be a huge help, I've been banging my head against this all day..

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How Do I Protect Access Database (MDB File)?

Apr 16, 2007

I have developed a small desktop application using c# and Ms Access 2002. Database is password protected and contains sensitive data. As many password retrieval tools are available, What should I do to protect Ms-Access (.MDB ) file? Is there any way through which I can hide database file

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Export Data To MS Access File

Nov 11, 2005

Hi guys,

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Access To The Database File Is Not Allowed

Apr 10, 2008

Dear Sirs.

I have Written WinForm Application that uses SQL Server Compact 3.5.
I also deploy Database (SDF) File with this application.
Installation Package Created Using InstallShield 2008.

I Deployed SDF in Common App Data Folder. In Administrator mode Application is working fine.
But in User Mode I Get Error Message.

"Access to the database file is not allowed.
[ File name = C:Documents and SettingsAll Users
Application DataGeorgian MicrosystemsCodex 2007 R2 Russian
DatabaseCodexRussian2007.sdf ]"

I Also Tested That Application in user mode Can Create File in ("C:Documents and SettingsAll Users
Application DataGeorgian MicrosystemsCodex 2007 R2 Russian
Database") Directory.

Test Environment is XP SP2

I Tryed to Copy SDF file manualy. Appplication in user mode can access on it if file is copyed in user mode.
if this file is copyd in Administator mode even in users Local Directory SQL Engine can't access on it.

Please Help me to Slove this problem.

How to connect using user mdoe to SDF deploed with admin right. (MSI installer).

Thank you in advance.

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SQLCLR File System Access

May 11, 2006

I have just begun to delve into the SQLCLR objects in SQL Server 2005. I have created a simple VB function as a SQLFunction. Here's the code:

Imports System

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server

Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions

<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction()> _

Public Shared Function FileDate(ByVal FilePath As String) As Date

Return FileDateTime(FilePath)

End Function

End Class

The function is run with this T-SQL:

declare @FileDate datetime

select @FileDate = dbo.FileDate('C:setup.bat)

select @FileDate

This works fine, but I had to set the Permission Level of the Visual Studio project to "Unsafe" rather than "External" in order to avoid the following error message:

A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user defined routine or aggregate 'FileDate':

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

Is there any way to avoid having to set the permission level to "Unsafe"? If not, what does "unsafe" mean in terms of overall system security? Is it acceptable to use on an internal LAN?



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Distant Access To Excel File For Import

Aug 3, 2007

I'm developping a web application and I need to import a data from an excel file to sql server 2005.
It works very well locally (visual studio & sql server & the excel file on the same machine).
But it doesn't work when visual studio & excel file are in a machine and sql server is in another server.
I have always the same problem:
'C:Documents and SettingsmomoBureauFile.xls' n'est pas un chemin d'accès valide. Assurez-vous que le nom du chemin d'accès est correct et qu'une connexion est établie avec le serveur sur lequel réside le fichier.
Could any one help me please ?!
Thank you in advance.

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