How Many Connections Can Be Established To Sql Ser

Aug 18, 2007

how many connections can be established to sql server at atime?

is the transactional log be readble in the ?

will it contain all data

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Ms-sql-s Established

Oct 23, 2004


I'm running a webapplication which uses msde 2000 as database server.
All webpages query the database.

If I refresh a lot of time a webpage then I get a time-out error.
With the netstat command I found a lot of ms-sql-s connections.

Is there a way to disconenct these connections?
Is there a way to repair this problem?


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MS SQL Connection Could Not Be Established

Jul 23, 2005

John AlmedaSystem AdmIt seems that I have done something really stupid or something wentboonkers. I was restoring a DB whn I got a message that the log filecould not be restored because it was XXXXXX????. This left my DB greyedout and with a (loading) sign. I tried to detach and then re-attech theDB and all hell broke loose. Now I cannot connect to any of my DB's. Themessage I get is "a connection could not be established on sqlsrvr .Cannot open users default db. Login failed."I cannot see any of db under that regitration and the connectioncontinues to fail. I am drawing a total blank as to why and how tocorrect with the exception of unistalling MSSQL and re-installing theserver and then trying to establish a connection with my db's again.*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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A Connection Could Not Be Established

Mar 14, 2008

I'm setting up SQL 2005 Reporting Services on a Windows 2003 R2 SP2 machine and trying to configure the Database Setup to a SQL 2005 Virtual Server Instance running on a x64 2-node a/p Cluster. The virtual server is registered in DNS but when I attempt the 'connect' using Windows Integrated Authentication. I get the following error:

"A connection could not be established with the information provided. Click OK to change your connection settings.
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provide: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - could not open connection to SQL Server) "

The SQL cluster is configured to allow Local or Remote connections TCP or Named Pipes.

Any suggestions?

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A Connection Could Not Be Established To &<server&>

Oct 7, 2004

Hi, I received this message today when I tried to log on to my SQL Server:

A connection could not be established to <server>

Reason: SQL Server does not exist or Access denied

Please verify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Registration properties**********************

My SQL server wasn't running, however I am not able to start it (right click->start doesn't work).

Any thoughts?

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Combining Established Columns Into One

Aug 2, 2006

I have a table whose schema is already defined and populated with data. I would like to create a column named Name that combines the first and last name columns in the following format "last name, first name". I tried to create a formula that concatenated these two columns, but it kept spitting up on me. Any ideas?

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How Is One To One Relationship Is Established In Sql Express Dbms ?

Apr 28, 2008

Table 1
vLast_ Name
Table 2
iCell No
How to relate Table1 with Table2 by 1 to 1 relation in sql express ?

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SQL Server 2000 - Conection Could Be Not Be Established

Feb 6, 2006

When trying to connect to my SQL Server I'm getting the following error:


A connection could not be established to (local).

Reason: Logon failed for user.

Please vertify SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties (by right-clicking on the (local) node) and try again.


SQL Server is definately running, but I'm unable to connect.

I've tried changing the ODBC settings but I can't get past the "MIcrosoft SQL Server DNS Configuration" window. I choose "With Windows NT authentication using the network lognin ID" and click "Conect to SQL Server to obtain default setting for the additional congiruation options" and click "Next" but I get stopped by the following error:

connection failed:
SQLState: '28000'
SQL Server Error: 18456
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user machine1Administrator'

Does anyone have any ideas on what I need to do to fix this? If it helps, this all seems to have started occuring since I changed the Administrator password

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An Error Occurred While Established A Connection

Jun 29, 2007


I am getting this err msg when trying to logon to my website on the web - on my machine there is no prob,

An error occurred while established a connection to the server.
When connection to Sql.S 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that
under the default settings sql.s doesn't allow remote connection.
(provider ql.S Network interface, error:26- Error Location Server/Interface Specified)

(the files path is like in the web host s)

now this msg is related to the ASPNETDB.MDF (dont use sql.s db but this file)


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Violations In WINDOWS 2000 When Connection Established From A Client To Server

Jul 23, 2004


I am a SQL DBA involved in accomplishing various activities using Enterprise Manager by regestering servers of various countries.

Now as the NT Team has gone for auditing implementation in all the servers in OS lever, they find Access violations from the workstation from where I connect to the server. This does not happens if I unregester the Servers from Enterprise manager and use only query analyzer.

Note: We have our own users in OS as wel as in SQL SERVER .

Its Urgent!!! Please help!!!

