How Do You Query To Get All Fields With A Null Value?

Jun 6, 2001

how can i write a SQL query that will pull all records that are equal to NULL??

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Finding 'null' Date Fields With Query?

Apr 19, 1999

I know I am missing something basic, here.
I have a date field in a table. The field is 'allowed Nulls'. When a certain thing happens in the program, the date is filled in.
At various times, I need to do a query to find all the rows that have no dates entered.

What do I use in my where clause? SQL server does not like 'where date = null.'


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How Do I Exclude Null Fields?

Apr 28, 2006

Is there a way to write a select statement that will pull only fields that are not null?

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Programming With Null Fields

Apr 9, 2000

I am working on Sql Server 7.0 with a group of Visual Basic programmers that have made the following request:

1.They want all decimals/integer fields in the database to default to 0(zero).
Is there an way to do this for all fields instead of on an individual basis?
2.They don't want a null returned on any character string field.

What is the best way to take care of these 2 requests? Thanks in advance.
Karen Suenram

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Ignore Null Fields

Sep 29, 2005


I have a query like this one

SELECT expense_id, CAST(expense_id AS char(10)) + ' - ' + CAST(trip_km AS char(5))+ ' - ' + CAST(expense_amount AS char(5)) + ' - ' + charge_centre AS ExpenseDesc

If charge center is null, I need to ignore this field. How can I achieve this? The reason is that if any of the field is null, it will return ExpenseDesc as null.


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Select When Some Fields Are Null...

Jun 5, 2008

Here is the problem that I am struggling with. The structure is:

States: StateID, StateName
Counties: CountyID, CountyName
Cities: CityID, CityName
Zips: Zip, StateID, CountyID, CityID
Regions: RegionID, RegionName
Region_Data: RegionID, StateID, CountyID, CityID

The thing about the region is that it can be defined by states only, in which case CountyID and CityId are NULL, can be defined by Counties too, in which case only CityID is NULL or it can be defined up to City level, in which case all 3 are set to something. Example, Northeast would be all cities from northeast, but Pocono would be just some counties in PA, and so on...

The issue is now selecting all cities that belong into a region... Normally I would join the Zips table with the Region_Data table and retrieve all CityIDs... The issue is that, as I said, the CountyID and CityID might be null for some records, so I am not sure how to retrieve them?

I came up with one idea in which I create 3 temporary tables and I select in them all the records that have 1) only state, 2) only state and county, 3) all 3, then I join each and I union the results...

But I am wondering if there is a way to do the select in one shot?

Any idea? I appreciate your help,

Thank you,




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NULL On Empty Fields

Mar 16, 2008

How can I make empty cells show NULL on my table? Some cells show NULL others won't. Does this mean that they have contents?

The reason being is that, when I use the code

Select *
From Employees
Where JobDescription1 Like '%montly%'

Those with empty jobdescription1 show with the legitimate results.

Any help please?


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Get All The Fields In A Question Even If There Is A Null

Nov 20, 2007

Im trying to use MS SQL server mananagement studio to greate a view to recive information from my database.
The problem i have is that i include a tabel where a post have "Null" then that post will not be shown i my qustion/View.

How can i make soure that i get all the post even if they have "null" in a field where it do not mather(its not a Key)

Greatful for very fast, help. Need this to be solved tomorrow :-(


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Need Help With Filtering Fields With Null And More

Apr 26, 2006


1) Cannot have results in which both m.homephone & d.homephone are both null, or both m.workphone & d.workphone are both null in the result set

2) We also do not want to see any combos where one homephone is null and the other has only the char 0....same for null & 0 combinations.