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XP_SENDMAIL Problem After Windows Trust With Exchange Server Established

Jul 23, 2005

After a trust with exchange server established the xp_SendMailgives the following error:xp_sendmail: failed with mail error 0x80070005Prior to the trust everything worked fine.I have tried the following:1)Checking SQL and SQLAgents accounts all match up with default mailprofile.2)Confirmed I could send from outlook logged in under the account.3)xp_stopmail and xp_startmail4)restarted the SQL Agent5)Confirmed outlook settings as defined in:kb153159 - also tried a pop3 account just to test, but no luck.I think what is happening is now that the trust is established when SQLmakes a mail contection it thinks it is user admin@<otherdomain> ratherthan admin@<normaldomain> and therefore thinks that agent account isdifferent than the mail account.Please help if you can.Thanks.

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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Pre-login Handshake.

Nov 1, 2007

 I am having such a problem. I have SQL Express installed on the windows 2003 server and originally I installed instance1 of SQL Server 2005. When I installed Instance1, I remember having problems with remotely connecting to that instance1, but somehow I fixed it. Now I installed instance2 and I started having remote connection issues again with that instance2. I am able to connect to instance1 but not instance2. I checked settings for both instances and they look identical.
I turned firewall off for now. I checked TCP settings using surface area configuration (allowing both local and remote connections). I turned off VIA protocol. I specified TCP properties to use dynamic port for that instance2.
In the sql native client configuration I have the following order#: 1. Shared memory, 2. tcp, 3. np, 4. VIA(Disabled). TCP is configured to use 1433.
 I have no clue about what is going on. Sometimes I am able to connect remotely and sometimes I get the following error:
 "A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)."
When I connect locally - everything connects fine. File sharing is also checked, it works etc...
 Thanks for help!!!
 I just noticed that I was able to connect from different computer on the different network.

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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Pre-login Handshake.

Dec 4, 2006

I get the following error when trying to view my page.

Can someone please help me with this error. What does it mean and what is the solution to it? Here is the complete error message. -
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)

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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Login Process. (provider: Share

Mar 15, 2007

I have just installed MS SQL Server 2005 Express edition along with the SSMSE. I am using windows authentication. When I open SSMSE it connects me to a 'local instance' of the server. From there I right click on Database and select to add a new Database and I get the error above. I think I only need to allow local connections to the engine but I have tried allowing remote conections with all varations of named pipes and TCP/IP. I am running on Windows XP SP2 (home).

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Need Help - Converting OLEDB Connections To SQL Connections In

May 17, 2005

Hi there,
        Here we have got a application that was developed when database was
sitting on SQL server 6.5. Now client has moved all of their databases
to SQL server 2000. When the database was on 6.5 the previous
development team has used oledb connections all over. As the databases
have been moved to SQL server 2000 now i am in process of changing the
database connection part. As part of the process i have a login
authorization code.
Private Function Authenticate(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String, ByRef results As NorisSetupLib.AuthorizationResult) As Boolean
Dim conn As IDbConnection = GetConnection()
Dim cmd As IDbCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
Dim sql As String = "EDSConfirmUpdate" '"EDSConfirmUpdate""PswdConfirmation"
'Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("sql", conn)

cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.AddParam(cmd, "@logon", username)
NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.AddParam(cmd, "@password", password)
'Get string for return values
Dim ReturnValue As String = cmd.ExecuteScalar.ToString
'Split string into array
Dim Values() As String = ReturnValue.Split(";~".ToCharArray)
'If the return code is CONTINUE, all is well. Otherwise, collect the
'reason why the result failed and let the user know
If Values(0) = "CONTINUE" Then
Return True
results.Result = Values(0)
'Make sure there is a message being returned
If Values.Length > 1 Then
results.Message = Values(2)
End If
Return False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
If (Not conn Is Nothing AndAlso conn.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then
End If
End Try
End Function
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Getting the Connection from the config file
''' </summary>
''' <returns>A connection object</returns>
''' <remarks>
''' This is the same for all of the data classes.
''' Reads a specific
connection string from the web.config file for the service, creates a
connection object and returns it as an IDbConnection.
''' </remarks>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function GetConnection() As IDbConnection
'Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
conn.ConnectionString = NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.GetConnectionString(NorisHelpers.DBHelpers.COMMON)
Return conn
End Function
in the above GetConnection() method i
have commented out the .net dataprovider for oledb and changed it to
.net dataprovider for SQLconnection. this function works fine. But in
the authenticate method above at the line
Dim ReturnValue As String = cmd.ExecuteScalar.ToString

for some reason its throwing the below error.
Run-time exception thrown : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException - @password is not a parameter for procedure EDSConfirmUpdate.
If i comment out the
Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
and uncomment the .net oledb provider,
Dim conn As IDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
then it works fine.
I also have changed the webconfig file as  below.
key="Common" value='User ID=**secret**;pwd=**secret**;Data
Source="ESMALLDB2K";Initial Catalog=cj_common;Auto
Translate=True;Persist Security Info=False;Provider="SQLOLEDB.1";'
<add key="Common" value='User ID=**secret**;pwd=**secret**;Data Source="ESMALLDB2K";Initial Catalog=cj_common;' />
Please help. Thanks in advance.

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Problems With The Query, ResultSet Property Not Set Correctly, Parameters Not Set Correctly, Or Connection Not Established Cor

Oct 22, 2007

I have the following query in an ExecuteSQL Task:

Insert Into Table2
Select * From Table1 Where Column1Val = '4'

As you can see, I don't need any parameters so I havent configured any. Also, there should not be any result set so I shouldnt need to configure a resultset parameter.

Why is the above query failing with

Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly

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Server Was Unable To Process Request. ---&> A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Pre-login Handshake.

Apr 16, 2008

I got this message from sql
"Server was unable to process request. ---> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) "
 Does anyone know what happen?

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Keep A Few Connections Open All The Time Or Open/close Connections On The Fly?

Jul 20, 2005

Just a quick question about connection management. My application willnever need more than 1 or 2 connections about at any given time. Also, I donot expect many users to be connected at any given time. For efficiency, Iwould like to keep connections alive throughout the lifetime of the objectsrequiring them, rather than opening a new connection, executing code andthen closing it again. What is the most efficient way of doing this?Should I perform the open/close or just one open when I create the objectand a close when I dispose of it?

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A Connection Was Successfully Established With The Server, But Then An Error Occurred During The Login Process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, Error: 0 - No Process Is On The Other End Of The Pipe.)

Apr 7, 2008

i'm going nuts with SQL server notification thing. I have gone throigh this artical which tells how to set user This article show how to create new user and setup for sql server notification.But In my case user was alredy existing in database. which is very common senario in most cases. So i did following( check the SQL script below) but then i get this error
"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)"
this my sql script
use [master]Go
-- Ensuring that Service Broker is enabled ALTER DATABASE [DatabaseName] SET ENABLE_BROKERGO
-- Switching to our databaseuse [DatabaseName]GO
/* * Creating two new roles. We're not going to set the necessary permissions  * on the user-accounts, but we're going to set them on these two new roles. * At the end of this script, we're simply going to make our two users  * members of these roles. */EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_subscriber' EXEC sp_addrole 'sql_dependency_starter'
-- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT CREATE QUEUE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT CREATE SERVICE to [sql_dependency_starter]GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[]  to [sql_dependency_starter] GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO [sql_dependency_starter]
-- Permissions needed for [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SELECT to [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT SUBSCRIBE QUERY NOTIFICATIONS TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT RECEIVE ON QueryNotificationErrorsQueue TO [sql_dependency_subscriber] GRANT REFERENCES on CONTRACT::[]  to [sql_dependency_subscriber]
-- Making sure that my users are member of the correct role.EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_starter', 'username'EXEC sp_addrolemember 'sql_dependency_subscriber', 'username'

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Some Ms SQL Connections

Dec 27, 2007

Hi I have some simple questions of for MS SQL. Say I have a database with a table Called Company. In this table I have Employee's with these columns(EmployeeID<PK>, FirstName, LastName) Now I am inserting some data like this.EmployeeID  FirstName, LastName------------------------------------------------------- 1                  Bob            Smith2                  Joe               Mitter Now Say I have this situation(this will look weird for this example but for another examples and the stuff I am working on it make sense). Say I have a new Employee Called Jessica White. Jessica must be the second record. So I need to insert it between the 1st and 2nd record. Like I said I am very noob at doing this stuff so I am not sure how I would do it. I first was going to my table and then went to modify. This brought up a blank grid with all my column names. I then started to add all my data in. I found out later to make my life easier I need to enter in certain spots null rows in it to help with formating(otherwise I would have had to figure out a way to do make null rows with c# code). I then went back to this grid and I tried to add a record before the data just like you if you used excel. I quickly found out you can not do that. This resulted me having to recreate the table and reput the all the data back in(this told me I was doing something very very wrong). I was then thinking of writing it with a query and I been playing around with it and still running into problems like say I had a table called test with a coloum called id<PK> and testss(yes bad names just playing around though).So if I did something like this:INSERT INTO testVALUES(2)INSERT INTO testVALUES(1)SELECT * FROM testNow I am trying to figure out how to insert something between rows 1 and 2. Would I have to drop the table or delete all the data and then run a saved copy of my script with the added change or what?My second question is what is a good site that has examples of all the commands(I don't want to read a book on it I have had a oracle sql course and well it was just boring and I did not learn too much.). I think the best way for me to learn is just continue doing my site and picking it up on the file and when I got a problem read about it and ask on the forums.   Thanks 

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SQL 7 Connections

Jul 13, 2001

Very strange event. Installed new machine into NT 4 network, which has a PDC and a BDC. We have copies of all SQL databases on both the PDC and the BDC. I installed SQL 7 on new workstation. Throught Control Panel/ODBC connections I can reach the SQL files on bith the PDC and BDC. Howver when I try to use Enterprise Manager, I can connect to the tables on the PDC, but not the BDC. SQL lists both machines in the server group, but only allows me to access tables on PDC! Here is the Event information that I recived on the BDC:

The computer IVR1 tried to connect to the server NTBACKUPSERVER using the trust relationship established by the MASSCOM domain. However, the computer lost the correct security identifier (SID) when the domain was reconfigured.