m.homephone   d.homephone

null                       0

0                          null

The phone fields are varchar

I know this is hidiously wrong but is my first sloppy attempt at best:
select m.number, m.homephone as master_homephone, d.homephone as debtor_homephone, m.workphone as master_workphone, d.workphone as debtor_workphone
FROM master m
INNER JOIN debtors d ON d.Number = m.number
where (d.homephone <> m.homephone OR d.workphone <> m.workphone)
AND (d.homephone IS NOT NULL AND m.homephone IS NOT NULL)
AND (d.workphone IS NOT NULL AND m.workphone IS NOT NULL)
AND NOT ((d.homephone IS NULL AND m.homephone = '0') OR (d.homephone = '0' AND m.homephone IS NULL))
AND NOT ((d.workphone IS NULL AND m.workphone = '0') OR (d.workphone = '0' AND m.workphone IS NULL))


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Database Tables And NULL Fields

Nov 17, 2006

Hi  there,
 I have a fairly generic question regarding database design.
I am working  on my first database using SQL  Express.
I am testing the database by inserting records into the pre  defined tables.
Sometimes I  forget to input text into a non null  field. When
this  happens  it displays an error  and then skips a  few rows
which makes my  row numbering  messy.  For example  say I have 
Row  1, Row 2 Row  3 all  nicely  formatted but on Row 4  I make  a mistake
this  row then disapears and  their is  gap  between  3 and 5 where  4  was.
Although I am just testing, I was  wondering  what happens in a  real
scenario if an inexperienced data input person makes a few  mistakes it
makes the database  numbering  systems look bad. In  this case
is it common  to  make  most  fields  NULL to allow for admin errors??

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Setting Duplicate Fields To NULL

Mar 19, 2008

I have a result set stored in a temporary table variable. The fields need to have heirarchy when they finaly get displayed to the user. I need to replace the repeating fields per group with NULL and leave out only one set of unique records per group.

I want to do something like this- make the fields in red NULL while leaving out the ones in green.

{ Col.Group I } { Col. Group II }

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
------- ------- ------- ------- -------
ValA ValA2 ValA3 ValA40 ValA50 {
ValA ValA2 ValA3 ValA40 ValA50 Row. Group A
ValA ValA2 ValA3 ValA41 ValA51 }

ValB ValB2 ValB3 ValB40 ValA50 { Row. Group B
ValB ValB2 ValB3 ValB41 ValA51 }

I was able to achieve this by using @@ROWCOUNT with in a while loop by performing one UPDATE at a time (SET ROWCOUNT = 1). But i have to run Count(*) each time I loop through the update query to figure out the remaining number of rows I have per group as I need to leave out one untouched. But the Count function is taking too much time and I'm having performace issues.

Any idea how I might be able to do this in my stored proc. efficiently?



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Null Values In Calculated Fields

May 22, 2008

Hi all

I have a calculated fields in report designer such as a + b + c + d. In sql server if I run this query

select a + b + c + d from table1

and any of a,b,c or d is null, the result is null.

whereas in calculated fields, it does not return null but infact ignores the null value and treats it as zero.

I want my calculated field to be null if any of the values are null.
Is it possible? I cannot use the isNothing function because I have too many fields and it will be quite cumbersome.


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Importing Null Date Fields

Nov 27, 2006

I'm using SQL Server Express and am trying to import a CVS file. The CVS file contains a string field (named DAS) that represents a Date. This field can be null.

I've tried using the DTS Wizard to import this CVS file and convert the DAS field to a Date, which works great until it hits a record with a NULL DAS field. It then throws a convertion error.

Still using the DTS Wizard, I've changed the DataType of the DAS field in the Source file to [DT_DATE], it works fine but all the null dates are converted to 12/30/1899.

Is there a way (DTS Wizard or something else) that will allow me to import these CVS files with null Date fields and keep them as null in SQL Server table.

Thanks for any help,


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Concatenating Fields With NULL Values

Jul 11, 2006

Hey everyone,

This is probably a very simple question, but I am just stumped. I am storing different name parts in different fields, but I need to create a view that will pull all of those fields together for reports, dropdowns, etc.

Here is my current SELECT statement:

SELECT m.FName + SPACE(1) + m.MName + SPACE(1) + m.LName + ', ' + m.Credentials AS Name,
m.City + ', ' + m.State + ' ' + m.Zipcode AS CSZ,
FROM tblMembers m
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblChapters c
ON m.ChapterID = c.ChapterID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblSectors s
ON m.SectorID = s.SectorID
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblIndustries i
ON m.IndustryID = i.IndustryID
WHERE m.DRGInclude = 1

My problem is that I don't know how to test for NULL values in a field. When you concatenate fields that contain NULL values, the entire contactenated field returns NULL. I am not aware of an IF statement that is available within the SELECT statement.

The first thing I would like to accomplish is to test to see if MName contains NULL. If it does I do not want to include + SPACE(1) + m.MName in the clause. Then, if Credentials contains NULL I do not want to include + ', ' + m.Credentials in the clause.

Can someone tell me what I am missing? Is there a function that I can use for this?


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Handling Null Fields With Three-tier Architecture

Nov 28, 2006

I using Visual Web Designer Express (with Visual Basic), with a SQL Server 2000 database.   I have a prototype application running satisfactorily using code that builds queries, but I'm now trying to rebuild the application "properly" using three-tier architecture.  I have been following the principles of Scott Mitchell's tutorials.  I have created an database .xsd with a table adaptor, and replaced the rather grotty query-building code in the business layer with better code referencing the table adaptor.   Thus where the first version had code: -
        Dim queryString As String = "SELECT * FROM NZGDB_User WHERE USRid = '" & Userid & "'"        Dim message As String = ""        Dim Found As Boolean = False        Try            Using connection As New SqlConnection(GDB_AppSettings.Connection)                Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)                connection.Open()
                Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                If reader.Read() Then                    Found = True                    _USRid = reader("USRid")                    _USRPassword = reader("USRPassword")                    _USREmail = reader("USREmail")                    _USRTitle = reader("USRTitle")                    _USRName = reader("USRName")                    _USRRole = reader("USRRole")                    If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then                        _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions")                    End If                End If                reader.Close()            End Using        Catch ex As Exception            If Left(Err.Description, 68) = "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server." Then                Return "Cannot open database to logon"            Else                Return Err.Description            End If        End Try
the new version is much more elegant: -
        Dim taUser As New NZGDBTableAdapters.NZGDB_UserTableAdapter()
        Dim tbUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserDataTable = taUser.GetUserByUserid(userid)        If tbUser.Count <> 1 Then   '   Anything other than 0 or 1 should be impossible            Return "User not found"        End If
        Dim trUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserRow = tbUser(0)        _USRid = userid        _USRPassword = password        _USREmail = trUser.USREmail        _USRTitle = trUser.USRTitle        _USRName = trUser.USRName        _USRRole = trUser.USRRole        _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions
However, there is a problem.  The database field USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field that can be null.  The new version works perfectly when it is NOT null, but throws an exception: -
System.Data.StrongTypingException was unhandled by user code  Message="The value for column 'USRAgreedConditions' in table 'NZGDB_User' is DBNull."  Source="App_Code.wt2vzoc1"  ....
There is no point in writing: -        If Not IsDBNull(trUser.USRAgreedConditions) Then            _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions        End Ifbecause the exception occurs within the automatically-created code in the data access layer.  I tried changing the Nullvalue property of the field USRAgreedConditions in the table adaptor, but the only valid option is (Throw Exception) unless the field is a String.  Of course USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field, so I can't change the property.
It seems that my only options are: -1.   To stick with the old query-building code.   But this doesn't give me the advantages of a proper 3-tier architecture2.   To change the generated code in wt2vzoc.  This MUST be a bad idea - surely I should leave this code untouched.  Besides, what if the table adaptor has to be regenerated when I change the table design?3.   Code a Try block within the business layer: -    Try         _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions    Catch ex As Exception         _USRAgreedConditions = Nothing    End Try
This seems to work OK, but seems less elegant than the original code in the old version: -       If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then            _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions")       End IfIs there a better way?