How do I fix this?

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Apr 14, 2000

HI all,
I have a problem here. I am having two computers both are loaded windows NT 4.0 AND SERVICE PACK 4 AND ALSO I INSTALLED SQL SERVER 7.0.
Now i want to connect those two servers , so pls anyone suggest me how i have to do.I connected both servers thru HUB.
Pls suggest me..
thank u..


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Oct 9, 1998

I figure anyone who has done VB and SQL Server might have run into this.
> I am set up as a DBO on SQL Server with access to db1 and db2. My default
> is set to db2. From my local machine, I can log through VB(DSN-less) in
> to
> either one without a problem. BUT, if I go to another machine and try to
> log in through VB(DSN-less) to db1, it rejects my login. Here is my
> connect
> string :
> UID=xxxxxxx;PWD=pedro;DATABASE=db2;DRIVER={SQL
> Server};SERVER=Athens;DSN=``;
> The only thing that changes when I log into db1 is the database parameter-
> "DATABASE=db1".
> Am I doing something wrong here? Is there something that needs to be
> setup
> differently in SQL Server? Do I need to put something else into the
> connect
> string?
> This happens for the other developers as well, not just me.
> Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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DTS Connections

Apr 12, 2001

I am looking for some ideas on the following DTS challenge: I need to import the data from an Access 97 database into a set of tables(about 25). The location of the database can be anywhere on the users drive(s) and I will need to get the location of the database from a registry setting and use it to define the connection.


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Too Many SQL Connections

Jun 11, 2004

We have a case where a user is using Excel sheet to connect the database on SQL2K and generally his connection runs in the upper 150 in numbers. He generally gets more than 150 connections open.

I know that it's not a good thing, but is there a way to limit it or even kill it after it reaches max?

What are the disadvantages of opening too many connections?

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Out Of Connections... Or Am I?

Sep 7, 2006

I'm getting the classic message "The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool" etc when connecting to my SQL Server 2005 Express from a .Net application.
Then I try connecting, simultaneously, from a simple thing I wrote just for testing and this works fine. So, then the connection pool can't be full, can it? Or, does each application have its own pool??

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Max Connections?

Apr 16, 2004

Ok, yeah, I'm being lazy...

Any comments?

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Connections To SQL

Feb 9, 2006


I have heard that SQL Server can support upto 10,000 users,

What if my application , connects to the sql & does not do antything then , why does the SQL server slow down with just 700 users.

I mean just the connection is established & NOTHING further is done.


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2 Connections

Nov 29, 2007


have been looking for ages for somewhere that might be able to answer my question so thought i'd try here.

anyhows, my place of work have goldmine 6.7 running on a server. the problem is that some of the client machines seem to be taking 2 connections to the server when logged into goldmine and some only 1.

when looking at the open sessions it shows a second for some users accessing pipesqlquery. all users show this but only some show it as a second connection.

please any ideas

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DSN Vs. DSN-Less Connections.

Dec 21, 2007

Is there any type of performance gain to using DSN connections? Or any real advantage to using them over DSN-Less connections?

If I get used to envying others...
Those things about my self I pride will slowly fade away.

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SQL Connections With VB.NET

Jul 23, 2005

As most of you are aware, when you close a VB.NET connectrion to a SQLserver, the connection doesn't actually drop right then and there.From my tests, using VB.NET 2003 and SQL2K, the connection doesn'ttimeout and drop off for 6 1/2 minutes. How can one force thisconnection to immediately drop off with code?

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Too Many Connections

Oct 25, 2005

HiI am a dba for sql server recently we are facing problems with the no ofconnections.we have a database called ( x ) every day almost million users is using thatdatabse after some time the cpu showing 100 percent utilization an errorthrowing like odbc error connection so in that case no one is able to connectto the server.when we pause it then restart the server for some time it looksgood then again it will go to 100 % utilization.but there is no blockingoccuringif anyone knows this problem please helpyour help would be appreciated.Thanks--Message posted via SQLMonster.com

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Dec 26, 2006

Hi I would like to know about connections of sa, where SQL store thenumber of connections

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