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Select Rows From Database Where Fields Are Null

Dec 30, 2006

Hi, how do i do a select statement with to return a record if a field is null.  I have the following code:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE ParentId = @ParentId", cn);.Parameters.Add("@ParentId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = parentId != null ? (object) parentId : DBNull.Value;cn.Open();
The variable parentId is a nullable int.  However when i pass in a null value it doesn't return anything even though there are records in the database that have a null value for the ParentId field.
Appreciate if someone could tell me what i am doing wrong.  Thanks

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Constraint/identity Which Allows Duplicate Null Fields

Jan 4, 2007

I've done Googling and forum hunting but haven't had success finding a simple answer... My table schema is such that it requires the (int) LinkedItemID field to be nullable but still those fields which are set must not be duplicates. I see constraint is out of question and also identity doesn't seem to fit since I'm not using autofill for this particular field. Is there some other way doing this on Sql Server 2005?
Thank you.

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Need Help With Insert Statement On Table With Several Non-null Fields

Apr 30, 2007

On my aspx page I have a basic sqldatasource and gridview - both were set up using the wizards. The SQL Server 2000 database table that the sqldatasource is querying has some fields in it that are set to not allow nulls, however, the gridview control is not displaying all of the fields in the table - including some of the non-null fields.
My problem is, when I run an insert on the table from my aspx page, I get an error that says: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ColumnName', table 'TableName'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated."
The 'ColumnName', as you may have guessed, is one of the aforementioned columns that doesn't allow nulls, but isn't in the GridView.
How can I do an insert on this table without messing with the non-null fields. Those fields are relevant to the purposes of the gridview, so I don't want to display them, let alone allow editing of them.
Any suggestions on my options would be greatly appreciated!

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DataReader Returns Different Results When There Are Null Fields

Mar 10, 2004

If I query sql server I get 10 results. But when I use if (myReader.Read()) I get only 7 results. I found that there was a Null field in the DB. I changed it and it worked.
The problem is I don't want to touch the database and set all null fields. There must be a way to get all results including the Null using sqlDataReader so that if (myReader.Read()) is used it does the right comparison.

// This code is called 10 times with a select * from where item="xxx"

SqlDataReader myReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (myReader.Read()) {


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Entering Null Into Blank Fields In The Database

May 1, 2005

How can I enter NULL manually in one of the rows in Sql Server database. Those rows does not contain any data.

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Select Null Value Date Fields Record

Sep 28, 1999


I used this statement, select * from table1 where date1 = null, in SQL Query window and got a few records back. Now, I used the same statement in my VB 5 code and no record is found. How do I select all the records in table1 which do not have values in field date1? Thanks for the help.


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Null Values In Datetime Fields, Howto?

Jul 12, 1999

When I try to insert a new record into a table that has a datetime field that allows nulls, a default 01/01/1900 date is inserted instead of null. I recreated the table and set the datatype to smalldatetime and I still get the error. What have I missed?

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Problem With Null Fields And Case Statement

Jul 21, 2004

Can someone help me with this :

Case WHEN ISNULL (dbo.BLH.n1name,'NOTHING')= 'NOTHING' then dbo.BLH.coname else dbo.BLH.n1name End as CustName

as the strored proc is not returning value when the fileds is blank


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.Update Creates New Record But All Fields Null

Jan 26, 2006

Hi guys, I have made several Access-based CMSs but now I am using SQL Server. I can read the records but my first attempts at writing are resulting in new records (with new ID) but all the fields are null.
I am posting the data from a form to the same page and an if /then statement catches the flag in the URL and runs the update script below. All the field names are correct.
if request.QueryString("add")<> "" then
Dim rsUpdateEntry
Set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsUpdateEntry.Open "SELECT * from generic_country_info" , oConn, 2, 3


rsUpdateEntry.Fields("title1") = Request.Form("title1")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("body1") = Request.Form("body1")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("title2") = Request.Form("title2")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("body2") = Request.Form("body2")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("title3") = Request.Form("title3")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("body3") = Request.Form("body3")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("title4") = Request.Form("title4")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("body4") = Request.Form("body4")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("title5") = Request.Form("title5")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("body5") = Request.Form("body5")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("image1") = Request.Form("attach1")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("image2") = Request.Form("attach2")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("image3") = Request.Form("attach3")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("image4") = Request.Form("attach4")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("image5") = Request.Form("attach5")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("country") = Request.Form("country")
rsUpdateEntry.Fields("dest_url") = Request.Form("dest_url")


Set rsUpdateEntry = Nothing
end if

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Column Count Percentage Of Not Null Fields

Jul 27, 2006

Hello folks,

I am stuck at a problem, not sure on how to go about writing a query that will return as a percentage the number of fields in a row that are null.

For instance, a row from my table:
Row1 : field1 field2 field3

If field3 is empty or null, my query should return 67%.

So far I have gotten the number of fields:
select count(1) from information_schema.columns where table_name='myTable'

I could loop through the fields but I am sure there is a simpler way of doing it, I have seen something simpler in the past with some builtin SQL functions. I am using MS SQL 2005.

Thanks for your help

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UPDATE Statement Creating NULL Fields?

Oct 23, 2014

I am attempting to update a table that drives a report. The report is at the order level. An order can have several types of demand (revenue $): Ship and/or Backordered. When I update one of these demand fields on the report table, I would expect those orders that have that type of demand to update, and those orders that don't have that type of demand to remain at their current value ($0 in this example which is the table default). But what is happening is that orders that don't have that type of demand are changing to NULL. What am i doing wrong with my update statement that is causing this?

OrdNo int,
StatusGrp varchar(10),
Demand decimal(10,2)
VALUES (1,'Ship',100.00)

[Code] .....

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Primary Key On Combination Of Nullable Fields, At Least One Not-null

Jul 23, 2005

I have a case where a table has two candidate primary keys,but either (but not both) may be NULL. I don't want to storea copy of the concatenated ISNULL'ed fields as an additionalcolumn, though that would work if necessary. Instead, I triedthe following (this is a related simplified example, not myreal one):CREATE FUNCTION ApplyActionPK(@IP int = NULL,@DNS varchar(64) = NULL)RETURNS varchar(74) -- NOT NULLASBEGINdeclare @val varchar(74)set @val = str(ISNULL(@IP, 0), 10)set @val = @val + ISNULL(@DNS, '')return @val-- Also tried "return str(ISNULL(@IP, 0), 10)+ISNULL(@DNS, '')"-- Also tried "return ISNULL(STR(@IP, 10), ISNULL(@DNS, ''))"-- ... and other things...ENDGOcreate table ApplyAction(-- An action applies to a computerAct varchar(16) NOT NULL,-- The action to applyIP int NULL,-- The computer IP address, orDNS varchar(64) NULL,-- The DNS name of the computerTarget as dbo.ApplyActionPK(ComputerID, DNS), -- PK value-- Also tried "Target as ISNULL(STR(@IP, 10), ISNULL(@DNS, ''))"CONSTRAINT PK_ApplyAction PRIMARY KEY(Act, Target))SQL Server always complains that the primary key constraint cannot becreated over a nullable field - even though in no case will the 'Target'field be NULL.Please don't explain that I should store an IP address as a string.Though that would suffice for this example, it doesn't solve myactual problem (where there are four nullable fields, two of whichare FKs into other tables).What's the reason for SQL Server deciding that the value is NULLable?What's the usual way of handling such alternate PKs?Clifford Heath.

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How To: Create A Table That Only Allows NULL Fields To Be Updated.

Feb 26, 2008

I need to create a table that only allows fields to be updated if the field value is NULL. Is there anyway to configure a table in this manner?

In the example below the record will be created with a serial number and verification ready flag set to true. Other processes down stream will update the remaining fields as needed but should not update fields that have already been initialized.

Table Definition

[SerialNumber] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[VerificationReady] [int] NOT NULL,
[VoidLabelImage] [image] NULL,
[VerifiedBy] [varchar](50) NULL,
[VerifiedDate] [datetime] NULL,
[Verified] [int] NULL,
[SerialNumber] ASC


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Insert NULL Values To Foreign Key Fields

Jan 15, 2008

Hi all,

I have a projects table with 2 foreign key fields that both link to the same employees table because a project has a Package Engineer (PkgEngineerID) and a Contract Administrator (PkgContrAdmin). When I try to insert a record with null values for either or both of these foreign keys I get an error:

The data in row xxx was not commited. The record can't be added or changed. Referential integrity rules require a related record in table 'tblEmployees'. The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

An insert statement for the above would look something like the following:

INSERT INTO tblPackages (PkgNo, PkgName, PkgEngineerID, PkgContrAdmin, PkgRemark)VALUES (1234, 'My Package', NULL, NULL, 'My Package remark')

And the create table statements are:

USE [PASSQL]GO/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblPackages] Script Date: 01/15/2008 23:25:26 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblPackages]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PkgNo] [nvarchar](20) NULL, [PkgName] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [PkgEngineerID] [int] NULL, [PkgContrAdmin] [int] NULL, [PkgRemark] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [upsize_ts] [timestamp] NULL, CONSTRAINT [aaaaatblPackages_PK] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblPackages] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tblPackages_tblEmployees] FOREIGN KEY([PkgEngineerID])REFERENCES [dbo].[tblEmployees] ([ID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblPackages] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tblPackages_tblEmployees]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblPackages] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tblPackages_tblEmployees1] FOREIGN KEY([PkgContrAdmin])REFERENCES [dbo].[tblEmployees] ([ID])GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblPackages] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_tblPackages_tblEmployees1]


USE [PASSQL]GO/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblEmployees] Script Date: 01/15/2008 23:28:01 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblEmployees]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [EmpName] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [EmpShort] [nvarchar](255) NULL, [upsize_ts] [timestamp] NULL, CONSTRAINT [aaaaatblEmployees_PK] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]
Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be great!
Thanks in advance!

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Inserting NULL Values On Date Fields Trhough DAL

Jul 25, 2006

I am using a DAL and i want to insert a new row where one of the columns is DATE and it can be 'NULL'.
I am assigning SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.Null.
But when the date is saved in the database, i get the minvalue (1/01/1900) . Is there a way to put the NULL value in the database using DAL????how can i put an empty date in the database?

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Efficiency In Inserting Null Values Into Fields Which Allow Nulls.

Aug 9, 2004

I have fields in my table which allow nulls. Is it efficient to not insert anything (the field automatically shows up as null in this case) and leave or store some value into it. The field is a smallint field?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Inserting Multiple Records Each Containing Null Value For One Of Fields

Apr 11, 2014

I'm trying to insert multiple records, each containing a null value for one of the fields, but not having much luck. This is the code I'm using:

Use InternationalTrade
stlmnt_instr_id varchar(20) null,
instr_id varchar(20) not null,

[Code] ....

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SSIS Import Of CSV Don't Recognize NULL Values For VARCHAR Fields

Sep 4, 2007

Hi, i'm new to SSIS and trying to import some csv files (comma delimited) into SQL Server. A NULL value for a CHAR column is correctly regonized as NULl in SQL Server, but a NULL value for of a mapping to a VARCHAR column in SQL Server is not recognized correctly and i get the value "'NULL'" in SQL Server (including the single comma.


CSV file contains columns A and B. A and B contains the Text NULL.
Column A is mapped to a CHAR field, and column B is mapped to a VARCHAR field in SQL Server.
After the import, SQL has the following value: A = NULL as NULL, B 'NULL' as text.

did anyone else had this problem?

thanks so much for any help.

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